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Posts posted by Mammoth

  1. Oh wow, I totally forgot I started that. xD I should totally do some more when I have the time because I really enjoyed it. Here are the others that lavelleuk wasn't able to supply. I've also included a Canadian Dragon and black American Patriot from the C-Verse too because they are two of my favourites and I think a lot of people may have missed 'em. 😄

    Kota Ibushi - James Mitchell - Susan/Susie/Su Yung - Roman Reigns - Bobby Lashley - Rhea Ripley - Omos - Eddie Kingston
    On6wDtL.jpg 5iFpRbh.jpg w4ZNDfT.jpg C3UPZmu.jpg o519W0Z.jpg 

    XwVTsXu.jpg 9vjVXT3.jpg 2UTTVKO.jpg spacer.png YTm2c4S.jpg 

    mWq0yLb.jpg ci3w6ue.jpg

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  2. Quote

    I'm quietly working on this one behind the scenes and it's absolutely nowhere near completion (hence why I'm posting here and not in its own topic) but I thought I'd put it out there to get some feedback. I'm not going to say what it is (I'm hoping many of you will know) but I'll give you a glimpse of the game world.

    Active Promotions

    Alberta Championship Wrestling



    Alberta Championship Wrestling is the official developmental promotion of Calgary Stampede which has been in existence nearly as long as the National Wrestling Alliance itself, and is one of the oldest and most prestigious promotions in the entire world. Run by the legendary Hart family, Calgary has boasted some of the greatest technical wrestlers the sport has ever seen, and many of them were trained at the iconic Hart Family Dungeon which is one of the most well respected wrestling schools in the universe. Proving to be a useful developmental promotion for Dungeon students and veterans that Stampede want to take a look at alike, Alberta Championship Wrestling is an adequate proving ground with members of the Hart family themselves - most notably Owen - putting the wrestlers through their paces and ensuring they're ready if they're ever called up to the main roster.

    American Wrestling Association



    Anton Stecher was a founding member of the National Wrestling Alliance in 1948 and had promoted wrestling in Minneapolis since 1933 through his Minneapolis Boxing and Wrestling Club. In 1952, Stecher sold a one third interest in the promotion to his son Dennis and Wally Karbo, and after he died, control of the promotion passed to them. Then in 1960, after unsuccessfully lobbying the NWA for a title match between Verne Gagne and the NWA World Champion Pat O'Connor, Wally led certain territories out of the NWA, forming the American Wrestling Association, with the Minneapolis Boxing and Wrestling Club as the head. A uniquely Midwestern institution, the Minnesota-based promotion has brought unforgettable competitors to flickering RCAs in frozen suburbs from Fargo to old Milwaukee. Still the only independent organisation in America, the promotion has recently absorbed Jim Cornette's Smoky Mountain Wrestling in an effort to conserve independent wrestling, branding itself the "All-New AWA".




    Taking both its name and logo from the Japanese kanji meaning "strength", CHIKARA Pro was founded in 2002 by pro wrestlers Mike Quackenbush and Reckless Youth, who also served as in-ring performers and trainers at the affiliated Wrestle Factory. Two of the promotions major events, September's King of Trios, the promotion's premiere event, and April's Tag World Grand Prix are centered on tag team and trios matches. Their other major events include Aniversario, held in May, and the Young Lions Cup tournament, held between June and August. Primarily influenced by the lucha libre tradition with performers grouped into tecnicos and rudos, CHIKARA is also influenced by a variety of other styles including puroresu and comedy, and they're known for using unique gimmicks and characters. Whilst CHIKARA uses many Wrestle Factory graduates, they have also made relationships with foreign companies, allowing them to bring in new faces and add even further variation to their in-ring style.

