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About maxlanders

  • Birthday 10/10/1992

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Will you release the June database soon ? Thanks you very much.
  2. <p>Hi</p><p> </p><p> Could you screen me Flip Gordon ? I really want to add him on the game, before waiting for the june update ?</p><p> </p><p> Thanks you very much.</p>
  3. <p>Sorry for my english, I'll try to be understandable. I would like to know how to "save" a game. For example, i'm at 10th january 2016, and I want continue few days to try things BUT to find back my game at 10th january afterwards.</p><p> </p><p> It was very easy with EWR, but I don't want to undertake anything in TEW without some indications. Thanks !</p>
  4. <p>Thanks... I saw them a couple of months then... on little question, after putting the pictures in the proper folder, how to have them in the game ? Because I still have the originals ranks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Edit : Mea culpa, in fact it is ok as for skills. For there is any chance to have Letters + Numbers for popularity ?</p>
  5. <p>Maybe I should ask here. Where I can find a mod with numbers AND letters, like this one : <a href="http://i.imgur.com/B2RXQxi.png." rel="external nofollow">http://i.imgur.com/B2RXQxi.png.</a> Even if for this one I don't really like the font style...</p><p> </p><p> Thanks !</p>
  6. Hi, I would like a tag-team name suggestion for the teams of Kyle O'Reilly & Matthew Riddle. Thanks !
  7. <p>Hi ! I'm currently playing my first ever Total Extreme Wrestling career, with Ring of Honor, in the past I only played EWR. I have two main questions :</p><p> </p><p> 1) What are your advices in the development of a company ? I mean, above all, with broadcasting, and these king of things ? Currently, the only matter is to have a better time slot for my show, but I want some "goals" and "steps". I think the goal is to have a "ROH network" at the end, but the lower network would cost 12,000,000 dollars... and my benefits in the first two months are 75,000... so I would like to have a "guiding principle". And here in a line with my first question... what are youre advice to make money ? I can't keep making "only 75,000 dollars" months after months.</p><p> </p><p> 2) My goal, is to build "Super" INDY federation, with former superstars in TNA and WWE (Steen, Richards, Punk, Generico, Joe, Black...), current INDY stars (Cole, Buks, Omega, Sydal, Hero...) and build some new stars. Of course, I will have a huge roster, and one day I will need to split the roster. I have some questions about the draft : when I will have to do it, I don't want to use the "manual" way, I want some randomness in the draft (I guess it would be a complete draft). However, I want the draft to be balanced between the two brands, I mean the heel/face porportion, the main-eventers/upper-mid-carders/mid-carders/lower-mid-carders/openers proportion, to equivalent tag-team division etc... and how to do it ?</p><p> </p><p> 3) Third question I add, how to have the "numbers" in popularity, like in vbase's screen ?</p><p> </p><p> Thanks !</p>
  8. There is a problem with pay raises ? I'm playing with the last patch, I'm in mid-january (6 weekds played), and almost everyday I have a worker asking a pay rise. Currently 7 or 8 of them have already asked it, and when I give them a 25 or 50% rise they are angry or annoyed... disappointing...
  9. Hi, A small question... sometimes when I book a show I hire a "one-night-deal" local wrestler. However, I don't know how to book them in a match. Actually, when I want to make a match, I have the entire roster in the list, but the local wrestler in question is nowhere to be found... Thanks !
  10. <p>Thanks you Biff ! I'm playing with a mod (Fleisch's september 2016 mod), so as for the angle it could come from here. This is why i'm asking if there is a way to have more angles by downloading juste one file from an other mod for instance.</p><p> </p><p> This game sounds awesome yeah ! But the transition from EWR is not easy, TEW is just... so complete and realistic ! For instance, the gain of overness is quite easy in EWR, and here in TEW the equivalent (reputation I guess) seems to be very long to gain. And also I have a lot of matches which are not in the right place in the card or have not the right purpose, and at the end of each show I have not enough interesting storylines for the moment, si these to things hurt the shows. As for now, my show are 61 to 72, not great ! But what I fear is about the broadcasting... they are never happy with the shows quality. I hope after doing a 4/5 month "try game", i'll will be ready to a real game !</p>
  11. I'm trying to understand a little bit the game before starting a true game. So with my trial game, I have some questions : - I understand the "pre-booking" thing. HOWEVER, i don't really understand and for the same show. I mean, an authority figure announce at the beginning of the show A will face B, and then I book the A vs B match. But when I launch the show, and arrive at the angle, should I pre-book the match for RAW like for a PPV match. Because I think it would be for the NEXT RAW, and not the same... I hope you understood what I mean. - How to book a match which determine a new contender ? - Is it possible to create a stable in a child company ? I saw we can manage the teams, but it seems we cannot do it for stables, am I right ? - The main problem I have is with angle. I don't really like the "freestyle" angles, I mean it's a little bit nonsense... how to have a LOT of angles ? There is a place where to dowload it ? Thanks a lot, and I apologize for my english.
  12. <p>Trying to begin my very first TEW game, only used to play EWR. I'm trying first to understand the game.</p><p> </p><p> I have difficulties to understand how events/TV shows are working. I took PWG, in "schedule" there is only 1 PPV a month. Should I create events ? How can I negociate a TV contrat (in "broadcasting", the is "no match found"). In fact I understand nothing so I don't want the begin the game right now.</p><p> </p><p> In the player's handbook there is very few informations about this, where can I found a tutorial on this point ? It seems way more complicated compared to EWR.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks.</p>
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