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Hollyweird Grappling Company: Revenge Of The Nerd

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HGC.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][B][I]Hollyweird Grappling Company:[COLOR="Gray"]Revenge Of The Nerd[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR="gray"]The announcement caught everyone by surprise when it happened, as history should when it's being made. The last time they saw the software mogul, he wore a fatigued expression, baring his soul to reveal the emotional scars inflicted by an industry that he too had once followed with wide eyes, clammy palms and wistful dreams. Emerging from the self-imposed sabbatical that resulted, J.K. Stallings Jr apparently now possessed a greater mass of vertebrae and harboured a renewed determination to conquer the lycra-clad, sweat-soaked realm of professional wrestling. In 1996, the Hollyweird Grappling Company opened their doors and utilising the incredible wealth of their creator, became a viable competitor to the previously undisputed market leader of their industry. One decade later the HGC moves into a new era, its original moniker restored and the same mandate to succeed in place. This time however, the promotion boasts the largest purpose-built wrestling arena on the planet, a newly assembled multi-million cast of superstars and perhaps most importantly, several new sets of hands working behind the scenes. For some, their involvement with the company was a tribute to their own personal success. For others, a consequence of their failure. Despite differing circumstances and contrasting motivations, all were bound by the lucrative contracts sanctioned by the corporate system that J.K. Stallings Jr fronted. But with great benefits, come a cost and those within the Hollyweird Grappling Company will eventually discover that all that glitters isn't gold... [/COLOR] [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][B][I]act1:[COLOR="Gray"]the season premiere[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [I]"I've been going to HGC events since 1997 with my son. We were there, front row and center when Rip Chord won the World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. It's pretty amazing... you know, getting that close to moments of history like that. We go to every HGC show that comes to town... well back to their hometown. It's been a long time... they didn't seem to come back so often when they were TCW, but I guess that won't be a problem from now on. We're just glad to be here tonight. My son, he wants to see Ricky Dale Johnson regain his championship. Me? I want to see Chord... people have been saying he's going to step back between the ropes soon... he must be sorted out now, at least I hope he is..."[/I] The fans were several deep, shoulder to shoulder, many wearing the HGC shirts that had been handed out to those who arrived the earliest. Some had cameras, even more had signs whilst others just huddled together feeling the chill that was so typical of an L.A. night in the latter stretch of winter. Still, it would take more than hyperthermia and the low mist that hung over the concrete to dampen the spirits of those who gathered outside the Stallings International Entertainment Arena. Some members of the local media were there, getting sound bytes and comments from fans on the outer-reaches of the crowd, whilst those congregated nearer the front pressed up against the chain link fence in order to get better look at anything beyond the several dozen security guards who along with the fencing, separated them from the backstage entrance. Despite the security measures, there wasn't a hint tension present in the atmosphere. Instead, there was a buzz of excitement and an almost feverish level of anticipation that wrestling fans in the South West hadn't experienced since the inaugural Hollyweird events of old. Tonight was the night [B]their [/B]promotion returned to its roots, its spiritual (if superficial) home... and this time, it was [B]theirs[/B] to keep. [I]"Yeah... My name's Beth and I came to see Wolf Hawkins! He's soooo the best wrestler there is... and the cutest! I want him to sign... Oh my God! I'm going to get him to sign whatever he wants to sign!" "OH MY GOD! HERE THEY COME! HERE THEY COME!"[/I] Then they arrived. The fans who had managed to scale a ledge adjacent to the large, illuminated 'Hollyweird' sign that had been erected beside the arena were the first to spot the several sets of headlights in the distance, courtesy of their superior vantage point. The word quickly spread through the crowd who surged forward on both sides of the entrance driveway as the limousines came through the lingering mist. The commotion must have been audible from several miles away as the vehicles pulled to a stop. J.K. Stallings Jr hadn't earned his billion dollar fortune in the software industry without learning the mechanics behind the effective marketing and promotion of one's product. This, was marketing strategy at it's finest as doors opened and passengers who had previously been hidden behind tinted glass emerged, causing the noise level to double. Each worker had a different reaction as they stepped onto the concrete and absorbed the fans hysteria, experiencing what working for the new incarnation of the Hollyweird Grappling Company really meant. This was the proverbial 'big league'. [I]"AAAARRRR DEEEEE JJAAAAYYYY! AAAARRRR DEEEEE JJAAAAYYYY! AAAARRRR DEEEEE JJAAAAYYYY!"[/I] Ricky Dale Johnson appeared first and almost forgot to retrieve the bag containing his ring gear from the rear seat, taken aback by the welcome from the fans that were assembled. In response to their hospitality, the Texas native pulled off his trademark "RDJ" t-shirt and tossed it over the chain link fence before heading into the building as several anxious fans pounced on the item of clothing he had discarded, desperate to claim the souvenir for their own. On another night Johnson might have spent more time interacting with the fans, but with a Heavyweight Championship match against Tommy Cornell on the horizon, he needed to make the most of the available preparation time. Besides, there were several other marketable stars to occupy the crowd as further members of the new look HGC roster exited the limos behind him. Wolf Hawkins ran straight up to the fence, causing pandemonium as several of the more attractive females in the crowd rushed forward, declaring their love and trying to pass hotel room numbers or other contact details through the gaps in the steel. With a fistful of paper slips, Hawkins gestured across to Freddy Huggins who shook his head, mouthing something about 'quality over quantity' to Rocky Golden in response. "Imbeciles... and these are the sub-species of humanity that are supposed to form our fanbase?" Robert Oxford snorted as he walked, unimpressed at being paraded in such a fashion for the benefit of slack-jawed locals. "Is this the level that professional wrestling has sunken to?" Nodding, Joel Bryant didn't completely share the veteran's sentiments, although he was more distracted by the sheer scale of the construct they approached and had little desire to interact with the fans in any meaningful way unlike some of his counterparts. [I]"GOOD EVENING HOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLYYYYYYWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"[/I] Flashbulbs flashed rapidly as Liberty clambered onto the hood of one of the vehicles, pumping his fist in the air as if the crowd needed further incitement to produce noise. Liberty continued to pose until three members of the security personnel manage to haul him back down to the indifference of the Tag Team Champions as Wrestling Machine #1 and Wrestling Machine #2 stepped out of the limousine in question. Cell phone pressed to his ear, Floyd Goldworthy zigzagged between Kazuma Narato and one of his former clients, Troy Tornado as he tried to keep pace with the only superstar currently on his managerial books. Given the noise being generated around him, it's little surprise that his conversation had become increasingly difficult to sustain. Snapping his phone shut, he called out and tried to attract the attention of the Amercian Buffalo who had little intention of reducing his step at his agent's request. Lagging further behind the main group, Stevie Grayson trained a camcorder of his own on the scene, keen to capture the moment on film. He appreciated the fact that he was back in written employment having spent the last few months appearing in Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling on an occasional basis since his release. The camcorder was purchased using a large portion of his generous signing on fee, a sum that was dwarfed by that of the hulking superstar who was to follow shortly. One limousine door swung open and the fans fell quiet for the first time in many minutes, soon recognising the massive form of Dread as he exited the vehicle. Internet wrestling correspondents looked to one another in surprise and then began to furiously scribble on their notepads. [I]"Dread!? When did he get re-signed!?" "Must have been this week... rumor has it that some others did as well." "I've heard about The Fly Boys... who else?" "Did they get the Vesseys as well?" "Bryan's still in Japan... but who knows if that's true!" "I can see Steadyfast over there... anyone got confirmation of Peter Valentine?" "What about McFly, did he commit to anyone yet?" "Did someone say something about Jack Bruce?" "Can't be!"[/I] The former Heavyweight Champion shoved his way past the security guards, ignoring the masses assembled either side of him as he made a b-line for the entrance. Dread hadn't relocated from Japan for the sake of the fans and he certainly didn't appreciate being asked to jump through hoops by management to appease them. Others like Chance Fortune, Giant Tana and the remnants of Painful Procedure were keener to embrace the crowd, their appreciation and mass appeal. By now most of the workers had filtered out of the vehicles by now with the exception of those already inside the arena whose arrivals had either been shrouded in secrecy or simply weren't important enough to showcase in this fashion. Kyle Rhodes and Jason Azaria fell into the latter category, but both men had made a point to wait just inside the opening to at least take in some of the occasion as had Rip Chord. Suited and sporting a thin mask of stubble, Chord remained deeper inside the structure, enough to keep him from sight, but not to prevent him observing his colleagues. His eyes were dark, not due to the effects of prolonged drinking, but an intention to hide his true feelings... at least, for the time being. "Shame Stallings isn't here yet to see this..." Sam Strong remarked to Rick Law, whose decision to join the company ahead of its main rival two years ago mainly hinged on the presence of the legendary Strong. "Who says he isn't?" Law replied as they approached the over-arching entrance, before pointing skyward as a company helicopter approached and began to circle the rear of the site. The emblem on the exterior of the chopper confirmed that it belonged to Stallings or more precisely, his corporation, however the sound of the whirring rotor blades went unheard when the noise from the fans grew, and the heads of wrestlers and camera crew alike turned. Tommy Cornell was the last to emerge from the convoy of luxury vehicles, clad in his basic ring apparel, which included the latest "Rough Justice" t-shirt from a personal merchandise line that only Jim Force would not gaze upon with envious eyes. As if on cue, the opening riffs of his entrance theme took hold courtesy of the outside speakers as Cornell craned his neck to try and make out the banner that had been hastily draped across the a portion of the giant 'Hollyweird' signboard to coincide with his arrival. Cameras were instructed to avert their lens's as security moved swiftly to remove the offending item to illustrate just how much more sanitised and controlled this new environment could be. Cornell thought little of it. Scaling the chain link fence, he perched himself upon the steel support as if it were a corner of the squared circle and unhooked the HGC World Heavyweight Championship, hoisting it towards the black velvet night sky. The crowd roared, compelled to express their displeasure as vehemently as their lungs would allow. Yet the British superstar, like the majority of workers who had once stepped to the beat of his drum, were yet to ascertain the extent of adjustments to be made for a company on the verge of pursuing a new and uncomfortable working style. Welcome to Hollyweird. [QUOTE][B]OOC Notes:[/B] Firstly, thanks for reading thus far. I thought I'd just mention a few details about this dynasty for anyone wondering about the purpose or direction of it. The intention of this dynasty is simply to tell a story, not an attempt to exhibit l33t booking skills. Often I'll book more from the perspective of the characters involved, rather than as myself trying to seek high match/event scores. The data used has been somewhat "rigged" in regards to doubling some characters up so that whilst the likes of Rip Chord and Sam Strong appear on the HGC payroll, they have mirrored characters running their promotions (MAW and USPW) so that the original game world is not completely butchered. Obviously some aspects I've edited due to either experiences I've seen in multiple TEW games, a random voting thread I did ages ago or a recent C-Verse draft I've been involved in. For those of you who are C-Verse purists, I will just mention that every and any edits to the original data will be explained and have logical or at least reasonable cause for them. In other words they haven't just been done for the sake of having an awesome roster as from a game aspect, I'm not concerned with owning every other promotion in the land. On the topic of editing data, all stats, TV contracts, yadda, have remained untouched. The only stats actively changed were Rip Chord's, which were converted to his WresSpri2 stats. I have altered the odd historical detail, for instance Wolf Hawkins hasn't embarked on a heel turn, although Painful Procedure have been disbanded keeping in line with Troy Tornado's actions. Off the top of my head, I think Hawkins is the only real noteworthy change like this. I'm quite long winded most of the time (as this post demonstrates) so expect show write-ups to be of a reasonable length as I'll likely detail them a fair bit. I've backed up my data set this time, so the fate that befell "TCW: Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke" wouldn't occur to this diary. Finally thanks to The Stallion for some of the original info concerning HGC from TEW2004 and Trypio for the belt images. [/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]act1:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]the