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Everything posted by Zero

  1. January 1985 - March 1985 WWF WWF IC - Greg Valentine 1x WWF Television - Jim Duggan 1x WWF Women's - Wendi Richter 1x WWF World Heavyweight - Hulk Hogan 1x WWF World Tag Team - The Iron Shiek and Nikolai Volkoff 1x JCP JCP Junior Heavyweight - Dean Malenko 1x JCP Tag Team - Larry and Curt Hennig (story below)1x JCP United States - Nikita Koloff 1x JCP Women's - Judy Martin 1x JCP World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x JCP Television - Dutch Mantel 2x 1x Originally, Gibson and Morton won the belts but Morton went down with a broken neck. Gibson held a try out for young talent to become his partner. Curt Hennig won the bid but turned on Gibson right away by introducing his father as his partner.
  2. the mod? Wait for someone to fix it or fix it yourself. It usually takes a few weeks for updated mods
  3. Needs work. I spent from the day the demo came out working on it (and 1980) to get it where I want. I think I ran at least 15 simulations to see where the problems were. Most relationships are negative so that's probably the most difficult part.
  4. 1985 by Matt Shannon, I think it is called Risky Business. Yes to all of your questions.
  5. Great question. My previous game was 1987-2010, so starting in 85 is already vastly different as I get to use certain stars a different way (for example bringing in Jerry Lawler to the WWF, build new tag teams, and MOST importantly, I was able to convince Jesse The Body Ventura to return from retirement. Plus, TEW 2020 has already thrown me for a loop when Andre the Giant decided to leave for politics. Which sucks because I wanted to do some things with him before he started to decline) I'm also going to run JCP for awhile (or I may make them my main company). I want to see what would happen if Magnum TA doesn't get hurt. Also, the tag division alone is worth it. So to answer your question, yes. Some things will not change, as I do love certain events from real life (Michaels vs. Jannetty (but what promotion?!). I also want to finally have a good run with Yokozuna (my favorite as a kid), he hated me in my previous game so he would never sign.
  6. With the game coming out tomorrow and a lot of people already preparing their new games for full play, I wanted to get my favorite thread from TEW2016 going. January 1985 - February 1985 *I'm playing a two player game as WWF and JCP until I decide which promotion I enjoy the most. WWF WWF Television- Jim Duggan 1x WWF Tag Team- The Iron Shiek and Nikolai Volkoff 1x WWF IC- Greg Valentine 1x WWF World - Hulk Hogan 1x 1985 Royal Rumble Winner- Rowdy Roddy Piper JCP JCP World Television- Vacant JCP Tag Team- The Road Warriors 1x JCP Light-Heavyweight- Owen Hart 1x JCP United States- Vacant (Wahoo injured) JCP World Heavyweight- Ric Flair 1x Will eventually pick one promotion. But this will be my main save
  7. <p>Don't hire everyone. I make have spots. If a guy goes down I fill his or her spot. Keeps the roster tight.</p><p> </p><p> Also, release top talent into the world. Let other promotions have a run with them. </p><p> </p><p> Make the game hard.</p>
  8. It seems match time defaults to 15 minutes. Is it possible to get it to default to ZERO.
  9. One issue that I dislike about the booking screen is when I go to book an angle with multiple people and I hit TAB to quickly move through the screen that it always goes to SCRIPT instead of the next person. Also, can we make it so SCRIPT is always checked instead of not checked. I always script promos unless a talent dislikes it.
  10. I do exactly the same. I plan from Mania to Mania or Starrcade to Starrcade.
  11. I'm in. Spent the last few weeks converting an 85 mod. It is where I want it and my only issue is picking WWF or JCP. Right now, I'm doing both
  12. Golden Age was the GOAT mod. Had my favorite save (87-2010) on it.
  13. I use a Microsoft Word. I make a column that is six down and two across (symbolizing the calendar). I will then put the months in each spot. I will book from MAJOR SHOW TO MAJOR SHOW. Wrestle Mania to Summer Slam then Summer Slam to Wrestle Mania If I have longer term plans I will lay them out as well. Usually it is just the World Title feud
  14. Genadi's (I messed that up) 1987 is the greatest mod I've ever played for TEW 16. 1985 Risky Business is right there as well
  15. I got to October or November 2010. I had all my plans until March (Mania). Plan on starting a game at 80 or 85. Probably 85
  16. Similar. My long term save on TEW 16 got corrupted, and I don't want to start a new save but I'm bored waiting for 20.
  17. You can convert all these yourselves and for the most part are pretty good right off the bat. I've been modifying the 1980 data since BETA was released and I'm extremely happy with how the world turns out two months in. The hardest part with 1980 data is making sure CWA (Europe), NJPW, and AJPW don't sign everyone to exclusive deals. For example, those three sign Hogan, Race, Flair, and a few others to exclusive written deals right away.
  18. I can't speak for the 93 data but 87 and 85 are top notch. 80 is great as well but needs a little work
  19. I would like to be able to scroll with the mouse on the ANGLE screen when booking an ANGLE. ----------------------------------------- I would like to be able to pick the winner without opening up the road agents notes.
  20. Not sure. Error 3077 or something (I don't remember). Looked it up in Tech Support, followed the directions but the backup was corrupted as well. No idea how it happened. Oh well. I have older versions of the save but I decided to let it die. Yesterday, was not a good day hah.
  21. Depends on you. I pick and choose from history. For example, I will always book the Attitude Era Pay Per View Main Events extremely similar. The other matches are different but I always have that Rock vs. Mankind feud from 98-99. From Montreal Screwjob - Mania 15 is replicated (ALWAYS). For my new game (WWF 1980), my goal is to book up until Hogan's title reign however I want. So far (one month in, I stopped playing until TEW 2020 is released) it is a blast. Giving Bruno one last big real run, bringing in Billy Graham. Making Andre the Giant an unstoppable killing machine (for years is my goal).
  22. March 1987 - October 2010 WWE World Television Tag Team - Alex Riley and The Miz 2x WWE World Television - Nick Aldis 1x WWE Lightweight - Brian Kendrick 2x WWE Women - Mickie James 5x WWE World Tag Team - Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase 3x WWE IC - Samoa Joe 1x WWE World Heavyweight - CM Punk 1x
  23. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>March 1987 - August 2010<p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Fatu Tribe 1x (Jonathon and Joshua Fatu)</p><p> WWE World Television - Tyler Black 3x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 3x</p><p> WWE Women - AJ Lee 1x</p><p> WWE World Tag Team - Edge and Christian 7x</p><p> WWE IC - Sheamus 2x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - John Cena 5x</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> March 1987 - September 2010</p><p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Alex Riley and The Miz 2x</p><p> WWE World Television - Nick Aldis 1x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - Kenta 3x</p><p> WWE Women - Melina 1x</p><p> WWE World Tag Team - Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase 3x</p><p> WWE IC - Cesaro 3x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - CM Punk 1x</p>
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