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Posts posted by tryker2710

  1. Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars

    I smell a Jarrett

    CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Ernest Youngman

    Sentimental Favourite to win

    Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris vs Air Attack Weasel

    He's your Brutus Beefcake

    The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners

    They must be too good to lose

    Becca Barton vs Paige Croft

    Big win for "B Double"

    Open Challenge: Big Bruiser Findlay vs ???

    Honestly forgot this guy existed since he left MAW

    Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


    The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown

    Two picks that are complete guesses

    Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez

    Perez could be a real star, she shouldn't lose to the rookie

    Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

    How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man?


    Big fan of everything going on here so far, and it's always great to see a woman as the star of a diary.
  2. Major Star = Main Event

    Star = Upper Midcard

    Well Known = Midcard

    Recognisable = Lower Midcard

    Unimportant= newbies/jobbers


    I would say Stars are like, b-tier main eventers. They can main event a show and fans are willing to watch them but they don't put butts in seats on their own. Major Stars (If you have mandatory pre-booking turned on) are a bit of a step above Main Event in 2016 as your attendance will be get affected if you don't have them booked.

  3. What's the difference in booking this product to say, an ROH real life counterpart? How does the 70s influence play a factor other than the western and wacky themes? I've always had an idea, but just wondering if somebody could break down the spirit of MAW for me. I've always enjoyed the name, graphics and themes but booking an heavily old school influenced promotion in modern day whilst trying to take my save seriously has always scared me away from Mid Atlantic a little bit.


    The thing about MAW, although it maybe isn't as prevalent in 2020 as it was in 2016 is they shy away from what I'd call Indie-riffic wrestling. ROH has always featured a lot of those more high, flying guys but in 2016 MAW was set up so Aerial skills were much less effective.


    The in-ring philosophy has always tended to favour brawlers and technicians, while ROH featured that high flying and puro influence.


    Then the business philosophy differs in that, once a guy reaches his ceiling in MAW he's let go without any real struggle as the company is dedicated to producing good young talent and not with making it big. Whereas ROH once upon a time did have ideas of being the number 2 in the US and were crippled by losing their big names, because they got lucky with a golden generation moreso I feel than they had always planned to have a cyclical business model from the start.

  4. <p>MAW Championship:<strong> Bradley Blaze</strong> vs. ??? (Someone On The MAW Roster)</p><p>

    <em>I'd say Josh Jacobs will be the guy here, he can take a loss to the champ</em></p><p>

    <strong>Cheetah Boy</strong> vs Jonah Pilgrim</p><p>


    MAW American: <strong>Jaylon Martins</strong> vs Duke Freeman</p><p>

    <em>I don't see much in either of these guys at the moment so no change</em></p><p>

    MAW Tag Team:<strong> DeMarcus & Gray</strong> vs The Wolfpack</p><p>

    <em>I don't think they're quite ready to take the belts yet</em></p><p>

    Chip Martin vs<strong> Guillotine</strong></p><p>

    <em>Squash him like a bug</em></p><p>

    Miller Fforde and The Heartbreak Express vs <strong>Harvey Robbinfield and The Past Masters</strong></p><p>

    <em>We need to build heels with all face champs</em></p>

  5. GLW Great Lakes Title Quarterfinals

    Acid vs. Art Reed

    I'm gonna go with the sentimental favourite here

    GLW Great Lakes Title Quarterfinals

    Gareth Wayne vs. Rayne Man


    GLW Great Lakes Title Quarterfinals

    Conner Threepwood vs. Paul Steadyfast


    GLW Great Lakes Title Quarterfinals

    Nathan Coleman vs. Raphael


    Singles Match

    Sabrina Wells vs. Suzanne Brazzle


    Tag Team Match

    Casey & Pelton vs. Dreadnaught & Original Sinner


    Trios Match

    Black Diamond, Devil's Daughter, & Elle May Watson vs. Jana Marie Bowen, Olivia Diamond, & Joy Ryder


    4-Way Showcase

    Blue Dragon vs. James Diaz vs. The Masked Mauler VII vs. Too Hot

    Diaz is so big, he's the size of a mountain. Strap a rocket to him!

  6. TopRopeElbow.com presents MAW Wrestling Classic Fallout, by Ricky Gibbons


    Hello fans of independent wrestling! Local expert on all things Confederation Of The Territories here to shed some light on what’s going down in Mid Atlantic Wrestling now that a few days have passed since the well-received MAW Wrestling Classic 2020.


