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Posts posted by Martel123

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="stillnotover" data-cite="stillnotover" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53840" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>RIPW Championship: <strong>Forrest Ratzloff ©</strong> vs Warwick Good<p> </p><p> RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs <strong>Son Of Vengeance</strong></p><p> </p><p> RIPW Tag Team Championships: <strong>The Magic Boys ©</strong> vs The Rhode Island Scholars</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Sunshine Connection</strong> vs The Wrecking Balls</p><p> </p><p> Zharnel Zephaniah vs <strong>Marty Simmons</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hellion and Roderick Flack</strong> vs Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock</p><p> </p><p> Bonus 1: What Will Marty Simmons do now that his partner is injured?</p><p> </p><p> Wow that is crazy poor Stevie is probably done? Which is a shame cuz I liked the tag team. My guess Marty will form a new tag team with Bryan Jewett. </p><p> </p><p> Or what if he formed a stable with Young and Wasted? Sorry I'm just throwing stuff at the wall now haha</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Stevie is said to be out for over a year, so not retired yet. Luckily the SWF medical team is one of the best in the world, so he will get all the help he can get.</p>
  2. QUOTE]

    RIPW Rivalry 2020





    RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff © vs Warwick Good


    RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs Son Of Vengeance


    RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Rhode Island Scholars


    The Sunshine Connection vs The Wrecking Balls


    Zharnel Zephaniah vs Marty Simmons


    Hellion and Roderick Flack vs Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock




    Bonus 1: What Will Marty Simmons do now that his partner is injured?

    Winner Of Prediction Series gets to decide who I do a profile about So for the last event, prediction results are:



    stillnotover 3/7

    Neslo024 4/7

    Herrbear 5/7


    Congrats to Herrbear. Either pm me or put in a future response



    wait what happened to Stevie?


    Stevie broke his neck. Like not even joking he just breaks it randomly in a match. Had to explain it in kayfabe, but it was pretty shocking as this was the first event in the save. No botch or anything.

  3. BcYRTbg.jpg


    The stretcher came to the back, with an ambulance waiting near the garage of the arena. Alongside the men holding the stretcher, you had Marty Simmons.




    "Ah jeez Stevie. What are you feeling?"




    "I just can't move my neck and head man. I think I'll be fine.


    I give Marty the approval to go with Stevie, no reason for him to stay for the rest of the night. As they left I had to talk to one more person.




    "You good man?"


    "Yeah. I just hope he's okay."


    "From what he said, I think he will be. Will be out for a long while but he should come back.


    "Man I hope so. He just went down from the bump man. I guess I held him too close to me.


    "It looked normal to me. I don't see what could've happened."


    "Damn man..."


    "It's gonna be cool dude. Just hit the showers alright?"


    "Alright, thanks."


    He walked off, seemingly startled still. It was a serious injury and I don't know exactly what happened wrong. Was just a front facelock suplex, a move I've seen Willy give hundreds of times. Just a horrible situation.

  4. RIPW Presents: Championship Battle 2020


    Attendance: 141




    Remmington: Hello I'm Remmington Remus here with my partner Smooth C, Smooth how are you doing my friend.


    Smooth C: Doing terrific my friend. We got an excellent show tonight as a lot of interesting feuds seem to be coming off of 2019.


    Remmington: Yes we do, as coming off of 2020's Battle Royal event, we have a new Number 1 Contender in Warwick Good, who you are a fan of.


    Smooth C: Warwick is a badddd man. He might be the toughest competitor in all of RIPW.


    Remmington: We start off the show though with the champ with a mic, let's hear what he has to say!



    Forrest Ratzloff


    “I have been a champion in this state for two months now. I defeated that demon Hellion in November and beat that cocky kid Roderick Flack last month. Now I know I have more challenges on the way, hell Warwick Good won that battle royal in December, making him the Number 1 contender. But he ain’t here tonight, so I offer myself up for the taking. Anyone who wants to challenge for this title can take me on in the main event. Anyone and everyone here tonight can challenge me, and I’ll gladly accept, as I’m always ready for a challenge!” (29)


    Remmington: Seems Ratzloff isn't taking Warwick at immediate seriousness that The Bad Man deserves


    Smooth C: He's gonna regret that, I've seen Warwick train up close and personal. Dude can lift up to 5 wrestlers in this company.


