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Everything posted by robberbaronn

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SirMichaelJordan" data-cite="SirMichaelJordan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47535" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Loving the mod!<p> </p><p> Was wondering was there any plans on updating some of the tiny company’s production values? Some companies like AAW are set to have pretty much a ring in a gym but in actuality they run a studio like setup with screens, lighting with entrance for wrestlers and custom rings and banners. According to the game when upgrading, these perks would fall between Semi Pro and Pro. Most of the smaller companies in the mod are set to limited.</p><p> </p><p> Also merchandising. Some of the well known smaller companies should probably be set to growing business as most of them have DVD (when it was relevant) VOD services along with other limited Merch on their website. A lot of companies are set to ramshackle.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That might be a financial viability thing, perhaps? I imagine a lot of these couldn't survive in the TEW economy at those settings.</p>
  2. So I'm headed into 2023 and growing slowly but surely (by design, I'm not actively trying to get to Medium ASAP). I currently run 21 events, just about 2 a month. I'm debating which better fits the MAW ethos: Adding more events and moving them all over their territory as a bit of a road show or doing a 4-taping studio TV show. I'm kinda inclined to the events, but wanted to see what other MAW folks think.
  3. In my Eff 1920 game, it's a single, simple "owner vs sleezy manager" one where it's supposed to be fake, but I'm hinting that it might be real. In my created insignificant Japanese company, I have one where an older joshi wrestler is trying to tell the young lions what to do, one where a tag team is beating up on singles workers since my tag division is still too small, and a final one where the heel owner keeps a limit on the success of her faces. My MAW game has an invasion storyline since I grabbed a bunch of ex-CWA folks, a storyline for a money in the bank shot, and a who can topple top wrestler one.
  4. So I keep trying other saves but coming back to MAW, which is now in the back half of 2022, having welcomed many Canadian refugees from CWA (which went belly up as it has in so many other people's saves) who are being given a chance to showcase themselves for the bigger promotions/richer ones. In the meantime, I get to do my first invasion storyline, and it's been fun. Especially since I have to keep changing the heads of the feud, LOL. What is it about MAW that keeps me coming back to it? I can't put my finger on why MAW and not, say, Ollie or Pittsburgh Steel? Is it just that because it's the one I played the longest on 16 that I'm most attached to it? Or is there something else about it, due to its role, that makes me gravitate back?
  5. I am learning that I struggle once I am managing a medium company. Pity anyone I ever take over who is Medium until i get the hang of it. Really awesome to play in T verse for a bit before an official release.
  6. <p>In my European All Stars game I'm playing, MAW told TCW to take a hike, when TCW fell from Big to Medium in January 2021. </p><p> </p><p> Interesting.</p>
  7. I wanted to be a little less basic, so I nudged us first to Silver Age, which was a little hard on the stamina side, then Wild West. No issues at all and I kept growing. I wouldn't want to radically alter things, but I felt the tweak was still in keeping with the spirit of the promotion.
  8. The Architect could certainly con young heels to be his cannon fodder while a face turned Cheetah Boy rallies troops against him?
  9. Figured it was a good time for an update, since I'm just on the other side of a really fun Oktoberfest. I think I'm finally figuring out how to manage a sports entertainment fed, so my pop should start increasing now. I'm less worried about that, anyway. This was to see how I handled a "larger" fed, since I always gravitate to the small ones and one day, I want to play as one of the top dogs. Money is doing just fine, I'll easily hit the goal. And Byron has been surprisingly okay with how I'm using him--as a guy who wins a lot, but not when he's in a title match. He seems to enjoy heading up a stable and winning a lot of tag/3-man bouts. The current scenario has the Johansson Brothers taking control of the Fed and doing whatever it takes to keep the UC and IC belts, and possibly the tag belts, too, if they can manage it. They're pushing Byron and Crusher into a potential alliance just to beat them back. That'll be the big fight over the course of 2020-2021 and I'm not sure how it will end exactly yet. Eventually, I plan to have the Union of Heroes betrayed from within by Kruge. But first they all have to push the monsters out of the way. Given their stamina issues, I'll likely move the Brothers to a "threat but not winners" status starting next year, then give them a tag run in 2022 if they are still with me/I am still with EWA. The Brothers convinced (the amazing) Zofia Jankovic to agree to basically throw the UC match on Night 3, with Bam Bam rolling over her, only to have Herc come out and grant her the Women's title without a fight, since Thea is out long-term with an injury and I'd temporarily retired the belt. (I am REALLY proud of this little twist, which came to me mid-booking!) Viper has retired and is a road agent/manager. She's great as a road agent, but I don't think she has the Mike skills to be good as a manager. In her absence, I'm doing a storyline where the women jostle for top of the heap. Right now, that's Zofia, but wow these are some great women wrestlers. I still have the belt on Future X, and they're playing as faces who might be getting too big for their tights in their storyline, which mostly involves other face teams. I need to find some good chemistry to buff the tag ranks, with Viper and the Nigerian Hit Squad leaving active competition. I'd turn them, but Petey is better as a face. And just to have one more going that's a little silly, Magnus Cage pulled a prank on the always angry (at least in my game) Lothar Prime. In other words, it was a Prime Rib. (I'll show myself out.) No idea if Byron will can me for not reaching Medium in time, since that's still unlikely, but if not, I can see myself playing this one for a few years of game time, and then maybe try a game in a different database. We'll see. How's everyone else's games going?
  10. Out of curiosity, does anyone ever have The Architect poached? He's always good in any save I do or test but never seems to get the call.
