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Everything posted by ZMAN

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34859" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://s1216.photobucket.com/user/Marginal0/media/WMMA/Updated/ConnieMorris.png.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd364/Marginal0/WMMA/Updated/ConnieMorris.png</span></a><p> </p><p> Would this be a credible Connie Morris? What would you guys change (apart from the hair)?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like it. She's not built like a supermodel and looks like she's been in the ring for her whole life. face looks close enough to ne</p>
  2. Keep in mind that hijacking wasn't as popular until that one post-Raw show with the Fandango chants. After that is when people started chanting random names and shit.
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also the fans started a small CM Punk chant to start but nothing to great and it died out fairly quickly.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> They were in Omaha. I can't imagine there being that big of a smark fan base in Omaha. Next week will be a better test since they'll be at the Staples Center, and of course when they head east. </p><p> </p><p> I think the problem with Punk losing to HHH was that there was no follow up. Back when Austin got his ass kicked from Bret, he continued to be strong because they booked him strong. With Punk they just threw him against Jericho and midcard Bryan. Anyone can beat Jericho and midcard Bryan.</p>
  4. Does anyone have Bloodstone in a suit? Checked the contents of all past games and had no luck in finding one.
  5. <p>They could have also just not done the angle if they didn't have anybody worth building.</p><p> </p><p> But I think it would have been fine if they used it to hype someone new. Remember all the hype with Bray Wyatt? He was new and that turned out fine. It doesn't matter how unpopular they are if they have something interesting about them.</p>
  6. Good but not special. It's not a match that I'll want to look back on or will remember as "great." I wouldn't even rate it as 4 stars (I don't think I even did...). Close to it, but not quite.
  7. I thought the show was really just average, which isn't a good thing for your superbowl show. I don't understand what people saw in Punk/Taker. It was maybe 4 star quality. Other than Taker sitting up during the Vice, nothing stuck out as different or mind blowing. It was the best match of the night though. Everything else: 2-3 star quality. Just a bunch of OK matches that I wouldn't bother sitting through a second time. Was Brock/HHH necessary? They couldn't put someone more recent in HHH's spot for that one? Rock/Cena- lol from beginning to end. Just wow, I can't believe they accomplished nothing and actually got booed at the close of the show. That's why I don't get how people can accuse the IWC of being complainers when thousands of people in the arena booed the closing of the show, and were dead for the majority of it.
  8. The new renders look amazing. I'm not sure who most of the workers are that have been done so far, but suddenly I'm very interested. Keep it up!
  9. I hope Ryback doesn't win. It's so unnecessary right now. They need to follow through with Punk/Rock, and it only makes sense if the WWE Title is in the picture. It's the perfect time of the year to push Ryback at a reasonable pace. He'll be able to share the ring with bigger stars at Survivor Series, and can make the winning pin in that scenario. Royal Rumble and Eliminatno Chamber-- same scenario. This guy basically has four months of multi-man matches which should get him in shape for the big WWE Title win. I think doing it now would be way too early. The reign would probably be interesting for about 3 weeks before people get bored with it. Ryback/Rock at Rumble? Eww.
  10. Raw was actually good for once. The tag team tournament just to become number one contenders is a great way to boost the status of the division. Vince/Punk were entertaining as hell. And the ending worked out well for everyone. Punk escaping Ryback's finisher instantly made me want to see Punk/Ryback, and I didn't even care for Ryback prior to this. Now Punk has to decide between Cena and Ryback. If he picks Cena (which i'm sure he will), then that makes Ryback look dangerous as fck. I don't know how Ryback will do, but if they want to push him as a legit main eventer, then they're off to a good start.
  11. Finish to the main event was amazing, and I don't even care for those types of finishes. Cena's reaction to winning was great, Punk's reaction to finding out he retained was even greater. And best of all, no one saw it coming. Match itself was amazing to the point where it went from anti-Cena to an awesome chant. Rest of the PPV was great as well.
