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The (Re)Birth of a Phenom(inal) Deadman

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week 1, March 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Curtis Iaukea defeated Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Drew McDonald and Cowboy Bret Hart defeated Mark McCoy and David Taylor[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Porkchop Cash [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]MSW - The Sam Houston Coliseum Show [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Terry Taylor[/b] This is the opening match of the card and I start by kicking Taylor in the gut then headbutting him and kicking him in the chest. I climb the turnbuckles and give Taylor a flying double axe handle then a legdrop and an elbow drop. I give Taylor a throat thrust then he breaks an arm wringer and irish whips me. I avoid a knife edge chop then irish whip and backdrop Taylor. I give Taylor a clubbing blow then an elbow drop and a suplex. Taylor avoids a kick in the back and applies an arm wringer. He gives me a knife edge chop and a punch then I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker.Taylor counters a flap jack with a dropkick then I slip from a reverse neck snap. Taylor avoids a bearhug but then I reverse an irish whip and it knocks the ref out. I give Taylor a high backdrop then throw him out of the ring and go after him. I pick up a chair but he counters a chair shot to the back with a side headlock. I counter an arm whip with a throat thrust but Taylor breaks a hammerlock and gives me a european uppercut. I slip from an arm wringer and smash Taylor against the ring post as the ref recovers. Taylor fights back and applies a side headlock then punches and snap mares me. I avoid an elbow drop but Taylor fights back and applies a hammerlock. I slip from a schoolboy roll up and smash Taylor's face into a table at ringside. I give Taylor a hammerlock back bomb into a nearby steel chair and roll him back into the ring. Taylor breaks a choke throw and I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. I give Taylor an inverted piledriver but he kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. I pick Taylor up and give him a spinning inverted piledriver and pin him for the win. [b]Time: 11 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]Roger Kirby defeated Giant Haystacks[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Signed Mighty Inoue [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]yoshiaki Fujiwara and Rusher Kimura defeated Nobuhiko Takada and Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]The Amazing Kung Fu, Scott McGee and Steve Grey defeated Drew McDonald, Cowboy Bret Hart and Steven Regal[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk won the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Killer Karl Kox [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Rusher Kimura and Paul Roma defeated Bret Hart and Leo Burke[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Jack Brisco [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Greg Valentine and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Manny Fernandez and The Great Kabuki[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Otto Wanz defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Fit Finlay [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Randy Mulkey[/color] [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating George South [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Dean Ho
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week 2, March 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Kenny Jay, Jake Milliman and Curtis Iaukea defeated Steve Regal, Scott Hall and Leon White[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Charlie Fulton and Ken Shamrock defeated Johnny Rich and Michael Wood[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Villano I [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle on the show. [color=red]Butch Reed defeated Giant Haystacks[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Tony Atlas retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Hulk Hogan [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Randy Mulkey[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating The Mighty Igor [b]PNW[/b] - Porkchop Cash retained the PNW Television title by defeating Kenny Jay [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Roger Kirby[/b] We are the match right before the main event. The match begins and I give Kirby a kick in the gut and a suplex. I give Kirby a couple of headbutts then irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow. Kirby applies a side headlock and a front facelock before slapping me in the chest. He applies a front facelock then gives me two forearm blows and a clubbing blow. Kirby gives me a gutwrench suplex then I slip from a rear chinlock and give him an arm wringer smash. I irish whip Kirby and give him a backdrop and an elbow drop. Kirby fights back and applies a side headlock. I break from a front facelock but Kirby counters a throat thrust with a forearm blow. Kirby irish whips me and gives me a forearm blow then I slip from a front facelock and whip him into a corner. I ram my shoulder into him a couple of times then kick him in the back. I bodyslam Kirby then give him a backbreaker and a suplex. I give Kirby a flurry of punches then twist his head before whipping him into a corner and give him a flurry of punches. Kirby avoids a mafia kick and applies a side headlock before giving me a forearm blow. I slip from a side headlock, put Kirby in a bearhug, then slam his back against the turnbuckles and start choking him. Kirby counters a flap jack with a slap in the chest then gives me a forearm blow and applies a side headlock. Kirby kicks me in the gut then headbutts me and kicks me in the gut again. Kirby goes up top and gives me a flying double axe handle and applies a rear chinlock. I avoid a knee drop and give Kirby a double backbreaker then a cross knee backbreaker. I irish whip Kirby but he stops before I could give him a backdrop and applies a side headlock. Kirby gives me a forearm blow then I avoid a flying double axe handle and irish whip him. Kirby avoids a lariat clothesline and gives me a forearm blow before applying a side headlock and a top wrist lock. Kirby gives me a forearm in the back then gives me a backbreaker and a knee drop. I slip from a rear chinlock then irish whip Kirby and give him a high backdrop. Kirby avoids a mafia kick then slaps me in the chest and kicks me in the gut before applying a top wrist lock. Kirby gives me a forearm in the back then a flurry of forearms in the chest and follows them with a couple of knee drops and an elbow drop. Kirby gives me a clubbing blow then bodyslams me. I slip from a side headlock and give Kirby a hammerlock back bomb. Kirby counters an inverted piledriver with a slap in the chest then irish whips me knocking the ref out. Kirby gives me a forearm blow then headbutts me and gives me an elbow drop. Kirby applies a top wrist lock then gives me a forearm in the back and applies a full nelson. Kirby gives me an elbow drop and a backbreaker then I fight back and give him a couple of roundhouse punches. The ref recovers as I mount the turnbuckles and give Kirby a flying standing elbow smash. Kirby counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the gut and applies a top wrist lock. I slip from a backbreaker and give Kirby a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and his head is busted open. Kirby breaks a choke slam then I slip from a top wrist lock. Kirby breaks a hammerlock then becomes dizzy from the loss of blood. I then pick up Kirby and give him a spinning inverted piledriver and pin him for the victory. [b]Time: 23 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]Parisi, Taylor, Moose and Haystacks defeated Denton, Roop, Singh and Candy[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Roddy Piper [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ted Dibiase defeated Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]The Great Kabuki defeated Harley Race[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Leon White defeated Steve Regal[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Hulk Hogan [b]WWF[/b] - Tony Atlas retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Big John Studd [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Otto Wanz[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Bobby Eaton defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Jeff Jarrett and Mighty Inoue defeated Bret Hart and Duke Myers[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart
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week 2, March 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Curtis Iaukea defeated Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Alan Kilby retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Jhonny Kincaid [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Buck Robley and Mongolian Stomper defeated Davey Boy Smith and Bret Hart[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Bob Brown -- Central States Television Title Match[/b] The match begins and I give Brown a kick in the gut and a throat thrust. Brown reverses an irish whip and gouges my eyes. He irish whips me and gouges my eyes again before punching me. Brown gives me a forearm blow and applies a front facelock before gouging my eyes. I slip from a front facelock and give Brown a backbreaker and an elbow drop. I give Brown a headbutt then he reverses an irish whip and punches me. He punches me again then irish whips me and gouges my eyes before applying a front facelock. I stop Brown from climbing the turnbuckles and irish whip him. I give him a backdrop but he avoids a kick in the back and irish whips me. Brown gives me a forearm blow then I avoid a flying double axe handle and headbutt him. I punch Brown then give him a suplex and whip him into a corner. I ram my shoulder into him a couple of times then give him a throat thrust. Brown reverses an irish whip but I avoid an eye gouge and give him a clubbing blow. I give Brown an arm wringer smash and bodyslam him but he falls on top of me and gets a one-count. Brown punches me then I avoid a flying double axe handle and irish whip him. I give Brown a backdrop then a flurry of punches. Brown fights back and gives me a flying double axe handle before gouging my eyes. Brown irish whips and headbutts me then applies a front facelock and a top wrist lock. Brown gives me a forearm in the back of my head then I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip him. I give him a big boot then he avoids a mafia kick and applies a top wrist lock before giving me a backbreaker. Brown gives me a hammerlock blow and a forearm in the back of the head before giving me a backbreaker. I avoid a kick in the back and flap jack Brown. I give Brown a flying standing elbow smash and twist his head. Brown fights back and gouges my eyes and applies a top wrist lock. I fall on top of Brown after he gives me a bodyslam and I get a one-count. I give Brown a cross knee backbreaker then he avoids a mafia kick and gouges my eyes. Brown applies a front facelock and gouges my eyes. He punches me then gives me a headbutt and a bodyslam. I avoid a kick in the back and give Brown a pair of roundhouse punches before giving him a short arm clothesline. I give Brown a flurry of bionic elbows then put him in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. I choke him then irish whip him but Brown counters a lariat clothesline with a clothesline and applies a rear chinlock and a top wrist lock. Brown gouges my eyes then punches me before applying a front facelock and a top wrist lock. Brown gouges my eyes and bodyslams me then gives me a bionic elbow and applies a rear chinlock. Brown kicks me in the back but I slip from a face tear and give him a driving knee lift and a mafia kick. Brown counters an inverted piledriver with a punch then punches me again. I counter a forearm blow with a choke slam but Brown kicks out of a pin attempt at the last second. Brown counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then gives me a rope rake but I show that it didn't have an effect on me (no sell hell). Brown counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a forearm blow then applies a front facelock. He gives me an arm wringer smash and applies a front facelock. Brown gives me a flying double axe handle then gouges my eyes twice. Brown irish whips me and gouges my eyes then I break from a front facelock and irish whip him. Brown avoids a lariat and gives me a backbreaker. Brown gives me a bionic elbow that makes me start to bleed. Browm slams my face into the mat then gives me a hammerlock blow, a knee face driver, and slams my face into the mat again. I slip from a face tear and give Brown a hammerlock shoulder breaker. I give Brown an inverted piledriver, which busts Brown's head open and he starts to bleed, but Brown kicks out to avoid the pin at the last second. I become dizzy from the blood loss but I slim from an arm wringer and irish whip Brown. He avoids a lariat and gives me a backbreaker. I slip from a boston crab, put Brown in a bearhug, then slammed his back against the turnbuckles. Brown counters a spinning inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then applies a head claw and I submit. [b]Bob Brown is the NEW Central States Television champion![/b] [b]Time: 32 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] During the card: [color=red]Hurricane Castillo, Jr defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Released Dr. Tom Prichard [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Kintaro Oki [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Tracy Smothers [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Paul Roma and Lane Huffman defeated Bret Hart and Ron Simmons[/color] Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Jimmy Valiant [b]MACW[/b] - Manny Fernandez retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Assassin #2 [b]MACW[/b] - Ric flair retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Jack Brisco [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ted Dibiase defeated Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Express Delivery retained the National Tag Team titles by defeating Mando Guerrero and Cyclone Negro[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Fit Finlay won the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Alan Kilby [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]KoudouFuyuki defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by deeating Chavo Guerrero, Sr [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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The Deadman is having some problems winning matches in Central States (the roster is stacked at the Main Event level). Callous is still undefeated in singles over at Mid-South and he has been moved this week to upper midcarder. The loss to Bulldog Brown was a really tough one, especially after beating (up) Terry Funk to win the TV title. Here's some side news from WCCW, Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy was given his 2 week notice. The Freebirds may be no more.
