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Everything posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. Once again, I come to you in my time of needs. Yes, I know. Still January 2022 with WWE/NXT/NXT UK, and this time my problem is with the women division. I knew it was bad, but I didn't realise it was THAT bad until I had to keep a balance between the main roster and NXT roster, so I don't ruin a title scene for women tag teams. At the moment, the main roster basically will start with two real teams (and in one of those two, I employ the term loosely): Carmella-Zelina (the current champs) and the Iiconics because who in 2022 would want a US women tag division without them in it, really ? Apart from that, I have absolutely no-one. I mean, obviously, I have a couple of women I can throw together to do a match here and there, but the only teams that make sense, have a history and are a threat are heel teams: Shotzi-Moon, Natalya-Tamina, KLR-Mia Yim. On the face side, the only team of people I have free is Dana Brooke and Aaliyah, and I can't very well have them be dominant champions while I build more teams with actual storylines: first of all, they're not that great (and the team is untested), and second of all, want to build my teams properly by having storylines that make the two join forces. In 4-5 months, if all goes decently well, I'll have plenty of teams but it takes time. Now, my solutions are those: - call up teams from NXT. On the "pros" side, that would be the logical choice, and while I don't think they're going to be the future of the division, Catanzaro-Carter, or a rerun of Dakota-Tegan could work. On the cons side, that would only move the problem rather than solve it, since I'd now have no ready teams in NXT to feud with Toxic Attraction while I make the other teams grow in popularity. - scratch my plans for some people. I could obviously do that, but since I tend to go for booking storylines that intertwines, it also means removing one or two big arcs that will be used for 6 months to a year. It can be done, but I'd rather not rewrite half of what I have in store. - turn one of the two teams (most likely the Iiconics, as they're returning), and have the two teams feud for 4-5 months minimum - bring a couple of teams to fill the gap: maybe my favorite solution, but not without problems itself. Basically, if I want to go with teams that can go straight to a title shot without fans being angry-ish at it, I need to bring back popular/familiar WWE alumnis, and that means either the Bella Twins (if I can convince them to unretire), the Chickbusters (but would AJ Lee really sign with WWE in 2022 ?), or any duo from a list that contains Taryn Terrell, Lana, Eva Marie, Melina, Katie Lea Burchill, Jazz, Victoria, and if I steal them back Serena Deeb, Chelsea Green, Taryn Terrell, Mickie James, Emma, Taya Valkyrie, Deonna Purrazzo, or Santana Garrett. - bring one of the no-pop but really talented teams I just signed, and push them like there's no tomorrow
  2. As much as I love "Best Friends Money Can Buy" as an idea, I'm not sure how marketable it'd be However, I'm definitely going to use it the day I have a similar dynamics for a group in a company like Chikara or Leapfrog ! At first, I wasn't convinced by "Team Lesnar" because of how obvious it was, but the MMA explanation make a bit more sense and give it a more interesting vibe than just "well, he's the leader so bam, Team Lesnar" the way it could have been "Team Cena", "Team Balor", etc. As for Solo Sikoa, I know him of course, don't worry ! I thought I'd give him the call up rather than hire Fatu at first, but Fatu looks more likely to be able to beat Reigns and take the leadership from him, while Sikoa could use the extra experience in NXT, before being called up as the new (and only) ally of Roman in his hope to reconquer the Bloodline's leadership. Honestly, "The Beast's Lair" sounds pretty dope, or even just "The Lair". I could see Lesnar using that name, not because he cares if his group has a fancy name, but just to mock Reigns. And it's much, muuuuuch better than my "It's 3 am and I can't sleep" tired idea of "The Beastie Boys"
  3. Orton/Ricochet could be interesting, but Ricochet is planned to go away for a couple of months and come back as something closer to Prince Puma, with a manager so I can hide his weaknesses better. Plus, if Riddle leaves, I might as well make the RK-Bro separation a storyline. So far, I've settled on bringing back Biff Busick so I can have a Burch-Lorcan tag team, and I'm thinking about either a big burly dude team of Timothy Thatcher and Killian Dain, or bringing back the Dain-Drake Maverick team. I'm also wondering if I shouldn't hire Darren Young for a couple of months (or more if Prime Time Players works well as faces). British Strong Style (without Trent Seven, so Bate and Dunne) is also a possibility, as is DIY (but really, I like Ciampa and Gargano solo more than I want them as a team, right now). Turning T-Bar and Mace face might work too, but I don't think they mesh that well to be honest. As for more "random" pairings, I've thought of: - R-Truth/Rich Swann which would delay both single pushes, but give us plenty of dance breaks - Gulak-No Way José, with Gulak trying to teach José to be more serious, but failing: the only problem I have with that is that it's similar to the dynamics behind Alpha Academy, Andre Chase University and the Mastiff-Starks storyline - alternatively, No Way José pairing with either Mojo Rawley or Rich Swann (And to think I'll have to create even more random pairings and/or hire workers to have a decent Women tag team division in the main roster...)