    First off, the word on the street is that current Mid Atlantic Champion Bradley Blaze won’t be appearing on the March show Super Showdown in any capacity. The company’s twitter account has also gone about hyping the return of Frankie-Boy Fernandes at Super Showdown. Could the company be trying to keep them apart for some kind of match later down the line? Only time will tell, but with both guys seemingly playing face at the moment a singles match in the near future seems unlikely. It will be interesting to see whether or not Blaze really is off Super Showdown. Hopefully he hasn’t picked up any injuries that could jeopardise what has been a fairly entertaining run with the Mid Atlantic Championship.


    The second important bit of Super Showdown news on the rumour mill today is that due to choking out the champion during a tag team match at Wrestling Classic, Sandman Winks is going to receive a title match against Jaylon Martins for the Mid Atlantic American title. Winks, who has been used fairly consistently in the tag ranks over his first few years in MAW will surely be looking to put in a standout performance in what could be a breakout singles match for the man. Meanwhile his opponent, Martins, will be looking to silence some of the critics who believe he was not at all ready to hold a title in MAW, and are suggesting that the Total Championship Wrestling contracted talent are being handed opportunities in order for Sam Keith to remain amicable with BriCo.


    Jumping off that point, and leaving what is the juiciest yet least likely to be true rumour for last. There are whispers and rumblings that management at MAW are looking to rebrand the Mid Atlantic American title. This news coincides with the increased involvement of Tamara McFly in the backstage dealings of MAW. The former Babes of Sin City and 5 Star Wrestling worker was apparently brought in to bring a new perspective and shake things up in MAW. This would surely be a massive change for the company and one that would come at some financial cost, although depending on the rebrand it could be a good move.


    El Critico vs. Marcos Flores

    (#1 Contenders Semi Final)


    MATCH 6

    Extraordinario Jr vs. Phoenix II

    (#1 Contenders Semi Final)


    MATCH 5

    Amo del Gato & Silver Tiger vs. The Wildfires


    MATCH 4

    Electric Dreamer vs. Poison Ivy


    MATCH 3

    Elsa Calvo vs. Ursula Saez


    MATCH 2

    Dragon Americano vs. North Star Jr


    MATCH 1

    Concepcion Gomez vs. Mystery Pink

  8. Okay, I'm going to drop a bomb here, and argue a point that has been rolling around in my brain for a couple of days now.


    I think the old product system was boring. I think an awful lot of people just used a preset product and maybe made one or two tweaks. And you may say "Gotcha! They can't make those tweaks in 2020!" Well you're right, they can't fiddle with drop down menus. But 90% of the time people would just tweak a "respect for wrestling" present product into something that now resembles the Modern Throwback or Golden Age products we have now.


    The old product system has been around for like a decade now, and we solved it. There was pretty much an objectively best product base that you then made one or two tweak to if you wanted.


    Now, I've been very outspoken about the fact I don't like some of the more "you're playing the sandbox wrong" features that have been added in this version. But at the same time I think the new system just gives a new tool to use, while expanding our control as players over things like workers and shows and contracts.


    I feel like it's worth more to have a nuanced, and balanced system of products and then greater control over the day-to-day stuff in my company rather than having a mountain of options for what was a very "set it and forget it" feature in the last couple of TEWs.

  9. How has Jaylon Martins been in the company for nearly two years and is "Unimportant" with 10 popularity? That doesn't seem balanced at all.


    I've head canoned it as the traditionalist MAW fans turning against the influx of TCW guys coming in and instantly being pushed beyond their abilities, such as Martins being a champion despite not being very good in the ring, or Whitehead and Robbinsfield being former tag champs even though they were just thrown together.

  10. MAW Wrestling Classic 2020

    Fri, Wk 4, Feb 2020

    Attendance: 182


    Opening Match

    Tag Team Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • This was a fairly back and forth tag affair with four young guys all looking to make a name for themselves. The Past Masters have been taking shots at Martins and Fili on twitter for taking up spots on the card from guys who need it, even though they have deals with TCW.

    • Martins’ explosivity and Fili’s power worked well for a time but unfortunately, while Fili was caught on the outside battling The Historian, Sandman Winks locked in his Deep Sleep sleeper hold on the Mid Atlantic American champion and made him pass out.

    • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Past Masters defeated Jaylon Martins and Joey Fili in 10:25 when Sandman Winks submitted Jaylon Martins with a Deep Sleep.

    • Joey Fili was off his game.


    Rating: 22


    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • Kid Fantastic came out as the local talent to face Josh Jacobs and started the match off quite strongly. He popped the crowd once or twice with his flashy escapes and innovative techniques.

    • Unfortunately for him, after a few minutes Jacobs turned up the aggression and began to lay into him with hard punches and kicks.

    • Fantastic did attempt once more to hit a high risk move on Jacobs, but he was caught in mid-air and drilled into the mat.

    • In a decent match, Josh Jacobs defeated Kid Fantastic in 5:47 by pinfall with a Canadian Backdrop.


    Rating: 29



    After his match Josh Jacobs grabbed a microphone from ringside and climbed back into the ring.

    “Four months. For four months people have been tweeting at me, asking me in the street, trying to send me carrier pigeons. You’ve all been asking ‘Why’d you do it Josh? Why did you cost Miller Fforde the Mid Atlantic Championship?’ Well I’ll tell you why,” he then paused for a moment to soak in some boos from the Mid Atlantic fans before continuing.

    “For ten years I’ve been in this business. For six of those years I’ve been here. And how many opportunities at that belt have I gotten? Miller Fforde is handed opportunity after opportunity and why? Because he came through the boot camp? That’s a load and you all know it! I’m better than Miller Fforde, I’ve been in the game longer than Miller Fforde, and I will beat Miller Fforde. Because that’s the thing Miller. I eat, sleep and breathe this company. I come here for every show even when I’m not on the card, because I have given everything to this company.” He smiled and pointed out at the fans before continuing again.

    “And Miller Fforde will bleed this company dry before he finally ups sticks and moves on, and you should all know that. I’m the man who will save Mid Atlantic Wrestling. And Miller? You better watch your back.”


    Rating: 31


    Tag Team Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    • This was a fairly by-the-numbers affair, the heels took control early, battering Tyrone Gray around the ring for a few minutes before he managed to make the hot tag to DeMarcus.

    • DeMarcus flew around the ring, taking out everybody in sight before landing his Rocket Launcher shoulder tackle for the win.

    • In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Deuce Deadline and Trix Triumph in 5:34 when Nate DeMarcus pinned Trix Triumph with a Rocket Launcher.

    • Tyrone Gray seemed off his game.

    Rating: 30


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    As Jay Fair was raising the hands of DeMarcus & Gray two large figures emerged from behind and attacked them. DeMarcus & Gray had to be helped to the back by ringside staff while The Wolf Pack waited for their opponents for the next match.


    Rating: 22


    Tag Team Match

    15-Minute Time Limit

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    •The Wolf Pack controlled much of this match with their power-based offence.

    •The Heartbreak Express made a spirited comeback, and even looked like they had the match one a few times but the strength of their opponents overwhelmed them and led to a defeat.

    •In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Wolf Pack defeated The Heartbreak Express in 7:54 when Sean Noggin pinned Johnny Needham with a Hangman's Neckbreaker.

    Rating: 27



    Cheetah Boy came out to ringside and demanded a microphone. After threatening to punch out Marvin Earnest, he was finally given one and climbed into the ring where he began to speak. “Bradley!” He bellowed before smirking and beginning to pace around the ring.

    “Oh Bradley, you’re good. Better than I gave you credit for I’ll admit. I underestimated you Bradley, I’m a big enough man to admit that. Because you see Bradley, I’ve worked for USPW and SWF. I’m the biggest star to ever run these ropes, and I let that get to my head a bit. You’re small fry Bradley, and even small fry can get lucky. But when we face off again, and I promise you, we will. There will be no hesitation, there will be no underestimation. I’m going to beat you Bradley and take back what’s rightfully mine. So have fun with The Architect tonight. But if you can’t beat him, then I’ll know losing to you was a fluke all along.” With that Cheetah Boy threw the microphone down and left the ringside area.


    Rating: 38


    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit


    • Copperhead cheated early and often throughout this match, keeping Miller Fforde on the back foot for most of its 6-minute run time.

