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Everything posted by rufc4eva

  1. Is the NWA Women's title missing ? Also a funny thing did one autobooker show for Tri-State and apart from one title match every other match on the card was an evening gown match lol
  2. For Balls I'd go either Jon Bradley (a mix of his first name and his boo Bradley character) or if you wanna lean into full sex pistols Jon Ritchie (Sid Vicious real name) or Jon Vicious
  3. This looks awesome, genuinely the first ever fictional mod I've ever been interested in.
  4. The timing of the following events is up to you: Reigns returns (as a heel, bear with me you'll see where it's going) claiming he wants to enact his rematch for the title from Cody as they are 1-1 so nothing is finished yet, Punk comes out saying you deserve nothing, I was here busting my ass while you disappeared in shame etc. etc. This then leads to Punk facing the returning Reigns in a number 1 contender match, Rock returns to "accidently" cost Roman the match, afterwards The Bloodline and Rock attack Reigns (face turn for Reigns and build to Rock w/ The Bloodline vs. Reigns) Rock then builds on this as the reason he is claiming that Roman abandoned them and now The Rock is gonna lead them all to the promised land by taking his rightful place as the Tribal Chief and show The Bloodline is the dominant family in professional wrestling. Can then later branch off from this with Cody vs. Rock if you so wish as the program afterwards.
  5. Can someone please do a ngo jpeg style pic of this road dogg rookie pic
  6. Terry Gordy only worked one match in 1992 for SMW in February according to cagematch so either his contract needs removing or changing to so it only has one appearance left.
  7. Just from a list of people with links to the original NWA Hollywood: Freddie Blassie & Jules Strongbow (former bookers), Chavo Guerrero Sr. (most times NWA America's champ), Chris Adams (former champ)
  8. Drew Galloway...called it ! *smug mode activated*
  9. Probably gonna need to give more info pal like name,style,time period
  10. That image is a Drew Galloway hype (Broken Dreams No More), calling it now
  11. AEW Owner Only (Auto Booker) Save (Jan 2024-April 2024): AEW World: Jon Moxley AEW International: Bryan Danielson AEW TNT: Swerve Strickland AEW Women's: Mercedes Moné AEW TBS: Toni Storm AEW Tag Team: The Young Bucks AEW Trios: Darby Allin, Chris Jericho & Adam Copeland FTW: Hook
  12. AEW Owner Only (Auto Booker) Save (Jan 2024-Mar 2024): AEW World: Jon Moxley AEW International: Bryan Danielson AEW TNT: Hangman Page AEW Women's: Mercedes Moné AEW TBS: Kris Statlander AEW Tag Team: The Young Bucks AEW Trios: Darby Allin, Chris Jericho & Adam Copeland FTW: Hook
  13. Decided as something different to play an ownership only AEW save, meaning I autobook the shows and just handle talent. To ramp up the randomness more I vacated all the belts WCW style. So far Mercedes Mone won the women's World title on her debut, The Acclaimed picked up the Tag titles for a second time, Pat McAfee won the TNT title (I forgot to untick his wrestling role after signing him to be a commentator) so joined him up with Bullet Club Gold, Adam Copeland and Chris Jericho have joined forces as Le Entertainers and after a random tag match and finding out they had great chemistry the team of Foxhausen was born (Danhausen and AR Fox).
  14. For the team: Kill at Will For the Stable: The Truth, Truth & Consequences, Nation of Truth, Eye of Truth, The Undisputed Truth
  15. Going off who was on the roster at this time: Ernest Miller, Jim Cornette, Rico, Stevie Richards, William Regal
  16. One or two big name stars in other countries e.g. WWF hired Konnan around this time who was basically Hulk Hogan levels of popularity in Mexico, would be realistic as a way of Vince trying to bring fans in from that country.
  17. Search for g33kking’s thread he has loads of attitude era stable gifs among many others
  18. We need a good 1999 mod as the one being done by @wweu5 hasn’t had an update since 2022 so I’d suggest that it is dead.
  19. WCW 2.0 - any wrestler signed from WWE must be treated like a major star regardless of overness and win the world title in their division (men’s/women’s). This includes the recent WWE releases. Workhorse Titles - the TBS and TNT titles must be treated as workhorse championships and as such only wrestlers who post good match results consistently can win these titles. Going Extreme - if you decide to keep the FTW title then you must use it as your hardcore title as a way to differentiate it from your many other titles. The Four Pillars - Of the four pillars (MJF, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, Jack Perry) all must have had world title runs within three years of your start date. One Last Time - You may only run FTR vs The Young Bucks one last time. The Forbidden Door - have a superstar from NJPW win your World title at some point. Blacklisted - you may never rehire CM Punk. In Timeout - anyone caught fighting backstage must be suspended for a lengthy period if they do it again they are fired, no exceptions.
  20. If you are looking for a good Dario I would suggest Victor Quiñones as a good option. Also for the Matanza I would consider Leatherface (Corporal Kirchner) who at 6’2 would cut a commanding figure over most and can play a monster gimmick
  21. can someone possibly do GIF pics for the OVW roster, I know it's a lot to ask so would be massively appreciated.
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