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About ElChorizo

  • Birthday 01/30/1989

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  1. That Piggy Bank Records logo is amazing! In case you'd like a backdrop:
  2. The problem isn't cutting out the crown. It's filling in the parts covered by the text. Working on it, though. Edit: How're these?
  3. Sorry, been out of the country for the past week. Trying to catch up on a couple of requests, but I've also been up since midnight local time at this point and it's 5pm, so who knows what'll get done tonight.
  4. First dude reminds me of the warlock in Quarth or whatever that city was in the second season of Game of Thrones. Also, Bandersnatch is an awesome name. I also did a couple Aztec themed trophies back in TEW2020. I only got into stables and renders in the last year or so. Before that, I was mostly just cutting up new trophies.
  5. Damn it. The Sam's Club is a brilliant name. Nice work! Yeah, I was trying to come up with some masked renders for the various cat and dragon wrestlers and realized I also had Freedom Eagle. He came out better than I had hoped.
  6. If you have ideas, I can feed them into the AI and try to get something. Name, any symbols, just a general sense and it usually spits out something workable eventually. I've got a couple Japanese based stables in my thread. Gaijin Fury might be a good one for you if you're running a Japanese fed. Just think Bullet Club with that one.
  7. Yeah! El Papagayo can team with Freedom Eagle! Los Pájaros are going for the title! (Alternatively, you could call them Uncle and Toucan Sam).
  8. The Pledge Tenka-Goken FYI: I'm experimenting a little bit with things like placing the logo in the display panel or how to decorate the outer border, as well as with resizing the images before sharing. If something doesn't look right or you want a cleaner cut of one the images I've posted, I usually have all my projects saved, so it shouldn't be too hard to redo an image. Most times, anyway.
  9. Pretty sure this was willr0ck who created this one. Here's a backdrop for it. As far as a stable goes, I've got an idea for you. Let's go with the sword theme. Apparently, Japan has what's called the Tenka-Goken, or Five (Greatest) Swords Under Heaven, according to wikipedia. So that's your theme. The five best wrestlers in the company, each representing one of the swords; essentially, a Japanese Elite stable. (I've got a logo for this, but I haven't had time to clean it up or create a backdrop and I've got a meeting in 7 minutes, so I'm rushing). First: Dojigiri / Slayer "The yokozuna of all Japanese swords" (yokozuna meaning like grandmaster, not the wrestler). This is your ace. Your Okada. He's the best and the leader of the stable. An old sword, he's probably a veteran well. Second: Onimaru / Demon This dude is your muscle or protector of the group. Probably a brawler or striker. The legend with this sword is that it moved by itself and killed an oni demon to protect someone from a curse. Third: Mikazuki / Crescent Moon This is your crowd favorite and underdog. Perhaps a masked wrestler as well with some charm. This sword was a favorite of a shogun and what he used when he fought his last battle, hence the underdog bit. Fourth: Odenta / Great Denta This is your technical wizard. The sword is supposed to be the best forged by Japan's master smith. Fifth: Juzumaru / Rosary This sword has a juzu or loop of prayer beads adorning it, so your wrestler here can be more of a mystic type. I've also considered using these as titles/trophies at certain events, but I don't play Japan much. I'll throw a stable logo in here for it later once I have time. I just wanted to write out the idea.
  10. I feel ya. At this point, I just shave it down about every two weeks. I've developed a great appreciation for dudes who can rock any hairstyle they want.
  11. I didn't realize it was a gag. I thought the minions one might be, which is why I didn't mess with that one. My impression was that Laguna is RAW-based in the CVerse, which gives me sort of Chikara vibes sometimes, so I figured it might just be a cartoony evil gimmick. *shrug* Either way, it was an easy edit, so I don't feel too bad about messing with it.
  12. Bald is beautiful. (My hairline started running around age 20 and currently sits on the vertical part of my skull if I let it grow out, lol.)
  13. A lot of times I find a logo that I like and can edit out the text, and then use a different prompt to generate the text if it's continually messing up. or, if enough letters are available to clone (or piece together whole letters, like a P from an R or an E from an L) I just do some editing. It can definitely be a pain though, and I'll be happy when the AI gets better about it.
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