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Posts posted by lr10540

  1. Wish I had Jack Bruce as an owner - easy Pop for the roster with segments and Road Agent sorted for ages


    I'd love to have Jack but I'm worried he'll change the product to Entertainment and the storyline requirements this year seem tough to hit. I suppose I can try an entertainment base. I'm really just waiting for 97 to be finished. That's where I really want to play. It's by far my favorite DB. I suppose I could try to convert and make at least NA playable. It's really just about applying attributes, but doing that for so many workers seems incredibly time consuming.

  2. I would definitely say I was going above and beyond to develop my UC. I'm glad you posted your growth as well so there's a bit of comparison there. A big part of the reason for my restart was learning about the new game and how it works. From development, to growth, to finances to the user talents even. The only positive about running 20 touring shows a month in regions you're not popular in is you get user talent points every 50 shows that gain pop, different from before. So running in regions you have no pop guarantees pop gain and thus a user talent point in less than 3 months. Not completely necessary but beneficial regardless. In running LuchaResu, I maxed negotiating while neglecting silver tongue. Then I think it was 7 in motivation and 4 in creativity, diplomacy and leadership. I feel that'll give me the best chance to sign and keep talent while also fighting for other talent and putting on good shows. Through the near 150 shows I ran, I never had a negative backstage incident with 5 in leadership. So I don't feel like that's incredibly important.


    As for wrestler growth, I would say 6 to 8 matches a month is probably enough for max development. That's just going off of the differences in our numbers though. More testing would be required for concrete proof of that. All in all, survival this year seems tremendously easier than last. But getting a good match rating appears as if it will be harder if for no other reason than developing your UC is going to take significantly longer. By the time you get to main event status, it feels like all the great workers will be declining or flat out gone. Without luck on the regens or getting a prodigy type talent locked up like Youngman, David Stone or KC Glenn, it looks like it's gonna be very difficult. Should be fun though!

  3. <p>I wouldn't do it. I hate the idea to be honest. I love tag team wrestling, when it's good. I think a good tag team should be able to beat 2 singles wrestlers just off the back of knowing what each other is gonna do and how to work together in unison. Where as the singles are used to wrestling in singles competition and have little to no experience with their partner.</p><p>

    With that being said, I certainly wouldn't have a single wrestler beat a legitimate tag team, which considering you're asking about the single taking the belts, I'd assume you're referring to a legitimate tag team. I feel like it kills the teams involved and destroys your tag division. I've always tried to build my tag division up. I'd build it around main event level teams like Remo & Rich Money and the Bumfholes. In 16 I'd focus on those 2 teams until the rest of the division got close to or are upper mid and main event level popularity. From there you have another group of talent to headline cards and you have a great tag division. Jobbing that out to 1 guy just doesn't make sense to me. There's much better ways to build a bad ass monster that doesn't bury a division.</p>

  4. <p>Below are the low end of my skills and how they progressed from Feb 20 to Feb 21. By low end I mean if the skill said it was between 20-42, I took the 20 number. Not sure how fog of war works this year, if it's a number inbetween those 2 rolls, or if it's the top end or the low end, so I just went the floor to see proper progression. The reason for this is since progression has changed, this should give everyone a proper look at how skills progress. </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:right;"><p>Brawling: 23 --> 39</p><p>

