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Everything posted by crackerjack

  1. <p>GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - Eddie Colon (0-0-2) v <strong>Petey Williams</strong> (1-0-1)</p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE CONFERENCE - <strong>Joe Hennig (1-0-1, Youth champion)</strong> v Ricky Reyes (2-0-0)</p><p> Christian York & Joey Matthews v <strong>Shock & Awe (Caprice Coleman & Stu Sanders)</strong></p><p> Meryl Roux v <strong>Nattie Neidhart</strong></p><p> <strong>LuFisto</strong> v Tiana Ringer</p><p> <strong>Alex Shelley</strong> v Valiant Leclerc (debut)</p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Hennig/Reyes</strong></p><p> What will be the worst match of the night? <strong>Shelley/VAlaint</strong></p>
  2. <p><strong>Chris Benoit, Eddier Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr</strong> vs. LAX (Hernandez, Homicide, Konnan)</p><p> Psicosis vs. <strong>Super Calo</strong></p><p> Torrie Wilson vs. <strong>Madusa</strong></p><p> <strong>Team 3D</strong> vs. Shannon Moore and Essa Rios</p><p> Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p> <strong>Steven Regal</strong> vs. Disco Inferno</p><p> <strong>Goldebrg </strong>vs. Mike Sanders</p><p> Vader vs. <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Ken Shamrock</p><p> </p><p> Bonus Points Questions:</p><p> 1) Who's ??? <strong>Vampiro</strong></p><p> 2) Who takes the fall in the main event? <strong>Vader</strong></p>
  3. Sting © vs. The Diamond Studd – WCW United States TItle Beat The Champ: Dustin Rhodes © vs. Cactus Jack – WCW Television Title Ricky Steamboat and Marcus Bagwell vs. The Calgary Connection – non-title Ric Flair vs. Tony Anthony Brady Boone vs. Rick Rude – non-title The Thrillseekers vs. Arn Anderson and Steve Austin © – NWA Tag Team Titles
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Beejus" data-cite="Beejus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey, even if it did take crackerjack to get you in action again, I'll take it! I hope you can stick around until Starrcade like you planned to!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blodyxe" data-cite="Blodyxe" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>i hope for the same! Good to see you again dude!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I choose to use my peer pressure skills for good. </p><p> </p><p> Great to see this back in action! Let's just hope we don't see Sags vs Cena again...</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nobby_McDonald" data-cite="Nobby_McDonald" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41472" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Cracker Jack should lose points for not voting me in Diary of the Month <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Give the man a couple of awards... and the fame goes right to his head!</p><p> </p><p> Congrats on the victory and nomination buddy!</p><p> </p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - 'The Outlaw' Christopher Daniels (1-0-1) v <strong>'The Champion of Champions' Jimmy Yang (2-0-0, Continental champion)</strong></p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - Brian Kendrick (0-0-2) v <strong>Kevin Steen (2-0-0)</strong></p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Caprice Coleman (0-0-2) v <strong>Rocky Romero (2-0-0)</strong></p><p> BG James (in ring debut) v <strong>Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p> Chris Hero & Iven Michaud v <strong>Stu Sanders (TV champion) & Marty Scurll</strong></p><p> Pre show - <strong>Desperate Measures (Aaron Stevens & Yoshihiro Tajiri) </strong>v The Jackson 2 (Matt & Nick Jackson)</p><p> Pre show - Destrey Lapointe v <strong>Joey Matthews</strong></p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Yang/Daniels</strong></p><p> </p><p> Each correct prediction is worth 1 point in the monthly average standings.</p>
