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Everything posted by FellaLibby

  1. Worker Picture: Custom from CBU Endorphine Worker Name: Lightning Man Short Name: Lightning Worker Bio: A character born out of the comic books, Clifford Bapaport was born to be a good Samaritan. He wished to be a national hero, so much so that he is trying to become a police officer, and prefers to be as a real career. However, in the meantime he dons a mask, cape, and superhero unitard that he wears in wrestling that he calls Lightning Man. The character is an over exaggeration of his passion career, a hero that fights anyone and anything with a heart of gold. His training has proved exceptional that his speed is excellent and his ability to wow a crowd with his flashy attire, complete with light effects, one hopes he chooses to stay in wrestling for life. Birth Month/Year: March 2001 Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): March 2023 Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Relationship (leave blank will be no): Nationality: American Based In: Mid West Worker Style: High Flyer Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned Worker Size: Lightweight Min Size: Lightweight Max Size: Middleweight Move Set: Lightning Strike (Impactful) Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Super Hero (Face Gimmicky / Cartoonish) Super Villain (Heel Gimmicky / Cartoonish) Available Areas: US, Canada, British Isles, Japan Alter-Ego's?: Super Villain Thunder Man Dojo Graduate?: No Other Languages?: French Basic, Japanese, Basic Worker Personality/Attributes: Professional, Plays Gimmicky / Cartoonish well, Plays Legitimate Well, Plays Realistic Well, Can't Play Swagger, Offbeat / Unstable, Fearless, Creative Dynamo, Story Teller, Easy to do Business with, Undemanding, Stud Athlete, Outside Interests, In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80) Brawling: 35 Puroresu: 28 Hardcore: 21 Technical: 47 Aerial: 54 Flashiness: 74 Mental Skills Psychology (Capped at 60): 48 Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away) Charisma: 73 Microphone: 49 Acting: 80 Star Quality: 67 Sex Appeal: 42 Menace: 49 Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70) Basics: 47 Selling: 50 Consistency: 65 Safety: 64 Physical Abilities Stamina: 88 Athleticism: 68 Power: 75 Toughness: 79 Resilience: 100 Other Skills: Announcing: 0 Colour: 0 Refereeing: 0 Worker Relationships?: Worker Tag Team?:
  2. Those masks are perfect. The "clown" thing is just in their mind and gimmick, because they act like circus clowns and court jesters., but they play on the fear of clowns. Friendly, too nice, have scary laughs, that kind of thing. I did know those wrestlers I chose had face paint, I only stated that they were masks for them because... In my world, they were :'). But these masked wrestlers are even better.
  3. Submission Template: Worker Picture: Worker Name: Marx Dimentio Short Name: Dimentio Worker Bio: Marx Dimentio is quite bizarre. Aside from being from Prague, Marx's history is virtually unknown. One would assume that he has history from the carnivals of Europe, as he wears a rather unique mask of half-and-half. He himself has stated his mask is representing the good and evil side's of himself. His in ring skills are nothing to write home about, but his ability to put over others are great, knowing that's where the money is, since many people hate clowns. He is unlikely to ever be a main event singles star, but he makes an entertaining tag team with Skelton Stanzyck as the Clown Dynasty to be a great package tandem. Birth Month/Year: Jan 2000 Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): April 2022 Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Bisexual Relationship (leave blank will be no): Nationality: Czech Based In: Central Europe Worker Style: Entertainer Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned Worker Size: Lightweight Min Size: Lightweight Max Size: Middleweight Move Set: Trip to the Reverse Dimension (Finisher Pinfall), March of the Clown (Secondary) Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Friendly Clown (Comedy) Face, Anarchist Clown (Gimmicky / Cartoonish) Available Areas: Europe, UK & Ireland, Japan, Oceania Alter-Ego's?: None Dojo Graduate?: No Other Languages?: No Worker Personality/Attributes: Class Clown, Better as Heel, Plays Comedy Well, Plays Gimmicky / Cartoonish Well, Can't play Badass, Comedy Match Worker, Daredevil, Will Risk Injury, Tag Team Specialist, Giving Performer, Improv Training, Healing Factor, Masked For Life In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80) Brawling: 29 Puroresu: 14 Hardcore: 20 Technical: 40 Aerial: 38 Flashiness: 64 Mental Skills Psychology (Capped at 60): 30 Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away) Charisma: 69 Microphone: 40 Acting: 50 Star Quality: 50 Sex Appeal: 30 Menace: 35 Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70) Basics: 51 Selling: 70 Consistency: 60 Safety: 58 Physical Abilities Stamina: 70 Athleticism: 64 Power: 58 Toughness: 53 Resilience: 100 Other Skills: Announcing: 0 Colour: 0 Refereeing: 0 Worker Relationships?: Skelton Stanzyck (Best Friend) Worker Tag Team?: Skelton Stanzyck (The Clown Dynasty) Permanent Unit (Finisher: Hail to the Clown) Submission Template: Worker Picture: Worker Name: Skelton Stanzyck Short Name: Stanzyck Worker Bio: Skelton Stanzyczk is a nickname that