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Everything posted by crackerjack

  1. Could anyone make a company logo for a company named Pro Wrestling KINGDOM?
  2. PSW CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP - Jimmy Yang (champion) v Cade Thesz PSW CONTINENTAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - To Kijar, With Love (Matt Sydal & T. J. Perkins, champions) v Londrick (Paul London & Brian Kendrick) PSW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP - Nora Greenwald (champion) v Nattie Neidhart PSW YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP - Drew McIntyre (champion) v Iven Michaud CROWNING GLORY SERIES FINAL - Rob Van Dam v Chris Jericho CROWNING GLORY TAG TEAM SERIES FINAL - Chicago's Finest (CM Punk & Colt Cabana) v Triple X (Amazing Red & Christopher Daniels) CROWNING GLORY WOMENS SERIES FINAL - Trenesha Biggers v Nikita Jeff Jarrett v Kevin Steen John Cena v Lance Storm Pre show - Spanish Announce Team (Joel & Jose Maximo) v The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) Pre show - Austin Aries v Randy Orton Pre show - AJ Styles v Chris Hero What will be the match of the night? RVD/Jericho What will be the worst match of the night? (Main show only) Nikita/Biggers
  3. <p>Sting vs. Ricky Steamboat vs. <strong>Randy Savage</strong> vs. Scott Steiner – WCW World Title Number One Contendership</p><p> Beat The Champ: <strong>Bret Hart © </strong>vs. Michael Hayes – WCW Television Title – Texas Bullrope Match</p><p> Tito Santana and Jerry Lynn vs. <strong>Arn Anderson and Steve Austin ©</strong> – NWA Tag Team Titles</p><p> <strong>Marcus Bagwell</strong> vs. Terence Taylor</p><p> Dean Malenko vs. <strong>Rick Rude</strong> – non-title</p><p> Chris Jericho vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p> Reply With Quote</p>
  4. CROWNING GLORY WOMEN'S SERIES SEMI FINAL - Nikita v Nattie Neidhart Alex Wright v Eddie Edwards Melissa v Rebecca Knox Kid Kash v Windham Rotunda Amazing Red v Ice Ariel v Tiana Ringer What will be the match of the night? Wright/Eddie "Eddie" Edwards
  5. Scott Steiner vs. Bret Hart Comments: Dude Love, Scott Hall & Sean Waltman vs. Brian Pillman, Ric Flair & Arn Anderson Comments: Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett Comments: Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock Comments: Fatal Four Way Match Chris Candido vs. Billy Gunn vs. Christian vs. Stevie Ray Comments: Psycho Sid vs. Christopher Daniels Comments: WCW Title Match: 30 day mandatory defence against an opponent of Vince Russo’s choosing Hollywood Hogan © vs. ??? Comments: Let's go hardwork Bobby Walker! Diamond Dallas Page & Chris Benoit vs. Jean Paul Levesque & Buff Bagwell Comments: Nice to see JPL somehow is still the biggest diva in WCW The Soul Train vs. Mike Awesome & Gideon Cain Comments: Bill Goldberg vs. Pierre Oulette Comments: The Renegade vs. Scott Norton Comments: Rick Martel vs. The Duke, Douglas Williams Comments: Jeff Hardy vs. VK Wallstreet Comments: I was honestly hoping Willow was staying
  6. The Special Forces vs. The Calgary Connection Junkyard Dog vs. Brad Armstrong Bret Hart © vs. Diamond Dallas Page – WCW Television Title – Street Fight The Fabulous Malenkos vs. The One Percenters The Young Pistols © vs. Darryl Peterson and Mike Moran – WCW United States Tag Team Titles Dustin Rhodes vs. Jimmy Jannetty ...Marty's brother?