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week 3, March 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Akio Sato and Raymond Rougeau defeated Ken Wayne and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle (they must not think that I'm good enough) and there are no title matches scheduled. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Hiroshi Hase [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Tracy Smothers and Michael Wood defeated Toshiaki Kawada and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]PNW[/b] - Kenny Jay retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Dan Davis [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Chavo Guerrero, Sr[/b] The match begins and I give Guerrero a throat thrust and an elbow drop. He fights back but I counter a european uppercut with a punch and give him a couple of headbutts. I irish whip Guerrero and give him a clubbing blow and an arm wringer smash. I whip him into a corner and ram him a couple of times with my shoulder. I give Guerrero a legdrop then he reverses an irish whip and punches me twice. I slip from a hammerlock and give Guerrero a backbreaker and a kick in the back. I suplex him then give him an irish whip and a high backdrop. I twist Guerrero's head then he fights back and gouges my eyes then punches me. I counter a european uppercut with a punch then put him in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. Guerrero slips away and gives me a knee drop and a knee pull before choking me. I slip from a knee pull and give him a hammerlock back bomb and a mafia kick. Guerrero avoids a flying clothesline and gives me a pair of sentons and a knee pull. He gives me a european uppercut then punches me twice. Guerrero gives me a triple kick combo and a knee drop. I slip from a knee pull then give Guerrero a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Guerrero counters a flying clothesline with a dropkick then gives me a senton and a basement dropkick. He gives me a knee pull and a running dropkick before choking me. Guerrero gives me a couple of knee drops and a senton then I avoid a senton and irish whip him. I give Guerrero a running elbow smash then he counters a choke slam with a punch and gouges my eyes. Guerrero punches me twice then dropkicks me in the knee and gives me a legdrop in the groin. I fight back and give Guerrero a double backbreaker and an inverted piledriver but Guerrero kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. Guerrero counters a spinning inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then takes me down with an arm wringer and gives me a senton. I aviod a legdrop then irish whip Guerrero and give him a big boot in the face. Guerrero counters a choke slam with an eye gouge then gives me a running dropkick. He gives me a triple kick combo then gives me a cataplut slingshot senton and a low blow. Guerrero gives me another low blow then a catapult slingshot senton and a basement dropkick. Guerrero gives me a charging basement dropkick and a catapult slingshot senton. I avoid a standing moonsault but he counters a flap jack with a punch. I slip from an arm wringer then put Guerrero in a bearhug and smash his back into the turnbuckles. Guerrero counters an inverted piledriver with a dropkick and gives me a basement dropkick. I avoid a standing moonsault and twist his head. Guerrero counters a choke slam with an eye gouge and gives me a low blow. I avoid a charging basement dropkick and give him a spinning inverted piledriver and Guerrero head is busted open. I then cover and pin him. [b]Time: 20 minutes, Rating: B[/b] [color=red]Les Thornton and Giant Haystacks defeated Len Denton and Bob Roop[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Angelo Mosca, Rufus R. Jones and Jay Youngblood defeated Nikita Koloff, Superstar Billy Graham and Bob Orton, Jr[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Manny Fernandez retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Roddy Piper [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Brad Rheingans defeated Leon White[/color] [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Graham [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating Stan Lane [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Kodo Fuyuki defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CState[/b] - [color=red]Juan Rodriguez defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Hijo Del Diablo [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Gino Brito
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week 3, March 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Jake Milliman and Kenny Jay defeated Leon White and Scott Hall[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Johnny Saint retained the British Lightweight title by defeating Jackie Pallo [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Phil Hickerson defeated Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand Main Event: [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Bob Brown -- Central States Television Title Match[/b] I get a rematch and the match begins with Brown countering a punch with a punch then applies a front facelock. Brown headbutts me then applies a front facelock and gouges my eyes. I counter a punch with a punch then irish whip him and give him a throat thrust and suplex him. Brown avoids an elbow drop then punches me and irish whips me, knocking the ref out. He gives me a forearm blow then punches me and gouges my eyes. Brown applies a top wrist lock then gives me a forearm in the back of the head. I slip from a hammerlock and throw Brown out of the ring. He fights back and gouges my eyes as the ref recovers. Brown gives me a forearm blow then gouges my eyes and punches me. He applies a front facelock and gouges my eyes. I counter a headbutt with a throat thrust then give him a backbreaker and roll him back into the ring. I headbutt Brown and give him a clubbing blow before he avoids a kick in the back and applies a front facelock. Brown gouges my eyes then gives me a forearm blow and applies a top wrist lock. Brown gives me an arm wringer smash and gouges my eyes. He applies a top wrist lock then I slip from a backbreaker and give him a backbreaker and an irish whip. Brown avoids a backdrop then punches me twice and gouges my eyes. Brown headbutts me and gouges my eyes before I avoid a rope rake. I punch Brown twice then give him a throat thrust. He avoids a legdrop and applies a rear chinlock before appliying a rear chinlock. Brown punches me and gives me a flying double axe handle before applying a rear chinlock. I stop Brown from climbing the turnbuckles then headbutt him and irish whip him. I give Brown a clubbing blow and a backbreaker then he avoids an elbow drop and gives me a kick in the back and a kick in the chest. Brown gouges my eyes and gives me a forearm blow then irish whips me and gouges my eyes. I slip from a backbreaker then irish whip Brown and give him a backdrop and a mafia kick. I put Brown in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles then give him a flurry of punches in the corner. I twist Brown's head then pick him up by the neck and throw him to the mat. I whip Brown into a corner and spear him before giving him a flap jack. I climb the turnbuckles then Brown catches me at the top but I just kick him away and give him a flying standing elbow smash. Brown reverses an irish whip and gouges my eyes. Brown gives me an arm wringer smash then I slip from a front facelock and give him a hammerlock back bomb and a flying double axe handle. Brown counters a backbreaker with an eye gouge then punches me. I slip from an arm wringer then irish whip him, knocking the ref out. I give Brown a high backdrop and a flurry of bionic elbows then throw him out of the ring. Brown counters a cross knee backbreaker with an eye gouge then gives me a forearm blow and applies a front facelock. Brown gives me a forearm blow and punches me then I avoid an eye gouge and give him a pair of roundhouse punches. I pick up a steel chair but he catches me by surprise and applies a front facelock. I avoid a flying double axe handle then pick up a chair and hit Brown in the back with it. I roll him back into the ring as the ref recovers. Brown counters a flap jack with a punch then punches me again and gouges my eyes. Brown gives me a couple of forearm blows and gouges my eyes before irish whipping me and knocking the ref out again. He gouges my eyes then I slip from a backbreaker and give Brown a hammerlock shoulder breaker and a mafia kick. Brown's head is busted open and he starts to bleed as a result of the kick. I give Brown a mad man clothesline then he stops me from leaving the ring and irish whips me. He gouges my eyes and applies a front facelock. I slip from a hammerlock then give Brown a backbreaker as the ref recovers. I choke Brown then choke slam him but he is able to kick out of a pin attempt at the last second. Brown counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then bodyslams me and kicks me in the back. I fight back and give Brown a short arm clothesline then he counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge and gives me a backbreaker. Brown gives me a bionic elbow then I slip from a front facelock and irish whip him. Brown counters a running elbow smash with a clothesline and kicks me in the back before applying a rear chinlock. Brown gives me a kick in the back then becomes dizzy from the loss of blood and I give him a flap jack. Brown fights back and gives me a backbreaker before feeling dizzy again. Brown counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then gives me a flying double axe handle. I avoid a bionic elbow then Brown counters a choke slam with an eye gouge. I counter a flying double axe handle with a choke slam but Brown kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. I then give him an inverted piledriver and pin him to become the [b]Central States Television champion[/b] for the second time. [b]Time 35 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - Signed Stan Frazier. Released Ricky Morton [b]CStates[/b] - Released Killer Karl Kox [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Leon White defeated Atsushi Onita[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Shiro Koshinaka retained the WWF International title by defeating The Masked Superstar [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Clive Myers defeated Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Dean Ho [b]PNW[/b] - Kenny Jay retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Ron Simmons [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there is no Central States Heavyweight title match scheduled. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Angelo Mosca and Superstar Billy Graham defeated Nikita Koloff and Curtis Iaukea[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - The Assassin won the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Manny Fernandez [b]MACW[/b] - Ric Flair retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Jay Youngblood [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]JPUK[/b] - All Out Assault retained the World of Sport Tag Team titles by defeating Kwik-Kik Lee and Davey Boy Smith [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Mike Von Erich and Angel Acevedo defeated Ken Shamrock and La Parka[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Timbs [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News[/b] [color=green]WWF - Wrestlemania I Results: Mr. USA, Mr. Wonderful, Adonis and Captain Redneck defeated Putski, Afa, The Sarge and Superstar Sika defeated Jules Strongow Curtis Iaukea defeated S.D.Jones Don Kernodle and Rene Goulet defeated Salvatore Bellomo and Tony Garea Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Nikolai Volkoff Hulk Hogan defeated Big John Studd Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Andre the Giant[/color]