    Puroresu: 26 --> 35</p><p>

    Hardcore: 04 --> 16</p><p>

    Technical: 43 --> 47</p><p>

    Aerial: 27 --> 35</p><p>

    Flashiness: 11 --> 24</p><p>

    Psychology: 43 --> 48</p><p>

    Charisma: 44 --> 46</p><p>

    Microphone: 59 --> 60</p><p>

    Acting: 48 --> 49</p><p>

    Star Quality: 62 --> 63</p><p>

    Sex Appeal: 75 --> 75</p><p>

    Basics: 48 --> 66</p><p>

    Selling: 40 --> 44</p><p>

    Consistency: 58 --> 76</p><p>

    Safety: 48 --> 70</p><p>

    Stamina: 66 --> 77</p><p>

    Athleticism: 49 --> 53</p><p>

    Power: 40 --> 43</p><p>

    Toughness: 45 --> 47</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    So since the randomly generation of skills give you greater than 750 point total at the cost of not choosing where to put it, we can see the value of roughly 900 random points is not the same as choosing where to put the 750. This is because skills such as the 3 entertainment skills hardly move. This was with my using myself in a modern tv opening segment with Brother Grimm and others with 70's in entertainment skills prior to signing Grimm. We also see an important stat like psychology basically stand still. I took out the 20 points I was lucky enough to get from a mystery box, but past that, we see a +5 year over year. Technical is similar. The fundamental skills with the exception of selling all rise quickly. While Stamina is the only of the physical skills that see any real growth. </p><p> </p><p>

    This being said, if you want to optimize your worker to complete this challenge, I'd allocate the points as follows:</p><p> </p><p>

    75 points in each of the following skills: Technical, Aerial, Psychology, Charisma, Microphone, Acting, Star Quality, Selling, Athleticism, Power. These are the slowest skills to raise, albeit from my fairly short experience in 2020, but they were also slow in 2016. You could swap your Athleticism and Power for Stamina and Safety. Otherwise, you're going to have use the "Keep it Simple" note for yourself in every single match until your safety reaches an acceptable level. I'd also recommend checking the "Spinal-Impact moves are not allowed" and "High risk moves are not allowed" boxes under your product settings to further limit potential injuries. As an added precaution, don't put your UC with any worker you intend on using in the future of your promotion as injuring them will cause a negative relationship that may impact your ability to sign them. I've never injured the same guy more than once so I'm unsure if tension turns to dislike after a second caused injury. In terms of stamina, you're gonna have to tough it out in 5 minute matches or tags. There's no way to rapidly improve skills. The progression system has been reworked. There's essentially an experience bar that you fill up through working and it results in a slow drip towards actually progressing the stats.</p><p> </p><p>

    The following potential owners (active in USA) that have the flashy financial preference. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Fumihiro Ota</strong></p><p>

    Flashy, Traditionalist</p><p>

    <strong>Jack Bruce</strong></p><p>

    Flashy, Entertainment-Based</p><p>

    <strong>Michelle Brendon</strong></p><p>

    Flasy, Anti-Establishment</p><p>

    <strong>Ross Henry</strong></p><p>

    Flashy, Sports Entertainment</p><p>

    <strong>The Masked Mauler VI</strong></p><p>

    Flashy, Wresling-Based</p><p> </p><p>

    For the early part of this challenge, I'd strongly recommend spamming FREE touring shows, as many as you can tolerate to get on WrestleWorld when they open in March. This will boost your pop rapidly, while also saving you money on your talent costs. </p><p>

    From there, up your production values and run 4 monthly shows. Make sure they are monthly, as running weekly negatively affects attendance. Have your merchandising constantly being upgraded rapidly. You're going to take losses until you're on WrestleWorld and build up your pop. You could continue to run touring shows in your home region until your pop stalls. Do not run them outside of your home region at this point because the production costs will destroy you financially.</p><p>

    Sign your top talent ASAP. As soon as you begin turning a profit, start signing your top talent to exclusive, written, ironclads ASAP. Raids are brutal this year. If you can get your top 4 guys (or gals) signed before the raids begin, you're set for growth into the future. Essentially, you want to tread water until September or so, as long as your treading water because you're talent costs are high from signing exclusive ironclad deals. At that point, you should have a solid talent core and be able to turn profit fairly easily from running 4 weekly events and 1 PPV style event.</p><p>

    If you're worried about burning through all your matchups and hitting the repetitive booking penalty while running touring shows, book multiman matches. Book around searching for tag team chemistry.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'll add stuff as I come across it.</p>