literally means Clown Jester, is a clownish character, who claims he was kicked out of Russia for being the kind of clown he is. While his real life name is unknown, he claims he was born to be in the wrestling ring. While it is unknown when and how he met his tag partner Marx Dimentio, it proved to be a great thing for both of them, as they are almost the exact same, and need one another to make an impact in the industry. Skelton does have some promise to be a singles star, but his real promise is in the tag team world. Skelton maybe an unknown quality, but he can put on a show like no one else. Birth Month/Year: March 2000 Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): April 2022 Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Bisexual Relationship (leave blank will be no): Nationality: Russian Based In: Central Europe Worker Style: Entertainer Body Type (leave blank will be average): Worker Size: Lightweight Min Size: Lightweight Max Size: Lightweight Move Set: Clowning Super Kick (Finisher Pinfall), March of the Clown (Secondary) Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Friendly Clown (Comedy) Face, Anarchist Clown (Gimmicky / Cartoonish) Available Areas: Europe, UK & Ireland, Japan, Oceania Alter-Ego's?: Clown Jester (UK) Dojo Graduate?: No Other Languages?: No Worker Personality/Attributes: Class Clown, Better as Heel, Plays Comedy Well, Plays Gimmicky / Cartoonish Well, Can't play Badass, Comedy Match Worker, Daredevil, Will Risk Injury, Tag Team Specialist, Giving Performer, Improv Training, Healing Factor, Masked For Life In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80) Brawling: 30 Puroresu: 11 Hardcore: 23 Technical: 37 Aerial: 45 Flashiness: 71 Mental Skills Psychology (Capped at 60): 33 Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away) Charisma: 66 Microphone: 37 Acting: 52 Star Quality: 56 Sex Appeal: 32 Menace: 37 Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70) Basics: 54 Selling: 64 Consistency: 70 Safety: 52 Physical Abilities Stamina: 73 Athleticism: 67 Power: 53 Toughness: 56 Resilience: 100 Other Skills: Announcing: 0 Colour: 0 Refereeing: 0 Worker Relationships?: Marx Dimentio Worker Tag Team?: Marx Dimentio (The Clown Dynasty) Permanent Unit (Finisher: Hail to the Clown)
  4. Submission Template: Worker Picture: I had this given to me to use, so its custom. Hope it doesn't bother. Worker Name: Eoin O'Rourke Short Name: O'Rourke Worker Bio: Eoin O'Rourke is an Irish prodigy. Born from Leitrim, he has been a lifelong fan of the sport of wrestling. He is very dedicated and has a heart of a lion for wrestling, he desires to get better in any way possible. Once he earned enough money to begin training he showed his promise in ZEN Britain and decided to spend every moment he could in their Dojo, spending a whole year training and practicing. He displayed some raw power, that when toned to perfection, he could lift even the biggest of heavyweights. He mainly portrays an Irish Warrior who will fight anyone whose brave enough to face him and a complete 180 of character work that he called the "White Rabbit". A character of which is a broken man who has nothing left to lose and is willing to do anything to hurt his opponent's psyche. Birth Month/Year: November 2003 Debut Month/Year (January 2022-December 2025): June 2024 Sexuality (leave blank will be heterosexual: Relationship (leave blank will be no): Nationality: Irish Based In: Ireland Worker Style: Impactful Body Type (leave blank will be average): Toned Worker Size: Light Heavyweight Min Size: Middleweight Max Size: Heavyweight Move Set: Irish Car Bomb (Finisher Impact), Cold Of Ireland (Secondary Finisher Submission) Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel/Include Basis if possible): Proud Irish Warrior (Face) (Badass), White Rabbit (Heel) (Offbeat / Unstable) Available Areas: British Isles, Europe Alter-Ego's?: "White Rabbit" Eoin O'Rourke (Heel) Dojo Graduate?: Yes (June 2024) ZEN Britian Other Languages?: English, French (passable) Worker Personality/Attributes: Relaxed, Plays Badass Well, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Offbeat / Unstable Well, Can't Play Weasely / Underdog, Can't Play Mysterious / Occult, Dynamo, Shoots from the Lip, Creative Dynamo, Apolitical, World Traveler, Age is Just a number, Future Colour Commentator In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65 except Flashiness at 80) Brawling: 55 Puroresu: 54 Hardcore: 32 Technical: 31 Aerial: 15 Flashiness: 66 Mental Skills Psychology (Capped at 60): 50 Performance Skills (Please try not to get carried away) Charisma: 70 Microphone: 62 Acting: 45 Star Quality: 70 Sex Appeal: 55 Menace: 73 Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70) Basics: 63 Selling: 51 Consistency: 70 Safety: 48 Physical Abilities Stamina: 88 Athleticism: 67 Power: 88 Toughness: 80 Resilience: 100 Other Skills: Announcing: 0 Colour: 25 Refereeing: 25 Worker Relationships?: None Worker Tag Team?: None
  5. One of my personal pet peeves with this company is literally making teams that everyone knows won't last longer than a few matches and makes up names and merch for them. Jungle Hook, this picture, hell of I remember they were still selling merch for Swerve in our Glory in it's dying days. I just... I don't like it, it gives me a fomo (fear of missing out) vibe on potential memorabilia on something everybody sees is just a farce.