    Remmington: We go now to the first of two single matches in the series of The Wrecking Balls vs The Sunshine Connection.






    In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Crusher Ball defeated Drew Danson in 10:40 by pinfall with a Three Point Stance.(12)



    Remmington: The inexperienced member of The Sunshine Connection lost here.


    Smooth: Makes sense, Rocky has basically taken Drew under his wing in trying to train him up. But both men don't have anything for those Rookie brothers. Just look at the size difference!






    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Rocky Weatherfield defeated Clubber Ball in 10:54 by pinfall with an Implant DDT. (21)


    (Mean Jean’s Notes: Pretty clear Rocky is the better of the Sunshine Connection, and that is due to the extra experience.)


    Smooth: Well I'll be damned


    Remmington: The smaller underdog got that Rocky-style win!


    Smooth: Kid proved himself decent against that rookie big man


    Remmington: Hold on C, look at this





    'Big Brawl Between Wrecking Balls and Sunshine Connection' (22)



    Remmington: Look at the chaos! Both men are killing each other


    Smooth: It's chaotic as hell in this ring! Seems The Wrecking Balls are Wrecking Havoc!


    Remmington: It seems The Connection have poked the bears a little to hard! We gotta stop this!....






    'Zap Powerson accidentally bumps into Zharnel backstage. Zharnel takes offense and pushes him to the ground' (27)


    (Notes: Pretty crazy that Powerson can already carry people in angles like this. He has that ooze to him that makes him seem like a superstar, and that will ensure he will always be a part of the card)



    Remmington: We got the situation calmed down here, both teams are in the back.


    Smooth: Trying to ruin the show...not to mention my paycheck!


    Remmington: We will get back on topic, as we now have another match. Rookie Zeke Cromstock challenges....I don't know if I should utter his name.


    Smooth: A pissed-off demon at that. He is literally from Hell


    Remmington: I love to see rookies wrestle, but Zeke is not going to like this beating one bit





    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Hellion defeated Zeke Cromstock in 6:50 by pinfall with a Devolution Bomb. (24)


    Remmington: Well the 22 year old did his best, but it seems the strength of demons comes from Hellion


    Smooth: Looks like Hellion was getting ready to truly send Zeke to hell post match, but Deever Arnold is here!





    Deever Arnold comes out post match.


    “Hellion! You god damn monster! I was in the final two of that battle royal! I had that world title shot pegged! But just cause I eliminated you, which took all my effort, you decided to ruin me. This is how you gain a lifelong enemy! I had that match! And you decided to be a sore loser! I will get my revenge, and prove to you why I am The Rampage!” (44)


    (Notes: Deever is great on the mic, and needs to be called up quickly as he has passed the “Developing” stage)



    Remmington: What a speech!


    Smooth: There is a lot of hate in those eyes, dumbfounded hate, but it's there nonetheless.


    Remmington: Why dumb?


    Smooth: Hellion literally broke him in half during the tables match for the RIPW title. He's got no chance man!"


    Remmington: We gotta move on though. Next up, is a trios match!






    'Infamous Warmup for match.' (35)





    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Infamous (Willy LaRoux, Kingsley Christopher and Newquay Brown) defeated Bryan Jewett and All Night Party in 12:04 when Willy LaRoux pinned Marty Simmons with a Reverse DDT. During the match we also had Son of Vengeance run in and attack Jewett. (17)


    (Notes: Oh god Stevie Stanley is hurt bad. The kid got hit by a suplex and just stopped moving. This is bad. We are lucky we have medical on standby and they are stretching him out now)



    Remmington: And folks, it is a sad turn of events here


    Smooth: Oh jeez man.


    Remmington: Stevie was hit by a suplex by Willy LaRoux while Son Of Vengence and Bryan Jewett were fighting on the outside. Stevie just hasn't moved.


    Smooth: It's the neck that is being looked at. Horrible situation.


    Remmington: It seems he can move somewhat, but he is being put on a stretcher right now. Our prayers are out for him. We will take a quick intermission..






    'Highlights Of The Feud between Samson Sharpe and Whole Lotta Marvin' (29)






    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but embarrassing wrestling, Samson Sharpe defeated Whole Lotta Marvin in 12:34 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (18)


    (Notes: Bad chemistry between the two. Plus seeing your friend/fellow trainee go down like that is not good for psychology.)



