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Posts posted by Winter8905

  1. <p>8 Months in with CZCW and slowly but surely my guys are getting poached.</p><p> </p><p>

    I had my heel user character capture the title, with the aim of having Perez chase it and get his win and his title at a big show.</p><p> </p><p>

    Well 3/4 of the way through his story he goes an signs a written in Japan. </p><p> </p><p>

    Thinking, long term reigns will belong to m user untill i get to Cult and can lock some talent down. </p><p> </p><p>

    Gaining steadily this year with 1 show a month. </p><p> </p><p>

    Looking to raise it up to two shows a month from 2017</p>

  2. As CZCW I Ran my big show of the year Welcome to the Coastal Zone.


    The show went well and my best rating so far. Helped by a 68 rated Tag team title Cage match between Zoned Out and Wild Cats.


    Massive problem when during the Fro Sure v Super Ninja (Ota) match, a feud designed to get Fro sure over to main event, turns out they also had great chemissary also but disaster strikes when Fro breaks Ota 's Neck. 40 years old and put for over a year, he could very well retire due to it.


    Fro has just killed his ticket to main event.


    The funny thing is a Fro hates Ota ... break his neck then hate him for it?? No class Fro.

  3. Some great ideas and nice fleshing out, Forgot about Perez as Killswitch, perfect addition.


    Not sold on Greed to be part of the group, need to have a sister gimmick or be someone deadly in the ring like Crippler.


    Lobster Warrior, nice touch, I'll see if I can fin the right guy for the job, a young guy who needs a gimmick to start their ascent to the top.



    I've also got Gilmore, Brandon and Valiant that I want to do something with. perhaps not in the Summoning story.


    Thinking of Brandan to feud with and put over a rising star, thinking Zimmy, it annoys me that in their bio it's said for years the are being built up slowly, I expected them to be in amongst the main event as singles stars, or at least one of them. So Zimmy will be feuding with The Big Cat, Randy will be feuding With Joey Minnesota for the North American title.


    Valiant and Gilmore I'm just sticking together as a tag team or something, let them help bring up the tag division until their time comes to head towards title feuds.




    There is a group of guYs with stats that are good enough to be solid part of the tag team and midcard but the are guys I have no connection too, no interest to do something with.


    I'm in two minds, as on the one hand i'd like to replace them with guYs I have a connection with, mostly all goT the skills to midcard SWF alongside guys like Foxmask that I'd like to have a top level run in my company for a year or two. On the other hand the guys i have no connection too are usfull as the are the group that I won't min jobbing to the rest of the roster.

  4. Looking for a storyline to get me into a SWF save and have just had part of an idea.


    Skull DeBones creates a stable called the Summoning along side The Crippler, Scythe and ????


    Crippler will be the guy doing most of the leg work at the top of the card for Skull.


    Skull will have the occasional match at PPV but is mostly the puppet master.


    Scythe will be there to get over.



    They will feud with/ target Remo, Bruce , Mikey Lau and Frankie Perez??? (not set on Perez)


    Skull will initially injure Bruce, Bruce will be the talker of the gus trying to stop the Summoning. He'll recover an have his revenge on Skull.


    Cali Dragons will try and get avenge Bruce and have to get through the hurdles of Scyth and ??? to try and reach Skull... Mikey will get a 1v1 with Skull, if he gets popular enough he may beat him.


    Crippler targets the champion Remo..




    By the end I want Scythe, Mikey to be main eventers, Crippler to have had a title run and maybe Perez to be Upper Midcard.

  5. Started this up in Greal Lakes but I feel as tho I've hired guys who are ab it too expensive but I'll see and adapt accordingly after the first event.


    I want guys who can help my character improve.. a that's all i'm after at the moment, stay with the company long enough to gain a bit of pop, gain a bit of booking rep and most importantly improve on some in ring skills. Wait for a local fed to need a new booker and go on from their.


    Shamelessly book myself to the moon and against the top guys.


    The sooner I can book to a level where the company i'm with can afford the older guys with top basics and/or top row stats the better.


    Charisma and SQ are in the 60's/low 70's with 60's for basic and Psyc and a 60+ for Chai n wrestling and a 60 in stamina, the rest are pretty down low. I feel this will give me all around skills to survive in a workrate company and an Sports entertainment company. I also won't stink up the joint

  6. As CZCW, I wanted to try and give Remm Sky a second chance due to how loyal he was to CZCW.


    I had him teamed with Fox Mask in a feud with the wild cats, to give the tag titles some focus, to help get wild cats over and to keep Zoned out busy.


    Month 1 he fails a soft drugs test, month 2 he inured el Jaguar, giving him chronic lower back pain.


    Bad thing is zoned out captured the titles from wild cats, one more mishap from Remmy and I'll probably fire him. Which Screws over Wild Cats as Zones out are the most over tag team to help get them over and give them great matches.


    First two shows went down well. first show only a 47 which was still an increase in pop, second show got a 57, vast improvement and where I want to be at this point , 55-65 ratings.


