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Posts posted by tryker2710

  1. 1 minute ago, MiykaelP said:

    I dislike the term "Cisgender" can't it just be Male/Female and whatever other options the person wants to identify as?  

    I’m not going to get into an argument this is absolutely not the place for it, so I’m going to take this as just a good faith misunderstanding of things. 

    The term “cisgender” is made up of the prefix “cis-“ and obviously the word “gender”. 

    “Cis-“ as a prefix historically means “nearer to” or “on the near side of” and the word “cisgender” has existed since the 1990s. It is basically the perfect word to describe somebody who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth. Disliking the word “cisgender” is essentially like saying you dislike the word Toaster despite the fact the word describes exactly what something is. 

    “Male” and “Female” as your only categorisations just don’t encompass the totality of human experience especially not in the year of our lord 2024, and while it’s an extremely small thing in a cosmic sense, seeing my identity represented in this silly little text based wrestling booking simulator has been something I’ve wanted for literally my entire adult life. And in a world that is in the process of stripping people like me’s rights away it’s just a lovely little inclusion to make me feel welcome in a community. And as I said before, this creates a more realistic and rounded simulation of the reality we all live in. 

    • Like 26
  2. RWR Kingdom Come
    Sunday, Wk 3, June 2024




    The Professor came down to the ring and announced there would be two eight-person tournaments to crown the first ever King and Queen of Pro Wrestling, the King of Pro Wrestling Tournament will include former standouts in Japan, Dean Waldorf and Nigel Svensson. The Queen of Pro Wrestling tournament will host DupliKate, Honour Greyjoy, Joanna Silver and Yvonne Ericks.
    Rating: 26

    Bowden Snoop.jpgimage.jpegVSDesert Storm.jpgimage.jpeg

    The opening contest saw both newcomers in the King's division come to the ring for a tag match including the as yet undefeated Desert Storm and exciting young prospect Bowden Snoop.
    Waldorf and Svensson started off the match together, giving the fans a taste of what can be expected from them in the coming months in RWR, with Svensson proving himself the superior technician, working over Waldorf before tagging in his young partner.
    The tide of the bout turned on Snoop and he found himself on the receiving end of a beatdown from the veteran villains.
    The match ended in disappointment for Svensson in his first foray on American soil as his partner fell to a Waldorf Salad Toss.
    In a bout that had good wrestling but didn't have much heat, Dean Waldorf and Desert Storm defeated Nigel Svensson and Bowden Snoop in 12:22 when Dean Waldorf pinned Bowden Snoop with a Waldorf Salad Toss.
    Rating: 40
    Svensson and Snoop have bad chemistry.

    CVFP_WhiteMale_041.jpgVSPorkchop Patterson.jpg

    A rematch from last month’s show followed a very similar formula as both men looked to work the crowd to a simmer following the hot opening match they had just seen.
    Goodridge this time had scouted much of his opponent’s admittedly limited offence and when the time came he countered the Running Bulldog into his Bullseye Buster (kneecap brainbuster). 
    In a terrible match, CJ Goodridge defeated Porkchop Patterson in 8:20 by pinfall with a Bullseye Buster.
    Rating: 17


    Two young women who will see themselves enter the tournament to crown the first Queen of the Ring had a lot to prove in front of a Boston crowd who had never seen much from either before.
    DupliKate’s Mirror Girl gimmick got over really well with the crowd in attendance, copying many of Ericks’ mannerisms and moves throughout the match, frustrating her opponent.
    The two worked a snug match that did a lot to introduce them before the tournament kicked off, but in the end somebody had to come away with the win, and it was Ericks managing to nail DupliKate with her Mafia Kick to pick up the win.
    In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Yvonne Ericks defeated DupliKate in 10:19 by pinfall with a Mafia Kick.
    Rating: 29


    image.jpegLucy Stone-McFly.jpg

    A video is played detailing the issues between Jaguar Queen and Lucy Stone-McFly to hype up their match in the main event.
    Rating: 25

    image.jpegVSLucy Stone-McFly.jpg

    Before the bell rang for this match Lucy Stone-McFly charged at Jaguar Queen to set the tone for a heated match where neither woman held anything back.
    Stone-McFly hit Jaguar with punches and kicks in every corner of the ring, risking disqualification each time. In the fourth corner, after the referee stopped Stone-Mcfly’s assault, Jaguar scratched at her eyes to take advantage of the match.
    She worked over her young opponent’s back and neck. Trying to set up for a strong finish to the match, but with the support of the crowd, Stone Mc-Fly battled back.
    Stone Mc-Fly charger at Jaguar, who pulled referee David Poker in the way which knocked him down momentarily. Jaguar Queen used the window to pull brass knuckles out from her boot and knocked out the young hero with a single shot to the jaw, waking up the referee and picking up the dirty win.
    In a decent match, Jaguar Queen defeated Lucy Stone-McFly in 12:17 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.
    Rating: 34
    Show Rating: 33



    @newbiezness: 3/4

    @azzak: 3/4

    @Wrestling Machine: 3/4

    @DinoKea: 2/4

    @KyTeran: 2/4

    @Charasmatic Enigma: 2/4

    (Apologies for the delay on this show, my grandfather sadly passed away and things were a bit hectic sorting the arrangements)

    • Like 5
  3. _ef34742d-6d69-4c2e-bc69-3994ce09094a.jpg

    The Tournament
    I knew I had to put together a tournament for each of our inaugural champions, and I knew I didn't have the roster to put together a satisfying competition for out small fanbase, so after a lot of research, a painful number of phone calls, and of course a careful eye for the budget, I signed six names to come in to the roster to fill out a tournament to cement the future of the company.

