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Everything posted by Tew101

  1. My first save is opening DSPW in India and growing them as a company. Figure it will be a way to see full experience of game. Second save is CZCW growing, leaving COTT, and I may try to find a female as figurehead as a personal challenge. Third save is PSW, I'll change product to something more reasonable maybe Attitude Entertainment as long term transition. 4th save is a RTG, excited for that once everything is sorted out as right now seems like some variance is being added.
  2. How’d you make 80k in one month? You running a lot of shows or something like that?
  3. Very curious as to when big companies will poach workers such as Frankie. I think you’re right to push Frankie-Boy. In TEW 16’ I would push CLM over Frankie-Boy, but so far seems Frankie-Boy is better performer. Pablo Rodriguez is a giving performer. Build someone up a little, ask Pablo if he’d put them over and then have that person win COTT title. I signed Aldous Blackfriar and Pablo put him over. Aldous now has like 50 pop in region. Pablo was cool with it too.
  4. So if I tape four shows together, does the game know that I don't need to book for another 3 or 4 weeks? Or do I just book 4 taped shows a week and air(?) 4 shows a week?
  5. Haha how a lot of us feel right now. I actually tried to see the running costs of broadcasters are pretty cheap. I think if you come in with rising game world/economy you can afford a 1 hour show weekly plus events. Would taping shows or doing live really mean a difference to costs?
  6. Is it possible to have a default setting for a broadcaster? So this way you don't have to select the broadcaster at the start of every event. Its just a quality of life change.
  7. In March there is Wrestleworld network, subscription service that's take you in. Why run broadcaster over that?
  8. CZCW is going to dominate the Independent Scene for most of 2020. The only thing that could kill them is if roster gets signed away. Frankie Perez, American Flash, Going Coastal, American Cobras, Wild Cats, and Beach Boys are all potential stars and put up studly ratings. The product is very Indy friendly. They should dominate the hardcore companies and regional battles. The money shouldn't be much of an issue, as product seems to sponsor friendly. If I was to run a save with them, Id remove integrated part of roster or have it ala Candice in PWG. I'd sign Aldous, Fro Sure, and Remmy Skye right away or to replace Frankie & Pablo when inventible signed.
  9. In March 2020, there is a broadcaster wrestleworld arrives. The requirements are 24 pop in 1 region. It has very small coverage in USA and Canada. Feel like this may be a game wrecker for L2G.
  10. I think PSW is gonna be my first save. I think I might convert product to Wrestling Nerd Nirvana. I'm not overly interested in hardcore products. This game seems to be easiest in my experience to use them tho. With roster additions it seems like PSW is naturally moving away from hardcore heavy product. Financially I don't see benefit of using hardckre product. There is a broadcaster that opens in March that will take on PSW to put on shows/events. I feel like the other Indy companies wouldn't be able to compete with PSW. Definitely if you have main event focus capitalizing on strength of Youngman and Callum. Can't complain can't roster. So far seems kime co,pansies try to sign stars right away. You can sign workers to written iron clad deals at currentsize. So I may sign Youngman to a deal as soon as fiscally able to do so. Nelson Callum, Ernest Youngman, Xavi Ferrera, Logan Wolfsbaine, Jake Idol, Jackpot Jordan, Austin Smooth, Sayeed Ali, Acid II, Ash Campbell, and ZomBoy seems like there may be potential there. The Samoan tag team are good additions too. Need another major star to hell drawing power it seems. Acid is available and may make sense. He won't put over Acid II right away, but the crowd aren't fans of Stuntman Storyline wise feels natural to turn Ash Campbell face to work with Callum. May look to bring on a third like Davis Wayne Newton to even odds. Those 3 are better served as heels but Fro Sure seems like only possible future figurehead available right now. And he may get picked it up right away. Typing on ipad, sorry for any errors lol.
  11. The ratings color seems to counterintuitive. Yellow being mid 80s and higher, while green is 70s-mid 80s. Shouldn’t those be switched?
