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The (Re)Birth of a Phenom(inal) Deadman

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week 3, August 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Mark McCoy and Drew McDonald defeated Cowboy Bret Hart and David Taylor[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Dominance retained the UWA World Tag Team titles by defeating El Dandy and Akio Sato [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Igor Volkoff [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs. Antonio Inoki[/b] Egads! I'm booked against the boss tonight! The bell rings and I give Inoki two throat thrusts. Inoki reverses a whip into a corner and gives me a knife edge chop. He kicks me in the knee then takes me down with a sweeping ankle trip and applies a trapezius nerve pinch. Inoki gives me a judo sweep then I fight back and whip him into a corner and smash his head into the top turnbuckle. I bodyslam Inoki and give him a legdrop then punch him and apply an arm wringer. I give Inoki a throat thrust then he reverses an irish whip and gives me a european uppercut. Inoki gives me a double leg trip then kicks me in the thigh. He gives me a european uppercut then gives me a short arm judo toss. I slip from an arm bar then irish whip Inoki and give him a backdrop. I punch Inoki three times then give him a throat thrust and a kick in the gut. I punch Inoki and kick him in the gut then he counters a throat thrust with a side headlock. I break a short arm judo toss then give Inoki a throat thrust and a kick in the gut. I give Inoki a throat thrust then irish whip him and give him a running clothesline. I wait for him to get up then give him a short arm clothesline. Inoki fights back but I slip from a side headlock and throw him out of the ring. I leave the ring and smash Inoki's head into the announcers' table. Inoki counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock then I slip from a front facelock and smash his head again into the announcers' table. I roll Inoki back into the ring then he fights back and kicks me in the thigh. Inoki gives me a european uppercut then two forearms in the back and one in the gut. Inoki gives me a legsweep kick then applies an arm bar and a side headlock. Inoki kicks me in the thigh then gives me a snap kick. Inoki gives me a legsweep and quickly covers me but I kick out at 2. Inoki gives me a short arm judo toss then I slip from an arm bar and whip him into a corner. I choke Inoki then irish whip him but he avoids a big boot and kicks me in the thigh. Inoki irish whips me and gives me a short arm judo toss then gives me a grounded knee arm driver before applying wrenching head scissors and an arm bar. I avoid a legsweep kick then irish whip Inoki and give him a high backdrop. I irish whip Inoki then he avoids a running elbow and gives me three quick forearm blows. I slip from a trapezius nerve pinch then irish whip Inoki into a lariat clothesline. I irish whip Inoki, knocking the ref out, and give him a running elbow smash. Inoki avoids a clothesline and applies a top wrist lock. I avoid a kick in the knee and flap jack Inoki. Inoki jumps up and surprises me then kicks me in the thigh. I slip from a front facelock and give Inoki a backbreaker. I give Inoki a mad man clothesline then leave the ring after him. I drag Inoki back into the ring as the ref recovers then Inoki stops me from climbing the turnbuckles. I break a sweeping ankle trip then Inoki counters a choke with a kick in the knee. Inoki gives me a judo sweep then applies an arm bar. I break from head scissors then give Inoki a hammerlock back bomb. I pick him up, turn Inoki upside down, turn around facing the center of the ring, and give him an inverted piledriver. Inoki's head starts to bleed and he kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. Inoki slips from an inverted piledriver then gives me a forearm in the gut and a kick in the thigh. I break a short arm deep hip toss then climb the turnbuckles and give Inoki a flying standing elbow smash. Inoki fights back and gives me a sweeping hip throw and I kick out of a pin attempt at 2. Inoki gives me a shooter takedown then applies an arm trap head twist and wrenching head scissors. Inoki drives a knee into my arm then gives me a grounded knee arm driver. Inoki gives me a front leg shoulder tackle then I slip from an arm scissors arm bar, put him in a bearhug, then ram his back against the turnbuckles. Inoki blocks a couple of moves then gives me a front leg shoulder tackle. I slip from an arm scissors arm bar and give Inoki a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Inoki counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the thigh then gives me a double underhook suplex. I slip from a kataha jime judo choke and slap on an iron claw. Inoki can't take it any more and submits. [b]Time: 27 minutes, Rating: B- Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - [color=red]One Man Gang and Atsushi Onita defeated Bret Hart and Barbarian[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CWA - Renegade Rampage[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. During the card: [color=red]Ken Shamrock, Johnny Rich and Michael Wood defeated Kendall Windham and Tracy Smothers[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jack Brisco retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Angelo Mosca [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Pearl Slam (Iron Sheik/Ric Flair) retained the NWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Manny Fernandez and Bugsy McGraw[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ron Bass retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Thunderbolt Patterson [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Tetsuo Sekigawa [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - During Summerslam: [color=red]Hulk Hogan retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Jesse Ventura[/color] Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Dick Murdoch
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week 4, August 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - Otto Wanz retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Dutch Mantell [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Hijo del Diablo [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Tony Falk [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA Television title by defeating Larry Hennig [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Hulk Hogan retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Savatore Bellomo[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Medic #1 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs. Kuniaki Kobayashi[/b] The bell rings and I punch Kobayashi twice then give him a running clothesline and an elbow drop. I punch Kobayashi three more times then he avoids a throat thrust and snap mares me. Kobayashi picks me up and snap mares me again then I avoid a knee drop and kick him in the gut. I apply an arm wringer and bodyslam Kobayashi then he fights back and takes me down with a sweeping ankle trip. I slip from a rear chinlock then give Kobayashi a forearm in the back. Gary Hart distracts me but I slip from an arm wringer then I irish whip Kobayashi and kick him in the gut. I kick Kobayashi in the gut again then he avoids a punch and gives me a back fist. I avoid a flying standing knee and suplex Kobayashi then give him an elbow drop. I drop Kobayashi on the top ring rope then Khbayashi fights back. I slip from a top wrist lock then throw Kobayashi out of the ring. He stops me from leaving the ring then irish whips me and gives me a european uppercut. I avoid a kick in the thigh then throw Kobayashi out of the ring and go out after him. Kobayashi counters a roundhouse punch with a back kick then gives me a back fist and applies a hammerlock. I avoid a flying standing knee then smash Kobayashi's shoulder into a ring post. Kobayashi counters a roundhouse punch with a back fist then I slip from a snap mare and give him a backbreaker. Kobayashi slips from a bearhug and snap mares me then I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles. I put Kobayashi in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron then drag him back into the ring. Kobayashi reverses an irish whip and dropkicks me. I avoid a knee drop then irish whip Kobayashi into a big boot. Kobayashi avoids a flying elbow then drives a knee into my arm. I slip from a rear chinlock then iirish whip Kobayashi and punch him before giving him a flying double axe handle. Kibayashi fights back and applies an arm wringer then snap mares me and I slip from a rear chinlock. I irish whip Kobayashi and kick him in the gut then punch him. I irish whip Kobayashi but he avoids a lariat clothesline and applies a hammerlock. I avoid a dropkick and irish whip Kobayashi then he avoids the lariat clothesline and gives me a european uppercut before applying a wrenching top wrist lock. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Kobayashi then Gary Hart distracts me and Kobayashi kicks me in the thigh. Kobayashi irish whips me, knocking the ref out, then gives me a back fist and an arm whip. Kobayashi gives me a flurry of forearms then a knee drop. Kobayashi applies a rear chinlock then gives me two knee drops and drives a knee into my arm. Kobayashi drives a knee into my arm then gives me a knee drop and applies a rear chinlock as the ref recovers. Kobayashi gives me a knee drop and drives a knee into my arm then gives me a sweeping ankle trip and gives me a knee drop. Kobayashi drives a knee into my arm then I avoid a knee drop. Kobayashi reverses an irish whip and kicks me in the thigh. I slip from an arm wringer, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Kobayashi breaks a choke slam attempt and gives me a triple kick combo. I slip away but Kobayashi counters a backbreaker with a kick in the thigh and gives me a hammerlock kick. Kobayashi takes me down in an arm wringer then he dropkicks me in the back. Kobayashi gives me two triple kick combos then I avoid a dropkick in the back. Kobayashi counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the thigh then I avoid a springboard back elbow. Kobayashi fights back and gives me a twisting neckbreaker and a dropkick in the back. Kobayashi gives me a flurry of rear naked punches then dropkicks me in the back. Kobayashi gives me another flurry of rear naked punches then I slip from a twisting neckbreaker. Kobayashi reverses an irish whip, knocking the ref out, and gives me a triple kick combo. I slip away then give Kobayashi a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Kobayashi counters an inverted piledriver with a back fist then gives me a twisting neckbreaker and a flurry of rear naked punches. Kobayashi dropkicks me in the back then gives me a flurry of rear naked punches. I slip from a twisting neckbreaker and he avoids an iron claw. Kobayashi gives me a springboard back elbow and a flurry of rear naked punches then I slip from a twisting neckbreaker and give him a double backbreaker as the ref recovers. Kobayashi breaks a powerbomb the irish whips me and gives me a running knee in the head. Kobayashi dropkicks me in the back then I fight back and flap jack him. Kobayashi counters an inverted piledriver with a back fist then gives me a twisting neckbreaker. I slip out of a sleeper hold then irish whip Kobayashi into a big boot. Kobayashi avoids a big legdrop then covers me and I kick out at the last second. Kobayashi gives me a twisting neckbreaker then I slip away and irish whip him and the lariat connects. I cover Kobayashi and get the pin. [b]Time: 32 minutes, Rating: B- Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Wahoo McDaniel retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Curtis Iaukea [b]MACW[/b] - Dusty Rhodes retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Greg Valentine [b]MACW[/b] - Jack Brisco retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Orton Jr [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Hulk Hogan retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Afa[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Thunderbolt Patterson[/color] [b]CMLL[/b] - Super Pinocho retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating Killer Karl Kox [b]CWF[/b] - Bob Roop retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Kevin Sullivan [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Mil Mascaras [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Bam Bam Bigelow[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Ted Oates [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow won the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Akira Maeda [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper won the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Solar
