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Everything posted by Zero

  1. March 1987 - August 2010 WWE World Television Tag Team - Fatu Tribe 1x (Jonathon and Joshua Fatu) WWE World Television - Tyler Black 3x WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 3x WWE Women - AJ Lee 1x WWE World Tag Team - Edge and Christian 7x WWE IC - Sheamus 2x WWE World Heavyweight - John Cena 5x
  2. <p>I'm glad we got new members for the forum, get things going and stay fresh. I'm sad the game is getting postponed, I finally finished modding the 1980 data (after starting around 100 games and going back to edit). Oh well, I will play my two months then cruise back to TEW 16 to continue my 1987 - 2010 game.</p><p> </p><p> As for the game, I'm satisfied with TEW 2020. The bugs are getting fixed, the interface while not great compared to previous games doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm diggin' it</p>
  3. Something that I hope Adam could make tweak in an update would be for the ability to select the winner on the main booking screen. I dislike clicking the road agent note to select the winner. I'm very hands off with road agent notes unless it is a pay per view but for television shows, I always pick a winner. I wouldn't mind for that to be quicker.
  4. No question, but dang this game is harder. I can't get a decent rating to save my life
  5. Doesn't add or takeaway for me. I book what I want just like Vince
  6. <p>Wanted to give my take on the game (for the record, I've played every version since EWR 4)</p><p> </p><p> User Interface = I don't really have a problem with it. Every game takes time getting used to. I had a really hard time getting into TEW 2016 and anyone that has followed my game on the 16 forums know I finally stuck with it. I think the only screen that bothers me is the office. Too many buttons but I also haven't spent enough time on it (since I've been editing). I just need to learn where everything is. Eventually I will get there.</p><p> </p><p> Editor - I have no issue with it. I think the notepad is helpful for people who make actual MODS. I like the drop down menus a lot. I like the search features, etc. </p><p> </p><p> Actual Gameplay - No comment. Haven't really played that much. I do have an issue with the card screen. I wish it wasn't aligned in the middle.</p><p> </p><p> Booking Matches - Should be quicker.</p><p> </p><p> Overall rating so far = 6/10</p><p> </p><p> I haven't played the game enough to enjoy it but I have found modding my future 1980 game extremely easy. </p><p> </p><p> I gave TEW 16 a 5/10 (it is a 8/10) in my book.</p>
  7. Convert a 1980, 83, or 85 database and spend a week or so updating it.
  8. 1. Shawn Michaels 2. Bruiser Brody 3. Mankind 4. The Undertaker 5. Stan Hansen
  9. Yup, around 2002. I played with them as well for fun. I kept WCW as a brand for three or four years as well
  10. March 1987 - July 2010 WWE World Television Tag Team - Ring Of Honor 1x (Davey Richards and Austin Aries) WWE World Television - Sebastian Mendez 1x WWE Lightweight - Kenta 2x WWE World Tag Team - Jado and Gedo 2x WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x WWE IC - Prince Devitt 2x WWE World Heavyweight - John Cena 5x King of the Ring Winner - CM Punk 2010 Hall of Fame Inductees Etsuku Mita -WWE Women's 4x -WCW Women's 2x Madusa -WWE Women's 4x Demolition -WWE Tag Team 2x Davey Boy Smith -WWE Money in the Bank 2x -WWE Tag Team Champion 6x -WCW World War Winner -WWE IC 7x -WWE Television 1x -WWE Tag Team 1x The Steiner Brothers -WWE Tag Team Classic 1x -WWE Tag Team Titles 8x -WCW Tag Team Cup Winner 3x -WCW Tag Team Titles 5x Dean Malenko -WWE Tag Team Titles 8x -WWE Television 1x -WWE Lightweight 5x -WCW Cruiserweight 1x Diamond Dallas Page -WWE Television 1x -WWE IC 3x -WCW United States 1x -WCW World Television 1x Terry Funk -WCW Lord of the Ring Tournament Winner -WCW Tag Team Cup Winner -WWE Television 1x -Was always a Main Event talent for me, just never won the title.