    Calgary Stampede



    Having been in existence nearly as long as the National Wrestling Alliance itself, Calgary Stampede is one of the oldest and most prestigious promotions in the entire world. Run by the legendary Hart family, Calgary still boasts some of the greatest technical wrestlers the sport has ever seen. In the 1990's, Calgary truly shined as the franchise promotion of the NWA, producing four NWA World Champions in Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Curt Hennig and Owen Hart. While Bret shined as the promotion's biggest star of the 90s, his focus shifted following the death of his father in 2003 when he sought control of the day to day operations of the promotion behind the scenes. It was around this time that a Stampede original known as Chris Benoit accomplished something no man had ever done before, holding all three World titles in the men's division, an accomplishment known as the Triple Crown. Although many claim to be, Calgary Stampede is the true heart beat of the NWA.

    Combat Zone Pro



    Founded by John Zandig and Jon Dahmer, Combat Zone Pro is an independent promotion that focuses on the hard-hitting and violent aspects of professional wrestling, coining the phrase "ultraviolence" to describe their in-ring style. Although there was a flurry of independent organisations that popped up in the 1990s which reflected the sign of the times by concentrating on blood and guts, CZP are practically the only promotion in the United States still actively participating in the Deathmatch scene. Offering an alternative to the masses and in particular a younger crowd, Combat Zone Pro has a very volatile and opinionated fanbase and whilst they're unlikely to ever threaten those promotions at the top, they could certainly grow into a cult organisation.

    Dragon Pro



    Dragon Pro was created by three top super junior heavyweight wrestlers helmed by Último Dragón to showcase a new age in Japanese puroresu infused with Mexican lucha libre. Most of Dragon Pro's wrestlers are graduates of the Dragon Pro Dojo, and as the training facility places a large emphasis on a junior heavyweight style with varying emphasis on high flying maneuvers, flashy technical grappling and submission wrestling, it's what the promotion is also based on. Offering a real alternative to the more traditional styles of All Japan Pro Wrestling and New Japan Pro-Wrestling, Dragon Pro is arguably the most exciting product in the world right now but it remains to be seen if they could become the number two promotion in Japan or even challenge for the number one spot without the backing of the National Wrestling Alliance.

    Eastern Championship Wrestling

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    Formed in 1996 by Tod Gordon, Eastern Championship Wrestling wasn't affiliated with the National Wrestling Alliance to begin with and Gordon, having come from Memphis Championship Wrestling as a successful manager, booked very similar to Memphis style shows but it wasn't what the crowd wanted. On the verge of going broke despite joining the NWA, Paul Heyman stepped in and took the reins, and began delivering hardcore, cutting edge wrestling that wasn't being seen in America at the time. The fans immediately ate it up and for a four year spell, they were virtually untouchable but by 2004, things started looking downhill for ECW. Realising Eastern Championship Wrestling needed to go through another change, Heyman has strayed away from the hardcore, violent stigma that made it famous and has now turned his attention to developing a slew of young stars that are important to its future - but that's not to say it doesn't have its vicious tendencies.

    Federación de Mexicana Lucha Libre



    With Imperio de Lucha Azteca stepping away from the traditional lucha libre style so beloved by Mexican audiences to produce a more American inspired product, it wasn't long before rumours began swirling that various veteran luchadors began talking about forming a new promotion that would restore Mexican traditional values. Then in late-December of 2009, news broke that legendary luchadors Blue Demon Jr. and Vampiro were set to launch a new promotion dubbed Federación Mexicana de Lucha Libre (or FMLL for short) with backing from the National Wrestling Alliance. With a focus on traditional lucha libre, the inception of FMLL marks the first time in over twenty years that another large promotion has operated alongside ILA in Mexico but whether the two can co-exist under the rule of the NWA is a burning question.

    Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling



    Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling is a Japanese professional wrestling promotion founded in July, 1989 by Atsushi Onita. Specialising in hardcore wrestling involving weapons such as barbed wire and fire from the outset, Onita wrestled in the first ever exploding barbed wire match with Tarzan Goto which started a revolution amongst the small "garbage wrestling" organisations of Japan. As business progressed however, the violence has slowly been toned down and there has been an influx of lighter stars, with Hayabusa becoming the central star of the promotion. Still offering a lot of blood and guts though, FMW has become something of a hybrid that has allowed them to keep a largely cult following in Japan, whilst also releasing various DVD's abroad to give them something of an international following.

    Gorgeous Ladies of the American Mat!