  6. <p>WCW Sin 2002 - Official Card</p><p> </p><p> WCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> <strong>Sting ©</strong> vs. "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Booker T</p><p> Comment: <em>I don't really know where the Stinger goes after this, though, so a change is definitely possible here.</em></p><p> </p><p> WCW United States Championship</p><p> <strong>Diamond Dallas Page ©</strong> vs. Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p><strong> "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash</strong> vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair</p><p> Comment: <em>Better question - does Naitch want to work tonight?</em></p><p> </p><p> WCW Tag Team Championships</p><p> <strong>Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo ©</strong> vs. Totally Buff</p><p> Comment: <em>Same with Stinger, I can see a change but I don't think Totally Buff are the ones</em></p><p> </p><p> Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p> <strong>Chavo Guerrero ©</strong> vs. Billy Kidman</p><p> Comment: <em>JUVI PINATA</em></p><p> </p><p> Hardcore Match</p><p> <strong>Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome</strong> vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and The Sandman</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Konnan</strong> vs. Mike Sanders</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Bonus Questions:</p><p> </p><p> What will be the highest rated match of the night? <strong>4 Way</strong></p><p> </p><p> What will be the lowest rated match of the night? <strong>Konnan/Mike</strong></p><p> </p><p> What will be the longest match of the night? <strong>4 Way</strong></p><p> </p><p> How many titles will change hands? <strong>0</strong></p><p> </p><p> Who will be pinned/made to submit in the World Title match? <strong>Book?</strong></p>
  7. <p>Heck (In a Seck) of a show there, to4sty! That sneaky Pillman does it again! Why do I have the feeling that we're getting Austin/Pillman at Mania for the gold...</p><p> </p><p> Dug Raven/Snake man as well. Raven's Rules at Survivor Series?</p><p> </p><p> That Ahmed injury is a killer. You can still protect him by having his feuds mostly be angles, but doesn't help a guy who is a bit lost in the stable shuffle right now. I didn't think he'd hold the belt for much longer - even before the injury - but maybe a switch comes sooner than later?</p><p> </p><p> Enjoy the vacation!</p><p> </p><p> Preview for WWF Raw is War, Week 4, October 1997</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Chris Jericho</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> The British Bulldog vs. <strong>Faarooq</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Billy Kidman vs. <strong>Rich Steiner</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p> <strong>Al Snow & Chris Candido ©</strong> vs. The New Age Outlaws</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jake Roberts </strong>vs. Bill DeMott</p><p> Comments: <em>Testing some waters here</em></p><p> </p><p> Matt Hardy vs. <strong>Ken Shamrock</strong></p><p> Comments: <em>Tempted to say reverse decision...</em></p><p> </p><p> Quote:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Preview for WCW Monday Nitro, Week 4, October 1997</p><p> </p><p> The Giant <strong>vs.</strong> Jean Paul Levesque</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Curt Hennig & Jeff Hardy vs. <strong>Eddie Guerrero & Mortis</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Non-Title Match</p><p> The Road Warriors <strong>vs.</strong> Mike Awesome & Gideon Cain</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bill Goldberg</strong> vs. Konnan (Take 2)</p><p> Comments: <em>This time - Goldberg is high!</em></p><p> </p><p> Double Dog Collar: One Last Match</p><p> The Pitbulls vs. <strong>Samoan SWAT Team</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> WCW Television Championship Match</p><p> <strong>Lance Storm ©</strong> vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rikishi </strong>vs. Kevin Sullivan</p><p> Comment:</p>
  8. <p>GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE CONFERENCE - Austin Creed (0-0-1) v <strong>Cade Thesz (1-0-0)</strong></p><p> Nikita v <strong>Trenesha Biggers</strong></p><p> Amazing Kong v <strong>Gail Kim</strong></p><p> Amy Hennig v <strong>Rebecca Knox</strong></p><p> Shayne Hawke v <strong>Yoshihiro Tajiri</strong></p><p> <strong>Christian York</strong> v Drake Thompson</p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Hawke/Tajiri</strong></p><p> What will be the worst match of the night? <strong>York/Thompson</strong></p>
  9. <p><strong>Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner</strong> vs Natural Born Thrillers</p><p> </p><p> Cruiserweight Open Challenge</p><p> <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> vs ???</p><p> </p><p> The Rematch</p><p> Road Warrior Animal vs <strong>Mark Jindrak</strong></p><p> </p><p> WHC #1 Contender</p><p> <strong>DDP</strong> vs Booker T vs Kanyon vs Dustin Rhodes</p><p> </p><p> The Mystery Attackers</p><p> (Every correct prediction worth 1 point, up to 8 allowed)</p><p> RVD + Terry Funk + Dreamer + Sabu + Sandman</p><p> <em>Echoing Beejus, the Don Callis connection is too strong</em></p>
