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Posts posted by SanX

  1. 12 hours ago, Wrenegade said:

    I’ve recently re-converted all my saves back to Daz art. Don’t know what it is but didn’t feel the same with the AI stuff. 

    Nothing against AI art but DaZ renders have personality imo which is lacking in AI renders. A lot of them have similar features + everyone looks like supermodel or bodybuilder - unless significant effort has been put in.

    Most of US and Canada still feels best under the OG renders.



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  2. As other have stated don't hire everyone, another is let people go!

    One of your Star or Major Star who hasn't been part of any big storylines or doesn't get featured on PPV or TV? Let him go! A talented jobber who hasn't progressed from unimportant to recognizable in 15–18 months? Let them go. Try to do this with guys not on decline and watch them renew themselves and come back to your company in the future.

    If you are playing a real life save, it adds so much to your internalized cannons in the game.

    Another thing I like doing is shortening contracts of top guys to 2–3 years at maximum if there are multiple national level companies in a country. Game incentivizes those monster 5-8 years contracts to get them to sign the contracts, but I don't think anyone would sign that if they have multiple options.

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, same-old-davey said:

    WWE Network?

    (Yes Mod 2013) In just 3-4 in-game months, TNA was in complete financial ruin, they lost their primary TV deal too. I wanted Sting (who had 1.5 years of contract still to go I think) and they wanted money, So I bought them but kept them in their own little corner (Imagine Vince and ECW), just took Sting for a WM XXX match with UT (both were heavy in decline and had 38 Stamina).

    Now AI was stupid, and their new event deals were with TV networks and wasn't helping them financially or pop wise, so I finally caved in and their PPV's are on my network while Impact is back on Spike.

    I could have had them die on their own, but then it leaves a vacuum where the 2nd biggest promotion in the USA is NXT. I wanted a place for indy misfits and NXT rejects.

    It's aligned continuity type save where canon moments happen but not in the right sequence or context. Squint your eyes a bit and everything looks the same as cannon. (Sting had his SS moment where he saves Dolph from Authority (Lesnar and Shield in this case), as WWE COO, HHH calls out Taker to fend off Sting at WM.)


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  4. 19 minutes ago, GreatreDRagon said:

    The company is going to use a western inspired schedule. So after the next two events we'll switch to weekly TV with a big event/PPV every 8 weeks.

    Emerald Angel leaving was a creative decision. I didn't want to stack the main event too much so that I have room to move up people lower down the card. Same with not hiring Furusawa. He's not as big a name as Emerald Angel but he's so good in the ring and popular enough that I feel I'd have to push him.

    The only thing surrounding the starting roster that wasn't a choice was Hiroyasu Gakusha tearing his ACL. I forgot that without a touring schedule the company would run house shows and he got injured on the very first one of the save.

    Understandable. Pretty cool to see how these different guys mash-up here with different divisions and what not. I am pretty familiar with WLW, EXODUS and GCG, not so much Wrestle Engine guys other than their main eventers.

    Angel and Kobe both are very clutch in 16, completely fine idea of leaving one out. Excited to see who becomes the first MJPW champ!

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/8/2023 at 4:12 AM, Matt_Black said:

    Yeah, AEW in general has gotten predictable with their booking, and it's become very apparent in the tournament. One of the things that really distinguished AEW from WWE in that first year is that there would be legitimate surprises. Like, when they announced Cody Rhodes vs. Darby Allin for their second show. "Let's see- the executive Vice President, or the indy guy I've never heard of? I wonder who's going to win that...?" And then, Darby wound up taking Cody to a draw, and fans were all "Whaaaaa...?"

    Early AEW had a sense of cohesiveness in their weekly shows and storytelling, and they lost it around the time Tony went shopping and began the era of surprise appearances. I absolutely adore those early days.

  6. Honestly pretty cool idea. I always shuffled my people around when I was playing as WLW, brining GCG guys on loan or sending my juniors to EXODUS for free in 2016, or have a super show at the end of the year bash, similar to the one you have here.

    Interesting project. What do you have in mind for later? Touring or strictly TV like MJM is supposed to be? Then there is the question of how did Emerald Angel leave? Contract oversight or a creative decision by you?

    • Like 1
  7. Magnum Kobe Vs Emerald Angel

    True, canon, fight forever guys. If you play as WLW and grow, you can steal both of them back and resume the storyline. They form your typical puro archetypes - Ace Vs Rebel kid, High Flyer Vs Striker, goody two shoes Vs Flamboyant charisma guy, Defender of the promotion Vs Anarchy/Invader, Respect for Legends/Tradition Vs New Generation Wrestling, Chosen One Vs the People's champion.



    Wolf is the product of tutelage of the greatest wrestler TCW ever had, was handpicked by him and is the only wrestler to graduate from his school except Edward Cornell and Tommy Jr, Trained under a no, of legends and being part of the Syndicate, greatest stable in the history of CV.

    AAA meanwhile rose up from the ground with proving himself at MAW, then gradually climbing up and slowly becoming a face of TCW. 

    A lot of classic storylines - talent Vs Hard work, nepotism Vs hard work, Heel Stable Vs underdog babyface, Chosen One Vs the People's champion, Too good for you Vs If you think you are that good, why are you afraid? or usual I was wrestling legends while you were tagging in dark matches.


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  8. On 11/9/2023 at 12:30 AM, aXminster said:

    He also need to wrestle more. One match in two months is not enough. All the hype is basically gone.

    What's up with AEW and killing momentum of their new signings? 

    There was no other big debut or big injury return when Edge/Copeland had his debut. He had the spotlight, only him. They have somehow managed to cool him down. He didn't do anything special or memorable except the shoot promo with Ricky Starks. He feels like another vet on the roster now. 

    Other than that, I am just happy Joe is back in the is in the Main event picture again. Him Vs MJF is going to give us some spicy promos.


  9. 10 pounds of gold and first few eps of Powerrrr were fun. If Corgan does a soft reboot and goes back to that style of content, I think it could be a nice 3rd tier promotion like MLW and Impact. 

    Especially if their reality show is shot like their 10 pounds of gold series.

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  10. You let them go. 

    Other options for you are authority figures, managers and commentators.

    Honestly, letting people go will improve your playthrough if you don't have plans for them. TEW has a very lenient system with morale so there is no way for someone to be unhappy and threatening to leave most of the time. In real life, people would probably leave, replicate that.

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    Was away from my home PC for a bit where I have saved most of the graphics, hence couldn't post. TCW has a B show now, TCW Friday Night Fights. It's a low-key affair, I will just directly post it without predictions and all for a quick view for everyone. TCW Total Wrestling Week 2 will be uploaded here by Sunday.






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  12. 3.png4.png5.png6.png7.png8.png9.png10.png11.png12.png13.png14.png


    First show in the books. I just saw the roster pages on my PC when uploading, I will probably try to fix it before the next post. It looked perfect on my mobile device while uploading, and I didn't bother checking up with the preview button because of that.


    As for predictions:

    newbiezness with a perfect 5/5

    DirigoJoe with 3/5 

    Tag match was 50/50 so hard luck there.


    The first month will be spent on going through default storylines, so expect predictable cards. My current target is Total Mayhem with this diary, but we will see how far it goes.  

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