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Everything posted by TLLK

  1. I was messing around with the Bullet Club logo a while back and still had the PSD file saved. Got bored this afternoon and made a modified version for everyone's favorite UPJ stable. (In my head in my UPJ game, the RENEGADES sign is finger guns held across your chest, so I went with the old long barrel pistol.)
  2. sweet, and that new logo is quite slick now, I’m off to find a TVerse character to use as my avatar #onhere like all the other cool kids
  3. as someone who has lived in the South his whole life... it’s definitely around, but it’s not something that you see in actual businesses anymore, unless it’s built on that whole subculture just the sight of the stars and bars is very offensive to many down here, and it crosses racial lines it’s something I cringe at every time it pops up in the game — the old SCCW stuff in the C-Verse is the same I mean, I’m pretty sure I was the one who suggested “The South Will Rise Again” as an event name for CWT way back in the day... definitely something I wouldn’t suggest now I’ll just say that any rebel flag stuff can probably be avoided
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Justin" data-cite="Justin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47567" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Okay, so, I might be an idiot, but I can't find that folder.</div></blockquote><p> Here you go: <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1esZNWQgghwxbgI3ta_f4dO7lqSZ8tEdN" rel="external nofollow">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1esZNWQgghwxbgI3ta_f4dO7lqSZ8tEdN</a></p>
  5. you know I’m gonna be in the front row for this one, E-V
  6. and what has happened to the Internet’s beloved GWS
  7. From the thread about this in the 2016 forum... ——— https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO Get the Windows 10 ISO. You can download it now without needing a Windows computer. Before you had to download a media creation tool to download Windows 10. You'd use the tool to create a ISO for a disc or a bootable flash drive. This downloading the ISO directly is completely new. Windows 10 install through Parallels is flawless. Just skip the product key for Windows. You can use the full version of Windows without using a product key (with preferences and settings not able to be changed). Microsoft allows this on purpose. If they didn't want people to be able to test out the OS, they wouldn't allow you to bypass the product key in the first place or they'd lock the OS after a set amount of time, which they don't do. I own two different Windows computers in my house, which is how I had the ISO file originally. I just bought this MacBook in late October and I was scrambling to figure out the TEW fix due to Catalina. This isn't a real fix due to the price but its a really nifty program that runs flawlessly and allows you to do much more than TEW on a Mac. ——— Can confirm this way works for TEW. You just have to deal with the watermark, the “hey, license this” popups and no settings changes. If you’re just using Parallels to play TEW, installing it and using Parallels’ Coherence feature to play is super smooth. Can just create a link to your desktop or applications folder and, boom, the game pulls up in its own window like you’re running the game on Wine.
  8. Believe Adam has said it's just Windows. Most of the Mac users on here, including myself, has found that Parallels with a free (and legal) download of Windows is the way to go. It's practically flawless once you get it set up.
  9. man, putting Rusev in Hager’s place would be phenomenal
  10. SPLASH! looks like a lot of fun. I’ve been interested in a DDT-type promotion either in the C-Verse or the T-Verse. Would make for a good dynasty.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SomeLazyMagic" data-cite="SomeLazyMagic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47493" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm so damn excited for the return of the Thunderverse and getting to see how some of my favorite talents and promotions have changed, but my biggest curiosity has to be specifically with the AWF and PWI. The <p> </p><p> AWF was in such a state of limbo after the Dark Days that I'm curious whether that improved or got worse, and if so, who or what caused those further changes. </p><p> </p><p> With PWI on the other hand, I want to know if Shane Allman finally became his own worst enemy and hurt his brand somehow. He's not exactly the nicest man after all!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>I used to think that Saul was just going to make change after change to CWT until it was anything but its old self, but after the rebirth of the NWA under Billy Corgan, I could definitely see CWT making a bit of a comeback using nostalgia as their vehicle for success</strong>. Alternatively, I could also see Saul & Briscoe having a big split and lead to the creation of a whole new promotion by Saul as a big FU to JD...but that just be me looking for ways to see the EVOLVE promotion as a starting company to play with.</p></div></blockquote><p> I had an idea for a save to have CWT become the flagship of the AWC and run a show like NWA Powerrr, thanks to Saul’s leadership. Would be cool to see CWT go in a nostalgia-based direction.</p>
  12. <p>I do wonder if DRAGON will continue in their current form, since they usually get raided a decent bit by both American and Japanese promotions. (And, if we’re still talking parallels, Dragon Gate USA is no more.) Maybe PWI bought them out and created a killer Junior/Cruiserweight division.</p><p> </p><p> If CWT bites the dust and PWI takes a step back, there might be room in the Mid South or South East for an AEW-like promotion, too. Just thinking out loud.</p>
  13. One of the biggest things for me, and it’s probably not that big of a deal to many, is the consistent style of all the pictures. The renders are awesome. I also agree with what The Celt said about characters. The Japanese scene in the C-Verse feels really flat to me, especially Burning Hammer. UPJ has been one of my favorite games because of the characters, even if there are very obvious parallels to Tanahashi, Omega, Nakamura, Liger, etc. on the roster. Speaking of which, if the powers that be want any ideas for UPJ’s expansion — check Dalton’s game updates in the 2016 thread.
  14. my hype levels are through the dang roof for this game now Interested in seeing if CWT pulled through and how much Allman being a dick has affected PWI. A resurgent AWF would be fun.
  15. Had a blast reading this one. Loved a lot of what you did — and hope AEW would consider some of it IRL — and I’ll be following along with whatever dynasties you do in 2020.