season premiere (continued)[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] Phil Vibert glanced around with raised eyebrows. This wasn't what the former DAVE owner had expected upon landing. He didn't consider himself to have an inflated sense of self-importance, but he held expectations that his arrival would cause some sort of a stir amongst the personnel massed behind the scenes. Perhaps reminiscent of a scene from one of the grainy old spaghetti Westerns that Vin Tanner used to indulge himself in, where the out-of-towner sets foot in the saloon for the first time. The locals would stop drinking, cease their fighting and shield their poker hands as all eyes locked on the new arrival amidst a feeling of unease and the sense that the whole situation could degenerate in a heartbeat. Those already holed up inside the Stallings International Entertainment Arena would likely have been forewarned that the helicopter transporting their new general manager had landed, maybe it was a case of knuckling down to impress the new boss? No, the atmosphere here was far different to that of any other wrestling event he'd attended in his tenure. Usually the mood in these areas would be productive, but with the prevailing sense that the whole operation was being held together by sweat, duct tape and a little improvisation. Here, the backstage area seemed more like a well oiled machine running at full efficiency with an element of organised chaos as it shifted into a higher gear. Coined "the Hollyweird backlot" by the workers that frequented it, the scene was a veritable hive of activity. He was looking at a sprawling backstage expanse where assistants and other backstage workers were running in every direction, criss-crossing one another carrying notes, running schedules, logo and branding ideas amongst other things. They all seemed neat, trim and exuded an air of confidence and purpose in their duties as their several pairs of meticulously shined shoes clicked across the marble flooring in an almost rhythmic fashion. It was doubtful that anyone had even noticed Vibert walk in. The man once recognised as Harry Flash turned back to Charlie Thatcher who had escorted him from the helipad, but the pre-packaged bodyguard was pre-disposed with his earpiece and lost in conversation with whomever had called, leaving Vibert unaccompanied as he began to explore his new environment. For an individual who at one point conducted his business from the trunk of the car during the days of the East Coast War, he could only marvel at the sheer scale and execution of J.K. Stallings Jr's ambition. Some workers stood behind desks laced with equipment, others behind cameras or other equipment needed for the show. Then there were the likes of Vibert himself, who stood behind nothing more than failure and whatever semblance of a reputation they'd entered the building with. At least he had a considerable measure of influence in this new, money-soaked realm. More so than the grey-suited individual who currently attracted his attention. [I]"Listen kid, I don't need directions on how to do my job."[/I] Leaning against one of the heavy-laden equipment crates, Danny Jillefski drew back on his cigarette and exhaled, his weathered facial features conforming into a wry smile as the assistant tried to explain that several of the talent were receiving similar briefings ahead of the inaugural broadcast. Like Vibert, Jillefski had stood at the helm of his own promotion just twelve months prior to this evening, yet through a differing set of circumstances, now relied on HGC for his pay check. [I]"I didn't need them from Richard Eisen..."[/I] The former USPW figurehead continued between drags on his pre-show nicotine fix. [I]"And I don't need them from you!"[/I] Jillefski left his words to linger, much like the stale smell of cigarette smoke that was only slightly less pungent than the cheap cologne which the former SWF announcer had apparently bathed in prior to the show. Presumably his role as the third member of a three man announce team was due to Sam Strong's involvement in Stallings' new venture and whatever working agreement the pair had agreed upon, the details of which didn’t concern Vibert at this time. Unfortunately it seemed Peter Valentine was part of the same package. The former bodybuilder stood at the large table catering had provided. Most companies provided some food at their shows, but once again it seemed the corporate largesse that was the Hollyweird Grappling Company had gone that one step farther. The table sported a variety of foods that had somehow been combined in such a fashion that they formed the shape of the HGC logo in the center of the spread. It was a far cry from the multiple containers of Chinese takeaway and tap water that he provided his performers with whilst in charge of DAVE. Even if it were effectively only window dressing, it provided further justification for the decision that had brought him to Los Angeles. There was no way he could have competed with [I]this[/I]. He couldn't have offered competition to the catering, let alone offer a viable alternative to a promotion that could construct their own arena and afford to add almost any star in the wrestling business to their galaxy of competitors. At least this way DAVE's future had been secured, even if he'd given up his personal claim to the promotion. [I]"Ahem, Mr Vibert..."[/I] Perhaps his arrival hadn't gone completely unnoticed. Vibert turned to find a young man standing on toes behind him in a white turtleneck sweater, holding a clipboard and another one of those headsets that several of his co-workers also appeared to be wired up to. He seemed eager to appear helpful... perhaps too eager or even too helpful. He introduced himself as one of the lead production assistants, although Vibert had forgotten his name almost as soon as the man had offered it. He tried to locate it on the worker's clipboard, but became immersed in the details on the top sheet. From what he could gather, it all seemed innocuous enough but he couldn't help wonder exactly what relevance this information was to someone in a lowly production position. [I]"Your office is located just down that hallway there."[/I] The assistant explained, using his clipboard as a pointer. [I]"You'll find it has a rather generic scheme of decor, although I can have an interior designer liaise with you in about two minutes to discuss any modifications or requirements you might have. Seeing as it's a permanent fixture here, I can appreciate you'll have your own specifications for it..."[/I] Considering his office space in DAVE used to consist of a folding table set up behind the curtain, this wasn't exactly a cause for concern. [I]"That can wait."[/I] Vibert cut in. [I]"The most important thing tonight is what happens out there in the squared circle. If we could take a minute, I want to run through an itinerary to make sure everything is in order..."[/I] [I]"I think you'll find we've taken care of everything Mr Vibert."[/I] Another chirpy, yet professional voice cut in. The new general manager turned to see a young woman, obeying the same smart/casual dress code that seemed to be in force and sporting yet another headset. A cursory glance at her clipboard revealed her name as Michelle. Vibert made mental note of it, hoping he could fire her once the event had concluded. "[I]Assembly of the new set was completed earlier in the week and it's undergone the necessary structural tests, plus we've also performed lighting and microphone checks. We should be able to notice a considerable improvement in the production quality than what was achieved using the older equipment. The lighting department have also managed to secure some stronger strobes and beams from the studios nearby... those should arrive in time for next weeks broadcast."[/I] Michelle stated with conviction, running a pen down the checklist on her clipboard. [I]"In addition, we've verified that the pyrotechnics met EPA standards and have rigorously tested them to ensure that each combination works on cue. We've also secured the appropriate licensing for all the music, including the themes for the recently signed superstars and Rotorblade's big 2004 single "L.A. Nights" which will be used during the opening and closing TV credits at Mr Stallings' request."[/I] Momentarily lost for words, Vibert craned his neck to the main entrance points of the backstage. [I]"And security?"[/I] He asked. [I]"We currently have an operating security team of forty six individuals, headed by Charlie Thatcher. This isn't inclusive of the arena stewards and as a precautionary measure we've got the local police on call should any unforeseen problems arise. Moving back to your previous concern, each performer has also been assigned a personal assistant to prepare and brief them on details ahead of the show. This includes an outline of what constitutes offensive language use and what other network standards they will be required to adhere to."[/I] A brief vision of Tommy Cornell giving a well dressed intern the 'Hung Jury' treatment flashed through Vibert's mind. Everything appeared so efficient, so calculated. [I]"It looks like you have everything covered..."[/I] [I]"Here at the Stallings International Corporation, it's our prerogative to be more than adequately prepared."[/I] The other assistant interjected, before Michelle continued. [I]"I think you'll find we've taken all conceivable measures to ensure that the show airs without any hitches."[/I] [I]"I can see."[/I] The former DAVE owner replied, massaging the temples of his head with his left hand. [I]"How disturbingly thorough... I do have one question though."[/I] Both assistants stood attentively. They craved further tasks to complete much like Giant Tana craved cream buns to consume. [I]"What exactly is it I do here?"[/I] [I]"You're in charge of course."[/I] Michelle beamed. [I]"The captain of the ship!"[/I] [I]"Of course. The captain."[/I] Vibert sighed, before turning his back to the pair. [I]"Then maybe it's time I took control of this vessel..."[/I]
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;224291]Great so far! Can't wait to see where you take this. I'll be reading![/QUOTE] Well you know I've enjoyed your diary since about the first post, in fact it'd be interesting if SCAR and HGC were somehow pitted against each other as the evolution of the old SWF/TCW ratings war. [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;225837]I think I am definately going to follow this diary. Sebs you are very creative and happen to be a good writer. I look forward to this.[/QUOTE] Well hopefully I can execute this well. I've got some big twists and storylines to weave through what I intend to make a long running dynasty. Unlike TCGFB, I wanted to pretty much jump straight into this one and have the plots unfold from there without too much elaborate set up work. I'm enjoying writing it, but it always good to know others are hopefully enjoying reading it. Thanks for the comments so far guys, as always they're much appreciated. The next installment to this dynasty will be the first show of HGC's return, which if all goes to plan, will be posted sometime over the weekend. I've intentionally kept a lot under wraps at this point except for a few tidbits laced in the first two posts, although perhaps the biggest talking point (Phil Vibert) in terms of changes is out in the open already. I'll go into that in more depth in the next couple of shows or so.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TNWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]Tuesday Night Wrestling:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]Scene 001[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][COLOR="Gray"]The Hollyweird Grappling Company moves into a new era with their billionaire creator and a new management hierarchy moving to push the company into the upper echelons of the industry, regardless of the cost involved. Deals have been made with the GNN Total Sports network to ensure the exclusive distribution of their flagship show is not only secured, but that their previous timeslot has also been preserved in order to maintain direct competition with their main rival. For it will be in one arena where fates are decided and lives are forever changed. Thus, Tuesday Night Wrestling has been born.[/COLOR][/CENTER] The floor director called cues, prompting the cameras to power up and the lights to dim as the opening video to Tuesday Night Wrestling began. For the first time in over two years, the Hollyweird Grappling Company was being broadcast to a nationwide audience. The fans sat anxiously on their seats, excited that something was finally happening inside of the state-of-the-art arena. There had been no dark matches tonight. Management was keen not to christen the ring with the promotion's first bout until the cameras were rolling, leaving the fans aching for the first personality to emerge from behind the curtain. Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes and Danny Jillefski took their places at the table that had been erected at ringside, donning their headsets and checking the functionality of their monitors. They arrived with little fanfare, with the crowd's attention diverted by the video package that aired on the jumbo-tron to the backbeat of 'L.A. Nights' that was rapidly drawing to its conclusion. Having emerged from a makeshift trench next to the stage, a member of the production crew warned the team that they would be on the air in matter of seconds before scrambling back into cover and counting them down... from ten, to five, to one... J.K. Stallings Jr appeared. Not in the flesh, but on the giant screen. He looked nervous in the white shirt and black bowtie combination that the fans had grown accustomed to seeing him in since his emergence in the industry, accented by his glasses. He tried to disguise the trembling of his hands as if it were the chill of the air conditioning responsible for these inadvertent actions that actually bore out of anxiety. The lure of the business had been too much for the software mogul to resist, no matter how many copies of his e-mail program and other subsequent software developments had been installed on personal computers around the globe. He'd continued to bankroll the promotion under its previous moniker and this was the night he sought to savour the fruits of his investment. Even if it wasn't in person. [I]"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pride and pleasure that I welcome you all to the Hollyweird Grappling Company's presentation of Tuesday Night Wrestling."