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Posts posted by FellaLibby

  1. Well, in my game I basically used the editor to try to make myself AEW, with taking J.K. Stallings billions, making him a Mysterious Owner figure, and sign my favorite people as their contracts come to an end, and others who haven't signed exclusive deals. One of these signings was The Crippler, who I renamed to his real name Chris Morrisette, and tried to use him in the same look as Chris Benoit. I knew he was in decline but he was still a huge name and helped my company get started. I paired him up with Ernest Youngman, while also having him feud with also sign up Rick Law, who I renamed "The Law". During a routine tag match against Ace Youngblood and Roger Monterio, with All Out style going, Crippler suffered a broken neck. No one caused the injury but I'm really torn by this. I wanted to have The Crippler train up The Assassin, to be the heir. Now I'm moving to the next event and I need to figure out who to have face Law now.
  2. <p>Hey there, I just want to say that this is a great dynasty and I'm sorta jealous that you kinda sorta beat me to it because I wanted to do something similar to this but I'm very happy to see this happen. Keep at it! And I'll be following from here on. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor ©</strong> vs Doc Hammond and Lenny Brown</p><p>

    Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs <strong>The New Syndicate</strong></p><p>

    Total Stone vs High Flying Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx vs <strong>Shockura vs Chris Flynn and Nick Booth</strong></p><p>

    <strong>El Hijo Del Neutron </strong>vs Troy Tornado</p><p>

    Steven Parker vs <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p>

    T-Bone Bright vs <strong>Spencer Spade</strong></p><p>

    <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Killer Shark in a No Hold Barred match</p><p>

    <strong>Enygma</strong> vs Findlay O'Farraday</p><p>

    Freddy Huggins © vs <strong>Jay Chord </strong></p>

  3. I must say, the "Talk to Worker" feature is a excellent feature. With a lot of questions to ask and quite helpful to know your worker. Although I can't help but feel like there's a couple missing.


    Such as asking a worker if they'd like to team with another worker. Or if they'd be willing to lose their championship to another worker and get their opinion of those questions. I think in this sense you could help a struggling star by having them team with a worker they may not know or if their ignorant and they don't want to team that would be good to know as well.

  4. Workhorse Worker suffers minimal penalties for working multiple matches


    Void Worker suffers on Microphone and Entertainment segments


    Glass Jaw Increases chance of a injury during angle segments


    Safety Net Decreases the chance of injury for worker and others working with him/her


    Scientist Chemistry from this worker is high


    Baggage This worker can carry most workers to a better segment than without

  5. Color me shocked. Most of the show was great and awesome and exceeded my expectations for sure. But the main event is the one that truly blew my mind.


    I recall a long while ago you released Luis because he wasn't as big as a star as Gino was at the time, and then I read about Luis Montero passing and I instantly thought it was Luis Jr! Not the father. So baring this in mind I was convinced El Fuego wasn't Luis Jr. To see this blew my mind out of the sea.


    Also off topic, im impressed I got the rating right lol.

  6. <p>NOTBPW Television Title Match:</p><p>

    <strong>'The Amazing' Jacob Jett</strong> [vs] 'Notorious' Sayeed Ali © [vs] Seeker</p><p>

    Comments: This is a great opening match with the C2C being there for Ali and making it possible 2 on 1 for both Jett and Seeker. Though if I'm honest with myself I see Jett getting this and having one more war with Seeker in the future.</p><p> </p><p>

    Grudge Match:</p><p>

    Dan DaLay, Robin DaLay & Sonny Wildside [vs] <strong>Logan DeColt & The CanAm Blondes</strong></p><p>

    Comments: I so much wish Sonny wasn't in this match, I wish he was off getting gold. But after he lost the TV title hes been lost completely and that saddens me. The DaLay's as I've made it known, are my least favorite workers and even though Robin needs something, he needs to get off his dad's back and be his own man. Logan and CanAm have been on a great upswing and I'd hate to see them lose now.</p><p> </p><p>

    All Action Title Match:</p><p>

    <strong>'Country Strong' KC Glenn</strong> © [vs] 'Supreme' Spencer Spade w/ Faith</p><p>

