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Posts posted by thadian

  1. If you're a promotion in the Midwest and you want to join an alliance that isn't COTT, well now you have a chance...


    (Honestly, no one wants to join COTT. My tiny promotion can pack a bingo hall without those losers.)
















    I will certainly be looking forward to my Anti-COTT, from The Heartlands, righting the wrongs of COTT territorial wrestling.


    I "hate" COTT for being played as fools and milked by the big companies who use them as developmental and fight each other (though I actually like COTT).

  2. 1. BattleZone Global - WWE Winged Eagle and Olympic Medal put together, American Gladiators 2008 theme (except UK of course).


    2. BattleZone Tag Team inspired by the look of this AWA Tag Title



    3. BattleZone UK Commonwealth inspired by the look of this version of NWA US Title https://en-academic.com/pictures/enwiki/78/NWA_United_States_Championship_%28Mid-Atlantic_Version%29.jpg


    UK company with an American Gladiators vibe. I prefer the leather to have the union flag and the plates somewhere between gold and platinum.


    Love your work, and thank you!

  3. Can region names be changed? I might be misremembering, but I thought I remembered that we can change names (India to Antarctica or whatever).


    I am looking to make 2 databases with custom regions - one for planets of the solar system (instead of regions) and the megacities (instead of territories).


    A second, I hope to wipe every nation and create a US-Only situation where each "Region" becomes a Territory - and each Territory becomes a State/Town.


    Can I reanme India into "Neptune" or "Indianapolis Territory"?

  4. I like the older women looking older, I can feel better about seeing them in the game now. I usually do revive BSC, but under pretense similar to WWE relaunching ECW or Tony relaunching ROH.


    Some millionaire scumbag puts the crew back together, realizes some people need repackged from their old self, brings a few more on board... and when it all collapses again, who if anyone, will make the big league?

  5. My requests. Company Logos:


    BattleZone Wrestling something close to American Gladiators 2008 meets UFC

    BattleZone Warriors (devleopmental)


    Epic Championship Wrestling - Something close to AEW, Black/Gold

    Epic Futureshock Wrestling (child)

    (The intention is to have 3 Child Companies)

    -Epic Futureshock America (child)

    -Epic Futureshock Japan (child)

    -Epic Futureshock UK (child)


    Ultimate Japan Pro Wrestling - close to AJPW logo

    Ultimate Japan Next-Gen (Developmental)


    I am trying to learn how to do this stuff, but I have no assets, and am still a newbie who isn't picking it up with any speed.

  6. <p>The real issue - if you move belt to alliance title, then:</p><p>

    1. Allies can job the belt to blokes with low safety.</p><p>

    2. Alliance Title reigns do not contribute to Hall of Immortals.</p><p> </p><p>

    So, that would need a few things to change.</p><p> </p><p>

    While I am here:</p><p> </p><p>

    I do support allowing titles to be defended in other companies, if they have some kind of deal such as Development or Sister Company. I can see AEW having Impact titles and WWE having NXT titles, but I can't see WWF and WCW agreeing to have Shawn Michaels lose to Hulk Hogan 1997, especially in a title match.</p><p> </p><p>

    I would like to see a "Personal Title" owned by a superstar - such as the FTW Title, Million Dollar Title, or Zach Ryder Internet Title. Basically, it would be attached to a worker as Owner instead of a company, and the champion is a not owner; if said champion leaves a promotion and is not the champion themselves, the current champion would be stripped and the title vacated (though the owner could be re-crowned once they sign a new deal). This should not count for HoI and such belts should be Tertiary Titles.</p><p> </p><p>

    I would like to see Alliance SuperShow - Alliances should be "owned" by a head, who books the show on the same date every year. Each member gets one match, the two most popular company's most popular wrestler gets a match, and the Alliance Titles will all be defended against "the best contender". If the player owns the alliance, they should be the booker, with the other stars added to the show. If the player is not the owner, they should book only their own match's results. In this way, the SuperShow can feature promotion title changes (within the same promotions at least).</p><p> </p><p>

    I will close by saying I also support having a Master-Child company arrangement should allow the master to take the child's title:</p><p>

    1. The child company should be unhappy if/when it happens and demand money.</p><p>

    2. The smaller company's title being used should increase that company's standing and title prestige just a bit, but not too much.</p><p>

    3. When the title is returned, the child company becomes happy or angry - depending on if the prestige of the title is higher or lower than when they lent it out.</p>

  7. I would want the ability to pick more than one. I already have one Performance Center in each Game Area (USA, UK, etc). It would be stupid if I had to create 10 more in each game area, so that each one could be specialized "technical middleweights, brawler heavyweights, comedy workers".


    I would like to pick about 5 settings that it's possible for a dojo to produce:

    1. Weight Class Range.

    2. Pick up to 3 or 5 Styles. One style results in having 5 dojos to avoid everyone just being "brawler".

    3. Area Focus - Training should be focused to improve Basics, Fundamentals, Mental Skills, Performance Skills, Physical Skills. When you send someone to train, pick an area. All points of development go into that area. If potential is capped, the player should get some kind of message about "Worker won't develop that anymore".