    Deciding to vote on whether the National Wrestling Alliance should have their first ever affiliate dedicated to women's wrestling, many on the NWA board opposed but in the end, the decision to form a new affiliate won through the slenderest of majorities. Out of that vote, the Gorgeous Ladies of the American Mat! was formed and the federation thanked the board by putting on the most baffling, shocking debut show in the history of wrestling. The immediate impact saw GLAM!'s next show cancelled and Rena Mero installed as owner, who has quickly proven that women can be beautiful and dangerous. Making quite a name for itself with a talented roster of women, GLAM! has recently caused controversy when they began promoting the unsanctioned REAL World Women's Championship, souring their relationship with other companies and also the NWA.

    Yet to Open Promotions

    All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling



    In August, 1955, the All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling Association was formed to oversee the plethora of joshi puroresu (women's professional wrestling) organisations that were founded throughout Japan following the tour in November, 1954 by Mildred Burke. The alliance didn't last long as promotional war among the members killed the popularity of the sport but in 1967, a similar attempt was made with the Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling Association being formed, with Takashi Matsunaga an important member. Then in 1968, Takashi and his brothers left the association and founded All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling. Responsible for training extremely talented women, almost every major star of joshi puroresu went through AJW's turnstile but unfortunately, financial trouble and defections of talent combined to weaken the once-dominant promotion until it closed in April, 2005. However, with the National Wrestling Alliance seeking to take hold of women's wrestling in Japan, it could soon be reborn.

    Apache Pro-Wrestling



    Following the changing of product of Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling as they moved away from their roots and concentrated on smaller wrestlers, Hiromichi Fuyuki formed his own promotion, which ran under the names Fuyuki-Gun Promotion and World Entertainment Wrestling, administering the WEW titles originally created in FMW in 1999. Following Fuyuki's death in March, 2003, FMW alumni such as Kintaro Kanemura, Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Go Ito briefly maintained the promotion before founding Apache Pro-Wrestling in 2004. Unfortunately though, Apache Pro closed its doors in June, 2009 but with a vocal fanbase that has seen their style of wrestling drop in popularity and FMW alumni still lacing up their boots, it wouldn't be a surprise to see Apache Pro-Wrestling open its doors again in the near future.

    Central States Wrestling



    The original Central States Wrestling survived from July, 1948 until it closed in 1989, and the territory was one of the original territories of the National Wrestling Alliance with two of the six "founding fathers" of the NWA (Paul "Pinkie" George and Orville Brown) promoting the area. In late-1987, Bob Geigel stepped down as chairman of the NWA and as the owner of the original CSW at the time, he also withdrew the promotion from the alliance. Despite sharing the same name however, this Central States Wrestling isn't a direct descendent of the original and is instead the NWA's attempt at placing a promotion in direct competition of the independent outlier known as the American Wrestling Association. Taking the originals name and home area of Kansas City, Missouri, Central States Wrestling is going to do its best to disrupt the independent organisation.

    Major League Wrestling



    Originally founded in 2002, Major League Wrestling grew a cult following thanks to their television series titled "Underground TV" which was hosted by Joey Styles, and consisted of pre-taped matches from prior events. Despite their growing popularity though, MLW folded only a few years into their run and tranformed into a podcast network, initially focused on producing broadcast and digital content relating to the professional wrestling industry. In early-2017 however, MLW announced that it would once again be promoting wrestling events with the promotion marketing its product as "Hybrid Wrestling", with its roster featuring a mix of different styles. If they can earn the same cult following that they originally did, Major League Wrestling could be an independent promotion to keep an eye on.

    Maple Leaf Wrestling



    The promotion - initially known as the Queensbury Athletic Club - traces its roots back to 1930, when it was launched by Jack Corcoran, who had previously promoted boxing in Toronto under the Queensbury name. Initially, Corcoran was involved in a promotional war with rival promoter Ivan Mickailoff but after Corcoran allied himself with the new Maple Leaf Gardens in 1931, he took control of professional wrestling in Toronto until stepping down in 1939 and handed wrestling operations over to his assistants, John and Frank Tunney. While John sadly died just a few months after taking the reigns, Frank continued to book and promote the territory with great success until aligning with the World Wrestling Federation, which ultimately led to the promotions death. When the WWF folded however, the National Wrestling Alliance bought the rights to the promotion back and with no tangible results in Ontario ever since, its thought the re-birth of Maple Leaf Wrestling was inevitable.