    Dean Waldorf

    One half of the Ring Generals, Dean hasn’t wrestled a match in the United States in nearly seven years at this point. Both men jumped ship to burning hammer, but to be frank, the time has not been nearly as kind to Dean as it has been to Marv and Natsu decided to cut his losses with Dean in the hope his partner would make for a solid midcard gaijin. Dean hasn’t wrestled a match since August 2023, and even then he was noticeably struggling to keep up. Could a redemption story be on the cards for the legend of independent wrestling or would Father Time simply claim another victim as he marches on.


    A standout prospect who has suffered from a lack of focus on women’s wrestling in the North American independent scene in the last five years, many consider it a crime that Kate has not been picked up for consistent bookings since she made her debut in early 2019. The Mirror Girl gimmick that she uses can be hit and miss with audiences, especially depending on her opponent, but she has the charisma and athleticism to pull it off, and given enough time to round out some of her other skills a transition to a more ‘understandable’ gimmick in the future could see her make waves in the industry.

    Honour Greyjoy

    Debuting in January 2022, Greyjoy has made some waves in the West Coast independent scene, especially in a well regarded match against Kira Lee, who has often been touted to be on the radar of USPW. Greyjoy has yet to put it all together in the ring, but possesses strong enough entertainment skills that she can keep a crowd engaged even if she struggles to tell the difference between a wristlock and a wristwatch. While many consider Greyjoy to be pinfall fodder for the moment, she is reportedly a joy to have in the locker room, which could be enough to see her get consistent work given her strong work ethic and positive attitude.

    Joanna Silver

    Somehow, without the rest of the world noticing, Joanne Silver has become an 11-year veteran of the squared circle and has managed to become something of a stalwart of the East Coast independent scene. Over the last few years Silver has put on consistently strong performances and one gets the feeling that a woman of her good looks and charisma would have been a top star in a previous generation. As a woman that RWR could build a division around as a strong babyface, she could be an early favourite to become the first female champion in the promotion.

    Nigel Svensson 

    Having worked across Europe, Britain and Japan, Nigel Svensson is finally coming to ply his trade in America, having left Pro Wrestling SAISHO behind. A true workhorse in the ring, many have doubted his ability to connect with an American audience who have historically looked for charisma more than workrate, and Svensson lacks the size necessary to make up for a lack of charisma with menace. Perhaps one of the biggest unknowns going into the tournament, it will be interesting to see whether the crowd will get attached to the Swede on the back of his undeniable skill alone.

    Yvonne Ericks

    The former Middleweight International Kickboxing Federation fighter comes into this tournament with the credentials to be taken seriously against any opponent. Ericks has wrestled for a few years on the Canadian independent scene and comes into RWR with a strong winning record. The thing that may hamper her success in the short term is her seeming inconsistency owing to a lack of experience in wrestling. However, if she can iron out that flaw the sky’s the limit and none would be surprised if she were to take the wrestling world by storm.


    RWR Kingdom Come Card

    Sunday, Wk 3, June 2024

    Bowden Snoop & Nigel Svensson vs Dean Waldorf & Desert Storm

    CJ Goodridge vs Porkchop Patterson

    DupliKate vs Yvonne Ericks

    Jaguar Queen vs Lucy Stone-McFly

    • Like 2
  4. RWR Patriot Battle
    Sunday, Wk 3, May 2024

    Bowden Snoop.jpgVSPhil Anders.jpg

    Phil Anders came out to build on the momentum that he had built a month prior after picking up a win over fellow young prospect, Porkchop Patterson. Bowden Snoop needed to get his head in the game to make up for a disappointing tag loss in his own debut.
    The two told a good story, with Anders doing his best to wear down his more athletic opponent, with Snoop taking every possible opportunity to up the tempo in order to put Anders on the back foot.
    After a solid back-and-forth match that gave both men a lot of shine, Snoop managed to hit his springboard bulldog finisher to put his opponent away.
    In a bout that had decent wrestling but non-existent crowd heat, Bowden Snoop defeated Phil Anders in 10:08 by pinfall with a Snoop Dog.
    Rating: 24

    Desert Storm.jpgVSRay Cavalero.jpg

    Ray Cavalero requested a singles match with the veteran Desert Storm to make up for taking a pin in his debut.
    The story of this match centered around Storm’s experience and ring-awareness allowing him to pick the perfect time to bend the rules to get an advantage in this match.
    Cavalero did get a lot of shine during the contest but could not get the job done in the end and fell to another defeat to Desert Storm.
    In a bout that had good wrestling but little heat, Desert Storm defeated Ray Cavalero in 11:56 by pinfall with a Ground Strike.
    Rating: 35
    Good Chemistry



