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Posts posted by tryker2710

  1. MAW Super Showdown

    Sat, Wk4, Mar 2020

    Attendance: 156


    Opening Match

    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • Guillotine dominated the local talent Mad Dog Mortimer from bell-to-bell.

    • The match went slightly long and the crowd began to lose some interest in a simple squash running for over five minutes, however they did pop for Guillotine’s Sideswipe Knee finisher.

    • Unfortunately Mortimer was just too old and broken down to make Guillotine look as good as he needed.

    • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Guillotine defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 5:59 by pinfall with a

    Sideswipe Knee.


    Rating: 21



    Lisa Bowen grabbed a microphone from ringside and got into the ring with her charges before their match. “Do you see these boys?” She began, gesturing to Johnny Needham and Ralph Liotta.

    “They’re cute as a button and twice as tough and tonight one lucky lady in the audience is going to go home with their numbers.” She pauses for a brief holler from the crowd before continuing again. “My boys are the hottest act in Baltimore, and when they come away with the win here I’ll let you all know where we’re having the victory party!”


    Rating: 41


    Tag Team Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • This was a decent back-and-forth affair from two teams who have unfortunately found themselves lost in the shuffle since losing the tag titles.

    • Lisa Bowen worked well at ringside and did a good job of engaging the crowd for her boys’ comeback, but her interactions with Ralph Liotta looked off, she seemed to overwhelm him slightly.

    • The Express showed great fire throughout especially in when Johnny Needham made the tag to Liotta but his offence was cut off by Seth Whitehead, who locked in his Minnesota stretch while Harvey Robbinfield kept Needham on the outside of the ring.

    • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Greatness defeated The Heartbreak Express in 7:58 when Seth Whitehead submitted Johnny Needham with a Minnesota Stretch.


    Rating: 25


    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • Trix Triumph brought the fight to Miller Fforde in a heated match in which Fforde was constantly checking his back for Josh Jacobs.

    • His lack of focus allowed Trix to take control several times throughout the match and looked in danger of losing once or twice.

    • However despite his strong showing he couldn’t get the job done as Trix found himself on the receiving end of the Fforde Flip Face Crusher and the defeat.

    • In a decent match, Miller Fforde defeated Trix Triumph in 7:59 by pinfall with a Fforde Flip Face Crusher.


    Rating: 35

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    A young woman came down to the ring in a purple dress. She ascended the ring steps with a microphone in hand and approached the winner of the match Miller Fforde. She beamed at him and rose the microphone to her lips. “Hello ladies and gentlemen my name is DeAnna Desire and from this point on I will be the ringside interviewer here in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. And my first order of business is to ask you, Miller Fforde, what your reaction is to what Josh Jacobs said last month at Wrestling Classic?”

    Miller took the microphone form her hand to address the crowd. “My reaction? Josh is deluded. He’s taken one too many shots to the head and I guess losing his American title to a rookie from TCW just sent him over the edge. If he wants to claim to be the ‘heart and soul’ of the company he can have at it. Because actions speak louder than words and I prove to each and every one of you every night I’m out here that I do this for you.”

    “So do you have anything to say to Josh Jacobs? Maybe we’ll get to hear from him before the main event tonight.”

    “If you want a fight Josh, I’ll bring the fight.”

    With that Miller handed the microphone back to DeAnna and headed for backstage, slapping high fives with every kid in the front row on the way.


    Rating: 35


    Tag Team Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • The duo of Copperhead and Duke Freeman showed their lack of experience in this match as they failed to cooperate the same way the current Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions did.

    • They did however show their tenacity in the match, with some hard brawling to strike back against the champs.

    • Unfortunately it wouldn’t be enough as DeMarcus & Gray hit Freeman with the Rocket Launcher, which followed by a dive to the outside by Gray onto Copperhead was enough to earn the victory for the champions.

    • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Copperhead and Duke Freeman in 9:32 when Nate DeMarcus pinned Duke Freeman with a Rocket Launcher.


    Rating: 30



    Sam Keith came out to the stage to announce that next month at Americana, Nate DeMarcus would be going one-on-one with Sean Noggin, and if Noggin wins, The Wolf Pack will receive a title match.


    Rating: 65


    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • The Architect stood at ringside during this match and made his presence known at every given opportunity, even going so far as to thrown Frankie-Boy into the ring steps while Jonah Pilgrim distracted the referee.