    • Like 11
  3. I think the difference is that those guys (Butcher & The Blade and Danhausen) were independent stars, whereas Dexter Lumis was a "star" within the (and I hate this term but I don't know how else to describe it) "WWE Universe". If your previous examples had run a mock and had some quite substantial storylines on Rampage for an extended amount of time before debuting, I don't think there'd be cause for complaint even though Rampage viewership is lower than Dynamite.

    And to be honest, the debut of Lumis has been unique for the 'E from what I've seen. For decades, it's felt like they've spoon fed their viewers but seeing stuff in the background of other segments that aren't even related to Lumis has been very entertaining. So yeah, for me, the "brilliance" of Triple H isn't that he's introduced someone with the expectation that the audience already know who they are, but that he's introduced him to the audience almost subconsciously.

    • Like 2
  4. From what I understand, the background tasks from the changeover (which are still ongoing according to Arlie's recent posts) actually convert those old tags (the BBCode) to proper HTML automatically. Therefore, I wouldn't suggest anyone edits their posts until these background tasks are done, and instead it should just be a case of waiting - as it should also solve the issue of missing posts. That's why some posts have already been converted successfully. If it's still not sorted after the background tasks are done, then Arlie should contact Invision to investigate. So yeah, I think it's just a case of holding onto our hats and not panicking. xD

    • Like 2
  5. I don't think this is something that can be patched, but I'd love to see a return of the main page we used to see in the editor in the future. There is a lot of positives to how it now works, but I still miss the old way because you could see how many numbers each section had in just one glimpse. And also, if you were only going into the editor for one thing, you could click on that one section without all the scrolling. I don't think you need one or the other either because I think both can work together, and I've done this mock-up to prove it. :p




    See, just making a separate page called "Home" (or something similar) which is always the first page that opens when you go into the editor gives you the best of both worlds. Especially as I think it's very rare people actually go into the editor with the sole intention of editing "Agers". You could conceivably add a button just above the dropdown box titled "Editor Home" that's always visible too, so you can easily return to the "homepage". I don't know, I just always loved seeing all the data in one place and also having that option of basically quick-linking to your desired section.

  6. I don't think this is something that can be patched, but I'd love to see a return of the main page we used to see in the editor in the future. There is a lot of positives to how it now works, but I still miss the old way because you could see how many numbers each section had in just one glimpse. And also, if you were only going into the editor for one thing, you could click on that one section without all the scrolling. I don't think you need one or the other either because I think both can work together, and I've done this mock-up to prove it. :p




    See, just making a separate page called "Home" (or something similar) which is always the first page that opens when you go into the editor gives you the best of both worlds. Especially as I think it's very rare people actually go into the editor with the sole intention of editing "Agers". You could conceivably add a button just above the dropdown box titled "Editor Home" that's always visible too, so you can easily return to the "homepage". I don't know, I just always loved seeing all the data in one place and also having that option of basically quick-linking to your desired section.

  7. Who ever came up with this alternate history modification that we're currently living through is a genius as it's entertaining as hell right now, and I'm only in a watcher game. :p I'm going to have to tune into a weekly episodic episode of WWE for the first time in years to see what Vince says tonight. I think we all know the accusations are true as they're not the first he's faced in his career, but it's good to see he can't just bury them anymore and things have changed these days. It's going to be very interesting if he steps down permanently.
  8. Looking for promotion logos for the following:


    Full Moon Wrestling

    Ring of Fighters


    Both of those 2 are for TCW developmental promotions


    House of Youth

    House of Nostalgia


    Both of those are promotions I created to help get places to work for younger and older talent from my 2016 save which I recently moved over to 2020








  9. If anyone's inclined, I could really use a logo for a TV show called MAX BreakThrough-TV, for my Pro-Wrestling MAX promotion, (logo included as an attachment). It's a wrestling-based promotion, known for fast-paced and hard-hitting matches, using the Respectful Wrestling product type.