    Remmington: Oh come on!


    Smooth: After all the stuff Marvin did to Samson during the last few months, he deserved this.


    Remmington: That's low for you Smooth


    Smooth: It's the truth!


    Remmington: Ah god look at this!






    'Post Match Attack by both Hank and Hoss' (22)



    Remmington: How can you defend this Smooth?


    Smooth: This is Samson getting an extra bit of revenge. He gets his revenge while his friends get their own bites in.


    Remmington: This is him using his friends for his own benefit! Those thugs with him are just trying to ruin Marvin's career!


    Smooth: Well I see it differently.






    Ratzloff is out in the ring, waiting for his challenger. Barron Royal, with his lanky sidekick Curt Merrit at his side comes out.





    “Well, I guess I just let the cat out of the bag Curt. See, I know with my Yale degree I am better than the normal joe! And I know I am better than this genetic freak inside that ring!”


    “So what are you gonna do my royal?”


    “Well Curt, when I beat the ‘Ratz’ off of Ratzloff tonight, I will bring legitimacy back to this company! So Let’s go Forrest!” (29)


    (Notes: Curt had to carry Barron through his lines here. Honestly, the kid is a rookie, so I get it.)






    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Forrest Ratzloff defeated Barron Royal in 13:39 by pinfall with an Atomic Clothesline. Forrest Ratzloff makes defense number two of the RIPW Championship title. (23)



    Remmington: The former Yale student had a great effort here. He looked legit for his age and experience


    Smooth: Agreed. Forrest is a tough cookie-


    Remmington: Hold on C! Someone is coming from the crowd!


    'Warwick Good attacks Ratzloff and raises up the title, declaring himself to be a future champion' (30)


    Remmington: Oh come on!


    Smooth: Warwick is a bad man! I tell you this Remmington, when he wants something he will go for it.


    Remmington: He is showing how much he wants Forrest here. Thanks for watching, we will be back next month for our next event! See you then!


    Show rating: 26

  5. Roster


    RIPW Roster




    "Ivy League" Barron Royal

    Bryan "Do It!" Jewett

    Clubber Ball

    Crusher Ball

    "Ready And Willing" Curt Meritt





    Deever "The Rampage" Arnold

    "Dancing" Drew Danson


    "The Specimen" Forrest Ratzloff

    "Hangman" Hank Whitman





    "American Hellspawn" Hellion

    "Big Ol'" Hoss Handley

    "The Highlight of the Night" Kingsley Christopher

    Marty "The Party" Simmons

    "The Sun-Kissed Superstar" Moriarty Schnell

    Newquay "The Idol" Brown





    Newquay "The Idol" Brown

    Rocky Weatherfield

    "The Flack Attack Of" Roderick Flack

    "Lone Star" Samson Sharpe

    Son Of Vengeance

    "Sexy Beast" Stevie Stanley




    "Sexy Beast" Stevie Stanley

    "The Bad Man" Warwick Good

    Whole Lotta Marvin

    "Wild" Willy LaRoux

    Zap Powerson




    "Big Z" Zeke Cromstock

    Zharnel "The Destroyer" Zephaniah







    Wilson Carlisle (Assistant Match Maker and lead Referee)

    Remmington Remus (Lead Announcer)

    "Smooth C" Chris Vann (Analysis Commentator)

    Lucinda Lush (Manager for The Sunshine Connection)


    Tag Teams




    All Night Party




    Texan Justice




    The Magic Boys




    The Rhode Island Scholars




    The Sunshine Connection




    The Wrecking Balls

  6. BcYRTbg.jpg



    I get up early in the morning, sore in my back and holding my right arm tight. The pain will go away by the time I sleep again, but I always know it will be there, lurking, ready to strike me during my morning wake-ups. 18 years. 18 years I spent working almost every damn week trying to get an extra dollar or two. Only after I retire do I begin to live with a stable paycheck. Sam Keith, Rip Chord, and so many others worked me to the bone for an opportunity like this. This job, this paycheck, is unheard of for the people who came before me. I get to train the next generation of Supreme wrestlers day in and out. I get to protect my back and head from any more bumps. I get to be with my wife, Jen, and bring her home a real check. Now I might be able to move into a house soon, but for now, this apartment we have lived in for 15 years will help save our money. It’s a good life, and it’s a great job. I head to the Supreme Wrestling University, which is basically 5 minutes away, and get out of my car. Same spot near the front as always.


