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Posts posted by SanX

  1. What’s everyone’s favorite piece of history from cverse?


    "El Día Del Cambio" - Mexican draft - The Whole situation is wild, promotions actually followed the rules, had a pretty civil draft which was followed on national TV.


    Surprisingly, post draft, non-aggression pact between 3 promotions lasted for a few years, rather than everyone backstabbing each other the moment draft ends.

  2. Protege storyline may work with a twist after his retirement. An underdog babyface is bullied by group of heels. Somehow that group of heels was caught in front of Goldberg. Now Goldberg won't fight the heels due to his retirement but he won't let heels bully the babyface either - he wants the young underdog babyface to show his true skills without the fear of Heels. His presence is enough to deter the group of heels.


    Goldberg already stated he came back to wrestling so that his kids could see him do his things. So him being a supporting mentor-esque babyface manager fits with real life too.


    Menace angles, few on-screen angles, training montages- it also gives you a chance to put over people due to association with a ME level guy in angles.

  3. 1920 - January 1935

    Professional Wrestling from Chicago

    Chicago Commenwealth - Boston Jennings 2x

    Chicago Junior Heavyweight - Isiah Watson 3x

    Chicago Tag Team - The Deacon and Atomic Wolverine 3x

    Chicago - Page Gagne 1x

    Chicago World Heavyweight - Damian Foley 1x



    1970 - 1980 October

    Great Lakes Championship Wrestling

    GLCW Commenwealth - Kamala 1x

    GLCW Junior Heavyweight - Dos Caras 2x

    GLCW Openweight - Ted Dibiase 2x

    GLCW Tag Team - Mando and Hector Guerrero 1x

    GLCW Trios - Dudes with Attitudes (S Kerin, D Kernodle, B Blair) 1x

    GLCW Womens - Kameko Saiki

    GLCW World Heavyweight - Jerry Lawler 2x


    I just want to say I love it when I open threads and see your posts. I don't think anyone here has long-term games like you do, and it's fascinating to see how player controlled companies can evolve when a game goes longer than 10 or even 20 years.

  4. Lav, I understand your concept about regional mods, I don't mind them, it's just that it seems like too much work for you with little incentive. Is there a significant difference in loading times? Otherwise, most play with all the regions on anyway.


    As for your objective : Europe/ Britain/Australia, they just need better marketing so that people dwell into them. C-verse has a lot of characterization for US and Japan, courtesy of great dynasties - and characters have evolved sy through them. Britain/Europe never had anything like that.


    It also doesn't help that 21CW's most of the roster is either bald guys or muscle guys and RAW has no one to steal from, considering no other C-verse stars have popularity there. (this thing was improved upon in your 2018-verse)


    How about putting out an introductory dynasty for Europe or Britain region - explaining and exploring the region, or a series of posts which talk about changes in details.

  5. If it hasn't been done already, something I'd like to see happen is a fantasy dynasty where the real world meets the Cornellverse.


    Very interesting idea. I think I remember a project here, it treated Thunder-verse as a TEW Universe while letting Vibert (Heyman-esque C-verse character) book shows and explain his thought process behind it while having references to C-verse itself.


    A complete C-verse Vs RW would be interesting but difficult to book imo, who loses - Harts or Stones? Von Erichs or DeColts? Jack Bruce or Shawn Michaels? Remo or Rock? Nicky Or Cena? Alicia Or Charlotte? Vengeance Or Taker?


    Interesting idea indeed.

  6. In my games, that's pretty much everybody. :D


    I like taking the guys who just barely got out of training school and giving them work so they can be presentable. Making career jobbers my world champions. Sticking an aging valet on commentary to try and extend her career. Let other people be USPW or the SWF or some other big time promoter like that. I want the reclamation projects. The palookas. The scrubs transitioning into a new role. A C- grade might as well be an A* in my companies.


    Anyway, I'd say three names stand out for me. Bob Casey, Ben Williams and Chikafusa Tadeshi. Casey's had some real wars for me over the years. Most notably with Ted Brady. Solid locker room guy. Sort of shar pei ugly-cute in his profile pic. Maybe a little conservative at times and unwilling to do crazy stuff but a consummate pro.


    Williams is my jack of all trades guy. Doesn't matter where he ends up on the card or whether he's going to singles or tag gold, the dude is incredibly versatile. Had one game where I was running a gay club in the Northwest. So I made him what should have been the most preposterous character in wrestling history. The gay face. And he absolutely nailed it. Guy is so much more than a bump machine. He can be and do anything a micro indy could ever hope for.