    • Frakie-Boy fought back well with his patented high impact offence, hitting a handspring back elbow and a slingblade on Pilgrim.

    • In the closing stretch of the match Frankie-Boy nailed The Architect with a baseball slide dropkick to the outside before hitting Pilgrim with his Dirt Nap finisher.

    • In a decent match, Frankie-Boy Fernandes defeated Jonah Pilgrim in 11:37 by pinfall with a Dirt Nap.


    Rating: 36


    After the match, before the bell has even finished ringing The Architect jumped Frankie-Boy Fernandes. He laid in rapid fire rights and lefts to the body and head of Frankie-Boy. Frankie-Boy tried valiantly to fight back but once Jonah Pilgrim got back to his feet he had no chance. The villainous pair threw him over the ringside barricade and battered him around the whole ringside area before slamming him into the ring steps and leaving him. Frankie-Boy lay motionless, as the doctor ran past The Architect and Pilgrim on the way to help Frankie-Boy.


    Rating: 32



    On the way up the ramp the pair of The Architect and Pilgrim are met by Cheetah Boy who has a microphone in hand. “You’ve been avoiding me Arhchitect,” he began. “You won the Invitational, I commend you for that. But keep away from Bradley Blaze and my Mid Atlantic Championship. If you try to win it again. I will hurt you.” With that Cheetah Boy walked backwards away while The Architect and Pilgrim stood dumbfounded.


    Rating: 39


    Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

    Singles Match

    30-Minute Time Limit

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    • This match saw a clash of two very different styles, as the high octane and explosive Jaylon Martins came up against the cerebral Sandman Winks.

    • Martins started off the match hot, going straight for his opponent in an attempt to neutralise him as quickly as possible.

    • Things did end up mirroring last month’s tag team match however, as as soon as Martins ran out of steam and Winks took control the result was a foregone conclusion as Martins found himself once again passing out in the Deep Sleep sleeper hold.

    • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Sandman Winks defeated Jaylon Martins in 9:56 by submission with a Deep Sleep. Sandman Winks wins the Mid Atlantic American title.


    Rating: 23


    Main Event

    Singles Match

    30-Minute Time Limit


    • Josh Jacobs tried to turn this match into a technical masterclass, however the strength of the COTT World Champion Ant-Man allowed him to power out of many of Jacobs holds.

    • Jacobs shifted to using stiff strikes to wear down Ant-Man who utilised an impressive array of throws and suplexes from the opening bell.

    • Jacobs eventually showed his frustration by poking the eyes of Ant-Man to take control of the match.

    • Things finally ended when Ant-Man early bumped into the referee, allowing Jacobs to roll him up and grab a handful of tights where the referee couldn’t see it to get the win.

    • In a decent match, Josh Jacobs defeated Ant-Man in 20:17 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


    Rating: 35



    After the match Jacobs attacked Ant-Man with a low blow and kicked him while he was down. Miller Fforde came sprinting down the ramp to aid the COTT World Champion and tackled Jacobs to the floor. The pair rolled out of the ring together and brawled to the back to bring the show to a close.


    Rating: 37


    Show Rating: 38


    A/N:So that brings to a close the three MAW events run this side of the full release, gotta say I didn't think predictions would throw people the way they did but hey that's the joy of booking. So this month we had a four-way draw for first as Historian, Herrbear, lien02 and Sco xY2Jxall scored a 5/8 on the predictions, with Martel123 coming in at close second with 4/8. That means that for the first half 2020 Historian is still in the lead with 87.5% correct predictions and a three-way draw for second as Martel123, Herrbear and Sco xY2Jx all sit on 45.83% correct predictions. It's still all to play for in the 6-month race as one show could see somebody rocket up the prediction table.


    As always feedback and criticism are appreciated when constructive, and I will be messaging this month's winners about their prize, one worker from the diary to receive some narrative attention! If you read this before I message you feel free to either drop your choice here or PM them to me!

