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Everything posted by Zero

  1. I end them and if it was supposed to transition into something new I just start a new one.
  2. Yup. I had a moment earlier in the game where I asked myself "Do I turn on Sting?" and I had to. Sting has had one great rise. Originally, Flair recruited him into the group so he wouldn't have to face him. Sting won a tournament for a shot against Flair but vacated it after Flair asked him to show respect. After he vacated the shot, Flair got everyone to turn on Flair and Luger. The plan is for Sting to eventually win the title at Starrcade 91 (The Horsemen will be leaving WCW as group for the WWF). My plan is for WCW to blossom with a huge youth movement (Sting, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack, Big Van Vader, Rick Rude, etc) only for them to return several years later (with Hogan).
  3. January 85 - September 1990 WWF WWF IC - British Bulldog 2x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Stan Lane 1x WWF Television - Earthquake 4x WWF World Tag Team - Rock N Roll Express 1x WWF World Heavyweight- Hulk Hogan 6x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Brian Pillman 2x WCW Tag Team - Bam Bam Bigelow and Bruiser Brody 2x WCW World Television - Eddie Gilbert 1x WCW United States - Rick Rude 1x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x *WWF fired Benoit half way through the month for causing problems. Gorgeous George III debuted at Summer Slam as a member of Million Dollar Inc. only to break his arm in the match and is out for three months. The Undertaker also debuted as a member. I'm not sure what my plans are for Undertaker. Mark Calloway was available and I don't have any need for him. I do have the big picture set from 1990-1994. Dynamite Kid's contract ran out (he is currently in rehab. WCW signed The Brain Busters back. *Having a lot of fun booking WCW. Flair has had the belt for over 15 months. Has around 30 defenses. I''m getting ready to finally pull the trigger on Sting. Sting has been battling The Horsemen to finally get to Flair. He has had two chances to defeat Flair (Great American Bash and SuperClash 2; each time he has been turned on (Shawn Michaels originally and then Lex Luger).
  4. Good topic. I will admit I have never ONCE played in the default universe since TEW first came out. I've attempted several times but I give up. However, I love all of it. I love reading the biographies and often import Cornellverse talent into my game. I do this by their biography or just their name alone and I will edit their stats if need be. I usually play historic mods so it is fun watching guys from the Cornellverse debut and work in my game world.
  5. January 85 - August 1990 WWF WWF IC - Rick Martel 1x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Chris Benoit 2x WWF Television - The Berzerker 1x WWF World Tag Team - The Brain Busters 4x WWF World Heavyweight The Ultimate Warrior 1x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Brian Pillman 2x WCW Tag Team - Freebirds 1x WCW World Television - Dutch Mantel 1x WCW United States - Nikita Koloff 2x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x
  6. January 85 - July 1990 WWF WWF IC - Rick Martel 1x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Chris Benoit 2x WWF Television - The Berzerker 1x WWF World Tag Team - The Hart Foundation 6x WWF World Heavyweight The Ultimate Warrior 1x King of the Ring - Hulk Hogan 1x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Brian Pillman 2x WCW Tag Team - Freebirds 1x WCW World Television - Ron Simmons 2x WCW United States - Nikita Koloff 2x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x
  7. Yes. I've had Hogan, Piper, and Andre all out making movies at the same time. Devastated by plans. Savage and Warrior have carried the roster. WCW dominated the whole time.
  8. January 85 - June 1990 WWF WWF IC - Rick Martel 1x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Dynamite Kid 2x WWF Television - Earthquake 3x WWF World Tag Team - The Hart Foundation 6x WWF World Heavyweight The Ultimate Warrior 1x WWF Tag Team Classic Winners- The Brain Busters 1x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Brian Pillman 2x WCW Tag Team - Freebirds 1x WCW World Television - Ron Simmons 2x WCW United States - Nikita Koloff 2x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x TNT Tag Team Tournament - FreeBirds 1x
  9. I was thinking more about this and another pair that I always hire are Steve Corino and Christopher Daniels. I started hiring them as a tag team and calling them Death Inc. since EWR. Ever version has had different success. Sometimes they are the main event tag team in games and sometimes they are middle of the road, or just jobbers. I always hire them though.