    “Hey Coach!” came a voice from behind




    Zap Powerson, a 22-year-old musclebound freak who could literally kill me, walked up.


    “How’s it hanging?”


    “Not much kid,” I said, grabbing my jacket from the car “Getting ready to kick your assess a bit.”


    “Ha!” he said, giving me a slap to the back “I’ll take that ass-whoopin' like a champ!”


    He walked away, with a big smile. Kids got a lot of “It” in him, and it’s my job to ensure he can find the compliments of that “It.” It’s my job to see him through and ensure he can become a star at SWF. That is my mission, for all my students. That will always be the goal of:




  7. Specifically the Unimportant thing where if you put a match full of unimportant wrestlers the crowd gets turned off from it. Personally I think it is unrealistic from the real world as shows like AEW Dark build up some of there midcarders (The Acclaimed, Will Hobbs, etc) by putting them in "Unimportant vs Unimportant" matches but that's just my opinion. Unless me and a few others who I have discussed this with have missed something, there doesn't seem to be a way to turn off this penalty and the suggestion is basically just an option to turn it off.
  8. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to be stepping down from working on this and handing it over to my partner in crime NLG who's been a lifesaver since joining me a few months back and I know he'll smash it going forward. The next update will be a little late because I dropped this on him rather abruptly and he's still got C*4 to add, but he'll give you guys an ETA on it soon.


    My enthusiasm for wrestling has pretty much vanished recently and on top of that I haven't played TEW in months so there's not much point in me carrying on with it. A current day mod is damn near impossible for me to carry on with properly unless I've got the passion for it because it really is a crazy amount of work and I don't want to half-ass it. I'm super proud of the work I did on the mod and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a kick out of the appreciation you guys had for it, it certainly made the endless messing with schedules and attributes worth it.


    Some quick thanks, in no particular order:


    - NLG for doing more and more great work while my enthusiasm was dropping and now keeping the mod alive

    - Fleisch & southside_hitmen for passing it on to me in the first place

    - joemurphy and Devil_Cyborg for making endless cuts for every worker I added, even if I did them at the last minute

    - dean for his help with the indie puro scene

    - Genadi for his sound advice and reinforcing my belief that I'd be able to take the mod on in the first place

    - TEW Central & Efanga's Discord for helping me flesh out the indies with worker suggestions I would have forgotten and for being awesome people

    - GDS Discord for putting up with my whining, running watchers and for helping get growth caps and Wrestling Nerd Nirvana fixed

    - Anybody who contributed directly or indirectly in PMs, on Discord or in this thread with fixes, suggestions, opinions, etc


    Thanks everybody and enjoy the next update!




    Thank you Questlove! *Clap, clap, clap clap clap*

    Thank you Questlove! *Clap, clap, clap clap clap*

  9. Saw this thread and wanted to mention the idea (or I guess the concept) of a Boxing promoter mode. I havent heard or seen any that do the promoting. All I've seen or played have been managing. Unless I missed another game like this I'd like to see that become a game at some point.


    That or like some sort of thing where you run a boxing council, like one of the current bodies right now.


    But yeah I agree with the idea to just do training mode for now if solely one thing is what the game should be focused on currently

  10. Martel123's C-Verse Fighting Packs include


    -90 yet to debut C-Verse Workers.


    -New family members of noted C-Verse families


    -And More!



    Version 1.0:



    Instructions on Importing


    1. Import Moves

    2. Import Wrestlers

    3. Import Wrestling Move Sets

    4. Import Wrestling Relationships

    5. Import Tag Teams

    6. Import Graduations


    *Note you cannot import Graduates into an ongoing save game.



    Please tell me if there is an issue (Here or discord) so I can fix it.







    Want to give credit too gtact and King Bison for the free pictures, and CreeperGav for his worker pack, which I used his Stone and DeColt workers to do relationships with the ones I added.