  12. SWF, USPW, and TCW only seem to be getting 1,000-2,000 in attendance for TV Shows. I’m running weekly events as PSW and getting 1,000ish and my popularity is like half of theirs.
  13. Has there been any explanation of how shows are rated in relation to product type?
  14. I discovered TEW 05 at about 2010. My computer was on last legs and died while playing game, my brother blamed the game for breaking computer(it wasnt). 2005 barely played. 2013 came out and I caught the bug. I played/streamed on YouTube a WWE attitude era series from May 96' up to May 2001' It would've went longer but save crashed. I even edited the mod to convert to 2016. I put so many hours in all of that. I then started playing L2G cverse save that lasted 11 years of my own company making it cult then going to SWF as national. I lost interest after leaving my company, regret it. The file corrupted and save was lost. My third major save was L2G in thunderverse, it was fun but other games caught my eye. I'm so excited to play this Thursday I took the day off with this and NFL draft its gonna be great day. I'm thinking either a PSW or TCW save to start and trial things out for the 2 months. If I get hooked on a save I'll continue, looking forward to a local to global as well. Wish I could stream it all, but can't. Made the game more fun to share. Also, anyone interested in streaming I found 10-12 minutes easiest to watch. People who stream this game put 30 minute videos or longer out and it's too much to watch for me ag least.
  15. So the game is full screen? I downloaded WMMA5 and the demo is full screen?
  16. Wow I thought mine was extensive! Here’s how I did it: let’s say I’m WWE starting after mania. Sheet 1: I have PPV be its own column. Column A is the mania that just happened, column b is next pay per view, column c was second PPV after mania, and so on. I start at Next Wrestlemania, go back to Royal Rumble winner, back to Summerslam. Each PPV could have 7-13 matches I’d list. I’d track the show month by month and make notes of major events/matches on TV. Sheet 2: Roster breakdown, Faces and Heels from top(main eventers) to bottom(job guys). Tag Teams listed, Chemistry(good and bad) of tags and 1on1s. Make notes of people turning or developmental plans. Sheet 3: Long Term plans. Mania main events things like that. I’d list Mania shows, ratings, attendance/buy rate, best worker performance, special notes. Sheet 4: worker performance in a match. Every match is track a guys performance. Sheet 5: Averaged performances of previous years for a workers ranked. I’d also make notes if MVP, Most matches, best performance, most improved. The top 500 and in game awards.
  17. I have been lurking here reading this, and the favorite things I saw so far. I cant wait til 4/23 to finally play. I wish we'd get write ups on Cverse or something to like build up the hype til then. A company by company breakdown or something. -USPW is top company taking a lot of different top stars from SWF & TCW. Champagne Lover joining them with Reveries growth would be very cool. -TCW starting a women's division but falling in overall popularity/level. Jay Chord is like mid 90s HBK, great talent and top star but just miserable to be around. -An AEW like company in British Isles, 21CW will be unchallenged top dog. Wolf Hawkins joins 21CW. -Jack Bruce is either retired or semi retired. SWF investigation flops. -The dissolution of hardcore wrestling, so many companies are hardcore focused in Cverse, but not that really many competitors.
  18. I made a database with all the companies from TVerse & CVerse starting at 0 pop and 500k in the bank. The workers in game are all refs, road agents, and personalities. No active workers to start the game. After 10.5 years I finally hit cult with 1mil in the bank, I the #2 company, OLLIE in Mexico is #1. I am getting ratings of 60-75 for each show. I am using TVerse broadcasters. I have 50 pop in south west and tri state. Nothing broadcasting wise beyond syndication. I am worried about the growing to cult, I forgot about the costs until after I hit cult. I may just let myself go back to regional, set my max as regional, grow pop in mid south til I can get TV dealwhich may take another 2 years. I just don't know how to manage to stay financially alive in cult. I have heavy trad, medium mainstream/cult/modern/realism that is favorable for sponsorship. I may just add 25mil to each company code, as its been 10 years and if they were to go broke they likely would've by know. I actually kept track of performers ratings and averaged/ranked them at end of each year.