    The Professor came down to the ring to announce that following Jaguar Queen's attack on Lucy Stone-McFly last month, that at the next event Kingdom Come the two will go one-on-one in the MAIN EVENT. 
    Rating: 23

    CVFP_WhiteMale_041.jpgVSPorkchop Patterson.jpg

    Two young bulls came face-to-face for the first time, with the crowd getting loud for their first lockup. Patterson and Goodridge battled for superiority with the bigger man getting the advantage, and Patterson trying to fight from underneath.
    The total offence of the match consisted of punches, chops, slams and clotheslines, with the two throwing everything they had behind every strike until Patterson managed to hit his Running Bulldog for the win.
    In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Porkchop Patterson defeated CJ Goodridge in 7:34 by pinfall with a Running Bulldog.
    Rating: 15

    Allie Perks.jpgJaguar Queen.jpgVSLucy Stone-McFly.jpgCVFP_WhiteFemale_033.jpg

    The Women of Royalty came to the ring for the main event of the second ever RWR show, and all four looked raring for a fight, but once the bell rang it became clear that one only one team would be able to really co-exist.
    Virginia Stanley was visibly frustrated with her partner as the young Stone-McFly kept charging for Jaguar Queen after her attack one month prior and it left either her or her partner isolated.
    The relentless onslaught of Perks and the high ring IQ of Jaguar Queen allowed them to control long stretches of the match, taking advantage of their disjointed opponents.
    Eventually Stone-McFly’s temper got the better of her and she and Jaguar started brawling around the ringside area, leaving her already injured partner as easy pickings for the endless energy of Allie Perks who managed to put her down for the victory.
    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Allie Perks and Jaguar Queen defeated Lucy Stone-McFly and Virginia Stanley in 12:48 when Allie Perks pinned Virginia Stanley with a Flatliner.
    Rating: 38


    Jaguar Queen.jpgLucy Stone-McFly.jpg
    Lucy Stone-McFly and Jaguar Queen continued brawling with each other after the bell rang, fighting throughout the ringside area with chairs, stairs and any available weapon coming into play, with both women fighting backstage to end the show.
    Rating: 26

    Show Rating: 34



    @DinoKea: 3/4

    @KyTeran: 3/4

    @Charasmatic Enigma: 3/4

    @newbiezness: 3/4

    @azzak: 2/4

    @Marmo: 2/4

    @KazAlmas: 2/4

    We've gone from 90% clean sweeps to none in just a single show! Thanks everybody for your predictions and support! Join us next time for work from the desk of The Professor!

    • Like 3
  5. Very good show! Sad I wasn't around to keep on top of predictions :p

    Ashley Vox vs. Sonoko Kato

    Kato is still good enough to put on a decent match, but at nearly 50 this must be an opportunity to put over Vox
    Su Yung vs. Melanie Gray

    Stalwart of European wrestling, or one of the best characters around? I'm taking Su
    Reka Tehaka vs. Mae Sebera – NEO-WAVE World Title Semi-Finals

    Good opporunity for Reka to take popularity for herself.
    Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kaho Kobayashi – NEO-WAVE World Title Semi-Finals

    Since Deonna seems to be a face, sadly think this is where Kaho falls

    • Like 1
  6. RWR Coronation 1
    Sunday, Wk 3, Apr 2024


    The show opened with The Professor coming down to the ring and welcoming the crowd to Regional Wrestling Royalty, where the new Monarchs of Wrestling will be born. 
    Rating: 26

    Jaguar Queen.jpgVSCVFP_WhiteFemale_033.jpg

    The first match in the promotion’s life saw a respected veteran of Mexican wrestling take on an up and coming star who may find herself in one of the top promotions in North America one day. 
    The two worked at a brisk pace to start, with the veteran luchadora trying to keep the young high flyer grounded as much as possible. There were a few notably sloppy exchanges as the two’s styles did not mesh fantastically but it was enough to get the small crowd on their feet. Jaguar Queen managed to take the win after coming out on top of a long string of pinning combinations.
    In a bout that had great wrestling but non-existent crowd heat, Jaguar Queen defeated Virginia Stanley in 12:02 by pinfall.
    Rating: 42
    Bad Chemistry


    Porkchop Patterson.jpg
    Before the second match of the night Porkchop Patterson promised the audience that after he won his match he was going to go home, crack open an ice cold Suds Light and start watching The Sopranos for the first time.
    Rating: 36

    Phil Anders.jpgVSPorkchop Patterson.jpg

    Phil Anders came out for this match and instantly clicked into gear, flashing his smug grin and firing up the small but rowdy crowd against him after coming out on top of a chain wrestling exchange with his bigger opponent. 
    Patterson noticeably struggled to keep up with any kind of technical grappling, but it seemed to endear him to the crowd, and they had a big pop when Patterson nailed an open-handed right on his opponent while Anders was trash talking. 
    While setting up for his Running Bulldog finisher, Anders managed to slip away and roll him up for the win.
    In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Phil Anders defeated Porkchop Patterson in 8:17 by pinfall with a roll up.
    Rating: 20
    Great Chemistry