    4. Non-Wrestler Control. I would like to toggle on/off "Produces non-wrestlers". Sometimes, I don't want it producing more referees and announcers, while other times I do.

  8. I'd forgot about this thread, I posted this earlier but thought it seemed relevant for here


    Quick question about dojo graduates


    For my 2018 alt cverse mod I was making future workers for dojo's based on the amount that should graduate, thinking that say I made 3 graduates in 2018 for a dojo that produces three per year it would be those 3. However, have I got that wrong? Would it be my created three plus another three?


    It says in the help guide that "graduates that have been preset in the editor do not count towards the total"


    So does that mean by setting up my mod to have the next four years are graduates set up I am actually doubling the amount that will graduate, therefore upsetting the balance of the game world/the companies that graduate to? I have looked at the game run I am testing and in 2018 alone SWF had 12 workers graduate Supreme University (4 I created as they are set to 4 per year, so not sure why that number doubled and 8 extras graduated though).


    I know you can turn graduates off but obviously at some point workers need to start graduating, or more if facilities improve during the game.


    Is there no setting now like in 2016 where you set new workers to only start appearing after a certain date? If not that is going to get very frustrating and obviously workers are better with real bio's/balanced stats/fitting the companies product, but if it's going to create an issue where companies have too many rookies then I should delete them. TCW in 2018 hired 7 rookies (no idea why 7, they were set for 2 per year, two were preset, 5 just random graduates, 6 if you include the female they didn't hire) but that instantly means, 1 year in, their whole roster is off balance as it was full of average rookies with no experience. I mean they only start with 40 wrestlers, so within a year nearly a quarter of their roster is rookies!


    They might've gained more workers from the AI increasing their own dojo. They do spend money on that. I set up several development companies and gave each one their own Broadcaster and Performance Center (of course, in the editor). I did this because I didn't want to perform the 'send to training" thing a million clicks.


    I also don't know what compels the AI hiring - it seems like they always hire every dork, no matter how bad their personality type or deficits of skills the company needs or uses most. They just auto-sign everything.

  9. 1. I would love to see the Gimmick section give us a list of Bonus/Penalty to every given skill, and to every core match type such as Cinematic, Comedy, Hardcore, Technical Masterclass, Spectacle/Epic.


    2. The reason it hardly matters is because Menace doesn't matter. What, he gonna do a 80 rated angle standing there? Same with Charisma. If you rate him on Entertainment for 6 minutes, you can get your 90+, all the way up to 100. Gimmick can already be set to give "Small Bonus" to Star Quality, Microphone, and Charisma, the 3core of Entertainment.


    3. Doing this would require fixing one of my most hated parts of this game - gimmicks being done through "Contract". I wish the Gimmick and Alter Ego screen were kinda combined to let Alter Egos have the bonuses and penalties.

  10. There generally needs to be more stuff to do with lots of money for big companies. Because after a certain point you're just sitting on Millions of dollars, with the only investment options being child companies and brodcaster.


    Maybe some option to "invest" money into economy or overall wrestling popularity, giving either stat a boost or something.


    Or spending money for a positive headline that gives a boost to popularity or someone's momentum (with a chance to fail in any case).

  11. Similar to how I always hire Poppa Swole, Tayvon Blake, and Public Enemy #1 to pop them into a stable, often feuding with The Casey Family (Bob managing Chuck and Tully) and The Ring Generals.


    I can't get over the generals - they're not really a good team, they're not over anywhere, and their age is a concern for the longer haul. But I sold myself on them LONG ago, and cannot seem to get over it.


    I do the same with Dreadnought, Juggernaut Jones, and Original Sinner - they become a stable just because sentimentals. If they get whomped with bad chemistry, I use them as solo guys instead of tag guys. I also usually stick them into the above named feud as a third team.


    I usually sign The Back Country Boys and LA Stars.


    I always sign my favorites, get them over, and let them walk when they don't wanna be in development anymore. It's fun to see which teams move from my developmental companies into the major scenes of the other companies.

  12. They hire their own rosters. I have a function to "take worker", but I cannot send anyone down. I am not sure about borrowing them from developmental for one night because I haven't tried yet.


    Also, to the thread - Season Finale is a meaningless term - for me, it's the blow-off of my biggest storylines, retirements, and induction for HOF. Otherwise, the next night, the next event is "the biggest thing ever".

    1. Besides Royal rumble into Mania, how would you decide who gets title matches at each PPV while saving your BIG title Matches?
    2. After finishing a season finale how do you decide who will face who at your next PPV?
    3. How do you decide who feuds with who?
    4. How do you plan stories into your next Season Finale?
    5. How do you decide who will get that Big push if any push?
    6. How many rookies and over 40 years talent do you keep around?
    7. Who gets fired who gets hired?