  19. https://imgur.com/a/54nnKhb year 2 wrapped up. WEXXV has been interesting to say the least. I bought BCG and brought in a handful of their workers. Most of the guys I brought over were signed away by BHOTWG. I had great chemistry tagging with Bulldozer Brandon Smith and we were teaming together til he got signed by TCW in December. I didn't push myself as hard as I should've, but my performance skills are getting a lot better. After buying BCG my pop in Kinki went up to 53, and has been steady there since. Tohoku my home region (one of regions I didn't change importance to 100% to) Went from 38, down to 20. I have been losing regional battles to 5 Star. Theyre putting up 80 ratings, and I am in 50s. But we are in alliance together where regional battles shouldn't hurt. I run one show a month since my product is so hardcore. I am debating to either slowly change product into something I think can grow (modern, realism, traditional), try to find any company that isn't hardcore (Too many in C-verse IMO) and go there, or just double down on hardcore aspect. I don't know if I have talent accessible to grow. I have been stagnant in pop since buying BCG. I made Daredevil from heavy to medium, and added realism to medium. Next is either lower hardcore, or add traditional. I got to pick a mentor and made it Takayuki 2000. Might make him figurehead of company. My starter company is going out of business, and I am not shocked they tripled roster after I left and haven't gained any pop. As regards to Cverse-TCW is going to drop to Cult relatively soon. 3 companies are cult and 8 are National. 2 national in Japan and 2 cult, which makes talent hard to keep.
  20. Haha thanks man! It takes just way too long to get to regional, and than the jump from Regional to Cult takes awhile. I just want to get to Cult asap. I normally a US only player so its a totally new experience for me in Japan. That plus its hardcore orientated has me nervous. Probably find a tag partner with chemistry while I'm here, and avoid the deathmatches.
  21. So I am halfway through June 2017. Big changes occurred fast! Throughout the year I have been getting emails complaining about momentum from faces on my roster. I have been using them to face Cobra & UC to build that chem, and get decent ratings. Garry The Entertainer sustained a concussion from Cobra during one of the matches. Christopher Ball won his mma fight! Gidayu and Logan completed their tours with PGHW, and they're pretty popular in Japan about 50 each. Logan complimented Katoh Freak saying he has lot of upside. I reached small on Thursday, Week 1, June of 2017. In May of 2017 I got email saying WEXXV needs new owner, knowing they're regional I ran an extra show at end of May to try to get to small quickly. Friday, Week 1, June 17 I got an email saying WEXXV has booking position available. I applied and GOT THE JOB. I went from local company turning 2k profit a month, to small, to regional company in Japan over 10 days. Pretty crazy. WEXXV runs hardcore style company, which I am not much of a fan, but now I am at least regional. I haven't played in Japan that much either, but economy and wrestling is rising so I hope to gain POP fast. First singee Logan Wolfsbaine and then Gidayu Katou. American Elemental II is in my original company and I may try to get him down the road. Very excited
  22. https://imgur.com/QLqK7YF Start of UC https://imgur.com/0hU3RVQ-after one year My fed is Heavy Traditional, medium (mainstream, realism, modern) which makes sponsorship favorable, and performance>pop. I started turning a profit in May. Got out of the red by August. Only thing I changed to CVerse is I made importance 100% in most regions in world. Just to make things more sensical to me. I got Michael Bull as owner, and he worked for free for first year. My UC had good chemistry facing Logan Wolfsbaine, and found he has great chemistry teaming with Cobra. My roster is usual cheap suspects. Gidayu signed to tour with PGWH and his pop in Japan went up to 35. MHW opened up, but I didn't get hired. The owner(active wrestler) had 61 pop in mexico and they had 100k in bank, would've been nice to get hired there. I would've teamed with owner to build my popularity and skill. Lucas Danger was high wrestling Logan, so I fired him immediately. Logan was released than rehired by PSW within 6-7 months. Christopher Ball accepted MMA