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week 4, August 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Villano I [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Chick Donovan [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Keith Hart defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson won the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - Released Cyclone Negro [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Kung Fu, Charles, Cowboy Bruce and British Bulldog defeated Murphy, Cowboy Bret, Kwik-Kik and Soul Man[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Les Thornton [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Television title by defeating Tetsuo Sekigawa [b]PNW[/b] - Kenny Jay retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Alvin Stones [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Ed Leslie [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW in Pakistan[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. During the card: Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jack Brisco retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Scott McGee defeated Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Bob Brown[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Raymond Rougeau retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Holly [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Randy Rich and Alvin Stones defeated Charlie Fulton and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Akira Maeda retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Kodo Fuyuki [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Sheik, Nature Boy, The American Dream and Chief Wahoo defeated Moska, Funk, Boogie Woogie Man and Cowboy Bob[/color]
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Mark's Progress Report -- September 1, 1985 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 74 ([color=red]+4[/color]) Canada - 40 Mexico - 40 Japan - 44 ([color=red]+5[/color]) UK - 20 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 64 ([color=red]+3[/color]) power - 76 technique - 50 speed - 54 psychology - 83 stamina - 64 toughness - 91 charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 66 looks - 92 respect - 37 ([color=red]+1[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former PNW Television title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former WCCW Heavyweight champ Former WCCW Six Man Tag Team title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 31-6 Tag Teams: 21-1 [color=blue]Central States[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Current co-holder Central States Tag Team title Former Central States Television champ (2)[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 15-8 Tag Teams: 6-1 [color=blue]Mid-South Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 16-2 Teams: 6-2 [color=blue]Championship Wrestling Association[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer [color=purple]Current AWA International title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 1-0 Teams: 1-0 [color=blue]New Japan Pro Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Lower Midcarder ([color=red]Raised from Opener[/color]) Won/Lost records: Singles: 11-0 Teams: 0-0
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week 1, September 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. On the card: [color=red]Michael Wood defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] Lawler and Idol retained the Southern Tag Team titles by defeating Gypsy Joe and Jose Luis Rivera [b]Today's Wrestling News UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Dandy [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Duke of Dorchester [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff won the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Masked Superstar [b]CMLL[/b] - Double Shot retained the CMLL World Tag Team titles by defeating Mascara Sagrada and Tito Santana [b]WCCW[/b] - Kerry Von Erich retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Jos Leduc [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Sweetan [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Shaw [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Rusher Kimura[/b] The bell sounds and I punch Rusher then kick him in the gut and give him a throat thrust. I toss Rusher into a corner then he reverses and puts me in the corner and repeatedly rams his shoulder into me. Rusher applies a side headlock then gives me a legsweep and covers me but gets a one-count. He applies a side headlock then irish whips me and gives me a headbutt. I slip from a side headlock then whip Rusher into a corner and smash his face into the top turnbuckle. I give him a legdrop and cover him but only get a one-count. I kick Rusher in the gut then irish whip him, knocking the ref out, and give him a backdrop. I punch Rusher then kick him in the gut and apply an arm wringer. Rusher slips from a suplex and applies a hammerlock. He irish whips me, as the ref recovers, then I avoid a back kick and suplex him. I cover Rusher, getting a one-count, then irish whip him and give him a hip toss. Rusher avoids a throat thrust then applies a front facelock and gives me a clubbing blow. He applies a side headlock then I slip from a front facelock and irish whip him, knocking the ref out. I give Rusher a throat thrust then he breaks a toss to a corner and applies a side headlock. Rusher gives me a legsweep and covers me but the ref is still out. Rusher gives me a knee pull and applies a rear chinlock then I slip from a knee pull and give him a backbreaker. Rusher breaks a choke hold and applies a front facelock as the ref recovers. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip Rusher into a big boot. I toss Rusher into a corner then he breaks away and gives me a single leg trip. Rusher puts me in head scissors then gives me a knee pull and applies a rear chinlock. Rusher gives me a knee pull then applies a hammerlock before going up top and giving me a flying standing knee. Rusher applies a side headlock then I reverse an irish whip and give him a high backdrop. Rusher breaks a choke hold then applies a side headlock and takes me down with a sweeping ankle trip. I slip from a knee pull then give Rusher a side suplex. I pick him up with two hands on his throat, lift him up and throw him to the mat. I whip Rusher into a corner and give him a flurry of punches. Rusher avoids a knee lift and gives me a short arm judo toss. I break from head scissors then throw Rusher out of the ring and go out after him. I give Rusher a roundhouse punch then he slips from a bearhug and applies a standing arm lever. I slip from a knee pull then smash his shoulder into a ring post. Rusher fights back and gives me a judo sweep. I slip from a rear chinlock then give him a backbreaker and roll him back into the ring. I irish whip Rusher, knocking the ref out again, then he avoids a clothesline and gives me a single leg trip. Rusher applies a rear chinlock then gives me a knee pull and re-applies a rear chinlock. Rusher gives me a legsweep and covers me, forgetting that the ref is out, then irish whips me and gives me a clothesline. Rusher applies a rear chinlock then wrenches head scissors before giving me a knee pull. Rusher gives me a back kick then applies a front facelock. He irish whips me and gives me a headbutt then applies a side headlock. Rusher gives me a single leg trip, as the ref recovers then applies a rear chinlock and wrenches head scissors. Rusher gives me a shooter takedown but I end up on top of him and he kicks out at the last second. I irish whip Rusher then he counters a clothesline with a clothesline and irish whips me into a short arm knee lift. Rusher irish whips me and gives me three quick forearm blows then gives me a short arm judo high toss. I slip from a kataha jime judo choke then irish whip him. Rusher counters a clothesline with a clothesline then I slip from a jigoku jime choke hold and irish whip him. Rusher ducks under a clothesline and gives me a double underhook suplex. He gives me another double underhook suplex then I slip from a step over face lock, put him in a bearhug, and rammed his back into the turnbuckles. I give Rusher snake eyes then he slips from a choke slam attempt and irish whips me into an enziguri kick. I counter a double underhook suplex with a punch then irish whip Rusher, knocking the ref out, and give him a lariat clothesline. Rusher fights back and gives me a flying standing knee. I slip from a hammerlock then give Rusher a hammerlock back bomb as the ref recovers. I give Rusher a flap jack but he ends up on top of me and I kick out at the last second. I avoid an enziguri kick then use the ropes as momentum and give him an elbow drop. Rusher avoids a choke slam attempt and gives me a short arm breaker and an enziguri kick. I slip from a jigoku jime choke hold then give Rusher a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and his head starts to bleed. I put Rusher in a bearhug then give him a domination powerbomb and cover him but he kicks out at the last second. Rusher counters a backbreaker with a shooter takedown then gives me a leg trip and a step over leg lock. I don't submit and Rusher gives me a flying standing knee. I slip from a jigoku jime choke hold and give Rusher a driving knee lift. Rusher slips from a choke slam attempt and applies a japanese sef-stranglehold. I don't submit and Rusher gives me an enziguri kick. I break from a leg trip and give Rusher a backbreaker and hold him across my knee. I cover Rusher but he kicks out at the last second and I give him a short arm clothesline. Rusher slips from an inverted piledriver then I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and give him a roundhouse punch. Rusher slips from an inverted piledriver then irish whips me and I avoid an enziguri kick. I choke Rusher in the center of the ring then he breaks a choke slam attempt and gives me a flying standing knee and a double underhook suplex. I slip from a kataha jime judo choke then Rusher breaks an iron claw and gives me an enziguri kick. I slip from a kataha jime judo choke then give him a double backbreaker. I pick him up then turn facing the center of the ring and give him an inverted piledriver and pin him. [b]Time: 41 minutes, Rating: B Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Jack Brisco retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Ric Flair[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Hulk Hogan[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating The Destroyer [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Atsushi Onita defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]MLW[/b] - Otto Wanz retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Bobo Brazil.