  4. I'd like the committee's opinion on a problem I have in my January 2022 WWE Universe save, more exactly with my tag team division. As it stands, I have very few good face team for the futures, unless I fancy having the same team be in the title scene over and over. The teams are (with the people I "had to" sign) as follow, with both brands thrown in together: - on the Face side: New Day, Lucha House Party, Breezango, Slater & Rhyno, AOP (for now, since they're aligned with a tweener stable) and the Sydal Brothers. Los Mysterios (but Dominik is about to go to NXT) and RK-Bro (with Riddle soon going to leave the company) are also in there, as well as Viking Raiders who are leaving us at the end of the month. - on the Heel side: Alpha Academy, Hurt Business, Dirty Dawgs, Corbin & Moss, Mahal & Shanky, Los Lotharios, The Ascension, The Bollywood Boys, The Colons, The Forgotten Sons, The Good Brothers, and obviously The Usos. As you can see, there's a big advantage for the Heels, and since most of my face teams are going to be either there as jobbers or occupied for a while with a big storyline, it'll leave me with a rotation between New Day and LHP. On paper, WWE has done so countless of times, but I want a much more interesting tag team division thank you very much So now I have to find solutions to replenish the division without turning too many people. Granted, soon enough I'll get back Heavy Machinery together, but that still leave me with an unbalanced tag division, even more since Imperium and Legado del Fantasma are going to the main roster in maximum a year (and probably sooner than that). What would be the best option, in the committee's opinion ? Have the two NXT teams who have a decent pop (MSK and Jacket in Time) go to the main roster, leaving me with no experienced teams in NXT and therefore only moving the problem from the main roster to NXT Have solo workers from the midcard, as well as the older workers from both NXTs, join forces for a team, with the risk of them being more of a random association rather than a real team Use teams from both NXTs regardless of their US popularity, and deal with the bad ratings for their segments. Hire teams (preferably ones that are known to the WWE fans already), or even solo guys that I could team with my midcard when suitable, until I've built the popularity of NXT/NXT UK teams Just have no turnover in the face teams, leaving a lot of heel teams unused, again until the NXTs teams have some pop A mix of all the above
  5. Unless the mod you're using haven't put those two companies in, you at least have the numbers in if not the popularity since there is LPWA and LMLW as women companies in the US. That leaves you with women like Leilani Kai, Luna Vachon, Wendi Richter (if she's willing to sign), Candi Devine, Judy Martin, Madusa, Ivory, Jacqueline or Tori. Granted, they're not all Becky Lynch material, but they're solid enough that you'll have the time to find future stars
  6. Loser becomes the winner's servant for a week Gimmick matches (both funny, like the LasVegas Showgirl, and not so, like "your match will now be a Three Stages of Hell match") Match turns into a mixed tag team match Special Guest Referee Loser lose hair/mask, or has to dye them For a championship match, a third challenger is randomly picked Dancing/Singing/Kissing (for comedy purpose, please )/Trivia Competition Treasure Hunt: first participant to find a list of 10 items and bring them back to the GM gets a title shot for the title designated by said GM Beat the Clock challenge Scramble Match Lip Sync Battle
  7. Mr. Clean would be proud: Whenever one of your workers is caught into a scandal of any kind, you have a month to finish the storyline they're actually in and then they get blacklisted until they're reformed. No drugs, no sex pest, no racism, only good guys in the new WWF. All Hail the Queens: You have to hire the best 16 women in the US (and Canada) to build a new women division, with only 2 luchadoras and 2 joshis allowed until the division is on par with your midcard titles in terms of pop. Reroll: Use a randomizer to pick 5 wrestlers that aren't currently in your main event scene, and change their gimmick to one they never used in real life. One of them must be pushed into the main event if at all possible, two into a strong tag team and the other two stay in the midcard forever. Hottest name in Sports Entertainment: Unless you need someone for a very specific role that can't be filled by someone who is already in your roster, the only workers you can hire every year are those who won last year's awards for a duration of 5 years. You deserve it !: 3 real life HoF inductees who never got a World title reign must get one, booked properly.