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>March 1987 - May 2010<p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - The Miz and Alex Riley 1x</p><p> WWE World Television - Tyler Black 2x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 2x</p><p> WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x</p><p> WWE IC - Dolph Ziggler 1x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Bryan Danielson 1x</p><p> </p><p> WWE Tag Team Cup Tournament Winner - Edge and Christian 1x</p><p> WWE Lightweight Invitational - PJ Black 1x</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> March 1987 - June 2010</p><p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Miz and Alex Riley 1x</p><p> WWE World Television - Jushin Liger 1x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - Kenta 2x</p><p> WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x</p><p> WWE IC - Claudio - 2x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Bryan Danielson 1x</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> My goal is to keep playing this game until I finish modding the 1985 data I convert to TEW20. After that, this game will be done.</p>
  12. March 1987 - May 2010 WWE World Television Tag Team - The Miz and Alex Riley 1x WWE World Television - Tyler Black 2x WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 2x WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x WWE IC - Dolph Ziggler 1x WWE World Heavyweight - Bryan Danielson 1x WWE Tag Team Cup Tournament Winner - Edge and Christian 1x WWE Lightweight Invitational - PJ Black 1x
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>March 1987 - March 2010<p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Michael Bennett and Karl Stevenson 1x</p><p> WWE World Television - Jon Moxley 5x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - Kofi Kingston 3x</p><p> WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x</p><p> WWE IC - Bobby Roode 1x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Shawn Michaels 11x</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> March 1987 - April 2010</p><p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Motor City Machine Guns 4x</p><p> WWE World Television - Tyler Black 2x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 2x</p><p> WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x</p><p> WWE IC - Dolph Ziggler 1x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Bryan Danielson 1x</p><p> </p><p> WWE Money in the Bank - CM Punk 1x</p>
  14. March 1987 - March 2010 WWE World Television Tag Team - Michael Bennett and Karl Stevenson 1x WWE World Television - Jon Moxley 5x WWE Lightweight - Kofi Kingston 3x WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x WWE IC - Bobby Roode 1x WWE World Heavyweight - Shawn Michaels 11x
  15. March 1987 - February 2010 WWE World Television Tag Team - Wade Barrett and Brodie Lee 2x WWE World Television - Jon Moxley 5x WWE Women - Gail Kim 5x WWE Lightweight - Kofi Kingston 3x WWE World Tag Team - Edge and Christian 6x WWE IC - Bobby Roode 1x WWE World Heavyweight - Steve Austin 7x WWE Queen of the Ring (32 Woman Tournament) - Gail Kim (07) WWE Female Rumble Winner - Joanie The Hulk Laurer (09) WWE Royal Rumble Winner - Bryan Danielson
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>March 1987 - December 2009<p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Hawkins and Ryder 2x</p><p> WWE World Television - Tyler Black 1x</p><p> WWE Women - Gail Kim 4x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 1x</p><p> WWE World Tag Team - Edge and Christian 6x</p><p> WWE IC - CM Punk 3x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Brock Lesnar 1x</p><p> </p><p> WWE Memorial Tournament Winner - Kenny Omega 2x</p><p> *128 Man Annual Tournament</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">March 1987 - January 2010</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Hawkins and Ryder 2x</p><p> WWE World Television - Tyler Black 1x</p><p> WWE Women - Rebecca Knox 1x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - Sensational Dragon 1x</p><p> WWE World Tag Team - Edge and Christian 6x</p><p> WWE IC - CM Punk 3x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Kurt Angle 6x</p><p> </p><p> WWE Rookie of the Year - Cliff Compton</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">End of the Year Awards</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Wrestler of the Year - Sting</p><p> Tag Team - Heavy Metal and Jack Bruce</p><p> Young - Cody Rhodes</p><p> Veteran - Bill Goldberg</p><p> Female - Joanie The Hulk Laurer</p><p> Independent - Honky Tonk Man</p><p> Company - WWE (15x)</p><p> Most Improved- Mid Atlantic Wrestling</p><p> Match of the Year - Kenny Omega vs. H. Tanahashi</p><p> Card - Survivor Series</p><p> Manager - Missy Hyatt (07, 01, 97, 95, 94, 91, 90)</p><p> Announcer - Ichiro Furutachi (08, 07, 06, 05, 00, 98, 97, 96)</p><p> Color - Lex Luger</p><p> Ref - El Tirantes </p><p> </p><p> Top 10 of the 100</p><p> </p><p> 1.Sting</p><p> 2. Goldberg</p><p> 3. Peter Brainridge</p><p> 4. Vader</p><p> 5. Chris Benoit</p><p> 6. Jack Bruce</p><p> 7. Rocky Golden</p><p> 8. Edge</p><p> 9. Martien Diez</p><p> 10. AJ Styles</p>