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week 1, September 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News UWA[/b] - Dominance retained the UWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Ron Ritchie and Masahiro Chono [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Solar [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Jeff Costa[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show Villano I and [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Jim Duggan and Solar[/b] Villano I and Jim Duggan start the match off. Villano I gives Duggan an arm wringer smash then Duggan breaks a hammerlock and irish whips and headbutts Villano I. Duggan gives Villano I a clubbing blow and an elbow drop before applying a rear chinlock. Villano I avoids a kick in the back and gives Duggan a flying double axe handle. Duggan bodyslams Villano I and applies a rear chinlock. Villano I avoids an eye gouge then puts Duggan in a charging roll up and gets a one-count. Villano I gives Duggan a hammerlock blow then applies an arm wringer before irish whipping Duggan. Duggan avoids a headbutt and gouges Villano I's eyes then applies a top wrist lock. Duggan gives Villano I a backbreaker then Villano I slips from a top wrist lock and tags me in. I punch Duggan three times then he avoids another punch and gouges my eyes. Duggan irish whips and punches me then he irish whips me again and gives me a clubbing blow. Duggan gouges my eyes then rakes my face on the top rope. I avoid a flying double axe handle then irish whip Duggan but he avoids a clothesline and punches me. I slip from a front facelock and irish whip Duggan and give him a backdrop before tossing him into a corner. I smash his face into the top turnbuckle then give Duggan a throat thrust and a kick in the gut before tagging Villano I. Villano I applies a hammerlock then Duggan avoids a forearm, gouges Villano I's eyes, and tags Solar. Solar gives Villano I a single leg trip then a knee drop and a couple of knee pulls. Solar irish whips Villano I and gives him a forearm blow then a jab punch and a dropkick. Villano I avoids a knee drop then drives a knee into Solar's leg and gouges his eyes. Villano I punches Solar then kicks him in the gut. Solar counters a forearm blow by tossing Villano I into a corner then gives him a knife edge chop and a dropkick. Villano I reverses an irish whip then tags me back in. I give Solar a kick in the gut then punch and headbutt him. I toss Solar into a corner and smash his head into the top turnbuckle. I irish whip Solar and he avoids a backdrop and gives me a spinning backhand blow. I avoid a knee drop and bodyslam Solar. Solar reverses an irish whip and gives me a european uppercut. I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip Solar but he avoids a backdrop and gives me a forearm blow. I slip from an arm wringer then Solar counters a forearm in the back with a forearm blow and tags Duggan. Duggan gouges my eyes then gives me a flying double axe handle and a kick in the back before applying a rear chinlock. Duggan gives me an elbow drop then irish whips and punches me before applying a front facelock. Duggan irish whips me then gives me a clothesline and an elbow drop. I slip from a rear chinlock then irish whip Duggan into a backdrop and choke him. I give Duggan a backbreaker and a kick in the back. Duggan avoids a headbutt then punches and headbutts me before gouging my eyes. I slip from a top wrist lock then give Duggan an arm wringer smash and a suplex. I irish whip Duggan into a high backdrop then he fights back and gouges my eyes. Duggan gives me a clubbing blow and an elbow drop before tagging Solar. I avoid a half senton and tag Villano I. Villano I gives Solar a legdrop on his arm then Solar breaks a test of strength and applies a hammerlock. Solar gives Villano I a flying knife edge chop and a knee drop then irish whips and dropkicks him. Solar gives Villano I a knee drop, a knee pull, and a half senton then Villano I slips from a knee pull and whips Solar into a corner. Villano gives Solar a knife edge chop then solar slips from an arm drag and gives Villano I a running dropkick. Villano I slips from a knee pull then irish whips Solar into a clothesline and chokes him. Solar stops Villano I before he could incite the crowd then gives him a single leg trip and a knee drop. Solar gives Villano I a half senton then Villano slips from a knee pull and verbally abuses Solar. Villano I gives Solar a hammerlock/leg trip combo and a rolling senton. Solar avoids a flying stomp then gives Villano I a legdrop in the groin and tags Duggan. Duggan gives Villano I an elbow drop then Villano I avoids a stomp and puts Duggan in a wrenching top wrist lock. Villano I bites Duggan's forehead then Duggan slips from an arm stomp and irish whips Villano I into a clubbing blow. Duggan gouges Villano I's eyes then applies a front facelock before punching and headbutting him. Villano slips away from Duggan and tags me in. I toss Duggan into a corner then he breaks away and gouges my eyes. I avoid a flying double axe handle then irish whip Duggan and give him a big boot. I toss Duggan into a corner then he slips out and irish whips me into a clothesline. I slip out of a rear chinlock then whip Duggan into a corner and drive a knee into his chest. I throw Duggan out of the ring and go out after him. I give Duggan a couple of roundhouse punches then give him a short arm clothesline and roll him back into the ring. I lean against the ropes and go to give Duggan an elbow drop but he avoids it then stomps on me and tags Solar. I slip from a knee pull then put Solar in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Solar slips away then gives me a forearm blow. I avoid a punch then give Solar a backbreaker onto my knee and cover him but I only get a one-count. I pick up Solar with two hands on his throat, lift him up and throw him to the mat. I give Solar a high cross body and he ends up on top of me and I kick out at 1. Solar irish whips me into a jab punch then gives me a forearm blow. I avoid a flying standing knee then give Solar snake eyes and a press slam. Solar dropkicks me to counter an inverted piledriver then I avoid a knee drop and give Solar a hammerlock back bomb. I give Solar an inverted piledriver and his head is busted open. I cover and pin Solar to finish the match. [b]Time: 32 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] Also on the card Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Seiji Sakaguchi. [b]Today's Wrestling News NJPW[/b] - Signed Haruka Eigen. Released David Schultz. [b]WCCW[/b] - Kendo Nagasaki won the WCCW Television title by defeating Kerry Von Erich [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Atsushi Onita and Duke Myers defeated Hurricane Castillo Jr and Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CWA - Renegade Rampage[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. On the card: [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Kendall Windham[/color] Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Gypsy Joe. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jack Brisco retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk Jr [b]MACW[/b] - Dusty Rhodes retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Angelo Mosca [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Pearl Slam retained the NWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Angelo Mosca Jr and Curtis Iaukea[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Terry Funk won the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Wahoo McDaniel [b]AWA[/b] - Mr. Saito and Roddy Piper won the AWA World Tag Team titles by defeating The High Flyers [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown won the National Television title by defeating Norvell Austin [b]GCW[/b] - Ron Bass retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]WCCW[/b] - Kendo Nagasaki retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Fumihiro Nikura [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor any matches involving the featured wrestlers.