    Bowden Snoop.jpgRay Cavalero.jpgVSCVFP_WhiteMale_041.jpgDesert Storm.jpg

    Four men who had never shared a ring before came together for this tag team match, with Desert Storm directing traffic for his team as they worked to isolate the ever-sympathetic Bowden Snoop. 
    Snoop managed to put together a flurry of offence and make it to his corner to tag in his partner Ray Cavalero.
    Ray came out of the gates strong, throwing both of his larger opponents with impressive feats of strength, taking full advantage of his low centre of gravity.
    Unfortunately the wily veteran Storm managed to take advantage of a momentary lapse of concentration and pinned Cavalero with a handful of tights.
    In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, CJ Goodridge and Desert Storm defeated Bowden Snoop and Ray Cavalero in 12:28 when Desert Storm pinned Ray Cavalero with a handful of tights.
    Rating: 21

    Allie Perks.jpgVSLucy Stone-McFly.jpg

    Stone-McFly and Perks, potential cornerstones of this young promotion, started off very slowly, with a lengthy feeling-out process featuring a number of impressive, but quite monotonous holds.
    The initial reaction from the crowd was decent, fueled by the anticipation of witnessing the first ever match between these two young lions, but they quickly soured, evidently wanting a much harder hitting affair between the two.
    The match did have its moments of brilliance. Lucy Stone-McFly and Allie Perks exhibited flashes of their individual skill sets, executing some impressive manoeuvres that showcased their wrestling prowess.
    Stone-Mcfly worked well from underneath, battling back from wave after wave of machine gun strikes from her opponent, and managed to catch her off guard for a moment, leaving enough room for her to hit the Delorean Driver and pick up a popular win in a shade under 15 minutes.
    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Lucy Stone-McFly defeated Allie Perks in 14:50 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.
    Rating: 18


    Jaguar Queen.jpgLucy Stone-McFly.jpg
    While getting her hand raised by resident official David Poker, Stone-McFly was attacked from behind by Jaguar Queen, the winner of the first ever match in RWR. Queen beat her down and ended the show with her boot on the chest of the young star.
    Rating: 19

    Show Rating: 25


    A lot of clean sweeps for this first show which I'm going to assume is because I put together such a sensible show 😛

    @Wrestling Machine: 4/4

    @azzak: 4/4

    @DinoKea: 4/4

    @KyTeran: 4/4

    @newbiezness: 3/4

    @Charasmatic Enigma: 3/4

    I want to thank everybody for their predictions for this first show, but maybe I need to harness my inner Russo to help separate some of these scores!

    • Like 6
  7. National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 7

    In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Andrew Everett defeated Edith Surreal in 10:08 by pinfall with a 450 Press.
    Rating: 53

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Fuego Del Sol defeated Kidd Bandit in 11:32 by pinfall with a 450° Splash.
    Rating: 46

    In a decent match, Sonny Kiss defeated Blake Cortez in 12:22 by pinfall with a Sonny Side Up.
    Rating: 37

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, PJ Black defeated Shea McCoy in 9:53 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.
    Rating: 45

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Martin Stone defeated Zoey Skye in 15:17 by pinfall with a London Bridge.
    Rating: 55
    Show Rating: 53

    National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 8

    Sawyer Wreck defeated Martin Stone.

    Andrew Everett defeated Jungle Kyona.

    Zoey Skye defeated Edith Surreal.

    PJ Black defeated Kidd Bandit.

    Sonny Kiss defeated Shea McCoy.

    Fuego Del Sol defeated Blake Cortez.


    National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 9

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Fuego Del Sol defeated PJ Black in 11:35 by pinfall with a 450° Splash.
    Rating: 54

    In a good match, Sawyer Wreck defeated Zoey Skye in 14:44 by pinfall.
    Rating: 48

    In a decent match, Sonny Kiss defeated Kidd Bandit in 12:02 by pinfall with a Sonny Side Up.
    Rating: 40

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Blake Cortez defeated Shea McCoy in 10:01 by pinfall.
    Rating: 29

    In a decent match, Edith Surreal defeated Jungle Kyona in 8:29 by pinfall with a Melon Baller.
    Rating: 40

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Andrew Everett defeated Martin Stone in 18:13 by pinfall with a Toe Touch Moonsault.
    Rating: 57
    Show Rating: 55


    Group A

    1. Andrew Everett - 18 Points
    2. Edith Surreal - 4 Points
    3. Jungle Kyona - 0 Points
    4. Martin Stone - 12 Points
    5. Sawyer Wreck - 14 Points
    6. Zoey Skye - 6 Points

    Group B

    1. Blake Cortez - 6 Points
    2. Fuego Del Sol - 14 Points
    3. Kidd Bandit - 0 Points
    4. "Darewolf" PJ Black - 12 Points
    5. Shea McCoy - 4 Points
    6. Sonny Kiss - 18 Points

    Andrew Everett and Sonny Kiss Win Group A and B and will meet in the final.