  7. <p>PSW SUPERSTARS OF WRESTLING</p><p> 2 shows before One Step Away</p><p> </p><p> CROWNING GLORY SERIES SEMI FINAL - <strong>???</strong> v ???</p><p> CROWNING GLORY SERIES SEMI FINAL - <strong>???</strong> v ???</p><p> CROWNING GLORY TAG TEAM SERIES SEMI FINAL - ??? v <strong>???</strong></p><p> CROWNING GLORY TAG TEAM SERIES SEMI FINAL - ??? v <strong>???</strong></p><p> PSW TV TITLE - Keiji Sakoda (champion) v <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> Pre show - Brian Kendrick v <strong>Davey Richards</strong></p><p> Pre show - <strong>Chris Sabin</strong> v Christian York</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Bret Hart will be making the semi final draws at the start of the show. Choose two wrestlers and two teams to advance to the final...</p><p> CROWNING GLORY SERIES - <strong>Chris Jericho</strong>, Lance Storm, Randy Orton, <strong>Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p> CROWNING GLORY TAG TEAM SERIES - <strong>Chicago's Finest (CM Punk & Colt Cabana)</strong>, Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero), New Wave (Austin Aries & Kevin Steen), <strong>Triple X (Amazing Red & Christopher Daniels)</strong></p>
  8. <p>Non-Title Match</p><p> <strong>Sting</strong> vs. "The Total Package" Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p> <strong>"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Konnan</p><p> </p><p> Cash and Big Smooth vs. <strong>KroniK</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Sugar" Shane Helms vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Crowbar</strong> vs. Jason Jett</p><p> </p><p> Kid Romeo vs. <strong>AJ Styles</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo</strong> vs. James Storm and Chris Harris</p><p> Reply With Quote</p>
  9. <p>Scott Steiner & Steve Austin vs. <strong>Ahmed Johnson & Bret Hart</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF European Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Ken Shamrock</strong> vs. Goldust</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF European Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs. Barry Windham</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF Tag Team Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> The Headbangers vs. <strong>Edge & Christian</strong> vs. High Voltage vs. The Harris Boys</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF European Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Matt Hardy </strong>vs. Kama</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Quote:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Preview for WCW Nitro, Week 1, August 1997</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sting</strong> vs. Ray Traylor</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Diamond Dallas Page vs. <strong>Jean Paul Levesque</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow</strong> vs. Mike Awesome & Un-named Partner</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bill Goldberg</strong> vs. Alex Wright</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> The Renegade vs. <strong>Konnan</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rick Martel</strong> vs. Earl Robert Eaton</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Non-Title Match</p><p> <strong>???</strong> vs. Eddie Guerrero</p><p> Comments:</p>
  10. <p>Dustin Rhodes vs<strong>. Rick Rude © </strong>– WCW World Heavyweight Title</p><p> <strong>Ricky Steamboat</strong> vs. Arn Anderson © – WCW United States Title</p><p> Junkyard Dog vs. <strong>Big Van Vader</strong></p><p> Scott Steiner and Randy Savage © vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels and The Diamond Studd</strong> – WCW World Tag Team Titles <em>Changing this. HBK and Studd didn't just have to go through War Games. Plus, maybe Dangerously wants a little revenge?</em></p><p> Beat The Champ: <strong>Bret Hart ©</strong> vs. Tim Horner – WCW Television Title – Submission Match</p><p> </p><p> War Games was great as expected, and I think you'll be getting scotty over as a singles guy sooner or later. The big stand out is of course VADER. Somehow forgot about him in the mist of this WWF/WCW drama. To the moon with him!</p>
  11. <p><img alt="tQoEwBN.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tQoEwBN.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <img alt="5oznNQG.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5oznNQG.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <img alt="EeoJCOt.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EeoJCOt.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Must have been a heck of a match.</p>
  12. <p>CROWNING GLORY WOMEN'S SERIES SEMI FINAL - Trenesha Biggers v <strong>Beth Phoenix</strong></p><p> Mike Quackenbush v <strong>Yoshihiro Tajiri</strong></p><p> <strong>Joel Maximo </strong>v TJ Wilson</p><p> <strong>Alex Shelley</strong> v Petey Williams</p><p> Chris Divine v <strong>Matt Jackson</strong></p><p> Annie Social v <strong>LuFisto</strong></p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Quack/Tajiri</strong></p>