    And any time I'm doing a melting pot fed bringing scrubs from the various wrestling markets together in one place, Tadeshi absolutely has to represent Japan. If anybody is truly terrible from a skills perspective, it's Chikafusa Tadeshi. But he's another dream locker room guy and with that spiky mohawk of his, he's easy to program. Just give him a punk gimmick and let him go. I know the guy's never going to be a world beater but he's a joy to work with and easy to promote so there's always gonna be room for him in my games. Just love that dude.


    Add Boo Smithson and Frey Valiente Jr to the list and I, too, tend to hire these guys - let it be indies or National Juggernauts. Regular Joe was another one in this list, but now he is with USPW.


    There is something in hiring these dudes. It's great when they actually get over and become someone you can truly get behind. In one of my older LU in CV save, Frey Valiente Jr tagged with J-RO and Alicia Strong and became something in his own right, and it was very satisfying.

  7. Question.


    I'm trying to put together a team of Super Hero's ala The Boys.


    Ive got: Atom Smasher as the lead, Mutant, and Colossus (Hell's Bouncer).


    I'm thinking two more, but not sure who. I don't want to use Lobby either as this is essentially a Heel group posing as Babys. Thoughts?


    I am excluding obvious Masked wrestlers and obvious promotions(ZEN/WLW/EMLL), so few more options :


    Captain Wrestling II (if you can)

    Damian Dastardly


    Abominable snowman

    Sky King

    Outlaw Wes Revell

    Mimic (with a mimic gimmick it could work):D

  8. Oi!

    Currently running a save that is now in 1933 and a Russian promotion has just opened up.


    Could someone help me with a company logo for a Soviet-influenced promotion called "PWP" (The People's Wrestling Promotion)? "Ring des Volkes" translated into Russian according to Google translate is: "Кольцо людей"




    Just a quick one because promotion felt interesting. Hope this helps.

  9. I mostly play in the US or in smaller international companies. The times I have played with the No. 1 international company, I struggle with the aims and often large rosters.


    Brand splits end up taking more time and already being number one in their country, the next step should be going international.


    How do you play these companies? There aren’t many dynasties based on these in the forum, either.


    The main problem with these companies is that it feels like they exist on their own islands. America has 3 companies vying for power and multiple indy promotions to back the scene.

    CWA's merger imo killed the viability of Canadian playthrough, i.e. there is no competition. GCG should have been replaced by an upstart promotion which was either entertainment or Hardcore stuff but on extreme. Canadians can still steal talent from USA's best, though.

    RAW is alone, 21CW is alone, EILL at least has OLLIE, but AI makes them their developmental company, so it's not that different. Due to pop levels, they can't even steal talent from anyone else other than USPW, which is limiting and can take fun out of the play through. Also, there is no competition as well.


    With RAW, their roster is based upon entertainment skills and looks for the most part. Their product tells you to focus on angles as well. Build Storylines like you would in American 3 and go from there for the most part. It's a wrestling Soap Opera - SE fed with more emphasis on Angles. Book it like riverdale or something, have rugby games, long lost brothers, vampires and so on.Jingo and Christian_ape are the two guys who have had a great dynasty on this promotion.


    21CW has Cornell family. Utilize them well and it's enough. Like USPW, you need to abuse your Major stars' pop at the beginning. I personally don't like booking them, it's tough booking 100 different bald guys when there is no character flavor for most of them either. Lloyd had a long dynasty for 21CW.


    CWA's problem is lack of popularity at the beginning for the most part, and it's universe wide problem, all the top guys except maybe USPW's, need a 4-5 point bump to be viable. Example - Nakasawa-san is the most popular wrestler in Japan, and he is at just 77.

    CWA is a struggle, though. Managing their roster at the start is something you need to do in the beginning. You need to spam top guys vs top guys at tghe start for obvious reasons. Grab few guys who are good at wrestling and put them on pre-shows and B shows to train your rest of the roster.

    NOTBPW was notorious for its 'soulless wrestling machines' vibe, so I don't think there are any dynasties which go on for a long time. For DeColts, Self has a nice one you can refer.


    EILL in 2016 was interesting as they were expanding in the USA and a year or two later, they would always be fighting SWF and USPW for America. 2020 version have them back on their own island. I had written a guide about them a few years back, gives them a bit of flavor using canon lore. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=537620.

    EILL is the easiest out of all these - you have a lot of great talent, Your top guys are great, even if there is no lover to carry you. OLLIE is a fantastic talent pipeline. It's hard to fail, even with auto-booking shows and minimum management.


    Another thing to know about playing these promotions is that there is no reason to grow them, you can just keep playing them at your own pace. Staying at your current level is not punished until USPW grows in your region ofc. Until then, there is no one coming for you. Make a broadcaster, have a B show, create developmental and in 6-8 months, you will have a few wrestlers good enough to be on your main roster both pop and skill-wise. Replace top guys if you want to, have expensive imports from foreign lands (for role playing) and build them up. Use broadcasters to expand outside your region and so on.


