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Everything posted by SanX

  1. I both loved and hated the flamethrower spot. We are using actual weapons now and stunt training the wrestlers with little margin for error, at the same time it was a very very cool, face delivered on his promise and actually used the weapon he brought during build-up.
  2. Ilya Dragunov is a Gunther type of wrestler, the big difference is he makes up for his size with intensity. It doesn't help that he needed to carry Jey Uso.
  3. For a throwaway PPV defence, they are surely holding the audience hostage with this. People know no one is safe because of Jinder and 99% of the time either stip will change or a DQ will end the match but that 1% is still there.
  4. I didn't love it, but was able to enjoy it for whatever it was. It feels like Shibata is doing his retirement tour in AEW, and it even felt like satire of his NJPW style. I feel like he would have killed/injured his opponent in Japan if someone tried to do it in his NJPW days.
  5. I legit forgot that Jey Uso/Priest was a world title match and not just a Judgement Day feud match, It took me a second to recall it while counting how many title matches were there after the show ended. Jey has a hot entrance and the crowd/People are invested in him, but that title still doesn't feel like a World Title and Jey Uso still wrestles like a Tag Team wrestler.
  6. When she left yes, during contract negotiation time, AEW was hot I think.
  7. I love international PPVs, mostly due to crowds. Keep giving us this international backlash PPVs for hot crowds, I love it. It just improves the overall experience so much. I am not too fond of the surprise debut but hey, someone needs to take pins for Solo's Bloodline, and at least said person won't be stinking up the joint in G1 anymore, that's cool. Jade is so green, could have used another year or two in PC. I guess WWE gave her a great contract with the main roster push baked in due to how hot AEW was at that point.
  8. Love this one. Perfect for a CGC/RAW/USPW Heel! very cool, like her smug smile and all that.
  9. Taken from India Expansion mod 1) MOVES 2) MOVE SETS 3) WORKERS 4) WORKER RELATIONSHIPS 5) CHEMISTRY 6) TAG TEAMS 7) GRADUATES 😎 EXCURSIONS 9) ALTER EGOS 10) NARRATIVES This is for workers. I don't know about companies, honestly. I think company and titles should come after this, same with broadcasters and broadcasting deals.
  10. BEST FEMALE WRESTLER SHIORI JIPPENSHA 5 Star Supreme Wrestling I didn't comment here because I am irregular on forums, but I was following this diary. This is an awesome render of Shiori Jippensha. Your male renders and overall graphics are fantastic too, but this one takes the cake.
  11. Did they recently drop in size? Also check their finances as well.
  12. Just having some sort of context for the match and a story is different things. If AEW was a Japanese style touring promotion, it would have been awesome, but it's first and foremost a weekly TV show oriented promotion. Yes, PPV's are mostly nice, AEW probably has the best 'in-ring' men's matches in America but storyline wise this is not it. I am happy I got to see Ospreay and Danielson put on a 'banger' and I am thankful that it happened, but would have been even more great if there was more to it than just stable Vs Stable thing before it. I could say the same for Claudio Vs Ospreay as well, since it was a semi-dream match for a lot of people, including me for example. Joe/Swerve/Hangman is a great example of the storyline where it's an 8-month feud (as you have stated) and it had a lot of individual moments, but it just didn't feel like an 8-month epic mega feud. Julia/Willow/Statlander thing has been going for so long, it doesn't need to be. I am sure people will label Willow/Mone feud as 2-3 long month feud because that's when they first interacted before their match at the next PPV when they have barely interacted 2–3 times since Mone debut for the past month. (Ignoring NJPW connection for a minute). Ass Boys/Bang Bang club has been going on so long, 'Hottest free agent' Jay white has transformed into a lower card goober just by the association. These months and years long feuds don't do much for me when it feels like some should have been resolved in a couple of months at best - some of these feels like artificially lengthy feuds - if they were in TEW, they would not be hot enough to pass the product requirements. It's not like AEW can't do storylines, they have shown they can do these long storylines really well when it needs to be - MJF/Cole felt silly, but it was entertaining - Hangman/Kenny/Bucks saga was great! MJF/Punk was what 4–5 months long? It was great! Then there are great shorter stories as well - Mox Vs Kenny, Mox Vs Inner Circle or Pac Vs OC - these lasted what couple of months? They were neat! Need more stuff like this over these elongated feuds which don't even feel like stories. Early AEW was brilliant at using storylines and knew where to stop and start feuds, how to handle them, exceptions was Codyverse. I don't get it why some fans jump to extreme that everyone is saying AEW is dying. Until AEW has a TV deal, it will not die, until those 150k faithfuls keep buying PPV's it will not die, until TK has his inheritance and interest, it will not die, doesn't matter what anyone says or whatever happens on the screen.