    Hired my first 1 appearance local hiring midcarder Nathan Coleman to job to opener Boriken Love Machine jr.... Coleman wasn't happy but I don't care too much... Love Machine is the right kinda guy with the right look for CZCW and I love his render so he's getting a push up to Upper Midcard to see how he does.



    Super Ninja is in time decline so he's feuding with Fro Sure to put him over.


    Donnie J is in time decline unfortunately so he's feuding with Gino Montero, it'll take some build as Gino is an opener.. but hopefully this feud elevates Gino to near the top of the card. Instant replacement for Donnie in the main event scene

  7. I'm CGC and they seem perfect for what I want.


    I want m own stamp on it, i'm also trying to stay true to the Von Eric Boys Style booking somewhat.


    Thrown everything at Ricky to try and keep him. I'm looking to develop a person or two as solid replacements for the figurehead to replace Jack when he falls into time decline, at 38 it could happen an time.



    I have bolstered the roster with the best indie Canadians I can find, I didn't want to have it filled full of Americans.


    I have signed a few non Canadians with talent such as Greg Gauge, Youngman, Gino, El Mitico Jr.


    I'm looking for a legacy stable to face against the Decolts, Also perhaps Mexican group etc.



    With the Decolt family a bit thin in the company for active competition i'm introducing a couple of new members, if they're canadian great, but if needs be i'll take a Brit or an American.


    So far we have Ian Decolt (Intrepid Ian Identity) due to his Bio, hopefully he can develop good enough not to ruin the family name.


    I'm still looking for another candidate and i'm looking for dead cert in terms of great n ring skill to be the next Decolt.


    Long term I'm looking for perhaps a Decolt family v Decolt family with maybe Alex rejecting certain members.






    Overall i'm looking to develop new stars,


    expand the DeColt family


    Develop a crop of the next generations of Canadians.


    Phase out some of the older guys and replace them with generally younger guys, to make the long term future of the company safer than it is currently.



    I'm the booker and have kept on owner goals.


    Finances must have improved to 5.5Million within the next 2 years.


    Must have improved it's ranking of 10 in company rankings in the next 2 years


    Can't hire anyone classed as a Japanese Junior 1 year, 6 months


    Can't hire or extend the contracts of people with less than 53 in toughness.

  8. <p>Starting my project with CZCW. To bolster the roster and spend the first couple of years making the Coastal Zone the place where the best indie stars want to be involved in... not just for people to start to make name then leave. </p><p> </p><p>

    I like a good story to book around and i think the tried and tested evil Boss comes in and tries to change what the fans and the coastal zone legends love about the company. </p><p> </p><p>

    Boss v the Boys will go on for a few years. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>I need a stable name for the Boss's group.? The Business' ? The Reform? The 'Enlightenment'?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    The Boss is my user character and will be the big boss to defeat in the group after you'v defeated the other 4 in the group.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Boss's group will allow me to introduce a big guy into the company, just one as the muscle and a big obstacle for the classic light weights to overcome. The muscle I've not decided on but probably Findlay..</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    There is a young guy who I've brought in that will mesh well character wise who will be the first hurdle- Damian Dastardly</p><p> </p><p>

    Along with them 3 I'll probably have Going Coastal (California Love machine and Frankie Boy Hernandes as my tag threat. </p><p> </p><p>

    Cali Love machine with e positioned as my Number 2 an the last hurdle before reaching my user. This should get Cali over as a major threat and hopefully put him in the running for the title down the line.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    The main guys who will be against the Boss will be guys like Frankie Perez, Masked Cougar,Fox ,Remmy Sky (if he can keep it together), Air Attack Weasel ( used to give the lower guys on the Boss group wins)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Hope fully Acid, Insane machine, Snap dragon can come in for a show or two to represent the old guard. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    I'm planning on having the feud in chapters, the introduction of the group over the first few months with their intent being shown. </p><p> </p><p>

    Then chapter 2 of the old guard trying to overcome the boss as individuals and realising that maybe doing it alone isn't the way forward. </p><p> </p><p>

    Chapter 3 is the guys learning to trust each other and tring to gather momentum and gain an advantage with the edge starting to go their way</p><p> </p><p>

    Chapter 4 - The set back for the old guard when things start to fall apart with an injury and a betrayal. </p><p> </p><p>

    Chapter 5- the regroup- With the old guard lower in numbers, new faces come in to the mix, who fit the fast paced coastal style. Proving themselves good enough to help overcome the boss</p><p> </p><p>

    Chapter 6- Things start pulling around when inured guys returns and the new faces start to make a difference.</p><p> </p><p>

    chapter 7- ??</p><p> </p><p>

    All i've got so far but with 3 or 4 months per chapter i've got t bare bones to get m through the first couple of years.</p>

  9. Trying to download the database but it' being odd. none of the photos on the post are showing, just the link to the site.


    When i click the website links to the database and picture it just loads up in another screen the pictures that have like the pic then the words "click to download" but when I click around there's nothing that pops up to download..


    If that makes sense.


    for example. i copied and pasted whats on the first post for me.



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