  2. <p>MAIN EVENT</p><p>

    Captain Lucha, Mario Heroic & Nicolas Lopez vs. <strong>Amo del Gato, El Critico & Silver Tiger</strong></p><p>

    <em>I see Mr. Lucha costing Heroic the match</em></p><p>

    MATCH 4</p><p>

    <strong>The Freedom Family (w/ Agueda Alonso)</strong> vs. Space Invaders</p><p>

    <em>One more match for the Family</em></p><p>

    MATCH 3</p><p>

    Felipe Caballero vs. <strong>Mr. Lucha III</strong></p><p>

    <em>Lucha needs momentum</em></p><p>

    MATCH 2</p><p>

    <strong>Electric Dreamer </strong>vs. La Hija del Diablo</p><p>

    <em>The number one contender can't lose here, interference or otherwise</em></p><p>

    MATCH 1</p><p>

    <strong>Coulrophobia</strong> vs. Phoenix Cuatro (Phoenix IV & Edo Phoenix IV)</p><p>

    <em>The clowns need to be built up a bit before the become they become a joke</em></p>

  3. <p>Main Event: CWI Championship - Tribal Warrior vs. <strong>"The Indiana Strangler" Conner Threepwood ©</strong></p><p>

    <em>If Java couldn't get it done, Warrior surely won't</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Co Main Event - Women's Championship Tournament Finals - "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle versus <strong>"The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake</strong></p><p>

    <em>I think two singles babyface champs would be a tad boring, Brazzle is likely in/nearing decline and I think an imposing heel provides a good mountain to climb for whoever topples her.</em></p><p><em>

    </em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Finals - Tag Team Championship - <strong>The Rock City Stars</strong> vs. The Wolf Pack</p><p>

    <em>The pack just aren't quite ready for the straps and the stars will help the prestige while you build up the division.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match - <strong>"American Eagle" Roger Monteiro</strong> vs. The Masked Mauler VII</p><p>

    <em>Monteiro is much better at this stage</em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Semi-Finals - Bred for Battle vs. <strong>The Rock City Stars</strong></p><p>

    <em>Experience will allow the Stars to survive the monster onslaught</em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Semi-Finals - DeMarcus & Pelton vs. <strong>The Wolf Pack</strong></p><p>

    <em>Once Again for the established team</em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 4 - <strong>The Rock City Stars</strong> vs. Hardcore Inheritance w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p>

    <em>The Stars are the number 1 team in this in my opinion</em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 3 - The Dog Soldiers vs <strong>Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</strong></p><p>

    <em>Monster heels need to get off to a strong start</em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 2 - Blackburn & Patterson vs. <strong>The Wolf Pack w/ Mark Hyatt</strong></p><p><strong>


    <em>Established team to win</em></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 1 - <strong>DeMarcus & Pelton</strong> vs. Deverell & Pryde</p><p>

    <em>Tag team specialist DeMarcus gives his team an edge, but I doubt he'll be happy, he's supposed to be there for a singles push</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match: <strong>Reece & Wells</strong> vs. The Femme Fatales</p><p>

    <em>I just like them more</em></p>

  4. 4sfQFVg.jpg


    Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote “We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand out in the dark?” This was a philosophy which Jay Fair lived by. He ensured to always be kind, gentle, brave even in the face of adversity. He found himself becoming a locker room leader long before he was handed the book in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and he always believed in part that he was put in charge of booking because he was well-liked rather than a good booker. Jay fed Sam Keith and Mean Jean plenty of ideas prior to Jean leaving in 2014, but he never changed the game. In a sense, Jay felt he was less of a booker and more of a page turner. Sure he put the shows together but most guys went above him to Sam when they had a question. Sam would always tell them “Go ask Jay, I don’t book the shows”. He respected Jay’s authority, but everybody knew he had the real final say on everything.


    Tamara McFly was everything Jay wasn’t. She came from a wrestling family, she was a former wrestler and champion, she knew how to put a match together, she was well travelled, and she had connections in the industry. Jay knew he had to get her in to help with producing the shows and as much as she tried to present herself as a hard-ass, there was always a hint of a smile on her face when she thought nobody was looking.


    Jay didn’t have fears of being usurped. He could hand over booking duties to Tamara or anybody Sam brought in without much fuss. He knew he would be refereeing for Sam Keith until the day they both keeled over. And until that day Jay swore to himself he was going to continue to hold his hand out in the dark. Every worker had his number, in case they ever needed him for anything. Marvin would occasionally call to ask about Susan. Some of the younger guys would ask him about potential indie bookings, the very young guys would warn him of impending deadlines and finals. Those circumstances in which one of America’s bright-eyed youths would be unable to successfully work a wrestling card. And of course Tamara McFly continued to text him at least a half-dozen times throughout the day. Storyline ideas, business ventures, marketing ploys. For a woman who insisted she wouldn’t show up at every show she managed to put in exactly as much work as Jay in putting them together.