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week 2, September 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News UWF[/b] - Akira Maeda retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami [b]MLW[/b] - Rick Martel won the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Villano I [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - [color=red]Hulk Hogan retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Big John Studd[/color] [b]PNW[/b] - Eddie Watts won the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Kenny Jay [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Buddy Lane [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Mascara Sagrada[/b] The bell rings and I irish whip Sagrada then give him a kick in the gut and punch him. I toss Sagrada into a corner and smash his head into the top turnbuckle then bodyslam him. I go for a pin and he kicks out at 1. I apply an arm wringer then kick Sagrada in the gut and punch him twice. I give Sagrada a throat thrust then he avoids a headbutt. I break an arm whip then toss Sagrada into a corner and smash his head into the top turnbuckle. I irish whip Sagrada into a running clothesline then he grabs the ropes to break a trapezius nerve pinch. I kick Sagrada in the gut then he avoids a headbutt and irish whips me into a forearm blow. Sagrada gives me another forearm blow then irish whips me into a european uppercut. Sagrada gives me a single leg trip then applies a hammerlock and an arm wringer. Sagrada gives me a forearm blow and a single leg trip then I avoid a half senton and suplex him. I start to choke Sagrada then give him a backbreaker and two roundhouse punches. I toss Sagrada into a corner and give him a flurry of punches. I whip Sagrada into another corner and he uses the turnbuckles to vault over me. Sagrada irish whips me into a forearm blow then does it again. Sagrada gives me a single leg trip then I slip from a knee pull and whip him into a corner. Sagrada avoids a high knee then irish whips me. I slip from an arm whip and throw Sagrada out of the ring. Sagrada stops me from leaving the ring then I avoid a dropkick. I throw Sagrada out of the ring then go out after him. Sagrada breaks away before I smash his face into a guard rail then I avoid a forearm blow and headbutt him. I punch Sagrada twice and give him a throat thrust. Sagrada counters a roundhouse punch with a forarm blow then gives me a european uppercut and a dropkick. Sagrada gives me a knee pull then I fight back and smash Sagrada's face into a ringside table. I drag Sagrada back into the ring then he reverses a whip into a corner and smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. Sagrada irish whips me into a forearm blow then gives me a european uppercut. I avoid a dropkick then toss him into a corner. Sagrada avoids a splash in the corner then I avoid a half senton and whip him into a corner. Sagrada uses the turnbuckles and vaults over me then gives me a forearm in the gut and a dropkick. I avoid a legdrop then toss him into a corner and splash him. I give Sagrada a running elbow smash then use the ropes for added momentum and give him an elbow drop. I irish whip Sagrada then powerslam him but he ends up on top and I kick out at 2. I slip from an arm wringer then irish whip Sagrada, knocking the ref out, and give him a big boot. Sagrada breaks a short arm clothesline then I reverse an irish whip and give him a high backdrop. Sagrada surprises me and gives me a single leg trip then a running senton and a half senton. Sagrada gives me a european uppercut then drives a knee into my leg. Sagrada takes me down in an arm wringer then gives me a legdrop. I stop Sagrada from climbing the turnbuckles then he counters a press slam with a forearm blow. Sagrada gives me a single leg trip and a knee pull then I avoid a legdrop, as the ref recovers, then irish whip Sagrada into a running elbow smash and his head starts to bleed. Sagrada fights back and gives me an arm wringer smash then a european uppercut and a knee pull. Sagrada gives me a running senton then irish whips and dropkicks me. I avoid a running senton then irish whip Sagrada and give him a lariat clothesline then covered him but he kicks out at the last second. Sagrada fights back and gives me a running dropkick and a legdrop. I avoid a running dropkick then throw Sagrada out of the ring and go out after him. I smash Sagrada's shoulder into a ring post then put him in a bearhug. I give him a backbreaker then Sagrada breaks a short arm clothesline and gives me a charging forearm. I fight back and put Sagrada in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron. I roll Sagrada back into the ring then he breaks snake eyes and gives me a running dropkick and a legdrop. Sagrada gives me a running senton and a flip legdrop then applies a spinning toe hold but I don't submit. I counter a running enziguri kick with a running clothesline then Sagrada avoids a bearhug and begins to feel dizzy. Sagrada breaks a choke slam attempt then gives me an arm wringer smash. Sagrada gives me a 3/4 face lock bulldog then begins to feel dizzy. Sagrada slips from an inverted piledriver then gives me a running enziguri kick. Sagrada covers me and gets the pin to end my winning streak in Japan. [b]Time: 30 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Rufus R. Jones won the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Dusty Rhodes [b]AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser won the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Wahoo McDaniel [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Big John Studd won the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Hulk Hogan[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ron Bass retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Thunderbolt Patterson [b]CWF[/b] - Bob Roop retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Hercules Ayala [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Mil Mascaras [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Duke Myers[/color]
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week 2, September 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Billy Robinson retained the AWA Television title by defeating Jim Brunzell [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Solar and Jeff Costa defeated Pin Point (Bret Hart/Akira Maeda)[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Jeff Gaylord [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to appear and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - Signed Haku. [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Cowboy Bret Hart defeated Mark McCoy[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Mal Sanders and Jackie Pallo won the World of Sport Tag Team titles by defeating All Out Assault [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Shaw [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Terry Funk [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CWA - Renegade Rampage Main Event: Stan Lane and [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs. Lawler and Idol -- Southern Tag Team -- Elimination Rules[/b] The match begins with Stan Lane and Jerry Lawler in the ring. Lawler breaks a test of strength then gouges Lane's eyes twice and punches him. Lane slips from a hammerlock then irish whips Lawler into a backdrop. Lawler avoids a kick in the back then rakes Lane's face along the top ring rope then punches him. Lane breaks a toss to a corner and whips Lawler into a corner. Lawler avoids a knife edge chop and applies a side headlock. Lawler irish whips Lane into a kick in the gut then applies a side headlock before going up top and giving Lane a flying double axe handle. Lawler chokes Lane then Lane avoids a boot lace rake and dropkicks Lawler. Lane applies an arm bar then gives Lawler a flying double axe handle and whips him into a corner and tags me in. Lawler stops me from smashing his face into a turnbuckle then rakes my face along the top rope and gouges my eyes twice. Lawler applies a side headlock then punches me. I slip from a front facelock then give Lawler two arm wringers and an arm wringer smash. I punch Lawler twice then he avoids a throat thrust. Lawler gouges my eyes then punches me and tags Austin Idol. Idol irish whips me and gouges my eyes before taking me down in a side headlock. Idol applies a side headlock then I avoid a knife edge chop and irish whip Idol into a backdrop. Idol counters a punch with a punch then puts me in a side headlock and punches my face. Idol drops an elbow on my knee then I fight back but he avoids a toss into a corner and applies an arm wringer. Idol takes me down in a side headlock then rakes me with his boot lace and gives me a bell clap. Idol puts me in a side headlock and punches my face then takes me down in a side headlock and drops an elbow onto my knee. Idol applies a rear chinlock then I avoid a rake of the boot laces and tag Lane. Idol prevents a side kick then snap mares Lane and drops an elbow on his knee. Idol applies a rear chinlock then drops an elbow on Lane's knee and re-applies a rear chinlock. Idol irish whips Lane, knocking the ref out, then gouges his eyes and applies a side headlock. Lane slips from an arm wringer then drives Idol into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock. Idol breaks free then snap mares Lane and applies a rear chinlock. Idol rakes Lane with his boot lace then applies a rear chinlock and drops an elbow on his knee. Lane slips from a rear chinlock then wails on Idol's shoulder after putting him in a hammerlock. Lane irish whips Idol into a clubbing blow then gives him an arm drag. Idol avoids a knee drop and rakes Lane with his boot laces. Lane avoids an eye gouge then irish whips Idol, as the ref recovers, and give him a knife edge chop. Idol avoids an elbow drop then rakes Lane with his boot lace and applies a side headlock. Idol gives Lane a knife edge chop then Lane slips from an arm wringer and gives him an arm wringer and a gutwrench suplex. Idol avoids a kick in the back then punches Lane. Lane falls on top of Idol after a gutwrench suplex and gets a two-count. Lane applies a hammerlock then gives Idol a forearm in the back of the head and in the lower back. Lane irish whips Idol then Idol avoids a mongolian chop and punches Lane before giving him a flying double axe handle. Idol gives Lane a knife edge chop and gouges his eyes before applying an arm wringer. Lane slips from a top wrist lock and irish whips Idol into a punch then puts him in an airplane spin. Lane bodyslams Idol then applies an arm bar. Lane gives Idol a mad man clothesline then a baseball slide. Idol avoids a fist drop then rolls Lane back into the ring. Idol punches Lane then tosses him into a corner. Jimmy Hart distracts Idol then Idol breaks a bearhug then takes Lane down in a side headlock. Idol irish whips Lane and gouges his eyes then snap mares him and applies a rear chinlock before tagging Lawler. Lawler gouges Lane's eyes then Lane avoids a kick in the gut and tags me in. I punch Lawler three times then kick him in the gut and punch him another three times. I headbutt Lawler then Lawler counters a suplex with an eye gouge and applies a side headlock and a front facelock. I stop Lawler from climbing the turnbuckles and give him a throat thrust. Lawler reverses an irish whip then punches me and gouges my eyes. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip Lawler and give him a backdrop. I give Lawler a forearm in the back and a backbreaker then choke him. I go up top and give Lawler a flying double axe handle then toss him into a corner. Lawler breaks free and punches me. I slip from a side headlock and give Lawler a side suplex and a roundhouse punch. Lawler fights back and punches me then gives me an arm whip. I slip from a rear amateur takedown then throw Lawler out of the ring and go out after him. Lawler slips away before I could smash his face into a guard rail then drags me back into the ring. I avoid an eye gouge and give Lawler a roundhouse punch then throw him back out of the ring and go out after him. I drop Lawler onto the guard rail then give him a couple of roundhouse punches. I put Lawler in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron then he fights back and applies a side headlock. Lawler gives me an arm whip then drags me back into the ring. Lawler punches me then tags Idol, who gouges my eyes and applies a side headlock. I avoid a flying double axe handle then whip Idol into a corner and drive a knee into his chest. I give Idol a pair of roundhouse punches and a short arm clothesline then he avoids a measured elbow drop and gouges my eyes. Idol puts me in a side headlock and punches my face then I slip out from under him, put him in a bearhug, and smash his back against the turnbuckles. I give Idol a double backbreaker then he avoids a flying standing knee and rakes me with his boot lace. Idol applies a rear chinlock then irish whips me and I avoid an eye gouge and irish whip him. Idol avoids a lariat clothesline then applies a side headlock and gives me a bell clap. Idol punches me then gouges my eyes and gives me a knife edge chop and drops an elbow on my knee. I slip from a rear chinlock then give Idol a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and his head starts to bleed. Idol counters a hammerlock with a punch then gives me a knife edge chop. I slip from a top wrist lock and tag Lane. Idol avoids an axe kick then gives Lane a bell clap and takes him down in a side headlock. Lane slips from Idol and throws him over the top rope and goes out after him. Idol breaks from a figure-four leglock then gives Lane a bell clap and a knife edge chop. Idol drops an elbow onto Lane's knee then applies a rear chinlock and drops another elbow on his knee. Idol applies a rear chinlock then gouges Lane's eyes before feeling dizzy. Lane gives Idol a hammerlock back bomb then rolls him back into the ring and covers him but Idol kicks out at the last second. Lane verbally abuses Idol then gives him a running elbow smash and a flurry of rear naked punches. Lane ddt's Idol and covers him but Idol kicks out at the last second. Lane piledrives Idol then covers him and again Idol kicks out at the last second. Lane gives Idol a short arm clothesline then Idol slips from a figure-four leglock. Lane avoids a bell clap and tags me in. Idol counters snake eyes with an eye gouge then puts me in a side headlock and punches my face. Idol drops an elbow on my knee then applies a rear chinlock and tags Lawler. I avoid getting my face slammed into the mat and tag Lane. Lawler avoids a running dropkick then kicks Lane in the chest and gives him an arm whip. Lawler back suplexes Lane then kicks him in the chest and gives him an arm whip. Lawler applies a hammerlock then Lane counters a flying double axe handle with a dropkick. Lawler grabs the ropes to get out of a single leg boston crab then falls on top of Lane after a flap jack and gets a two-count. Lawler suplexes Lane but he falls on top of him and gets a two-count. Lane gives Lawler a double backbreaker and a posing roundhouse punch. Lawler breaks from a belly to back suplex then arm whips Lane. Lane slips from a hammerlock and gives Lawler a full nelson butt bomb. Lawler avoids a mafia kick then tosses Lane into a corner and hits him with a charging forearm. Lawler kicks Lane in the gut then punches him and tosses him into a corner. Lawler gives Lane a charging forearm then Lane avoids a kick in the gut. Lawler counters a double underhook suplex with a kick in the gut then tosses Lane into a corner and gives him a charging forearm. Lane slips from an arm wringer and gives Lawler a backbreaker. Lawler breaks from a figure-four leglock then Lane avoids a kick in the gut and throws Lawler out of the ring. Lane goes out after him then puts Lawler in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron. Lawler stops Lane from smashing his face into a ringside table and applies a side headlock.Lawler gives Lane an arm wringer smash then Jimmy Hart distracts him long enough for Lane to throw him from the top rope. Lawler grabs the ropes to break a figure-four leglock then Lane rakes Lawler on the top rope. Lawler counters a small package attempt with a punch then gives Lane a backbreaker and tags Idol. Idol gives Lane a knee stomp from the second rope then gives him a flurry of rear seated punches. Idol gives Lane a spread-eagled stomp then irish whips him but Lane avoids a punch and tags me. I throw Idol out of the ring then leave the ring and pick up a chair. I go to smash Idol in the back but he counters with a side headlock then punches me and gouges my eyes. Idol takes me down in a side headlock then rolls me into the ring. Idol gives me a knife edge chop then punches me and takes me down in a side headlock. I avod a punch the give Idol a backbreaker and hang him across my knee. I cover Idol but he is able to kick out at the last second then I choke slam him and pin Idol to eliminate him from the match. Lawler jumps in and counters a press slam attempt with a kick in the gut then gouges my eyes. Lawler snap mares me then chokes me and applies a front facelock. Lawler gouges my eyes then I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and his head starts to bleed. Lawler counters an inverted piledriver with a punch then gouges my eyes. Lawler gives me an arm wringer smash then takes me down in an arm wringer. Lawler takes me down in a side headlock then chokes me and applies a front facelock. Lawler gouges my eyes then snap mares me before taking me down in a side headlock. Lawler feels dizzy but counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then gouges them again. Lawler takes me down in a side headlock then rakes me with his boot lace. Lawler rakes me on the top rope then snap mares me. I slip from a hammerlock then Lawler breaks from an iron claw and gives me an arm whip. Lawler irish whips me and gouges my eyes then gives me an arm wringer smash. Lawler punches me then gouges my eyes and gives me an arm whip. Lawler irish whips me then kicks me in the gut and gouges my eyes. I slip from a snap mare and Lawler counters a bearhug with a punch. Lawler kicks me in the gut then gouges my eyes and punches me. I slip from a side headlock and irish whip Lawler then he avoids a running elbow smash and kicks me in the gut before applying a side headlock. Lawler takes me down in an arm wringer then slams my face into the mat and rakes me with a boot lace. Lawler feels dizzy but he breaks a powerbomb then I slip from a side headlock and tag Lane. Lane gives Lawler an axe kick then covers him but Lawler kicks out at the last second. Lawler breaks a ddt then irish whips Lane and gives him a big roundhouse punch. Lawler stomps on Lane's knee from the second rope then gives him two spread-eagled stomps. Lawler gives Lane a flurry of elbows on top of his head then gives him another flurry of elbows on top of his head. Lane breaks from a piledriver then flap jacks Lawler and applies a figure-four leglock. Lawler does not submit then avoids an axe kick before feeling dizzy. Lawler slips from a ddt then Lane breaks from a kneeling jaw breaker. Lane puts Lawler in a bearhug then rams his back into the turnbuckles. Lawler breaks from a piledriver then picks Lane up by the throat with two hands, lifts him up and throws him to the mat. Lawler drops a fist on Lane from the second rope then irish whips him and Lane avoids a knockout punch. Lawler counters an axe kick with a kick in the gut then Lane breaks from a piledriver. Lawler stops Lane before he could incite the crowd then verbally abuses before giving him a knock out punch. Lane kicks out at the last second then Lawler begins to feel dizzy. Lane gives Lawler a ddt then covers and pins him to end the match. We are the NEW Southern Tag Team champions!! [b]Time: 63 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] During the card: [color=red]Dynamite Kid and Ken Shamrock defeated Johnny Rich and Kendall Windham[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Mark McCoy and Cowboy Bret Hart defeated David Taylor and Steven Regal[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Cyclone Negro defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Timbs [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor matches involving featured wrestlers.
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week 3, September 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs Tracy Smothers[/b] The bell rings and I toss Smothers into the corner then he fights back. I slip from a top wrist lock and irish whip Smothers into a running clothesline then give him a forearm in the back. I give Smothers a backbreaker then headbutt and punch him. Smothers fights back and punches me. I avoid a flying double axe handle then toss Smothers into a corner and smash his face into the top turnbuckle. Smothers avoids a headbutt then applies a side headlock and punches me. I slip out of a snap mare and give Smothers a forearm in the back before irish whipping and headbutting him. I headbutt Smothers again then throw him out of the ring and go out after him. Smothers breaks away before I could slam his face into a guard rail the I counter a knife edge chop with a throat thrust. I put Smothers in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron then whip him into a ring post shoulder first. I headbutt Smothers then put him in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron. I drag Smothers back into the ring and toss him into a corner. Smothers breaks out of the corner then punches me and applies a side headlock. I slip out of an arm wringer then irish whip Smothers and give him a big boot in the face. Smothers avoids a measured elbow drop then snap mares me and applies body scissors and a rear chinlock. Smothers gives me a running clothesline then a knee drop and applies head scissors. I fight back and irish whip Smothers into a big boot then go for a legdrop but he rolls away then covers me and gets a two-count. Smothers gives me a knife edge chop and a running clothesline then I slip out of a rear chinlock and give him a double backbreaker. Smothers counters a choke slam try with a dropkick then applies body scissors and a side headlock. He gives me a knife edge chop then I slip from an arm bar and give him a driving knee lift. Smothers breaks from a short arm clothesline then irish whips me into a running clothesline and gives me a knee drop. Smothers dropkicks me then goes to a ground attack by applying body scissors, a rear chinlock and head scissors with a knee drop. Smothers gives me a flying double axe handle then two knee drops before applying an arm bar. I avoid a dropkick from the second rope and give Smothers snake eyes and a headbutt. He fights back and gives me a knee lift and a knee drop then applies a rear chinlock. I avoid a knee drop then whip Smothers into a corner. Smothers breaks out of the corner then applies a side headlock and dropkicks me. I avoid an elbow drop and give Smothers a roundhouse punch. Smothers counters a punch with a punch then irish whips me but I avoid a punch and give him a pair of roundhouse punches. Smothers counters a flying clothesline with a forearm in the gut then gives me an arm wringer smash. Smothers punches me then applies a side headlock before giving me a knife edge chop. Smothers applies a top wrist lock then gives me a forearm in the gut. He puts me in the schoolboy roll up but I end up on top of him and Smothers kicks out at the last second. I irish whip Smothers into a big boot then go to legdrop him but he avoids it and covers me but I kick out at 1. Smothers gives me a flying double axe handle then a knee drop and an elbow drop before applying head scissors. He gives me a fistdrop from the second rope then gives me an arm wringer smash and a running dropkick. Smothers gives me a legdrop then I fight back and flap jack him. I cover Smothers and he kicks out at the last second. I put Smothers in a bearhug then smash his back into the turnbuckles. Smothers counters a choke slam try with a punch then gives me a running dropkick. He gives me another running dropkick and an arm wringer smash. I counter a running dropkick with a kick in the gut the Smothers counters an inverted piledriver with a punch. Smothers gives me a charging forearm then goes for a legdrop and I avoid it. Smothers reverses an irish whip but I counter a charging forearm with the lariat then cover and pin him. [b]Time: 29 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]Solar defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Jeff Gaylord [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestlie. On the card the Survivors (Chavo Gurerro Sr/ Ron Bass) retained the Mid-South Tag Team titles by defeating Les Thornton and Mr. Wrestling II. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Sgt. Slaughter [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Invader #1 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Nobuhiko Takada[/b] The bell rings and I give Takada a throat thrust then bodyslam him and kick him in the chest. Takada breaks a toss to a corner then gives me a european uppercut and applies a rear chinlock. He drives a knee into my leg then applies a rear chinlock. I stop Takada from climbing then whip him into a corner and smash his head into the top turnbuckle. I give him a throat thrust and an arm wringer smash then Takada slips from a backbreaker and gives me a judo sweep. I counter a back fist with a throat thrust then give Takada a forearm in the back and irish whip him into a backdrop. Takada counters a forearm in the back with a back fist then takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from a choke hold then irish whip Takada and give him a throat thrust and a punch. I give Takada two roundhouse punches then throw him out of the ring and go out after him. Takada counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock then gives me a single leg trip. He gives me a european uppercut and applies a rear chinlock before rolling me back into the ring and applying a rear chinlock then choking me. I slip away before he could drive a knee into my leg and whip Takada into a corner then he uses the turnbuckles and vaults over me. Takada applies a hammerlock then irish whips me but I avoid a back fist. Takada counters a press slam attempt with a back fist then applies a top wrist lock. Takada gives me a forearm in the gut and a judo sweep then I slip from a rear chinlock and irish whip him. Takada counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock then applies a top wrist lock. Takada irish whips me then I avoid a european uppercut and whip him into a corner. Takada breaks out of the corner then I reverse an irish whip and give him a high backdrop and a stomp on the stomach. Takada avoids a clothesline then I reverse an irish whip and knock the ref out. Takada counters a choke with a back fist then I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and toss him into a corner. I give Takada a flurry of stomps then throw him over the top rope out of the ring and go out after him. I give Takada a couple of roundhouse punches then roll him back into the ring. I throw Takada back out of the ring and go after him. Takada counters a low blow with a side headlock then I avoid a flying standing knee, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the ring apron as the ref recovers. I roll Takada back into the ring then he breaks from a short arm clothesline and gives me a single leg trip. I slip away before Takada could drive a knee into my leg then irish whipped him and punched him twice. I irish whip Takada then he avoids a lariat and headbutts me before applying a side headlock. Takada irish whips me into a back fist then applies a top wrist lock and kicks me after putting me in a hammerlock. Takada gives me a judo sweep then wrenches head scissors and chokes me. Takada drives a knee into my leg then chokes me. Takada applies a side headlock then takes me down in a side headlock and drives a knee into my leg. I avoid an arm breaker then Takada reverses an irish whip. I avoid a side kick then put Takada in a bearhug and smash his back against the turnbuckles. Takada gives me a back fist and a side kick before applying a rear chinlock. Takada gives me a palm thrust and an arm breaker then applies wrenching gead scissors and kicks me after putting me in a hammerlock. Takada gives me a side spinning kick and I avoid an arm breaker. Takada counters an inverted piledriver with a palm thrust then gives me a backfist. I slip from an arm wringer and give Takada a hammerlock back bomb. Takada counters a choke slam try with a backfist then I slip from a single arm bar and give him a double backbreaker. Takada counters an inverted piledriver with a back fist then I slip from a single arm bar. Takada counters a low blow with a side headlock then I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip him. Takada ducks under a lariat clothesline and gives me a flying standing knee. I slip from a step over arm bar then Takada counters an iron claw with a back fist. I slip from an arm wringer then whip Takada into a corner and drive a knee into his chest. Takada breaks from a powerbomb then I counter from a shoulder arm breaker with a punch. Takada counters an inverted piledriver with a back fist then I slip from an arm wringer and whip him into a corner. Takada counters a high knee with a rolling wheel kick then applies a stp over arm bar but I don't submit. Takada gives me a back kick after putting me in an arm wringer then reapplies the step over arm bar and again I don't submit. I counter a shoulder arm breaker with a punch then Takada breaks an iron claw and irish whips me, knocking the ref out. Takada gives me a rolling wheel kick then gives me a shoulder arm breaker and a flying standing knee. I slip from a step over arm bar and give Takada a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and his head starts to bleed. Takada fights back but I slip from an arm wringer, as the ref recovers, then irish whip Takada into a big boot. Takada avoids a legdrop then covers me and I kick out at the last second. Takada gives me a shoulder arm breaker then I slip from a step over arm bar and apply the iron claw and Takada submits. [b]Time: 33 minutes, Rating: B- Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ric Flair defeated Curtis Iaukea[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Rufus R. Jones retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Dusty Rhodes [b]AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Blackjack Mulligan [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Hulk Hogan defeated Adrian Adonis[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - The Amazing Kung Fu retained the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Koudou Fuyuki [b]AJPW[/b] - Baba & Jumbo retained the NWA International Tag Team titles by defeating Mil Mascaras and The Destroyer
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week 3, September 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Billy Robinson retained the AWA Television title by defeating Dino Bravo [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Seven Regal and Cowboy Bret Hart defeated Drew McDonald and Mark McCoy[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Jackie Pallo retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Mil Mascaras [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Solar [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on. On the card: Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating The Masked Superstar [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - Signed Sunny War Cloud and One Man Gang [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Duke Myers[/color] [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]NJPW - Battlefield Yokohama[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. On the card: Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating The Masked Superstar [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ric Flair, Boogie Woogie Man, Dory Funk and The American Dream defeated Jerry Brisco, Jack Brisco, Rufus and Terry Funk[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Mark McCoy and Steven Regal defeated Drew McDonald and Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Television title by defeating Ron Bass [b]WCCW[/b] - Kendo Nagasaki retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Gerry Morrow [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Haku and Ken Shamrock defeated Kendall Windham and Randy Rich[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Otto Wanz won the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Jerry Lawler [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title nor featured wrestler matches today.
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week 4, September 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on and there are no title matches scheduled. [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - Rick Martel retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Otto Wanz [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Brickhouse Brown [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on and there are no title matches scheduled. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Big John Studd retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Sgt. Slaughter [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Afa [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Hulk Hogan defeated Adrian Adonis[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - The Von Erichs retained the WCCW Texas Tag Team titles by defeating Killer Kahn and Killer Tim Brooks [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami [b]WWC[/b] - Colon and Morales retained the WWC World Tag Team titles by defeating The Mighty Igor and Black Bart [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Masanobu Fuchi, Oly Olsen and One Man Gang defeated Johnny Rich, Charlie Fulton and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Otto Wanz retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Austin Idol [b]PNW[/b] - Eddie Watts retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Ron Simmons [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] and Hector Guerrero vs Umanosuke Ueda and Tetsuo Sekigawa[/b] The bell rings and I am in the ring against Umanosuke Ueda. Ueda headbutts me and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from an arm bar then whip Ueda into a corner. I irish whip Ueda and give him a throat thrust then an elbow drop and a stomp on his stumach. I toss Ueda into a corner then smash his head into the top turnbuckle. I headbutt Ueda then irish whip him into a backdrop and give him an elbow drop. Ueda fights back and kicks me in the thigh. I slip from a top wrist lock then whip Ueda into a corner and smash his head into the top turnbuckle. I give Ueda a throat thrust and a backbreaker then Ueda fights back and gives me a flying knife edge chop. I slip from an arm bar then whip Ueda into a corner and tag Guerrero. Guerrero smashes Ueda's head into the top turnbuckle then dropkicked him. Guerrero gives Ueda a basement dropkick then Ueda stops Guerrero from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a running clothesline and applies a side headlock. Guerrero slips from a snap mare and gives Ueda an arm wringer triple kick. Guerrero climbs the turnbuckles and Ueda catches him on the top rope then he goes to make a tag and Guerrero stops him. Guerrero whips Ueda into a corner and Ueda avoids a high knee then slaps Guerrero in the chest and gives him a flying knife edge chop. Guerrero stops Ueda again from tagging out and gives him a running dropkick. Ueda avoids a half senton then applies an arm bar and a trapezius nerve pinch before tagging Sakigawa. Guerrero slips from a choke hold then gives Sakigawa a running neck snap and a senton. Sekigawa stops Guerrero from climbing the turnbuckles then applies an arm wringer before gouging his eyes. Sekigawa gives Guerrero a flying standing knee then Gurrero avoids an elbow drop. Guerrero takes down Sekigawa in an arm wringer then applies a standing arm lever and tags me in. Sekigawa avoids a headbutt then irish whips me into a knife edge chop. Sekigawa applies a knee bar and chokes me then I slip from a knee bar and irish whip him. Sekigawa avoids a punch then gives me a knife edge chop. I reverse an irish whip, knocking the ref out, then kick Sekigawa in the gut and headbutt him. I give Sekigawa a throat thrust then irish whip him into a running clothesline. Sekigawa fights back but I avoid a snap kick and give him a backbreaker. I suplex Sekigawa and give him a forearm in the back before irish whipping him and giving him a clubbing blow. Sekigawa reverses an irish whip and gives me a knee lift as the ref recovers. Sekigawa applies a top wrist lock and an arm wringer before gouging my eyes and applying an arm wringer. Sekigawa gives me a single leg trip then I slip from a knee bar and irish whip him into a backdrop. I pick Sekigawa up with two hands on his throat then lift him up and throw him to the mat. Sekigawa fights back and applies a top wrist lock and a hammerlock. Sekigawa gives me a spinning back fist and a flying standing knee before choking me. I slip from a face tear then Sekigawa stops me from tagging out and gouges my eyes. Sekigawa irish whips me and gives me a knife edge chop and a flying standing knee. I slip from a choke hold and tag Guerrero. Guerrero gives Sekigawa a gutwrench backbreaker then chokes him. Sekigawa avoids a rana from the second rope and tags Ueda. Ueda applies a rear chinlock then gives Guerrero a running clothesline and applies a hammerlock. Ueda kicks Guerrero in the thigh then slaps his chest and takes him down in a fireman's carry. Guerrero slips from an arm bar and gives Ueda a spinning back suplex. Ueda stops Guerrero from climbing the turnbuckles and applies an arm wringer. Guerrero slips from a snap mare then Ueda counters a low blow with a slap in the chest. Ueda irish whips Guerrero but he avoids a slap in the chest and gives Ueda a double underhook suplex and a dropkick from the second rope. Ueda avoids a knee drop and applies a trapezius nerve pinch. Guerrero slips from an arm bar then Ueda counters a back suplex with a slap in the chest and kicks him in the thigh. Ueda applies a side headlock on Guerrero then kicks him in the thigh and irish whips him into a slap in the chest. Ueda headbutts Guerrero then Guerrero slips from a rear chinlock and gives Ueda a running neck snap and a basement dropkick. Ueda reverses a whip into a corner and tags Sekigawa. Guerrero avoids a knife edge chop then tags me in. I whip Sekigawa into a corner and give him a flurry of punches. I whip Sekigawa into another corner and give him a high knee in the chest. I whip Sekigawa into another corner and choke him. Sekigawa breaks a short arm clothesline then I slip from a top wrist lock and irish whip Sekigawa into a spinebuster. Sekigawa fights back and gives me a knee lift. I slip from a snap mare then throw Sekigawa out of the ring and go out after him. I give Sekigawa a throat thrust then a roundhouse punch and another throat thrust. Sekigawa aoids a punch then I slip from a top wrist lock and give him a forearm in the back. I send Sekigawa into a ring post shoulder first then drag him back into the ring. I whip Sekigawa into a corner then he slips away and irish whips me before tagging Ueda. Ueda slaps me in the chest then I avoid a kick in the thigh and throw him out of the ring. I go out after Ueda and bodyslam him onto a chair then give him a roundhouse punch. I put Ueda in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron then rolled him into the ring. I give Ueda a measured elbow drop and covered him but he kicks out at the last second. Ueda counters an inverted piledriver with a slap in the chest then applies a front facelock. Ueda irish whips me then I avoid a slap in the chest and try to tag out but Ueda stops me. Ueda applies a front facelock then gives me a running clothesline. I slip from a single leg grapevine and apply a standing surfboard. Ueda counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the thigh then gives me a short arm judo toss and applies a rear chinlock, a trapezius nerve pinch, and a single leg grapevine. Ueda snap mares me then applies a trapezius nerve pinch then drives a knee with a handstand into my arm. I slip from a front facelock and give Ueda a double backbreaker then irish whip him, knocking the ref out. Ueda ducks under a big boot then kicks me in the thigh and takes me down with a sweeping ankle trip. Ueda applies a trapezius nerve pinch then I am able to slip away and tag Guerrero. Guerrero gives Ueda a springboard body press and a charging basement dropkick. Ueda fights back, as the ref recovers, and applies a front facelock before snap maring Guerrero and tagging Sekigawa. Sekigawa gives Guerrero a spinning back fist then Guerrero slips out of a choke hold and takes Sekigawa down in a half nelson and adds a wristlock. Guerrero gives Sekigawa a standing moonsault and Sekigawa kicks out at the last second. Sekigawa counters a punch with a knife edge chop then drops an elbow on Guerrero's knee and chokes him. Guerrero slips away then Sekigawa breaks a sleeper hold and irish whips Guerrero into an eye gouge. Sekigawa applies a top wrist lock and a hammerlock then gives Guerrero a backbreaker. Guerrero avoids a face tear then punches Sekigawa with brass knuckles and pins him. [b]Time: 37 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ric Flair defeated Dory Funk Jr[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Rufus R. Jones retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Terry Funk [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Television title by defeating Norvell Austin [b]CMLL[/b] - Double Shot retained the CMLL World Tag Team titles by defeating Fishman and Mil Mascaras [b]CWF[/b] - Kevin Sullivan won the CWF Television title by defeating Mando Guerrero [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating The Destroyer [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Bam Bam Bigelow[/color] [b]PNW[/b] - Allen Sarven won the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Eddie Watts [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Barry Darsow
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week 4, September 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera [b]CSW[/b] - Mike Davis and Johnny Rivera won the CSW International Tag Team titles by defeating Team Greatness [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not schedule to be on. On the card: Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Dr. Wagner [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - Released Tracy Smothers [b]WWC[/b] - Invader #1 retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Shaw [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Harley Race, Tiger Chung Lee and Fit Finlay defeated Bret Hart, Raymond Rougeau and Don Kent[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating David Sammartino [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CWA - Renegade Rampage[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. On the card: [color=red]Kendall Windham, Johnny Rich and Haku defeated Ken Shamrock, Charlie Fulton and Oly Olsen[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Television title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]WCCW[/b] - Kendo Nagasaki retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Angel Acevedo [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Dean Ho [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Barbarian defeated Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWF[/b] - Kevin Sullivan retained the CWF Television title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu
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Mark's Progress Report - October 1, 1985 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 75 ([color=red]+1[/color]) Canada - 40 Mexico - 40 Japan - 49 ([color=red]+5[/color]) UK - 20 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 64 power - 76 technique - 50 speed - 54 psychology - 83 stamina - 64 toughness - 93 ([color=red]+2[/color]) charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 66 looks - 92 respect - 39 ([color=red]+2[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former PNW Television title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former WCCW Heavyweight champ Former WCCW Six Man Tag Team title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 31-6 Tag Teams: 21-1 [color=blue]Central States[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former co-holder Central States Tag Team title Former Central States Television champ (2)[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 15-8 Tag Teams: 6-1 [color=blue]Mid-South Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer ([color=red]Promoted from Upper Midcarder[/color]) Won/Lost records: Singles: 16-2 Teams: 6-2 [color=blue]Championship Wrestling Association[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer [color=purple]Current AWA International title holder[/color] [color=purple]Current Southern Tag Team title Co-holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 2-0 Teams: 2-0 [color=blue]New Japan Pro Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Lower Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 13-1 Teams: 2-0
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[b]MAJOR NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION[/B] Date: Monday, Week 1, October 1985 World Wrestling Federation owner Vince McMahon today announced that due to a recent slump the federation has fallen from National to Cult size. He also announced that the Tuesday Night Titans show has been cancelled and that he was stepping down as the head booker, effective today. A new head booker will be announced soon.
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Date: Tuesday, Week 1, October 1985 It was announced today that Larry Matysik, long time announcer in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, American Wrestling Association, and Georgia Championship Wrestling, has left those promotions to accept the head booker job at World Wrestling Federation.