  16. This save is really making me hope Japan in the C-Verse is strong for 2020. Although I’ve never been crazy about the Burning Hammer name, I’d love to take them for a spin when it comes out.
  17. I can dig it, especially since I've got Hart and Gilmour together now. Mackenzie just hit Time Decline, but I like the idea of a British/European outsider stable. Could also use this to freshen up Deguchi-gun and FEARLESS with some young talent.
  18. They’ve got Mercury, I believe, but that’s it. PWI has been able to hold onto their dudes. It’s strange. And the logo is the *American* Puro Society one. Forgot the American in there. It’s not great, but it’s a placeholder and something I can jettison for a name.
  19. Dragon is No. 2 only to Kinjo in my Show Stoppers tab on the Creative Meeting. I've been fortunate with Time Decline at the moment, only Graham Mackenzie and Ram Diablo have it at the moment. He could have an incredible junior rivalry with Storm in the future. Since I'm such a big fan of Okada, I find booking Yamawaki so fun. But then I realized he had his title run via UPJ Invitational shot instead of winning the Summit, so getting it here made total sense. And Prophet is a machine in angles and got insanely over in Japan — A across the board —*despite him being No. 5 among the five stable aces in terms of success and wins. As for the Summit, me moving back Ascension (my version of NJPW's Dominion) because of the bigger Junior Mountain tournament made me fuse what I would normally do there into the Summit Final. - I'll get to this later, but AWF has stuck around at Cult while PWI has stayed steady at National. The wrestling industry and the economy in the U.S. are very low, so I got to broke the bank to go get Hart. - Excellent chemistry between Grace and Cody have made The Fallen a red-hot tag team for The Brotherhood. Grace is in the Next Big Things for me still, so there might be a single run coming from him down the road, even if he's small. - The cage match was just an idea, know it's not very puro. I'm trying to figure out a way to get a Juro-EVR match where interferences and all that won't happen. Any suggestions? - Yasutake just isn't getting over for me yet. Maybe it's a bad roll or something. The Summit helped him some, maybe that can turn things on for him. This makes me sad. Deguchi has been the centerpiece to my two favorite feuds so far, and Deguchi-gun just freaking owns as a stable name. He's a heck of a comrade for Kinjo in The United Throne. Not going to be an ultra star or even a serious world title contender, but he clicks so well with so many people. He's starting to take off for me. Perfect in RENEGADES, already has a past connection to TEMPEST, rocks in promos, and just fits the cocky nature of the stable. I hired his girlfriend to be a manager for the stable, and it's worked out quite well. I hate that he had to retire for you, but man, I love the idea of him as a stable leader as a mouthpiece. I started an alliance with PWI and GBWF and took the Puro Society logo from the database. It's great to be able to borrow PWI guys for one-offs, especially with Morton's past with UPJ. At some point, he's going to either face off with his old FlatLine partner Eda or team up again. I might have been too reactionary in just not re-upping with him because he hadn't worked out for me, because I like the character and the idea of him. But man, he just wasn't clicking. I cut bait with Strength and Honour early, and Yamashita never picked up a mentor. Sad, because I thought there was potential there. Girven is on the cusp of becoming a big deal for me. I'm thinking that when Deguchi starts to decline, he puts his attention on Girven becoming the next top gaijin in the promotion. The Best Buds trio of Girven-Igelsias-Jordan have been the backbone of Deguchi-gun. Yeah, Ignite Zero coming back for a run with the belts is the beginning of the end for P&T. They both have gotten popped for steroids recently and are just alright in the ring now. They were big-time weapons for Deguchi when he turned on Kinjo, but now they're just temperamental gatekeepers. Furosoto's performance skills are excellent for me right now, and I loved the idea of Storm being threatened by him as soon as he joined RENEGADES. The switch to being a face and the blue mask was fun, and it gave Iesada something to do — trying to reform him as a "coach" of sorts and taking the junior division back from the clutches of RENEGADES and The Brotherhood. Ram had good chemistry with Eda, which made sense for a tag title run. Eda is always going to be a B-tier worker for me, so they helped each other out for a while. But now Diablo is starting to wear down, and I might not keep Eda around forever. I *just* now was able to sign Dragon Prince because he finally met some sort of owner goal — either basics or safety, I think —*but he won't be a young lion for too long. Also "Young Lion" is a loose definition there. It's mostly "tournament for young dudes who haven't gotten out of enhancement/opener status yet." DRAGON doesn't have a TV deal either and are basically where they started at, popularity-wise. Naruto, who I let go because he was in time decline and wasn't exclusive to me, is still the head booker and the champion at 43. They've still got Jay Paro and Jarid Hart, but the top real-deal talent is gone and they've signed a bunch of weird indy dudes. Still at Cult (B- across the board in the US and has been stuck there for a while), behind a National PWI (B+ in the US), which is just behind me in the global rankings. Not sure if there was a scandal or something, because I can't figure out how they've plateaued while PWI is decently ahead. They're also strong financially, which makes the Hart poach even weirder, now that I look at it. Jordan hasn't quite caught on as a singles guy yet, but as I mentioned earlier, yes to Girven. Jordan will probably get there soon. I love his work. Hasn't had anything lower than a B+ since the middle of last year. Machine. Not sure yet. The United Throne needs more blood outside of being Kinjo + Eikichi + Kozue and HashiWara in the junior division. This might be where a Yasutake push fits in.
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