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week 4, March 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Michael Wood defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Satanico [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rick Gibson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there are no title matches. [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Wayne, Ken Shamrock and Mike Von Erich defeated Frank Dusek, Randy Mulkey and Randy Rich[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Buddy Roberts retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Ken Mantell [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]PNW[/b] - Kenny Jay retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Michael Wood [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run Opening match: Blade Runner Flash (Sting) versus [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] - Cage Escape Match[/b] The cage is lowered and the match begins. Flash applies a hammerlock then I avoid a dropkick then punch and headbutt him. I kick Flash in the back and give him an elbow drop before going up top and giving him a flying double axe handle. Flash avoids a kick in the chest then launches me into a cage wall. He gives me a flying double axe handle and applies a front facelock. I slip from an arm wringer and whip Flash into a corner. I ram my shoulder into him a couple of times then give him a mafia kick. Flash fights back but I counter a back fist with a throat thrust. Flash slips from a head twist and applies an arm wringer. I avoid a kick to the gut but Flash counters a flap jack with a punch then applies a front facelock. Flash takes me down with a side headlock. I slip from an arm bar then Flash counters a bearhug with a punch and takes me down again with a side headlock. Flash gives me an elbow drop then I avoid an elbow drop. Flash breaks a hammerlock and kicks me in the gut. He gives me a flying standing knee and applies an arm bar. I avoid an elbow drop then launch Flash into a cage wall. I put Flash in a bearhug then slam his back into the turnbuckles and start choking him in the corner. I irish whip Flash and give him a high backdrop. I give him an inverted piledriver then climb a cage wall and go over and down to escape the cage. [b]Time: 9 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [color=red]Dennis Condrey, Killer Tim Brooks and Ron Bass defeated Mando Guerrero, Giant Haystacks and Terry Taylor[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Legion of Death retained the Mid-Atlantic US Tag Team titles by defeating Rufus R. Jones and Jay Youngblood[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Sodbuster, Bravo, Saito and Tsuruta defeated The Bull, Magnum, Curt and Mr. Electricity[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Tony Atlas retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Big John Studd [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Television title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Luke Williams defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rodz defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Lane Huffman[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Team Greatness retained the CSW International Tag Team titles by defeating Chris Youngblood and Duke of Dorchester
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week 4, March 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Scott Hall defeated Leon White[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - The High Flyers retained the AWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Blackjack Lanza and David Schultz [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Rene Goulet defeated Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I was not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Leo Burke and Yoshiaki Yatsu defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Bret Hart[/color] Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Killer Karl Kox [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Signed Hiroshi Hase [b]MSW[/b] - Signed Ken Mantell. Released Roger Kirby and Butch Reed. [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Hector Guerrero defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Rusher Kimura, Akio Sato and Kuniaki Kobayashi defeated Bobby Eaton, Leon White and Kamala[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Fit Finlay retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Alan Kilby [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Mantell [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Dustin Rhodes [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there are no title matches. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Legion of Death retained the Mid-Atlantic US Tag Team titles by defeating Jimmy Valiant and Jay Youngblood[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]David Schultz, Kamala and Leon White defeated Jushin Lyger, Koji Kanemoto and Hiroshi Hase[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Randy Mulkey and Ken Wayne defeated La Parka and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Phil Hickerson [b]ASW[/b] - Al Tomko retained the Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Davis [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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Progress Report -- April 1, 1985 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 69 ([color=red]+6[/color]) Canada - 40 Mexico - 40 Japan - 30 UK - 20 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 64 ([color=red]+1[/color]) power - 76 technique - 50 speed - 54 psychology - 83 stamina - 64 toughness - 85 ([color=red]+1[/color]) charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 66 ([color=red]+1[/color]) looks - 92 respect - 25 ([color=red]+2[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder -- No longer in promotion Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion Won/Lost records: Singles: 31-6 Tag Teams: 21-1 [color=blue]Central States[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer Won/Lost records: Singles: 9-5 Tag Teams: 5-1 [color=blue]Mid-South Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder ([color=red]raised from Midcarder[/color]) Won/Lost records: Singles: 7-0 Teams: 2-1
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week 1, April 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rich and Ken Shamrock defeated La Parka and Toshiaki Kawada[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rick Gibson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Haystacks, Ho, Parisi and Thornton defeated Barr, Avalanche, Hog and Denton[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Dick Murdoch [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Scott McGee and Fred Ottman defeated Ken Shamrock, Johnny Rodz and Fumihiro Nikura[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Buddy Roberts retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Frank Dusek [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run Main Event: [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Bob Brown[/b] After being matched up four times in Central States we are now matched up in Mid-South. I slip rom a front facelock and give Brown an arm wringer smash, a headbutt, and an elbow drop. I kick him in the gut then give him a throat thrust before irish whipping him and giving him a clubbing blow. I punch him twice then irish whip him but he avoids a backdrop and gives me a forearm blow. I reverse an irish whip and give Brown a throat thrust and a headbutt before suplexing him. I kick Brown in the back then climb the turnbuckles and give him a flying double axe handle. Brown fights back and gouges my eyes. He gives me a forearm blow then irish whips and punches me. Brown gouges my eyes and applies a top wrist lock before giving me a forearm in the back of the head. He irish whips me, knocking the ref out, and clotheslines me. I break a rear chinlock and irish whip Brown but he avoids a backdrop. I slip from a top wrist lock and give Brown a backbreaker and a kick in the chest. Brown fights back and gouges my eyes. I slip from a top wrist lock and whip him into a corner but he slips away. I slip from an arm wringer and give Brown a backbreaker as the ref recovers. Brown counters a headbutt with a forearm blow then gouges my eyes and irish whipping me. Brown punches me then gives me a forearm blow and irish whipping me. He gouges my eyes then punches me and gives me a forearm blow. Brown gouges my eyes twice and gives me a rope rake before applying a top wrist lock. Brown gives me an arm wringer smash then I avoid an eye gouge and give him a clubbing blow. Brown slips from a backbreaker and gives me an arm wringer smash and a headbutt. He goes up top and gives me a flying double axe handle then I counter an eye gouge with a punch and suplex him. I give Brown an elbow drop then irish whip and backdrop him. Brown avoids a mafia kick and applies a top wrist lock before giving me a backbreaker. I avoid a kick in the chest then whip Brown into a corner and spear him. Brown breaks a bearhug and punches me before applying a front facelock. He gives me a rope rake and bodyslams me then kicks me in the back. Brown punches me then gives me a hammerlock blow and an arm wringer smash. He gives me a rope rake and irish whips me but I avoid an eye gouge and give him a cross knee backbreaker. Brown breaks a head twist and applies a front facelock. I slip from a hammerlock then irish whip him and give him a big boot in the face. I pick Brown up with two hands by the neck and throw him to the mat. He avoids a mafia kick then gouges my eyes and punches me. I break a front facelock and give Brown a short arm clothesline. Brown slips away and gives me a pair of hammerlock blows and a forearm in the back of the head. I reverse an irish whip and give Brown a high backdrop then he counters a bearhug with an eye gouge and punches me. Brown gouges my eyes again and punches me before giving me a backbreaker and a kick in the chest. Brown irish whips me and gouges my eyes then gives me a rope rake and a backbreaker. I reverse an irish whip and give him a high backdrop then Brown avoids a mafia kick and gives me a backbreaker and a bionic elbow. Brown slams my face into the mat then I slip from an arm wringer and give him a hammerlock back bomb. Brown slips from a head twist then gives me a backbreaker and tears my face, busting me open and I start to bleed. I avoid a bionic elbow and give Brown two roundhouse punches before starting to feel dizzy. Brown gives me a backbreaker then I slip from a boston crab and irish whip him. Brown avoids a lariat clothesline and incites the crowd. I break from a leaping piledriver and give Brown a double backbreaker and a flurry of bionic elbows. Brown fights back but I slip from an arm wringer before feeling dizzy. Brown incites the crowd then applies a head claw but I don't submit. I slip from a bearhug but then I begin to feel dizzy and Brown incites the crowd. Brown applies his big bearhug but again I don't submit. He irish whips me and I avoid a knockout punch. Brown counters a choke slam with an eye gouge then my arms are tied up in the ropes and he gives me a flurry of punches. I slip from a boston crab then put Brown in a bearhug and smash his back into the turnbuckles. Brown fights back and incites the crowd before giving me a flying double axe handle. He incites the crowd again then I break a head claw and give him a flap jack. Brown counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then puts me in his big bearhug and I submit under the pressure and with my face and mask red from the bleeding. [b]Time: 32 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - The Assassin retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Jay Youngblood [b]MACW[/b] - Jimmy Valiant won the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Ric Flair [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Mr. Saito and Scott Hall defeated Steve Regal and Leon White[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA Television title by defeating Baron Von Raschke [b]WWF[/b] - Tony Atlas retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Nikolai Volkoff [b]CMLL[/b] - Super Pinocho retained the NWA World Lightweight title by defeating Black Man [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Luke, Fuchi, Brooks and Dr. D defeated Onita, Hector, El Tigro Blanco and Thunder[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]CWF[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Kevin Sullivan [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Miguel Perez, Jr[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - The Amazing Kung Fu won the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Villano III [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Rusher Kimura and Bret Hart defeated Lane Huffman and Hurricane Castillo, Jr[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Juan Rodriguez [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Davey Boy Smith
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week 1, April 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Curtis Iaukea defeated Leon White[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Television title by defeating Adam Yawrenko [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Keith Hart defeated Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there are no title matches held. [b]Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - [color=red]Released Giant Haystacks[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]El Tigre Blanco, Kobayashi, Solar and Cobra defeated White, Kanemoto, Black Cat and Fuchi[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Kintaro Oki [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Kwik-Kik, Kung Fu, Regal and McDonald defeated Roberts, Taylor, Kid McCoy and Cowboy Bret[/color] [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]MSW - The Superdome Blowout[/b] I am not scheduled and there are no title matches. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]The Great Kabuki defeated Bob Backlund[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Superstar Billy Graham defeated Angelo Mosca[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]David Taylor defeated Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Bob Holly[/color] [color=blue]Sunday[/color] No title matches today.