  10. <p><strong>Sting</strong> vs. Arn Anderson © – WCW United States Title <em>The stinger gets the win, and Arn grows a little more tense</em></p><p> Beat The Champ: <strong>Dustin Rhodes </strong>vs. Steve Austin © – WCW Television Title <em>This feels like a DQ/Count-out, champ keeps the gold thing</em></p><p> Randy Savage <strong>vs.</strong> Scott Steiner</p><p> <strong>Bret Hart</strong> vs. Brian Pillman</p><p> Barry Windham vs. <strong>Owen Hart</strong></p><p> <strong>Wendi Richter and Misty Blue Simmes </strong>vs. Madusa and Bull Nakano</p><p> The Young Pistols and Michael Hayes vs. <strong>The Diamond Mine ©</strong> – WCW Six Man Titles</p><p> Plus, Big Van Vader issues an open challenge! <em>snorts</em></p>
  11. <p>Barry Windham vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p> Beat The Champ: Todd Champion vs. <strong>Steve Austin ©</strong> – WCW Television Title</p><p> Michaels Hayes and the Young Pistols vs. <strong>The Diamond Exchange</strong></p><p> Misty Blue Simmes vs. <strong>Bull Nakano</strong></p><p> Junkyard Dog vs. <strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p><p> Reply With Quote</p>
  12. <p>Sting, Booker T and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs.<strong> "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash</strong></p><p> <em>So many nicknames</em></p><p> </p><p> WCW Tag Team Championships</p><p> Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo © vs.<strong> KroniK</strong></p><p> <em>I actually think a surprise change here isn't a bad idea</em></p><p> </p><p><strong> Rey Misterio Jr. and Konnan </strong>vs. Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak</p><p> </p><p> <strong>"The Dog-faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner</strong> vs. "Screamin'" Norman Smiley</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bam Bam Bigelow</strong> vs. Jason Jett</p><p> </p><p> Lash Leroux vs. <strong>Shannon Moore</strong></p>
  13. <p>PSW TV TITLE - Stu Sanders (champion) v <strong>Chris Hero</strong></p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION - <strong>Christopher Daniels (0-0-1)</strong> v Lance Storm (1-0-0)</p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - Brian Kendrick (0-0-1) v <strong>Keiji Sakoda (0-0-1)</strong></p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - Caprice Coleman (0-0-1) v <strong>Davey Richards (0-0-1)</strong></p><p> <strong>Jimmy Yang (Continental champion) & CM Punk (Continental Tag Team champion)</strong> v Chris Jericho & Eddie Edwards</p><p> Pre show - Eddie Colon v <strong>Ice</strong></p><p> Pre show -<strong> Jay Lethal </strong>v Robert Michaud</p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Yang Punk vs Y2J/Eddie</strong></p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="southside_hitmen" data-cite="southside_hitmen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nope, only when on tour (same with TV shows).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks southside!</p>
  15. <p>No Disqualification</p><p> <strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> vs Billy Kidman</p><p> </p><p><strong> Lance Storm</strong> vs Mike Awesome</p><p> </p><p> WCW World Tag Team Championships</p><p> <strong>Natural Born Thrillers©</strong> vs Totally Buffed</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs Disco Inferno</p><p> </p><p> 20 Man Bash</p><p> WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p> Aguila, Air Paris, AJ Styles, Billy Kidman, Cash, Chavo Guerrero, Elix Skipper, Evan Karagias, <strong>???</strong>, Jamie Knoble, ???, Kaz Hayashi, Kid Romeo, Lash Leroux, ???, Rey Mysterio ©, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, ???, Yang</p><p> <em>Battle royals for gold typically mean something sneaky can happen. Guessing someone shows up and makes an immediate statement. </em></p><p> </p><p> WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p> <strong>Sting© </strong>vs Shane Douglas</p><p> </p><p> Ernest Miller vs <strong>Kanyon</strong></p><p> </p><p> Team Flair vs Team Rhodes</p><p> Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett, Road Warrior Animal and Rick Steiner <strong>vs</strong> Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes and The Locker Room Leaders</p><p> <em>Honestly, outside of JJ and Dustin, I'm not sure anyone here would benefit from going over. So, I'm guessing a mystery attacker(s) appearance/hint occurs during this one and it's a no contest.</em></p><p> </p><p> WCW World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> <strong>Scott Steiner© </strong>vs Booker T</p><p> <em>HEH</em></p>
