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Posts posted by Hive

  1. <long post about being a casual fan vs. hardcore fan>


    I agree with this. I started watching wrestling in my late childhood in the mid 90's and watched it for a couple of years or so before growing bored with it (or they stopped sending it on tv, can't recall which one occured first actually). Then in 2004 (at least I think it was 2004) I began watching casually again, after having been completely out of wrestling for 8-9 years. And although I didn't quite look at it with the same eyes I did when I was a child, it was still pretty great. And the fact that I hardly knew any of the guys on the roster (even the old time WWE'ers I didn't really know that well, having mainly watched WCW in my childhood) meant that I could start from a clean slate with few predetermined preferences or ideas about the wrestlers. And since I didn't read about wrestling online, I knew only what I saw on tv. And it was pretty great, I was able to really mark out for the guys I liked live into the whole thing. The fact that it was predetermined didn't really bother me much then, probably because I didn't know anything about the behind-the-scenes stuff. And while I did definately enjoy guys who had good in-ring abilities, characters and storylines meant so much more to me. I really liked Batista when they first started turning him face, I thought he was a cool and charismatic guy with great charisma. I even enjoyed Randy Orton because he was the lead babyface at the time, constantly trying to overcome the odds when fighting Evolution... and I hated Triple H, not because I knew he had backstage clout, but because he acted like a weasel on-screen. Good times.


    Then I got bored with wrestling again after a while and didn't get back into it untill I heard about TEW, at which point I quickly lost my casual innocense.


    I think the biggest difference is that back then, I would go "awww man, I really wish he had been a bit more lucky and won that belt!" while nowadays, I'll go "awww man, I really wish they would have had sense enough to book him to win that belt!"...

  2. I find it amusing how some people seem to defend the poor quality of Wrestlemania 27 with "there were a few of the 27 Wrestlemanias that were even worse, so that makes it quite okay to serve us this garbage".


    Del Rio/Edge, Punk/Orton and HHH/Undertaker were all quite good, I agree. Mysterio/Rhodes and Cena/Miz (no, the Rock's involvement does not make the entire match look good) were average, the 8 man tag and the mixed tag were too short to be bothered with (but not impressed either, even though Snooki was a surprising highlight) and Lawler/Cole was the first Wrestlemania match I have personally seen, if not the worst PPV match I have ever seen. Nearly all of the angles were cringeworthy and painful to watch, including Cena's mindbogglingly stupid entrance.


    But for an event like Wrestlemania, it saddens me that so many people let WWE get away with mediocracy. It should be outstanding, nothing else. People who defend last night's show are really too kind towards WWE imo. But eh, each to his own I guess. To the people who really enjoyed it a lot: good for you. :)


    Also, teasing involvement by HBK in HHH/Undertaker so heavily without delivering was lame.

  3. Hated that Sheamus and Bryan wasn't on the show but I bet they didn't have it on because it would have been a MOTN canidate probably and they ddin't want it to outshine the other matches


    I really don't hope "oh no, this match will be too good to put on the biggest wrestling event of the year" is actually part of their selection strategy for the Wrestlemania card... though it sure would explain a thing or two.


    Also, while I thought it was a good match, I agree with those complaining about HHH/Undertaker being a bit too much of a spotfest/finisherfest.

  4. From ewrestlingnews.com:


    On his way out of the ring, Taker falls to his knees and on his face. Hunter attempts to help, but he's waved off by the referee. Taker grabs the ring apron to get back to his feet, but he can't. Taker appears to be passed out on the arena floor, and the referee and trainer are waiting for a stretcher. Medics roll down to the ring with a mobile gurney, and Taker is helped to his feet and placed on the back of the gurney with the help of medical staff. Taker is taken out of the ring on the back of the mobile stretcher.


    Sounds pretty legit...

  5. Then again, i could just still be incredibly grumpy after the 5 star Cole/Lawler classic.




    On other notes, am I the only one who thinks Ziggler has kind of a Mr. Perfect look going for him...?


    It's really a shame that such talented people like him and Morrison are stuck in this abysmal matchup. I'd like to see Morrison vs. The Undertaker next year, I think that could be a great matchup performance wise.


    Also, I'm kinda in love with Snooki after the wicked backflipping thing she did.

  6. It was a good match. But soooooo slooooooooow. They spent more time selling than wrestling. Am i wrong in thinking this? Am i?


    I agree with you, for what it's worth. A bit too many finishers for my taste also, but overall a pretty good match. Not enough to make the entire event a success in my book. however. Let's see what the final matches bring. I'm pretty damn puzzled by the match order, though.

  7. Very harsh ratings thus far. It hasnt been great but I didnt expect any of them matches to be great. Its up to UT/HHH and Cena/MizRock to deliver.


    So because you didn't expect those matches to be any good, it's okay that they sucked?


    This is Wrestlemania, every match ought to be good. It's the biggest wrestling event of the year. So far, only Alberto Del Rio/Edge was what I'd call a "good" match, with Mysterio/Rhodes and Orton/Punk being decent as well. But nothing more than that. Undertaker/Triple H looks promising so far, though. Most of the skits has been outright horrible, to a painful degree.

  8. It was a New York paper. But yes, you're right. You've seen the truth the rest of us were too blind to see. They made up quotes from Sting and Brock Lesnar for the lamest April Fools joke of all time. Boy, they almost pulled it off until you came along.


    So I mistakingly thought it was an April Fool's joke when it apparantly wasn't. I was wrong, I'll happily admit that. But there's really no reason to be a douchebag about it.

  9. You probably should have checked this one out before blithely dismissing it as a lame joke.




    It wasn't exactly a secret WWE reached out to Sting prior to his deciding to return to TNA.


    Didn't the Washington Post or something announce that Sting had signed a contract with WWE at some point as well? That something is printed in a newspaper does not necessarily make it the truth... but of course, I can't dismiss it the way I did now. :p

  10. I still dont get the blind hatred of John Cena. He is an absolute class act in every aspect of life.


    Oh it's definately my impression that he's a great guy irl. And there's no doubt that he's very charismatic and good on the mic. It even doesn't really bother me that he's not a stellar performer in the ring (it's not like eg. The Rock is a Kurt Angle either). That doesn't change the fact that I absolutely loathe his 'superman rapper PG' gimmick, though. I really really despise it. And that's what I respond to when seeing him, not the guy he may be behind his gimmick.

  11. I'd be surprised if this whole Edge/Christian/Del Rio isn't set up to promote an Edge/Christian feud in the near future. And while also trying to get Del Rio over, of course.


    Long time ago, I heard Edge say that he saw no reason for him and Christian to unite but that he'd love for them to face off. At this point of his career, I choose to belive him to have enough cloud to make that happen.

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