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Everything posted by Leion

  1. <p>Main Event</p><p> Rocky Mountain Heavyweight Championship</p><p> Sixty Minute Time Limit</p><p> “Southern Justice” Jack Griffith versus <strong>“The Amish Mountain” Jebediah ©</strong></p><p> </p><p> Semi Main Event</p><p> Rocky Mountain Tag Team Championship</p><p> Forty-Five Minute Time Limit</p><p> National Guard [Desert Storm and The Silencer] versus <strong>The Aces of Mayhem [Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem] ©</strong></p><p> </p><p> Special Attraction </p><p> Singles Match</p><p> Twenty Minute Time Limit</p><p> Cip Conduit versus “<strong>Cowboy” Buck Winchester</strong></p><p> </p><p> Opening Contest</p><p> Eight Man Tag</p><p> $400 Bonus to the winning team</p><p> Twenty Minute Time Limit</p><p> Jebediah, Buck Winchester, and the Aces of Mayhem versus <strong>Jack Griffith, Cip Conduit, and National Guard</strong></p>
  2. <p>I don't know if you would accept more but here I go.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Ragnarok</p><p> Age: 28</p><p> Debut: January 2016</p><p> </p><p> Character Description: Sigurd Jarlson, was born into a family with a rich heritage. Descending from the fabled vikings of old. He was always the athlete even in his youth. Winning in everything he tried to compete in. Although professional wrestling was not well-known near his hometown, he decided that he would give it a shot. Believing it to be another easy test of his athletic skills.He was wrong, his very first match made him realize the struggle of being a professional wrestler. It made him thirst to succeed and rise to top of the industry, he enrolled in Titan Factory to give it a proper go this time around. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Worker Type: Brawler</p><p> Finisher: A burning hammer maneuver named Death of the Gods. </p><p> Gimmick: Viking King</p><p> </p><p> Rumble: Average</p><p> Technical: Abysmal</p><p> High Flying: Below Average</p><p> Performance: Above Average</p><p> Physical: Excellent</p><p> Entertainment: Above Average</p><p> Camera: Average</p><p> </p><p> Babyface 60</p><p> Heel 70</p><p> Cool 70</p><p> Cocky 30</p><p> Crazy 50</p><p> Legit 60</p><p> Comedy 60</p><p> Weasel 10</p><p> Brute 90</p><p> Weird 40</p><p> Wholesome 40</p>
  3. <p><strong>'The Hillbilly Heartthrob' Solomon Gold</strong> [vs] 'Mr. Impact' Hugh Ancrie</p><p> </p><p> 'The Shooting Star' Erik Strong [vs] <strong>POISON</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Thrill Seeker</strong> [vs] 'The Man Beast' Akima Brave</p><p> </p><p> 'The Ice Man' Derek Frost [vs]<strong> 'Dark Watch' Aldous Blackfriar</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</strong> [vs] 'Mighty' Danny Cavanagh</p><p> </p><p> Steve & Jack DeColt [vs] <strong>The Mavericks (John Maverick & Julian Watson)</strong></p>
  4. <p>Name: Oxel Lee</p><p> </p><p> Age: 21</p><p> </p><p> Debut: October 2016</p><p> </p><p> Character Description: Oxel Lee came from a tough upbringing, doing multiple odd jobs just to survive, he was fired from his last job because of his anger management issues, seeking a fresh start, he was able to find a home in Titan Factory, having an outlet to vent out his frustrations helped him tremendously, with his size and build, he has the potential to be a big player in the wrestling industry. It all hinges on the fact if he has finally learned to let go of his rage. </p><p> </p><p> Worker Type: Brawler</p><p> </p><p> Finisher: An elevated powerbomb called, Temper Tantrum</p><p> </p><p> Gimmick: A brute with amped up anger issues</p><p> </p><p> Skills: </p><p> -Rumble: Above Average</p><p> -Technical: Below Average</p><p> -High Flying:Abysmal</p><p> -Performance:Average</p><p> -Physical:Excellent</p><p> -Entertainment: Above Average</p><p> -Camera: Average</p><p> Performance: From 0-100</p><p> -Babyface:30</p><p> -Heel: 80</p><p> -Cool:45</p><p> -Cocky:50</p><p> -Crazy: 75</p><p> -Legit:60</p><p> -Comedy:40</p><p> -Weasel:30</p><p> -Brute:80</p><p> -Weird:30</p><p> -Wholesome:50</p>
  5. <p>Pre-Show 6-Man Tag Team Match: </p><p> <strong>Sonny Wildside, Solomon Gold, & The Natural</strong> [vs] Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler & Ernest Youngman</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match: </p><p> <strong>'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</strong> [vs] 'Shooter' Sean Deeley</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> 'Open Challenge' Match: </p><p> <strong>????</strong> [vs] 'The Iron Man' Tim Westybrook</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Match for the Vacant NOTBPW Tag Team Titles: </p><p> Bad Reputation (Derek Frost & Dan DaLay) [vs] <strong>Cameron Vessey & Christian Price</strong></p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Television Title Match: </p><p> <strong>'Mainstream' James Hernandez</strong> © [vs] 'Mighty' Danny Cavanagh</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Sean McFly's Final Battle after Eighteen Years: A Street Fight: </p><p> 'The Best in the World' Sean McFly [vs] <strong>'The Animal' Edd Stone</strong></p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Triple Threat Match for the NOTBPW Canadian Title: </p><p> 'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt [vs] <strong>'The Monster' Gargantuan ©</strong></p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Bonus Questions: </p><p> 1). How many Titles will change hands (Not including Tag Team Titles)...?: none</p><p> 2). Which Match will be Match of the Night...?:Triple Threat for the NOTBPW Canadian Title</p><p> 3). What will the Overall Show Rating be...?: 95 (within 5 gets a point. Spot on gets 2 points)</p><p> 4). Who will replace Bad Reputation in the Tag Team Title Match...?: Robin DaLay and Derek Frost</p><p> 5). Who will answer Tim Westybrook's 'Open Challenge'...?: Ricky DeColt</p>
  6. <p>Mighty' Danny Cavanagh [vs] <strong>'Shooter' Sean Deeley</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bad Reputation (Dan DaLay & Derek Frost)</strong> [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick</p><p> </p><p> 'Awesome' Wade Orson [vs] <strong>'Gentleman' Lord James King</strong></p><p> </p><p> Mark Griffin & Harrison Hash [vs] <strong>Cameron Vessey & Christian Price</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Mainstream' James Hernandez</strong> [vs] 'The Party Animal' Edd Stone</p><p> </p><p> 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews [vs] <strong>'The Best in the World' Sean McFly</strong></p>
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