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Everything posted by SanX

  1. I am excited to see how T-verse team utilizes the new addition to the game this time around. New renders are also neat.
  2. Season finale and working towards it. Weekly/monthly are by the cuff though.
  3. Tournament intent and a tournament Finale would be optimal, a boosted event but not at the levels of season finale.
  4. Wait a min, people are writing full-blown Ai generated diaries now? I can understand getting some help here and there with grammar or structure because it's useful if you are not a native English speaker. It's fascinating to me because unlike AO3 or Royal Road, there is no monetary gain here, it's a plain and simple hobby with barely hundred or so readers and that is if you are one of the HoF'ers. Agree with Supes of 3 and ape, an honor system is fine, because anything more will just lead to name-calling and other nastiness.
  5. Hire Frey Valiente. His backstory is perfect for an LU underdog wrestler.
  6. In 2020 everyone put over T-Bone but it didn't work by the looks of the 2022 database, now these guys are trying the same with Dominic.
  7. Starting with a promotion you are familiar with is always best. That's the advice given to all of these sports sim type games like FM/F1 or TEW. I would suggest play with Real World mods and your favourite promotion but I don't think there are any for IX yet. Check the archetypes/product of the promotions in CV and go from there. Keep in mind, following aren't 1 to 1 copies but similar enough for you to hook your self into the promotion. Attitude era WWE - SWF OVW era of WWE developmental - RIPW What if WCW survived and became a modern company with focus on workrate and storytelling both or your like AEW or peak era of TNA - TCW New generations era WWF - USPW PG era WWE with soap opera storylines like the current Judgement day/Dom/Liv storyline - RAW Post inoki era NJPW with sprinkles NWO/Bullet club- BHOTWG NOAH/AJPW with King's road style - PGHW. Dragon Gate - WLW Chikara - ZEN What if one of the post ECW revival promotions actually succeeded - PSW. What if AAA had someone like Rock and killed off CMLL - EILL Lucha underground-esque wrestling - EMLL And so on.
  8. After my last post here, about fixed styles/which one to follow and what not, I tried an experiment to see if I can try to produce the same renders but in different styles. It's been somewhat of a success, I think. I will try again with male renders later to see if it works. It's not perfect but certainly viable. Sara Marie York/Miss Sara Jaime Quine Emily McQueen Emma Chase with an ager. Dawn Gemmell Tiffany Jade Extra pictures
  9. Of course, but then you add up another extra click per profile if you want to see skills of the wrestlers (new tabs feature on the profile) Since it used to be roster - check the skills, now there is an added click per profile. Then there is the selection of the type of the angle in the quick angle part (another click) And by using Quick add style, you can't take advantage of the newer complex angle system, since everytime you use it, it is overwriting everything, not just part1/part 2 but everything. That's a tradeoff as well, either you meticulously write complex angles or just don't use newer system. I am not against the system, I am slowly adapting to it. In my experience, number of clicks and overall booking time has increased per show.
  10. Most were using freestyle angles to zip through booking weekly shows. Now, it's a new system with more clicks, hence people are having issues.
  11. I just want to know what version of renders community is adopting overall (read majority), are we going with the newer realistic route or the 3d fantasy route? And what background? Right now, it is feeling like this XKCD comic to me. https://xkcd.com/927/
  12. Agree with you on clicks, it feels definitely more time-consuming to book angles compared to previous versions. I am not completely down on the system though, I would love if someone who played Alpha version or have spent time on the system can explain how angles/ work with IRL examples. Or just a simple guide for everyone, since it's a completely new system and many seem to be confused, including me.
  13. I thought they would survive since touring contracts were revamped and you could have had a non Japan touring experience with OLLIE and COTT connection.
  14. CV always had minimum changes, not to scare off a specific promotion's fans, have a chance for people to grow and shape up the promotion as you want and have a sense of familiarity. Issue is that since 2013 database, OG 2005 guys began retiring and mid-level guys made the step-up. To fill this gap, OG indy guys took their places. Now in 2022, there is a huge dearth of interesting unemployed characters, hence lack of options in terms of hiring. Even the guys like Gauge twins or the blonde cocky youth indy mafia (DWN, KCGlenn types) are on the older side of the database now and still aren't established, they should have held the top titles all over the world by now for example. I think someone like @Derek B who is immensely familiar with the lore should create a CV+ database, which is just an expanded version of 2022. More characters,pop/skill changes just to balance the database around and still keep the 'lore' same.
  15. On the other hand, if this leads to a booking commitee or something similar, it won't be a bad thing.
  16. I was searching for a specific WWE match, found one of the dynasties instead on the boards, I got sucked in, saw that people were grading matches and angles somehow, it turned out to be a game and voila.