[/I] Stallings began, as a small graphic appeared in the corner of the screen indicating that his presence was via the miracle of a satellite feed. The video emanated from a plush room that despite its lavish design, gave few clues to its actual location. [I]"This is an occasion that I never believed we would see again, and it is a testament to your support and to the hard work of not only a roster filled with talented athletes, but a whole raft of workers from the rigging to the production truck that we stand here before you. Two years ago I walked away... many believed it to be too late for this promotion to regain it's once greatness... tonight is the first step in proving them wrong!"[/I] [I]"Welcome to Hollyweird."[/I] Fireworks exploded on cue around the stage, the smoke from which drifted downward, casting the ringside area in haze. Only the briefest of moments later the lights were raised to their normal ambience, causing the crowd to roar and revealing the previously unseen interior of the Stallings International Entertainment Center. Pushing aside the thin black veil that separated dreams from reality, Phil Vibert emerged on the stage, barely visible through the artificial fog/mist that still lingered. Not scheduled to appear first, his appearance briefly caught the production office off guard as they searched for the appropriate music to play. It was a new theme, specially recorded for the former DAVE owner so that it incorporated the same edgy strains of guitar that characterised his East Coast legacy and provided the ideal background as he strode purposefully down the long and narrow steel entrance ramp. Requesting a microphone, he entered the ring amidst the noise of the crowd and announcers. [I]"I suppose some of you might be wondering what I'm doing standing inside an HGC ring?"[/I] The interruption was almost instantaneous. Tommy Cornell flung back the curtain and made his way to the ring with the World Heavyweight belt fastened around his waist. Not once did he glance across at the sea of faces in the crowd who greeted his arrival like that of a hometown hero. Instead he maintained a facial expression that suggested the pioneer of Total Championship Wrestling had been chewing on tobacco moments prior. Clearly business was on the agenda as he called to the nearest ringside assistant to hand him a microphone of his own. Vibert simply watched in a stern silence. The same manner he'd adopted since he eyed Cornell in the entrance way. [I]"Let me save you the trouble of explaining that, Phil."[/I] Cornell began, pacing the ring. [I]"You see, you're here because after nearly driving your own company to the brink of bankruptcy, a snivelling little putz who should have stuck to programming computers in his basement, decided to hire you to front this ostentatious hobby of his!"[/I] The previously partisan crowd swayed once Cornell pointed out that few of them were blessed with the mental capacity to even grasp the concept of ostentation. [I]"You're no more in charge of this company than I am... than the fat guy in the front row over there is... the lobotomised drones running around backstage with clipboards are... or even the schmuck who has to mop the bloodstains from the canvas after the show!"[/I] He continued, venting his spleen. [I]"Your appointment Phil, is all part of what is known as brand proliferation. The people see you here, sitting in a token position, knowing that this promotion owns you. Knowing that you're little more than a trophy, another name added to the collection. I mean come on! The only reason you're here is so all the boys in the back could run a sweepstake on how long it would take you to fritter away all of Stalling's millions and run this place into the ground!"[/I] Despite the verbal barrage, Vibert remained unfazed as he stood patiently with his microphone in hand. [I]"Have you finished?"[/I] Vibert asked calmly, motioning to the back. [I]"Cut his mic."[/I] There was a brief burst of static, but Cornell would not be deprived his voice and simply snatched Vibert's microphone to compensate for the loss of his own. [I]"Listen to me, Phil and listen to me well. You're in a different world now... my world! In my world, you don't have John Campbell dragging his knuckles on the floor and helping you set bouts where inferior wrestlers attack each other with staplers, thumbtacks or whatever other crap you found in the dumpster behind the arena! You jumped from a sinking ship, leaving Campbell to disappear underneath the surface with it. Don't think for one second that I will hesitate to throw you back overboard should you get interfere in my business..."[/I] Cornell snarled, pressing his forehead against that of the former DAVE owner. [I][B]"The name on the stage might have changed, but make no mistake about it... I am still the star of the show!"[/B][/I] Message delivered, Cornell thrust the microphone back into Vibert's chest before he exited the ring. The latter refrained from using it again and raised his eyes towards the rigging. There went any hope of a smooth transition period. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JasonAzaria.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/KyleRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/DannyJillefski.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The camera shifted across to the announce table for a fuller introduction to the show. [I]"I'd use the word monumental, but I don't think even that would do justice to tonight's event and the opening confrontation we just witnessed! This is Tuesday Night Wrestling! I'm Jason Azaria, alongside Kyle Rhodes and much to my reluctance, Danny Jillefski..."[/I] [I]"That's cute Azaria!"[/I] Jillefski retorted. [I]"Do you see these shoulders? They're just about wide enough to carry you and Rhodes to an entertaining broadcast!"[/I] [I]"Guys, the business at hand..."[/I] Rhodes reminded them, trying to mediate the situation so that Azaria could resume. [I]"Well the content of tonight's inaugural show has been shrouded in secrecy, but we do know that the very same Tommy Cornell who we just watched verbally lambaste our new general manager, will have his hands full when he seeks to defend his World Heavyweight title against Ricky Dale Johnson in a Last Man Standing match later on. RDJ has activated his rematch clause at the earliest of opportunities and could potentially mark this history-making night by cementing his second title reign. Now however, I'm hearing via my earpiece that the opening match is upon us!"[/I] Before Jillefski could get in another quip at his new announce partner's expense, the music hits and the fans rose to their feet. Wolf Hawkins bounded down the entrance ramp and rolled into the ring, keen to get his bearings while he awaited the arrival his opponent. Hawkins knew the significance of this match. He and whoever emerged from behind the curtain next, would share the honour of being the first to grace the newly laid canvas in a competitive match on TNW. The eyes of someone in management must have been on him to present him with an opportunity of this magnitude. Either that or he was to play the support role in a more memorable act... Cue Bryan Vessey. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Opening Match: Bryan Vessey versus. Wolf Hawkins[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The echoing chants encouraging the younger Vessey brother to 'mess' his opponent up in blunter terms indicated that Hawkins could no longer count on the crowd's support to aid him in the opening contest. The match began with Vessey utilising his diverse striking offence to wear Hawkins down before the blue chipper could hit his stride. Every time Hawkins tried to quicken the pace, Vessey would grind him back down or on one occasion, nearly severe the youngster's head from his shoulders with an explosive Vessey Line. The longer this wore on, the more unorthodox Hawkins became in retaliation. The bout really swung on a lapse from Vessey that saw him fall victim to a Full Moon Rising that literally occurred from nowhere. Trying to capitalise on the snap enzigure, Hawkins made the cover but Vessey had too much left in the tank to succumb. Now nursing a bloody nose, the veteran strayed from his more PGHW style of bout, battering Hawkins from pillar to post. The more crimson streamed from his nose, the more his focus faded, allowing Hawkins a route back into the match. Seeing the sadistic edge to Vessey's offence, the crowd began to rally behind the newer generation, however the end of the contest was nigh. Snagging Hawkins on the top rope as he looked towards his high risk repertoire, Vessey hoisted his opponent onto his shoulders and sealed victory courtesy of the Vessey Driver at around the thirteen minute mark. [B]Winner: Bryan Vessey (via pinfall) Match Rating: C+[/B] That however, was not all she wrote. Vessey wiped the blood from his face, infuriated at the resistance displayed by his young opponent. Mounting Hawkins, the five time former Tag Team champion set about mauling his prone victim until he too sustained a similar injury. The gratuitous display was enough to draw Stevie Grayson from the locker room to aid his former partner, but Grayson's cavalry charge was ill-advised. After initially rocking Vessey with a series of right hands and a dropkick, he too suffered the Vessey Driver for his troubles. Returning his attention to Hawkins, the veteran executed a modified version of his signature move and propelled Hawkins over the top rope and to the thinly padded floor with a Vessey Plex. Finally a throng of officials ran out to halt the carnage, but the damage had already been done and the former team of Youth Gone Wild had been decimated. The match itself would arguably not stand the test of time, but it did provide the show with the hot opener management had sought. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Considering that virtually every conceivable task had already been carried out before he set foot in the arena, the small stack of blue plastic in-trays seemed the most expendable of items inside of his new office. Michelle withdrew behind her clipboard as Phil Vibert hurled them across the room and began to evaluate what to throw next whilst Charle Thatcher remained next to the table, unmoved by the display. It appeared Tommy Cornell had struck a raw nerve. Despite the provocation, the former DAVE figurehead had maintained his composure until now. He couldn't let Cornell know he'd landed such a psychological blow and shielding it from the British wrestling icon, even if there seemed no sanctuary from the network of cameras that laced through the corridors of the HGC arena. Clutching a stapler in his hand, Vibert wound back, but then relinquished his grip on the article of office stationery when confronted by the imposing form that now occupied the doorway. [I]"Excuse me, but..."[/I] Michelle began as if a reprimand over backstage conduct and the courtesy of knocking was in the offing. Dread simply glared at her with a look that suggested he were capable of flossing his teeth with the young intern's bones should she continue. Wisely, she bit her tongue and cautiously removed herself from the room via the door in which the former PGHW behemoth had entered through. Dread glanced at his own reflection in Thatcher's dark glasses, before returning his attention to the General Manager. [I]"We have matters to discuss."[/I] Dread explained in a low growl, prompting Vibert to return to his seat. [I]"I'm listening..."[/I] He responded. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] From the confines of his locker room, American Buffalo slammed a taped fist against the set of steel lockers in an act of petulance as the door swung open and his manager strode in. [I]"How's my favourite clie... [B]UMPH[/B]!"[/I] Lifting Floyd Goldworthy his lapels, American Buffalo pressed him against the wall. [I]"Why don't I have a match tonight, Floyd!? Huh? What in the blue hell am I paying you for!?"[/I] Goldworthy began to squirm. [I]"B-b-b... Buff... listen Buff, I tried... b-but I didn't even kn-know who was in charge of setting the c-card!" [/I]The agent's small frame provided little protection as his heavyweight client continued to bash him against the interior. [I]"Dammit, if you call me 'Buff' one more time, I swear I'll tear your under-developed arms right out of their sockets!"[/I] [I]"Pl-please... I can get you a match! I can get you a match for next week!"[/I] Goldworthy pleaded as his face turned a deeper shade of red. [I]"Not good enough, Floyd!"[/I] [I]"A t-title match... I'll get you a title match! I swear!"[/I] Finally it seemed Goldworthy had managed to quell American Buffalo's ever shortening fuse. The former NYCW powerhouse relinquished his grip on his manager, causing Goldworthy to gasp for breath. [I]"You'd better, because if I don't have a championship belt around my waist by the end of the month... I swear the authorities will never find your body!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The feed switched elsewhere backstage to show Peter Valentine standing in a corridor with his political ally, Sam Strong. The pair were engaged in conversation. [I]"There's an HGC legend if I ever saw one."[/I] Remarked Jason Azaria, before mentioning that he understood Strong would be called into the squared circle later on as part of an announcement from none other than his legendary adversary, Rip Chord. Jillefski meanwhile tried to put over Peter Valentine as a legitimate force to be reckoned with, skating around the fact that Strong's backstage pull would be the key to any future success. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]Tag Team Reunion Match 1: The Fly Boys versus. The Tokyo Express[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Back in the main arena, Fumihiro Ota and Kazuma Narato were already waiting inside the squared circle when Donnie J and Jimmy P made their entrance. Azaria pointed out that this would be the first of an unknown quantity of matches in the coming weeks were workers who were once connected as a tandem in HGC, would be reunited for the purpose of an exhibition match should those individuals like it or not. In the case of James Prudence, the latter disposition was evident. Jillefski gave some brief insight into the contrasting fortunes of The Fly Boys following their break up and subsequent feud in CZCW. It seemed namedropping other promotions on the show was acceptable provided their were lower down the pecking order from HGC as Jillefski had already been chewed out over his headset for mentioning the 'S word' during the opening minutes of the show. Referred to by all concerned under his old alias of Jimmy P, the bad blood between Prudence and Donnie surfaced on several occasions. Each time Ota and Narato seized on this, showing they had few qualms with teaming together and adding an exclamation point to this fact by dimming Donnie J's lights with a Ninja Strike/leg sweep combination. Whilst Jimmy refused to break a sweat by aiding his unwanted partner, Donnie managed to survive a couple of near falls before Prudence finally tagged himself in. The pace quickened for the final two minutes of this relatively short encounter and reached its conclusion when Donnie blind-tagged in and scored with the 'Death on Miami Beach', pinning Narato in the heart of Hollywood. [B]Winners: The Fly Boys (via pinfall on Kazuma Narato) Match Rating: C-[/B] Following the bell, Donnie J celebrated on the turnbuckle, but kept his eyes locked on Jimmy P as his former tag team partner retreated back up the entrance ramp. The look on Prudence's face would have led many to believe that he had not been a part of the victorious team and in many ways, he wished he hadn't have been. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Chance Fortune stood in front of a Hollyweird Grappling Company background with the All Action championship belt draped across his right shoulder. Outlining the previous match as an example of the calibre of opponents who would be seeking a shot at his title, he confirmed that he would not hesitate to put the gold on the line in a typical 'fighting champion' style mantra... and that would begin next week against Freddy Huggins. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]Troy Tornado versus. Stevie Grayson[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Upon returning to the main bowl of the arena, Azaria mentioned that he'd just received confirmation that Dread's return match was slated for next week's edition of TNW whilst Stevie Grayson made his way down the aisle. Having seen two sets of former partners just team up, we were now due to witness a match between two more as Troy Tornado sauntered onto the stage. Having turned his back on his bandmates last year, Tornado made his way to the ring to the sound of theme music that featured his own vocal talents... a track that Jillefski suggested would be ideal for Azaria to play on his car stereo the next time he tried to pick up girls outside the local junior high school. The match itself never truly developed as a contest. Still licking his wounds from earlier, Grayson was limited to the odd aerial attack before Tornado put the cap wearing worker out of his misery with the Star Maker. Ironically named of course, seeing as Grayson was hardly going to benefit from being relieved of his consciousness courtesy of Tornado's high velocity flying forearm. [B]Winner: Troy Tornado (via pinfall) Match Rating: C[/B] Following a rather routine win, Tornado headed back up the aisle, only stopping to insult a couple of fans holding a '[B]PP 4 LIFE![/B]' signboard with a hand gesture that probably contravened GNN's on air code of conduct. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The wheels of the gurney carrying Wolf Hawkins rattled across the marble floor as the EMT's pushed him through the Hollyweird Backlot. Neckbrace in place, the medical team had concluded that scans were required to assess whether Bryan Vessey's callous actions had resulted in any lasting damage, such as a spinal injury. As was common during a live event, there were several workers congregated, including the 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell. Breaking off from his pre-match preparations, Cornell had a can of soda in hand and was trying to extract a few details about the new arena structure from Archie Judge. The four-time champion usually had a fairly keen sense of direction, but granted the stipulation for his match against RDJ, he figured there was an advantage to be had from familiarising himself with the layout. Like most of the former TCW payroll however, Judge knew little more about their new environment than Cornell. [I]"Hold up there fellas. The entrance to administrative parking garage is on the other side of the arena!"[/I] Judge advised, on the assumption Hawkins was bound for an ambulance journey to the nearest medical facility. [I]"He's going to hospital isn't he?"[/I] [I]"No need sir."[/I] Replied one of the production assistants who happened to be roaming the area. [I]"The Stallings International Entertainment Arena has its own state-of-the-art medical facilities. Our company doctors are some of the most skilled in their field when it comes to procedure and groundbreaking treatment. In truth, we'd be doing Mr Hawkins a disservice by sending him to an outside practice!"[/I] Whilst the conversation developed around him, Cornell looked down at the prone body of the young prodigy. Hawkins eyes flickered, trying to adjust to the lighting and distinguish the features of the face before him. Cornell placed a hand on his shoulder in what many would consider an out of character gesture before stepping away and walking straight into a whole new world of trouble. Dread snorted, bearing down on the former TCW figurehead as they stood toe-to-toe. Despite his better judgement, wisecracks came to Cornell like a second nature. [I]"Hmmmm.... needs work. This [B]is[/B] your best 'threatening' posture, right?"[/I] Initially there was no reaction from the three hundred and fifty-plus pounder. Then Dread flashed a knowing smile and planted his hand on the faceplate of Cornell's World Heavyweight belt in a cryptic gesture, before he disappeared down the opposing hallway. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] A brief recap of the opening segment and the ultimately one-sided exchange between Tommy Cornell and Phil Vibert is aired before the cameras caught up with the remaining members of Painful Procedure in the locker room area. Randell Hopkirk, B.J. Shearer and Ronnie V Pain are reclining on separate leather couches, making the most of their match-free schedule until Troy Tornado passes through. [I]"Painful Procedure..."[/I] Tornado sneered, wiping the sweat from his brow with a white towel. [I]"How appropriate considering pain I suffered as I my career stagnated when I was lugging this collection of deadweight around. Did you see what just happened out there, boys? That was the sight of victory... but then you three wouldn't know what that experience felt like. Here, you can at least get a taste of success!"[/I] Tossing his towel straight into the face of Hopkirk, Tornado departs whilst the bassist is restrained by his fellow band members. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Having hit rock bottom several, Rip Chord vowed to repay the industry that had provided him with the fortune he almost completely squandered on drink. He was the architect behind Mid Atlantic Wrestling's continuing rise, yet he had all but consigned himself to the likelihood that he would never wrestle again. The catalyst might have been a computer geniuses' money and the possibilities it generated, but the sheer determination to put himself through the rigours of the squared circle once again, was all Chord's. The sands of time flowed against him, to the extent that this was his last chance to end his career with a run that was befitting of a legend. Given the circumstances, the confetti that fell from the rafters seemed rather understated as Rip Chord made his entrance. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]Rip Chord versus. Robert Oxford[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Robert Oxford tightened his wrist taping, unfazed that for the first time in the last six years, he was actually the younger of the competitors involved. The reception Vessey's return received was dwarfed by that of Chord's as the MAW owner climbed the ring steps and stepped through the ropes. He wore trunks that harkened back to his glory days in the eighties, although Oxford had never been one for sentiment and pounced on his opponent prior to the bell. Maintaining a slow and methodical pace throughout, the match soon saw Chord on the attack as he bent the rules to the delight of the crowd. This was never likely to be a match of the year candidate, but the fans who had sold out the Stallings International Entertainment Arena couldn't have cared less. At around the six minute mark, Oxford miscalculated a lariat and with a twist of the arm, Chord drove him into the mat with the fabled Rip Chord DDT. Planting a boot on his fellow veteran's chest for the pinfall, Chord had made his return in style. [B]Winner: Rip Chord (via pinfall) Match Rating: C+[/B] Azaria proclaimed it as the first step for Chord in order to regain his legacy, whilst Jillefski retorted that it made a change for Chord to embark on a step that didn't relate to an alcoholics anonymous programme. It was the sort of remark the USPW man had been content to make from the safety of the announce table thought the show and presumably was the sole purpose for his employment, stirring up an otherwise competent team. Jillefski tried to back up his observation, pointing out that Chord was gesturing for a post match bottle of his favourite poison. In reality, Chord was requesting the live microphone in order to make the announcement that he'd been bursting to make all week. Still recovering from the physical exertion involved in his match, the MAW owner's address to the masses was interspersed with heavy intakes of breath as called for another legend to join him at ringside. [I]"Come on Sam... This is important man... I want you to be part of this too!"[/I] The nostalgia pops just kept on coming as Sam Strong appeared in his casual clothes. Unlike Chord, he was under no illusions that his days of active competition were behind him. He made his way to the base of the ramp where Chord was waiting, firing off a few signature poses to the encouragement of his once fierce adversary. In their wrestling afterlives, the pair had shared a strong friendship as they aspired to take their own promotions to the pinnacle of pro-wrestling. That was, until now. [I]"You see, I needed you to know this Sam... I wouldn't be standing here without you... you're... you're my inspiration!"[/I] The dull thud of Strong's cranium as it was driven into the ramp sent a shiver down the spines of those in the first few rows. It was 1981 all over again as if the build up to the Supreme Challenge was resuming over twenty years later. This time however, Strong had no championship in his possession and there was no match to build too. There was just one similarity the two periods shared. Just like the last time Chord had given Strong his patented DDT on the exposed concrete floor, it was an act in cold blood. [I]"You've inspired me to re-craft my legacy... a legacy that you tarnished! Whilst I drowned in a sea of alcohol, you just were drowning in a sea of complacency! You manipulated your way into centerstage... you took my spotlight like it were your own and bathed in the adulation that should have been mine!"[/I] Officials raced down the aisle (not for the first time during the broadcast) and swarmed around Strong who was yet to move following the point of impact. [I]"Don't worry Sam, I've made sure you're still the center of attention... medical attention, that is."[/I] Chord spat, standing over the fallen road agent. [I]"While I gave my all to the business, you just took and took until there was nothing left! Now I'm going to ensure that when people remember Rip Chord, they're not staring at the bottom of a bottle..."[/I] Chord knelt beside Strong whilst the officials tended to him, oblivious to their distress as the latter remained motionless. [I]"This is [B]my[/B] time, Sam."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] It was poignant that when Tuesday Night Wrestling resumed, the person who appeared next would be Rip Chord's final opponent when time was called on his last run in HGC. Ricky Dale Johnson laced and re-laced his boots, unaware of any event unfolded beyond the four walls of his locker room. This new Hollyweird experience was strange and would take some getting used to, but for now he was content to shut it all out... at least, until he recaptured his title. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]Liberty versus. Wrestling Machine #1[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] With shockwaves still reverberating around the main bowl of the arena, participation in the next match seemed an unenviable duty. The fans were understandably subdued having witnessed Rip Chord's premeditated assault in the name of revenge as Wrestling Machine #1 felt a wall of silence surround he and his partner as they arrived. Even the sight of Liberty's psychedelic tights did little to rouse those watching, at least until the bell rang. Perhaps it was due to the awkward scenario that faced the pair, but the Floridian and the superstar-formerly-known-as Human Arsenal arguably put on the match of the evening thus far. Allegedly a one on one contest, The Machines still worked in some tandem offence with Wrestling Machine #2 proving to be a factor at ringside. Having interfered to a point already, Liberty knocked superstar-formerly-known-as Brent Hill from the apron with a 'Liberty Big Left Hand', but suffered a nearfall as Wrestling Machine #1 caught him with a half nelson suplex. Whilst HA tried to go through his suplex repertoire (all of which Rhodes called to perfection), Liberty staged his comeback and was in full control following a high impact shoulder block. He positioned his opponent for the Liberation Slam, but Brent Hill involved himself by distracting the referee and allowed Wrestling Machine #1 to escape via an unseen low blow. Once his partner had Ammo Dumped Liberty in the center of the ring, Wrestling Machine #2 was only to happy to allow the referee to return his focus to the bout and make the all important three count. [B]Winner: Wrestling Machine #1 (via pinfall) Match Rating: B[/B] Superior numbers had prevailed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Catering had a responsibility to provide healthy options for the wrestlers as well food that was unlikely to feature in their recommended diet. Not that the Giant Tana was a fussy eater. The popular Samoan had laid siege to what remained of the backstage buffet, consuming almost everything he could lay his chubby hands on. [I]"Duuuuuude, do you even take a breath between mouthfuls?"[/I] Tana slowly turned to face Liberty whose sweaty brow glistened under the lighting. The sight of a half devoured lobster claw dangling from Tana's mouth raised a smile. Liberty's mood had sunken particularly low having just lost his match. With one hand clutching a tray of c*cktail sausages, the Samoan scoured the table to find anything that he might have missed and handed Liberty a clutch of decorative plastic grapes. The Floridian just laughed and slapped the good hearted super heavyweight on the back. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]Rick Law versus. Charlie Thatcher[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Intent on proving his International title credentials, Rick Law squared off against Charlie Thatcher. Law was already in control when we returned from the commercial, with Thatcher making the most of his limited power-based moveset. Being a sizeable superstar himself, Law bulldozed Thatcher with a three point charge before signalling to the crowd (and possibly the current champion Rocky Golden) that he wasn't getting paid by the hour. Meanwhile Vibert's personal bodyguard became desperate and removed the turnbuckle pad, trying to drive Law's head into the exposed steel. The former USPW star was having none of it and upon Irish whipping Thatcher into the ropes, finished the job with the Squad Car Slam. The high-impact spinebuster seemed all the more impressive considering the stature of the victim. [B]Winner: Rick Law (via pinfall) Match Rating: C[/B] Having exited the ring, Law approached the nearest camera to hammer his point home to [I]"I want my belt back, Rocky! Remember this... you can't evade the law forever!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Following Law's victory, Azaria was convinced that somewhere deep inside the bowels of the arena, Rocky Golden would have watched the demolition of Thatcher. Not for the first time tonight, he was wide of the mark as the International champion along with Freddy Huggins were shown enjoying the company of several women backstage. Opting to go for a bottle rather than a glass, Huggins strutted across the room, downing the champagne as he went. [I]"Now this is why I got into wrestling!"[/I] Huggins slurred, wrapping his arm around the closest of the groupies. [I]"Next week I'll have the All Action title around my waist and the Hugmeister is going to hit the town..."[/I] Before he could finish, a set of knuckles rapped on the door although the personal assistant didn't wait to be invited into the room. [I]"I'm sorry to interrupt, but 'Hugmeister' is actually the intellectual property of another individual, we can't use it on air without breaching copyright law."[/I] [I]"Intellectual property!? It's my freakin' name!"[/I] Huggins protested. [I]"That's the name the ladies call out when they're getting shaf..."[/I] [I]"Well they still can, but not whilst we're on air."[/I] The assistant cut in. [I]"But don't worry, our writing team is working on a set of alternatives for you to use. You're an important part of the demographic the network is targeting after all."[/I] [I]"You creative types... you're always thinking! What've you got?"[/I] Asked Huggins, with a swelled sense of importance. Flipping through his clip sheet, the assistant rolled them off. [I]"We're torn between 'The Hugginator', 'The Hugster' although that's skating a bit close to a patriotic, orange character that another network own the rights to... and 'Huggy'."[/I] [I]"Huggy!?"[/I] Huggins repeated as he spat a mouthful of champagne onto the dress of the shapely female next to him. [I]"I like it."[/I] Golden replied, before the assistant continued. [I]"It did test well with our focus group and we can have a new line of merchandise out by Thursday."[/I] Huggins glanced back at Golden who was nodding in agreement. [I]"I guess it could work..."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The screen split in two to show both Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson exiting their respective locker rooms and heading to the gorilla position. Their date with destiny had arrived... [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][COLOR="Black"]World Heavyweight Title Match: Tommy Cornell (c) versus. Ricky Dale Johnson[/COLOR][/U][/B][/CENTER] Azaria explained what a Last Man Standing match entailed for the two combatants; however it was a little fact that most people already knew. The challenger entered first, soaking in the atmosphere from the top of the ramp as the 'RDJ' chants began, proving the crowd were still as fired up as they were at the top of the broadcast. The big Texan hopped onto the apron and then onto the top turnbuckle where he could fully appreciate the massive support he had in the stands. Enter the champion. Two large explosions of pyro flashed either side of the stage as Cornell peeled back the curtain. He removed his shirt in the middle of the aisle, but simply tossed it to the ground rather than treat the fans to a freebie. Once the two men were inside the confines of the squared circle, referee Sam Sparrow hoisted the World Heavyweight Championship above his head to confirm what was at stake for both men. The announcers made their predictions, Azaria went for Johnson, Jillefski tipped Cornell and Rhodes just crossed his fingers, hoping to call the match without being drowned out by the incessant bickering of his colleagues. Having engaged in a brief stare down, Cornell slapped the taste out of RDJ's prompting the challenger to come flying out of the gate with a flurry of right hands. The fact that Cornell spent the opening of the bout on the back foot, suggested he might have underestimated Johnson's desire to recapture the gold. It wasn't until the action spilled to the outside that the wily Cornell asserted himself in the match. Donning a pair of brass knuckles, he blasted the previously rampant RDJ with a blow that sent the Lone Star tumbling over the barricade and into the front row. RDJ answered the first count of the match at the five, which lured the champion into sea of people to administer further damage. Still with his knuckles coated in brass, Cornell opened up the wound on Johnson's forehead. Depriving a paying fan of their seat, the former TCW figurehead folded up a steel chair, but was unable to wield it as the Lone Star caught a second wind. RDJ struck with a ferocious clothesline that took both men tumbling over another barrier and landing in a more open section of the stands for a double six count. The next portion of the contest saw the two combatants brawl throughout the area, the highlights of which saw Cornell giving his foe the Three Inch Shrink from off of a concession stand and Johnson spearing the British native on the entrance ramp. With the match nearing the twenty minute region, the bumps became harder and the counts longer. Teasing victory, RDJ thought he'd done enough to put Cornell away when he connected with the Supreme Justice beside the sound stage, but the four time champion somehow managed to beat the count at nine. Battling further around the side of the entrance set, Cornell downed Johnson for a nine count of his own with an improvised variation of the Rough Ride. Fatigued and unsure of how to obtain victory, both men caught sight of the scaffolding that confirmed the set had yet to be completed in full. Against his better judgement and with blood clouding his field of vision Johnson climbed, trailed by Cornell, both men unsure of what would happen when they reached the summit. The fans watched, hearts in mouths as the pair exchanged blows, eighteen feet above the unpadded floor. The gasps of fifteen thousand echoed throughout the arena as each man teetered towards the edge. Cornell backed the challenger against the translucent steel side panel of the set and lashed his torso with blade chop after blade chop, but RDJ fought back. The big Texan ran on nothing more than adrenaline as he rocked Cornell with clubbing blows and tried to hurl him from off of the platform. The champion planted his feet and then spun behind RDJ, applying the Guilt Trip. Losing his bearings as he became starved of oxygen, Johnson stumbled forward and toppled off of the scaffold, taking Cornell with him... Then there was silence. The bodies of Cornell and Johnson were splayed out on the ground, like toys discarded by a child. All the referee could do was count and hope that medical personnel were en route. [B]Winner: Draw (double ten count) Match Rating: B[/B] By the time the logo and copyright notice appeared, the scene had been flooded with officials, medical personnel and road agents. Some fans looked away as their larger than life heroes appeared beyond assistance, showing only fleeting signs of life. This was Tuesday Night Wrestling... straight out of Hollyweird. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tnwclose.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]FINAL SHOW RATING: [COLOR="royalblue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Closing Notes:[/B] Strong first show with a good second hour, which was boosted by a better-than-expected Liberty/Human Arsenal match who have become the first pair to be discovered with good chemistry. The write up of this show was longer than I intended, but there was quite a lot to get across. I'll probably try to cut them down a tad in the future. Thoughts on the format and content are of course welcome.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;226957]Great first show. Intricate. Really enjoy the 'kayfabe' aspect of acknowledging the backstage scene, but still making it part of the storylines.[/QUOTE] Actually this is something I could/should have mentioned in my first post. Whilst kayfabe might be pushed at times, I'm intending not to break with any of my entries. There are a couple of details on this that'll I'll explain a little further down the road, but I'd rather bring them out through the dynasty that just explain them thoroughly now. [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;226957]Is this how all of your shows are going to be written up? I really like this style and realize this would take a lot of time and thought to do for each show. Love it man keep up the great work.[/QUOTE] Well I'm hoping to trim the write ups in size a little bit. I'm not convinced the format is quite as reader friendly as it could be, but the style will be consistant.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]act2:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]the need to belong[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [I]"Great show, Mr Vibert!"[/I] [I]"Was it?"[/I] The General Manager replied, not lifting his gaze from glass in front of him as he swirled the contents. It was difficult to take any pride in a show that his creative hand had left few fingerprints on. The assistant continued, despite an obvious lack of enthusiasm on the part of his one man audience. [I]"The early numbers are looking strong, especially in the last quarter... I think we're in the region of 29.00!"[/I] The founder of DAVE took a moment to work out what the ratings jargon equated to in real terms. It was reassuring to think that so many people were left with the prevailing sense that two of the company's most marketable performers would be leaving the arena in body bags once the cameras had stopped rolling. The broadcast had ended over an hour ago, yet any substantial news on the conditions of both Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson had yet to trickle through the convoluted chain of staff to the point where it would reach him. Until then, he'd continue to wait in the corporate lounge that his newly acquired key card granted him access to. Possessing one literally opened the doors to a whole new world inside the arena compound, even if the card issued to Vibert was only classified as 'medium level clearance', it did heighten the sense that he was beginning to belong. It permitted him access to the hospitality suites and most importantly, a traditional post-show Bourbon on the rocks. That was what really mattered at this point in time. It took some of his edge away. Still though, he struggled to adapt to the soulless surroundings. Two weeks ago he sat on a wooden bench backstage in the McGaw Arena, with the same tipple. His era in DAVE had reached its bloody conclusion, marked with an emotional final show in front of ten thousand fewer fans than witnessed the pseudo-start of his HGC tenure. The roster had formed a guard of honour as he departed the ring for the final time, applauding the man they considered the Reverend of Hardcore as he passed them. It choked him up, the sight of Johnny Martin paying his respects as he struggled to stand due to excessive blood loss or Eric Tyler with multiple lacerations from barbed wire and thumbtacks still lodged in his flesh, making a point of shaking his boss's hand. Then he just sat backstage, taking it all in before pouring himself a stiff drink and going over the financials with Campbell for the final time, optimistic that the event had turned a reasonable profit for the promotion created through his hard graft, sharp booking instincts and limited capital. Had he really traded that for a thin rectangle of plastic that proved his identity and unlocked a limited selection of doors? Realising he'd been passive to the assistant's continuing conversation, Vibert looked back up only to find the worker answering to whatever authoritive voice had summoned him via his mandatory headset. Monkies to the proverbial hi-tech organ grinder as always. That left him with his drink and an empty seat on the opposite side of the table that mirrored the hollow feeling the event had left him with. [I]"Is this seat taken?"[/I] Lost in introspection, he hadn't even seen her walk in. [I]"I... how did you get in?"[/I] Emma Chase sat down and returned one of those impure smiles that were an answer all in itself. Suddenly his new bio-metric key card seemed to have deteriorated in worth. Despite the fact that Chase rarely hesitated to use her more natural talents as a route to securing an objective, there was more to her than promiscuity and double entendres. Aside from a brief relationship with Sammy Bach, her conquests usually had an agenda attached. That's what made her so attractive to men like Phil Vibert. That's what made her equally dangerous. [I]"Do I have to get my own drink?"[/I] She teased, settling into the chair. Vibert signalled to the nearest waiter in the vicinity and obliged. He knew Emma's favoured drink by now, he'd bought enough of them in the past. He stalled until the waiter had left to fulfil the order before he questioned the motivation behind her visit. [I]"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Emma?"[/I] [I]"You know me Phil…"[/I] She paused, letting the next words seductively slip from her tongue. [I]"Business first, then pleasure."[/I]
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Next show is in the pipeline, also working on a format to post the tidbits of news inbetween. [QUOTE=Monkeypox;227552]Nice from top to bottom, dude. Very reader friendly, good style, already making big bounds towards character development - nice to see where Vibert ended up![/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot. Yeah, in a way our dynasties could almost run back to back with each other in that respect. I recruited Vibert in a recent C-Verse draft and thought I could give him a plausible story for turning up in HGC... which was pretty much the same premise you used to shifting Vibert to one side as Cuban arrived. Great minds and all that, eh? ;)
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Goes without saying almost, but great work thus far. I love the kayfabe-driven world you've created, and Vibert as a beleaguered central character is really working for me. Awesome promo from Rip Chord; hopefully we can see Chord and Strong become involved one more time with some fresh blood being elevated in the process. Keep it coming, pal.
