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Everything posted by tryker2710

  1. Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade I was always going for Art but this solidifies my choice Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners Becca Barton vs Paige Croft Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel Time for the Weasel screw job Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes Old man thought lesson, more at 11
  2. I do think they travel expenses should be something workers care more about here, again especially with those outside your home region and double for anybody outside your country. But I've gotta say it has been nice to book like 8 people on a show as an Insignificant fed and not be losing hundreds of dollars for it.
  3. Hell hath no fury like a Keith scorned. I can see Pablo Rodriguez going out on his back next time he shows his face in Baltimore.
  4. Enter Sandman “It’s called a work Dave, you should look it up some time.” “Is it really wise to go off on Twitter about the TCW guys quote, stealing all of our spots, end quote without telling them that what you’re doing is definitely just a work and there isn’t any animosity there?” Henry “Sandman” Winks, looked back into the eyes of his tag team partner, and now roommate David Barker. The two had been going back and forth for weeks over Henry’s social media use and whether or not it was best to be spontaneous on the platform, or to talk things through with people to ensure they didn’t get the wrong idea. David fell on the side of caution, which was easy for him given his lack of any social media presence with the exception of an old Facebook account he used to keep in contact with his parents since moving from the family home. Henry however, was vehement in his opposition. “What would you know about going off on Twitter, mister Myspace? Without me this team would have no online presence whatsoever!” David scoffed and walked into the tiny kitchen of the pair’s tiny apartment. His large frame alone was cramped within its four, mildew-stained walls. “Do you want coffee while I’m making some man?” He asked. “Hey! Wait a second!” Henry exclaimed, springing up from his seat. “Don’t dodge the question. What would you know about Twitter?” David scoffed again and gently barged past the slightly larger man in the room and placed two cups of coffee down on their, admittedly reasonably sized table. “What I know is that nothing good ever comes from these little Twitter feuds. Eventually somebody is going to take things too far and then the feud will be real.” Henry took a slow sip of his coffee and closed his eyes gently. He stayed like that for a few moments, finally letting out a long, slow breath before speaking again. “David you’re an old-school guy, and I respect that...” Henry trailed off at the end of his sentence, but was forced to continue by his friend’s very pointed and inquisitive “but?” “… But it’s the twenty-first century man. I wrestle old-school but I know there’s a new dimension to wrestling now. Did Rip Chord and Sam Strong have to tell each other privately that they weren’t really mad at each other?” “Well, no. You could never have the biggest face and heel in a company talk to each other like that back in the day, it would be a disaster if they were seen to be friends outside the ring.” Henry smiled, “Exactly, this is just the work for the modern day. Do you think we would have been on that Wrestling Classic card, in that tag team match, if I hadn’t gotten some buzz around a feud between Jaylon and I?” David paused and sipped at his coffee. Henry could tell from the way he pulled his shoulders in that his roommate was trying to find a way out of admitting that they may not have been booked otherwise. Henry chugged back the rest of his coffee and stood up. He patted his partner on the shoulder as he walked past on the way to their front door. “Anyway I’ve gotta go to work man, Mister Timmson isn’t going to train himself, or else I’d be out of a job. I’ll make sure not to piss off anybody on twitter while I’m gone.” He jibed. Henry could hear some kind of threat from the other side of the door once he got into the hallway, knowing his roommate it probably involved Henry buying take out. But he shrugged and continued on his way to the gym, the door gave him enough plausible deniability to pretend he heard nothing.
