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New York City Wrestling: Struggle For Glory

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[B]OOC: I've always wanted to start a diary and with the sudden surge of interest (3 people) of NYCW I've decided to try my hand at one! They are by far my favorite promotion in C-Verse and I hope I do them justice here.[/B] __________________________________________ Finally. I'm so glad to be finished with high school, you have no idea. The books, the papers, the tests, its all over. Onwards to the real world! And that's when I realized... the real world sucks! I was hopelessly stuck. I had decided not to go to college, much to Franny's dismay, and instead pursued my real passion. Professional wrestling. I worked a few local shows and got really promising feedback, especially around my home town of New York City. I was hailed in the Bay Ridge Skyline as being "extremely talented with quite a future", although Franny didn't care at all. And neither did her father who supposedly hated me now because I left school. That's why when my brother told me that The Stomper, a local hero had called asking for me, I quickly took notice. I eneded up meeting him at his office in the Graybar Building, over Grand Central Station. It was a small office on the 27th floor, but it served as the hub of NYCW. I walked in and we shook hands. [color=Red]Stomper: I called you here because I've seen you first hand in the ring, and I must say, you're one of the most talented men there.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: Thank you sir.[/color] [color=Red]Stomper: Listen, you can easily make it in this buissiness, no problem, and I'm sure that SWF or TCW would love to get you into developement, but I have a different idea.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: Yeah?[/color] [color=Red]Stomper: Work with me. Come here and become my head booker in NYCW. [/color] [color=Blue]Brian: Head booker?[/color] [color=Red]Stomper: I mean, you can still wrestling, and in fact, you can book your own matches too! Just think about it and get back to me.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: How much does it pay?[/color] [color=Red]Stomper: It depends on how well you do. If we can rise to the level of SWF or even just DAVE, we could all be living comfortably.[/color] The thought of that made me seriously consider it, and after much pondering, later that week I dialed Stompers number and told him that I was on board. Franny was thrilled that I had a job, even if it was only with my "hobby".
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It was January 2007, and thanks to all those advanced IB classes I took (working through the summer too), me and about thirty other kids graduated early. While they relaxed until they moved on to college, I was hopping on the B train and transferring to Grand Central at 8 am to get to work. Stomper was really nice to me and gave me a small office next to his to work out of. I got set up, putting on my desk scouting reports, my computer and a picture of Franny. My first order of business was to halt production of DVDs. To be honest, no one was buying them. Rather, I told Stomper, we should set up a website and put our shows on it for all to see. This in the long run will boost our popularity and get our name on the web. After giving him some orders, he gave me one. I couldn't hire any wrestler who could be injured easily. Their resilience had to be high. I was forced to accept. Other than me and Sammy Shark, who nobody other than our families and MAYBE a few die hard local fans know about, everyone else on the roster is quite old. Even our current Empire Champion, Grand Master Phunk is pushing 40, and quick. I had to find some good young talent before the first show. Al Coleman and Kashmir Signh did the trick and I signed them. Stomper also wanted me to balance out with an older more experienced wrestler. I soon came into contact with Jimmy Cox and he agreed to work for a reasonable price. Unfortunately for me, NYCW Rush Hour was fast approaching and I needed a card and quick. I decided to go old school. Build up a fued between Whistler and Phunk for the title. Also, I wanted to use Black Hat Baily as much as I could, since he was a wrestler who was very over with the fans, but is going to retire soon. The young guys, like Coleman, I'll train and work them up.
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[i]From [url]www.freewebs.com/nycwrestling/home/news17.htp[/url] [/i] [center][size=4]Rodger Dodger To Rhode Island[/size][/center] January 8th, 2007 [center][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RogerDodger.jpg[/IMG][/center] Rodger Dodger signed a developmental deal with Supreme Wrestling Federation's developmental territory in Rhode Island. This deal is exclusive and Rodger will be leaving New York Championship Wrestling within the week.