  17. TEW 2020 only - WWE 2013 to 2016. It's been fun. Shield break-up, NXT call-ups, Taker Vs Sting, Bray breaking Taker's streak, AJ/Paige angle leading to new NXT generation of women's wrestlers, Lesnar Vs Daniel Bryan, where Lesnar became the corporate champ, and we had a similar but still different Yes Movement. Goal was cannon storylines with few characters/stories changing as fantasy booking. I was pushing/depushing guys to not oversaturate main event and what not, it was fun. Super-shows in all the regions, countries, like WWE is doing now. Probably my longest save in 2020 if you go by number of hours spent, pretty great. AJ/Naka are yet to debut for me, 2016 rumble/WM, so plenty to do in future if I go back. Might continue this save in IX. TCW 2020-21. Standard TCW save, but the amount of talent TCW has in 2020 is brilliant. Jay Chord's legend killer gimmick leading to his first title win, Sons of Sam (Keith) becoming supremacists (they have the Sam Keith's blood so they are the best wrestlers in the world) joining Syndicate and being taken down by Mo and Tana, Wolf Vs Aaron Andrews where we lived through all of their history from 2005 to 2018, Hollywood Bret Star and Jay Chord reforming generation X albeit Jay being an intense legend killer now and Bret Starr's character as this movie geek/drama kid but still competent wrestler. Eddie Peak as this cult leader slowly taking over TCW graduates and running havoc - then being taken down by an uneasy alliance of Jay Chord and Aaron Andrews - enemies, yet Jay wanted to add to his legends killed tally while Andrews was tired of losing TCW prospects to Eddie's brainwashing, finally, Roderick Remus becoming a star by beating Syndicate alone for his first world title. I had crunch hours at work so stopped playing and just couldn't get back to the save. Finally, UPJ, Only Puro company where I am actually invested TEW wise due to how it's setup in-game. Standard puro save, yearlong storyline of Kinjo and his Kinjo-Jidai brushing off everyone and monopolizing belts while, Kenta Sonoda, booker, desperately trying to control the chaos. Sonoda brings back his other protégé, Kamikaze. Kamikaze barely qualifies for the summit finale, beats Katsuhiko Ishii in finals, who is deputy of Kinjo-Jidai and former protégé of Sonoda. Kinjo loses to Kamikaze, Dustin Lefever is defeated by FROST and Thunder Leseda comes out and gives him a beating (mascot of blue Rhino - parent company of UPJ + talking a lot of shit to Leseda and other juniors in press conferences while hiding behind Blue Rhino and Kinjo-Jidai). Eda/Torture lose against a reunited Ignition Zero, with Goto coming back to re-unite with his partner for one last time. Ishii is the only man who wins his match against Naruto and breaks off from Kinjo-jidai to form his own faction, with plans for Bell Family, a couple of juniors and Nobuhito Yasutake to join him. This is where I stopped because it was a good stopping point, and I was tired of puro schedule.
  18. I didn't use the post-show speeches unless I was sucking upto someone who put over someone they didn't to. Now with Stamina/Mic improvements, Its feature I will definitely use now.
  19. Bullying people into improving their mic work is a feature I didn't know I needed. KC Glenn and others of his ilk are going to end up hating me now.
  20. Now that some of the older features have returned, I would love if the 16 version of Good/Great/Excellent filter would return, at least for overall general skills like camera quality/in-ring work/Physical abilities/Entertainers/performance skills. They were good to just see who are better workers in the region or just hire/shortlist good workers quickly, rather than fill up numbers. I am okay with numbers search, but the shortcuts were great. Can we have this, at least in editor?
  21. TV exclusive written would be a fine addition imo for exact cases like this.
  22. I like how finances are being managed, database makers can make changes to the cost and revenue rather than a fixed amount for a specific era. I like having control on my personal games as well, fine changes.
  23. Even if she is, she will always get hired with Hugh De Aske in my games, either as a valet or as a wrestler.
  24. I won't even mind if it has a binary effect aka you either destroy momentum and pop of both guys or the new guy gets the rub and gets a huge momentum bonus like self has said.
  25. Chikara invades ZEN : Art of Wrestling through the portal 4 Pillars invitational - PGHW's 4 Pillars Vs AJPW's 4 Pillars Scythe Vs Fiend, just to see who can no-sell most finishers. Charisma Clash : Magnum Kobe Vs King Of Strong Style (NJPW) Shinsuke Nakamura Battle of High Flyers - Emerald Angel Vs Ricochet (NJPW BOSJ version) Steal the show : AJ Styles Vs Wolf Hawkins Ring Generals clash - Malenko Vs Flash Firefly funhouse match between Corporate faces, Nicky Vs Cena Go through all their eras, What if's?, bring in their eternal rivals like Tyson Baine, Frehley or Edge and Randy, would be awesome imo.
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