  5. I mean, I guess it wasn't? Because I cant be playing on an earlier patch since TCW only get their graduates in March and the only way I could play in March is being on the current patch. So yknow something's gone wrong there
  6. I just got a run-time error crash (I've reported it in tech support dw), but its for something as simple as rejecting a developmental deal from TCW and its once again just one of those "how did this get through any amount of play testing" problems
  7. As of patch 15 I think the default Contant schedule is now even better again than the default Touring schedule
  8. I've gotta say never did I think The Rock City Stars would be my favourites to win a tournament in 2020 but so far they've gotta be my pick
  9. FOR THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Quentin Queen vs. The Silencer You have more interesting challengers on the face side at the minute Wild Red Stallion vs. Remmy Honeyman Stallion will be one of them some day Tavon Blake Jr. vs. Lobo Blanco The Sioux Warriors vs. The Hot Taggs Possible manager shenanigans James Diaz vs. Jules Night vs. Jerry Pepper vs. The Masked Mauler VII The only guy you've singled out Jason Patterson vs. Romeo Romaro Job boy
  10. Extraordinario Jr vs. Marcos Flores (#1 Contenders Final) Clown shenanigans lose Flores this one MATCH 4 Coulrophobia vs. The Freedom Family (w/ Agueda Alonso) MATCH 3 El Critico & Space Invaders vs. Nicolas Lopez, Captain Lucha & North Star Jr MATCH 2 La Hija del Diablo vs. Ursula Saez MATCH 1 Mr. Lucha III vs. Phoenix IV
  11. I personally don't think worker health will be too much of an issue because even if say on constant compared to tour a worker's health deteriorates 1.5* faster, that means it'll go from 10 years of peak work to say 6.66 years of peak work. Which is still far longer than the average TEW save seems to go and still long enough to build other stars effectively in the meantime.
  12. Actually neither of those things you've said are true. We need to be working off the data we have and not in hypothetical "well this COULD happen". The data we have suggests that injuries are no more or less likely to occur on constant as opposed to touring, and also that injuries are no more severe on constant. It also isnt true that touring is better for young talent. The point was that touring shows mean you could have more spots for your young workers, but I find that to be misleading. On constant there are actually MORE shows being held according to the data which means even if your young guys on average are getting 1 less match per show, the fact there were more shows held will in the long run outweigh that. Plus the fact that the constant normal events will cause bigger and faster increases in pop for your young guys as opposed to tour shows which correspond to little or no pop growth. So I really don't see how touring could be better for growing young talent outside of the already debunked "well you could put more of them on a tour show" argument
  13. Tbf though how often in real life has a massive event or scandal caused a 'name' company to shut down? The way 2016 went most saves of mine that went a few years ended with PGHW and 5SSW being bought out so I think it'll be interesting to have a game where they end up more financially viable.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazwefc83" data-cite="gazwefc83" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48694" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sasha Banks is terriblely Overrated in my opinion, nothing she does in the ring looks good, that's just my opinion tho.<p> </p><p> In NXT her ability as a heel was superb, and her ability in the ring was very good as well. However, when she came to WWE and turned face, she, all of the sudden, turned into a mess.</p><p> </p><p> Her ability in the ring began to dwindle tremendously. Almost every move she does looks like a horrible botch. Her Ironman match with Charlotte is one of my least favorite matches of all time, because in it, neither of them land one single move perfectly without flopping or botching.</p><p> </p><p> Other than her subpar ability in the ring, she is also horrendous on the mic as a face. She just cannot deliver a convincing promo as a good guy.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> "Sasha Banks is a much better heel and therefore her entertainment skills must be gutted."</p><p> I feel like you should just give her a bit of a bump with the "Better as a heel" attribute.</p><p> </p><p> I would consider Sasha Banks to be the least consistent of the 4 horsewomen, but she is a longshot better than most of the women who have come through NXT in the last few years. I would go so far as to say she's the best wrestler of the 4 horsewomen when she's on her game, but as I said it's a low consistency that lets her down not an innate lack in her in-ring skills.</p>
