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Everything posted by ZMAN

  1. The way I see it, WWE is not meant to have long, sophisticated storylines. Look at who their target audience is, their attention span can't be that great. It sucks for the hardcore fans who actually want a good pay off or intelligent answers, but chances are we'll never get them. This isn't new, it's been around in WWE for a while. Nexus, WCW Invasion, GTV, Austin/Limo, anything with Kane(besides his intial/debut storyline), Austin/Brief case, Vince/Higher Power, anonymous GM... And of course, we all know that on-screen relationships mean shit.'' It's all about "moments" and very short-term stories with WWE, and that is where they truly deliver. Was the CM Punk/WWE storyline deep and evolving? Nah, but it did spawn several good moments. IMO, that's part of the reason I believe that Raven never made it that big in the WWE. The character he portrayed required more than just a 20 second promo and some hardcore matches against Viscera to get over. Whereas, a guy like Austin is simple yet effective. You don't need a crazy backstory to get Austin over, the guys character is straight to the point and requires no complex story. Austin is a moments guy, Raven is a story guy. I mean, I'm pretty sure you can do a link-by-link analysis of several other storyline chains in the past and find tons more flaws.
  2. I remember a few year ago Undertaker said something to the What chants and they made like a "WHA-uhhhh noooo" reaction. I usually don't mind the chant. Like someone else said, it's usually during good promos, and so some reaction is better than no reaction. How do you work with a crowd that doesn't respond to you? That's no fun. IMO, the What chants are a convenience, or a good sign, for heels that are trying to get over.
  3. Yeah, it seems like they just go and read the internet's reaction, panic/feel stupid, and then go and do some drastic change to make it seem like it was all part of the plan. I guess it could be legit though, who knows. Regardless of all of that, I'm diggin' the new direction they are going whether it's intentional or just a way to cover their mess. It's nothing exciting, but it is the right direction for them at least. Make them the main feud and it's on.
  4. An old guys vs. new guys storyline would be perfect for TNA, just look at their roster. But I wouldn't trust them with that kind of storyline. In order for it to be effective, the new guys would have to win the final battle and the older guys would need to leave the promotion. I can't see TNA actually doing that, no way.
  5. Damn, TNA ruined their own MITB before WWE had a chance to ruin Daniel Bryan's. I mean, I'm with Hulkster; I don't give a **** about Roode. But it's still stupid to change plans at the last minute. Even if Bobby isn't ready, who cares? It's just the TNA belt, and Bobby can't be that terrible. There's barely anyone paying attention anyway. He's acting like Bobby was about to headline WM or something.
  6. Just feels like Punk is no longer a major player and is being replaced by John L. and HHH. I get it, the guy lost a very competitive match against HHH, totally reasonable. But having the guy lose to HHH and then take HHH's side and be like buddies (like he never even did that shoot promo) is crap. Instead of Punk trying to remove HHH from power (which makes more sense based off Punks words and actions), the role got handed to John L. for w/e fcking reason. I'm a big WWE supporter, and love the **** out of what they do, but the new direction they are going with this storyline is weak. I mean, if they want to go back to doing strong storylines with weak endings (see Nexus, Invasion) then I guess that's cool, but don't expect people to be that interested.
  7. Last years Rumble was great. I hope Beth goes for it again this year and actually makes it to the final four or something.
  8. They should do a historical reenactment of Piper/Goldust back lot brawl, at Wrestlemania this year.
  9. Yeah, also don't see why they put the belt on Del rio and then had Cena win it back. My guess... they'll have Rock accidentally cost Cena the title at Vengeance in order to build up tension. No match from Dwayne, just a simple botched run in. They reluctantly team up at SS, some kind of miscommunication happens and they lose. They bitch at each other for a few months like they did before. Dwayne shows up as a surprise entrant at RR, eliminates himself and Cena. They do the final build up to WM. Basically I'm predicting this is all leading to Rock costing Cena everything and pissing him off in order to heat up their battle at WM.
  10. I really don't see what the big deal is, ffs. It makes sense story-wise, because it would seem like if you're a wrestler that you would want to get in a warm-up match where four of the best got your back. It should also build up tension between Rock/Cena because you know something is going to happen that has them pissed off at each other in the end. It gives us a small preview of WM, adds to the feud, and gives these guys something to talk about for the 5 months going into WM. Srsly, what the hell are these guys supposed to talk about if there's nothing in between now and WM? Rock doing nothing until WM is the most boring scenario that I have ever heard, and it would not make me want to see WM more than if he had done something.
  11. R&F of WCW is decent. It did feel like they spent the majority of it just bashing the hell out of the company though. I can't imagine any passionate WCW fan relying on that DVD as a good source of information. For me it was good, because I just remember hating WCW back in the day and being such an anti-WCW mark. But I imagine if I was actually a WCW fan, then I would **** all over that dvd. Pretty much all that I learned from it was that the people working there had their heads up their asses 90% of the time. Oh and some **** about Crocket promotions was in there too.
