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Everything posted by Lo-Drew

  1. Ryder's a better worker plus he's over with the fans unlike Robbie E.
  2. Disagree there. Until that match with Hacksaw the Berlyn character(Alex Wright) was picking up good heat plus he wasn't that bad as a wrestler. His entrance was cool, the strobe lighting in a NWO-light manner. Sure I'm still in high school but from what I've seen about Berlyn up until that point he could have been big in WCW.
  3. With Edge gone, WWE is now paying for not establishing anyone. See now on Smackdown you have Del Rio, Christian, Rhodes, Mysterio, Big Show, Barrett, Kingston and Kane. Guys who are good but not have had that main event push(except Kane, Show and Barrett for like four months). However, this is the time to really start push Kingston, Barrett, Rhodes and others gradually.
  4. Mysterio's injured. One time about the background pictures. Awesome. From Del Rio and I like Rhodes one with the newspaper saying "Man Disfigured in Accident" as if he was a freak. Orton's was the best though. Which one was your favorite?
  5. Quick question which match do you really looking forward too besides Cena/Miz.? For me it's Punk/Orton and Rhodes/Mysterio
  6. I wonder why no one is really talking about this match. This is one of the interesting matches on Wrestlemania and for a low card match, the buildup has been pretty good and Rhodes has been excellent.
  7. TNA really was put on the map when the X-Division was hot and that was from 2004-mid 2006. The best year for TNA in my opionion was 2005. So many great matches that now watching those same matches make me depressed. TNA has potenial. Angle Vs Joe Lockdown 08 proved that when their little MMA like match was a big hit and actually got good buyrates and a solid show. They haven't even come near that since.
  8. That's true but with his new direction in character, I think it can work. Perhaps he needs to bulk up more but he has the tools to be something. That's why his match with Mysterio is actually one I want to watch.
  9. I agree. Who ever thought that Cody Rhodes might actually have a better career then DiBase which by the way, I actually like the whole Mysterio/Rhodes just because Rey is still a very good worker who can still have great matches. Plus it seems as if Cody has improved slightly.
  10. I fully agree with them not pulling the trigger on creating stars. Lethal's a great example but I mainly use Samoa Joe. In my honest opinion, Joe should have won the TNA Heavyweight belt at BFG 06 instead of Sting. And they pulled the trigger on the Joe and Angle feud about a year early. Pope is another example. I can't think of any wrestler who was as hot as Pope was in the beginning of the year. The man had to crowd in his hands and TNA did a solid job building up his match with Styles. So what do they do? Pope loses to Styles only to frop the belt five days later to RVD. Now granted, I like AJ a lot, but clearly that was the time for Pope to win. Since then Pope has just been there and that's a shame considering how great he is. TNA relies too much on WWE cast-offs instead of worrying about their homegrown talent. But then again, most of that homegrown talent is either gone from the company or stuck in the midcard. Examples would be Monty Brown, Abyss, AJ Styles, AMW, Chris Sabin, Robert Roode, Matt Bentley. Basically, TNA's a mess.
  11. A) What made you start watching Impact? Around Against All Odds 2005. I instantly got hook after watching Daniels VS Styles on IMPACT. B) What kept you watching Impact? Samoa Joe cause he was one of my favorite ROH workers plus the X-Division as a whole. Monty Brown too because I think he had huge potential. Kurt Angle because he one of the greatest wrestlers ever. The Motor City Machines Guns, enough said. Pope's pretty good also. C) If applicable why did you stop watching? Bad storylines, not elevating the X-Division to more important or stock rising feuds. Joe not winning the belt at Bound for Glory 2006 cause Joe was undefeated and BFG would have been a big deal if Joe goes over Jarrett for the belt in the main event. D) If applicable what made you start watching again? Nothing. Haven't watched since AJ became Ric Flair 2.0
  12. Yeah I agree. Like I said, I like Roderick Strong, but I think Richards needs to win at Final Battle. As well as Homicide's chase, it was long, but it was fun and he had some great matches during that run(against Cornio, him and Joe Vs the Briscoes) plus added with him saving ROH as he defeated CZW.
  13. I have to agree. Nothing better than good old school tactic. However, ROH has kinda overdone it so that can work. I wold love to see it done more rarely, like once in a while to bring the element of surprise.
  14. I thought Final Battle was their top show. I'm unsure and I've watched ROH for six years. Quick question, have they announced Survival of the Fittest yet because I saw the SotF in 2006 as it came to Cleveland and to this day, Delirious and Sydal as the final two was awesome.
  15. In all honestly, I'm not upset that Strong is the ROH champ. I thinks he kinda deserves it considering that he's done great in what seven years of his ROH tenure. Let's put it like this, he's not Xavier. Plus, Strong's been like a backbone to ROH, constantly having great matches with the best and yeah he's probably the last guy I want to talk on the mic, there i no question that Strong's a good worker. So, we'll see how this turns out but I think his reign won't be as bad as people think.
  16. I agree. But he was different from the normal ROH type wrestler so I thought he was decent. But yeah, not as big as a loss like Black.
  17. I do agree with you about Strong and Evans. Aries and Strong were good, but Evans and Strong in my opionion was better. Aries is better as a signles wrestler and I thought Evans and Strong should have won ROH Tag Team gold. Which brings me to my list 1. Briscoes 2. Kings of Wrestling 3. Aries and Strong 4. American Wolves 5. Steen and Generico
  18. Briscoes have been in ROH since day 1, they have the most titles reigns and in my opinion, they are the best ROH team in their history. Though you do bring a good point they seem to wrestle the same feud over and over again, there is no question that the Briscoes are and always be the glue of the tag division. Which brings me to my next question, rank the top 5 teams in ROH history. Just curious once again.
  19. I agree for three reasons. One is what you said, Strong, Shelley and Aries have been highly successful. Plus, Aries ended Joe's 21 month title reign which like the Final Countdown mentioned earlier made him a ROH legend of sorts. Plus, like masterdad said, the greatest and longest tag title run was Strong and Aries. I loved whole Shelly, Aries and Strong would walk down to the ring meaning business while Evans would talk trash to the crowd. I will forever love those four.
  20. just curoius but since ROH has had many great stables, who do you think was the best stable in ROH.
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