  13. <p>War Games: <strong>Sting, Scott Steiner, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage and Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs. Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Steve Austin, Brian Pillman and Owen Hart <em>With the belt on Rude, I think it makes more sense for the Faces to get one up on the heels here - lining up many challengers</em></p><p> <strong>Ultimate Warrior</strong> vs. Mr Hughes</p><p> Ric Flair and the Thrillseekers vs. <strong>The Diamond Exchange © </strong>– WCW Six Man Titles <em>I don't know about this one - feels a little too soon for the Seekers</em></p><p> Beat The Champ: Ron Simmons © vs.<strong> Bret Hart </strong>– WCW Television Title <em>Poor Ron</em></p><p> Terence Taylor vs. <strong>Thomas Rich</strong> – I Quit match <em>Someone WWF Bound?</em></p><p> <strong>The Young Pistols </strong>vs. The Stocks And Shares Express © – WCW United States Tag Team Titles</p><p> Harley Saito vs. <strong>Madusa ©</strong> – NWA Women’s Title</p>
  14. <p>Women's World Championship: Toshiyo Yamada vs. <strong>Manami Toyota {©}</strong></p><p> </p><p> Grand Prix Finals: <strong>Akira Hokuto</strong> vs. Etsuko Mita</p><p> </p><p> Women's World Tag Team Championship: Allison Corino and Alexis Laree vs. <strong>Aja Kong and Devil Masami {©}</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Meiko Satomura and Chigusa Nagayo </strong>vs. Daffney and LuFisto</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Momoe Nakanishi</strong> vs. Takako Inoue</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Our Generation</strong> vs. Lisa Moretti and Shinobu Kandori</p><p> </p><p> What will be match of the night? <strong>Grand Prix Finals</strong></p><p> </p><p> How many championships will change hands? (the tournament doesn't count) <strong>0</strong></p>
  15. <p>SW TV TITLE - <strong>Keiji Sakoda (champion)</strong> v Ricky Steamboat Jr</p><p> CROWNING GLORY SERIES QUARTER FINAL - Lance Storm v <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> CROWNING GLORY TAG TEAM SERIES QUARTER FINAL - Desperate Measures (Aaron Stevens & Yoshihiro Tajiri) v <strong>Chicago's Finest (CM Punk & Colt Cabana)</strong></p><p> Chris Jericho & ??? v <strong>Randy Orton & ???</strong> v Rob Van Dam & ???</p><p> Paul London v Stu Sanders</p><p> Pre show - Jose Maximo v <strong>Marty Scurll</strong></p><p> Pre show - Destrey Lapointe & Julius Turcotte v <strong>The Jackson 2 (Matt & Nick Jackson)</strong></p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>3 Way Tag</strong></p><p> Who will be Chris Jericho's partner? <strong>AJ</strong></p><p> Who will be Randy Orton's partner? <strong>Cena</strong></p><p> Who will be Rob Van Dam's partner? <strong>Hero</strong></p>
  16. <p><em>Very nice PPV, as always. Big ups to Y2J for pulling off that 100, and I love the Austin chaos. Really surprised by Jeff leaving, but I like that you've given everyone a reason to return if needed. Since you're booking both now, it makes WWF 1A, and WCW 1b. Go down south, maybe enjoy a push, then come back better than ever for some revenge. </em></p><p> </p><p> Dude Love vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Psycho Sid vs. <strong>Raven</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Dean Malenko</strong> vs. Christopher Daniels</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF Tag Team Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido</strong> vs. Goldust & Marcus</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Winner to be entered into Four Way WWF Tag Team Title Match at Summerslam</p><p> <strong>Harlem Heat</strong> vs. Dogs of War</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bradshaw</strong> vs. Rich Steiner</p><p> Comments: <em>I guess? This one's tough</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Preview for WCW Nitro, Week 4, July 1997</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Warrior & Sting</strong> vs. Jean Paul Levesque & Ray Traylor</p><p> Comments: <em>This is an KoW run in</em></p><p> </p><p><strong> Chris Benoit</strong> vs. Buff Bagwell</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> The Giant <strong>vs.</strong> Vader</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p><strong> Bill Goldberg </strong>vs. Disco Inferno</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> WCW United States Title Match</p><p> <strong>Eddie Guerrero ©</strong> vs. Juventud Guerrera</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> The Renegade <strong>vs.</strong> Sgt. Craig Pittman</p><p> Comments: <em>Pray for interference</em></p><p> </p><p> WCW World Tag Team Title Match</p><p> <strong>The Road Warriors</strong> vs. The Faces of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian)</p><p> Comments:</p>