  10. January 85 - May 1990 WWF WWF IC - The Honky Tonk Man 4x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Chris Benoit 1x WWF Television - Earthquake 3x WWF World Tag Team - The Hart Foundation 5x WWF World Heavyweight The Ultimate Warrior 1x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Brian Pillman 2x WCW Tag Team - Road Warriors 2x WCW World Television - Ron Simmons 2x WCW United States - Steve Williams 2x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x
  11. I do the same with Tatanka. Never a main event world title push but always a mainstay in the IC division from 91-97
  12. January 85 - April 1990 WWF WWF IC - The Honky Tonk Man 4x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Chris Benoit 1x WWF Television - Earthqake 3x WWF World Tag Team - The Hart Foundation 5x WWF World Heavyweight The Ultimate Warrior 1x Muhammad Ali Mr. Wrestle Mania Winner - Big Bossman 1x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Brian Pillman 2x WCW Tag Team - Bam Bam Bigelow and Bruiser Brody 1x WCW World Television - Masahiro Chono 2x WCW United States - Nikita Koloff 1x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x
  13. <p>Answer questions </p><p> 1. Easy. What big matches do you want to see at your big show? Think of the matches and book backwards. How will you get here? I typically book from April (Post Mania) through August (To Summer Slam) and from September (Post Summer Slam) through March (Wrestle Mania). I use a word document that is broken into tables with the month at the top. </p><p> 2. After I finish a season finale, I ask myself “What is the next big match?” Or “Who would make an interesting challenger” And I go from there.</p><p> 3. Look above. What are feuds that you would like to see, think about a way to get there</p><p> 4. I don’t go into too much detail. Usually when I’m working out I think about the game and book in my head. If you were to open up my game and look at my stories, you wouldn’t get much. If you ask me personally what the plans are, I could tell you.</p><p> 5. I push who I want to see get over (and who the fans are rooting for)</p><p> 6. Depends. I usually send rookies to development for quite some time. I sign veterans and send them there as well. They get upset but OH WELL.</p><p> 7. I fire everyone or go into the editor and release pretty much everyone. If I have a top talent I don’t plan on using, I will release him. I want the game world to be competitive.</p>
  14. My only piece of advice is don't be afraid to let talent go. Let the world get competitive
  15. January 85 - February 1990 WWF WWF IC - The Honky Tonk Man 4x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Jushin Liger 6x WWF Television - Jim Duggan 4x WWF Women - Lisa Moretti 1x WWF World Tag Team - The Brain Busters 2x WWF World Heavyweight - Randy Savage 2x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Chris Benoit 1x WCW Tag Team - Bam Bam Bigelow and Bruiser Brody 1x WCW World Television - Owen Hart 1x WCW United States - Steve Williams 1x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x *No big updates. Hogan is still out filming a movie until May. Andre is leaving in April to film a movie. Booking WWF has been a real challenge compared to WCW. WCW has been a lot of fun with booking the rise of Sting to dethrone Ric Flair. Horseman Stable Ric Flair Shawn Michaels Sid Barry Windham *Looking to slowly downsize both WCW and WWF rosters. I have too many top talents on both shows that everything is getting clogged. Plan on moving Dusty Rhodes back to WCW for a final run. *I just concluded The Free Birds vs. Diamond Exchange story. Free Birds won the war against Diamond Exchange (DDP, Vinnie Vegas, and Diamond Studd) so now DDP, Vegas, and Studd are feuding with each other in loser leave town matches. Plan is for Scott Hall to join the WWF as Razor Ramon, have Kevin Nash go on vacation and return as OZ. Hoping to strap DDP with another talent.
