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Everything posted by MikeSc

  1. Almost up to my first King of Kings. TCW is ranked #2 in the world and neither SWF or USPW can touch me in Canada or the U.S. Some of the cruiserweights are in the Major Star/Star area, but it is still spotty. Only one heel, so it makes feuds hard until I get a few other heels moved up. Edd Stone, Extraordinario Jr., E Hijo de Neutron and Velocidad are all doing great, with Frankie Perez hitting consistent (albeit lower) performances and establishing himself as kind of the heel gatekeeper for the CW division while holding the CW belt. Ant-Man, Blue Phantom, Roderick Remus and El Serpiente are all working their way up on the heel side of things. Amazing Fire Fly and Elliot Thomas are working their way up for the babyfaces. Not sure how many factions I will be putting together here. My Development territory is 6 pop points from being Medium. They are ranked 6th in the world and I still have guys complaining about main eventing in a big indy while being paid top dollar. This instead of being on every other show and taking losses two or 3 times a month. I can certainly see why they complain. Titan is killing it there feuding with Logan Wolfsbaine, who is killing it more. Once his psych comes up he is gonna be HUGE on the main roster. Killer Shark is hanging out there because he has nothing for top row stats. Doc and Matt Hocking came back from developmental and are getting ready to turn face for a run as Shock Doc. Tommy Cornell is going to beat Wolf in the King of Kings and immediately start turning. Sammy has been doing great right up until the point he loses any kind of high level match. His gimmick has him losing a crap ton of pop that means two months of rebuilding before he can lose big again. Joshua Taylor and Freddy Huggins are still hanging around and playing their part in feuds. Joshua has been doing really well of late and is in line for a push to the top of the card if he can make it there. Freddy is starting to come around. Boriken Love Machine and Joffy Laine were both pinged as future superstars. I am killing their pushes simultaneously by feuding their tag teams against one another and whenever anyone gets too big they take a loss to the low man on the other team. This should go on for probably a year from the starting point. Also gives me a nice rivalry for them down the line. I figure once 2022 rolls around they can break into the big time and revisit their feud at he top of the card in 2023. Jeremie Courtney formed the Courtney Corporation and is the lowest performing guy in almost all of the tags that group is in. And the TV champ to boot, with some help from his overperforming friends. I stole that idea, but I love the dynamic there. Would get the crowd furious at the guy for buying his way to everything. Tennessee William is one of his guys and he very nearly got to Star without me noticing. Had to kill that as he is not ready stats wise and way too young to go to Star from Recognisable in 2 months. Freddy is here too, thinking of working something with him to give him a chance to shine. The top of the card is great with Ace, Tommy and Mighty Mo on babyface side. Greg, Jay, Wolf and an unstoppable (I've tried) Ernest Youngman on the heel side. Fro Sure (future superstar), T-Bone and Mr. Lucha 3 are all waiting in the wings on the babyface side, with Lucha 3 right on the doorstep. Fro Sure is a long term project and he will end up taking the short end of a few feuds to keep him at Star for a while.
  2. And they wouldn't get mad about not being on the show wrestling?
  3. I have a story in mind that involves somebody being "injured" in a storyline and then coming back for the big payoff match a month later (the match would happen two months later technically). I don't see any options that would allow me to have the "injured" worker at home being interviewed while on vacation. They are over enough where a video package would do, but I was just wondering if there was some kind of angle that didn't violate the vacation and could help keep that worker's momentum going while they were selling the kayfabe injury? Or would a custom angle work?
  4. Silver Age Pro Wrestling looks to be right up my alley. I may have to start a promotion like that at some point.
  5. For some reason that big brawling score works for him. Mighty Mo doesn't overperform for his pop the way T-Bone does and he has better psych.
  6. <p>I'm a big fan of the PGHW all-match booking. Keeps you on your toes for what matches you book when.</p><p> </p><p> I do like doing the TCW product after a while. In-ring work is valued, just a little more than pop. It makes me think of WCW, so I feel like I am righting the wrongs of history lol.</p>
  7. Total Mayhem just got a 96 rating due to the 99 main event between Aaron Andres and Jay Chord. YES!
  8. <p>I'll put Aaron Andrews over him as kind of the crowning achievement of his title reign and then he'll make his retirement speech the next night.</p><p> </p><p> Then of course Wolf will probably finally get that win over Andrews to begin his title reign.</p>
  9. I would agree. My initial reading of it is that things like a 450 or a SSP would not fly. But if you did something like a top rope senton it would be fine. Just not the Jeff Hardy/Sasuke style where you wait til the last second to flip into the senton. And no super dangerous head drops/Japanese back suplexes, etc. I would think too. I was looking through the Product more carefully and thought it was weird. No High Risk Moves, but aerial is not ignored in calculating matches. So it had to be the less stupid aerial stuff, like crossbodies, sentons, at best maybe a moonsault? Then again, Vader did a moonsault and he almost crushed Kobashi's head once with his leg.
