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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. Was weird seeing Sami Zayn, it really seems like a completely different person (which in character terms it is), but other guys I can see Kassius Ohno is Chris Hero or whatever this really is like a completely clean break. Which is think is a good thing. Can't wait to see his first match and thought his promo came across pretty well.
  2. It also depends if they take Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy (for example), the amount it hurts TNA and helps the new company may have a bigger impact to take them much closer than if they stole Storm and Roode I think. Of course TNA are more established, and I agree that TNA should be at least slightly more well known, but in a position where the new promotion can reasonably reach TNA's level. Mainly though I'd say it's about how you set it up, the more impact you make the split have (I'm assuming something like that would be pretty big news) and how you present how the persons new company is set up, like is it while the news is still hot or after it dies down. Also I think Hogan starting a new company after leaving would have a bigger impact than Bischoff so I'd also take into consideration whose promotion it is when deciding how close they are. Either way, it's definitely worth a go
  3. Just a quick draft of a potential 1st post (Edit:not that quick as it happens) http://i34.tinypic.com/2vvs2nk.jpg PSW Danger & Violence: 10 Years On! PSW's tribute on the ten year anniversary of DAVE's demise...
  4. Ziggler cashing in on Raw was much better than it would've been at WrestleMania, he took his own moment and made himself the talking point of that show, rather than getting lost in the hype surrounding everything at Mania - he waits until the big names have done their thing and then the next night where there's no Rock/Triple H/Lesnar/Punk he takes his moment in the spotlight that he craves so much. It's the same where I've seen people wanting heel turns on the PPV - people who've bought the pay-per-view have bought it for the matches and the spectacle, but it's the TV show after where you've got keep people interest and get them to buy the next pay-per-views and it was a great show. I enjoyed Mania though, so maybe people who didn't wanted more excitment, but I went in it knowing what to expect and got that out of it. The way they did Raw on Monday was great because after the 'season finale' usually there's a period where there's nothing while you wait for the next season, but with Raw it was just right back on it, and it perfectly illustrated the no off season thing they like to say. It's not often I get to be this positive about WWE, so I thought I'd take the chance while I could
  5. I wish crowds were like that all the time. Made a great show even better! Bryan, Ziggler, Ryback, Fan-dan-go was all great. Better still the crowd chanted for RVD and MICHAEL COLE!!!
  6. Did this quickly, better than nothing - only person I could think of wearing a hat was Stetson so that's the one I used. http://i47.tinypic.com/264pbsz.jpg
  7. I think people are more bothered that he was pushed hard early on. He's a poor worker IMO but I don't dislike him, and I'm not writing him off - he's certainly improved in the last year, when he was in a big feud (Lethal Lockdown match) with his dad. He was awful in the ring at that point (again IMO ) but was pushed quite hard. The alliance with Devon helped him, and I think being Bischoff's son he could be a very interesting character in years to come because of that.
  8. I don't think it's nearly that easy for TNA to just sign people as it is with WWE. Morrison is not interested in working a full time schedule at the moment as far as I've heard in interviews with him, Harry Smith is in NJPW, as was MVP up until very recently.
  9. http://mimg.ugo.com/200912/34487/cuts/hulk1_288x288.jpg
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tha Black Phenom" data-cite="Tha Black Phenom" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I still don't know why some people are still so fixated on wins and losses. I just watched the match and it wasn't even a clean victory for Kane, Punk was distracted. And Kane had fuel going into the match. People actin' like he lost to Zack Ryder.<p> </p><p> Is there anything hyped for tonight's Raw, I heard something about the HHH/Brock stip, baffled that they haven't announced that yet but hey. (haven't watched since before EC)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> On WWE.com the main thing is Triple H responding to Brock's response - presumably saying yes <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I think they'll set up a contract signing NW.</p><p> </p><p> Also on Punk losing to Kane - it really doesn't matter, he came out on top at the end of the night and Taker cost him the victory.</p><p> </p><p> I'm also pleased that we don't know every stipulation and match, it's something I think they've done well this year. In previous years we've know the majority weeks and weeks in advance (or even a full year with Cena/Rock) and it can descend into filler. This year they're giving good content (at least so far) right until the PPV which gives it a bigger feel IMO.</p>
  11. I remember the Orton one being a lot worse than this (I think). I get what you mean but I think they were careful to not overstep any mark. I think they hyped it up a lot but IIRC what he actually said there wasn't anything that disrespectful other than interrupting it, but the fact they'd giving such a good tribute at the start and throughout the show sort of negated that. I don't think any disrespect was shown to Bearer - fair enough if you disagree but I think it was presented in a way that it really wasn't as bad as Edit: I also completely get the "feeling uncomfortable", it was a bit like "what's he going to say next?" but as far as I'm concerned it wasn't too bad.