  16. January 85 - February 1990 WWF WWF IC - The Honky Tonk Man 4x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Jushin Liger 6x WWF Television - Earthquake 2x WWF Women - Lisa Moretti 1x WWF World Tag Team - The Brain Busters 2x WWF World Heavyweight - Randy Savage 2x The Royal Rumble - The Ultimate Warrior WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Chris Benoit 1x WCW Tag Team - Bam Bam Bigelow and Bruiser Brody 1x WCW World Television - Owen Hart 1x WCW United States - Steve Williams 1x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x
  17. WWF -King of the Ring (32 Man Tournament) -The Royal Rumble (30, 40, or 50 man battle royal with winner getting a shot at any title at Wrestle Mania) -Gorgeous George Memorial Tournament (64 man tournament, winner is considered the best wrestler of the year) -Rookie of the Year (32 man tournament where I call up my top 32 talents from my developmental promotions, and the winner gets a roster spot) -Tag Team Cup (16 man tag tournament)
  18. January 85 - January 1990 WWF WWF IC - Big Bossman 1x WWF Light-Heavyweight - Jushin Liger 6x WWF Television - Earthquake 2x WWF Women - Lisa Moretti 1x WWF World Tag Team - Hart Foundation 4x WWF World Heavyweight - Randy Savage 2x WCW WCW Cruiserweight - Chris Benoit 1x WCW Tag Team - Legion of Doom 1x WCW World Television - Masahiro Chono 1x WCW United States - The Great Muta 1x WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x End of the Year Awards Wrestler - Ric Flair (88, 84, 83, 82) Team Team - Magnum TA and Tatsumu Fujinami Young - Mick Foley Veteran - Dusty Rhodes Female - Lola Gonzalez Independent - Ric Flair (85) Company - WCW Most Improved - WWF Match - Stan Hansen vs. Magnum TA Card - WCW Starrcade 1989 Manager - Paul Heyman Announcer - Vince McMahon (86) Color - Paul Heyman (88) Ref - Joe Higuchi Top 10 1. Ric Flair 2. Stan Hansen 3. Vader 4. Dusty Rhodes 5. Randy Savage 6. Roddy piper 7. Jake Roberts 8. Jesse Ventura 9. Curt Hennig 10. Steve Williams
  19. Yup. If you want to recreate Superstars from late 80s/early 90s you will have your fair share of mediocre match ratings. I book 50/50 with my low card talent. For example, David Schultz is now a jobber for me. On my A show he jobs to top talent, but on by B Show I have no name talent job to him. That way he keeps his popularity at a decent place but takes plenty of losses
  20. I mean how high of a rating? I've run squash matches that got low 70s but it shouldn't be much higher. The average is 40 or 50s
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49442" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>January 85 - November 1989<p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF</span></strong></p><p> WWF IC - Big Bossman 1x</p><p> WWF Light-Heavyweight - Dynamite Kid 1x</p><p> WWF Television - Earthquake 2x</p><p> WWF Women - Lisa Moretti 1x</p><p> WWF World Tag Team - The Brain Busters 1x</p><p> WWF World Heavyweight - Randy Savage 2x </p><p> WWF Gorgeous George Tournament Winner - Randy Savage 1x</p><p> </p><p> *Savage was defending the belt on Superstars and I accidentally selected Bret Hart to win. Savage won it back the next week on Superstars in Calgary. Bret might be getting a singles push though because he's been putting on stellar matches.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW</span></strong></p><p> WCW Cruiserweight - Jushin Liger 2x</p><p> WCW Tag Team - Varsity Club (Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotunda) 1x</p><p> WCW World Television - Ron Simmons 1x</p><p> WCW United States - Jesse Ventura 1x</p><p> WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> January 85 - December 1989</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF</span></strong></p><p> WWF IC - Big Bossman 1x</p><p> WWF Light-Heavyweight - Dynamite Kid 1x</p><p> WWF Television - Earthquake 2x</p><p> WWF Women - Lisa Moretti 1x</p><p> WWF World Tag Team - Hart Foundation 4x</p><p> WWF World Heavyweight - Randy Savage 2x </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW</span></strong></p><p> WCW Cruiserweight - Jushin Liger 2x</p><p> WCW Tag Team - Steiner Brothers 2x</p><p> WCW World Television - Masahiro Chono 1x</p><p> WCW United States - Jesse Ventura 1x</p><p> WCW World Heavyweight - Ric Flair 1x</p>
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