  16. <p>Hell in a Cell Match</p><p> <strong>Mankind</strong> vs. Brian Pillman</p><p> Comments: <em>I'm guessing in this universe Brian Pillman is the one to take </em><em><strong>the</strong></em><em> crazy bump(s). Mankind grabs the win and heads towards that elusive title shot</em></p><p> </p><p> WWF Championship: Triple Threat Match</p><p> <strong>Ahmed Johnson ©</strong> vs. Kevin Nash vs. Bret Hart</p><p> Comments: <em>I can still think of one major feud for Ahmed before he drops the belt...</em></p><p> </p><p> WWF Intercontinental Championship Match</p><p> <strong>Owen Hart © </strong>vs. Scott Hall</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> WWF Tag Team Championship Match</p><p> <strong>The New Age Outlaws ©</strong> vs. Al Snow & Chris Candido</p><p> Comments: <em>As much as I want to pick Snow & Candido to win, I can't. If Harlem Heat can get As with Kronik, I want to see what they've got for the Outlaws.</em></p><p> </p><p> Falls Count Anywhere: Street Fight</p><p> <strong>Harlem Heat</strong> vs. The Dogs of War</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve Austin</strong> vs. Kane</p><p> Comments: <em>Keep this train rollin'</em></p><p> </p><p> Barry Windham & Psycho Sid vs. <strong>Ric Flair & Arn Anderson</strong></p><p> Comments: <em>Swerve with Windham?</em></p><p> </p><p> Jake "The Snake" Roberts <strong>vs.</strong> Raven</p><p> Comments: <em>Fingers crossed that this isn't it for this feud... and the Snake shows up sober!</em></p>
  17. If I create a monthly event with a touring company, will the events still occur when I'm not on tour?
  18. <p>Nikita Koloff vs. <strong>Rick Rude © </strong>– WCW World Title</p><p> Beat The Champ: El Tigre Blanco vs. <strong>Steve Austin ©</strong> – WCW Television Title</p><p> <strong>The Thrillseekers </strong>vs. The Calgary Connection © – WCW World Tag Team Titles <em>Going for it - can't be that great of a night for the Paul E.</em></p><p> Dean Malenko vs. <strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p><p> Doug Somers vs. <strong>Cactus Jack</strong></p><p> Ricky Steamboat and Marcus Bagwell vs. <strong>Arn Anderson and Steve Austin</strong> – non-title</p>
  19. <p><em>Just responded!</em></p><p> </p><p> Sting and Booker T vs. <strong>"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner and "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Insiders</strong> vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p> "The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. <strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong></p><p> </p><p> The Jung Dragons vs. <strong>KroniK</strong></p><p> </p><p> "Sugar" Shane Helms vs. <strong>Juventud Guerrera</strong></p>
  20. <p>GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE THIRD DIVISION - Petey Williams (1-0-0) v <strong>Reckless Youth (0-0-1)</strong></p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE CONFERENCE - Chris Divine (0-0-1) v <strong>Ricky Reyes (1-0-0)</strong></p><p> Eddie Kingston v <strong>T. J. Perkins</strong></p><p> <strong>Annie Social </strong>v Ariel</p><p> Matt Jackson v <strong>TJ Wilson</strong></p><p> Aubriana Lessard v <strong>Lorraine St Hubbins (debut)</strong></p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Kingston/TJP</strong></p><p> What will be the worst match of the night? <strong>Lessard/St. Hubbins</strong></p>
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nobby_McDonald" data-cite="Nobby_McDonald" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41472" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>PREDICTIONS<p> Michgcs 8 (16 points)</p><p> Kijar 8 (16 points)</p><p> Rhyme 7 (14 points)</p><p> </p><p> No idea where Cracker Jack is but he has had a full week to predict and I haven't heard anything from him.</p><p> I do normally post a reminder but Monday when I am normally online I didn't get back until late from a family day trip, had to put my young daughter to bed and then had to do routing for work so never got chance to come on.