  8. Does anyone have any name suggestions for a stable who'll face man for man the Bloodline ? The members are Brock Lesnar (as the leader who'll face Roman, obviously), AOP (for the Usos) and Buddy Murphy (for Jacob Fatu). The group will also have Robert Stone as the bullied cowardly lawyer who gets hired to replace Heyman and do the paperwork on hiring the aforementioned members as mercenaries. The "lore" of that stable will be that Lesnar is tired of the Usos showing up everytime he tries to face Reigns (going as far as costing him his title), so Stone gets bullied into finding him mercenaries, and AOP + Murphy make their return that way (Murphy a bit later after Fatu also debutes because Reigns want the number advantage). Lesnar will at first treat them as nothing more than pawns, then settle into a mentor/leader who actually cares about them.
  9. Fear of the Dark: One of the workers who aren't yet signed to AEW but often appears on Dark must be signed and given a push as either a monster heel or an occult-type gimmick. Our very own Women Revolution: The women division must be featured (or get its own show) to the point it can main event and get similar ratings as your biggest male stars... but you can't sign half of Stardom/TJPW/WWE's main roster women division to do so You can sign a maximum of two joshis and two WWE stars that haven't yet appeared with AEW, the rest has to come from Impact, NWA, Mexico, Europe, Australie, the indies, etc if you're not satisfied with your current roster. All Elite Worldwide: You have to create a tournament (for either/both gender) that will have 32 workers from 32 different countries, in a Soccer World Cup format. You can't use more than half of your current workers, but others don't have to be signed for more than the tournament duration if you don't want them, and workers with two nationalities do count, but preferably if they are open about it. Too many belts: You can't create new titles without retiring one.
  10. Not a request per se (although I clearly wouldn't say no if someone volunteers to do the two RWC gif cuts and logo modification I need), but is there a guide somewhere on how to do the cuts yourself ? I have absolutely no knowledge (or talent) when it comes to those: on TEW16, I had no trouble getting jpg because I didn't care if all pictures weren't on the same background, but now that I've been spoiled by the gif versions of TEW 2020, just having a couple of workers with jpgs feels dirty So I figured I'd learn to do them, but couldn't find any guide. (And, if someone feels like doing them so I don't have to, I need cuts with masks for both Tate Twins in their "Boys" persona, and a gif version of the logo CQI13 made for me. In both cases I can provide the pictures obviously !)
  11. A new toy to play with: every end of year, you must sign the Independent Wrestler of the Year if he's under 35, as well as the "Young Wrestler of the Year" and "Female Wrestler of the Year" if they are not signed with AEW/NJPW or to any company who gives exclusive contracts. I dreamed a dream: In the next 5 years, at least one or two child companies based on Triple H's plan to have a NXT in each region must be created and with a roster and titles similar in spirit and/or talent than NXT UK (local wrestlers, a title with regional rules, etc). These friends of mine: All people listed as Triple H friends must be signed in the next 2 years and be used (either as road agents, GM, etc), unless you personaly hate one of them (in which case, you must replace him with one of Stephanie's friends).