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Hey hey. Thanks for the comments on my (shameless plug) NYCW diary! I am glad to see NYCW grab up another spot on the forums here, this is a hostile takeover!! But yes, I like what you got going. I thought that newspaper bit right there was pretty sweet man, that was a hell of an idea and invention! Looks like Roger Dodger is outta your NYCW too. I dunno about you but I'd say good riddance, 34 year old guy, looks like hes losing his hair and maybe watches naughty stuff on the internet so let him go out to Rhode Island, eh?! Alright dude best of luck with this diary ill stay watching! :D :cool:
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What a dick... I was sitting in my office enjoying the stale air when I got the news. Of course, no one cares to notify me about anything. I was cruising the web for porn and I accidentally came across our promotion's page with the above plastered on it. I had to rework my card, as I had no real tag team to pit Wiley Coyote against. It was 3 days away, not enough time for me to try to sign anyone else (then again, we couldn't really afford that anyway). But life goes on and I quickly forgot about my previous predicament when I saw the fliers! [center] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/X-1.jpg[/IMG][/center] I know, painfully low budget, but that's all we could afford. I'm lucky we were able to get a font other than "Times New Roman". I signed off on the fliers and gave them to Stomper to put them into action.
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[center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/X-2.jpg[/IMG] January 20, 2007 Held in the sold out Weston Gym[/center] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Spike.jpg[/IMG] [u]Al Coleman vs. The New York Doll[/u] Al Coleman and New York Doll start out the show giving a pretty good back and forth display. It finally ended when Al Coleman locked in an armbar for the win. Winner: Al Coleman in 6:23 Rating: E+ [Backstage, Steve Flash is looking at food that is laying on tables for the workers, courtesy of Weston Gym. Suddenly, Jimmy Cox grabs him from behind and smashes his face into a cake. He holds Steve down who is gasping for air.] [color=Purple]Jimmy Cox: I'm back in the states to take over like I did in Japan. My name will be legendary and all will fear the power of the Immortal Driver! Steve Flash! I'm starting my era with you and your Tri-State title![/color] [He throws Steve Flash to the ground and walks away.] Rating: E [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/a23.jpg[/IMG] [u]Wiley Coyote (c) vs. The Indies[/u] [color=Teal][b]NYCW Tag Team Title Match[/b][/color] The Indies put on a convincing match, putting Wiley Coyote over very well. The match didn't drag at all and the crowd seems to have liked it. It ended when the champs hit a Double DDT on Kashmir Singh. Winners and still champions: Wiley Coyote in 8:39 Rating: D- [A video with the music from "Rocky Balboa" plays, showing Black Hat Baily's multiple accomplishments. The crowd completely marks out.] Rating: C [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] [u]Steve Flash (c) vs. Jimmy Cox[/u] [color=Teal][b]Tri-State Regional Title Match[/b][/color] Jimmy Cox dominated the match early, but Steve was able to hit a dropkick to the head off a rebound. Steve managed to keep control of the match. While trying to lock in a chicken wing, Cox rakes the eyes of Flash and rolls him up, using the ropes to keep him down. The ref doesn't see and gives him the 3 count. Winner and NEW champion: Jimmy Cox in 9:48 Rating: D+ [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BlackHatBailey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] Black Hat Baily vs. Rick Sanders This was classic old school wrestling at it's best and had the crowd marking out the entire time. Rick and Baily put on a great show, and it ended with Baily nailing the Baily Breaker. Winner: Black Hat Baily in 7:33 Rating: D+ [Grand Master Phunk walks out into the ring in his gear with the belt.] [color=LimeGreen]Grand Master Phunk: How is my playas doin'?[/color] [The crowd marks out] [color=Green]Grand Master Phunk: I'm gonna dedicate this performance to my playas on lockdown, and in honor, I'ma lock down Whistla and show him how real hoods do![/color] [The crowd cheers as the National Anthem plays and Whistler walks down for the match.] Rating: C [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DannyBBling.