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Everything posted by Turkeyninja

  1. I have already unlicensed the game, and have a redemption code to get it back on my new computer. However, I cannot download the game. When I click on the download button, for either retail or trail version, nothing happens. If I right click and select "open in new tab" a new tab doesn't appear. I don't know what to do at this point.
  2. How are you playing out the ECW workers, remember they went out of business at the same time that WCW did. I have never played that scenario but I would raid ECW's roster before WWE did.
  3. I was looking at skill progression for Dreadnought in my current save, and nine months in his Technical skill went from 18 to 26. So in my mind he went from doing a basic suplex to doing an abdominal stretch. Or maybe not. Has there already been a thread or better yet, a spreadsheet, to show moves performed at certain skill levels?
  4. This would be great for a Morality Wrestling promotion lol. The nutritious faces are trying to take it away from the glutenous heels in order to force McDonald's to offer more healthy items on their menu while the heels want to keep pushing fast food. I know my burger analogy was bad, but I couldn't think of anything else where you have two of the same thing but one is better, but if I were Triple H I probably wouldn't remember what fast food tastes like, that dude is eating things we can't pronounce, he's not going to eat dollar menu burgers when he can afford four star restaurants on the daily. Other guys who are not Triple H, they do have to eat McDonald's. Not that they wouldn't if they didn't have to, but they have to settle with McDonald's. I'm still trying to compare the fifty dollar burger and McDonald's to title prestige in this sense.
  5. Would you rather have a cheeseburger from McdDonalds (secondary title), or a burger from a high end restaurant (primary title)? You're going to want the restaurant burger, ofcourse. But only rich people (main eventers) can afford a fifty dollar burger, everyone else (non main eventers) are going to have to settle for McDonalds.
  6. I just finished watching Nick Gauge's "Dark Side Of The Ring" episode.
  7. When I play TEW, my preference is to create my own Insignificant promotion where I stick to hiring only unemployed talent. Much fun to be had. I want to start a new save with this same concept, except my company already starts with workers. I typically run with the No Style Style product. I know I can go to the editor and just mass create new workers, but thats not what Im looking for. I'm just going to create twelve to start with, but I have two problems; 1.) How should I distribute sizes and styles amongst the twelve, and 2.) when I eventually grow in size, do I just create new workers right there or do I create a bunch right off the bat and simply pray that none get signed? I also dont want to hire any other C-Verse workers in this particular save hence the problems, everything I do is to created by me in this save.
  8. Does having that many titles help or hinder your workers' popularity in any way, or can you have a million titles and it wouldn't matter? I haven't personally tried playing with so many.
  9. Im with you in the my-computer-is-taking-a-crap boat and while I have 2020 and I play the Cornellverse, I do not feel that my computer can handle downloading the mods or picture packs without taking a dump on my and creating errors, so I play 2016 when playing mods, 2020 when playing the C-Verse. Id like to upgrade my comp but I enjoy sleeping in a bed and, you know, eating, more then having an awesome computer.
  10. I've made The Silencer the figurehead in my created promotions since he came onto the scene in 2013. I'm quite surprised that nobody has picked him up in canon and given his age at the start of 2020 (38) I doubt anyone will in the next TEW installment either.
  11. In real world, Raven was one of my favorite wrestlers and I enjoy making him the star he should've been. In Cornellverse, I've always liked making The Silencer into a star. In my mind, The Silencer is very much like Kane but with a special ops gimmick instead. No talking, just pure brutality and chaos. He has had two championship runs in my current save and only one promo.
  12. The game tells you how many days it's been held when you click on the title in the Title menu. It also tells you when the reign started, how many defenses have been made, and the last time it was defended.
  13. I like to create my own matches for my deathmatch promotion the same way real life DM promotions do. For example right before making this post I created a 1 vs 1 Chain Ropes Barbed Wire Boards Light Tube match, with the Set Up being Light Tubes, Barbed Wire Boards, and Strap/Chain and the Finishes are Pinfall and Submission. My favorite match is probably my 1 vs 1 Fish Hook Syringe Light Tube Thumbtacks match, with the Set Up being Tables, Light Tubes, Thumbtacks, and Weapons and the Finishes are Pinfall and Submission. The Spider Net Scaffold match is pretty cool too and its super basic with the Set Up being Barbed Wire and Scaffold and the Finish is Thrown From Scaffold While I have many more, there are more matches then I have ideas. Help me, Obi Wan Greysoft Kenobi
  14. I cant recall the last time weve seen a deathmatch promotion dynasty here, have you thought about giving BJW a shot?
  15. You may be using other attributes you didnt list which may be causing some f the problems.
  16. I do it by making a new database and importing everything except Contracts, Title Lineages for canon reasons since its non canon, and Excursions because it doesnt make sense for a worker to be on an excursion if he doesnt work for the company who sent him on one.
  17. It depends on what product you are running. I'm also doing a local to global save, here's my roster; Axl Avatar Cheech Kong Cockroach Carter Dead Man Walken Dominic DeGraff G Force Jerry Pepper Mercy Michaels Original Sinner The Masked Mauler VII Guys you wouldn't even hire to be enhancement talent. Why is my roster full of losers and nobodies? Because my product is Deathmatch and these guys are most of the only Unemployed guys (personal rule, only hire Unemployed until Medium) who will work a deathmatch. Someone said Logan Wolfsbaine which is usually good advice but he doesn't work out for my type of product. My guys certainly won't work out for most other promotions products.
  18. Im using a made up company named Nor Cal Wrestling using The Art Of War mod where I only hire unemployed workers until I reach Medium and also while I do the hiring and firing, I auto book all shows and then try to make storylines out of the crazy randomness that is TEW AI booking. Were now at September 2004 NCW Heavyweight - The Rock (who I picked up after WWF gave him the boot for the racial slur random event) NCW California - Shawn Michaels NCW Lightweight - Chris Jericho NCW Tag Team - Chris Jericho and Lance Storm NCW Womens - Amazing Kong
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pat666" data-cite="pat666" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Book this;<p> Vince Mcmahon wants a shakeup. He asks both GM to the ring. Says to build a team. The brand winner will be able to choose a superstar, a tag team and a women from the other brand. Build from there.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Im stealing this, great idea for a small yet effective draft.</p>
  20. Of all my friends I have talked wrestling with, I have come to the realization that everyone gets bored with it and goes away for one reason or another for awhile but then eventually comes back. For me, I stopped watching around 2002-2003 and honestly the reason was because I was in high school then doing high schooler things and staying home to watch wrestling didnt sound as appealing as going to hang out with the boys or going on a date with a cute girl. I came back around in 2015ish maybe 2016 but the storyline then was John Cena vs AJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose for the title. Nearly everyone stopped watching at one point or another. Why did you stop and when did you pick back up?
  21. I have never booked a third brand now that I think of it, but using a real life example I would think a third brand would be a lesser brand rather then a development territory ala ECW circa 2007.
  22. <p>Road Dogg and Hayabusa in the Rising Storm mod. I had then in a feud with each other and then the AI decided to book them together as a team when I got lazy and had it auto book, and then found out they have great chemistry tagging together.</p><p> </p><p> Road Dogg was always the mouthpiece in New Age Outlaws because Billy Gunn never did anything on the microphone, I'm running the New Age Outlaws team with Hayabusa replacing Billy Gunn. They have become my favorite made up team to book.</p>
  23. Someone has to lose. If they have decent Basics and Safety but are terrible in everything else I will hire them to be a jobber for a little bit.
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