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sorry, nobby, just had a busy week and didn't catch the last show before Feast being posted. Thought it was a good show though - and really like Beth winning the big one and Cena/Raven teaming up.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="michgcs" data-cite="michgcs" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41472" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>YES! Thank you cracker for not predicting!<p> Bye-Bye, Kijar's Boys! WOOHOO!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> C'mon, that's a good tag team name. </p><p> </p><p> I mean I don't really care for TJP, but it's funny!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> PSW TV TITLE - <strong>Chris Hero (champion)</strong> v Marty Scurll</p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION -<strong> CM Punk (0-1-0)</strong> v Yoshihiro Tajiri (0-0-1)</p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION - <strong>Austin Aries (0-0-1)</strong> v Mike Quackenbush (1-0-0)</p><p> GRAPPLER'S LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION - <strong>Paul London (1-0-0)</strong> v Rocky Romero (1-0-0)</p><p> Jimmy Yang (Continental champion) & Rob Van Dam v <strong>Y2AJ (AJ Styles & Chris Jericho)</strong></p><p> Pre show - Air Paris v <strong>Durrant Roy</strong></p><p> Pre show - <strong>Christian Yor</strong>k v Leon Patterson</p><p> What will be the match of the night? <strong>Yang/RVD v Y2AJ</strong></p><p> Also the Feast or Fired briefcases will be revealed (no points for this one this time) <em>I think I have an idea on one of them...</em></p>
  22. <p>Harlem Heat vs <strong>Steiner Brothers</strong></p><p> <em>Stevie eats the pin...</em></p><p> </p><p> Chuck Palumbo vs<strong> Lex Luger</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sean O’Haire </strong>vs Buff Bagwell</p><p> <em>And the tag teams trade falls.</em></p>
  23. I'm a big sucker for the old WCW logo, so I picked that one.
  24. <p>If Team Nash win's, Kevin Nash gets added to the WWF Championship Match at Badd Blood, and Scott Hall gets an Intercontinental Championship Match as well</p><p> <strong>Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Ahmed Johnson</strong> vs. Bret Hart, Owen Hart & Chris Jericho</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve Austin </strong>vs. Raven</p><p> Comments: <em>Figures crossed that these two have excellent chemistry</em></p><p> </p><p> Barry Windham vs. <strong>Brian Pillman</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Al Snow, Chris Candido, Rey Mysterio & Dean Malenko</strong> vs. The New Age Outlaws, Faarooq & Kama</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Stevie Ray vs. <strong>Crush</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> WWF European Championship: Last Chance Match</p><p> Matt Hardy © vs. <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> Quote:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Preview for WCW Monday Nitro, Week 3, October 1997</p><p> </p><p> Diamond Dallas Page & Chris Benoit vs. <strong>Randy Savage & The Warrior</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> WCW US Title #1 Contenders Match</p><p> <strong>Curt Hennig </strong>vs. Buff Bagwell</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jeff Hardy</strong> vs. Kevin Sullivan</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bill Goldberg</strong> vs. Konnan</p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> (Insert Gimmick Here)</p><p> <strong>The Pitbulls</strong> vs. Samoan SWAT Team</p><p> Comments: <em>Honestly i've picked the SWAT team for a while, but I'm pretty sure they're just working the Tyson Kidd gimmick right now</em></p><p> What gimmick match does Gary Hart have planned?: <strong>Col. Parker on a Pole</strong></p><p> </p><p> WCW Television Championship Match</p><p> Lance Storm © vs. <strong>Fit Finlay</strong></p><p> Comments:</p><p> </p><p> The Nasty Boys vs.<strong> Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow</strong></p><p> Comment:</p>
  25. <p>Beat The Champ: Chris Jericho vs. <strong>Steve Austin ©</strong> – WCW Television Title</p><p> The Patriot vs. <strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p><p> Jerry Grey vs. <strong>Big Van Vader</strong></p><p> <strong>Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs. Shawn Michaels and Diamond Studd</p><p> <strong>Michael Hayes </strong>vs. Robert Gibson</p>
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