    @SonOfSharknado: 8/11


    Group Stage Night 10 Card

    • PJ Black vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)
    • Blake Cortez vs Kidd Bandit (Group B)
    • Edith Surreal vs Martin Stone (Group A)
    • Fuego Del Sol vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Jungle Kyona vs Zoey Skye (Group A)
    • Andrew Everett vs Sawyer Wreck (Group A)

    National Wrestling League Winter League 2023 Finals

    • Blake Cortez vs Zoey Skye (Exhibition)
    • Jungle Kyona vs Kidd Bandit (Exhibition)
    • Edith Surreal vs Shea McCoy (Exhibition)
    • PJ Black vs Sawyer Wreck (Exhibition)
    • Fuego Del Sol vs Martin Stone (Exhibition)
    • Andrew Everett vs Sonny Kiss (Winter League Final)
  8. The Roster
    Allie Perks.jpg

    Allie Perks
    Hailing from Pennsylvania, Perks debuted in January 2021 and has generated considerable buzz for herself in some online circles between her dazzling good looks and 2023 war with indie darling Maria Guest, Perks is being tipped to be an early breakout star for Wrestling Royalty.

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    Bowden Snoop
    Trained by the legendary Dan Stone Jr, Bowden Snoop hit the scene with a grasp of wrestling that men twice his age could only dream of. A solid high flyer with a solid mat technique, Snoop has suffered - as many have - due to the near death of independent wrestling in Canada.


    CJ Goodridge
    The massive 350lbs Powerhouse came through at the tail end of 2023, announcing himself as available for bookings in November. With a great look reminiscent of the likes of Dread and Skull DeBones the sky's the limit for a man who would not look at all out of place in a USPW ring at some point in his career.

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    Desert Storm
    The near-10 year veteran Desert Storm caused quite the storm on social media after having the best match of his career with Huey Cannonball, in the former SFW man’s first appearance after leaving, citing frustration with the company’s hesitancy to give him a single’s run of his own. Desert Storm looks to be one of the few veteran heads brought in to guide the young Wrestling Royalty roster on their journey.

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    Jaguar Queen
    The other roster veteran comes in the form of recently independent Jaguar Queen who herself walked out on CILL, feeling her career had become stagnant since the turn of the decade. Jaguar has been working a vicious Rudo style on a number of independent shows and this will constitute her first ever matches on American soil.

    Lucy Stone-McFly.jpg

    Lucy Stone-McFly
    If destiny does exist, it exists perhaps for nobody other than the young Stone-McFly. Able to brawl, wrestle, fly, and boasting an uncanny understanding of the space between moves, it is fair to say that this young woman will likely be a cornerstone of any company she winds up in, and the fact she is available to sign on for Wrestling Royalty shows perhaps a disturbing lack of urgency from the bookers of the wrestling world.

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    Phil Anders
    Hailing from Nebraska, perhaps nobody on this roster oozes smugness the way Anders does. What he frankly lacks in sheer wrestling ability the young lion more than makes up with his ability to get under a crowd’s skin. While it will likely be a few years before Anders is ready for a prolonged main event push, the opportunity for consistent work will do him a world of good.

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    Porkchop Patterson
    Similarly to Anders, Porkchop Patterson has show himself capable of enrapturing a crowd with the gimmick of a simple Workin’ Man. A champion of the people, and another on this roster with an understanding and timing in the ring beyond his years, some have predicted that Patterson and Anders will be future stars of the business for years to come.

    Ray Cavalero.jpg

    Ray Cavalero
    The Pride of the Pacific NorthWest, Ray Cavalero hit the scene with all the momentum in the world on the back of an extremely impressive College Wrestling career. An unfortunate injury ruined his chances of representing the USA at the olympics but his natural aptitude, raw power and athleticism, and love for the business should be enough to guarantee Cavalero a very good career while he prepares and ponders his olympic dreams.


    Virginia Stanley
    Last but most certainly not least, Virginia Stanley is one of the most exciting high fliers on the scene today. A 2022 graduate of the House of Stone, Virginia boasts the kind of inescapable star aura matched by only one other young woman in North America, her new roster mate Lucy Stone-McFly. If she can round out her work and build some stage skills she is one of many of these young workers tipped for greatness.

    • Like 3
  9. The Win

    Banner for the fictional Professor's Writings Blog
    January 1st 2024
    I love professional wrestling. I never had kids, but if I did I’m sure I would have made them love professional wrestling as well. I love wrestling, and over the last few years it’s never been more popular. From New York to OLLIE as far as the 5 Star Joshis and all the way to Packer’s outfit, it feels like everybody’s hitting the big time.

    The problem is, what it feels like, and what it is like can be two very different things. New York doesn't have a single person on their roster who came through in the last five years. Neither do OLLIE, or even Packer.