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week 2, April 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Atlantis defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there are no title matches held. [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Scott Hall defeated Leon White[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Tony Atlas retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Big John Studd [b]WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Fumihiro Nikura defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Buddy Roberts retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Kevin Von Erich [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating The Mighty Igor [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Carlos Colon [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Wahoo McDaniel defeated Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Jimmy Valiant retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Ricky Steamboat [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Pampero Firpo[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Yoshiaki Fujiwara defeated Leon White[/color] [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating Hercules Ayala [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Dean Malenko and Ken Shamrock defeated Atlantis and Norman Smiley[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating The Destroyer [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Yoshiaki Yatsu, Lane Huffman and Paul Roma defeated Ron Simmons, Bret Hart and Bam Bam Bigelow[/color] [b]MLW[/b] - The Mercenaries retained the Canadian Open Tag Team titles by defeating Buck Robley and The Mighty Igor
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week 2, April 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Ken Patera and Steve Regal defeated Leon White and Scott Hall[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Cowboy Bret Hart defeated Mark McCoy[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Villano I [b]SWCW[/b] - Orton and Slater retained the Southwest Tag Team titles by defeating Barbarian and Allen Sarven [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Bob Brown Central States Television Title Match[/b] Brown opens the match with a kick in the gut and applies a top wrist lock. I slip from a front facelock then irish whip Brown and kick him in the gut. I give him a couple of headbutts then irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow. Brown counters a suplex with an eye gouge then punches me and gouges my eyes again. Brown gives me a headbutt then I avoid a kick in the back and give him a backbreaker and a flying double axe handle. I whip Brown into a corner but he slips away. I reverse an irish whip and clothesline Brown then give him an elbow drop and a kick in the back. Brown fights back and gouges my eyes. He gives me a forearm blow then applies a front facelock before punching me. Brown gives me a forearm blow then applies a top wrist lock. I slip from a hammerlock then give him an arm wringer smash and a kick in the gut. Brown avoids a throat thrust then gouges my eyes and punches me before applying a front facelock. I slip from a top wrist lock and give him a backbreaker. I suplex Brown and give him a kick in the chest and an elbow drop. I irish whip Brown and give him a backdrop then he avoids a kick in the back. Brown irish whips me and gouges my eyes then applies a front facelock. He punches me twice then applies a front facelock and gouges my eyes. I avoid a headbutt and bodyslam Brown then kick him in the back. I whip him into a corner but he slips away and gives me a backbreaker and a kick in the back. I slip from a rear chinlock and give Brown a backbreaker. Brown slips from a head twist but I then counter a forearm to the back of my head with a throat thrust and give him a mafia kick. I give Brown a flying standing elbow smash and a couple of roundhouse punches before irish whipping him. Brown avoids a high backdrop and gouges my eyes. I slip from a front facelock then put Brown in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. I choke him in the corner then give him a driving knee lift and an irish whip. I give Brown a high backdrop then he breaks a head twist and gouges my eyes. Brown irish whips me then gouges my eyes a couple of times and punches me. Brown irish whips then headbutts me and gives me a kick in the chest and applies a rear chinlock. Brown kicks me in the back then gives me a flying double axe handle and applies a front facelock. He gouges my eyes twice and punches me twice then applies a front facelock and a top wrist lock. Brown gives me a forearm in the back of the head then I slip from an arm wringer and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Brown avoids a bionic elbow then punches me and applies a top wrist lock. Brown gives me a rope rake and an arm wringer smash then punches me and applies a top wrist lock. Brown gives me an arm wringer smash and applies a front facelock before punching me and irish whipping me, knocking the ref out. Brown gouges my eyes and gives me a rope rake then bodyslams me and kicks me in the back and in the chest. He kicks me in the back again then I avoid a kick in the chest and throw him out of the ring. I leave the ring and pick up a chair then Brown avoids a shot in the back and applies a top wrist lock. Brown gives me a forearm in the back of the head and a flying double axe handle before tearing my face as the ref recovers. Brown gives me a forearm blow and a roundhouse punch. I slip from a hammerlock and give him a backbreaker. Brown avoids a mafia kick and smashes my face into a guard rail. He smashes my face into a ringside table then again into a guard rail. Brown gives me a ring apron ram then I counter a face slam into a guard rail with a kick in the gut. I powerbomb Brown into a steel chair then rolled him into the ring. Brown counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then I slip from a head claw. Brown counters a backbreaker with an eye gouge then I slip from a big bearhug and irish whip him. Brown avoids a lariat then irish whips me, knocking the ref out. Brown gives me a running elbow smash then I slip from a boston crab and give him a mafia kick. I whip Brown into a corner and spear him then pick him up by the neck with two hands and throw him to the mat. I give Brown a flying standing elbow smash then he avoids a bionic elbow. I break from a leaping piledriver and press slam Brown. I cover him but he kicks out at the last second. I give him a mafia kick but he counters a choke slam with an eye gouge as the ref recovers. Brown incites the crowd then irish whips me and gives me a knockout punch that busts my head open. I kick out of the pin attempt at the last second then slip from a big bearhug. Brown counters a bearhug with an eye gouge and I slip from a wrist tape choke hold. I give Brown a hammerlock back bomb but he counters an inverted piledriver with a forearm blow. I break from a head claw and give Brown a flap jack. Brown counters a spinning inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then puts me in a big bearhug and I am forced to submit. [b]Bob Brown is the new Central States Television champion. Time: 36 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] [color=red]Lane Huffman and Paul Roma defeated Ron Simmons and Bret Hart[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - Signed Juan Rodriguez, Skip Young and Tiger Mask. Terry Taylor given 2 weeks notics. [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Released The Great Kabuki[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Rene Goulet won the National Television title by defeating Ole Anderson [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Bob Della Serra -- 30 min. time limit[/b] I start the match by punching Della Serra then giving him a throat thrust and a kick in the back. I give him a headbudd then he slips from a backbreaker and gives me a forearm in the back of the head then applies an arm wringer and a hammerlock. I avoid a forearm to the back of the head and give Della Serra a clubbing blow. I irish whip him and give him a backdrop and a flying double axe handle. I suplex Della Serra and give him an elbow smash before whipping him into a corner. Della Serra slips away and gives me a forearm in the gut and in the back of the head. I slip from a hammerlock and give Della Serra a backbreaker and a flurry of punches. I headbutt Della Serra then he reverses an irish whip and gives me an arm whip and a forearm in the gut. He irish whips me, knocking the ref out, then I avoid a forearm blow and give him a short arm clothesline and a roundhouse punch. Della Serra counters a bearhug with a punch then irish whips me and gives me an arm whip then applies a hammerlock. He gives me a forearm in the gut then I slip from a rear amateur takedown and give him a double backbreaker as the ref recovers. I give Della Serra a backbreaker against the turnbuckles but he counters a spinninig inverted piledriver with a punch. I slip from a side headlock and give Della Serra a hammerlock back bomb. Della Serra counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the gut then applies a side headlock before giving me a forearm blow. He punches me then I slip from a snap mare and irish whip him. A lariat is on target but Della Serra is able to kick out of the pin attempt at the last second. Della Serra counters an inverted piledriver with a punch then applies a front facelock. I slip from a side headlock and Della Serra counters a bearhug with a forearm blow then irish whips me. He gives me a forearm blow then applies a front facelock and a hammerlock. Della Serra gives me a forearm in the back of the head then dropkicks me and gives me a knee drop and an elbow drop. I break from body scissors and give him a flap jack. I go for a pin but he kicks out at the last second. Della Serra counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then takes me down with a side headlock. I avoid a knee drop and he counters a flying standing elbow smash with a dropkick then gives me an elbow drop. I break from head scissors and press slam him and he kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. I