  17. <p><strong>Ric Flair</strong> vs. Shawn Michaels</p><p> Chris Jericho vs. <strong>Vinnie Vegas</strong></p><p> Lance Storm vs. <strong>The Diamond Studd</strong></p><p> The WCW Special Forces vs. <strong>Mr Hughes and the One Percenters</strong></p><p> Beat The Champ:<strong> Ron Simmons ©</strong> vs. Pat Rose – WCW Television Title</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>When I was gonna predict for this recently posted show, I was gonna comment on how stacked it was.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Then I forgot to predict.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Not this time!</em></p>
  18. <p>GROUP A:</p><p> Opening Round:</p><p> <strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. King Corino <em>If he goes, it'll suck to see Corino leave so soon. With the Unnatural getting the belt, it seems Steve's time to shine may be past him</em></p><p> Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p> Rick Steiner vs. <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p> <strong>Lance Storm</strong> vs. Johnny Parisi</p><p> </p><p> Second Round:</p><p> <strong>Styles</strong>/Corino vs. Chavo/Douglas</p><p> Steiner/<strong>Kendrick</strong> vs. Storm/Parisi <em>I think we see an upset in the 2nd Round here. Rest of the brackets feel a little too predictable</em></p><p> </p><p> Group Winner: <strong>AJ Styles</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> GROUP B:</p><p> Opening Round:</p><p> <strong>Eddie Guerrero </strong>vs. The Destroyer</p><p> <strong>Sean O'Haire</strong> vs. TAKA</p><p> Diamond Dallas Page vs. <strong>Christopher Daniels</strong></p><p> <strong>Sting</strong> vs. Harry Smith</p><p> </p><p> Second Round:</p><p> <strong>Guerrero</strong>/Destroyer vs. O'Haire/TAKA <em>Guessing this is a "lie, cheat, steal" win for Eddie</em></p><p> DDP/<strong>Daniels</strong> vs. Sting/Smith</p><p> </p><p> Group Winner: <strong>Eddie</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> GROUP C:</p><p> Opening Round:</p><p> <strong>Jeff Hardy</strong> vs. Cash</p><p> <strong>Kidman </strong>vs. Fit Finlay <em>psuedo-upset? Hardy/Kidman just sounds more fun</em></p><p> <strong>Matt Hardy </strong>vs. Mark Jindrak</p><p> Paul London vs.<strong> Goldberg</strong></p><p> </p><p> Second Round:</p><p> <strong>Jeff/</strong>Cash vs. Kidman/Finlay</p><p> Matt/Jindrak vs. London/<strong>Goldberg</strong></p><p> </p><p> Group Winner: <strong>Goldberg</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> GROUP D:</p><p> Opening Round:</p><p> <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Shane Helms <em>If he can still go in 2018...</em></p><p> <strong>Minoru Tanaka</strong> vs. Kaz Hayashi</p><p> <strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Teddy Hart</p><p> <strong>Bryan Danielson</strong> vs. Yang</p><p> </p><p> Second Round:</p><p> <strong>Steiner</strong>/Helms vs. Minoru/Hayashi</p><p> <strong>Punk/</strong>Teddy vs. Danielson/Yang</p><p> </p><p> Group Winner: <strong>Punk. Steiner/Punk is really interesting</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> SEMIFINALS:</p><p> AJ Styles vs. <strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> <em>Not yet, AJ.</em></p><p> Goldberg vs. <strong>CM Punk</strong> <em>Paging Mr. Austin. This could even be an eventual catalyst for an Austin/Punk feud (which you have to do eventually)</em></p><p> </p><p> 2003 Stu Hart Classic Winner (worth 3 points): <strong>Punk</strong> <em>An IWA-MS classic! Punk's been ready (brother) for a while now. Guessing we'll get the Rey/Eddie blowoff at Starcade anyways </em></p>
  19. <p>CROWNING GLORY WOMENS SERIES QUARTER FINAL - Nikita v <strong>Amazing Kong</strong></p><p> CROWNING GLORY WOMENS SERIES QUARTER FINAL - Trenesha Biggers v <strong>Gail Kim</strong></p><p> <strong>Colt Cabana</strong> v T. J. Perkins (Continental Tag Team champion)</p><p> Christian York & Joey Matthews v <strong>Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)</strong></p><p> <strong>Caprice Coleman</strong> v Leon Patterson</p><p> Drake Thompson v <strong>Nick Jackson</strong></p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Cabana/Perkins</strong></p>
  20. WWF Championship Match Scott Steiner © vs. Chris Jericho Comments: Not yet for Y2J. Steiner's bigger challenge is still Bret WWF Tag Team Championship Match The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Hardy Boys Comments: Again, no Hardys yet, not until they gain some type of edge WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Loser Leaves the WWF Faarooq © vs. Mr. Perfect Comments: See ya in the Titans, Curt! WWF European Championship Match Sean Waltman © vs. The Rock Comments: Guessing Waltman wins this via sneakiness. Rock/Farooq feels like your long term idea anyways WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match: Triple Threat Match Scorpio © vs Rey Mysterio vs. Dean Malenko Comments: Title goes back to Rey, just because I'm not sure who Scorpio goes towards next. Deano has unfinished business with Jericho, too Steve Austin vs. Ahmed Johnson Comments:Incredibly difficult here, but I think Austin has more enemies than Ahmed does. Somebody screws him over and sends Ahmed towards Steiner Ken Shamrock vs. Rich Steiner Comments: British Bulldog & Jim Neidhart vs. The Hart Foundation Comments: WWF Tag Team Titles: #1 Contenders Match Al Snow & Chris Candido vs. Goldust & Marcus vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Headbangers Comments: NAO and E&C can out-heel each other for a month, I think. Just don't want Goldie to get lost in a the shuffle