  5. Leaning towards restarting. I desperately wanna start a save in the 97 C-Verse. Sucks seeing all my favs old as dirt. I've learned a ton from this run, and even though I've booked like 130 shows, I think I'd be better off restarting with all my newfound knowledge. Also want to try out some different products. Lucharesu is probably what I'll stick with, but I'm curious how other performance companies are. With the storyline annoyances this time around, I definitely think I wanna run some performance companies and have storylines once I get weekly TV. But getting penalized for lack of "interesting" storylines is annoying. Also coming to the realization that max negotiating might be a necessity to keep some talent or even take some talent. I had David Stone on a way better deal and he stuck with CWA. Kinda a kick in the chest. Not sure how useful a guy like Dreadnought or James Diaz will be in a performance company either. Dreadnought is just awful, Diaz I could probably work with.
  6. 25 shows a month?! How on earth do you avoid the repetitive booking penalty?


    The repetitive penalty only applies to the audience that saw your show. Since I'm running touring shows for these Monday thru Friday shows, it's not shown on TV so the matches are unique to that audience every time. I'm also running a different region every day. Mid South, Tri State, North West, South West and I believe North East. Meanwhile, my broadcast weekly Saturday show and major named show on the last Sunday are in my home region south east.


    As for the matches I'm running on those touring shows, I was between 8 and 13 pop in all those regions, so the matches need not be great to generate pop growth. Also because it's a touring show, there's no left off show complaints. So I'm running an hour show with 3 matches. The main event I throw one of my upper echelon guys in the ring with a local talent if they're good (one of the regions has Ozzie Golden for example) or one of my lower tier guys that are essentially my jobbers. It gets a rating in the high 50s to low 60s. My other 2 matches are a tag team steal the show where I'm looking for tag chemistry (spent and of Jan and all of Feb teaming Fro with every single person on my roster against a job team I found had excellent chemistry) and the opener is a technical masterclass with my UC and somebody essentially random that I'm using more as a training match to get my UC over.


    As a precaution, I turned off the 2 things in product settings I think it's like high risk moves and head drops (in the same area as all matches scripted or called in ring). I have found that has lowered my performer's in ring ratings fairly drastically and thus all my show ratings have mostly dipped, but I was running into injuries too frequently doing weekly shows, so I had to take those off while I'm running all the touring shows


    I also have started to get a fairly large roster as ticket sales and merchandise especially have given me so much more income that I'm comfortable having a roster of 30 to 35 guys. The surplus of income is not from touring shows either. As I stayed, I'm losing money on those shows due to production costs being applied on touring shows and I'm drawing less than 100 people which means essentially no merch. However, the weekly events and monthly named show is bringing in massive money so I can afford the few grand haircut to gain popularity throughout the other game regions.


    I've learned a ton thus far. If anyone needs any tips feel free to ask.

  7. How did this go? I have never been able to get a job with a big established company without save scumming even with max reputation.


    3 days later Jerry appointed himself so I was thinking I had plenty of time and went back to running touring shows in other regions I wasn't popular in (my 8 to 13 pop regions) and a week or two later, The Guru took over as Booker. So yay me.


    As it stands, I'm out of February and have started locking up all my major stars and stars to exclusive, iron clad monthly written deals. Still waiting on Wolfsbaine to negotiate again so I can do the same. Waiting on my owner goal of no signing 35+ year olds so I can lock up Peverell and 1 more that escapes me. Brought in Ring Generals and Findlay. Gonna see what they can give me. I doubt I'll be able to sign them as they're all with PGHW as well. Casey Valentine (the one with USPro, not at my CPU atm but I think its him) got non offered, so I snagged him up. Might sign him to a written as well but it'll cost around 55k a month


    Fro Sure is nearly established but the Japanese guy Isono I got to sign as a result of a mystery box roll has more charisma and star quality so that dings Fro. Hopefully not to the point where he's a bad figurehead because Isono is a better heel. So I may be figurehead-less.