choke slam Della Serra and again he kicks out at the last second. Della Serra counters an inverted piledriver with a punch then punches me again. He takes me down with a side headlock but I avoid an elbow drop and give him a mafia kick. Della Serra counters a powerbomb with a punch then I counter a forearm blow with a choke slam. Della Serra kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second then counters an inverted piledriver with a punch. I avoid a rope rake and give him a cross knee backbreaker. Della Serra avoids a bionic elbow then gives me an arm whip and a forearm in the gut. I reverse an irish whip and give him a high backdrop. Della Serra counters a choke slam with a punch then takes me down with a side headlock and applies body scissors. He gives me an elbow drop then I avoid a stomp and irish whip him. Della Serra ducks under a lariat then punches me and kicks me in the gut. Della Serra irish whips me then punches me. I slip from a front facelock then he counters a backbreaker with a forearm blow and applies a side headlock. I slip from the side headlock then put him in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. Della Serra counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a forearm blow then punches me and snap mares me. I avoid an elbow drop but he fights back and gives me a forearm blow before irish whipping me. Della Serra gives me an arm whip then applies a hammerlock. He gives me a forearm in the back of the head then I break from a hammerlock. I put Della Serra in a bearhug and smash he back into the turnbuckles and spear him. Della Serra fights back and irish whips me. He gives me a forearm blow then irish whips me again and punches me. Della Serra snap mares me and gives me a knee drop then I avoid an elbow drop. He stops me from climbing the turnbuckles then gives me a forearm blow and a snap mare. I break an inside toe hold and give him a short arm clothesline. Della Serra counters a choke slam with a forearm blow then puts me in a hammerlock and drives me into a corner. He gives me a flurry of stomps in the corner then I avoid a knee drop. Della Serra avoids a mafia kick then puts me in a hammerlock and drives me into a corner. He gives me a flurry of stomps in the corner then applies an inside toe hold and body scissors. I slip from an indian deathlock and give him a hammerlock back bomb. Della Serra fights back and gives me a shoulder breaker after putting me in a hammerlock. I slip from another indian deathlock and irish whip Della Serra, knocking the ref out. Della Serra avoids a running elbow smash then incites the crowd. I counter a running knee to the head with a choke slam. Della Serra avoids a bionic elbow and gives me a double underhook suplex. I slip from an indian deathlock and give Della Serra a backbreaker and an elbow drop. I give him a flying standing elbow smash as the ref recovers and calls for the bell. The time limit has been reached. There are three judges at ringside to decide a winner in cases when a time limit is reached. The first judge gives me the match. The second judge gives Della Serra the match. The third and final judge gives me the match so I am declared the winner by a vote of 2 to 1 by the judges. [b]Time: 30 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Dory Funk, Jr and Superstar Billy Graham defeated Wahoo McDaniel and Ricky Steamboat[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Tony Charles and Steve Grey defeated Dave Bond and Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Randy Mulkey[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by defeating Austin Idol [b]ASW[/b] - Al Tomko retained the Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Buck Robley [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor matches with our featured wrestlers.
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week 3, April 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Oly Olsen defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on and there are no title matches [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Tony Atlas retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]WWF[/b] - Jesse Ventura retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Adrian Adonis [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Fred Ottman and Randy Mulkey defeated La Parka and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Kerry Von Erich won the WCCW Television title by defeating Buddy Roberts [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Tony Parisi[/b] The match begins and Parisi avoids a kick in the gut and gives me an arm drag. I avoid a knee drop and Parisi stops me from climbing the ropes. Parisi slaps me in the chest and applies a front facelock. He gives me a european uppercut and a slap in the chest and follows it with a forearm blow. I stop Parisi from climbing the turnbuckles and give him two headbutts before giving him a clubbing blow. I irish whip Parisi and give him a throat thrust then a backbreaker and an elbow drop. I suplex Parisi then kick him in the back. I whip him into a corner and ram my shoulder into him a couple of times. Parisi avoids a kick in the chest and takes me down with a side headlock. I break from head scissors and give Parisi an arm wringer smash. I irish whip Parisi then give him a backdrop and a legdrop. I kick him in the chest then Parisi counters a flying double axe handle with a forearm in the gut. He gives me another forearm in the gut then an inverse drop toe hold. Parisi gives me a knee drop then applies head scissors. He knee drops me again and appllies a front facelock. I counter a slap in the chest with a throat thrust then Parisi breaks a bodyslam and snap mares me. Parisi applies body scissors then irish whips me and gives me an arm whip. He gets me with a schoolboy roll up but he gets a two-count. Parisi snap mares me and I avoid a knee drop and give him a flying double axe handle. Parisi breaks a choke throw then gives me a forearm blow and a slap in the chest. He irish whips me and gives me a slap in the chest and an arm drag before applying body scissors and head scissors. Parisi gives me an elbow drop then applies body scissors, an inside toe hold, body scissors again, and head scissors. I reverse an irish whip and give Parisi a big boot in the face. Parisi avoids a mafia kick then gives me an airplane spin and a slap in the chest. He takes me down with a side headlock. I break from body scissors but Parisi counters a flap jack with a forearm blow. Parisi gives me an airplanes spin then takes me down with a side headlock. Parisi applies body scissors and gives me a knee drop and a measured knee drop. He applies a wrenching hammerlock then gives me a knee drop and a measured knee drop. I avoid a knee drop and put Parisi in a cross knee backbreaker. I give Parisi a double backbreaker then he stops me from climbing the turnbuckles and takes me down with a side headlock. Parisi gives me a knee drop then irish whips me. I avoid a forearm blow then Parisi counters a bearhug with a forearm blow and applies a top wrist lock. Parisi gives me a forearm in the back of the head then applies a full nelson and a wrenching hammerlock. I slip from a single leg boston crab and give Parisi a hammerlock back bomb and a flying standing elbow smash. I whip him into a corner and start choking him. I irish whip Parisi then he prevents a high backdrop. I slip from a further half nelson takedown then put Parisi in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. I give him a flurry of punches in the corner then he breaks a head twist and gives me an airplane spin toss. I slip from an arm wringer then Parisi counters a backbreaker with a forearm blow. I slip from a further half nelson takedown and give Parisi a shoulder breaker after putting him in a hammerlock. I give Parisi a roundhouse punch then Parisi counters an inverted piledriver with a dropkick and applies an inside toe hold. Parisi gives me a measured knee drop and applies an inside toe hold. Parisi gives me a further half nelson takedown. I slip from a rolling hammerlock and give Prisi a driving knee lift. I then choke slam Parisi and pin him. [b]Time: 24 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jimmy Valiant retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Ricky Steamboat [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Legion of Death retained the Mid-Atlantic US Tag Team titles by defeating The Assassin and Rufus R. Jones[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Steve Regal and Jim Brunzell defeated Leon White and Scott Hall[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar won the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Bob Brown[/color] [b]CMLL[/b] - Super Pinocho retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Satanico [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating Coco Samoa [b]CState[/b] - [color=red]Hurricane Castillo, Jr defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Dos Caras
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week 3, April 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Curtis Iaukea defeated Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]King Ben, Roberts, Goulet and Charles defeated Soul Man, Cowboy Bret, Regal and Ironfist[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle [color=red]Jeff Jarrett defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - Released Black Bart and Toru Tanaka [b]NJPW[/b] - Shiro Koshinaka retained the WWF International title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Johnny Saint [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Juan Rodriguez Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Riki Chosyu [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Les Thornton retained the GCW Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Rick McGraw [b]JPUK[/b] - Fit Finlay retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Brian Maxine [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock and Bob Holly defeated Randy Mulkey[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Steve Keirn [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor matches with featured wreslers today.