  21. <p>WCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> <strong>"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett ©</strong> vs. Sting</p><p> Comment: <em>Sting still feels like the second best challenger for JJ, so I'm guessing you're saving this change for Book</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner </strong>vs. Diamond Dallas Page</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> WCW United States Champioship - Hardcore Match</p><p> <strong>Rey Misterio Jr. (c</strong>) vs. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas</p><p> Comment: </p><p> </p><p> WCW Tag Team Championships</p><p> <strong>Totally Buff © </strong>vs. The Jung Dragons</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p> <strong>Billy Kidman ©</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> BG James vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Two On Three Handicap Match</p><p> Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal vs. <strong>Mike Sanders, Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak</strong></p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Hair vs. Hair Match</p><p> Shannon Moore vs. <strong>AJ Styles</strong></p><p> Comment: <em>Very interesting Stip here, but I'm guessing Shannon can pull off bald guy better</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Bonus Questions:</p><p> </p><p> How many titles will change hands? <strong>0</strong></p><p> </p><p> What will be the hightest rated match? <strong>Sting/JJ</strong></p><p> </p><p> What will be the lowest rated match? <strong>Handicap</strong></p><p> </p><p> How long will the main event last? <strong>19:00</strong></p>
  22. War Games: Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr. and True Heroes vs. Salvation (The Unnatural, The Destroyer, Mortis and Alexander) Who scores the win for their team? CM Punk Which wrestler is beaten? Mortis *If the faces win, whoever records the victory will challenge The Unnatural for the World Heavyweight Championship at Halloween Havoc *If Salvation wins, the loser of the fall must join the group If Salvation didn't have the belt, I'd pick otherwise United States Heavyweight Championship: Rob Van Dam vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles {©} World Television Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Roode {©} Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Knoble vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson {©} Sean O'Haire vs. Chuck Palumbo The Steiner Brothers vs. The Jung Dragons Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brian Kendrick Minoru Tanaka vs. Goldberg What will be match of the night? RVD/AJ How many championships will change hands? 2 Who was responsible for the attack on Jeff Hardy? I like the Shane Helms idea What is Buff Bagwell's announcement? He is the stuff, and he's going to retire at Starcade General diary comments/questions/critiques:
  23. <p>Beat The Champ: <strong>Ron Simmons © </strong>vs. Richard Morton – WCW Television Title</p><p> <strong>Sting and the Thrillseekers</strong> vs. Michael Hayes, Terence Taylor and Robert Gibson</p><p> Barry Windham and Marcus Bagwell vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels and Vinnie Vegas</strong></p><p> Misty Blue Simmes vs. <strong>Madusa © </strong>– NWA Women’s Title</p><p> The Special Forces vs. <strong>Arn Anderson and Steve Austin ©</strong> – NWA Tag Team Title</p>
  24. <p>The Chosen Ones("The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett, "The Total Package" Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell)vs. <strong>Sting, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and Booker T</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> Non-Title Match</p><p> <strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> vs. Crowbar</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome</strong> vs. Johnny Swinger and Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Mamalukes</strong> vs. Alan Funk and Kid Romeo</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Vampiro</strong> vs. Jason Jett</p>
  25. <p>The Young Pistols vs. <strong>The Calgary Connection © </strong>– WCW United States Tag Team Titles</p><p> <strong>Scott Steiner and Randy Savage ©</strong> vs. Arn Anderson and Steve Austin – WCW Tag Team Titles</p><p> Beat The Champ: Chris Jericho vs.<strong> Shawn Michaels ©</strong> – WCW Television Title</p><p> <strong>Sting, Nikita Koloff and Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs. The York Foundation</p><p> <strong>Ron Simmons</strong> vs. Mr Hughes</p>
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