  12. I really like the idea personally, however I'd say it would also depend on the company you have for it to work. For instance, such a belt in AEW would work fairly well in game: they allow their wrestler to have matches in other companies, and with the whole "Forbidden Door" dynamics, it's easy to invite people from said other companies to help collect flags, while it makes sense in kayfabe that they only pick the best of the best from other countries. You'd have to invite people yourself (or book other companies for a couple of shows), but it's doable. On the other hand, a company as closed to relationships as WWE would have trouble using such a belt in my opinion, because it'll depend mostly on who you have in your roster to represent countries, and you could get stuck easily. Honestly, in real life, I'd love the concept because I can just imagine the kind of heel who would film himself going to the most unlikely countries, get a win there and get his title shot because he defeated someone from Vanuatu, Luxembourg, Belize, etc and avoided completly any country where there was any chance to find a single decent wrestler (in kayfabe), or to lose the title at the last flag because he went to, say, Bulgaria expecting an easy win and Miro shows up
  13. Not that they would be an absolute necessity considering how they're used, but maybe the couple of jobbers that are missing from NXT/NXT UK (Javier Bernal, Josh Morrell, and Tate Mayfairs, to name the main ones) ? And as even less necessary, since they're either "useless" in game terms, or haven't appeared in forever yet are still under contract, maybe Johnny Saint and the half ton of interviewers that are in backstage segments semi-regularly ? And on the AEW side, I'm sure there are also a couple of jobbers present on Dark that are missing, like the Renegade twins, if you're really feeling like adding people for the sake of adding people.
  14. Re-asking just in case someone didn't see it the first time, and on the same vein, if anyone also has RWC gifs for Jake Tucker/Channing Lorenzo, Xtina Kay/Kiana James, Notorious Mimi/Sloane Jacobs, and Tatum Paxley, I'd be grateful for those as well ! (And if someone also happens to have a pack of free pictures for masked luchadors and Japanese style ones, it isn't impossible I'll build a statue of them in toothpicks or sell them my first born, just saying )
  15. If you had to keep Goldberg in your roster, no matter what, in January 2022, what would you do with him ? As I've mentioned plenty of times already, I'm starting a WWE save with a loooong list of rules, one of which is a group of people I have to keep in the roster. While for most they're part of the roster anyway, and for others I've found an use, I have no clue what to do with Goldberg. He only has 3 appearances left and I'm struggling with what to do with him: - I could have him re-sign as a full-time roster member (since that is also a rule, no more Occasional wrestler outside of the Rumble), which would require editing him back into a Wrestler role. But then, how would I use him, since I can't see him becoming a midcarder, and I sure as hell won't put him in the Main Event all the time ? - I could use the 3 appearances left to build a storyline on him wanting to fight someone for a specific reason, and if he loses, he retires. I already know exactly who would retire him and why, but then what ? Goldberg would be terrible as an announcer, and I'm not sure he'd fit the role of a GM, let alone a manager. As for road agent, he doesn't have the right skills for it either. So yeah, any idea would be welcome, or even just arguments towards one of the possibilities I've listed already. Thanks !
  16. I don't know, Dalton Sparks made me think more of a cheap street-magician that would throw confettis in the air and have cards appear in his hands. Which in itself wouldn't be such a bad gimmick if done for comedy, but doesn't really suit him. However, I really like Freddie May, or perhaps just May as a last name and something like Raphael as a first name ! I could even see him use that as the kind of catchphrases WWE loves: "Freddie May hurt you if you don't behave, Boys", "Freddie May win the NXT title at TakeOver", etc.
  17. Does anyone have good WWE-style names ideas for Shane Mercer and Dalton Castle ? The best I could come up with are Alex Wesker for Mercer, and Dalton Sparks for Castle, but obviously they are not that great... Gimmick wise they're going to be pretty much their non-WWE character, and all I ask is that it avoids using names from current WWE roster and (if at all possible) do it the way WWE would, so not use former indy names/real names.
  18. Depending on how open you are to sign someone, and if you want/need every worker to fit the Cartel gimmick, I'd just go with someone who is not on the roster currently, to be honest, as Corbin would feel weird. Damian Priest could kinda work, but in my opinion he would naturally be higher on the card than Santos already so it wouldn't be the best pick. Maybe someone like Jeff Cobb or Jonah Rock, who aren't hispanic but could look the part somewhat, and be talented enough to eventually turn against Santos if you wanna go that way ?