    • Fforde hit a big dropkick on Copperhead to turn things around, followed by a corkscrew elbow from the middle rope and then finished things off with his Fforde Flip Face Crusher.

    • In a decent match, Miller Fforde defeated Copperhead in 5:46 by pinfall with a Fforde Flip Face Crusher.

    Rating: 38



    The Architect came down to the ring for his match, and took a microphone, following much the same pattern as Cheetah Boy before him, by threatening Marvin Earnest much to the delight of his commentary partner. “I was asked recently,” he began “How it felt winning the Rip Chord Invitational, knowing I didn’t deserve it. That the better man should have one.” He paused for a moment, stroked his chin and after a few seconds a cocky grin found its way upon his face.

    “This is what you idiots don’t understand. The better man did win! Maybe in California they just don’t teach you this, but in this business you win by any means necessary. Frankie-Boy Fernandes didn’t have what it takes to win and now he’s run off home with his tail between his legs because he couldn’t beat The Architect, the best technical wrestler in the Confederation, nay the world! Now, watch me scare ‘The Cowboy’ back to Texas.


    Rating: 37


    Main Event

    Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Singles Match

    30-Minute Time Limit

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    • This bout followed a similar formula to The Rip Chord Invitational final, as Bradley Blaze tried to come out of the gate hot but found himself cut off constantly by The Architect’s cheating and good scouting.

    • After being worn down for a decent length of time, Blaze made a comeback and dropped The Architect with tough punches and big suplexes.

    • The match was very back and forth with neither man seemingly looking like he would come out on top, a time limit draw looked likely.

    • But when it looked like Blaze was going to hit his Dallas Drop, Cheetah Boy came down to the ring and attacked him, causing the disqualification. The Architect looked on in disbelief but thought better of having it out with Cheetah Boy, after going 22 minutes with the Mid Atlantic Champion.

    • The show ended with Cheetah Boy screaming at Blaze, promising that he will beat him.

    • In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated The Architect in 21:52 when The Architect was disqualified when Cheetah Boy ran in and attacked Bradley Blaze. Bradley Blaze makes defence number three of the Mid Atlantic Championship title.


    Rating: 42


    Show rating: 40


    A/N:So there we have it, the shows for this diary are done for until the full game come out, but don't worry I will be doing little things here and there over the next few weeks to try and keep things fresh and moving! Any and all comments are appreciate, constructive criticism especially because I do want to try and make this diary the best it can be.


    Now, on to the prediction contest which for 2020 will be running from January-June and then July-December! I can now announce that the winner of the first prediction competition will be allowed to pick any man from the COTT to enter next year's Rip Chord Invitational! On top of that, each month's winner will be able to choose one person from the diary to be highlighted in a narrative piece, in the event of a tie, everybody gets to choose! So without further ado let's see who how things shaped up this month:

    Historian: 8/8 - Excellent predictions especially on the bonuses

    Sco xY2Jx: 6/8

    lieon02: 5/8

    Matel123: 7/8


    The 6-month competition will be based on percentage of correct predictions, and you must predict on at least 3 of the 6 shows to be eligible to win!

    The current top 3 are: Historian with a whopping 100% prediction rate, second we have Martel123 on 43.75% and a tie for third with both HerrBear and Sco xY2Jx on 37.50%

  11. <div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">The Blueprint</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

    The Wrestling Classic has been a part of the events calendar for Mid Atlantic Wrestling for 15 years. Just as long as the Rip Chord Invitational, the Sam Keith Classic or Where It All Begins Again. Yet, it lacked the buzz or excitement of these other events. No tournament final, no storyline payoff, rarely any big stars from the Confederation made an appearance.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Architect, real name Trevor Riggs, sat in Stanley Hall, the venue he wrestled in countless times over the last eight years. Eight long years of his life and now he had been given the chance to make it count. His brief run as tag team champion with Jonah Pilgrim failed to ignite the way he wanted it to, owing mostly to the fact that the tag titles were in need of rebuilding after years of being held by teams who didn’t deserve the run. And that is where Trevor found himself that day. Receiving another push nobody else thought he deserved. But Jay didn’t give up on him. Jay saw something in Trevor and he decided he was going to pay back every ounce of support in dollars from tickets. Trevor got up and walked back to the locker room to start warming up for his big match. For once the Wrestling Classic would be the show of the year, Trevor would make sure of that.</p>

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