    For so many kids trying to break in, if you didn’t come through a performance centre, or a promotion’s own wrestling school? You don’t get signed. You work bingo halls and school gyms hoping one of the 20 people in attendance catches you at the right time for a viral clip. You put your body on the line for twenty dollars and a ham sandwich and for what? The sport you love is more popular than ever and it’s eating itself alive while half a decade’s worth of talent can’t get a look in on the scene.

    Something’s wrong…

    January 28th 2024
    I just won $5,000 on the Massachusetts Lottery Megabucks draw! It was the strangest thing, I’ve never played before but something told me to try my luck and here we are! Maybe this is fate. Maybe I’m supposed to use this money for what I love.

    February 15th 2024
    $500 dollars down the drain to register my LLC. Regional Wrestling Royalty. It felt grandiose enough, and I have a great idea for the royalty name in-universe. Or should I say Kayfabe?

    March 1st 2024
    I’ve made the calls, I’ve gotten confirmation and travel and hotel arrangements for everything I need for a first show. It’s time for independent wrestling to come to Boston! 

    (OOC: This Diary is set to run alongside my real world diary. This one will be more about the story and if anybody notices me taking liberties with things it's because I felt it would be more interesting overall. This is a gameworld after 4 years of simulation in the default Cverse database)

    • Like 7
  10. Brandi Lauren vs. Tarlee

    Surely Brandi can’t lose this one?

    K2 (AKINO & Kato) vs. Viva Van and Queen Aminata

    I will almost always go with the established team
    Kaho Kobayashi vs. Melanie Gray

    Huge Kaho mark :)
    • Surprise signing: Mercedes Mone

    I assume she’s still around, don’t know if you’re big enough to sign her but she would be a surprise

    • Like 1
  11. National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 5

    Andrew Everett.jpgVSSawyer Wreck.jpg
    In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Andrew Everett defeated Sawyer Wreck in 12:03 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.
    Rating: 50

    Fuego Del Sol.jpgVSMolly McCoy.jpg

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Fuego Del Sol defeated Shea McCoy in 10:08 by pinfall with a 450° Splash.
    Rating: 48

    Zoey Skye.jpgVSimage.jpeg

    In a decent match, Zoey Skye defeated Paco Gonzalez in 8:21 by pinfall with an Acid Drop.
    Rating: 35 (Exhibition)

    Still Life.jpgVSMartin Stone.jpg

    In a decent match, Martin Stone defeated Edith Surreal in 10:12 by pinfall with a London Bridge.
    Rating: 39

    Chase Crews.jpgVSKidd Bandit.jpg

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Blake Cortez defeated Kidd Bandit in 7:42 by submission.
    Rating: 17

    PJ Black.jpgVSSonny Kiss.jpg

    In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Sonny Kiss defeated PJ Black in 14:44 by pinfall with a Sonny Side Up.
    Rating: 52
    Show Rating: 50

    National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 6

    Andrew Everett.jpgVSZoey Skye.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Andrew Everett defeated Zoey Skye in 12:24 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.
    Rating: 54

    Kidd Bandit.jpgVSMolly McCoy.jpg

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Shea McCoy defeated Kidd Bandit in 9:40 by pinfall with a Rolling Nekbreaker.
    Rating: 24

    Still Life.jpgVSSawyer Wreck.jpg

    In a decent match, Sawyer Wreck defeated Edith Surreal in 9:48 by pinfall.
    Rating: 33

    Martin Stone.jpgVSimage.jpeg

    In a good match, Martin Stone defeated Queen Aminata in 5:45 by pinfall with a London Bridge.
    Rating: 33 (Exhibition)

    Chase Crews.jpgVSPJ Black.jpg

    In a decent match, PJ Black defeated Blake Cortez in 10:11 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.
    Rating: 36

    Fuego Del Sol.jpgVSSonny Kiss.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Sonny Kiss defeated Fuego Del Sol in 11:31 by pinfall with a Sonny Side Up.
    Rating: 51
    Show Rating: 50

    Group A

    1. Andrew Everett - 12 Points
    2. Edith Surreal - 2 Points
    3. Jungle Kyona - 0 Points
    4. Martin Stone - 10 Points
    5. Sawyer Wreck - 8 Points
    6. Zoey Skye - 4 Points

    Group B

    1. Blake Cortez - 4 Points
    2. Fuego Del Sol - 8 Points
    3. Kidd Bandit - 0 Points
    4. "Darewolf" PJ Black - 8 Points
    5. Shea McCoy - 4 Points
    6. Sonny Kiss - 12 Points



    @kanegan: 8/10

    @SonOfSharknado: 6/10


    Group Stage Night 7 Card

    • Andrew Everett vs Edith Surreal (Group A)
    • Fuego Del Sol vs Kidd Bandit (Group B)
    • Blake Cortez vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)
    • PJ Black vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Martin Stone vs Zoey Skye (Group A)

    Group Stage Night 8 Card

    Show lost due to human error (Points will be updated to reflect this show's results)

    Group Stage Night 9 Card

    • Fuego Del Sol vs PJ Black (Group B)
    • Sawyer Wreck vs Zoey Skye (Group A)
    • Kidd Bandit vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)
    • Blake Cortez vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Edith Surreal vs Jungle Kyona (Group A)
    • Andrew Everett vs Martin Stone (Group A)
    • Like 2
  12. 1.  TNA Knockouts World Tag Title: Team 1 to 1 Million (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo/Tasha Steelz

    I don’t believe the thrown together team should take the titles here.