  13. Yeah, I have them. I just thought these new elemental masks are so nice, since AmEl is basically just an elemental mask but American colours, I thought you could generate him a mask similar to these Elementals.
  14. Honestly do it. I don't think mods would/should disallow you. Nobody reads the forums from 13 anymore
  15. Can you also generate American elemental in similar style? I feel like it would be great if he matches the style of OG elementals. Thanks for Gdrive link!
  16. It's such a cool idea - Rock training with bloodline members or a Samoan style training montage of some sorts, it would have been really fun. Though if you think about it - Rock in and out of his character was talking about his in-ring preparation for a long time now, he even proved his abilities against Jinder, a former world champion, by taking him out. You add his character to the mix - being a Hollywood action star, CEO of WWE, his past record at WM and his credentials as a wrestler - at least kayfabe wise, he had tonnes of resources and time for preparation. It's certainly plausible that he was good enough to hang with the top guys, at least alongside someone like Reigns. Agree about the match, night 1 match felt janky to say the least but screw it, night 2 main event more than made up for it.
  17. Another aspect of the dude that is underrated is that he actually sells, let it be promos or the in-ring moves. That's a rare commodity on that roster. He stands out a lot because of that.
  18. I loved how it had that anything can happen/can be said of energy. Punk is honestly best at blurring lines, and Drew probably held his own here.
  19. It would have been fine if Mone didn't debut earlier. I don't know whose idea it was to have 2 debut angles for Mone on the same show. Either do the post-match angle or the big debut angle, not both. People saw that Mone had her debut earlier and dipped, didn't expect her to have that post-match angle as well.
  20. I have created few WWE Regional PPV logos for my save (2013 mod), they are AI generated, didn't know where to post this, since other thread is for CV content. They are for India, Germany and Mexico respectively. Blockbuster is for yearly India event using bollywood lingo for a hit film. OktoberFight as the name suggests, is a Germany exclusive event, held in October. - (Ignore the year under the picture😅) LuchaMania was created because Of a Once In a lifetime match between Sin Cara (Original Mistico) and Rey, hence the logo featuring Rey. Since Super Show-Down, Beast In The East and Clash at the Castle already exist, I am using them for other regional PPV's.
  21. I will rate wrestlers at 50 pop in the USA, WEW, your company, at similar pop and at Small and on the brink of Medium. That will place them pretty neatly at recognizable at the big 3 and 'name talent or major Star' at indies, so in a decent position to kick-start a new promotion. That pop is enough to get 70 rated main events and a quicker growth like your theory implies with the slightly work rate inclined product like no style style. Regional promotions should get a small boost, but not game changing +5 or +10 points is decent enough.
  22. Those posts are essential IMO before starting a new save. Probably people thought of them as something like promotion notes/mod info, hence lack of engagement.
  23. You obviously have the Streets in 77/97. Other than that, I don't see any big families which don't involve DeColts and Stones. Speaking of the bloodine, DeColts and Stones are a single family (excluding Alex) now since Steve married into Stone Family. While they don't have many active members individually, You already have Lucy and David (Push their debuts forward), Sean McFly is still wrestling, Eddie comes back to Canada - meanwhile DeColts have Jack and Ricky. With addons you can have 2 more members for DeColts. That's 6–8 members. With some imagination, you can have a DeColt-Stone (Steve DeColt married Sarah Stone) debut as well. DeColts/Stones joining hands to continue their domination of Canada is a great storyline imo, and it blurs the line of keyfabe/shoot as well. T-verse has Nicolls-Bell-Gilmour family you can book around.
  24. I don't like that Kingston is in the finals. What was the point of the tournament, then? Could have just consolidated the titles, create a new belt and be done with it. They have telegraphed it from the start - Look, I like Kingston as a lower-mid/mid-carder who sometimes punches above his weight, same way I think about OC, him in main event is big ouch. Why not Swerve or White? While continental classic itself was good, it still feels like a watered down version of G1. It feels like a solution created by Tony, to keep Danielson for himself - "See, we have our own G1, don't leave me" and have a triple crown belt because AJPW reference. Devil storyline and everything surrounding it is just awful. I hope Tony Khan is the devil because at least that would be something fun to say the least. Before people say that they don't have main eventers, and it's hard to pivot from Adam Cole - Christian and Edge are on their own island doing nothing! It takes one match to integrate that feud into the world title scene and that's a killer main event for any PPV. Speaking about Joe, Miro could have been a monster of the month week type main eventer in the place of Joe. No need to kill Joe's aura for that stupid storyline and destroy Keith Lee's credibility with that TV title relinquishment. Miro was back doing his stupid cuck angle anyway, devil stupidity wouldn't have affected him - he is on paid holiday until WWE comes calling back.
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