    Many thanks in advance, to any who give this one a go.




    So ... um ... hey Mammoth ... mind if I get one more from you? AAA Women of Wrestling ... it's already been done with the old AAA logo, but now it looks out of place amongst the brilliance of the others. I'm running it as my weekly TV show for the child company.




    Great Work man!


    Any chance you could work the same magic on the GFW NEX*GEN title? Possibly make the green into the same blue and possibly replace Global Force Wrestling with Impact Wrestling on the center plate?


    I'd be okay with something similar to this.


  10. i know, i asked before and i don't wanna grind anyone's gears, but ...

    ... anyone?! :)

    The WOW World Championship is more or less how it is (I had a picture of half of the title) but I made the WOW World Tag Team Championship out of the World Championship that I already done, and various other pictures of the titles. Neither of them are perfect but as you say, there aren't really any good pictures of them out there so I hope they're okay.









  11. Any chance someone could take a crack at redoing MAW's events using this logo?




    MAW Americana

    MAW Fan Festival

    MAW Old School Rules

    MAW Super Showdown

    MAW Battle of the Mid Atlantic

    MAW The Clash

    MAW Night of Champions

    MAW Proving Ground

    MAW Rip Chord Invitational

    MAW Sam Keith Classic

    MAW Where It All Begins Again

    MAW Wrestling Classic



  12. Two questions for you Mammoth:


    What font did you use for the Blackpool Wrestling X in the banner? I want to give them a weekly show called BWX Showcase


    Can you post the blank silver gradient you used?


    I want to open them as a dev league for the TCW game I'm running as somewhere that can accept my graduates on excursion

    Thanks for the comments, Fleisch and Jaysin. :) The font is Old School United and here's a blank gradient:



  13. Anyone able to make the red in the KO Tag Titles into the same blue like in this Impact logo?





    Click here: Blue Title




    I really liked my version of the Blackpool Combat Club logo but as it was made redundant pretty much as soon as I did it because the official logos came out, I decided to turn it into a custom promotion known as "Blackpool Wrestling X" instead. I figured I'd share to see if anyone else would find it useful.










  14. Hey all! Loving the stuff I've been seeing in here!


    I just revived Angel Athletic Association as a development company for QAW, and could use some event logos using the attached logo.



    Reach for the Sky

    Breaking Point

    Wrestling Spirit


    Super Fightage

    Passing the Torch

    Rock City



    Pain Barrier

    Manifest Destiny


  15. I think there's been enough real life examples to merit its inclusions, with some guys being released by the 'E and returning within a couple of weeks, let alone months. As Sisma says, it shouldn't be an automatic thing and it's not something you have to do as a player if it's not something you're interested in, but I do think it has its own merits. Anything that adds a bit more variety is always a positive in my opinion, rather than a blanket six to twelve month period. *shrugs*
  16. I haven't watched professional wrestling properly for a while now but I heard (and saw pictures of) Cody working injured so I figured I'd watch the match this morning to see how it went. Cody is rightfully getting a lot of plaudits for the way he worked despite that gruesome injury but for me, the real MVP of that match was Seth Rollins. I've been a fan of his work since he was Tyler Black working in IWA: Mid-South but I honestly didn't think he had it in him to work a match like that. The way he protected Cody whilst simultaneously using the injury to tell a story and be absolute scum was sensational. I hope it was a one time thing and Cody actually takes the time off to recover but for a spectacle with an obvious narrative given to them by the injury, it was one hell of a match. I do think they should have called an audible though and had Rollins win, because it just completely undermines him if he can't win when Cody only has one arm. Considering all the limitations though? Utterly brilliant by two guys who often divide opinion.
  17. This might be a weird question, and I'm not 100% sure this is the right place to ask it... but does anyone have a blank background like the one in the Weidt picture pack? Honestly seems like I myself used to, but it's been years.

    My memory could be serving me completely wrong, but wasn't the Weidt background just a simple gradient like this?



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