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] [u]Grand Master Phunk (c) vs Whistler[/u] [color=Teal][b]NYCW Empire Title Match[/b][/color] The match went back and forth, back and forth. Whistler gained the upper hand and started hitting blows left and right. Phunk grabbed his arm, threw him into a corner and clotheslines him whilst Whistler is in it. Phunk climbs out of the ring, grabs Whistler's American flag and slides in with it. He waves it around, mocking Whistler and waits for him to stand. When he does, Whistler pimp slaps him and gets the cover. Winner and still champion: Grandmaster Phunk in 10:53 Rating: C- [u][b]Show Rating:[/b][/u] D+
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I found that on my desk opened to that page with our little paragraph circled in red. Next to it was a note from the Stomper congratulating me and telling me to keep up the good work. That's when reality hit me again. It wasn't enough to just put up one show that the fans liked. February was quickly approaching, and with it was our next show. I managed to keep our money losses to a minimum and was going to rotate the roster for the next show and put some other of our top guys in the show and give some of the others a rest. I wanted to bring some new talent into NYCW, and to appease Stomper, I had to bring in good veterans whenever possible. Fern Hathaway was useless and I needed a good manager to be a mouthpiece for some of the more... vocally impaired wrestlers. I signed the Canadian Sensation Jenny Playmate. Later came the flier, which I had my little brother design and print out at Staples. I think it came out rather nicely. For sure better than last month's. [center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/X-4.jpg[/IMG][/center] I'm pretty proud of it. Hopefully this show can match our last one in ratings.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;222266]A good first show, it really felt like NYCW. The guy with Singh is your user characther ? Your forgot to mention his name. For sure, the veterans can deliver, I only hope you didn't bleed too much money,[/QUOTE] Thanks for all the comments. And yeah, that's Brian Caine. I want to try to stay true to how NYCW would do things, so I'm trying to put more emphasis on the vets. And fortuently, I didn't lose that much money. That's why I didn't use American Machine, Honest Frank or Lee Wright.
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[center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/Dynasty%20GFX/X.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i][center]February 10, 2007 Held in front of a sold out crowd in the Weston Gym[/center][/i] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/SammyTheShark.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/a23.jpg[/IMG] [u]Sammy The Shark vs. Brian Caine[/u] The show was opened with these two and they started it off right. Sammy is starting to get more comfortable with the ring, which is good because he's one of the hottest prospects I have. Sammy was able to close out the match and pick up the win. Winner: Sammy the Shark in 10:05 Rating: D [Jenny Playmate walks down to the ring to much applause by the crowd.] [center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=Pink]Jenny: I am here to announce to you that I am now managing the meanest, the roughest and the most dangerous man in all of wrestling. He will be, without the shadow of a doubt the person to watch in this fed. So, without further ado, I give you... Brady Prince![/color] [center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG][/center] [Brady Prince walks into the ring acting imposing. The Masked Mauler then hits the ring and calls for a bell.] Rating: D- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/TheMaskedMauler.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG] [u]The Masked Mauler vs. Brady Prince with Jenny Playmate[/u] Needless to say, when I saw this match, I was distressed. Mauler looked utterly horrible and that's what brought this match down. Brady wrecked him and finished with a Super Bomb. Winner: Brady Prince w/ Jenny Playmate in 8:12 Rating: E [Jimmy Cox is backstage with Marv Earnest.] Marv: I'm here with the new Tri-State Re- [Jimmy Grabs the mic away.] [color=LimeGreen]Jimmy: Let me tell you something about Steve Flash. The former Tri-State Regional champ. The has been. The man who has no business being in the same damned arena with the greatness that is me. I