  6. I've officially been apart of GDS since 2016, but the truth is I've played their games since 2007. I'm sorry! I'm sorry I never joined the forums prior! But I was so engrossed playing TEW 2005, and EWR, because it took me till 2016 to actually be able to purchase a "new " GDS game.
  7. Never mind the fact that she did this already against Rhonda and literally walked in and had a title match right there and won. Now she left for some time and auto wants belt. Like... Come on man, feud with someone else. Fight Bayley. Let Asuka have her belt in peace as she murders people.
  8. Hey guys, dunno if this was ever posted here yet, but I got curious into asking and getting opinions on what your favorite type of product TEW 2020 offers? I'll start. I absolutely love the Three Ring Circus. It helps me build some versatility on my roster and the fact it wants you to find three aims for different matches to me adds flavor to my shows and overall game. So what's yours? And why is it Three Ring Circus? 😛
  9. I was today years old when I discovered this thread. Honestly I've been out of the MMA loop for awhile, with UFC having almost professional wrestling angles to hype up matchups really soured it for me.
  10. That checks out, he was identified back in 2007 I think.
  11. I've never seen this death before, nor phrasing. This is... hilarious.
  12. I gotta couple questions for yeah. First, how many people passed away? Any big notables? Two, how are my ultra boys: The Rock City Stars and Roderick Remus doing in 5 years? And three, has CWA died yet?
  13. I can't be the only person who has baited breath about Jeff Hardy being back, can I? Like, how long can Jeff keep his head clean before something, anything, happens with him?
  14. Any future matchups looking forward to Dragon Lee's debut? I'll go first. Lee vs Carmelo Hayes
  15. Going to have to dock some points from you dude. Mox blood is never accidental. It is guaranteed.
  16. My thought on Jericho putting over Action was something similar to TEW's own Tommy Cornell saw in Wolf Hawkins, an unknown who Tommy thought to be the future of his company, which turned out to be true. Now I'm not saying that its exactly the same, like I don't see Jericho personally training Andretti for him to BE a massive star, thats for the future to show. The thing we have to see is if he can sink or swim. Will he indeed be a future big star like Jericho thinks? Or will he end up like Shelton Benjamin, and use this one win over Jericho as his reason to be taken seriously. Hopefully it works out for him.
  17. I've just found out about this and I'm now SUPER excited about this!
  18. It feels like she is Peter Valentine for AEW. Like the TBS Title was made just for her and no one else. Unlike Valentine she has upside and potential to be sure, but I agree that she shouldn't hold a belt just to get to that point. There are far better ways to improve than holding a title.
  19. I love the Male Models stable. I just envision Rick "The Model" Martel in spirit with Max Dupri.
  20. Not sure if I understand the question completely but I'll try to help: 1: If there is a deceased worker that you know, say Eddie Guerrero in our world, and you'd like to have him alive and well, there are mods that date before Guerrero's passing and it is possible to continue to have him apart of the game world should nothing happen to him. 2: If you mean an active worker who had a sudden case of "Kenny Death" or was perfectly healthy one day and had just been discovered deceased, during a game, there is no way for them to return to the game, during that game save. Not even via mid-game editor.
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