    Jay Fair. Happily married. Booking one of the most well-renowned companies on the American independent scene. Content with his lot in life.


    A/N:Hey all this is just a little something I wanted to put together since I feel we haven't heard from Jay in a while. Anybody who is

    yet to predict or wants to change their predictions will have until tomorrow evening my time (GMT) to get that in. Stay safe everybody and feedback is always appreciated either here or in PMs if you don't want to say it on the thread :D

  5. Main Event

    Captain Lucha

    Don't see him losing here and he's facing a jobber to the stars


    Match 4

    American Cobras

    Established team get a solid defence of their titles


    Match 3

    Dragon Americano

    If Blue Phantom has handed in his notice I don't see him going over for the next month


    Match 2

    Queen Amazon

    The queen needs to bounce back from the PPV loss


    Match 1

    Mario Heroic

    I don't see him losing his debut match against a guy you don't seem to have any plans for

  6. <p>ZOOM Livewire, Week 2 of January, 2020</p><p> </p><p>

    Kieran Andrews vs <strong>Zippy Deverell</strong> (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>James Diaz</strong> vs Reilly Patton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

    Blue Dragon vs <strong>Sugarskull </strong>(ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p>

    <em>I don't think he'll win but I can't go against somebody with that name.</em></p>

  7. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>TopRopeElbow.com presents Mid Atlantic Wrestling Super Showdown 2020 Card!</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Hello all, Ricky Gibbons here to give you the rundown on this month's Super Showdown card. My personal pick for match of the night is going to have to go to Miller Fforde vs Trix Triumph. Fforde is one of the most reliable guys on the indies and Trix has been working twice as hard since the end of last year to make a real name for himself in MAW.</p><p> </p><p> It is interesting to see a lack of names from the new developmental signings on the show although it is possible that they will be saved and given more staggered debuts throughout the year. </p><p> </p><p> And as reported previously Brad Blaze will not be appearing on the show in any capacity. He has said on social media that he is back in Texas taking care of his sick father, but did lay down a challenge for any champion in a Confederation company to challenge him for his Mid Atlantic Championship at Americana. It's always good to see a fighting champ! Full card below:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48443" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MAW Super Showdown 2020 Card</strong></p><p><strong> Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2020</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>Opening Match</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Guillotine vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> The Greatness vs The Heartbreak Express w/Lisa Bowen</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Miller Fforde vs Trix Triumph</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> Copperhead and Duke Freeman vs DeMarcus & Gray</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Jonah Pilgrim w/The Architect</p><p> </p><p> <em>Mid Atlantic American Championship Match</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 30-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> Sandman Winks vs Jaylon Martins ©</p><p> </p><p> <em><em>Main Event</em></em></p><p><em><em> Singles Match</em></em></p><p><em><em> 30-Minute Time Limit</em></em></p><p> </p><p> Ant-Man vs Josh Jacobs</p><p> </p><p> Bonus Prediction: What will be Match of the Night?:</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
  8. <p>The Latino Kings vs <strong>The Wolf Pack</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:<em>If they lose 2 in a row they're gonna get a stigma</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jaylon Martins ©</strong> vs Copperhead (Mid Atlantic American Championship match - 30-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:<em>Martins should lose the title soon but I don't think Copperhead is the guy to take it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Joey Fili vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:<em>DWN needs the win plus Fili might have the "losses aren't as bad" gimmick</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Tyrone Gray vs <strong>The Historian</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:<em>This is the toughest match on the card for me. I don't like champs losing but this will establish new contenders and I see more value in Historian as a singles guy than Gray</em></p><p> </p><p>

    The Heartbreak Express vs <strong>The Scheme</strong> (#1 Contender's Match for Tag Titles - 30-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments: <em>The Architect is too good to do nothing with him and the champs are faces</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Josh Jacobs</strong> vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments: <em>Jacobs by Shenanigans I think.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bradley Blaze ©</strong> vs Cheetah Boy (Mid Atlantic American Championship Match - 60-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:<em>This is a tough one with Ernest working face it seems, but I think there's more to Blaze than Cheetah Boy. I think the Cheetah's time on top is behind him.</em></p>

  9. TopRopeElbow.com Report: New Mid Atlantic Wrestling Signings


    Well folks it appears that a number of new signings are coming to MAW in March, both in and out of the ring. This comes as a result of Total Championship Wrestling’s annual class graduating from their dojo, with MAW confirming that they would be taking three of the men on developmental deals following their graduation.




