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Everything posted by Jaysin

  1. Just wondering if there's anyway to make this work or if I'm out of luck? Just feels weird continuity wise to book two episodes of an A show and then book two episodes of the B show.
  2. I had to check to see if he was available myself. It's crazy how early some of these guys started working before getting noticed.
  3. Another idea, why not Aaron Aguilera like in reality? Just drop the cringey stabbing Cena at the bar crap 😂 He should be available and he had prior WWE experience teaming with Christopher Daniels as bogus Conquistadors, so the hiring isn't out of left field. Actually, you just gave me an idea for a 2004 save if I can get Konnan to sign.
  4. Shawn Hernandez has the Latino connection, has the size to be a bodyguard, and eventually you could bring in Homicide(that's not PG) and form a WWE version of LAX.
  5. Wondering if an idea I had was possible. I had an idea where I tape two episodes of my b show and two episodes of my a show on the same night. Is it possible to make it so I tape B Show 1, A Show 1, B Show 2, and then A Show 2 for continuity sake or will it do two episodes of b show and then two episodes of a show? Won't be home to try myself until tomorrow and I'm afraid I'll forget
  6. In North East Ohio, we have a somewhat local legend ring announcer that adds so much spark to any show he's on. When he tried to retire, every promotion he worked for struggled to find a suitable replacement. Of all the talent roles in pro wrestling, it seems odd to me that ring announcers are ignored. I understand the production setting covering it, but at the same time, there have been some iconic ring announcers over the years. Other than Michael Buffer calling Bret Hart, Clark, it always felt like a huge deal when he was doing introductions for big matches. If a mod maker uses ring announcers, I give them the personality push and give them short angles before matches to reflect the role. Doesn't really fit, but it gets the job done for now.
  7. Matchmaking Committee is perfect and I can use the commissioner title for the big cheese
  8. Looking for a name for an on screen group of authority figures. Some akin to a championship committee. Its for a WCW 92 save and Booking Committee, Championship Committee, and Board of Directors are all I can think of, but they just don't sit right for me for some reason. It's a group of road agents doubling as the "decision" makers for WCW. Was thinking of having 4-6 members, with one person being the Commissioner or Director of Authority. I really like the DOA terminology, so Board of Directors seems like the way to go. It's going to feature someone representing the major wrestling markets. So Sonny Onoo representing Japan and Marc Rocco representing England. Using this as a kayfabe way to explain the international influence on my hirings. Just trying to get some input on this.
  9. Love the idea. Gary Michael Capetta deserves representation!
  10. I just want to watch pro wrestling and be distracted from the garbage in the real world for a few hours a week. So much unneeded drama that reminds me of the worst eras of my wrestling fandom. This is BATB2000 or Victory Road 2011 levels of embarrassing.
  11. This is amazing! Definitely going to use it in a save I have prepping.
  12. This should be fun! I love iDom. Any chance you could share the source image of that big gold women's title though?
  13. I read that the Rock trained with the Gallus boys with Bobby Roode and Chad Patton helping with the non physical stuff.
  14. This entire thing is embarrassing for everyone involved. Everyone looks immature and childish. Airing the footage is braindead and in line with something Vince Russo would do on his worst day. I was enjoying the heel Buck schtick at first, but now I just want them to go away. I've always found them incredibly overrated, but now I just outright have negative interest in seeing them on my screens.
  15. Bro same. I keep asking my doctor to let me get my memory tested and insurance refuses to pay for it because of my age 😂
  16. Not once have AEW, Bucks, or TK said this footage is related to CM Punk in anyway. They say it's real backstage footage from All In London, not that it's Punk related. Most likely related to FTR/Bucks since they're facing each other at Dynasty.
  17. I'm not being mean spirited. I'm asking genuine questions. If you hate something or don't understand it, why watch it?
  18. If you don't understand booking and story telling, maybe pro wrestling really isn't for you? Why watch something you clearly hate and don't understand? Despite Adam's comment, I'm genuinely tying to discuss this. I just don't understand watching something I dislike or don't get the appeal of just to complain about it.
  19. Because she's followed his story? It's not rocket science.
  20. I think the only match I wasn't fond of was the Usos match. It wasn't remotely bad or anything. It wasn't the least bit memorable. Having Lil Wayne announced as the greatest rapper ever was also pretty cringey. Wayne seems like a cool dude and I know he's a fan of pro wrestling, so I'm okay with his appearance despite my dislike of his music. The match was just so middle of the road. It felt like a filler tv taping match back when Smackdown was taped in advance.
  21. Chavo Sr is a good pick for this actually! You could also use Chavo Sr as an excuse to bring in lucha stars. He won NWA America's title and America's tag titles a butt load of times in NWA Hollywood.
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