  12. I've always wanted them to do something like this. Instead of the "Raw" and "SD" titles though, I would just stick with United States (SD) and Intercontinental (RAW). The two titles have incredible lineage(minus like, Chyna and ****), and since there's no question that they are the #2 titles (since there would only be one WWE WHC), then it shouldn't be an issue that they aren't "prestigious enough." It might be weird seeing Randy Orton as US champion at first, but it would all level out after a few months once so many big names have competed for said title. Only thing is, it's kind of a weak idea altogether if there's no brand split in place. That would lead to my new Raw 10/SD 10 brand split idea, but I don't feel like playing booker right now.
  13. omfg, nu Yoshi: http://cdn.sescoops.com/wp-content/uploads/843.jpg
  14. That's what doesn't make sense to me, is why Punk wasn't more specific with his stipulation. If you're in Punk's shoes wouldn't you say "If you lose, I want so-and-so to run the company because he's a better leader." Just seems like in a realistic scenario where if HHH gets fired, then Stephanie, Vince, or John would step up into the role. Those three are probably worse than HHH.
  15. Maybe this could mean a permanent move to Tuesdays, live?! I think it would be a cool change. Back to back live wrestling shows every week. Milamber, make Super Shows a regular thing, there's no reason not to.
  16. There's just too much suck on the SD team, and it makes Booker seem that much worse. I mean, Matthews is decent, but not enough to make Cole or Booker tolerable. JBL was good, but his title reign felt too long, and to the point where it was just draaaagging. I think it would have been better if they chopped in half and had him pick another one up later on.
  17. I never bothered getting attached to the idea of Christian as a World Champion, because it was really never meant to be taken seriously. You're crazy if you thought he was going to get the TNA treatment. He was just their last resort. Look at the SD line up. Show and Kane aren't anything new, and wanted time off. Henry needed time to be built up as a threat, which is now complete. Taker is chillin at his crib, bald and ****. And Wade, Sheamus and Rhodes can't be depended on YET. That left Christian. Reliable, good in the ring, good on the mic. He was their only choice until they were able to build up someone else(Henry). Sure, they let Christian get in a few wins, and two terribly short title reigns. That was just so the feud would drag out a little longer since they were putting on good matches anyway, and they didn't want to rush Henry's push. They still made sure that Orton eventually murdered Christian every other week. The Christian push was never really meant to be that big of a push. Oh well, at least we got good matches out of it.
  18. Nash coming back is cool, I just hope it's not a long term deal. It's nice to see an old guy hanging around after the departures of Kane and Show, though. You gotta have at least 1 or 2 legends around. Hmm, maybe XPAC will come back as well?! XPac vs. Punk would be MOTCentury. eXXXX PAAAAHC
  19. Pretty much what I'm leaning towards. Ace can't get Punk to conform to being a company man. Cena refuses to back up Ace and was the cause of Vince losing his job. Both guys have treated Ace like garbage, so neither man can be trusted. That leaves Ace with no company man, so he gives the opportunity to ADR, who of course accepts the deal. ADR puts his career in the hands of Ace. Ace now needs someone to make sure ADR gets the job done, and goes with Kevin Nash. Reason: Not only will Nash protect ADR and Ace from Punk and Cena, but from HHH as well. HHH and Nash are buddies, and now we're going to see if HHH really is all about the business, or if he'll going to back to his old ways and let his friends control his decisions. If Stephanie gets involved, I see her siding with Ace and Rio, and trying to convince her husband to follow Ace's lead. Meanwhile, Punk and Cena try to get HHH to do the right thing. Cena can continue to deliver is passionate promos at HHH, since he's really good at that. Then have Punk continue to go off like a loose cannon on Ace and Nash.
  20. Incredible show. The last 20 minutes had so many great lines/comebacks/rants. Cena may be annoying when he's doing his face gig in the ring and on the mic, but the guy is good at trash talking someone 1 on 1. I almost thought thet went too far with the shooty comments, but these two are great at timing them just right, and also know when to hit the brakes. For once, I wish I had access to PPV, cause I definitely would be ordering SS (as well as the last MITB). Fck streaming, these guys deserve my money.
  21. Damn, Crimson and D-Von must be really awesome to watch or something. Can't wait to see the best of crimson and best of dvon dvds
  22. I miss those little PPVs. They were like 10-15 dollars, and for a while I was ordering them instead of WWE's PPVs.
  23. I would have rather seen rebel Punk continue to raise hell outside of WWE for a little longer, but this will work. Hopefully he continues to anyway. Srsly wouldn't mind seeing a more serious run with the SES too.
  24. I like Fin's idea. Vince is stuck and resorts to signing the contract the Punk drew up. Omg they could make it so that it has all these wacky conditions to it, with Vince pretty much humiliating himself every week just to get his champion back. Vince is golden when it comes to him being in distress, and Punk is great at manipulation.
  25. WWE kind of has no choice but to push the hell out of people. HHH, Edge, Taker, HBK are gone. I think Orton and Cena are the only permanent main eventers at the moment. Now is like the best time to step up your game in WWE.
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