    Comments: It maybe me, but I don't find Spade nearly as exciting as his promos maybe. His matches have been subpar at best and mostly just beating local's and I honestly wonder if the segments hes in are good just as him but not with Faith. Glenn meanwhile is good as a All Action champ, though he has nothing going forward. I can see him win here and face El Fugero later and then a triple threat/handicap between these three. That would be fun.</p><p> </p><p>

    Grudge Match:</p><p>

    'The Icon' Dan Stone Jr. [vs] <strong>'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</strong></p><p>

    Comments: Cool to see Danny back but no way hes beating Triple A. Either by clean or dirty interference by Edd *I can see this happening* Triple A's going forward.</p><p> </p><p>

    NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

    <strong>Primed For Progress ©</strong> [vs] Iron and Stone [vs] POISON & Prometheus [vs] Mayhem</p><p>

    Comments: Honestly kinda sad to not see The Ring Generals here. My personal preference being Mayhem has really slunk after Mutant's loss to Prometheus and I don't think that tag gold is ready for P&P... Yet. P4P holds on for now.</p><p> </p><p>

    Grudge Match:</p><p>

    'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] <strong>'The Monster' Gargantuan w/ Floyd Goldworthy</strong></p><p>

    Comments: The Monster is back and ready to destroy! Feed him all and none shall be spared!!</p><p> </p><p>

    Grudge Match:</p><p>

    'Angry' Tom Gilmore [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p>

    Comments: A wildcard for me but I'd rather see Gino vs Jack. That will be a classic. Gilmore has for all intents and purposes seems lost. He shows up every now and then but rarely do I find his wins mean much. And soon hes gonna fight John Maverick so losing here won't hurt him.</p><p> </p><p>

    NOTBPW Canadian Title Match:</p><p>

    'Magnificent' Gino Montero © <strong>[vs]</strong> 'Mainstream' James Hernandez</p><p>

    Comments: These two have been red hot. But they forget the man who lost the title. Gargantuan will interfere and wreck both of these men so neither lose the match. A downer of a ending to a fantastic match but neither man can really afford to lose here.</p><p> </p><p>


    1). Which Match will be the Match of the Night?: Gino/Hernandez</p><p>

    2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be?:94</p><p>

    3). Who will interfere in the Gino Montero/James Hernandez Title Match?: Gargantuan take! Gargantuan destroy! Gargantuan all the way!</p>

  7. 'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] 'The Barbadian Barbarian' Donte Dunn

    Comment: As much as DaLay's aren't my favorite, he's in a upswing all of a sudden.


    The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Coast To Coast Connection (Lenny Brown & Ross Henry)

    Comment: Its been awhile since we've seen the Generals and I'd be hard pressed to imagine them beating a hot act like the CTC.


    'The Silent Threat' John Maverick [vs] 'The Maverick' Julian Watson

    Comment: Since the Silent Threat is retiring I do think the best way to go out is on his back, to his partner, The Maverick.


    Ernest Youngman & Wade Orson [vs] Aaron Andrews & James Hernandez

    Comment: Youngman and Orson are on on the hunt for the Shooting Star belt whereas Andrews and Hernandez are chasing Canadian gold. I kinda hope to see more Gargantuan in here making absolute carnage.


    Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'Supreme' Spencer Spade w/ Faith

    Comment: Spade with Faith are becoming more and more detistible which is good and this will help establish why hes a pure heel and good at what he does.


    'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer

    Comment: Montero has been on the hottest of hot streaks and as the game would say, "he can do no wrong". If I'm correct, this is the 10th consecutive match Gino's had since before and becoming champion.



    Who will be revealed as the STAR of the new Marvel Movie: Tom Gilmore

  8. Layout's pretty great Lloyd. Awesome show btw.


    'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt

    Jack's always had a edge over Ricky, and I'm assuming its because of his star quality. Ricky in my mind just doesn't have what it takes to beat his brother on TV.


