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Everything posted by moafnsteel

  1. In my beta game, Champagne Lover's contract came up and I ended up stealing him away from the max amount of money for like 7 years plus a bunch of extras. Hopefully in my new game his contract will come up soon, but since I got Rocky Golden I hope it is not too soon.
  2. I struggle to push the Bumfholes when their last name is Bumfhole... I may be the only one, but I am slowly moving the product to be more serious and they just don't seem to fit.
  3. unfortunately it was not incorporated in TEW. It is in WMMA 4 (not sure about earlier versions). I was bummed that wasn't in there, but I assume there is a good reason it is not, since Adam did a great job incorporating so much other awesome things into the game.
  4. Go to your schedule screen and create a new event, I believe it is the second one below the name and it says brand. Pick the brand you want and you are good to go.
  5. Wow, that may be my new favorite background! You are great sir!
  6. I decided to restart my RTG Challenge with some modifications to my character, as I am now no longer a high flyer and upped my mic, acting, charisma, sex appeal stats. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/RTG_zpsannngjl1.jpg My promotion is Mainstream Pro Wrestling http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/MPW_zps28xjt7wt.jpg My starting roster is: Acid Black Eagle Canadian Superstar II Clark Alexander Clinton Edwards Flex Human Arsenal Jack Bruce Jack Giedroyc The Wizard of Ottawa Mick Muscle Pecs Red Falcon (owner) Rich Money Richard Blood Rolling Johnny Stones Sammy Bach Snap Dragon Tom Gilmore Ryan (UC)
  7. I was able to steal away Rocky Golden, Killer Shark, and The Force (when USPW decided not to renew his contract) I lost Des David, and am not paying an insane amount for Angry Gilmore so I could keep him and have him set to Gatekeeper. I also introduced a B-Show, SWF Uprising, where I plan to use to help develop new talent and get their pop up. I am currently rebuilding my tag division and the champs are Steven Parker and American Machine (with "shield" esqe renders). I am planning a huge push for Captain Atomic as I got a new render for him, turned him heel and just finished his feud with Jungle Lord.
  8. Is there anyway to replicate when you try to sign a wrestler and they simply say they are interested in joining your company. For example I tried to sign, I think Cherry Bomb, with SWF and she said she was not interested, but did not give a reason. I have had people tell me because the product is too risky, but I don't know how to get somebody to just not be interested in signing with me, even though they have no negative relationships or anything with the owner. Hope this makes sense.
  9. IN TEW 2013 somebody did awesome cuts of updated SEW PPV events does anybody have them?
  10. I really wish I was useful in modding because this is one of my favorite mods. If you ever need beta testers let me know. I am super pumped for this!
  11. Thank you so much! Thank you Bull as well! It was driving me crazy lol
  12. This made my whole weekend! Thanks Fleisch for your hard work! Now hurry up with Diablo!
  13. So when I switched the pictures of the workers to gif I was able to reassign all the pictures however, I cannot find Rokuemon Matsushita and Susan Lee. Could somebody tell me their picture names so I could give them their pictures.
  14. He was suspended indefinitely as of right now
  15. these are amazing and I cant wait to download when I get home! Question, I am having an issue with a few being too small on, is there a way to fit them?
  16. I am loving this mod. At first I didn't think it was for me, but after reading Bonafide_Bluffa diary and giving it another shot, I am serious in love with his whole organic mod concept. You did a great job with this and I look forward to your full mod.
  17. Darn you Hitman! Just when I was trying to make plans for my diary, you go ahead and release these! They are awesome and now I want to find a way to incorporate them lol
  18. I love this, it makes me want to sign him to my SWF diary and use him! Great job!
  19. Not sure if this would work, but this is one of JSilver's amazing cuts from the 2013 Re-Render (I think) thread..also on the dropbox http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/SWF/Workers/Mainstream%20Hernandez_alt5_zpseku4somh.jpg PS If I am not suppose to do this please let me know and I can take it down
  20. Fleisch you need to get this mod out so you can work on Diablo!!!!!!!! :p
  21. Def am downloading now! Love your cuts that you do and am excited for your new mod.
  22. Holy cow! That is amazing, makes me want to actually push Eric for once!
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