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Everything posted by ZonaCidal

  1. Any unique matches have you created that's not in the default angles? If so, post a screen shot of them here in case one of us may like it. Here's mine which i copied from the Aztec Warfare match. There are 10-man, 15-man, 30-man battle royal variations with the ending can result in a pinfall or submission. I will be using two 15-man Gaunlet for the Gold matches to determine who gets the shot for the company's first World Champion at the first show. Future anniversary show (WrestleVersary) will feature this match, but with 30-man involved and it's for an annual title with a shot at the World Champion. In the future, i foresee a cocky and dominating wrestler defending his title in this kind of match only to be defeated because of it. It becomes kinda like an obsession that he puts the title on the line in the future again and again, losing his belt in the process, til he finally wins it and retires the next night accomplishing everything he can think of. Then makes a triumphant return a year later in the same event, repeating (getting a shot the champion at the next major PPV).
  2. So i created a governing body like IWGP for my medium sized company. Using Reaper work and finding IWA logo online from a title belt, not sure where the X title came from.. google search, this is what i did with it.
  3. My suggestion would be if there was a new TEW version A new version that includes an official cornellverse 1977, 1997, 2005, 2010, 2016, 2020 rosters including the new version. You can start on eras. As a result of that, agers for each wrestler during their. 20, 30, 40, and post retirement.
  4. There is a way. I just used chatgpt and told it to create a promo and sure enough it did for my user character. Example I typed: "Create a backstage faceoff between Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell. Both guys are fighting in the UWC World Heavyweight Title Tournament." It produced: The backstage area is buzzing with activity as cameras capture the tension building up for the UWC World Heavyweight Title Tournament. In one corner, Wolf Hawkins is seen lacing up his boots, focused and determined. Across from him, Tommy Cornell, equally intense, prepares for the battle ahead. 🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (looking up with a smirk) Well, well, if it ain't Tommy Cornell. Fancy meeting you here, huh? 🔥 Tommy Cornell: (nodding) Wolf. Figured I'd find you back here. This tournament's no joke. Only the strong survive. 🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (leaning against a wall) You got that right. But, you see, survival ain't new to me. Been through the roughest terrains, fought the toughest battles. And tonight, it's no different. 🔥 Tommy Cornell: (cracking his knuckles) This is our shot, Wolf. UWC World Heavyweight Title. I respect you, but don't think for a second that I'm not willing to do whatever it takes to get that gold around my waist. 🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (smirking) Respect, huh? It's a rare thing in this business. But when that bell rings, Tommy, respect won't mean a damn thing. It's about who's willing to go the extra mile, who's hungry enough. 🔥 Tommy Cornell: (leaning in) Hungry? Wolf, you don't know the half of it. I've been grinding for years, paying my dues. Tonight, it's not just about winning; it's about seizing the opportunity that we've both been working our asses off for. 🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (nodding) I get it, Tommy. We're both fighters. But tonight, only one of us moves forward in this tournament. It's nothing personal; it's just the way it goes. 🔥 Tommy Cornell: (staring back) No hard feelings, Wolf. But when that bell rings, all bets are off. I'm walking out with my hand raised, one step closer to that title. 🔥 Wolf Hawkins: (smirking again) Let's see about that, Tommy. May the best man win. 🎥 As the tension hangs in the air, the cameras capture the intensity in their eyes. The clash of egos and determination is palpable, foreshadowing the explosive encounter awaiting the UWC fans in the ring. 🔥 UWC World Heavyweight Title Tournament: Wolf Hawkins vs. Tommy Cornell - The Battle for Glory Begins! 🔥
  5. This is for the default cornellverse database. So my question relates to what a wrestler popularity would be in the American region if they were featured on a reality documentary show. The reality TV show will have a title "Beyond the Mat". It would last 1 hour long with 30 episodes broadcast per year with each new season starting the night after SWF hosts Supreme Challenge. It would begin airing in July 2015 and will last all the way to the series finale in December 2019. Let's say it airs on Spike TV (if it existed in the Cornellverse) right after a popular MMA Ultimate Fighter like show. It becomes a hit with 800k viewers watching on average. Let's say it follows 6 wrestlers (including 2 tag teams) and their journey through the independent circuits in the United States and Japan. We see backstage interactions talking about what's going on, what promotion they are wrestling, versus who. It will show highlights of their match. Post-match aftermaths. This reality TV show is also being funded by a mysterious rich wrestling fan and it pays these wrestlers really well to do what they do. Also to keep them from getting poached from the bigger promotions as they start gaining popularity/fame. It eventually ends with a new company springing up "Let's call it World Elite Wrestling." Now what would their popularity be after five years on this reality documentary TV: 1) Raymond Diaz (PGHW) 2) Mikey James (CZCW, WLW) - he never signs with SWF and begins wrestling solos and tag matches alongside Frankie Perez in WLW under the tag name 'Knockout Dragons". 3) Frankie Perez (CZCW, WLW) - tags with Mikey as well as solo matches. 4) Greg Gauge (BHOTWG) - He never signs with TCW and tags with his twin brother Matthew Keith under the tag name "Sons of Greatness". 5) Matthew Keith (BHOTWG) - tags with his twin brother Greg Gauge 6) Ernest Youngman (PSW) With the exposure of this show, will CZCW, PSW gain more popularity from the show nationally? What would the increase across the USA be? +5, +10??
  6. Any set of Bulldozer Brandon Smith AI rerenders???
  7. Brody Lee passed away with a non CoVID related lung issue per his wife. RiP Brodie The Bruiser Lee.
  8. Stable logos should have its own folder separate from the Logos folder.
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