    Dan & Robin DaLay [vs] Lord James King & Erik Strong 'Though'

    My personal no hope for Robin DaLay continues. Hes been a guy who still needs to be carried and honestly thats not a bad thing. Erik Strong and The Good Lord are solid workers who Strong himself is going up whilst Dan DaLay is going down.


    'The Assassin' Ernest Youngman [vs] 'Awesome' Wade Orson [vs] 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer

    A lot of things I see with this match. One, Orson just got back and looks great, could even go heel if he really wanted to. Two, Youngman's road to the top really struggled after he finally beat The Shooter and seems lost without the Ring Generals. And Three, Shaffer's on his way down but he never seems to be going fast enough down. I'm kinda hoping this will help establish that Orson's back and better than ever.


    Donte Dunn & Akima Brave [vs] POISON & Prometheus

    Dunn and Brave are fun but I don't think Brave will work with Dunn. As much as I'd love a face Akima Brave, hes been more established as a heel and Prometheus and POISON need the win more.


    Sonny Wildside & Solomon Gold [vs] The CanAm Blondes

    Quite an interesting match here. The CanAm Blondes coming off a loss from the World champion and Ricky DeColt, I kinda believe their on the way down or breaking up. Sonny has been MIA since he lost his TV title and Gold's heat with The Natural may be a upswing here. But I really think my main man Sonny will be the reason why the CanAm blondes lose.


    'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews

    This is going to be a barnburner on live TV. These two have had great matches in the past. And if I'm mistaken, Triple A beat Gino after he went singles. This'll be a huge match for Gino to win, getting one up on the Ace as the World champion.

  9. Well since Alpha cleared the air about his strategy I'll elaborate on my initial and finishing touches.


    Humble beginnings: My first thought was go straight for the best of the best in terms of psychology and character. And have two only true two who are above all mere mortals. The Undertaker, and Ric Flair. But after Flair got poached I had to change direction, so I went for the next best case, Kurt Angle whose character is matched by how memorable his wrestling is. And while my ideals changed for Flair, they never had for Undertaker.


    The New Ministry of Darkness: My entire plan from the start was initializing a new Ministry of Darkness for The Undertaker. Its why I picked Kane so early. Along with them, I had planed Paul Bearer, and the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. And to build them to be far better than anything, The Ascension of Konnor (Conor O'Brian) Apoc (Apocalypse aka Vicktor) And Kennth (Kenneth Cameron) as my team to build to be bigger and better than ever before.


    To challenge these threats are, well everyone else. From Owen Hart the Black Hart, The unhinged Matt Hardy, The spectacular Rey Mysterio and the Olympic Hero Kurt Angle, are all up to the challenge to face the Phenom. But they all do not work together and the man in charge has seen fit to remind them of this. Whilst the real owner, Verne Gange commands the promotion, he isn't on screen. But the main financial backer of SPW, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase has seen fit to protect the Ministry and its disciples, as it was DiBiase who found the Undertaker first and wishes to have those who oppose him fight themselevs and weaken eachother before facing the Deadman.


    With all of this happening, a Giant looms. The 8th Wonder of the World Andre The Giant does not bother with the dealings of petty championships. He stands as the most imposing force to any and all challengers who dare face him. He no longer asks for challengers for him to go to, instead, they must go to him.


    In SPW there is a class-based system. And in each class theres a championship for each class to hold.

    S-Class (Title picture WWF IC Yellow Strap) *Main Event* - The best of the best. Only the most popular and top talent are considered S-Class.

    A-Class (Title picture Big Gold with Red Strap) *Midcard*- Those who stand out from the big pack can often break out and are ready for the coup de gace.

    B-Class (Title picture NEO in files) *Floating* - The definitive class of "Midcard Hell" in wrestling, the rookies who surpass the following class and start finding their footing in SPW. Teams and alliances are often formed here.

    C-Class (Title picture GFW NextGen) *Low Level* - Relatively new to SPW and wrestling. Rookies and those who are looking to hone their skills to be bigger and better.

    (The Tag Titles picture is AAA Mixed Tag Team titles) *Floating Level* And in the middle of all of this, the Duel Tag Teams. Alliances formed to achieve gold and hold themselves as the strongest team there is.