  11. The RIPW Roster





    RIPW Champion:

    Forrest Ratzloff


    RIPW American Champion:

    Bryan Jewett


    RIPW Tag Team Champions:

    The Magic Boys



    The Stars


    'Ivy League' Barron Royal

    Bryan Jewett (US)

    Clubber Ball

    Crusher Ball

    Curt Merritt

    'The Rampage' Deever Arnold

    'Dancing' Drew Danson

    'The Body' Forrest Ratzloff ©

    'The Hangman' Hank Whitman

    'American Hellspawn' Hellion

    Hoss Handley

    Kingsley Christopher (Tag)

    Marty Simmons

    'Sun Kissed' Moriarty Schnell

    Newquay Brown (Tag)

    Rocky Weatherfield

    Rodrieck 'The Pack' Flack

    'Southern Star' Samson Sharpe

    Son Of Vengeance

    Stevie Stanley

    'The Bad, Bad Man' Warwick Good

    Whole Lotta Marvin

    Willy LaRoux

    Zap Powerson

    'Big Z' Zeke Cromstock

    'Double Z' Zharnel Zephaniah


  12. Dear Elizabeth,


    Today began a new year, the year of 2020, aka the year of the Rat. Thus continues a new stretch of events that I must book for The Eisen Family. I honestly like the cast of people I have, with 25 wrestlers moving up to SWF in the coming years and my protege Curt Merritt. The more and more I think about what I am going to do, I realize this year is a turning point for RIPW. With almost all of the old cast now gone, I have the work cut out for me to work and get these new guys over. I will continue to mail you all the event results until you tell me not. Your Mr,


    -Jean Cattley

  13. Hello


    Ill use RIPW and SWF as an example. So if you're playing as RIPW and you have a wrestler who isn't on a dev deal (Curt Merritt for example.) There should be an ability to give the suggestion to the parent company to sign them to a dev deal. This is so they can get locked up and can truly become apart of the roster. This could also be expanded to those outside the company but Idk if that is possible. Thanks if you read this Adam! Really love the game.

  14. Alright Im back



    COTT Trios Championship Match

    Six-person Tag Team Match

    30-Minute Time Limit


    Alphaville (Duke Freeman, Guillotine & Paris Burnett) vs Miller Fforde & DeMarcus & Gray


    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit


    Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Josh Jacobs


    Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

    Tag Team Match

    30-Minute Time Limit


    Devil May Care vs The Past Masters ©


    Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

    Tag Team Match

    30-Minute Time Limit


    Young & Wasted vs The Wolf Pack ©


    Main Event

    Mid Atlantic Championship Match

    Singles Match

    60-Minute Time Limit


    Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield vs Bradley Blaze


    Bonus Prediction: Who will lay down a challenge for the soon to be renamed Mid Atlantic American title on the show?:

  15. MAW Old School Rules 2020

    Fri, Wk 4, May 2020


    Opening Match

    Singles Match

    15-Minute Time Limit


    Local Talent vs Seth Whitehead


    6-Man Tag Team Match

    15-Minute Time Limit


    Bradley Blaze & The Heartbreak Express vs Copperhead & The Scheme


    Singles Grudge Match

    30-Minute Time Limit


    Josh Jacobs vs Miller Fforde


    Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

    Tag Team Match

    60-Minute Time Limit


    The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©

    Main Event

    Singles Match

    30-Minute Time Limit

    Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes


    Bonus Prediction: What will be the longest match?: Tag Title Match

  16. rN8O1fF.jpg


    It was an easy month, No massive events. Thing will heat up come June for when we do The Hall Of Fame. I talked with the creative team and we came up with this card.




    MAW Presents: AMERICANA


    In The Main Event, Bradley Blaze and a Mysterious Partner take on The Scheme


    The Tag Titles Are On The Line, IN A FOUR TEAM MATCH!


    Jaylon Martins defends his title against Seth Whitehead


    Will Ade Nelson finally face Guillotine?


    All plus more!




    Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)


    MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead


    MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


    Ade Nelson vs Guillotine


    Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy


    Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

  17. <p><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Joshua Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Wolf Hawkin</strong>s vs One Man Army</p><p> </p><p>

    Benny Benson, Edd Stone & Human Arsenal vs<strong> Greg Gauge, Freddy Huggins & Troy Tornado</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Elite</strong> vs Flying Jimmy Foxx & Dean Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord</strong> vs Mighty Mo</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach </strong>vs Doc Hammond</p>

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