Fight at end of year, hopefully he wins. PSW signed Garry the Entertainer, and Seth Whitehead signed with FCW. USPW is taking over US. Signed Roger Cage, Nelson Callum, Hells Bouncer, Kirk Jameson, Greg Black, Remmy Skye, Hells Bouncer, Skull DeBones, Eddie Peak, Troy Tornado, Wolf Hawkins, Sara Maria York, Joanne Rodriguez, Nadia Snow, Aaron Andrews, and Sean McFly. TCW turned Rocky heel, Jay Chord face, and Greg Gauge is climbing the ranks. Primus Allen joined them as well They are still national at #3 with 75 pop, but If Rocky gets taken from them they'll be desperate for star power. Valiant was picked up from SWF and is their world champion. He and Joshua Taylor are lighting world on fire facing eachother. SWF biggest departure is Remo going to SOTBW. Valiant and Skull DeBones leaving as well are surprises. Yoshimi Mushashibo won wrestler of the year. 95 average rating. PGWH won company of the year. The Tsunami didn't really take much effect this save. I am located in Great Lakes, so I may move up to small by end of the year. Reputation goes up 0.1 a show, so it may take awhile to find a new place to book for. Running 1 show a month, I am making 1k-2k a month profit, and economy/world is rising so I get like 0.5 pop per show. When I am making 2k-4k profit I'll start running two shows. I rolled 36, which was boost 20 to face/heel skills. I started 50/50 at start now 65/80 with running heel all year. Goals for 2017: Rise to Small Build performance skills teaming w/ Cobra Get stamina higher so I can work long single matches. One of my complaints of TEW 2016 is when buying companies size shouldn't matter to a degree. I understand it may prevent cheating or sorts. I am ranked 36 in financial dependence, which means 5 companies have less than 10k.
  23. Im curious how the young prospects end up. If they get picked up, Indy stars, or nobodies? Garry the Entertainer, Texas Hangman, Austin Smooth, Ross Henry, Seth Whitehead, Ernest Youngman, Cobra, and The Silencer. I am just excited to see cverse in general.
  24. I am running a Thunderverse LTG with a custom Wolf Hawkins(first c-verse character I could think of). I started with a local company, and we somehow ended up in the black after 6 shows in 3 months. So I continued to go along with my starter company as small trying to get hired as a booker any possible opening. We were stuck in regional battles, and I had to either try to stay profitable by running so/so shows or spend a ton to win the regional battles. I figured that this would lead to no movement and boring. I became the owner of GBWF, and we made cult pretty easily soon after my take over. I bought CWE, ECZ, TWR, and All Japan Joshi. So we have good popularity in British Isles and really good pop in Japan. I think we will be capped at cult unfortunetly. As Regional Importance is stuck in mid 70s for Central/Northern England and Ireland. For me to reach national I'd have to have 90 popularity, and that's not real possible. I want to slowly expand to USA, by buying out a regional company, and then try to make USA my home region as it's easier to expand there. Any tips to help me grow to National, International and so on?
  25. <p>Can you change your home region? From British Isles to America for example</p><p> </p><p> I am running a Thunderverse LTG with a custom Wolf Hawkins(first c-verse character I could think of). I started with a local company, and we somehow ended up in the black after 6 shows in 3 months. So I continued to go along with my starter company as small trying to get hired as a booker any possible opening. We were stuck in regional battles, and I had to either try to stay profitable by running so/so shows or spend a ton to win the regional battles. I figured that this would lead to no movement and boring. I became the owner of GBWF, and we made cult pretty easily soon after my take over. I bought CWE, ECZ, TWR, and All Japan Joshi. So we have good popularity in British Isles and really good pop in Japan. I think we will be capped at cult unfortunetly. As Regional Importance is stuck in mid 70s for Central/Northern England and Ireland. For me to reach national I'd have to have 90 popularity, and that's not real possible. I want to slowly expand to USA, by buying out a regional company, and then try to make USA my home region as it's easier to expand there.</p>
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