showed him that I could beat him in the ring. Hell, I now have what was once his. Now, I heard that he went over to Stomper, begging for a chance to get his precious belt back. Well, guess what? Stomper said yes. What does that mean for me? It means that I'm just going to have to walk into this ring and whip his punk ass again! And that's just what I'll do tonight![/color] [Jimmy shoves the mic back into Marvs hands and walks off.] Rating: E- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] [u]Cameron Vessey vs. Al Coleman[/u] Al Coleman and Cameron Vessey brought the crowd back to life with a quick more modern spectacle that had Weston Gym on it's feet. It looked as though Cameron had it in his debut match, but Al Coleman started slowly but surely gaining momentum and forced him to tap to an armbar. Winner: Al Coleman in 9:44 Rating: D- [A video showing American Machine's recent undefeated streak since September of last year plays.] Rating: D- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [u]Jimmy Cox (c) vs. Steve Flash[/u] [color=Teal]NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match[/color] Steve Flash fought a very technical match, trying to take out Jimmy Cox's legs from under him. The plan was working and Jimmy was on his back for most of the match. That changed when Steve missed a flying elbow. Jimmy capitalized and hit a standing elbow drop. Steve seemed out of it after that and the rest was easy. Jimmy worked on Flash until finally hitting the Immortal Driver. Winner and still champion: Jimmy Cox in 8:49 Rating: D+ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/AmericanMachine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] [u]American Machine vs. Honest Frank[/u] Throughout the match, Honest Frank tried every trick in the book to get the upper hand, but American Machine was a man on a mission and would not be stopped. He hit slam after slam until Honest Frank looked like a rag doll in his hands. After the Americana Slam, it was over. Winner: American Machine in 9:09 Rating: D- [The National Anthem plays and Whistler walks down to the ring.] [color=Blue]Whistler: Grand Master Phunk! I've been wrestling before you even dreamed of stepping into the square circle. I was around for the golden age of wrestling. So I come out here for a request. Even you must admit, it was a close match. So, if you have any honor, any honor at all, give me another chance for the title.[/color] [Grand Master Phunk walks out from backstage.] [color=Green]Phunk: You want a rematch? Ok, fine playa. You gonna git your rematch. Unda one condition. Ya fight me right now![/color] Rating: C+ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] [u]Grandmaster Phunk (c) vs. Whistler[/u] [color=Teal][b]NYCW Empire Title Match[/b][/color] Whistler seemed off his game tonight and therefore this match was kind of a downer in comparison to last month's. Phunk put on a great show and carried the match where Whistler didn't but it still showed. Phunk ended the match early with a Pimp Slap. Winner and still champion: Grandmaster Phunk in 4:52 Rating: D [After the match, Grandmaster Phunk is celebrating his win in the ring. He goes to pick up his belt but gets blindsided with a running kick by American Machine! American Machine picks the belt up and waits for Phunk to staand. When he does, Machine smashes the belt over his head, leaving him a bloodied mess on the mat. American Machine looks at the belt, then at Phunk and drops it on him.] Rating: D+ [u]Show Rating: D-[/u]
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Hmmm... Ok, I have to remember, the crowd doesn't really like repeats. Whistler and Phunk had been a let down and I think I'm going to have to release Mauler just because he can't put on a decent match with a pretty good wrestler. I spoke it over with Stomper and he agreed, but told me that I had to bring someone in as a replacement. I had an idea of who I'd bring and it turned out that he was cheaper than Mauler. I finalized some paper work and began thinking of the card for Brooklyn Bridge Brawl.
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Brady Prince is a nice addition. It's one of those guys in the Free Agents pool that if you look carefully, you'll found some decent wrestlers with a detailed background that easily dictates his direction. A c0cky Jimmy Cox works for me and I'm looking for the next Empire championship match.
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  • 2 months later...