    All in all, it's moving very slowly since I'm running 25 shows a month (touring mon thru fri in non popular regions, weekly event on Saturday, PPV type event on last Sunday). I'll hit medium shortly. Will try to get on OnDem shortly after as that will raise my pop globally and furthur contribute to merchandising money which has been huge for me since the upgrade. Running cheap tix nets me around 20% more revenue per weekly event. Touring shows are a loss as production costs outweigh tix/merch since I'm getting less than 100 people every location. Economy and industry has also been dropping since game start from the 70s so it's starting to get a little tough from that perspective.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47387" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Exactly. I don't like many 100's poppin' around as it is. I changed my mind: workers don't need skill boosts at all. Ogiwara's reaching great heights with 90 TEC and 86 AIR & PSY. Must've been lucky in her destiny roll. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> She's won't make 2005 though with injuries piling up.<p> </p><p> As 2000 closed down, no1 in the top500 turned out to be... Optimus? Oh, come on. This is rigged. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Are you running the converted DB to do these early play tests?</p><p> </p><p> Optimus is a damn good worker and being in Burning Hammer, I could see him vying for a top spot in the P500. Although the with PGHW pillars and the Stone boys, it's a bit surprising.</p>
  9. Eric Eisen passed at the ripe age of 42. SWF is large. To achieve Medium and be able to apply for the SWF book by virtue of this challenge, I have to gain 9 pop in my home region, and another 8 in one of my spillover regions. Well, time to run daily shows on WrestleWorld to see if I can somehow manage to hit this before the position is filled.
  10. A pity there's no beta yet, but then again: the longer we wait, the more bugs get squashed in the game, so it's probably for the best.


    I'm sure it will be all amazingly done, but you never know if there are some oversights or something that a pair of extra eyes (or 30 :p) can help with.


    Might also help me to familiarize myself with the promotion I intend on playing. I narrowed down the list of possible candidates to jus one: HGC (because of course it is :D)


    Aside from wanting to run a PGHW since I've recently discovered 90's All Japan, I always like to play RtG and L2G in 97 as by the time my UC is good or my company is large enough, I have the ability to book all the guys and gals we know and love from present day.


    If play testing is needed, I'm sure there's many of us willing to run long term watcher saves to see how the world develops. I know in 16, a lot of companies went bankrupt. I personally bought 5SSW, PGHW and NOTBPW. Not sure how many others died in the promotional warfare. 5SSW was huge as having access to those 4 pillars of joshi wrestling helped my UC develop so fast. Aside from company stabilization, not sure what else would need to be looked at. Maybe stat progression as it appears rates have been lowered for pretty much everything. In my current RtG, my UC has developed very slowly despite being involved in 81 matches in 1 year (I booked a ton of shows early on) and having excellent potential accross everything. I don't recall that being the case before. I was one of the best wrestlers in the world after a few years in 16. Now it seems much more likely I won't be top 10 in ring until late 20's or so.

  11. It seems that written locks the contract (i.e no pay rises) and iron clad means that the worker can't hand in their notice so it sounds like I've got Diaz for a year guaranteed.


    I guess that you could overwrite the written deal because the original deal was with your company?


    I honestly have no clue how or why. He was a on written 10k a month deal. My guess is because it wasn't exclusive, I could offer him another contract? Not entirely sure. But I was able to sign him a little longer while losing CC, HV and WM and was able to take Icon out of his contract. I hope this isn't how it's intended to be, because that seems a little ridiculous if so. I know in the past if you had them on a PPA deal, you could renegotiate after so much time had passed and change the terms of the contract. I guess because it had been a number of months, I was able to do that here. Even more shocking, nobody else attempted to get in on signing him while I had negotiations open.


    To be honest, I'm not sure I understand the new contract system entirely. I've been locking guys up to Exclusive Written PPAs with Iron Clad deals in place. Aside from running house shows, and trying to steal/keep a worker from being stolen, I can't see a reason to ever go with a written monthly over a written PPA as the rates seem to be significantly lower with a PPA. Maybe guys above a certain pop will only accept written monthly deals?