    2. Cult of Doom (The Herald/PCO/Crazzy Steve) vs Joe Hendry/Heath/Rich Swann 
    Probably makes the Cult look too weak to take the loss here even if the heroes have more upside in the long run

    3. TNA World Tag Title: ABC (c) vs Major Players

    I think there’s a little bit more juice in this run with some later predictions.

    4. TNA X-Division Title: Chris Sabin (c) vs KENTA vs Myron Reed 
    Maybe a strange pick but I have the feeling you’re going to want the guns back in the tag division, and tbh KENTA can serve you better further up the card.

    5. Twisted Sisters (Thunder Rosa/Holidead) vs Jordynne Grace/Courtney Rush

    Same Logic as the other Cult tag team match.

    6. Strong Openweight Tag Title: Bullet Club War Dogs (c) (Clark Connors/Drilla Moloney) vs Josh Alexander/Steve Maclin 

    Thrown together team logic.

    7. TNA World Title: Alex Shelley (c) vs Lance Archer 

    Archer is a lot worse off losing this match than Shelley.

  13. National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 3

    Martin Stone.jpgVSSawyer Wreck.jpg

    In a good match, Martin Stone defeated Sawyer Wreck in 11:44 by pinfall with a London Bridge.
    Rating: 41

    Still Life.jpgVSZoey Skye.jpg

    In a decent match, Zoey Skye defeated Edith Surreal in 9:44 by pinfall with an Acid Drop.
    Rating: 43

    Kidd Bandit.jpgVSPJ Black.jpg

    In a decent match, PJ Black defeated Kidd Bandit in 12:15 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.
    Rating: 43

    Chase Crews.jpgVSFuego Del Sol.jpg

    In a decent match, Fuego Del Sol defeated Blake Cortez in 13:29 by pinfall with a 450° Splash.
    Rating: 51

    Molly McCoy.jpgVSSonny Kiss.jpg

    In a decent match, Sonny Kiss defeated Shea McCoy in 10:17 by pinfall with a Twerksault.
    Rating: 35

    Andrew Everett.jpgVSJungle Kyona.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Andrew Everett defeated Jungle Kyona in 12:24 by pinfall with a Toe Touch Moonsault.
    Rating: 49
    Show Rating: 49

    National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 3
    Jungle Kyona Injured, Her opponents will get an automatic win 

    Sawyer Wreck.jpgVSZoey Skye.jpg
    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Sawyer Wreck defeated Zoey Skye in 9:41 by submission.
    Rating: 48

    Fuego Del Sol.jpgVSPJ Black.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Fuego Del Sol defeated PJ Black in 15:23 by pinfall with a 450° Splash.
    Rating: 50

    Kidd Bandit.jpgVSSonny Kiss.jpg

    In a decent match, Sonny Kiss defeated Kidd Bandit in 9:57 by pinfall with a Twerksault.
    Rating: 40

    Chase Crews.jpgVSMolly McCoy.jpg

    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Blake Cortez defeated Shea McCoy in 10:24 by pinfall.
    Rating: 26

    Andrew Everett.jpgVSMartin Stone.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Andrew Everett defeated Martin Stone in 18:05 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.
    Rating: 53

    Show Rating: 50


    Group A

    1. Andrew Everett - 8 Points
    2. Edith Surreal - 2 Points
    3. Jungle Kyona - 0 Points
    4. Martin Stone - 6 Points
    5. Sawyer Wreck - 6 Points
    6. Zoey Skye - 2 Poinst

    Group B

    1. Blake Cortez - 2 Points
    2. Fuego Del Sol - 6 Points
    3. Kidd Bandit - 0 Points
    4. "Darewolf" PJ Black - 6 Points
    5. Shea McCoy - 2 Points
    6. Sonny Kiss - 8 Points



    @kanegan 9/12

    @SonOfSharknado 5/12

    Group Stage Night 5 Card

    • Andrew Everett vs Sawyer Wreck (Group A)
    • Fuego Del Sol vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Edith Surreal vs Martin Stone (Group A)
    • Blake Cortez vs Kidd Bandit (Group B)
    • PJ Black vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)

    Group Stage Night 6 Card

    • Andrew Everett vs Zoey Skye (Group A)
    • Kidd Bandit vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Edith Surreal vs Sawyer Wreck (Group A)
    • Blake Cortez vs PJ Black (Group B)
    • Fuego Del Sol vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)
  14. National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 1

    Sonny Kiss.jpgVSFuego Del Sol.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Sonny Kiss defeated Fuego Del Sol in 7:55 by pinfall with a Sonny Side Up.
    Rating: 47