    Ministry of Darkness - Undertaker (Leader), Kane (Enforcer), Paul Bearer, Christopher Daniels (Enforcer), Konnor (Hitman), Apoc (Hitman), Kennth (Hitman)

    The Ascension - Konnor, Apoc, Kennth


    Tag Teams

    The Ascension (Konnor/Apoc)

    Destruction (Konnor/Kennth)

    Brothers of Destruction *Occasional* (Undertaker/Kane)

    The Eliminators (Perry Saturn/John Kronus)

    The Legion of Doom (Road Warrior's Hawk and Animal)

    The Dungeon *Occasional* (Owen Hart/Tyson Kidd)


    Commentary Team

    Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, Micheal Buffer (Main events only)



    Paul Bearer (Managing Undertaker, Kane, Christopher Daniels, Konnor, Apoc, Kennth)



    Joe Higuchi

    Tommy Young


    Road Agents

    Verne Gange

    Peter Maivia

    Lou Thez



    SPW Prime Zone (Weekly Wednesday Postfix Numbered)

    SPW New Years Wrestling (January Week 2 Saturday Postfix Year)

    SPW April Falls (April Week 2 Saturday Postfix Numerals)

    SPW Summer Heat (July Week 2 Saturday Postfix Numerals)

    SPW HollowFights (October Week 2 Saturday Postfix Numerals)

    SPW Winters End (December Week 4 Saturday Postfix Numerals)


    *Please note that all of Steel Powered Wrestling events like this are all designed to be like this. These major PPV's along with a weekly PPV.*

  10. - What was your goal in drafting your roster?

    Gathering the best characters in specific professions and styles.


    - What pick(s) were you most excited about?

    Undertaker, Monsoon, Owen and the Trade I had with Alpha


    - Are there any picks you regret?

    At first, Mr. Kennedy. But I've discovered a role for him.


    - What were some picks made by others that you really liked?

    Eddie by wshred, Claudio by Alpha, Davey Boy Smith by Valkyria, Jeff Hardy by Destiny, Ric Flair by Willy, Benoit by Gobb, Prince Devvitt by ZSR


    - What were some picks made that puzzled you?


    wshred's Sabu - I don't mind Sabu I find him quite exciting. But, I do worry if he maybe a problem for ya. I'm hoping he is worth the risk.


    Alpha's Mistico - One of the best luchadores with one of the worst attitudes. I hope you got someone in mind to keep him in check.


    Valkyria's Jeff Jarrett - I'm not a big fan of Double J, and from what I know hes gonna be a bother and a half...


    Destiny's Ezekiel Jackson - The one man powerhouse who has little else to offer, in my opinion.


    WWW's Tommy Dreamer - Stacked to the brim of talent and then Dreamer. Not for nothing, but lol.


    Goose's Ken Shamrock - I love the format and I love Shamrock, but I'm curious how you'll fit him in the tag based format.


    MarkW's Mark Coffey - You got one Coffey but not the other???:confused:


    ZSR's Jim Neidhart - This roster is stacked. Biggest of big names from WWE and NJPW's history of WWE's biggest draws and Bullet Club. Then. Jim Niedhart. Where would be even sit in this?


    - What company other than your own would you be most likely to watch?


    Imma watch all peoples :)


    - How do you see your promotion unfolding once you're able to play it?


    I see it being The Undertaker vs the roster. All fear the Deadman.

  11. Imma clear some things with how my set up is:


    Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon, Michael Buffer

    Colours: Bobby "The Brain" Hennan

    Manager: Percy Pringle

    Ref: Jim Higuchi, Tommy Young

    RA:Peter Maiavia, Lou Thez, Verne Gange(Owner)

    Personality: Brian Gurwitz(Booker)


    One huge thing I'm very pleased is, I avoided all negative influenced workers. So many of my workers are positives and a hell of a lot of Locker Room Leaders. I'm very pleased with how my draft turned out. There were some hiccups but from top to bottom, experienced, well loved and great workers and at the middle to lower, got the hungry, never got their true chance to shine and potential stars.

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