  12. Diaz was unemployed too so it makes sense that he would try a new area. I've just realised that I don't understand the changes to the contract system. I signed Diaz to a written contract with an iron clad clause - does this mean he can work wherever he wants but he can't sign an exclusive contract until the contract with me is up?


    As far as I understand it, yes. The iron clad clause makes it to where the worker can't hand in notice. Written allows you to have an iron clad. Exclusive means they only work for you. PPA on a written I'd assume means they only work shows you book them on, so no house shows.


    I was able to offer an exclusive written to Youngman despite having him signed to written. So I'm not sure what the exact differences are. Does the in game help menus list anything?

  13. Workers can turn you down so I don't think it's overpowered enough to need to be exclusive to a roll. I just tried a few people and James Diaz is the only one who agreed.


    Makes sense. I put 7 in silver tongue hoping I could get Buddy Garner to come out of retirement and work as an occasional wrestler. No dice there. I'm tempted to keep pumping it up to max it out, but despite offering Wolfsbaine 2160 per show for an exclusive written, he turned me down to stick with PSW on an exclusive handshake for a lot less. I wonder if I wouldnt have been better off getting negotiating to near max.

  14. I'm in the UK so I don't have a Youngman or Fro to pull those big main events. I am also writing this up as a dynasty so I have been focusing on the storylines rather than just going for ratings.


    Things are hotting up now though because Wrestleworld expanded to the UK and I need to get the 25 pop ASAP. I've started running weekly events again and I managed to persuade James Diaz to work in the UK so he is getting a mega push. I managed to pay off my debt and save up 10k so i'm hoping that I can make weekly events profitable before I run out of money again.


    I haven't played around with trying to make people active in the US. I suppose Cabellero would be the only major one I'd want. Wasnt sure if that was allowed without a roll.

  15. Jeez, you guys are killing it in your first years. I don't think i'm even going to hit Tiny in 2020.


    I ran tour shows until April or so. I've chronicled the journey throughout the thread. Immediately jumped to 4 events a month. After a month or two, upped production and got on wrestleworld and started blowing up. I'd also recommend signing your top talent to exclusive iron clads ASAP. Like the moment you start turning a profit, sign talent. There imperative to maintaining rapid growth. I was putting on shows in the low 60s with all my production lacking behind. Now that I'm on par with CZCW and RIPW, my shows are regularly high 60s to low 70s depending on if Fro Sure closes the show or Youngman. I'd also recommend putting main event spotlight for match focus. It makes your main event 90% of your cars rating. I don't need angles for events, so it's all matches with the main event pulling low to mid 70s every time.

  16. Oh yeah, I'm going through every single worker in the data to update their attributes. It's a big job and I think I've developed ADD in recent years because I can't focus on doing it for long so I'm slowing myself down, but almost all the active workers at game start are done with attributes, experience, gimmicks, contracts, minor stat tweaks and everything. When I get into yet to debut workers it'll be easier as there are less things to tweak but it'll get there. :)


    I feel for you! I know you said you don't want help, but should that change, I have no problem adding attributes! I'm so excited to play this mod.

  17. OzsbIKR.png


    All my rolls that I had during the year are listed below.


    First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler

    24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill

    Flashiness from 6 --> 11


    Hello World - Work for a Tiny company

    36. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill

    Consistency 53 --> 58


    Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50

    49. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes


    This overode my Can't play gimmicky/underdog well, so that's nice. Giving Performer should help at some point as well!


    A True Alternative - Produce an Event Card of 75

    32. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology)

    Psychology 46 --> 66


    Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company

    35. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Safety skill

    Safety 56 --> 61


    Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler

    4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)

    Yuta Isono


    End of 2020 Roll

    28. “I lost my smile” You are going through a tough time, add “Personal Issues” to your attributes


    Despite being most improved company, I'm going through Personal Issues. I sigh heavily. At least it's at the start of my young career and not when time is running thin!