[I]Authors Note: I had to abandon this because my save game file was corrupted, but I must've done something by accident because after I installed the new patch, I accidentally loaded the file while trying to delete it and it came up! I found my sketches for the story lines and this old topic, so now I can continue it! So without further ado. Brooklyn Bridge Brawl.[/I] [center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/Dynasty%20GFX/X-1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i][center]March 17, 2007 Held in the SOLD OUT Weston Gym[/center][/i] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/a23.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/WhiskyJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BlackjackRobbins.jpg[/IMG] [u]The Indies vs. The Tennessee Outlaws [/u] The Indies are doing a fine job revitalizing the tag team division. They held up the aging Tennessee Outlaws, giving them a good match. It ended with the newly reformed team performing their signature move, the Outlaw Star. Winners: The Tennessee Outlaws in 8:43 [American Machine is standing in the middle of the ring.] [color=Blue]AM: Last month, I made a statement. Not just in the ring, but in the world. What America needs is not some street trash pimp walking around. What America needs is a hero. A man who isn't afraid to stand up against the scum of the sewers. Who-[/color] [Grandmaster Phunk and Black Hat Baily run into the ring and beat him down. Baily holds Machine and Phunk blasts him with his belt.] [Whistler runs down the ramps and slides into the ring with a chair. Phunk and Baily run out of the ring and into the crowd.] [color=Red]Whistler: That's it Phunk. This has gone way too far. Tonight, the American Made Men will reunite one last time against you and your little friend.[/color] [The crowd completely goes insane with cheers.] Rating: C- Rating: C- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/SammyTheShark.jpg[/IMG] [u]Al Coleman vs. Sammy The Shark[/u] The match suffered due to horrible chemistry, but the rest of the show had gone great, so it was only a matter of time. Sammy came out the victor. Winner: Sammy The Shark in 8:39 Rating: E [Jenny Playmate is backstage, standing next to a very imposing Brady Prince.] [color=Pink]Jenny: Last month, I showed the world what my client is capable of. I must warn all of you. He will stop at nothing to attain his goal. And his goal is to be the proven, toughest man in NYCW. That is why tonight, he will be facing the former Tri- State Title Holder. Steve Flash.[/color] Rating: E+ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG] [u]Steve Flash vs. Brady Prince w/ Jenny Playmate[/u] A good match, both men seemed to be on their toes. Steve gave a great fight, showing that even with his age, he knows how to wrestle. This was went right down to the wire. Winner: Brady Prince in 7:53 Rating: D [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [u]Cameron Vessey vs. Brandon Smith[/u] This marked the debut of Bulldozer Brandon Smith and he made sure that he left a mark by putting away Cameron Vessey. Winner: BBS in 12:41 Rating: D- [A video showing highlights of the American Made Men plays. The crowd marks out.] Rating: D [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/AmericanMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BlackHatBailey.jpg[/IMG] [u]American Made Men vs. Grandmaster Phunk & Blackhat Bailey[/u] The Main Event of the night didn't go as poorly as I had been bracing myself for. Although BHB and Whistler are showing their age, Phunk and Machine stole the show, putting on a great bout and giving the two older workers some very nice spots. Whistler got some revenge by beating Phunk with Old Glory (the American Flag) outside the ring while Machine hit the Americana Slam on Bailey for the win. Winners: The American Made Men in 11:27 Rating: D- [u][b]Show Rating:[/b][/u] D-
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Looking back at the last show, I can say that it was a success. The tag team match was MUCH better than expected and Steve flash is now officially the man. Stomper was thrilled to see the Tennessee Outlaws getting some action and is interested in seeing where I'll be taking them. I'm much more interested in the direction of this whole American Machine thing, because he's getting the loudest pop from our crowds. Well, a cool thing is that on our small ass website, I have an interview! Here it is, presented in it's entirety: [color=Red]Marv: Hello, I'm Marv Earnest and I have quite the treat for all you fans out there. I'm sitting here with the head booker of New York City Wrestling, Brian Caine. Mr. Caine, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with us. [/color] [color=Blue]Brian: No problem Marv.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: We're only a few months into the year, but already people are calling this the "Resurrection of NYCW". What do you attribute the success so far to?[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: Honestly, it's the workers. Without them, none of us would be here and they're all giving it 110% effort while they're out there in order to turn things around for this company.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: You've brought in a few new workers to the company. What was your mindset while you looked around the indies?