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[I]"Wait! Hold the elevator!"[/I] Placing his foot in-between the doorway before the doors shut completely, Rip Chord obliged. The grateful young man from the network jogged towards the MAW owner, both seemed laden with a clipboard full of notes. Whereas one contained notes of running times, tech notes and other details daubed over in yellow highlights, Chord's paperwork related to his own promotion. It was easy to forget that the man who could have condemned Sam Strong to a wheelchair, was also responsible for the fledgling careers of several young talents. [I]"Don't mention it, kid."[/I] Chord replied, taking the pen from behind his ear and ringing 'SUKI' on the sheet in front of him. The doors sealed the wrestling legend and his new travelling companion inside as the elevator began its brief descent. Chord tapped his pen in time with the music being piped into the carriage, a keyboard version of L.A. Nights as it so happened, before he turned back to the polo shirted assistant. [I]"You might want to let me get out first."[/I] Chord advised, with a slight smile crossing his lips. [I]"I'm probably not the most popular guy to be seen with right now."[/I] The elevator ground to a halt and the doors parted with an elementary "ding" to confirm their arrival. With almost faultless synchronicity all eyes fell on the reformed Chord the instant he emerged. Conversations trailed off and facial expressions shifted to convey varying levels of disapproval as the MAW owner made his way through the mesh of individuals who occupied the Hollyweird Back Lot. When you drive the skull of one of the most popular men in the industry, both inside and outside of the ring, into a surface such as that of a steel ramp... it's to be expected. Chord made no attempt to hang his head in the presence of his peers, for in his mind his actions were justified. He held the moral high ground. He was the one who could sleep easy at night safe in the knowledge that he hadn't sabotaged the lives of his fellow professional for the sake of maintaining his own receding spotlight. What did it matter to him if the likes of Rick Law couldn't recognise that? The aforementioned former International Champion had been 'chilling' with Chance Fortune next to water cooler up until the point where the elevator dispatched its human cargo. The fixed stare he had on Chord suggested a mixture of disgust and a determination to exact a bit of police brutality on his idol's assailant. [I]"Problem, Rick?"[/I] Chord asked, despite knowing the answer. [I]"That's the problem with you; you see everything in black and white. Sometimes it's not that straightforward... sometimes you have to acknowledge shades of grey... that's where I come in."[/I] Law didn't answer, his eyes simply narrowed to give away a rising sense of anger. Chord was confident he wouldn't seek retribution, at least not in the hallways. Those weren't the methods of a man whose prerogative was to enforce justice and protect civil liberties. For a roid-ridden, former bodybuilder with delusions of grandeur however... perhaps so. [I]"You got some nerve, Chord!"[/I] Peter Valentine roared, pushing his way to the forefront of the crowd. [I]"I'm gonna break you in half for what you did to Sam!"[/I] Given the discreet nature of Valentine's threat, it was only moments before security waded in and mobbed the wrestlers involved. [I]"You want some of the same, eh muscles?"[/I] The MAW owner yelled amidst the pushing and jostling of workers and personnel alike. [I]"Get it booked!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Match: Fumihiro Ota versus. Kazuma Narato[/U][/B] Whilst the Stallings International Entertainment Arena filled up, the announce team made their way to the desk before the oriental chimes of Kazuma Narato's theme hit. Ota shortly followed and the pair set about a solid non-televised contest, their styles meshing together well after several previous encounters during the promotion's now defunct Cruiserweight Championship scene. After five minutes of high kicking action, Ota ducked a roundhouse kick and returned the favour with his deadly Ninja Strike to defeat his Tokyo Express partner. [B]Winner: Fumihiro Ota (via pinfall) Match Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TNWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]Tuesday Night Wrestling:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]Scene 002[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][COLOR="Gray"]The push to secure an international entertainment spot continues for the Hollyweird Grappling Company, but only seven days after two of the companies biggest investments became little more than collateral damage, one has to wonder just where the buck does indeed stop for the wealthy company. [/COLOR][/CENTER] Tuesday Night Wrestling opened up inside Phil Vibert's office, where the General Manger sat, hands folded in front of him, behind his desk. He stared intently into the camera's lens; the same visual was presumably being displayed on the jumbo-tron as the crowd's reaction was clearly audible. [I]"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As I'm sure many of you are aware, last week's instalment of TNW ended on a controversial note and as the General Manager, it's my responsibility to deal with the fallout. Before I get into the main body of my announcement, I would first like to inform those of you in the arena and those watching at home, that both Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson sustained no long term harm from their match. In fact, Ricky Dale Johnson has recovered to such an extent that our doctors have cleared him to wrestle Dread in our main event, tonight."[/I] [I]"The other reason I am taking up your time tonight is to notify Cornell, Johnson and the entire locker room that I've made an executive decision regarding the status of the HGC World Heavyweight Championship. Whilst the stipulations of the Last Man Standing match dictate that in the event of a double count, the champion would retain the title... I've decided to overrule that stipulation."[/I] [I]"Where I come from..."[/I] A couple of small, sporadic DAVE chants are barely distinguishable from the general background noise, which included the deep breathing of the statuesque Charlie Thatcher who is positioned behind Vibert's chair. [I]"...champions are winners and seeing as Tommy Cornell failed to actually defeat his challenger, I'm afraid he can no longer be considered the World Heavyweight champion."[/I] [I]"What in the!?"[/I] The previously silent Jason Azaria uttered, before he could be heard murmuring to his announce colleagues. [I]"Can he do that... I mean, legally can he make that call!?"[/I] The mixed, yet vocal reaction from the crowd drowned out some of Vibert's next words as Azaria piped down at either the advice of Kyle Rhodes or whatever greater authority was patched through to his headset. [I]"To resolve this newfound vacancy, I'm setting a match that J.K. Stallings Jr himself once booked ten years ago to decide the fate of the very same championship. I may not have been part of the Hollyweird 'brand' all those years ago, but even I could not ignore the blaze of publicity in which HGC made their pay-per view debut as Sam Strong overcame multiple opponents to become the original World Champion. That's why at Malice In Wonderland, history will repeat itself and a new champion will be crowned in a [B]World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/B]."[/I] [I]"My God! That's huge..."[/I] Azaria decreed, before once again being reminded that his opinion on this matter was not yet required. [I]"Now I realise this decision will not be well received across the board, but I consider myself a fair man and I promise that every single superstar on the payroll will have a legitimate opportunity to qualify for this historic match, be they Bryan Vessey or T.J. Bailey."[/I] Vibert reached forward for his glass of Bourbon, before he concluded his opening segment. [I]"Let the show begin."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Forgoing the standard opening orgy of fireworks and clawing back an extra couple of grand for the production budget, TNW kicked off at ringside where several wrestlers were congregated around the edges of the squared circle, each armed with a weapon of choice. The arena pulsed with excitement as the camera panned around each competitor, showing the likes of Randell Hopkirk slapping a lead pipe in the palm of his hand, Robert Oxford adjusting a pair of brass knuckles, Stevie Grayson wielding a steel chair and Donnie J holding a surfboard of all things. Next, it's over to the announce table to join the three man team who are partially hidden behind Larry Vessy who doesn't appear to be packing any sort of heat. "Welcome to Tuesday Night Wrestling and as you can see folks, we're sitting in the middle of a potential war zone!" Azaria remarked, double checking his notes to verify the rules that governed the opening contest. "We're moments away from our first match of the night... a ten man L.A. STREET FIGHT!" "Well this has Phil Vibert's fingerprints all over it!" Jillefski interrupted. "This sort of gang warfare may have been commonplace in New Jersey or Philly, but this Hollyweird! Is he trying to put half the roster out of commission before we even reach Malice In Wonderland!?" "And speaking of Malice In Wonderland, I still can't believe the announcement we opened the show with." Azaria continued. "I've been told that Tommy Cornell is yet to arrive, but can you imagine the fireworks backstage when he discovers that our new General Manager has called time on his forth title reign!?" [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RandallHopkirk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TJBailey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Opening Match: 10 Man L.A. Street Fight[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Only seconds after the bell rang, Grayson scored with a home run of a chairshot on Ronnie V Pain who wasn't even an active participant of the match, unwisely choosing to remain with Hopkirk at the bottom of the ramp. Kyle Rhodes ran through the rules, explaining that the contest had few conditions other than the crucial fact that one pinfall or submission would seal victory. Other than that, anything went. Donnie J hit the ring, along with Jimmy P and Robert Oxford who considered the ring a safer environment than the padded floor outside. Driving T.J. Bailey into the ringpost, Larry Vessey dumped the visor wearing undercarder over the guardrail before seeking out Stevie Grayon who as it happened, had already designated the elder Vessey brother as his next target. Back inside the ring, Donnie J put his orange surfboard behind his head in the torture rack position and began to spin, cracking Oxford in the face, before clipping the unsuspecting Charlie Thatcher as well. The weapon shots came thick and fast as the match developed, with several of the participants pairing off, except Robert Oxford who was trying his utmost to avoid squaring up with any of the other combatants face-to-face and Troy Tornado who had made his way to the announce table. Grabbing Rhode's headset, Tornado addressed the audience at home. [I]"Can you believe this? I'm Troy Freakin' Tornado! I'm a former International Champion and this is my assignment for the week? Some sort of DAVE crapfest?"[/I] [I]"I was telling the people the same thing, Troy!"[/I] Jillefski protested, keen to take the opportunity to stroke Tornado's ego. [I]"I thought your inclusion was a mistake in my notes... these guys aren't even in your league!"[/I] Tornado nodded, before instinctively grabbing one of the monitors by the handle and clocking Aaron Andrews with it. With Double A laid out, Tornado returned his attention to the table. [I]"That's why someone like you should be in charge, Dan. You recognise greatness when you see it, unlike that dinosaur Vibert! Just watch me put one over on these losers..."[/I] Azaria could be heard gagging as Tornado left the desk, finally deciding to involve himself in proceedings. Like Tornado, Bryan Vessey had come to the same decision and made his way down the ramp before removing Grayson from a mounted punching position on his brother and giving Wolf Hawkin's buddy a vicious knee strike. The lawless environment accommodated such an intervention and provided Grayson with no protection as the younger Vessey treated the lesser skilled half of Youth Gone Wild to a Vessey Plex on the steel ramp. He was determined that Grayson would learn not to involve himself in his matters again. At this point the ring had now been cleared off all but two competitors. Having just scrambled Jimmy P's brains with a steel traffic sign, Randall Hopkick signalled for the Randallism, not realising that Troy Tornado was now in the ring. The Painful Procedure bassist turned on his heel onto to find Tornado's forearm connecting with his jaw. One pinning predicament later and Tornado had won the match with a one single act. [B]Winner: Troy Tornado (via pinfall on Randall Hopkick) Match Rating: C-[/B] Tornado rolled out of the ring and stepped over the fallen body of Thatcher, gesturing that he hadn't even broken a sweat in securing the win. Azaria got in his 'human demolition derby' money line in, as a survey of the scene revealed several battered and bloodied competitors whose efforts had all been for nought. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Having arrived fashionably late, Tommy Cornell is shown crossing the underground administration parking garage on crutches. Judging by his facial mannerisms, somebody has already informed him of Phil Vibert's announcement concerning the World Heavyweight Championship. In her new role as lead interviewer, Blonde Bombshell rushed towards 'Rough Justice', her hand clasped around a microphone. [I]"I'm not in the mood for this..."[/I] Cornell said, dismissively. [I]"I know the score, so get out of my face!"[/I] The four time former champion had only hobbled a couple of extra feet before the intrepid interviewer piped up again. [I]"But Tommy, what ar..."[/I] Bombshell began, before Cornell cut her off. [I]"Do you see this?"[/I] Cornell snapped, raising one of his crutches into the air. [I]"This isn't a pole that you can gyrate around; because I know that's about all that you're good for... I need these to walk, because last week I put my career on the line to [U]successfully[/U] defend my World Heavyweight Championship and Phil Vibert has the gall to strip the greatest wrestler on this planet of his championship? That's my reward? Even with your limited, single digit IQ, you know that I'm getting a raw deal! What's more I..."[/I] The former TCW figurehead paused for a moment and then checked his Rolex. [I]"Hold that thought..."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [I]"Dude, this machine is killing my buzz... what's wrong with it?"