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week 4, April 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rich defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]MLW[/b] - Rick Martel retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Dutch Mantell [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Perro Aguayo [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show and there are no title matches. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Big John Studd [b]WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Tony Atlas [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rodz defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon won the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Invader #1 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run Main Event: [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Mr. Wrestling II[/b] The match begins and I kick Mr. Wrestling II in the gut and give him a throat thrust and a clubbing blow. I suplex him then kick him in the back. I bodyslam Mr Wrestling II and kick him in the chest and he counters a flying double axe handle with a dropkick. I avoid a knee drop and give Mr Wrestling II two headbutts befire giving him a throat thrust. I irish whip him and give him a backdrop and a kick in the back then go up top and give him a flying double axe handle. Mr Wrestling II counters a flap jack with an eye gouge then gives me a forearm blow and applies a side headlock. He gives me a knife edge chop then gouges my eyes and applies a front facelock. Mr Wrestling II gives me a single leg trip then chokes me and applies a side headlock. I slip from a snap mare then put him in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. I give him a flurry of punches in the corner then give him a mafia kick. Mr Wrestling II counters a choke throw with and eye gouge then irish whips me and gouges my eyes again. He applies a side headlock then I slip from it and give him a hammerlock back bomb before irish whipping him. Mr Wrestling II avoids a lariat clothesline then applies a side headlock and a front facelock. He gouges my eyes then applies a top wrist lock and irish whips me. I avoid a knife edge chop and give him a cross knee backbreaker. I give him a flurry of bionic elbows then irish whip him, knocking the ref out. Mr Wrestling II prevents a high backdrop then gives me a single leg trip. I slip from a choke hold then he counters a backbreaker with an eye gouge and applies a side headlock. Mr Wrestling II gives me a european uppercut then takes me down with a side headlock and kicks me in the back. He applies head scissors, a side headlock, and a front facelock before I slip a side headlock. The ref recovers and Mr Wrestling II puts me in a schoolboy roll up but only gets a one-count. Mr Wrestling II applies a side headlock and gives me a single leg trip then I avoid a knee drop and give him a short arm clothesline. I nail him with an inverted piledriver and it busts his head open and he starts to bleed. I cover and pin him for the win. [b]Time: 14 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - The Assassin retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Orton, Jr [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Greg Gagne defeated Leon White[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA Television title by defeating Billy Robinson [b]WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Tony Atlas [b]CWF[/b] - Hercules Ayala won the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Jerry Blackwell [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Miguel Perez, Jr defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk, Jr [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Hiroshi Hase defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Juan Rivera
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week 4, April 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Brad Rheingans defeated Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Cowboy Bret Hart defeated Mark McCoy[/color] [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Stan Frazier [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Buzz Tyler[/b] We were given the news before tonight's show that Ken Mantell was being let go in an effort to trim the roster. And wouldn't you know, a match against someone other than Bob Brown, it's his tag team partner Buzz Tyler. I start the match by kicking Tyler in the gut then giving him a throat thrust and an irish whip. Tyler avoids another throat thrust then I reverse an irish whip. Tyler avoids a throat thrust then irish whips and punches me. He takes me down with a snap mare and applies an arm bar. Tyler irish whips me and gives me a knee lift then applies an arm bar. He gives me a gutwrench suplex then a knee drop and applies an arm bar. Tyler goes up and gives me a flying double axe handle then snap mares me and gives me an elbow drop before applying an arm bar. He gives me a knee drop and applies a front facelock before irish whipping me. I counter a forearm blow with a throat thrust then kick him in the back. I come back with a suplex and an elbow drop before giving him an arm wringer smash. I give Tyler an irish whip and a backdrop then he avoids a kick in the chest and applies an arm wringer and a front facelock. I slip from a top wrist lock and irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow and a headbutt. I kick Tyler in the back then go up to and give him a flying double axe handle before choking him. Tyler avoids a mafia kick and applies a side headlock. He takes me down in a side headlock then applies an arm bar and a side headlock. Tyler takes me down again in a side headlock then drives a knee into my arm and gives me an elbow drop. He applies a front facelock then I slip from a top wrist lock and give him a hammerlock back bomb before twisting his head. I get Tyler with snake eyes then he counters a flap jack with a punch then headbutts me. I avoid an elbow drop and whip him into a corner. Tyler avoids a spear but I slip from under him and irish whip him. Tyler prevents a high backdrop and irish whips me but I avoid a punch and give him a cross knee back breaker. I give Tyler a backbreaker against the turnbuckles then he avoids a mafia kick and applies a top wrist lock. He gives me a forearm in the gut then I avoid a forearm in the back of the head and press slam him. I irish whip Tyler, knocking the ref out, and give him a running elbow smash. Tyler breaks a short arm clothesline then takes me down in a side headlock. I slip away from a knee drive to my arm and throw Tyler out of the ring. I give Tyler a roundhouse punch that busts his head open and he starts bleeding. I grab Tyler around his waist and ram his back against the ring apron then kick him in the back and roll him into the ring. I give Tyler a double backbreaker then he breaks from a choke slam and snap mares me. I slip from a knee drive to my arm but Tyler reverses an irish whip and gives me a backdrop and a knee drop. He starts to feel dizzy as the ref recovers and I give him an inverted piledriver. I cover but Tyler kicks out at the last second. He counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then applies a top wrist lock and an arm wringer. Tyler takes me down in a side headlock then I avoid a knee drop and give him a mafia kick. Tyler breaks a choke slam and gives me a flying double axe handle and a knee drop before feeling dizzy. I give Tyler another inverted piledriver and again he is able to kick out of a pin attempt at the last second. Tyler counters a choke slam with a punch then snap mares me and applies an inside toe hold. I avoid an elbow drop and climb the turnbuckles but Tyler catches me at the top and throws me off. He drives a knee into my arm and gives me an elbow drop. I avoid a knee drop and give Tyler a flap jack then he counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the gut and applies a side headlock and a top wrist lock. Tyler gives me a forearm in the back of the head and in the gut then I slip from an arm wringer. I put Tyler in a bearhug and ram his back against the turnbuckles. Tyler counters an inverted piledriver with a punch then I stop him from climbing the ropes and give him a backbreaker. Tyler breaks a short arm clothesline then punches me and applies a front facelock. I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him but he avoids a lariat and punches me before applying a front facelock and a top wrist lock. Tyler irish whips me and gives me a bionic elbow then irish whips me again and gives me a flurry of punches. He gives me a hammerlock blow then I counter an atomic drop with a kick in the gut. Tyler counters a powerbomb with a punch then begins to feel dizzy. Tyler counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then I slip from a backbreaker. Tyler breaks a hammerlock then gives me a flurry of punches. He gives me an arm wringer smash and a backbreaker then I reverse an irish whip and give him a high backdrop. Tyler breaks a choke slam and gives me a bionic elbow and a flurry of punches. He gives me a backbreaker and applies a boston crab but I don't submit. Tyler irish whips me and gives me a running knee in the head then reapplies the boston crab. Again I don't submit then he hits me with the thesz press. I am able to kick out at the last second and he becomes dizzy. I choke slam him then pin him for the hard fought victory. [b]Time: 33 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Released Ken Mantell [b]MSW[/b] - Signed Akio Sato and released Killer Tim Brooks [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Riki Chosyu - 30 minute limit[/b] The match begins with me punching Chosyu and giving him a couple of headbutts before irish whipping him and giving him a clubbing blow. I give Chosyu an arm wringer smash then he reverses a whip into a corner and gives me a knife edge chop and smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. I slip from a knee drive to my leg then Chosyu reverses an irish whip and gives me a palm thrust and a back kick. He irish whips me and gives me a back fist and a european uppercut then a knee pull and applies a rear chinlock. I slip from a knee pull and give Chosyu a backbreaker and a kick in the back. I give him an elbow drop then he avoids a flying double axe handle and headbutts me. I counter a clubbing blow with a punch then Chosyu reverses an irish whip. He gives me a back fist and a palm thrust before kicking me in the knee. I avoid a kick in the thigh and suplex Chosyu. I irish whip Chosyu and give him a backdrop then he avoids an elbow drop and applies a rear chinlock. Chosyu gives me a forearm in the gut then gives me a rear amateur takedown. I slip from a knee pull but he breaks a bearhug and gives me a single leg trip. I fight back and give Chosyu a cross knee backbreaker and a legdrop. I give Chosyu a hammerlock back bomb then he counters a bearhug with a palm thrust and gives me a european uppercut. I slip from a knee pull and whip Chosyu into a corner. Chosyu counters a spear with a kick in the knee then gives me a european uppercut and applies an inside toe hold. He gives me a knee pull then I slip from a knee drive to my leg and irish whip him, knocking the ref out. I give Chosyu a high backdrop then he avoids a mafia kick and gives me an arm whip. I slip from a rear amateur takedown and throw Chosyu out of the ring. He counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock then I slip an arm whip and smash his face into a guard rail. I try to drop him onto the guard rail but he counters with a kick in the knee and applies a side headlock and a front facelock as the ref recovers. I slip from a judo sweep and smash his shoulder against the ring post. I smash Chosyu's head against the ring post then roll him into the ring. I give him a flap jack then climb the turnbuckles. Chosyu catches me at the top rope but I fight back. He breaks a short arm clothesline then I slip from a front facelock and irish whip him, again knocking the ref out. I hit Chosyu with a big boot in the face then throw him over the top rope out of the ring. I pick up a steel chair but he catches me by surprise and takes me down in a side headlock and applies a rear chinlock. I slip from a side headlock but he stops me from smashing his head into the announcer's table. I slip from a top wrist lock but Chosyu breaks a hammerlock and takes me down in a side headlock. I avoid a judo sweep then smash his shoulder into the ring post. Chosyu fights back but I slip from a top wrist lock and give him a double backbreaker before rolling him into the ring. Chosyu fights back and gives me a single leg trip and drives a knee into my leg. He gives me a knww pull then I break an inside toe hold and give Chosyu snake eyes. Chosyu counters an inverted piledriver with a back fist then headbutts me. I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. I then choke slam Chosyu and cover him for the pin. [b]Time: 21 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Duke Myers[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Bob Brown[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Raymond Rougeau defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by defeating Dr. Tom Prichard [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Stan Frazier [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CMLL[/b] - Double Shot won the CMLL World Tag Team titles by defeating Anti-Authority [b]CWF[/b] - Bob Roop won the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Hercules Ayala [b]WWC[/b] - Colon and Morales retained the WWC World Tag Team titles by defeating Abdullah the Butcher and Medic #1