  17. March 1987 - December 2009 WWE World Television Tag Team - Hawkins and Ryder 2x WWE World Television - Tyler Black 1x WWE Women - Gail Kim 4x WWE Lightweight - PJ Black 1x WWE World Tag Team - Edge and Christian 6x WWE IC - CM Punk 3x WWE World Heavyweight - Brock Lesnar 1x WWE Memorial Tournament Winner - Kenny Omega 2x *128 Man Annual Tournament
  18. March 1987 - November 2009 WWE World Television Tag Team - Hawkins and Ryder 2x WWE World Television - David Flair 1x WWE Women - Mickie James 4x WWE Lightweight - Kenta 1x WWE World Tag Team - Lashley and Brian Cage 6x WWE IC - CM Punk 3x WWE World - Kenny Omega 1x
  19. March 1987 - October 2009 WWE World Television Tag Team - Motor City Machine Guns 3x WWE World Television - Johnny Nitro 1x WWE Women - Mickie James 4x WWE Lightweight - Kenta 1x WWE World Tag Team - SoCal Uncensored 2x WWE IC - Christian 3x WWE World Heavyweight - Kenny Omega 1x
  20. March 1987 - September 2009 WWE World Television Tag Team - Basham Brothers 2x WWE World Television - Johnny Nitro 1x WWE Women - Mickie James 4x WWE Lightweight - Pac 1x WWE World Tag Team - Alpha Animals (Lashley and Cage) 5x WWE IC - Sheamus 1x WWE World Heavyweight - Kenny Omega 1x
  21. Maybe. I will buy the day it comes out and transfer the 1985 data over and see what kind of mess it is (or hopefully isn't) and start my new game that I've been waiting to get working on.
  22. March 1987 - August 2009 WWE World Television Tag Team - Basham Brothers 2x WWE World Television - Dolph Ziggler 3x WWE Women - Mickie James 4x WWE Lightweight - Tyler Black 3x WWE World Tag Team - Socal Uncensored (Chris Daniels/F Kazarian) 1x WWE IC - Sheamus (1x) WWE World Heavyweight - AJ Styles 2x
  23. March 1987 - July 2009 WWE World Television Tag Team - Brodie Lee and Wade Barrett 1x WWE World Television - Jay Briscoe 1x WWE Women - Nattie Neidhart 3x WWE Lightweight - Tyler Black 3x WWE World Tag Team - MNM 4x WWE IC - Sheamus 1x WWE World Heavyweight - Kurt angle 5x 2009 King of the Ring Winner - Hiroshi Tanahashi 2009 Hall of Fame Inductees Big Boss Man -Never won an award but was a Main Event talent from 89-94 Rena Mero -Playboy -1x Women's Terri Power -5x Women's The Warrior -2x World Heavyweight -King of the Ring Winner -2x WCW Tag Team Lord of the Ring Winner (both with Sting) -Royal Rumble Winner -2x BWI World Heavyweight Champion (Alliance Belt) -4x IC Champion The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) -5x WWE Tag Team Champions -1x WCW Tag Team Champions Malenko Brothers (Joe and Dean Malenko) -3x WWE Tag Team Champions
  24. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41314" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>March 1987 - May 2009<p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Brodie Lee and Wade Barrett (1x)</p><p> WWE World Television -Dolph Ziggler 2x</p><p> WWE Women - Lita 12x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - Tyler Black 3x</p><p> WWE World Tag Team - MNM 3x</p><p> WWE IC - Prince Devitt 1x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - AJ Styles 1x</p><p> </p><p> WWE Tag Team Cup - Hardy Boys (2x, previous win was 2000)</p><p> WWE Lightweight Invitational - Sebastian Mendez (2x, previous win was 2002)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> March 1987 - June 2009</p><p> </p><p> WWE World Television Tag Team - Brodie Lee and Wade Barrett 1x</p><p> WWE World Television - Jay Briscoe 1x</p><p> WWE Women - Natte Niedhart 3x</p><p> WWE Lightweight - Tyler Black 3x</p><p> WWE World Tag Team - The Hardy Boys 6cx</p><p> WWE IC - Prince Devitt 1x</p><p> WWE World Heavyweight - Kurt Angle 5x</p>
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