  10. That seems odd given that Aaron Andrews uses what must be a top rope crossbody for a finisher and he is the ace in TCW where they won't use High Risk moves.
  11. <p>Two questions.</p><p> </p><p> Do High Risk Moves in Product mean stuff where you could kill yourself or the opponent? I assume this is the case and not just top-rope moves.</p><p> </p><p> And does Story Telling really hurt match quality? The story of the match is way more important than the moves used to tell it. Or does that vary by Product?</p>
  12. Edd Stone surprised me by moving up to Star on his own. He's putting on 78 as the lead performance in matches now! He won a feud with Doc and has not looked back. As an aside, there are some workers who will rise to the occasion when wrestling with people above them and others who seem to just coast in those matches and work hard when they are the main guy in a match. Seems like a rare few that actually just turn in a consistent performance. Which seems about right. My plan is to do my "WCW" type save where I start a Lightweight Division and run that a few years. In that, both Elliot Thomas and Jeremie Courtney are future midcard talents according to Creative. I have them feuding to build both up. Tommy Cornell is coming back as a babyface because when you bring Ric Flair back that is what the crowd wants. Just a matter of time until Aaron Andrews finds out that Tommy plays second fiddle to no one. And a Tommy/Wolf feud sounds like all kinds of fun. Also, Tommy will be teaming with Des Davids to help Des work on improving. Speaking of Aaron Andrews, he's beaten Wolf and is working on Jay Chord. Wolf cut off at an 81 pop, Jay (who is somehow better overall) at 82. Greg Gauge just hit an 84, so he is next for Aaron. Once Aaron runs the table on them it seems like an opportune moment to turn Tommy Cornell for a run at Andrews. Fro Sure was marked as a future superstar and he is currently my TV champ. Trying to bring him along slowly, will be taking losses to bring people up in tags while maintaining momentum and winning TV title matches. He will shore up the babyface side of things well. Joffy Laine was also marked as a future superstar and is a babyface. He's getting the slow push up the card as well. I hired Jack Bruce to come in and be the Commissioner and help put lower end feuds over with his mic skills. My intention is to come back and use some of the guys I found I liked (Titan, Doc, Benny, Joshua, Troy) and work in fewer new guys in a different save as well.
  13. 4 shows later I am consistently getting the match ratings that would go with the main event/top of card workers and NOT getting announcer complaints on road agent notes. That extra 3-5 points on a match can make a huge difference.
  14. T-Bone is pretty good right away. There are things he can work on, but plenty of teachers. Troy Tornado and Titan are actually assets at the start for sure. Doc is hyper consistent and one of the few 40-year olds still pulling his weight. In my game I just signed Tommy Cornell for 3 years! That is going to be a HUGE boost for my main event.
  15. I'm guessing Spectacle had something to do with it. I'll also wager the 81 pop cam the game put on Wolf did as well. Andrews was at a 90. Even so, if I do the math on just that (((81 + 90)/2)+95)/2 = 90.25. So the match would have been downgraded 10 points for a combination of spectacle and announcers. My CZCW save ran into the same issue where I would 85% of the time get my announcers taking down matches to the top of their range with the occasional big match where they stepped up. If it was *only* this match I would have accepted it as an anomaly. This is a running theme when you reach the point of needing 80+ scores on main events and those 4-6 points that get shaven off (rough average) kill shows.
