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Everything posted by moafnsteel

  1. What is this crap with Emma and Eric getting engaged, boo! I do love the overall roster of SWF. I love seeing Scythe being pushed so hard!
  2. Not sure if this is something that can be added or not, but I liked being able to book angle and then click the worker's profile to see if they were good enough for a scripted promo or something similar to that. Right now I have to open the whole roster screen, which is a slight annoyance but I can adjust. I just think it would be easier and more streamlined to be able to see the worker's profile right from booking the angle. I hope this makes sense.
  3. Nooooooooooo!! Diablo is supposed to be the first one! lol jk. I am glad to see it will eventually come over, that is all I could ever ask for! Thanks for all your hard work.
  4. Now that we can play as a developmental company, I figured we needed a thread here. I am overall really happy with the workers that have been added since a lot of the "older" guys have graduated. I love that we have Skull's son in the development and some other really good guys down there. There is also a lot of good rookies out there for the taking! What do you guys think?
  5. As I continue to play around with the game I don't actually mind the UI. It is vastly different from '16 but it doesn't really bother me that much, after some time playing with it. My only complaint is that I can't see the worker's profile when I am booking an angle. It seems I have to go to the roster screen and then view the worker.
  6. This sounds really cool. I neat way to almost "reboot" WWE. I look forward to reading. Sorry about posting before you finished your reserves!
  7. Love your mods! Usually the only real world mods I play! Cannot wait to see them on TEW 20!
  8. I love SWF, and this was before I started playing TEW so I am really excited to see how this goes!
  9. Champions: PPW Fighting Champion Current: Big Hoss - reign started on April 2020 Previous: Longest Reign:
  10. Roster: Big Hoss Bio Bison Bio Justin Loftis Bio Ryan Castle Bio Ryan Jeffries Bio The Dark Rider Bio Triple T Bio The Guido Bio Staff: Head Ref - Chaffin Shauna - Manager
  11. So today is the big day, Big Ryan called us all to a meeting at the “Dojo,” which is really just his dad’s huge garage. After piddling the day away, 3pm finally came rolling around so myself, my brother (Todd), and my girlfriend (Shauna) all made our way to the “Dojo.” “The Dojo” “Welcome everybody, I’m happy that everybody could make it, I got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that January? will be our last show for Ellwood City Wrestling League.” “What do you mean it’s the last show?” I was livid, as was everybody else in the room. “Wow guys simmer down, let me get to the good news, I have been keeping this a secret but I applied for a small loan to see if we could take ECWL to the next level, you know away from being a small ‘backyard’ promotion to a real deal wrestling promotion. And well, I got the loan!” We all erupted, this was huge, I mean we have all been talking about it lately, and hoping this was going to happen but dang, I didn’t believe it would be this soon. “Now, I know you guys got a lot of questions, but I first want to reveal our new logo and name…” Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling “Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling, and our first show is going to be either in February or March. We are going to hold one more ECWL show at the end of January and make the big announcement. I am going to need everybody on board big time, and everybody that is here is going to hold some kind of extra position to help out. We can get to that, but I want to announce the man who is going to help me book all the matches and put together the shows, please congratulate our booker, the one who has been beside me with this dream ever since the beginning…. Little Ryan!” Wait what….
  12. Awesome!! I love your organic mod and plan to bring it over for my personal use. I love your mods!
  13. Very excited, I love your diaries! Always makes me want to write my own! I cannot wait!
  14. Here is a link to the growing list of people that WWE is releasing https://uproxx.com/prowrestling/wwe-releases-drake-maverick-oc-lio-rush-ec3-curt-hawkins-heath-slater-eric-young/
  15. Those are amazing! I want to create a company with ELPF just to use those belts!
  16. Hold on a second, what is this play the game first stuff? I need Diablo to be released ASAP! haha
  17. Any chance that his mod will be converted to TEW 20? I really hope because I love this mod!
  18. I doubt it but I really wish, that would be awesome. Even though SWF is my favorite I would like to see something happen with it.
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