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Mark Callaway's Progress Report -- May 1, 1985 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 71 ([color=red]+2[/color]) Canada - 40 Mexico - 40 Japan - 30 UK - 20 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 65 ([color=red]+1[/color]) power - 76 technique - 50 speed - 54 psychology - 83 stamina - 64 toughness - 86 ([color=red]+1[/color]) charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 66 looks - 92 respect - 27 ([color=red]+2[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder -- No longer in promotion Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former WCCW Heavyweight champ Former WCCW Six Man Tag Team title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 31-6 Tag Teams: 21-1 [color=blue]Central States[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer [color=purple]Current co-holder Central States Tag Team title Former Central States Telvision champ (2)[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 12-6 Tag Teams: 5-1 [color=blue]Mid-South Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 9-1 Teams: 2-1
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week 1, May 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Steve Regal defeated Leon White[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - The High Flyers retained the AWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Mr. Saito and Ken Patera [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Toshiaki Kawada and Juan Rodriguez defeated Oly Olsen and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Chris Carter [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show Main Event: Ray Candy and [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Tony Parisi and Gama Singh[/b] Ray Candy is in the ring against Tony Parisi. Parisi gives Candy a slap in the chest then Candy stops Parisi from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a backbreaker and a kick in the back then applies a rear chinlock. Candy gouges Parisi's eyes then irish whips him but he avoids a headbutt and gives Candy a european uppercut. Candy slips from a front facelock and drives Parisi into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock. He smashes Parisi's head into the top turnbuckle then irish whips him and gives him a backdrop. Candy punches then headbutts Parisi and gives him a gutwrench suplex before applying a rear chinlock. Parisi avoids a forearm to the back of the head and applies a front facelock. Candy slips from a side headlock then drives Parisi into the corner after putting him in a hammerlock and tags me in. Parisi slips out of the corner and dropkicks me before tagging Gama Singh. Singh applies a rear seated chinlock then gives me a knee drop and again applies a rear seated chinlock. I avoid a knee drop and give Singh a flying double axe handle and a kick in the gut. Singh reverses an irish whip and clotheslines me. Singh gives me a single leg trip and a knee drop before irish whipping me. He gives me a european uppercut and a knee lift and follows them with a knee drop and a kick in the back. I avoid a knee drop and kick Singh in the chest before giving him an elbow drop. Singh counters a throat thrust with a forearm blow then dropkicks me and applies a hammerlock. Singh gives me a forearm in the back and in the gut before driving me into a corner after putting me in a hammerlock and gives me a knife edge chop. He gives me a forearm in the back and in the gut then irish whips and clotheslines me. Singh gives me a knee drop then I slip from a rear seated chinlock and tag Candy. Candy gouges Singh's eyes then Singh avoids a rope rake and dropkicks Candy. Singh irish whips Candy then clotheslines him and gives him a knee drop. Candy breaks a rear seated chinlock and gives Singh a backbreaker before applying a rear chinlock. Candy gouges Singh's eyes then Singh slips from a backbreaker and give Candy a rear amateur takedown before tagging Parisi. Parisi applies body scissors then Candy slips from a front facelock and irish whips Parisi. Candy headbutts Parisi then gives him a kick in the back and a hammerlock blow. Candy gives Parisi a backbreaker and a stomp then suplexes him and kicks him in the back. Candy gives Parisi a roundhouse punch then Parisi counters a bearhug with a forearm blow then applies a top wrist lock and a hammerlock. Candy avoids a forearm in the back of the head then gives Parisi a hammerlock shoulder breaker and bites his forehead. Parisi prevents a stomp then snap mares Candy and tags Singh. Singh irish whips and dropkicks Candy then gives him a knee drop. Candy fights back and drives Singh into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock. Singh breaks a turnbuckle smash then applies a side headlock. Candy reverses an irish whip and gives Singh a backdrop and a headbutt in the groin. Singh counters a top ring rope drop with a dropkick then Candy avoids a kick in the back, puts Singh in a bearhug, then smashes his back into the turnbuckles. Candy gives Singh a flurry of stomps in the corner then gives him a flurry of punches. Singh breaks a piledriver then irish whips Candy and gives him a forearm blow. He irish whips Candy then gives him a european uppercut and tags Parisi. Parisi takes Candy down with a side headlock then irish whips him and gives him a european uppercut. Candy slips from a side headlock and irish whips Parisi but he stops Candy from tagging and irish whips him. Candy avoids a forearm blow and incites the crowd. Parisi breaks from a choke hold and gives Candy a flying standing knee and a knee drop before applying an inside toe hold. Candy breaks from body scissors then whips Parisi into a corner and tags me in. I choke Parisi in the corner then he avoids a mafia kick and applies a side headlock. He gives me a forearm blow and a european uppercut before applying a side headlock and a top wrist lock. Parisi gives me a leg drag and a fireman's carry takedown then slaps me in the chest and dropkicks me. He applies body scissors then gives me a knee drop and reapplies body scissors. Parisi gives me a knee drop then irish whips me and slaps me in the chest. Parisi irish whips me again then slaps me in the chest and applies a front facelock and a hammerlock. Parisi gives me a rear amateur takedown and applies body scissors. I break from head scissors and flap jack Parisi then give him a flurry of punches. Parisi fights back and takes me down in a side headlock and gives me a knee drop before applying head scissors. Parisi gives me a knee drop then applies a wrenching hammerlock and gives me a knee drop from the second rope. He applies head scissors and body scissors then I break from head scissors, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Parisi counters a spear with a dropkick and I stop him from tagging. I irish whip Parisi and give him a high backdrop then he breaks a head twist and slaps me in the chest. Parisi applies a side headlock then irish whips me and gives me a european uppercut. I avoid a knee drop and give Parisi a mafia kick. He counters a backbreaker with a slap in the chest. I stop Parisi from tagging then give him a hammerlock back bomb and an inverted piledriver. I then cover and pin Tony Parisi for the win. [b]Time: 30 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Curtis Iaukea [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Raymond, Nikura, Shamrock and Quake defeated Rich, Randy, Mike and Hardcore Holly[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Medic #1 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] and Dennis Condrey versus Tony Parisi and Skip Young[/b] The match begins with me in the ring first against Tony Parisi. I headbutt Parisi then punch him twice. Parisi reverses an irish whip and gives me a european uppercut and a slap in the chest before applying a top wrist lock. He puts me in a schoolboy roll up and gets a one-count. Parisi applies a front facelock then gives me a flying standing knee and applies a side headlock. I slip from a schoolboy roll up then give Parisi an arm wringer smash. I irish whip Parisi and give him a clubbing blow and a headbutt. I kick him in the back then give him an elbow drop and a suplex. I kick Parisi in the chest then give him a legdrop before he fights back and gives me a fireman's carry takedown. He applies body scissors then I break head scissors and whip him into a corner then tag Condrey. Parisi slips out of the corner and gives Condrey a rear amateur takedown then irish whips him and gives him a european uppercut. Condrey breaks from head scissors and dropkicks Parisi. He gives Parisi a backbreaker then Parisi counters a flying double axe handle with a forearm in the gut. Parisi puts Condrey in the schoolboy roll up and gets a two-count. Condrey slips from a side headlock then drives Parisi into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock and smashes his head into the top turnbuckle. Condrey gives Parisi an arm wringer smash and a short arm clothesline then Parisi slips away and gives Condrey a flyinig standing knee and tags Skip Young. Young gives Condrey a couple of elbow drops and knee drops then irish whips him and takes him down in a side headlock. Young gives Condrey two knee drops and an elbow drop then Akbar distracts Young. Condrey gives Young a backbreaker then irish whips him but Young avoids a dropkick and gives Condrey a quick right jab and applies a front facelock. Young gives Condrey a flying double axe handle then Condrey slips from a side headlock and irish whips Young. Young stops Condrey from making a tag and applies an arm wringer before snap maring him. Young gives Condrey a leg drop then Condrey fights back and whips Young into the corner and tags me in. Young slips out of the corner and applies an arm wringer and a front facelock before giving me a drop toe hold and a knee drop. Young gives me a legdrop then a dropkick from the second rope and a knee drop. I slip from a side headlock then give him a backbreaker and an irish whip. I give Young a backdrop and a kick in the chest then he breaks a head twist and takes me down in a side headlock. Young irish whips me and gives me a knee lift then applies a side headlock and an arm wringer. He gives me a knife edge chop and an arm whip then I slip from a front facelock and give him a hammerlock back bomb. I give Young a mafia kick then whip him into a corner but he counters a spear with a dropkick and tags Parisi. Parisi gives me a knee drop then applies body scissors, a side headlock, a front facelock, and another side headlock. I slip from a front facelock and irish whip Parish then give him a clubbing blow and a headbutt. I give Parisi an elbow drop and a flurry of punches before giving him a double backbreaker. Parisi breaks from a head twist and gives me a forearm blow. I reverse an irish whip and give Parisi a high backdrop and a flying standing elbow smash. I pick Parisi up with both hands on his throat and throw him to the mat before twisting his head. I irish whip Parisi and give him a running elbow smash then he counters a backbreaker with a slap in the chest and gives me a forearm blow. I slip from a side headlock then whip him into a corner and tag Condrey. Parisi slips from the corner and tags Young. Young takes Condrey down in a side headlock and gives him a knee drop. Condrey avoids a knee drop and gives Young a flurry of punches. Condrey puts Young in a sleeper hold but Young doesn't submit then Condrey gives Young a face-first suplex and busts his head open. Young snap mares Condrey and gives him