    The first of which is Kyle Diamond a 6-foot 3-inch tall wonder from Connecticut is said to have impressed with his amazing grasp of fundamentals for a rookie, however at 23 he finds himself as the oldest graduate of the class and with something of an ego if sources from within the camp are to be believed, it will be interesting to see how he fits in amongst the humble MAW setting.




    The second graduate to report on is Marvin Gallagher. The young man from New Jersey is descendant from Vietnamese immigrants who came to America following the Vietnam War and finds himself in unique company joining the ever growing community of LGBT workers in the industry. The mountain of a man at 6-foot 10-inches and tipping the scales at over 300lbs seems to have all of the tools necessary to become a massive star in the industry, if looks are to be believed.




    Last but not least from the graduates moving to MAW is Paris Burnett, a man who somehow manages to edge Marvin Gallagher in terms of size coming in at 6-foot 10-inches and weighting a whopping 328lbs. He appears to lack the impressive physique of the other graduates moving to MAW but the man who has been described as “a born heel” will surely find no end of success within the industry.




    MAW have also signed a non-wrestler to a permanent contract, welcoming the young DeAnna Desire to their ranks. It is unclear at the moment what the young woman from Texas will be doing in MAW but apparently Sam Keith is quite high on her following a recommendation from none other than Mid Atlantic Champion Bradley Blaze. Could an on-screen relationship between the two be in the offing?




    The final piece of news is that the company’s Twitter has confirmed that newly crowned Confederation of the Territories World Heavyweight Champion Ant-Man will be appearing at their Super Showdown event. The “Pintsize Powerhouse” won the title from former champion Pablo Rodriguez in a well-received match and he has already defended it once in OLLIE. The news behind this move is that the loan from ACPW was organised well in advance of the decision to have Ant-Man take the COTT title off Rodriguez. Does this mean he won’t be defending the title on the show? Perhaps, but only time will tell with the Super Showdown card being revealed tomorrow, for now all we can do is speculate.

  10. GLW Great Lakes Title Semi-Finals

    Conner Threepwood vs. Raphael


    GLW Great Lakes Title Semi-Finals

    Acid vs. Rayne Man


    Tag Team Match

    Devil's Daughter & Elle May Watson vs. Sabrina Wells & Suzanne Brazzle


    Singles Match

    Art Reed vs. Gareth Wayne


    8-Man Tag Match

    Bob Casey, Nathan Coleman, Pepper Pelton, & Too Hot vs. Dreadnaught, Original Sinner, Paul Steadyfast & The Masked Mauler VII


    Triple Threat Showcase

    Jana Marie Bowen vs. Joy Ryder vs. Olivia Diamond


    Singles Match

    Blue Dragon vs. James Diaz


    Extraordinario Jr vs. Nicolas Lopez ©

    This match is for el Campeonato Universal OLLIE

    I just don't see Nico losing yet


    MATCH 7

    Celeste Moon © vs. Mystery Pink

    This match is for el Campeonato de las Mujeres OLLIE

    Cheat to win

    MATCH 6

    20 Man Battle Royal: Amo del Gato, Blue Phantom, Cosmic Rider, Dragon Americano, El Pavo Real, El Toro de Oro Jr, Extranjero Loco, Hellech, Jayson van Pelt, Kamikaze, La Hija del Diablo, Laberinto Jr, Marcos Flores, Marvel Malloy, North Star Jr, Phobia, Phoenix II, Phoenix IV & Storm Spillane

    I really thought Silver Tiger would be in this match, guess Flores is a safe second

    MATCH 5

    Evil Intent © vs. The Freedom Family (w/ Agueda Alonso)