[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: I specifically hand selected people who I felt would be at home in an old school promotion such as this. I brought in solid young workers to be the future and older veterans to help guide them down the path.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: why haven't you completely overhauled the roster? The was talks of Stomper hiring a few other men as head booekrs and all of them wanted to turn NYCW into a more modern, cutting edge type promotion.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: Cutting Edge is good and all, but there's more to wrestling than just fancy flips and intense gore. It's about intriguing stories, well paced workers and solid matches. That's what made wreslting so fun and entertaining to begin with.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: Now if I may, I have a few questions from fans of NYCW towards you if you would be so kind to answer them.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: Of course.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: Who comes up with the names of the shows?[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: I actually ask random people on the subway and choose the best sounding one.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: Is there any romance going on backstage.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: There are only two girls backstage, and no.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: Who is the most fun to hang out with?[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: That would either be Jimmy Cox or [Honest] Frank.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: What does Black Hat Bailey drink?[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: *Laughs* Believe it or not, at the celebration after "Rush Hour", I saw him downing a bottle of Baileys.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: Who would you most want to be in a foxhole with you?[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: American Machine.[/color] [color=Red]Marv: Is Lee Wright dead.[/color] [color=Blue]Brian: ... of course not...[/color] [color=Red]Marv: All right, well thank you Mr. Caine. This is Marv Earnest signing off for NYCW.[/color]
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[color=Blue]Brian: Wait, what the hell are you talking about?[/color] I was seated in Stomper's small office as he tried to pour coffee without spilling it. [color=Red]Stomper: Unless you can lower the price, I'm not giving you the authority to pay him that much.[/color] Steve Flash, the man who I had really started to like was asking for the impossible. He wanted $1,300 per appearance. Money we didn't have. But still, he's a good wrestler and Brady Prince learned alot from him. I could use him once every few months... [color=Blue]Brian: This is messed up. Did you see him last show? He put on the best match that night![/color] [color=Red]Stomper: I understand, but you have to realize, we just can't afford him. Tell him I'm sorry, but no. We wont be resigning him.[/color] What more could I do?
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[center][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/Dynasty%20GFX/X-2.png[/IMG] [i]April 14, 2007 Held in the Weston Gym[/i][/center] [b]Dark Match[/b] [i]Sammy The Shark defeats The New York Doll and Cameron Vessey[/i] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/LeeWright.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JennyPlaymate.jpg[/IMG] [u]Lee Wright vs. Brady Prince w/ Jenny Playmate[/u] A good classic bout. Lee brought his expertise into the ring and showed Brady a thing or two about professional wrestling. Brady showed that he could hang with the vets though and won. Winner: Brady Prince in 6:12 Rating: D- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] [u]Honest Frank vs. Rick Sanders[/u] These two veterans didn't disappoint in their match, keeping the under card solid. Winner: honest Frank in 7:22 Rating: D- [A video plays showing the feud between Grandmaster Phunk and American Machine thus far.] Rating: D+ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/a23.jpg[/IMG] [u]Bulldozer Brandon Smith (BBS) vs. Brian Caine[/u] A good showing by both men, BBS handled the match, winning with his Backdrop Driver. Winner: BBS Rating: D- [Jimmy Cox walks to the ring with his Tri State Regional Championship Belt. He takes a mic] [color=Green]Jimmy Cox: Ever since I've been here, I've proven that my name "The Immortal" is much more than just a name. Now I hear that backstage, Steve Flash is grumbling, saying that I haven't given him a fair fight. Well, you know what, not only will I beat him for a third time, I beat him at his own specialty. Tonight, in the ring, in a submission match![/color] Rating: E- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [u]Submission Match: Jimmy Cox vs. Steve Flash[/u] A good showing for Steve flash's probable last match in NYCW, they put on a very good technical showing and after 10 minutes, Jimmy forced Steve to tap. Winner: Jimmy Cox in 10:52 Rating: D [Grandmaster Phunk is backstage.] [color=Teal]Grandmaster Phunk: I been doin' dis for a long time and I gotta say somethin'. Dat American