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Everything posted by Linsolv

  1. I like the CWF belt best. I guess I just think Canada's super cool. Sorta funny that I like Canada, but I made my promotion in the UK "for a change of pace."
  2. Ah. Then I'll call Bauhaus 97 good. Since I mean, it looks pretty similar. Took me a while to notice it was different.
  3. No problem! Feel free to request whatever. I've got way, way more time than I know what to do with. ... Except PPV logos. Nobody wants to give me any pro tips on those.
  4. How's this look, Day Dreamer? http://i41.tinypic.com/25utl5g.png http://i41.tinypic.com/a2cj5w.png
  5. That's an effect of the lighting. I can try to adjust the gradients a bit, and work on the banner. As to the emptiness, I noticed it too. But I'm so bad at filling the space... EDIT: How do you feel about horseshoes?
  6. Finished. I can change just about anything, so if there's ANY changes you'd like to see, feel free to tell me. http://i40.tinypic.com/x53y51.png http://i43.tinypic.com/2gtakw5.png Incidentally, though I still wish I had that little star-'A,' I'm pretty happy with my WWA North America title now that I've added some more details. http://i42.tinypic.com/2cfdzcp.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/j7szno.png
  7. I can do that. Since I've got you here, is this alright for a plate shape? http://i43.tinypic.com/2hncfgm.png I'm slightly dumb, so while I was looking at your reference photos, I tried making that shape, and then decided I couldn't do it and just found a plate that looked neat. (PS - I grabbed that logo off the web. I found another one, didn't know which one you preferred. Also, ignore the coloring. Most of it will be changed later, but for some reason or another I always work in funky flat colors instead of my final gradients.)
  8. Any decorations you'd like? (Also, ReapeR, since you might know, what was the font you (Maybe? I get so confused with innuendo) used for the WWA belts? I used Bauhaus [i added a few details to try to make it more specific to WWA, but I haven't finished yet. Need to get a green metallic gradient first from my AI file] but it doesn't have that star for the "A")
  9. Haha. Ah, well. I was mostly worried I'd steal ideas. As it turns out, I didn't. Instead, I went looking at WWA's belts, and then made, basically, a generic USA belt.
  10. Competition's fun. When it's not fun, I'll stop trying to compete. Humans are all about setting goals, you know. I think I will try my hand at that, tomorrow. Tonight I've got a belt I'm not too far from finishing already. PS. Finished. http://i40.tinypic.com/161ykpw.png http://i44.tinypic.com/scxaop.png Still haven't really internalized the notion of "busy" belts. Ah, well.
  11. Well, I'm pretty much out of belts for SSW. I suppose now it's time to find a belt to redesign. Maybe from one of the GDS-verse so I don't have to compete against Belt Titan ReapeR. (Note: If you did those, just don't tell me so I don't get all emberassed.)
  12. No, no. I'm not trying to say I'm bad. I just don't have ideas. I look at, for instance, your thread -- you've got 20-30 belts there, and that's not counting past years. I've always had a problem that I learn to do something (draw, sing, play guitar, etc.) but when it comes to trying to apply that knowledge, I never have anything I actually want to do with it.
  13. It's probably because you didn't see Wade Barrett's trunks on NXT. http://www.tinypic.ws/images/07470038888919569759.jpg PS: If you wanna use it for a belt go right ahead. I simply don't have much of a "muse," so I doubt I'll ever get well known even if I keep at this.
  14. "Normally it'd match, but your work sucks" or "Normally it'd match, but I'm stealing your crap." I can't decide which would be more fun to say. Needless to say, I'd be teasing with either.
  15. The silver works great, Reaps. Though, the gradient's SLIGHTLY off. I am a stickler for the gradients matching, dontcha know.
  16. Finished. English Belt - Redux http://i47.tinypic.com/33e79sk.png http://i50.tinypic.com/swzb6g.png I found a BUNCH of vaguely metallic gradients for Illustrator. Getting them into Inkscape was... troublesome. Then, converting even the 3-4 I tried out [to a format that would work with a radial pattern like I've been using] was... also troublesome. But it got done. I'm not 100% happy with how the red balances out, brightness-wise, but it'll have to do until I decide to spend a while working on a better color balance. However, I think the current red really makes the gold "pop" in the larger version, at least. P.S. - Getting the balance just right so that the "ridges" were visible but subtle took a good bit of time.