    Into The Bubble - Debut in the Power 500

    22. "Fists and Feet of Fury" Heavy bag, speed bag, heavy bag, speed bag…you’ve been working hard, +5 to your Brawling, Puroresu or Hardcore skill

    Brawling 35 --> 40


    I placed 302 in the Power 500 as a rookie. That's pretty sweet!


    Finally pulled the trigger on a new face of my company. Ernest Youngman has lost 5 total times in my company, and was undefeated since April. 1 of those losses came to my UC at my Grand Prix in January. 2 losses came in triple threat matches in which the third guy took the pin. The other 2 losses came against Sayeed Ali when I debuted him and wanted him to get over big. Then came my season finale, The Warrior's Call. Fro Sure usurped Youngman and took the Ring Warriors Championship from him. Another 8 months and Fro will be my figurehead, and likely still champ as I love long reigns. To Youngman's credit, he took the title from 30 prestige to 37. Hopefully Fro can continue to raise it.


    As for the company, we've been sitting in the black since May. At the end of December we profited 32.3k and we're matching the production levels of RIPW and CZCW, so I'm really proud of that. That looks like 47.5k per month on top of 9500 per show for production. All in all, we have just shy of 83k in the bank. I'm 1 week away from having a level 5 Merchandise, which should be a huge boon as I'll be making an extra 50 cents per fan, but doubling my mail order from 5 to 10 per fan, and thanks to WrestleWorld, I'm sitting pretty, popularity wise. Speaking of which, I'm boasting 48 pop in South East (home region) with 24/25 in my spillover regions of Mid Atlantic and Mid South. The rest of the continental US ranges from 7 to 12. All regions of Canada are either 13 or 14.


    Now for our contractual situation. I've got Cali Slick, Davis Wayne Newton and Fro Sure all under written PPAs for 2 yrs, 8 months. Dreadnought and Yuta Isono under written PPAs for 1 year, 8 months, Nelson Callum for 3 yrs, 8 months and my star and true face of my company, Ernest Youngman under a written PPA for just under 8 years. All are exclusive and iron clad. I can see this becoming a problem once house shows come into the equation, but my primary goal was to keep my talent free of raids. Speaking of such, I've lost a couple refs, but in terms of talent, only Frankie Perez has gone to TCW. I lost Logan Wolfsbaine to PSW after an exclusive written PPA was turned down in favor of an exclusive handshake deal from them. So I'll have to wait until the cooldown period ends and I can re-offer him. Hopefully one of the major companies doesn't take him before I can do that.


    In terms of 2021, the plan is to continue growth. Medium is the new Cult, so I'm concerned how much the monthly fees go up. If it's like before, I'll want to hold myself at small until I have the coffers full. I'd like to get to a bigger broadcaster if at all possible. Past that, just continue to improve and bring better talent onto the roster. I'll look to lock up a couple other talents. Frankie-Boy Fernandes has been pulling really good ratings, but I worry about fighting CZCW for a talent as I don't want to lose another great wrestler like I did with Wolfsbaine. If I can get a PPV deal, that would be incredible. We're getting close to where I may start to book storylines and go week to week instead of just trying to put on excellent cards.

  18. Oh. Well first of all yes, if your workers in the ring are putting on 98/99 matches then your road agent can’t keep up with them.


    Second of all there are other factors that come into play. What road agent notes are you using because a lot of them deflate your ratings because they provide other things. One common new player mistake is overusing road agent notes.


    By default you should just specify who wins and how the match is called (scripted vs. in the ring) and let the “match focus” do the rest. Some people throw every single road agent note into a match and the result is a terrible match despite very good workers.


    Finally what is the product? Are they being rated primarily on popularity or performance? If your product is rated 60/40 which most products are then if they have 100 match rating and 0 popularity it will result in a match rating of 60 given no other factors.


