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About GnEric

  • Birthday 06/25/1988

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  1. Just a small batch this time. The Architect Paige Croft Joffy Laine And an alt for those who believe... "Say his name and he appears! I believe in..." PNGs
  2. Been a while since I posted anything, I kind of thought that I'd accidentally deleted my render folder but I found it finally. Turns out I just moved it and forgot about it. Anyway here is some new stuff. Nelson Callum Davis Wayne Newton Josh Jacobs Frankie Perez / Killswitch ALT Jonnie Perez Rich and Famous Jake Idol & Jackpot Jordan Nigel Svenson Ernest Youngman Charlie Corner Danielle Sweetheart Etsuko Arihyoshi Craig Prince Freddie Datsun Grace Harper Francis Long Jez McArthuer PNGS
  3. Dang, missed the cut. Guess that's what I get for not checking the boards all weekend. Glad to see you back at it willr0ck. Your belts and logos are top notch.
  4. Kip Keenan Arthur Dexter Bradley Astro Sunburst Edo Phoenix IV Alexis Lee Littlefeather Alina America Electric Dreamer Mystery Pink PNGs
  5. Hell's Bouncer and some alts Nate DeMarcus and Tyrone Gray A Nest of Vipers Dagger and Mimic Juliet Balconi "The Sinner" Amy St. James The California Dreams Kira Lee and Skye Hermosa PNGs
  6. Small batch today. Nadia Snow Demelza Wade And another take on Wade that I ended up not going with but still really liked, so have it as an alt, regen or free pic, etc... PNGs
  7. Love those, and well the rest of your work here in this thread. I've probably spent the most time playing as QAW really looking forward to seeing the rest of your takes on the roster!
  8. KC Glenn Akima Brave Papa Swoll Tavon Blake Jr Christy Higgins Joanna Silver DupliKate PNGs
  9. Aldous Blackfriar, Anguish, and Misery For all your dark face-painted cultish needs. Sabrina Wells and Ruby Reece I might team these two up with the Simony Sentinel From a previous post. I'm going to need womens trios titles if this keeps up. Ace Youngblood Just cause I could never find a render for him that I really liked. PNGs
  10. Thanks for doing the cleanup on those logos, I made several attempts at the first logo myself and well, it certainly felt harder than you made it look. I do like the results though, I get too picky and that "E" was driving me crazy.
  11. I don't think that was my issue but it felt like I had to start with extremely simple prompts and build upon them slowly and sometimes that had odd results too. For example for Black Diamond, I started with the very basic "Create an image in a realistic video game style of a muscular african american female with black curly hair" and one of the first results was basically Xavier Woods.
  12. Yeah, getting Bing to create female characters was a pain but I managed to get several done last night. Anyway here is a new batch. Magical girl trio! Stellar Guardians Yayoi Kurmochi, Emiko Miyoshi and Aki Kamio Didn't go too over the top with the magical girl theme so they can be used separately and Bing would often just start going too anime with it or stop working altogether. But they should make for a fun comedy act or underdog babyfaces. Either way, they are here to stop those evil heels, have fun, and most importantly SELL TONS OF MERCH! Black Diamond I've also been told the CVerse includes male characters as well, I'm skeptical but have some anyway... Island Boy Apollo... wait no, I'm sorry, Island MAN Apollo Chris Caulfield Riley McManus Pepper Pelton And of course, the PNGs
  13. I have several different things to share today, first, a few renders of some of my goto workers. Simony Sentinel Ozzie Goldstein The Uprising Talia Quinzel & Selina Svelte Next up, a pair of repackagings. A badass outlaw gimmick for Findlay O'Farraday and a Monty Brown inspired take on Public Enemy #1. "Dead Man Walking" Findlay O'Farraday "The Alpha Predator" Jake Jackson (Public Enemy #1) And finally, the owner of my custom promotion, a completely original character who is not at all based on a real person... Trixie Cartwright And here are the PNGs if anyone wants them.
  14. Excellent guide! I've used GIMP a lot over the years for various minor things but never for edits like this. Seeing the step by step process is really helpful. Thanks for putting this together.
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