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Angle vs AJ vs Daniels vs Joe</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I usually hate four ways, but jesus christ, are they just trying to see how much talent they can cram into one match? While they're at it, throw in Aries and Roode, and put a cage over them.</p>
  13. I didn't say Dolph was Kerwin! I said he was involved in the Kerwin stuff, aka Kerwin's body guard. What? You just said they are people who have been in the upper-main event for the last couple of years, when I'm arguing against guys who have been in the upper midcard-main event for a BUNCH of years. Why would I argue against any of those guys if I am for keeping new talent on TV? When did I say I wanted ADR off TV? Big Show, Kane, and Orton were the guys I named off. All have had 10+ years of main event exposure. What new material could we possibly see from them? Now I do believe some of the guys you listed shouldn't be involved in the show anymore due to lack of direction and staleness. Would anyone miss Swagger or Kofi? They were fun to watch three years ago, but clearly they aren't turning into anything big. It just doesn't work for these guys in this era of WWE where TV time is massive. I guess that's just me though. Perhaps WWE is doing it all right and have captivating television.
  14. I never said anything about wrestler's ages. I'm talking about how long they have been with the company. He made his debut at a young age. The guy has been around for ten years now. He's worked with legends, lead a stable, set records, won titles, won RR, feuded with big names, had his WM moment. What does he have left to do at this point? While his ring work is solid, it's nothing to tell your friends about. His promos are generic. His gimmick is fine, but it's the same viper/goofy face thing over and over. His merchandise... what does he sell exactly? generic graphic tee's and RKO necklaces? Really, how much were we missing out on during his suspension/drug violation? I don't care. Sense my hatred all you want. I embrace the hate. Dolph - Officially debut in 2005-2006 (4 years after Orton) under a jobber gimmick. Reinvented himself about a year later when he returned as Ziggler, so 2008 was his reset (now 6 years after Orton). So really his career didn't get serious until 2008 since the Spirit Squad and Kerwin White stuff was all treated like fluff. So now he's only about four years into his career as a legitimate superstar in WWE. On top of that, he seems to be evolving and getting better in the ring, so I don't mind sitting through Dolph. Miz - Once again, the guy's career didn't take off until recently. They will need to do more with him if they expect me to give a crap about him two years from now though. The rest of the guys you listed are fairly recent to the company (although I could do without Kofi and Swagger). So I really don't understand your argument here. I don't mind most of the guys you listed since most of them weren't really involved until 2008. Have you guys forgotten how long we've had to sit through Orton? I know it may seem short because of all his injuries and suspensions, but the dudes been around forever. And why? Miz or Dolph can do exactly what Orton does, but better. Except tattoos, they may need to get some sleeve ink... I get why they must have Cena, because he's a big part of the merch sales and ticket sales. But Orton? Which demographic is dying to see Orton and running around in Orton t-shirts?
  15. WWE's roster is so stale to me. It feels like I'm watching the same matches every week. I wish they would cut some of the guys who have been around since 2006... older guys like Orton, Kane, Big Show. Bring up some new personalities to freshen up the roster. The product pretty much demands it since we get so many hours of wrestling every week (going on six now?). Older guys like Orton, Kane, and Show can be brought back sporadically, similar to Jericho's schedule. I don't care how much you love these three guys, you cannot convince me that we haven't seen it all from them. It's like if WWE had held onto Lex Luger from 1992 to 2002; completely unnecessary. The guy is cool and all, but **** no. Shits just getting old.
  16. The only problem I have with A&8's is the whole masked man/mystery thing behind it. I cannot think of any free agent out there who would make me jump out of my seat if they showed up on TNA. Who are options? Jarrett Steiner Masters Goldberg Other WWE guys... All are decent names, but I can't see myself ing the way TNA seems to want me to. I think it would be interesting if it were to turn out to be a bunch of rejected gut-check wrestlers, but there aren't a whole lot of those out there at the moment. Other than that, I dig a dominant heel stable showing up in TNA. I just don't see the reason behind the masks.