an elbow drop. Condrey avoids an elbow drop and slams Young's face into the mat then applies a spinning toe hold. Young does not submit then he breaks a piledriver and applies a front facelock on Condrey. Young snap mares Condrey and tags Parisi. Condrey counters an airplane spin with an eye gouge then Parisi breaks from a neckbreaker and applies a front facelock. Condrey slips from a top wrist lock and gives Parisi a spinning back suplex then puts him in the boston crab. Parisi does not submit then Parisi breaks from a piledriver and slaps Condrey in the chest. Parisi snap mares Condrey and gives him a knee drop before applying a side headlock and a top wrist lock. Parisi gives Condrey a forearm in the back of the head then Condrey slips from an arm wringer. Condrey goes into his trunks and throws powder into Parisi eyes and goes for a cover but Parisi kicks out at the last second. Parisi breaks a piledriver then irish whips him and gives him a knee lift. Condrey slips from a front facelock and puts Parisi in a sleeper hold but he doesn't submit. Parisi breaks a hammerlock then irish whips Condrey and gives him a knee lift. Condrey slips from a front facelock and chokes Parisi with wrist tape. Condrey then punches Parisi with brass knuckles and is DQed by the ref. [b]Time: 28 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - The Assassin retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeatinig Rufus R. Jones [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Scott Hall defeated Leon White[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - The High Flyers retained the AWA World Tag Team titles by defeating The Sheiks [b]WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]NJPW[/b] - Shiro Koshinaka retained the WWF International title by defeating Antonio Inoki [b]AJPW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Raymond Rougeau [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Lane Huffman[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Rusher Kimura [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Juan Rivera
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week 1, May 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Ken Patera defeated Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Goulet, Cortez, Goldbelt and The Anglo Italian defeated Kung Fu, Bearcat, Cowboy Bret and Cullen[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - All Out Assault retained the World of Sport Tag Team titles by defeating Mal Sanders and Solar [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Stan Frazier [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand Main Event: Fit Finlay and [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Ted Oates and Bob Della Serra -- 45 minute time limit[/b] The match begins with Fit Finlay and Ted Oates in the ring. Finlay applies a front facelock then gives Oates a gutwrench suplex and a kick in the back. Finlay gives Oates a european uppercut and a stomp then Oates avoids an elbow drop. Oates gives Finlay a knee drop then Finlay slips from a front facelock and applies a hammerlock. Finlay irish whips and clotheslines Oates then Oates avoids a kick in the back and punches Finlay. Oates irish whips and punches Finlay before applying a side headlock. Finlay counters a punch with a punch then headbutts Oates and gouges his eyes. Finlay gives Oates a forearm blow and a hammerlock blow then whips him into a corner. Finlay goes to give Oates ten punches but Oates breaks it and applies a side headlock. Finlay slips from a snap mare and applies a standing arm lever before kicking Oates in the back. Oates avoids a european uppercut then irish whips Finlay and applies a front facelock. Finlay stops Oates from tagging and gives him a backbreaker and a stomp. Oates fights back but Finlay reverses an irish whip and backdrops Oates. Finlay gives Oates an elbow drop and a stomp. Oates avoids an eye gouge and gives Finlay a single leg trip. Finlay slips from an arm bar and whips Oates into a corner and smashes his head into the top turnbuckle. Finlay irish whips Oates but he avoids a roundhouse european uppercut and applies a front facelock and a top wrist lock. Oates tags Bob Della Serra and he gives Finlay a forearm in the back of the head and in the gut. Della Serra irish whips Finlay and punches him. Finlay slips from a side headlock, whips Della Serra into our corner, and tags me in. Della Serra slips out of the corner and irish whips me, knocking the ref out. Della Serra gives me a knee lift then I avoid a knee drop and kick him in the chest. I go up top and give Della Serra a flying double axe handle and follow it with a headbutt and a throat thrust. I kick Della Serra in the back then give him an elbow drop and a suplex. I give Della Serra a backbreaker and kick him in the gut before irish whipping him. Della Serra avoids a clubbing blow as the ref recovers and gives me two forearm blows. Della Serra punches me then I avoid a forearm in the back of the head and give Della Serra a throat thrust. I pick up Della Serra with both hands on his throat and throw him to the mat. I irish whip Della Serra and give him a high backdrop then he breaks a head twist and applies a side headlock. I slip from the side headlock then put Della Serra in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. I tag Finlay and he gives Della Serra a flurry of stomps then slams his face into the mat and incite the fans. Finlay starts choking Della Serra with his wrist tape then headbutts him in the groin. Finlay irish whips Della Serra but Della Serra avoids a running football tackle and snap mares Finlay. Finlay stops him from tagging and gives him a double underhook suplex. Della Serra avoids a seated hammer and punches Finlay. Finlay breaks from a front facelock then gives Della Serra a roundhouse punch and applies a leg trip step over leg lock. Della Serra submits due to the pain. [b]Time: 15 minutes, Rating: D[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Signed Scott Casay. Released Ken Lucas. [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Dick Murdoch. [b]WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Cyclone Negro defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Leon White defeated Atushi Onita[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Cowboy Bret Hart and Mark McCoy defeated Steven Regal and Drew McDonald[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Light Heavyweight title by defeating Johnny Saint [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]MSW - The Superdome Blowout[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. Andre the Giant retained the North American Heavyweight title by defeating Magnum T.A. [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Bob Holly defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by defeating Juan Rodriguez [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There are no title matches held today.
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week 2, May 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Oly Olsen, Charlie Fulton and Johnny Rich defeated Tracy Smothers, Ken Shamrock and Tracy Adams[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by defeating Juan Rodriguez [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Gino Brito [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not schedule to wrestle and there ere no title matches. [b]WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Tony ATlast [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Tony Charles defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]The Brisco Brothers won the Mid-Atlantic U.S. Tag Team titles by defeating Legion of Death[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA Television title by defeating Bruiser Brody [b]WWF[/b] - Hulk Hogan retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Dick Murdoch [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television Title by defeating Steve Keirn [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Matt Borne and Norman Smiley defeated Miguel Perez, Jr and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating The Destroyer [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Jeff Jarrett[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Davey Boy Smith
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week 2, May 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Jake Milliman defeated Leon White[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Barry Darsow[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Solar [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Perry Saturn [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Tiger Chung Lee [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Signed Raymond Rougeau. Released Super Destroyer II. [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]The Cobra and Atsushi Onita defeated Jushin Lyger and Hiroshi Hase[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Leon White defeated Akio Sato[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Shiro Koshinaka retained the WWF International title by defeating Gran Hamada [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Steven Regal and Drew McDonald defeated Mark McCoy and Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Toshiaki Kawada defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Tetsuo Sekigawa[/b] The match begins and Sekigawa gives me a knife edge chop and applies a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and give Sekigawa an arm wringer smash before irish whipping him. I give him a clubbing blow and a kick in the back then go up top and give him a flying double axe handle. I punch Sekigawa twice then headbutt him and kick him in the gut. I irish whip him and give him a backdrop. Sekigawa avoids a kick in the chest and applies a side headlock and an arm wringer. I slip from a side headlock and give Sekigawa a backbreaker and an elbow drop before suplexing him. Sekigawa counters a flap jack with an eye gouge and applies a top wrist lock. He gives me a spinning back fist and I slip from an arm wringer. Sekigawa counters a bearhug with an eye gouge then gouges my eyes again and gives me a knee lift. He gouges my eyes and applies an arm wringer then he goes up top and gives me a flying standing knee and chokes me. I break a hammerlock but he counters a press slam with an eye gouge. I avoid a flying standing knee and give him a roundhouse punch. Sekigawa counters a roundhouse punch with a snap mare then applies a knee bar and chokes me. He gives me an elbow drop on my knee and applies a knee bar. I break a choke hold and give Sekigawa snake eyes then he avoids a mafia kick and gives me a drop toe hold. Sekigawa gives me an elbow drop on my knee and chokes me then I am able to slip away. He counters a bearhug with an eye gouge then irish whips me and gives me a knee lift and applies a knee bar. Sekigawa gives me an elbow drop on my knee then I slip out of a choke hold and give him a hammerlock back bomb. I irish whip Sekigawa and give him a high backdrop and a flurry of punches. Sekigawa counters a backbreaker with an eye gouge then applies a top wrist lock and unties a turnbuckle cover. He applies an arm wringer and a side headlock before snap maring me and giving me a single leg trip. I break from a choke hold but he reverses an irish whip and gouges my eyes. Sekigawa snap mares me then chokes me. He gives me a rope rake and applies a side headlock. Sekigawa gives me a single leg trip and chokes me before gouging my eyes. I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and he is busted open and begins to bleed. Sekigawa counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then snap mares me and applies a hammerlock. I stop Sekigawa from untying a turnbuckle cover and give him a spinning inverted piledriver. I then cover and pin him for the win. [b]Time: 17 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] [color=red]Duke Myers and Bret Hart defeated Jeff Jarrett and Hiroshi Hase[/color] Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Harley Race. [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Norvell Austin won the National Television title by defeating Rene Goulet [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Angel Acevedo, Fumihiro Nikura and Leo Burke defeated Ken Shamrock, Earthquake and Frank Dusek[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Della Serra [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWF[/b] - Bob Roop retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Rotundo
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