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48917" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think you're overlooking some of the other things of touring.<p> </p><p> While they don't gain you as much popularity or as much money, you're also not at risk to lose popularity if the show isn't very good. The fans are more accepting of developing talents -- so you can feature your young lions and unknown wrestlers a little bit more. You also don't have the negative morale complaints of wrestlers who might get left off a tour show -- so if you don't want to feature Funakoshi on several tour shows straight, he won't get upset -- but if he misses a three or four events in a row, he's not going to be happy.</p><p> </p><p> You also highlighted the injuries -- which on the surface doesn't seem like a major deal, but factor in that you if you are using your top talent more, you're risking them more. So let's say you're BCG. Over three months of running a constant schedule, you lose Funakoshi, Torri, Okamoto in a short span to major injuries from the physical wear and tear that adds up -- you'll be up the creek because this game factors in the stars on a show more readily and if you don't have the star power on a show, you will see dwindling returns.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The problem with this though is you are working under the assumption that people are booking bad shows. If the constant schedule is resulting in better finances AND pop growth then there isn't a reason to use the touring schedule unless you want total realism. The core of your argument here I feel relies on the player being bad at the game, which is paper thin reasoning I feel.</p><p> </p><p> This does however lead to one pretty glaring issue with the data and that is the fact this was a watcher game. The AI inherently has an advantage as it does not have to deal with penalties like negative chemistry and repetitive booking. Which means if there is only 1 combination of workers on a roster that could provide a 100 match then the AI can spam it no matter what and we can't (This can be turned off but I am working under the premise that the hypothetical player is using default settings.)</p><p> </p><p> Another issue with your argument as well Historian is that very few of the product set ups will consider the matches with your unknowns as main events receive so much weight, and I also don't believe the game is nuanced enough to provide more learning in a 10-minute match vs a 6-minute match, and rather that skill increase is based on the quality of opponent moreso. On top of that your young lions and unknowns will receive far small popularity boosts for being on tour shows, so while you can use them more often the actual effectiveness of that is much lower as a win on a tour show is worth much less than a win at a normal event.</p>
  16. Very good show there! Unfortunately booked yourself into the corner giving Hellion the title match in the middle (At the end of now) his winning streak and I'm interested to see what you do with him now considering he just lost the big one.
  17. McMahon and JR have more to give that's for sure but neither are able to perform anywhere near the level they could 10-20 years ago. Jim Ross has put in some extremely poor commentary over the last 5 years especially and Vince McMahon can't talk the way he could at the height of his popularity in 98-00.
  18. It's impossible to know until the bracket comes out but all of the teams revealed so far feel like first round fodder to me
  19. Absolutely brutal from Jennifer Cornell "I'll set up a dojo everywhere that there isn't enough women's talent. But Europe? No, Europe is mine." Very excited to see this, I really enjoyed the diaries you two worked on together in 2016 !
  20. Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars I smell a Jarrett CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Ernest Youngman Sentimental Favourite to win Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris vs Air Attack Weasel He's your Brutus Beefcake The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners They must be too good to lose Becca Barton vs Paige Croft Big win for "B Double" Open Challenge: Big Bruiser Findlay vs ??? Honestly forgot this guy existed since he left MAW Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown Two picks that are complete guesses Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez Perez could be a real star, she shouldn't lose to the rookie Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man?
  21. I wouldn't worry too much about the Major Stars discrepancy as the Perception system is set up in such a way that you could theoretically have an entire roster of Major Stars or an entire roster of Unimportants. So that will balance out as the game is booked.
  22. I would say Stars are like, b-tier main eventers. They can main event a show and fans are willing to watch them but they don't put butts in seats on their own. Major Stars (If you have mandatory pre-booking turned on) are a bit of a step above Main Event in 2016 as your attendance will be get affected if you don't have them booked.
  23. Van Dam The Deaners Blanchard Swann Elgin In future would it be possible to get the match card in a text form to copy/paste? It saves having to scroll up and down to remember all the matches. Otherwise this is shaping up to be very interesting
  24. The thing about MAW, although it maybe isn't as prevalent in 2020 as it was in 2016 is they shy away from what I'd call Indie-riffic wrestling. ROH has always featured a lot of those more high, flying guys but in 2016 MAW was set up so Aerial skills were much less effective. The in-ring philosophy has always tended to favour brawlers and technicians, while ROH featured that high flying and puro influence. Then the business philosophy differs in that, once a guy reaches his ceiling in MAW he's let go without any real struggle as the company is dedicated to producing good young talent and not with making it big. Whereas ROH once upon a time did have ideas of being the number 2 in the US and were crippled by losing their big names, because they got lucky with a golden generation moreso I feel than they had always planned to have a cyclical business model from the start.
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