    Check out the dirt sheet to see why the match was penalized. It can really help identify problems with your booking.


    Open Match and Decisive Finish are also 2 I use almost every time.


    Winner, Open Match, Call in Ring/Script (whichever is better given the talent involved) and decisive finish. Match aim is normally regular aside from what I need for product aims.


    Definitely check the dirt sheet. It should give you all the dings your match got. If you give us those, we can better help you with how to get better ratings. I can't see a road agent tanking a match rating that heavily if both performers got that high of a grade. I'm pulling 70+ matches with Youngman and a random star in a 65/35 perf > pop promotion using only those notes above. Youngman gets somewhere between 80 and 85 for his performance while the opponent gets anywhere from 65 to 75. And I have 1 road agent that is overworked. He's a little better than your guy, but if he's also overworked, that could lead to a penalty.

  19. You should use tainted wins/flash pinfall/cheap win for this. Keep Strong is for Dominant guys so that you don't murder their pop when they have to take a loss or for guys you're grooming for a big push but need them to lose to swap the midcard belt so that you don't take a broadside to their momentum. For example. Foley-Rock Empty Arena with the forklift finish, or Brock at the Rumble this year. It's not something you should be spamming(unless you have USPW circa 2010 or something) Protect is also an option here. Which is always something I've gone back and forth on. When to use Protect vs. Keep Strong.


    I rarely use tainted wins. I'll do a flash pinfall for when I have a smaller guy beat a larger guy like The Architect picking up a win over Dreadnought, for example. I view tainted more as a heelish type of victory while cheap is your traditional "f**k finish" where a guy purposely loses via DQ/Count out/interference etc.


    Keep strong is for talking guys into taking losses, and protect I use almost exclusively for workers wrestling with an injury. Or I might use it if I have a super over, in ring talentless guy like Dreadnaught vs the best wrestler in the world (or damn close, I'm bias since he's carrying my RTG) Ermest Youngman so he doesn't look like a sack of trash vs Youngman.


    As for building pop, I haven't done only monthly, but 15 of my 22 guys are major stars and 2 others are stars. I've been running weekly events on wrestleworld 3 or 4 months now, prior to that it was touring shows 3 times a week. My focus has just been on having good matches. I'm trying to groom Fro Sure to be Youngmans first loss since Fro is gonna be my figurehead. They're together in tag matches and interview angles. Past that, it's literally just putting on good matches. I haven't done anything special. Have my company cornerstones win prolly 85% of matches against non cornerstone guys and when the face each other it's more of who I'm building that particular moment to feed to Youngman.


    Also, I book a few draws on occasion. Idk if that does anything for anyone. Haven't had a problem building pop so I haven't dove in to study month to month numbers compared to my booking.

  20. What user talents do I have to use?


    You don't have to use any. The player's handbook (question mark in the top right of most screens) will tell you what each individual user talent does. Generally, you'll want to go big into motivating (if in ring work is important to match grades) and creativity (if your product uses gimmicks) while not neglecting negotiating as you'll have owner restrictions on how much you can offer.

  21. <p>Is there a way to set broadcasters to show events by default, or do I have to select the broadcaster before I begin booking every event.</p><p> </p><p>

    For clarification, I'm running weekly events, intending to air them on WrestleWorld. Instead of having it where all my events default to airing on WrestleWorld, I have to select it on the first screen it puts you on when you go to book a show. Not a huge deal, but would be a bit less tedious to not have to select it every time.</p>

  22. So I toyed around a bit, sticking with weekly events instead of running one event a month and having a Weekly tv show is truly killing it with revenue I’m literally pulling almost $200k a month here I am in my second year only in May and already racked up $600k. I’m still losing some stars here in there to companies like TCW which sucks but I still have a solid roster trying to build stars of my own and still put on quality shows but I truly miss having Ernest on my roster!!!


    The wording doesn't make it completely clear...

    So weekly events or weekly television + 1 event for a better income?

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