  16. I upped my announcer stats. Will see what happens.
  17. <p>This is a straight CornellVerse DB.</p><p> </p><p> Running with the standard TCW product. I had done a test earlier. Shawn Doakes is the younger announcer for TV. I was getting much lower (5 to 6 points) match ratings on TV shows and I switched over to Jason Azaria, the PPV guy. Wouldn't you know it, the match ratings went right back up. Then this. Going to fix it my own way I think and see if I still have those issues.</p>
  18. <p>It was flagged 4 times. And that would be the high end of my announcer rating for any match. Seems pretty obvious looking at it.</p><p> </p><p> I had issues with matches that *should* have hit high enough always getting dinged for announcing on TV for several weeks leading up to it until I put in the "A" announcers on every show, which made that issue go away. There is a pattern to it, not just the one instance.</p><p> </p><p> Announcers are too heavily weighted into match ratings for how few truly great announcers exist in the game world. I either take the chance that Mitch Naess won't be busy in PSW on my big shows or I outbid SWF on Duane. Those are the 2 available options. Neither is exactly ideal.</p><p> </p><p> And there are 9 colour commentary people in the game who could be a 90, 3 of which have a small enough range to be semi-sure. It makes having any kind of pop over 77 a crap shoot unless you start as SWF.</p>
  19. Regardless, the announcing dropped the match from a 95 in-ring to an 80. So it seems important.
  20. <p>I don't think it should knock 15 points off the match score.</p><p> </p><p> Or I think there should be plenty of announcers in the mid-90s that can be hired. One of the two.</p>
  21. <p>It sure does matter. I just had Wolf Hawkins an Aaron Andrews do a "Spectacle" match to end their feud and they got a 94 and 96. Only red was for announcing, which dropped it to an 80. </p><p> </p><p> Seems egregious, but if the game is going to do that they need to up announcer numbers yesterday.</p>
  22. I just had a main event with Wolf Hawkins putting forth a 94 and Aaron Andrews a 96. Announcing and colour were cited 3 4 separate times as issues with the match. The match was rated as an 80. This seems really, really broken. I did a search and there are 2 announcers with the probability of being a 90. If you're not lucky enough to have one of those 2 tied down to an exclusive contract what is your option? There are 8 or 9 with a probable 90. About 3 of these seem like they would function in that way. I am running with one of them in fact. Can this please affect match scores far, far less than it does. I can see a few points here and there due to announcing. But the fact remains that the wrestlers averaged out at a 95. Seems to me that is a pretty heavy ding on that match for announcing that wasn't quite (around 77-80 is my guesstimate) up to par.
  23. Is there any way there could be some kind of indicator like the "Next Best Things" and "Hot Prospects" for these guys. Or do they not have stat caps like the wrestlers do?
  24. Is it possible to do this in the game? Like how in Texas in the 80s the Freebirds would get booed when they faced the Von Erichs, but when they faced Devastation, Inc. they were cheered. Does the game penalize you for heel vs. heel matches or will the crowd take on one of the heels as the de facto babyface?
  25. I finished my first month. Malice in Wonderland went off well. I put Wolf and Aaron's chemistry at Great against each other since the game basically says that is the money feud. Their match got an 87, 30 minute draw. Tana & Mighty Mo beat the Behemoths for the titles and that story is now over. Tana is soo very disappointing. I had Mo cost them a match on the TV right before the PPV, then had Tana start turning even during the big win (Mo got the fall). Give them a few title wins then Tana will "accidentally" cost them the belts and attack Mo post-match. After that feud it is time to say good-bye to Tana's popularity on the way out. Mo is already a little bit of momentum from Major Star. The stable the Behemoths are in is going bye-bye, starting with Nick on the next TV. Poor guy is gonna get drummed out by the 2 big men. Then Killer Shark is going to massacre Titan after a few losses. No feud, just going off to jobberville. Mr. Peak may just have a feud to put over a rising babyface though. I brought in Ernest Youngman and he is running the Assassin gimmick. He and a heel Frankie Perez (Buzzsaw gimmick) have been lending their services to various heels on their way out of Unimportant. I figure the logical end to that is they dispose of the disappointing Elite tag team to replace them as Wolf's backup. I am also branding Davis Wayne Newton (danke schoen) and Nelson Callum the New Elite to be the stable's tag team down the road. Speaking of the Elite, their storyline is done after a thorough domination of Devine Chance. Both teams are destined for jobbervile or the indies. Gauge put Benny Benson out of his misery and is moving on. He will defend the belt against One Man Army and one of my developing heels is going to come out and make sure that goes well. From there it is basically the same as the Benson feud in the end. Except with 4 developing guys siphoning heat off. Edd Stone has been doing well and I put him in a storyline against Doc. Once Doc also shames the Syndicate he will be out too. Will probably attach somebody to this as well. Strangely, the only person outside of the main event to post good performances on a regular basis is Troy Tornado. Won't stop me from jobbing him out, but it is wierd.
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