  12. Looking back at the continuity of the Aces & Eights story there must be so many contradictions Also in the match why did Bully go after Bischoff & Brisco? I get it was the swerve but still. As a means to an end to have Bully back heel I'm quite pleased with it, but I feel like it's SO clear they've made most of it up IMO.
  13. The only place I can see anything about him (and it's not much) is here: http://www.wrestlingdata.com/index.php?befehl=bios&wrestler=26098&bild=1&details=11 Edit: Just had a look at youtube at his "Eric Anthony" name and I think this promo is him too: He's previously gone by "EA All Day" Eric Anthony, so do a search by that name too.
  14. Does anybodt else think a number 1 contender match for the streak is a bit weak? Especially with Vicky making the call? I get a lot of people wanted it but they shoe horned in a bunch of people saying they wanted the streak and then made a main event. I think the streak should be different to a title or anything else because of it's aura and mystique it shouldn't be as easily attainable as just winning a match. I would have preferred Punk to be obsessed in chasing Taker, because the only way to outshine Cena and The Rock would be to take the streak at mania so it will be remember as Punk's Mania (since he has been desperate to be in the main event; they still might go this way) I found it to be lazy booking and would've preferred the match to be made more 'organically'.
  15. I think the Bully Ray call is something most people have predicted - but who do you think was unmasked by Angle? Bully Ray was in the ring and it was the build/size of Park but they may have used a stand in. Will make as much sense as some of the other reveals.
  16. TotalExtremeWrestling.com Monday, Week 1, January 1997 Apparently Sam Strong has met up with all the talent signed to HGC today to discuss their roles in the company. He will be in charge of putting shows together as Stallings' head of the booking team. It is believe that Sam Strong is the best payed worker on the planet at the moment and is reported making more money than anybody in the business has before - so it's good to hear he seems he's taking the role seriously. Tomorrow night is set to be a huge night with Stallings and the networks that HGC will be running on going into overdrive to try and promote Hollyweird TV. HGC's TV show tomorrow night is being treated as “the premier of Hollyweird TV” - HGC have so far ran 4 TV shows in what was a 'trial run', which were filmed over two tapings in a TV studio, but have officially packaged their show as “Hollyweird TV” and are treating this as the first episode, as they go head to head with SWF for the first time. The commercials for the episode have been using the footage of the previous shows to promote the diversity of the roster highlighting the cruiserweight, tag team division, hardcore division and of course the legends such as Dread, Rip Chord, Sam Strong and so on – they've also done a particularly good job of integrating their 'new stars' such as Peter Valentine, Liberty and BLZ Bubb into the commercial making them feel like big names in their own right. They are currently signed for a six month run before the networks decide if they want to continue the arrangement – this works both ways and HGC will be free to move to different networks if they wish, with no binding contract past the current deal. SWF don't seem to have made an extra special effort to combat the hype around HGC and are advertising a confrontation between Bruce The Giant and Christian Faith as the selling point of the episode. It is felt within SWF – particularly by Richard Eisen – that HGC pose no threat and are more than likely a flash in the pan. However, there really is a buzz around everyone I've spoke to both in and outside of HGC about a potential historic night as what is being dubbed as the “Tuesday Night Rating War” commences – there is an optimism that this could really push the SWF to up their game and potentially lead to a very successful period for wrestling in general. While some feel the optimism is premature, this really is, even in it's infancy the biggest threat to SWF since they expanded onto a national stage. Set to be at HGC's first live broadcast are Sam Strong, Rip Chord, Dread, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. and Romeo Heartthrob, all of who have main evented SWF shows in the past. That is not to say there will not be a lot of new talent but those names are top of the billing. Tickets are still available for the show, which is being held in the V. Thompson Arena. HGC are apparently still confident of a sell-out with “a few hundred” tickets left on sale. With 10,000 people in the arena it will certainly give a different feel to the previous HGC tapings which feature a few hundred at a TV studio. http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/HGC-1.jpg I keep having ideas so I don't want to rush anything as I've already written an episode of a 21CW diary, two of a USPW diary and since have gone off both ideas, but I've just written a rough post for HGC 1997 as the mod and the promotion have really grabbed my interest especially playing as Sam Strong, who I'm looking to really get into the mind of while booking which means, big guys and more importantly his friends getting good pushes. This is more a way to stop me signing all the good indy talent that is available (and there's lots of it).
  17. I think he mean that if you put them together you're guaranteed a great match - in the sense that when they wrestle it's an 'A' rated match like a NOTBPW main event. (I'm sure it was meant in a good way ) I don't think that's a fair criticism, Miz TV was just a vehicle to progress the story, and gave us a match later in the night rather than sticking two random guys in a match.
  18. Really great main event on Raw! And that opening (apart from the commentary) was
  19. He could have said that, but it'd be incredibly stupid to do so.
  20. I didn't make it http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/JeremyStone_alt1.jpg
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