[/I] Liberty turned to Tana as if the simple minded Samoan would have a technical solution to deal with the uncooperative soft drink machine. [I]"Tana not know, but Tana fix!"[/I] Tana The Mighty leaned back and launched his fist forward into the soft drink machine. The machine titled back, slamming against the wall before it fell forward again and spat out the can of soda that Liberty had been owed, plus four of five others. The Floridian thanked Tana with the usual surfer-stroke-nineties slang that was better suited to re-runs of Saved By The Bell as opposed to the backstage hallways of HGC. He snapped off the ring pull, but before he could enjoy the contents of the can, he stopped upon the echoing sound of thunderous footsteps approaching at a considerable velocity and what sounded like some garbled battle cry. [I][B]"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"[/B][/I] Jim Force flung open the set of double doors to the surprise of both Liberty and Tana, demanding to know the whereabouts of BLZ Bubb. The USPW star seemed in a highly agitated state, even by his standards. Force grabbed the nearest production assistant by his turtleneck sweater and shook the unfortunate young worker in his quest for an answer. [I]"There has been a disturbance in the Force… one that has torn the fabric of many galaxies!"[/I] Force explained, his face contorting more outrageously with each sentence. [I]"Last week, the one you call BLZ Bubb and his acolytes struck a blow to the heart of Forcellians everywhere by torching the main USPW concession stand, destroying over two thousand dollar's worth of exclusive Jim Force merchandise... the quality of which, CANNOT BE REPRODUCED! How are people supposed to buy my merchandise when it is on fire!?"[/I] [I]"P-Please, stop shaking me!"[/I] The assistant whimpered, before he explained that Raul and Jay Darkness, along with their master were now contracted to USPW as negotiated by Sam Strong. The Nation Of Filth and their dated act had already been sent to USPW, whilst the likes of Texas Pete and the American Buffalo were also considered prime candidates to be relocated to the promotion-that-time-forgot. Unlike Phil Vibert who was brought into HGC with no promotional baggage, Strong had a vested interest in his own company's stability and was keen to ascertain a business relationship that would enable him to book stars that would otherwise have been beyond USPW's limited reach. Strong's end of the bargain had seen Danny Jillefski join the Hollyweird announce team to give it that controversial edge that Stalling's desired, whilst a couple of other switches of this nature had been mooted. Obviously yet to receive his copy of the company memo, Jim Force refused to believe anything that had not been foretold to him via the higher power known as ‘The Force’ and continued to rant until the members of the yellow-jersey-clad security force moved in. Liberty and Tana looked on as the former SWF superstar was forcibly removed from the premises, clearly against his wishes. The giant Samoan suggested that Liberty could help calm Force by offering the face-painted icon one of those 'special' cigarettes that he'd found the Floridian smoking earlier. [I]"FOOLS! THE AIR IS RIPE WITH THE STENCH OF CORRUPTION! SOON YOU WILL ALL FEEL THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/FreddyHuggins.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]All Action Championship Match: Chance Fortune versus. Freddy Huggins[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] When the concept of the All Action Championship emerged, it was a division that was intended to supersede the Cruiserweight title scene of old. Now that the former Cruiserweight stalwarts such as Kazuma Narato, Donnie J and Fumihiro Ota were back on the payroll, competition for the AA gold is arguably at it's peak since the belt's inception. Considered my many insiders to be the best candidate to pioneer this new division, Chance Fortune made his way to the squared circle, the belt featured prominently around his waist. It certainly had Freddy Huggin's attention, the challenger clad in new ring attire to exhibit the new name the HGC creative department had assigned for him. Somehow the sight of a wrestler with "Huggy" plastered across the seat of his tights didn't exactly instil a sense of fear in Fortune, who started the match with a series of arm drags, before sending Huggins to the outside with dropkick. Despite his new clothing regime and a nonchalant attitude to wrestling in general, Huggins isn't an opponent to be underestimated. Having lured Fortune into clothesline on the outside, the action returned to the ring where Huggins scored a couple of near falls with a seated faceplant and a leaping DDT respectively. With overconfidence serving as his downfall, Huggins lost control of the bout around the seven minute mark and after prematurely calling for his superkick finisher, 'Huggy' walked straight into the 'Stroke Of Luck' to lose the contest. [B]Winner: Chance Fortune (via pinfall) Match Rating: D[/B] Fortune posed with his belt having successfully defended it for the first time, whilst somewhere backstage a member of the creative team made a few notes on how to improve the 'Huggy' persona of the vanquished challenger. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Joel Bryant stood at the end of Phil Vibert's desk, content with the 'motivation' the General Manager had provided in order to get the veteran onside in his attempts to win over a considerable proportion of a fragmented locker room. Courtesy of brief excerpts from their conversation, anyone observing understood that Bryant would be receiving an International Championship match in return for his assistance. Bryant exited the office, but before the oak door could swing shut, Tommy Cornell forced it open using his crutch. Well aware that Charlie Thatcher was indisposed having featured in the opening match, Cornell felt comfortable using the crutch in his left hand to clear the contents of the former DAVE owner's desk. [I]"We could have had an easy relationship, Phil..."[/I] Cornell began, pinning Vibert to his chair by applying the base of his crutch to Vibert's chest. [I]"...but no, you had to muddy the waters. You had to show who's in charge... who's the man! Who's the brass! It's almost amusing to watch the failed little league promoter trying to wield his authority... give me one phone call and I'll have Stallings veto that Battle Royal and reinstate me as the World Champion faster than you can say..."[/I] [I]"If you enjoy running up your cell phone bill, go ahead."[/I] Vibert smiled. [I]"You'll find that he's already approved the main event at Malice In Wonderland... the qualification matches of which, will start next week. At least, for those superstars seeded for early qualification. The rest of the roster will have to wait until the pay-per view itself and win their initial matches before securing a spot in the evening's main attraction."[/I] Cornell's eyes narrowed, suspicious of what route to Malice In Wonderland lay in store for him... if any. [I]"Actually, I'm glad you came in."[/I] The General Manager continued. [I]"It saves me sending someone else to notify you that provided you have sufficiently recovered, your qualification match will take place next week on TNW. You and five other seeded superstars will have the opportunity to cement your place in the Battle Royal over a week in advance of the event, giving you the distinct advantage of not having to compete twice in one night."[/I] Before the former TCW figurehead could exhibit his appreciation for Vibert's gesture, Charlie Thatcher returned, causing Cornell to withdraw the crutch he had pressed against the General Manager. In no condition to deal with a suited hulk like Thatcher, Cornell hobbled towards the door, brushing past the bodyguard before turning back to Vibert. [I]"This isn't over, Phil."[/I] Even if for then, it was. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The feed cut behind the curtain to show Rip Chord, the self-proclaimed Hollyweird anti-hero as he stood in the gorilla position, holding a Wal-Mart bag of unidentified contents. He wasn't due out next, but given the current climate towards him in the Hollyweird Back Lot, there seemed little point in residing there. A hype graphic appeared at the bottom of the screen confirming that 'Rick Law vs. American Buffalo' was next up, leaving Chord looking disturbingly serine as TNW went to a commercial break. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Rick Law versus. The American Buffalo[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The relationship between Floyd Goldworthy and his client appeared strained as the pair headed down the ramp. Azaria noted that this match had been added to the schedule at short notice, following a personal plea to Phil Vibert from Goldworthy. The announcer also reminded the viewers that this match would be used to determine whether the American Buffalo did indeed have the credentials to challenge for the International title, a hunt that Rick Law was heavily involved in himself. Law made his way out, shedding his entrance shirt in the aisle as the American Buffalo attempted to engage him in combat prior to reaching the ring. Having sidestepped his opponents charge, Law slapped Buffalo in a full nelson and lead him back down to the ring so the contest could begin officially. The contest then seemed to hinge on which man would yield to the power of the other as both competitors used their natural size and strength to snatch a foothold. During Law's periods of offence, Goldworthy grew increasingly uneasy at ringside, knowing that this match was key to his plan to involve his client in chase for HGC's second tier championship and in turn, prevent BLZ Bubb's former tag team partner from dismembering him after Malice In Wonderland. Proceedings then took a turn for the worse, at least from Goldworthy's perspective, as Law ploughed straight through American Buffalo with lariat of unequalled ferocity. It should have been all over there and then, but the man who once managed Painful Procedure had dragged referee Sam Sparrow from the ring in order to remonstrate about some supposed infraction of the rules on Law's part. With the official's attention diverted, Rocky Golden materialised behind Law and laid out the enforcer of justice using the very belt Law aimed to once again hold. By the time Sparrow had his wits about him; Golden had fled from the scene of the crime and left the American Buffalo with the simple task of completing the obligatory cover. [B]Winner: American Buffalo (via pinfall) Match Rating: B-[/B] Goldworthy climbed into the ring and celebrated the victory like a Stanley Cup triumph, almost as surprised by Golden's intervention as Rick Law was... or at least would be when he regained consciousness. From the announce table Jillefski made a crack about smelling cooked bacon as Rocky Golden observed the result of his handiwork from a distance. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] A graphic appeared on the screen, indicating that J.K. Stallings Jr would be in attendance next week. Azaria reminded the viewers that this was notable due to the creator of the Hollyweird Grappling Company's failure to attend either editions of TNW thus far. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Rip Chord parted the curtain and headed out to the ring clutching the same Wal-Mart carrier bag he was shown in possession of earlier. The crowd's reaction suggested that he was about as popular amongst the Hollyweird faithful as he was in the locker room, although the MAW owner wore a smile that implied he didn't have a problem in the world. Jillefski hazarded a guess that bag contained a change of clothes for Azaria, based on the assumption that the $1 shirt and $2.50 pair of trousers originated from the same retail outlet. Chord acquired a microphone from ringside and repeated the main message from his promo last week, although this time without the notable prop of Sam Strong's limp carcass resting at his feet. The MAW owner then opened the WalMart bag to reveal several bottles of beer, which he laid in the far corner of the ring, claiming that he no longer had the desire to crack one or more open since making his memorable return to active competition last week on TNW. This week, he was brimming with confidence to such an extent that he announced a special variation of the Rip Chord Invitational where tonight, he'd face any opponent who emerged through the curtain. [I]"Lord knows, there must be a few candidates back there."[/I] Chord laughed, expecting Peter Valentine to accept his invitation or at a push perhaps Rick Law. In the end, he was set to face an entirely different proposition. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Rip Chord Invitational: Rip Chord versus. Bruce The Giant[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Like Jim Force before him, Chord was about to experience a by-product of the HGC/USPW relationship as Bruce The Giant strode purposefully down the aisle in far fewer steps than would be necessary for a man of normal proportions. The MAW Owner froze as his seven foot opponent stepped over the top rope, recalling his last altercation with BTG at Times Of Trouble under the Supreme Wrestling Federation banner back in 1992. The 'contest' marked the heavily hyped debut of Bruce who decimated Chord within five minutes of the opening bell. That was when both men were in their prime, but whilst Chord knew he'd lost a step or two inside the ropes, BTG certainly hadn't shrunk in the fifteen year time span. Back in the present, the match began with Chord on offence... for all over five seconds. One knife edge chop from the MAW Owner later and BTG had sent him crashing to the mat with a clubbing blow. The same process repeated itself until Chord ducked out of the ring to recompose himself, a breather that his seven foot opponent was keen to deny him. BTG reached over the ropes, intent on snaring Chord, but the reformed alcoholic countered by getting his massive foe hung up on the top rope. Bruce was now gasping for breath, more so than he had been prior, giving Chord a window of opportunity to take the bout to the seven footer and try to chip away at BTG's near impenetrable vertical base. Chopblocks, stomps to the hamstring, Chord would resort to any form of attack that would neutralise his opponent’s height advantage. Then the real turning point in the contest arrived... Peter Valentine lumbered down the aisle; his appearance failed to draw a completely positive reaction from the crowd, although it did attract Chord's attention. With his heart set on vengeance, Valentine also drew the attention of the referee as BTG started to recover, swatting Chord away with one frying-pan-like right hand as he rose back to his feet. Ever resourceful, the MAW Owner reached to his corner and shattered a bottle of Miller over Bruce's head, before capitalising further the infamous Rip Chord DDT. When the official finally focussed on business inside the ring, the proverbial fork had been inserted into BTG and he was indeed, done. [B]WINNER: Rip Chord (via pinfall) Match Rating: C[/B] Chord didn't hang around to have his hand raised in triumph, vacating the squared circle as Valentine clambered inside and escaping like a thief in the night having exorcised the demons that had hung over him since '92. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Floyd Goldworthy was almost bouncing around the locker room, immensely pleased with how the night has gone for him and his client who sat unlacing his boots on the bench nearby. [I]"What a win, with a victory like that we're straight into the mix for the International title!"[/I] The agent proclaimed, dialling someone on his cell phone before the Amercian Buffalo smothered the phone with his hand. [I]"We?"[/I] He growled. [I]"I beat Rick Law despite you, not because of you..."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Liberty versus. Wrestling Machine #2[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Unable to defeat Wrestling Machine #1 on TNW last week, Liberty squared off against the other half of the Tag Team champions, tonight. Like the aforementioned encounter from seven days ago, the non-participating partner made themselves a factor interfering at every turn, leaving Liberty once again facing uneven odds. This week however, he had a four hundred pound Samoan watching his back. Tana ran out at around the three minute mark and set upon the-superstar-formerly-known-as-Human Arsenal. When the pair spilled into the ring and sparked a fourway brawl, the referee had little option to throw the match out. [B]WINNER: None (double disqualification) Match Rating: B+[/B] Faring less successfully against two aggressors, The Machines slid out of the ring and began to head back up the aisle when a production assistant rushed past them. The assistant passed a piece of paper headed 'From The Desk Of Phil Vibert' to the ring announcer who announced that the match would be resuming as a two on two contest. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Non Title Match: Liberty & Giant Tana versus. The Machines (c)[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] One brief commercial later and the Liberty was back inside the squared circle, pitting his wits against Wrestling Machine #2 only this time both men had partners positioned on the apron. Despite being grateful to have the big Samoan in his corner, Tana wasn't exactly well versed in the art of tag team wrestling and the champions exploited his naivety when possible, stranding Liberty in their corner for considerable periods. Whilst The Machines worked the neck of the Floridian, Tana worked the crowd, trying to encourage his new friend to make the tag. It came at around the eight minute mark and Tana was the proverbial 'house on fire', lighting up both of The Machines with chops that were followed by scoop slam on Human Arsenal after pie-facing his partner. Having recovered from the beating he'd sustained throughout the contest, Liberty dived back into the mix, but the additional confusion created by his presence saw The Machines eject him from the ring before nailing their tandem finisher on Tana and picking up an opportunistic win. [B]WINNER: The Machines (via pinfall on Giant Tana) Match Rating: C[/B] The Machines recovered their belts from the timekeepers table, which incidentally weren't on the line, before departing as Liberty rolled back inside to check on his slain Samoan team mate. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Polishing the orange surfboard that he'd wielded like Thor's Hammer earlier, Donnie J looked up as Jimmy P approached him backstage. Their conversation was brief, with James Prudence informing his former tag team partner that he had their match against the Tokyo Express firmly in hand until Donnie decided to profit from all of Prudence's work by stealing the pin. Donnie J simply smiled, claiming his reluctant partner needed his help then, just like he always has. The taunt was enough to settle the brief argument as Prudence struggled for a comeback and opted to leave. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]International Title Match: Joel Bryant versus. Rocky Golden[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Granted an International title shot earlier in the show, Joel Bryant came out to a good reaction. His standing as an HGC original meant despite not pandering to the fans as of late, Bryant commanded their respect as a legitimate competitor, unlike Rocky Golden whose signing by Tommy Cornell raised many sets of eyebrows last year. The young hoss was blossoming since leaving CZCW, but despite the air of confidence he carried, Golden knew Bryant was a genuine threat to his champion status. The early stages of the match saw Golden overpowering Bryant in various situations, but it didn't take long for the Tag Team Specialist to start picking holes in Golden's limited range of manoeuvres. The sight of the unappreciative Golden being schooled on the canvas by Bryant delighted the crowd, who jeered the champion as he clung desperately to the ropes to prevent the veteran applying another submission hold, a single leg crab on this occasion. Whereas Chance Fortune sought to construct the reputation of a fighting champion, Golden obviously didn't harbour the same aspiration and saw his opportunity to escape when the referee forced Bryant to initiate a break. Having snatched his belt from the timekeepers table, the superstar-formerly-known-as-Prince Adam fled the scene, content with the loser’s share of the purse. [B]WINNER: Joel Bryant (via count out) Match Rating: B-[/B] Bryant fumed, snatching his hand back as the official tried to raise it. He had no intention to celebrate such a token victory. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Ricky Dale Johnson stood in front of a Hollyweird backdrop, with Blonde Bombshell positioned to his left with a microphone. With his ribs covered in heavy taping, RDJ promised that whether he had to go through one man or twenty men, he would be leaving Malice In Wonderland with the World Heavyweight Championship. First however, Dread awaited. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Having experienced a night of mixed fortunes, Freddy 'Huggy' Huggins and Rocky Golden are shown climbing into Golden's black BMW in the underground parking garage. Huggins mentioned that the creative team had given him more instructions on diversifying his character for next week, before Golden told him not to concern himself with that now... a night on the town beckoned. The car peeled away, only for Golden to slam on the brakes as a squad car pulled out straight in front of him, siren blaring. The driver stepped out, tapping his nightstick against the hood of Golden's vehicle as he neared the window. [I]"Going somewhere gentlemen?"[/I] Rick Law enquired, taking out his notepad. [I]"Not with that broken taillight, I hope?"[/I] [I]"What broken taillight? You're wasting valuable pulling time, get out of the way!" [/I]Golden remonstrated, before realising how easily he'd set himself up. [I][B]"CRACK!"[/B][/I] [I]"[B]That[/B] broken taillight."[/I] Law replied, pointing to the smashed light he'd just put his nightstick through. He moved back around to the driver side window, before continuing. [I]"And this damaged side mirror..."[/I] [I][B]"CRUNCH!"[/B][/I] Law nearly booted the mirror clean off, before turning back to Golden. [I]"The real crime though, is watching you parade around with that International Championship after running from not only me, but now Joel Bryant as well. Don't worry, your time will come. Like I told you last week, you can't evade the long arm of the Law forever."[/I] Turning away from Golden and Huggins, Law made his way back to his police vehicle. [I]"Have a good night, fellas."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Dread.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Ricky Dale Johnson versus. Dread[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The Stallings International Entertainment Center was quickly bombarded with the sound of rolling thunder as the monstrous spectre of Dread loomed in the entrance way. During his journey down the aisle, Azaria revealed that like Tommy Cornell, Dread had been seeded for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal confirming two of the selected six Phil Vibert mentioned earlier. One would assume that RDJ would also have been a prime candidate for such an opportunity as the big Texan made his way down to the ring, his ribs still taped up. To an experienced competitor like Dread, the bandages simply provided a bullseye and a target for him to attack, which he did to aplomb. When not being pummelled like a piece of fresh meat, RDJ tried to brawl with the big man, only to be put in his place with a charging forearm, clubbing blow or a Dread Smack. The open handed blow resulted in some bleeding around the mouth area, but if that were to have been the only injury Johnson sustained during this match, then he could consider himself lucky. At around the five minute mark, Dread scored a near fall with the Jimbo Strong Enzuigiri Kick. Rhodes cited the relevance and background of the move, not that Dread's opponent would have appreciated it at the time. Safe in the knowledge that his already weakened opponent was there for the taking, the massive grappler raised RDJ into the air for the Dread Bomb... countered. Slipping behind the former PGHW monster, Johnson hit the ropes on the far side and rebounded with a clothesline that took both men over the top rope and to the floor... Almost at the feet (and crutches) of Tommy Cornell. Cornell pleaded impartiality as the referee detected his presence at the fringe of ringside, but as Azaria pointed out, few believed the former TCW figurehead had made his way out just to get a closer look at the action. RDJ scraped Dread off of the padded floor, driving his massive cranium into the guardrail and then rolled him back into the ring before clamping eyes on his opponent from the week prior. Cornell gave him a thumbs up gesture with questionable sincerity as the big Texan climbed back in... only to be greeted with a double open handed chop that slammed into him with the force of a small automobile. Having just passed the eleven minute mark, Dread sought to end the contest with his famed Dreadsault and tore the already frayed taping from his opponent’s ribs to fully enhance the adverse effect of his finisher. Given his size, the move was an awe-inspiring sight for all but the recipient. Glaring at Cornell, who was yet to deviate from his position at the base of the ramp, Dread launched himself backwards... and ate nothing but canvas as Johnson managed to avoid contact. The crowd urged RDJ to his feet for an unlikely comeback, which the big Texan responded to for all of a few moments. He slammed into Dread with a shoulder tackle, but as he tried to build on this momentum, the massive superstar caught him with a throw down spinebuster. The official (Sam Sparrow) checked on Johnson's condition, with the one-time partner of Skull DeBones wheezing heavily on the mat, clutching his ribs. Dread backed off, cracking his knuckles and he waited, poised to deliver the Dread Bomb when... [I][B]"CRACK!"[/B][/I] Cat-like, Cornell defied his medical condition by leaping onto the apron and broke one of his crutches across the back of Dread's neck. With his hulking opponent unexpectedly staggered with only a lingering sense of consciousness, RDJ had enough presence of mind to rise to his feet and deliver a little Southern Justice before literally flopping on top of the former PGHW'er for the three count. [B]WINNER: Ricky Dale Johnson (via pinfall) Match Rating: B+[/B] Johnson heard his name announced as the victor, little knowing how his triumph was sealed, let alone understanding Cornell's motivation. He scanned the vicinity for 'Rough Justice' and came across a portion of the broken crutch and slowly put two and two together. Back on the ramp, Cornell acknowledged the Texas native and then discarded his remaining crutch eliminating any notion that they had ever been necessary. Jillefski put the incident down to mind games, prompting Azaria to rarely agree with the one-time USPW owner and add that Cornell might well have racked up another dangerous enemy in the form of Dread. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Phil Vibert observed the same scenes unfolding on a monitor in his office. He'd already chewed Charlie Thatcher out for leaving him vulnerable to Cornell's earlier outburst and watching the former TCW figurehead so dramatically influence the outcome of the main event had soured his mood further. It was these sorts of nights that would add an extra furrow to his brow. Motioning to rise from his seat, Vibert paused as the phone on his desk rang... finally. It was the call he'd been waiting the entirety of Tuesday Night Wrestling for. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tnwclose.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]FINAL SHOW RATING: [COLOR="royalblue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Closing Notes:[/B] This show was more functional than spectacular. A few pieces had to be put into place for the first PPV as well as exhibiting many roster members who didn’t feature that prominently in the first TNW. It did garner a decent rating, even if the TV rating was .10 down. Liberty so far is exceeding my expectations, putting on a good match with Brent Hill this week equalling his B+ contest with Human Arsenal (the best HGC match according to my user log). On the subject of chemistry notes, Ota and Narato’s chemistry improved their dark match. As you can see by the time taken between posting this show and the last, the write-ups are taking longer than they really should, so I might have to sacrifice some of the detail (especially for segments) to make the updates more frequent. Thanks for all the recent comments. I’m glad people seem to be enjoying the early shows, because once Malice In Wonderland arrives, a lot of the real fun will begin. [/QUOTE]
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This is an excellent diary, but I can see how the writeup complexity (esp. for weekly shows) would be intimidating. The trick is how to keep the awesome content without burning yourself out. It's a balancing act, and I have no real answer. I find it isn't the writing that slows me down, it's the [i]coding[/i]. I don't know what the answer is.
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This is excellent stuff so far, it's really written with an original concept... [I]Favourite bit so far....[/I] [B][FONT=Arial]The Floridian thanked Tana with the usual surfer-stroke-nineties slang that was better suited to re-runs of Saved By The Bell as opposed to the backstage hallways of HGC. [/FONT][/B]
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