    Andrew Everett.jpgVSZoey Skye.jpg

    In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Andrew Everett defeated Zoey Skye in 10:30 by pinfall with a 450 Press.
    Rating: 50

    Draco Anthony.jpgVSPJ Black.jpg

    In a decent match, PJ Black defeated Blake Cortez in 10:30 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.
    Rating: 37

    Still Life.jpgVSSawyer Wreck.jpg

    In a decent match, Sawyer Wreck defeated Edith Surreal in 10:17 by pinfall.
    Rating: 29

    Kidd Bandit.jpgVSMolly McCoy.jpg

    In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Shea McCoy defeated Kidd Bandit in 9:41 by pinfall with a Rolling Nekbreaker.
    Rating: 22

    Jungle Kyona.jpgVSMartin Stone.jpg

    In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Martin Stone defeated Jungle Kyona in 15:25 by pinfall with a London Bridge.
    Rating: 48
    Show Rating: 45

    National Wrestling League - Winter League 2023 - Group Stage Night 2

    Draco Anthony.jpgVSSonny Kiss.jpg

    In a decent match, Sonny Kiss defeated Blake Cortez in 10:11 by pinfall with a Sonny Side Up.
    Rating: 41

    Jungle Kyona.jpgVSSawyer Wreck.jpg

    In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Sawyer Wreck defeated Jungle Kyona in 10:15 by pinfall.
    Rating: 48

    Andrew Everett.jpgVSStill Life.jpg

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Andrew Everett defeated Edith Surreal in 10:20 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.
    Rating: 46

    Fuego Del Sol.jpgVSKidd Bandit.jpg

    In a decent match, Fuego Del Sol defeated Kidd Bandit in 10:03 by pinfall with a 450° Splash.
    Rating: 47

    PJ Black.jpgVSMolly McCoy.jpg

    In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, PJ Black defeated Shea McCoy in 10:02 by pinfall with a 450 Splash.
    Rating: 44

    Martin Stone.jpgVSZoey Skye.jpg

    In a good match, Martin Stone defeated Zoey Skye in 15:25 by pinfall with a London Bridge.
    Rating: 44

    Show Rating: 45


    Group A

    1. Andrew Everett - 4 Points
    2. Edith Surreal - 0 Points
    3. Jungle Kyona - 0 Points
    4. Martin Stone - 4 Points
    5. Sawyer Wreck - 4 Points
    6. Zoey Skye - 0 Poinst

    Group B

    1. Blake Cortez - 0 Points
    2. Fuego Del Sol - 2 Points
    3. Kidd Bandit - 0 Points
    4. "Darewolf" PJ Black - 4 Points
    5. Shea McCoy - 2 Points
    6. Sonny Kiss - 4 Points


    @kanegan 3/6

    @SonOfSharknado 4/6

    Tough matches to call obviously on the first show of the save with the "Protagonist of Pro Wrestling" letting both of you down.

    Group Stage Night 3 Card

    • Martin Stone vs Sawyer Wreck (Group A)
    • Edith Surreal vs Zoey Skye (Group A)
    • Kidd Bandit vs PJ Black (Group B)
    • Blake Cortez vs Fuego Del Sol (Group B)
    • Shea McCoy vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)
    • Andrew Everett vs Jungle Kyona (Group A)

    Group Stage Night 4 Card

    • Sawyer Wreck vs Zoey Skye (Group A)
    • Fuego Del Sol vs PJ Black (Group B)
    • Kidd Bandit vs Sonnt Kiss (Group B)
    • Blake Cortez vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Edith Surreal vs Jungle Kyona (Group A)
    • Andrew Everett vs Martin Stone (Group A)
    • Like 1
  15. NWL Winter League 2023


    • Two Groups of 6 Wrestlers each.
    • Each Competitor will face each other twice during the groups.
    • 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss.
    • The winner of each group will face each other at the Winter League finals on January 1st 2024

    Group A

    1. Andrew Everett
    2. Edith Surreal
    3. Jungle Kyona
    4. Martin Stone
    5. Sawyer Wreck
    6. Zoey Skye

    Group B

    1. Blake Cortez
    2. Fuego Del Sol
    3. Kidd Bandit
    4. "Darewolf" PJ Black
    5. Shea McCoy
    6. Sonny Kiss

    Group A Favourite: Former WWE Superstar Martin Stone, the veteran who has never been given the opportunity to shine as a singles performer on a large stage.

    Group B Favourite: Another former WWE Superstar in the form of PJ Black. The former 3-time WWE Tag Team Champion has been wowing on the independent circuit for years and this may be the opportunity he needs to launch himself back into the mainstream.

    Winter League Group Stage Night 1 Card

    • Fuego Del Sol vs Sonny Kiss (Group B)
    • Andrew Everett vs Zoey Skye (Group A)
    • Blake Cortez vs PJ Black (Group B)
    • Edith Surreal vs Sawyer Wreck (Group A)
    • Kidd Bandit vs Shea McCoy (Group B)
    • Jungle Kyona vs Martin Stone (Group A)
    • Like 1
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