    1. What I do is start by knowing my roster. I know who's feuding with who on my roster, because I made the company in the editor. I have 4 big PPVs a year, and my biggest matches are reserved for it. Right now, I have Lloyd Nelson feuding with Lukas Astro and Paul Hunter. Lloyd will face Lukas at the big event - but in the smaller lead-in, they will have a 3-way. After Lukas wins, I will stick another face Major Star in with Paul and Lloyd to make Paul the number one contender. So, this can drag itself out for a while - the 1v1s happen on Big 4, the 3-way and 4-way on smaller ones.


    2. By having them in the same story - in the above example, after Lukas wins the belt, Paul will win the Battle Royale and dethrone Lukas at my finale - their rematch will be at the next event, with Lloyd looming in the background, snipping at their heels. Now I have this other guy, Ashton Chase, who I would like Paul to drop the belt to at the end of this - if he's not ready, Lukas will get the belt back.


    3. I designed my roster - even if I didn't, I think about these matters as I am signing someone. I don't just sign Wolf Hawkins. I sign Wolf Hawkins intending him to join the big feud, help Lukas even the odds, and when Ashton is ready, help him get over to get the belt, then Hawkins can feud with Lloyd, once he's pushed out of the picture. I also have like 16 factions - everyone is in a faction and this makes it easier to have faction-based rivalries. Old School Mafia is feuding with Next-Gen Outlaws - that gives me both the world title and tag title feuds. I can throw in a few major stars of other factions in there, too.


    4. As gameplay progresses, I pay attention to who's rising, which factions are doing good, hate each other, etc. This helps me say "Killer Klownz just beat House of Krazies, and Hyper Cannons just beat Muscle Busters - now Hyper Cannons can feud with Klowns and Busters can feud with Krazies".


    *Note - this also helps me maintain title sanity with my tag and trios titles, because it's faction based.


    5. I look at who is getting big popularity and momentum - also, call me Stamford Gagne Vince, I sign and push people for dumb reasons - I like/dislike their render pic or profile text. This isn't proper gamism, however, it is proper narrativism. I like to ask "Who does it make sense for this person to hate". I also like to start beef - for example, a 4v4 match might result in one faction defeating two teams of different factions - who start a rivalry.


    6. I plan my big stories around title pictures, and my smaller ones around faction rivalries. I have 12 storylines, I just had 16. I cycle people in and out of storylines as they fulfill a purpose. Lloyd will leave the storyline with Lukas and Paul to pursue Hawkins, in the above example, while Ashton Chase will join the title picture with Lukas and Paul. I give big pushes to anyone who needs escalated up the roster. This happens purely on company need.


    7. I have 12 people over 40, including 5 of my 8 "Major Stars". Many will be retiring, and a self-imposed challenge in the structure of my company IS about replacing the old guard before they're gone. I stick rookies in developmental. When they cap, I move them to B-Shows until pop rises to around 50, then I start using them in Angles on my A-Shows to set them up for tag and 6-man action.


    I like to save 1v1 matches to make them special. Also, because I have 3 brands, I do tend to forget who faced who how recently. So I use a lot of 3-way, 4-way, and 1v2 handicaps to get through the weeks leading into a PPV. Same with tags - I reserve 1v1 and 2v2 matches for when an older hand is explicitly putting over a younger one. Otherwise, it's a 2v4 or 2v2v2 or 3 way something.


    Fired - Anyone who's time decline has rendered them unable to work 10+ minute matches. Anyone with a bad personality (bully, scumbag, etc).



    Anyone with safety starting above 60 and age below 25.


    Anyone who's render or text I like (Stamford Gagne here).


    Anyone who does NOT have difficult attributes like Scumbag, Bully, Political Player that also does have a positive upside in their skills.



    Lastly: I have two developmental companies, and about 7 child companies without developmental deals. This lets me have a constant stream of jobbers to beat if I accidentally book myself out of options and just need some people to lose but nobody can afford to.

  13. Call me Uncle Vince. I see a person I like the "look" of (or an alt or rerender here) and - "I JUST HAVE TO HAVE THEM NOW!" and I immediately sign them and work them into my plans. Sometimes this obviously doesn't work.


    I take people who look alike and tag them up - Leon Maine and Will Beaumont, for example. Always a team. I also team up Colin Piccalo with Charlie Cain. I also team up Pryme Time Jack with Zippy.


    The person might not even have stats that align with their render's appearance. I will still take the bait. It's just fun.


    I sign schmucks like Coco Malloy, DupliKate, and The Ring Generals - those guys are old now, and I still start games by signing them for 10 years. These guys suck - their popularity will never hit above the 60s range. But, I still view them as my FTR, and still bring them in every time.


    I also feel this booking style adds realism and believability. Vince pops wood when he sees Great Khali or Brodus Clay. Nobody else did, but we still had to tolerate them for too long on our TV screens. Vince also didn't like the look of certain people who could've been great. I do this, too. I never sign certain folks I should - because I think their render is ugly, even if they're a good worker. "Nope. My fans won't be into this one." I picture JR over my shoulder selling me the worker's skills and attributes, but "I don't like the look."

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