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Everything posted by Hive

  1. I find it amusing how some people seem to defend the poor quality of Wrestlemania 27 with "there were a few of the 27 Wrestlemanias that were even worse, so that makes it quite okay to serve us this garbage". Del Rio/Edge, Punk/Orton and HHH/Undertaker were all quite good, I agree. Mysterio/Rhodes and Cena/Miz (no, the Rock's involvement does not make the entire match look good) were average, the 8 man tag and the mixed tag were too short to be bothered with (but not impressed either, even though Snooki was a surprising highlight) and Lawler/Cole was the first Wrestlemania match I have personally seen, if not the worst PPV match I have ever seen. Nearly all of the angles were cringeworthy and painful to watch, including Cena's mindbogglingly stupid entrance. But for an event like Wrestlemania, it saddens me that so many people let WWE get away with mediocracy. It should be outstanding, nothing else. People who defend last night's show are really too kind towards WWE imo. But eh, each to his own I guess. To the people who really enjoyed it a lot: good for you. Also, teasing involvement by HBK in HHH/Undertaker so heavily without delivering was lame.
  2. I really don't hope "oh no, this match will be too good to put on the biggest wrestling event of the year" is actually part of their selection strategy for the Wrestlemania card... though it sure would explain a thing or two. Also, while I thought it was a good match, I agree with those complaining about HHH/Undertaker being a bit too much of a spotfest/finisherfest.
  3. I love The Rock, but no way I can rate this Wrestlemania more than 6/10 overall. I'm tempted to say 7/10, but some of the matches, all of the skits and Cena's horrible and outright idiotic entrance drags the thing down big time.
  4. What the f... did they do another short squash match while I was taking a leak, or have they bumped Sheamus/Bryan off the card??? Huge dissapointment, I felt that match had some of the most potential of the night.
  5. On other notes, am I the only one who thinks Ziggler has kind of a Mr. Perfect look going for him...? It's really a shame that such talented people like him and Morrison are stuck in this abysmal matchup. I'd like to see Morrison vs. The Undertaker next year, I think that could be a great matchup performance wise. Also, I'm kinda in love with Snooki after the wicked backflipping thing she did.
  6. I agree with you, for what it's worth. A bit too many finishers for my taste also, but overall a pretty good match. Not enough to make the entire event a success in my book. however. Let's see what the final matches bring. I'm pretty damn puzzled by the match order, though.
  7. Pretty much, yes. Though as I said, Del Rio vs. Edge was worth watching. A bit too short, though. And I had expected different involvement from Christian and a different outcome. But still MOTN so far.
  8. So because you didn't expect those matches to be any good, it's okay that they sucked? This is Wrestlemania, every match ought to be good. It's the biggest wrestling event of the year. So far, only Alberto Del Rio/Edge was what I'd call a "good" match, with Mysterio/Rhodes and Orton/Punk being decent as well. But nothing more than that. Undertaker/Triple H looks promising so far, though. Most of the skits has been outright horrible, to a painful degree.
  9. This match is horrible, Lawler has been snoozing on the mat for 5 min while Cole has been pulling his leg. Wtf? Boring and lame. One should think they could get more out of a matchup that involves Steve Austin and Jack Swagger. This is even worse than the Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon match from last year.
  10. Very underwhelming match imo, but at least it had the right winner. Didn't steal the show as many had predicted by any means, though.
  11. Meh. Did they really have Del Rio win the Royal Rumble just for this? And what exactly was the whole point of getting Christian involved?
  12. So I mistakingly thought it was an April Fool's joke when it apparantly wasn't. I was wrong, I'll happily admit that. But there's really no reason to be a douchebag about it.
  13. Didn't the Washington Post or something announce that Sting had signed a contract with WWE at some point as well? That something is printed in a newspaper does not necessarily make it the truth... but of course, I can't dismiss it the way I did now.
  14. Sting was offered a Wrestlemania match vs. The Untertaker but turned it down? Yeah, lame april fools' day. Have a go again next year.
  15. Oh it's definately my impression that he's a great guy irl. And there's no doubt that he's very charismatic and good on the mic. It even doesn't really bother me that he's not a stellar performer in the ring (it's not like eg. The Rock is a Kurt Angle either). That doesn't change the fact that I absolutely loathe his 'superman rapper PG' gimmick, though. I really really despise it. And that's what I respond to when seeing him, not the guy he may be behind his gimmick.
  16. I'm sorry, but I just can't relate to dissing The Rock for making the most of his career. He got an opportunity to do something more with his life than he was doing, to become even more famous and most importantly, to make even more money... and he took it. Good for him, I sure would have done the same.
  17. You prefer Cena over The Rock? Aww man, you used to be cool.
  18. I'd be surprised if this whole Edge/Christian/Del Rio isn't set up to promote an Edge/Christian feud in the near future. And while also trying to get Del Rio over, of course. Long time ago, I heard Edge say that he saw no reason for him and Christian to unite but that he'd love for them to face off. At this point of his career, I choose to belive him to have enough cloud to make that happen.
  19. I finally saw The Miz impersonating The Rock complete with the bald cap and Rock Bottom as well as his People's Elbow from the week before... and damn, that guy really is every bit as awesome as he claims to be.
  20. While this is all true, I believe the real reason for World Wrestling Entertainment trying to claim they are not a wrestling company and their workers not wrestlers is simple: by calling their workers 'superstars' or 'performers' or whatever instead of 'wrestlers', their employees have a lot less rights than if they were achknowledged athletes.
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