    Only thing with these promotions is, due to lack of connection to mainstream CV lore (USA/Japan) there is nothing to dig into.


    Another issue is, there is no way to replicate Hulk Hogan or John Cena in the game organically. SWF (WWE/F) may have distribution worldwide and Remo might be as big as Lesnar or Rocky might be as popular as Cena but simulating it in game breaks the balance on multiple levels. So as RAW you may grab Rocky and Audience will ask 'who?' and it's not fun at all.


    Another suggestion is try cv2018 mod. It solves few of these issues.

  10. Good segments and winning matches (having major successes in angles might I think also contribute but I'm not sure).


    Not completely certain about the level of opponents. I book small companies so you can be recognisable just by showing up and I don't have unknowns around very often. I don't think it matters hugely.


    The big thing I've found with momentum is for people who aren't going to just be jobbers, starting them off with a couple of wins tends to be prudent because an early loss streak is surprisingly hard to elastic back from - seems to take a while whereas if they win a couple first they stay warm for longer.


    I'm six years into my current game, and I haven't found beating unknown job guys to be a very effective way of getting guys over/raising momentum. It's a fine way to maintain positive momentum, but the easiest way to get someone hot is to beat someone who actually matters. More popular than them, with positive momentum, and once is rarely enough.


    As mentioned, turning can be a good, if drastic, solution.


    Thank you both for answering these questions, really appreciate it.

  11. I wish I still had copies of the shows I wrote for these guys. I'm not even sure who they feuded with. I just remember the inner drama.



    I think I remember their feud with Sqeaky Clean/ Paul Huntington for midcard belt, I don't remember which one was it.


    Then the former nerd Chrisitan Price and then the usual DeColts. I remember Edd and Ricky teaming up together as well for a show, and they had a short one with Stevie/Zeus for Tag titles, I think.


    The shows were pretty fun, I still remember reading them as a lurker.





    As for me, my favorite stable booked was for a draft company. A core stable of Tommy Cornell, Rich Money and Richard Eisen called Wrestling Commission. They had a revolving door of underlings, mercenaries and manipulated fools to do their dirty work.


    The three came together, as a coalition, and wanted to kill Canadian wrestling once and for all by buying up all the canadian promotions. Draft fed had most of the Canadian workers in the game, including most of the DeColts and Stones. Promotion was started by DeColts and Stones coming together with a third mystery investor which turned to be Richard Eisen. Commission wanted to buy out my current fed as it would mean taking away promoter license from both families in one swoop, Decolts and Stones.


    There was a lot of manipulation done by the commission so that the two families keep fighting each other, while Cornell kept the world title hostage after winning it fair and square in a tournament. Money provided finance for mercs and Eisen acted as the mentor and 'third shareholder' alongside George DeColt and Duane Stone to influence decisions.


    They had Steve DeColt join them at the start for a while as he thought DeColts won't accept him after his betrayal, they had Edd for a while as he joined 4 months later and Eisen got him first due to an energy drink advertisement deal. Tommy brought in Bloodstone to specifically weaken Stone before the title defense. Tommy also brought in his Syndicate goons for a while, Adrian Garcia and Elite were in for a few months in exchange for Tag titles assurance.


    It had all sort of ickiness associated with them and facing them was scary, especially with Tommy being more than good enough to retain his title without even being needing to cheat most of the time. When DeColt and Stones knew what's up, it was hard to reach the trio. Even if you deal with manipulations, road blocks, underlings and even if you reach them, Eisen was a master negotiator sowing seeds of doubt, Rich was a fantastic wrestler himself holding a secondary belt hostage and even if you reach Tommy, he was 'the' final boss and almost impossible to overcome.


    Stable ended when families put their differences aside and finally got rid of them in a 5v5 match.

  12. I think you've touched on this before, but the pic renders you're using are absolutely incredible. Where can I get them? Also, I'd love to shout out to the artists on a great job.


    By the style, I can say that most of them are from Jtlant. The rest, I think you can find them in the re-render thread.


    btw nice to see you back again with SWF, EV, can't wait to binge read a month worth of shows.



    Hope everyone is still enjoying the mod!! I know it will never be as popular as real world mods, I'm not sure how many downloads they get, but this has reached over 500 now, so I am hoping people are still playing it and still enjoying it


    2018 version for 2020 was perfect, it was like an improved unofficial version of c-verse. It's great.


    I have been alternating between my own cobbled together 2020 c-verse using historian's extended version + few mods, and your 2018 mod and yours feels and plays a lot better due to the creative choices.


    Excited for 2022 version as well.

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