    This match is for el Campeonato de Parejas OLLIE

    They're gonna clown the family

    MATCH 4

    Electric Dreamer vs. Queen Amazon


    MATCH 3

    Atlantis Jr, Lobo Blanco & Rebelde Loco vs. Disturbed, El Hijo de Espada Roja & Silver Tiger

    They have more upside

    MATCH 2

    Purple Viper vs. Ursula Saez

    This could go either way I think

    MATCH 1

    Captain Lucha vs. El Critico

    The returning hero to win

  12. Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars


    CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade

    I was always going for Art but this solidifies my choice

    Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


    The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners


    Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


    Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel

    Time for the Weasel screw job

    Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


    The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


    Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


    Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

    Old man thought lesson, more at 11

  13. Enter Sandman



    “It’s called a work Dave, you should look it up some time.”


    “Is it really wise to go off on Twitter about the TCW guys quote, stealing all of our spots, end quote without telling them that what you’re doing is definitely just a work and there isn’t any animosity there?”


    Henry “Sandman” Winks, looked back into the eyes of his tag team partner, and now roommate David Barker. The two had been going back and forth for weeks over Henry’s social media use and whether or not it was best to be spontaneous on the platform, or to talk things through with people to ensure they didn’t get the wrong idea. David fell on the side of caution, which was easy for him given his lack of any social media presence with the exception of an old Facebook account he used to keep in contact with his parents since moving from the family home. Henry however, was vehement in his opposition.


    “What would you know about going off on Twitter, mister Myspace? Without me this team would have no online presence whatsoever!”


    David scoffed and walked into the tiny kitchen of the pair’s tiny apartment. His large frame alone was cramped within its four, mildew-stained walls. “Do you want coffee while I’m making some man?” He asked.


    “Hey! Wait a second!” Henry exclaimed, springing up from his seat. “Don’t dodge the question. What would you know about Twitter?”


    David scoffed again and gently barged past the slightly larger man in the room and placed two cups of coffee down on their, admittedly reasonably sized table. “What I know is that nothing good ever comes from these little Twitter feuds. Eventually somebody is going to take things too far and then the feud will be real.”


    Henry took a slow sip of his coffee and closed his eyes gently. He stayed like that for a few moments, finally letting out a long, slow breath before speaking again.


    “David you’re an old-school guy, and I respect that...” Henry trailed off at the end of his sentence, but was forced to continue by his friend’s very pointed and inquisitive “but?”


    “… But it’s the twenty-first century man. I wrestle old-school but I know there’s a new dimension to wrestling now. Did Rip Chord and Sam Strong have to tell each other privately that they weren’t really mad at each other?”


    “Well, no. You could never have the biggest face and heel in a company talk to each other like that back in the day, it would be a disaster if they were seen to be friends outside the ring.”


    Henry smiled, “Exactly, this is just the work for the modern day. Do you think we would have been on that Wrestling Classic card, in that tag team match, if I hadn’t gotten some buzz around a feud between Jaylon and I?”


    David paused and sipped at his coffee. Henry could tell from the way he pulled his shoulders in that his roommate was trying to find a way out of admitting that they may not have been booked otherwise. Henry chugged back the rest of his coffee and stood up. He patted his partner on the shoulder as he walked past on the way to their front door.


    “Anyway I’ve gotta go to work man, Mister Timmson isn’t going to train himself, or else I’d be out of a job. I’ll make sure not to piss off anybody on twitter while I’m gone.” He jibed.


    Henry could hear some kind of threat from the other side of the door once he got into the hallway, knowing his roommate it probably involved Henry buying take out. But he shrugged and continued on his way to the gym, the door gave him enough plausible deniability to pretend he heard nothing.


    A/N:This is brought to you courtesy of The Historian who chose Sandman Winks to receive a little character moment of his own, congratulations on winning the February prediction contest and best of luck to everybody on for March (Card to be posted in the coming days).

    Quentin Queen vs. The Silencer

    You have more interesting challengers on the face side at the minute

    Wild Red Stallion vs. Remmy Honeyman

    Stallion will be one of them some day

    Tavon Blake Jr. vs. Lobo Blanco


    The Sioux Warriors vs. The Hot Taggs

    Possible manager shenanigans

    James Diaz vs. Jules Night vs. Jerry Pepper vs. The Masked Mauler VII

    The only guy you've singled out

    Jason Patterson vs. Romeo Romaro

    Job boy

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