Machine is wilin'! He be comin' in this joint and runnin' his mouth. Dat's why tonight, we doin' this MY way! It ain't gonna be no normal match. It goina be a Federal Upstate Lockup Match! Git ready! I didn't spend three years on lockdown for nutin![/color] Rating: C [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/AmericanMachine.jpg[/IMG] [u]Federal Upstate Lockup Match: Grandmaster Phunk vs. American Machine [/u] [b][color=Teal]NYCW Empire Title Match[/color][/b] This Steel Cell match was good, but I had hoped it would be a little better. A bunch of good high spots for both workers, and American Machine topped off his win streak with the victory. Winner and the NEW Empire Champion: American Machine Rating: D- [American Machine takes the belt and climbs the cell in celebration. The crowd gives him an ovation.] Rating: D+ Show Rating: D-
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;245043]Glad to see you reviving this.. Looking forward to your take on NYCW as I just started a new 1.4 patch game as NYCW.[/QUOTE] Thanks! It's actually your diary that got me started in the beginning _________________________________________________________ Run To The Hills was fast approaching and I was getting storyline ideas. I wanted more of them because I think it's story lines that drive a company and make them intriguing. I made another signing which I ran by Stomper and he was ecstatic about it. I checked out the website. Nothing really new, but I posted up the announced card. [b]NYCW Tag Team Title Match[/b] Wiley Coyote (c) vs. The Tennessee Outlaws Honest Frank vs. Whistler
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[b][center][size=5][color=Red]Run To The Hills[/color][/size][/center][/b] [center][i]Held in front of a SOLD OUT crowd in the Weston Gym May 12, 2007[/i][/center] [b]Dark Matches[/b] [i]Brady Prince def. Cameron Vessey BBS def. Lee Wright[/i] [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BlackjackRobbins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/WhiskyJack.jpg[/IMG] [u]Wiley Coyote (c) vs. The Tennessee Outlaws[/u] [color=Teal][b]NYCW Tag Team Title Match[/b][/color] I wasn't really expecting much from either of these aging tag teams, but a solid E is OK for now. The champs make a second defense. Winners and STILL champions: Wiley Coyote in 7:48 Rating: E [Wiley Coyote celebrate their victory. Two men run down the ramp and slide steel chairs into the ring. They begin to assault the champs. They finally stop and it's Rick Sanders with his former tag team partner, The Idaho Punisher!] Rating: E [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/BlackHatBailey.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] [u]Black Hat Bailey vs. Grandmaster Phunk[/u] They looked awkward in the ring, but still managed to pull off a great match. Grandmaster Phunk dominated the last half of it, showing that he wanted his belt back, bad. Winner: Grandmaster Phunk in 10:42 Rating: D- [American Machine walks int the ring and holds a big celebration bash complete with champagne for everyone in the crowd. For once, nothing goes wrong and it's a nice ten minutes.] Rating: D+ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/SammyTheShark.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/a23.jpg[/IMG] [u]Sammy the Shark vs. Brian Caine[/u] Sammy is showing promise, but how is he tired after only 10 minutes? I probably should've put this earlier on the card. Winner: Sammy The Shark in 10:40 Rating: E+ [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/JimmyCox.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] [u]Jimmy Cox vs. Al Coleman[/u] [color=Teal][b]Tri State Regional Title Match[/b][/color] A predictable match, Jimmy showed why he's becoming the most dangerous man in NYCW. Winner and STILL Champion: Jimmy Cox in 8:20 Rating: D- [Grandmaster Phunk returns to the ring.] [color=Green]GP: I just want all y'all to recognize somethin' right here. Last month was a fluke! Last month at Battle in the Bronx, it was a damn abom-nation! And you know whos falut it was? Yo's! All yous! Where was my playas? Where was my gangstas! A brotha couldn't rely on his boys. I'm gettin' my rematch soon, and I'ma show y'all how real pimps do![/color] Rating: C- [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a26/MatteoB/Diary/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] [u]Honest Frank vs. Whistler[/u] A good Main Event fought for number 1 contendership of American Machine's newly won title, this one came down to the final 2 minutes, where Honest Frank had the reserves to get it done. Winner: Honest frank Rating: D- Show Rating: D-
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[color=Blue]Brian: No way.... no way... no f'n way! Are you serious?[/color] The voice on the other side of the phone answered affirmatively. [color=Blue]Brian:How much? That's perfect! Oh my God! Why haven't SWF or TCW snatched him up already? Bring him in! For sure, he'll be at Hell's Gate! [/color] I put down the phone and stared at the wall in excited disbelief. This couldn't be possible but it was. HE was signing with us! It's impossible! well.. he IS from New York City... but still!!! Damn, Staples threw my brother out, so until we get a copy machine, no more flyers...
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