  17. It's the company logo. However, if you've got suggestions for visual submission holds, I'm not actually that high on that particular graphic. But for reference, here's my company logo: http://i45.tinypic.com/2ihklxw.jpg I set it as my avatar for fun, but it's too small to make anything out. (See, I wanted a picture of someone IN A submission hold for my logo, and the only hold I could think of that really looks like much was the Boston crab. So I came across a good image of CM Punk putting someone or other in a crab and that's where I got the image. Nothing really special.) Incidentally, I've got another idea for a belt, but no promotion to make it for! I mean, I need a World Title for if/when I ever hit Regional with SSW, but that's not gonna be for a while considering how much time I've been spending (and fun I've been having) with making the logos and graphics. PS: I came up with an idea I wanted to try out for a belt. Then I realized the only good way to do it would've been to use the main plate I had in my UK title belt; so I decided to make a different one. I'm almost done, just wanted to try a few different gradients for the "filigree."
  18. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0D5C37717E27F55C Aaaaand, finished. Somehow, whenever I think a thing's going to be quick, it never gets finished. But when I think it might take a long time, it takes no time flat.
  19. TylerBlackMark (Hey, I marked for him too! But I'm not that much into ROH, so I've only seen him once or twice) - I like your logos; especially the Hook and PWN ones. Curious what you used for the PWN background image. fullMETAL - Congratulations on finishing your tutorial! Also, grats on getting teh praise from Reap in his thread. PS You have a cool voice. Made for radio! Reminds me, I need to finish up my tutorial... (Whoo! Just finished taping it all. Now I need to edit and dub them. Shouldn't take more than... well, knowing my moods, could never get done. But hopefully before I go to bed monday.)
  20. Since I added that request for event logo tips, I figured I'd just make something quick and easy and throw it out. Got a list of event names, but few ideas for logos. So this was the first one I had. http://i45.tinypic.com/2wf3a1j.png http://i45.tinypic.com/fasykg.png The boston crab logo doesn't "mesh" well with the rest of it, but I thought having a promotion logo somewhere was smart, and I couldn't think of a better way to put it in.
  21. Thats a cool background, METAL. Your laurels seem a little small compared to the first two, but that's your call to make. Out of curiosity, what did you do to get that texture on the leather strap?
  22. Well, I admit, I didn't record all of it, but it was nothing hard, so I can with little difficulty take it back to where I was before and do it again on camera. http://i48.tinypic.com/w15glg.png http://i46.tinypic.com/24q705f.png And that's my first try at my main event title. (Suck on that, World Level Wrestling! Even if I am a backyard promotion, someone has the cahones to have a Pure Wrestling Title as their Main Event title!) EDIT: The gradient seems kinda off to me. In addition to the fact that the left plate had some funny glitch happen to it, the dark circle JUST catches the "Submission" text and makes it hard to read in the smaller one. Gonna try fixing that. http://i48.tinypic.com/972l1s.png http://i49.tinypic.com/2qlvdl3.png Didn't fix it. Still quite illegible. Also, while I've got the floor (sorta...), any tips for making show logos? I doubt I could get very creative with promotions either, but luckily I'm happy with my promotion's logo as it is. But I wanted to do logos for the annual shows, and it usually turns out looking really amateurish. Rather like that first try at a belt, come to think of it. And so, again, any tips?
  23. Well, see, those videos are REALLY me experimenting in front of a camera. For the first belt, I started with a rectangle for the strap (before I even got around to the plates) and then the plate design was an octagon that I modified by hand. So to be honest a lot of that is cool new stuff to me too. NB: I'm not a vector graphics expert. For the most part, it's just little things that add up together, along with my willingness to google just about anything. The 4th, which I've finished taping and now I'm trying to get the footage down to a reasonable length, is where the hard part starts, and it's definitely the part where I feel like you guys have me beat -- I added the main text and a central design. The entire video ended up being almost 20 minutes, but it was so full of mistakes where I'd be completely wrong on how to do it and have to undo 30 steps, that I've been able to cut a lot. fourth video up
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