  17. Highlights: Botchy SD MITB. Ziggler remains the master at selling, and wins MITB. Sheamus retains in a solid match. Surprisingly good tag match with a storyline. Punk/Bryan results in Punk winning... thats it. Good match, but wtf. Ryback does the same old routine but with WWE's jobbers. Divas do their thing... Cena wins MITB. Christ, Cena could fight Funaki for the European Title and still main event the damn show.
  18. <p>Eh, Miz and Daniel Bryan come to mind when people talk about wrestlers who they believe have absolutely no chance at being a World Champion. </p><p> </p><p> It just takes some effort as one of the other posters said earlier.</p>
  19. <p>It would be like Hurricane winning. They could get away with it since these workers are talented in the ring and comfortable speaking and acting on camera. </p><p> </p><p> It's not like you're giving Funaki or Spike Dudley the title. Big difference.</p><p> </p><p> Not that I would go through with it though. I think there are better options on the roster at the moment.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How is he still a comedy underdog if he's champion?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He doesn't have to be a strong champion.</p>
  20. <p>I hate TV in the summer. All we right now is Breaking Bad. </p><p> </p><p> Can't wait for this Fall. Dexter/Sons of Anarchy/Walking Dead... mix in some HIMYM, and it's going to make for a pleasant tv season.</p>
  21. <p>The card for MITB is so slim (mitb matches themselves usually last around 20 min) that I have a feeling that one or both briefcases will be cashed in on this night.</p><p> </p><p> Something like:</p><p> Ziggler wins opening MITB match.</p><p> ADR/Sheamus</p><p> Ziggler cashes in on whoever the winner is.</p><p> Cena wins MITB match.</p><p> Punk/Bryan</p><p> Cena cashes in after Punk/Bryan</p><p> </p><p> I think I would go with ADR winning the World Heavyweight, then have Ziggler's cash in be the seeds planted for a face turn.</p><p> </p><p> Someone else mentioned earlier, but have the WWE Championship match ultimately end in AJ siding with John Cena and screwing everyone else. If they do go through with this though, they better not let Cena **** it up with his horrible promos.</p><p> </p><p> I see no reason not to. Summer Slam is likely to be packed with Lesnar/HHH. Survivor Series will be about Taker. And then RR will be coming up to crown a new number one contender anyway.</p>
  22. <p>I also love the Wyatt gimmick, but I cannot see him doing well once he's brought onto Raw or Smackdown. Not because he can't perform, but because of the type of show that WWE puts on. </p><p> </p><p> WWE's storylines are rarely consistent, and I can't see Wyatt's gimmick working on the same show where the mystery GM turns out to be Hornswoggle, and John Cena is telling Star Wars jokes after getting the shit kicked out of him. There's too much fluff. I can see it now: Wyatt doing something dark and edgy, and it gets followed up by Brodus dancing in the ring with kids. </p><p> </p><p> They just need to get rid of Vince, and put the doofus son in law in charge already. At least he seems to have an idea of what makes sense on television.</p>
  23. I've wanted to see Ziggler break away from Vickie ever since the show off stuff started up. That was really his chance to show that he can carry himself on the mic without dragging her around. It's time to give Dolph a chance at going solo.
  24. Cody or Ziggler holding both titles would be immense. We need another heel who we can take seriously.
  25. I think MITB is the first PPV I've looked forward to since Extreme Rules. It will definitely be worth watching. WWE Champ MITB - I actually want Cena to win this so that we can either revisit Punk/Cena or start Bryan/Cena. I just had a scenario in my head where: Cena wins MITB. Bryan defeats Punk. Cena cashes in right after Bryan wins. Bryan runs away and gets counted out. Bryan retains and Cena just wasted his MITB. Start Bryan/Cena feud into SS. Unfortunately, Cena probably wins at SS, but at least Bryan gets a shot at having a big feud. To me it would be a good way for the victim to counter the typical MITB cash-ins that occur at the most inconvenient times. I have no idea how the World Heavy MITB should turn out. I like that 5/6 of them are non-WHw champions. Most likely, it will be Rhodes winning, which I'm okay with. I don't know what other matches there are, but these three are enough to satisfy me. We'll probably get a solid tag match, and a filler diva segment.
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