  19. I'm not sure which road agents notes would be suited for this, but the way I'd go for the match is that right from the start, Angel/Humberto are shown helping LdF the way some heels ally during the Rumble (but without the inevitable betrayal, of course). It goes to a near fall on one of the face teams (the other being eliminated before), but instead ends up with Angel/Humberto being eliminated themselves and staying in ringside acting like they can't believe their plan didn't work. They then just cheat behind the referee's back to help LdF win, and because of that, are welcome into LdF. As for what to do after, I'd say have whoever you want as the deputy be the one in most matches , but have Santos Escobar show up for angles and every once in a while as a "manager" ringside/a guest announcer so it's still clear he's the one in charge. The angles however can just be him being in his villa or something and playing the Cartel boss you want him to be, cutting the promos before the match where Angel will represent him (although, as much as I like Angel Garza, I'd argue you could use someone with an enforcer role too, since Garza would be more the weasely heir who hides behind his goons then pick up the victim to kick him). (By the way, I totally don't have a very similar stable planned in my own save, only with Andrade as the leader )
  20. Since a couple of them were recent-ish NXT debuts, like Sloane Jacobs, Kiana James, etc, I think it's more likely the pack wasn't updated yes, as I've yet to add the RWC+ workers. Thanks !
  21. Is there any upside or downside for a child company (or any company, really) to only have alliance titles ? Like, say I want every NXT/NXT UK title to be alliance titles so they can also be defended in both child companies and in the main roster every once in a while, would they lose prestige because they're not reserved to a company ? Is there the need for the company to have at least one title that is only defended in their shows, or not ?
  22. Does anyone have RWC gif cuts of Brandon and Brent Tate in their "The Boys" gimmick, with the mask and all ?
  23. Just checking, because it might just be that I've not downloaded the correct gif pack, but is it normal that I have 33 people without a picture ? And if it is, has anyone done cuts for them on their own and would be willing to send them ? Thanks !
  24. Hello, A feature I'd really like to see for the next edition(s) is to have the opportunities to delay some hirings, both during the save and while editing a mod. For the first one, say that I want Worker X (who's under a PPA contract) to sign with me an exclusive written contract, but that I'm willing to give him (and his current companie) 6 months to do whatever because I want him to debut at a specific show. Right now, my only option is to wait like 5 months, and offer him a contract then, hoping nobody will try to sign him to an exclusive contract, otherwise I either lose him or have to change my plans. While I agree it doesn't happen quite often in real life, there are at least a few that did happen recently, like AEW offering contracts to -1 and Nick Wayne that they'll be able to use (in theory) when they reach 18. As for the editor version, it's simple: if I want to create a scenario where a company X will lose some of its stars to another company, or if I want to make an historical mod where a worker will leave the company in the future, I have to give him two contracts, one with each company, then manipulate stuff to ensure none of the two companies will screw it up. A better way to do so, imo, would be to just give us the option to choose a future date as the start of the contract, or to add a narrative for someone signing with a company the same way we can ensure a worker will have another event happening (injuries, movies, etc).
  25. Hello, A feature I'd really like to see for the next edition(s) is to have the opportunities to delay some hirings, both during the save and while editing a mod. For the first one, say that I want Worker X (who's under a PPA contract) to sign with me an exclusive written contract, but that I'm willing to give him (and his current companie) 6 months to do whatever because I want him to debut at a specific show. Right now, my only option is to wait like 5 months, and offer him a contract then, hoping nobody will try to sign him to an exclusive contract, otherwise I either lose him or have to change my plans. While I agree it doesn't happen quite often in real life, there are at least a few that did happen recently, like AEW offering contracts to -1 and Nick Wayne that they'll be able to use (in theory) when they reach 18. As for the editor version, it's simple: if I want to create a scenario where a company X will lose some of its stars to another company, or if I want to make an historical mod where a worker will leave the company in the future, I have to give him two contracts, one with each company, then manipulate stuff to ensure none of the two companies will screw it up. A better way to do so, imo, would be to just give us the option to choose a future date as the start of the contract, or to add a narrative for someone signing with a company the same way we can ensure a worker will have another event happening (injuries, movies, etc).
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