  11. I just took the reins of EWA and it's going to be interesting. Bryon wants me to be medium sized in 2 years, but no broadcast deal yet. He also wants to make $150,000 in 27 months so I can't make my own broadcaster just to get some tiny coverage. I'm probably going to go for the financial goal and risk losing out on the size one, because I feel like that's almost impossible for an inexperienced player like me. Hell, that seems like a tough goal for anyone. The roster is...interesting. Much older than I'm used to, but we'll see how it goes. Because of the Masters of Evil, I opted to have Byron head up a new stable, the Union of Heroes, and use that as one of my big storyllines. This is my first try at a Europe fed. Looking forward to ti!
  12. I got MAW to small in November 2021. Give I'm still pretty new to TEW overall, I feel pretty good about that. Going to take a break from this save to try another promotion (last time I played MAW for 11 years). But I definitely will get back, just to see if I can make it to medium playing still as a wrestling-based fed. My 2022 plans are to give Cheetah Boy one last year-long built as telling Sam Keith if he can defeat every opponent from January to September, he gets a championship fight at Where It All Begins again. He'll conveniently be "injured" for the Rip Chord so as not to lose there. He's declining of course, but he's been so good to the promotion I want to give him a big send-off. He'll probably lose, after those he's cheated to win gang up on him in the end I also intend to create a Pot of Gold event to give someone a title shot of their choice and maybe a rising star type belt for anyone under 25. I pondered a TV show on our tiny lil network, but I feel like that might be too much too fast for them, having just hit small. (I mean in terms of "realism" not game mechanics.) MAW is so much fun! I think I'm going to try a European promotion for the first time next.
  13. In my MAW game, Jay Chord left TCW for USPW for $185,530 per month in November 2021. Way to cash in, my man!
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BrokenCycle" data-cite="BrokenCycle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47577" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TCW ended the dev relationship. <p> </p><p> <img alt="Yk0ATlc.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Yk0ATlc.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I was actively pushing five of these people.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ugh. How far along are you in your save?</p>
  15. I'm in April 2021, on pace to hit Small before the deadline, thanks to a favorable economy that let me increase to two shows a month. I also bought a tiny internet broadcaster. It loses me money but the pop gain was worth it. I may add a "tv" show to the station either after the Keith tourney or in January. Like my last MAW run, I'm finding that most of the old MAW people just aren't going to get me growth. Some quit and the others are slowly jobbing for better, younger athletes like James Diaz, Sandman, and Dreadnaught. Not the Architect, though. He's amazing for me again. The TCW folks are hit and miss. I'm using them but the ones I don't care for are job filler. TCW can pound rocks if they don't like it, I don't really need them to stay afloat. My general feeling is that if you want to grow MAW past Small, you have to change it a bit. I am not sure if I want to do that or not. I might cap at small and play a few years as a feeder league for everyone else. Or it might be fun to see if they can do a mostly traditional style at a higher level. Ill likely take a break once I hit Small to play another fed for a bit. I vowed this version to play more than one game at a time. Side note: After about 20 or so shows now, I do think booking takes a bit longer in this version. But it's worth it because I like the additional information I have access to without a spreadsheet. I think my matches are better because of easier review of skills, even with fog of war. I don't mind the change even if it means my long term saves will take longer.
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lr10540" data-cite="lr10540" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47577" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What causes guys to hand in their notice? Poor booking/momentum?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It could be that, but in this case I think he just wanted to move on. He'd been out with a broken leg.</p><p> </p><p> The following month, Nate DeMarcus quit. This is quite the interesting save so far. Enjoying it a ton.</p>
  17. Ernest Youngman poached, but he put over another person on the way out. No biggie. That's a major star gone but I still have Bradley Bl-- "Blaze hands in notice." ARGH. Gonna be getting that "not enough major stars" penalty for a bit I suspect unless I can get good old Architect up there fast enough.
  18. Black Diamond didn't go so well for me. She's okay but not great. Ironically, Joy Rider, who I hated in 16, is doing well. She wrestles solo, manages Ffnorde, and periodically tags with him when ade and jacobs come calling.
  19. Hah! I chose Honest Frank as my user character.
  20. <p>I ended up deciding to play MAW again as my first full game. I really like how the adjustment to per show wages makes it feel like I am booking a tiny fed. </p><p> </p><p> Pushing The Architect hard. Really want him to get a shot at bigger things. Also decided I would primarily hire relatively local wrestlers only. This is not so much for realism as to keep me from over hiring hahahaha</p>
  21. <p>I might continue or restart the game I did with an insignificant company I created based on a local fed.</p><p> </p><p> If not, I might play MAW again. It made choices I did not in my 16 game. I dumped Cheetah Boy as soon as I could, he was terrible and overpriced for my taste l.</p><p> </p><p> I am also thinking of trying a full run with a bigger company, like TCW. One of the things I want to do is try more than one company at a time. I usually only keep one save going. This time I think I want two or three. How do others handle that split between lengthy history and variety?</p>
  22. <p>I've really gotten into a groove with 2016 (not getting to see any wrestling in person has me REALLY leaning heavily on this game to get my fix), and 2020 looks to have a bit of a learning curve.</p><p> </p><p> That being said, I'm in. I'm sure I'll get the hang of 2020 quickly once I can stretch my legs past the first few months. Plus I like to support small game designers!</p>
  23. I tend to go small, but took TCW for a spin and got a 67 on my first TV show. Totally good with that. Might try this again when full game is ready...
  24. <p>So I loaded Thunderverse and have been playing as Rampage and I am really enjoying it and looking forward to the 2020 version. </p><p> </p><p> I have to say, Bobby Ruiz is unstoppable in my game. 20 defences now of the openweight title. And almost all of them since the first five I've allowed the road agent to choose the winner. And now I don't have the heart to take it from gim by note hahahaha!</p><p> </p><p> After a rough start I am making a modest profit now and am well on my way to regional, where I may stop.</p><p> </p><p> Any other promotion I should try before 2020 drops?</p>
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