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week 1, October 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to appear and there were no title matches to be aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Chick Donovan [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News PNW[/b] - Allen Sarven retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Eddie Watts [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Nobuhiko Takada[/b] The bell rings and I punch Takada four times then kick him in the gut. I give Takada an arm wringer smash then kick him in the gut. Takada avoids a punch then I reverse an irish whip and give him a backdrop. I punch Takada then he reverses an irish whip and headbutts me. Takada irish whips and headbutts me again then gives me a european uppercut. Takada irish whips me into a back fist then applies a front facelock. Takada gives me a palm thrust then I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and irish whip him into a running clothesline. Takada fights back and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip Takada and kick him in the gut. I irish whip Takada, knocking the ref out, then give him a running clothesline. I kick Takada in the gut then give him a throat thrust. Takada counters a kick in the gut with a single leg trip then he irish whips me and gives me a european uppercut. I slip from a choke hold and give Takada a backbreaker before whipping him into a corner. Takada breaks away, as the ref recovers, and gives me a flying standing knee. I slip from a choke hold and irish whip Takada into a roundhouse punch. I give Takada another roundhouse punch then he counters one with a side headlock. Takada gives me a european uppercut then I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and give him a roundhouse punch. I punch Takada then he avoids a punch and gives me a back fist and a flying standing knee. Takada gives me a european uppercut and a back fist then irish whips me and gives me another back fist. Takada applies a hammerlock then gives me a judo sweep and an irish whip into a palm thrust. I slip away before Takada could drive a knee into my leg then he reverses an irish whip and gives me a back fist. Takada applies a front facelock and a side headlock then irish whips me and I avoid a back fist. I punch Takada then give him two roundhouse punches then he counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock. Takada takes me down in a fireman's carry then chokes me and drives a knee into my leg. Takada gives me an arm breaker then I avoid a flying standing knee and give him a roundhouse punch. Takada counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock then applies a front facelock and a side headlock. Takada gives me a flying standing knee then I slip before he could drive a knee into my leg, put him in a bearhug, and rammed his back into the turnbuckles. I give Takada an inverted piledriver then pinned him. [b]Time: 19 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]The Scooby Gang defeated Mark Youngblood and Ric Flair[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Rufus R. Jones retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Angelo Mosca [b]AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Mad Dog Vachon [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Cyclone Negro defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Television title by defeating Norvell Austin [b]CWF[/b] - Bob Roop retained the Florida Heavyweight title by defeating Riki Chosyu [b]CWF[/b] - Kevin Sullivan retained the CWF Television title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Matt Borne [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Barbarian and Bret Hart defeated Duke Myers and Bam Bam Bigelow[/color]
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week 1, October 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Clock Strikes Twelve Jose Huertas Gonzales and [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Stan Lane and Gran Hamada[/b] The match begins with Gonzales in the ring against Lane. Gonzales gives Lane a hammerlock blow, an arm wringer smash and a gutwrench suplex. Lane avoids a kick in the back then dropkicked Gonzales and gives him a knee drop. Lane gives Gonzales a knife edge chop then takes him down in a side headlock. Gonzales fights back but Lane avoids an eye gouge and applies an arm wringer. Lane punches Gonzales then he gives him a gutwrench suplex but Gonzales ends up on top of Lane and gets a one-count. Gonzales punches Lane then Lane avoids a rake on the ropes and punches Gonzales. Gonzales avoids a flying double axe handle then irish whips Lane and gives him a shoulder block. Lane avoids a kick in the chest but Gonzales counters an airplane spin with a kick in the gut then whips Lane into a corner. Gonzales smashes Lane's head into the top turnbuckle then applies a top wrist lock. Gonzales irish whips Lane and Lane ducks under a clothesline then punches Gonzales and applies a top wrist lock. Lane gives Gonzales a hammerlock blow then a forearm in the back and a dropkick. Gonzales slips from an arm bar but Lane stops him from climbing the turnbuckles and applies a top wrist lock and wrenches it. Gonzales avoids a forearm in the back and tags me in. I kick Lane in the gut then he avoids a punch and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from an arm bar then irish whip Lane and punch him twice. I irish whip Lane into a backdrop then he avoids a running clothesline and gives me a clubbing blow and punches me before tagging Hamada. Hamada gives me a back fist then I slip from a top wrist lock and give him an arm wringer smash and an arm whip. Hamada breaks an arm wringer then gives me a back kick and a back fist before applying an arm wringer. Hamada gives me an arm whip then irish whips me and gives me a back fist and an arm whip before applying a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer then give Hamada an arm wringer smash and an arm whip before irish whipping him and punching him twice. I give Hamada a backbreaker then stomp on his chest and tag Gonzales. Hamada avoids a flying double axe handle then gives Gonzales a japanese arm drag and applies a rear chinlock. Hamada applies another rear chinlock then Gonzales slips away and gives him a forearm in the back of his head and one in his back. Gonzales irish whips Hamada and gives him a shoulder block then applies a top wrist lock and wrenches it. Hamada reverses an irish whip but Gonzales avoids a back fist and applies a front facelock and a side headlock. Gonzales puts Hamada in a side headlock and punches his face then Hamada slips from a rear chinlock and irish whips Gonzales. Hamada tags out but the ref did not see it. Gonzales gives Hamada a hammerlock blow then incites the crowd. Hamada counters a bite on his forehead with a back fist then Gonzales stops him from tagging out. Hamada stops Gonzales from verbally abusing him then Gonzales breaks a sweeping ankle trip and drops Hamada on the top ring rope. Hamada prevents Gonzales from taunting him and tags out but again the ref doesn't see it. Hamada counters a mafia kick with a kick in the thigh then gives Gonzales a back kick and suplexes him. Hamada applies a rear chinlock then Gonzales avoids a knee drop and gives him a mafia kick. Gonzales irish whips Hamada, knocking the ref out, and gives him a high backdrop. Hamada avoids a bionic elbow and tags Lane. Lane dropkicks Gonzales then Gonzales fights back and gives Lane an arm wringer smash and a gutwrench suplex. Gonzales stomps on Lane then gives him an elbow drop. Lane avoids a flying double axe handle then gives Gonzales a clubbing blow and applies a top wrist lock and wrenches it. Lane dropkicks Gonzales and kicks him in the back. Gonzales avoids an elbow drop and tags me in. Lane reverses an irish whip then punches me and applies an arm wringer. Lane punches me two more times and gives me a knife edge chop before applying an arm wringer. Lane rakes me against the ropes then irish whips and punches me. I avoid a mongolian chop and punch Lane. Lane counters a running clothesline with a knife edge chop then applies an arm bar. I avoid a knee drop and choke Lane. I suplex Lane then he reverses an irish whip and gives me a knife edge chop before applying an arm bar. I avoid a kick in the back and give Lane a throat thrust. Lane counters a headbutt with a punch then I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker. I give Lane a couple of roundhouse punches then throw him out of the ring and go out after him. I smash Lane's face into a guard rail then give him a roundhouse punch and a kick in the gut. I give Lane a roundhouse punch then smash his head into a table at ringside. I hit Lane with a running elbow and punch him then he counters a roundhouse punch with a punch. Lane hits me with a flying double axe handle then applies an arm bar and kicks me in the back. I slip from an arm bar then give Lane a backbreaker and roll him back into the ring. Lane reverses a whip into a corner then tags Hamada. Hamada gives me a flurry of chops then smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. Hamada gives me a back kick then applies a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and go to tag Gonzales but Hamada stops me and gives me a european uppercut. Hamada irish whips me then gives me a flurry of forearms and a knee drop. Hamada drives a knee into my arm then I slip from a rear chinlock and tag Gonzales. Hamada breaks a hammerlock then applies an arm wringer and whips Gonzales into a corner. Hamada hits Gonzales with a knife edge chop then Gonzales breaks away and chokes him. Gonzales whips Hamada into a corner and chokes him. Hamada avoids a mafia kick then suplexes Gonzales and applies a rear chinlock and an arm wringer. Hamada gives Gonzales a back kick then Gonzales stops him from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a shoulder breaker after applying a hammerlock. Hamada stops Gonzales from taunting him then irish whips him and gives him an arm whip. Hamada applies a hammerlock then irish whips Gonzales and hits him with a european uppercut and an arm wringer smash. Hamada hits Gonzales with a european uppercut then dropkicks him. Hamada hits Gonzales with a knee drop then Gonzales fights back. Hamada stops Gonzales from climbing the turnbuckles and hits him with a european uppercut. Gonzales slips away from Hamada then hits him with a driving knee lift and an elbow on the top of his head. Gonzales then throws Hamada out of the ring over the top rope and goes out after him. Gonzales grabs a chair and hits Hamada with it from over him then the ref calls for the bell and DQs Gonzales. [b]Time: 31 minutes, Rating: C[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]Hiroshi Hase and Atsushi Onita defeated Koji Kanemoto and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Ed Leslie [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Jimmy Golden [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Jeff Costa[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Rocky Johnson [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show Villano I and [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs Koji Kanemoto and Villano III[/b] Another day, another tag match as this time I am teaming with Villano I again. Villano I opens the match against Koji Kanemoto. Kanemoto breaks from a test of strength then gives Villano I a legsweep kick and applies head scissors. Kanemoto gives Villano I a knee pull then re-applies head scissors. Kanemoto gives Villano I a gutwrench suplex but Villano I ends up on top of him and gets a one-count. Kanemoto avoids a pescado then gives Villano I a single leg trip and a knee pull. Kanemoto drives a knee into Villano I's leg then gives him a forearm in the gut and applies a side headlock. Villano avoids a back kick then hits Kanemoto with a flying double axe handle and a charging roll up and gets a one-count. Villano I hits Kanemoto in the shoulder after putting him in a hammerlock then incites the crowd and bites Kanemoto's forehead. Villano I hits Kanemoto with a rolling senton then Kanemoto stops him from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a single leg trip and a knee pull. Kanemoto applies head scissors then gives Villano I a knee pull and re-applies head scissors. Kanemoto gives Villano I another knee pull and again puts him in head scissors. Villano I breaks from head scissors and tags me in. I throw Kanemoto out of the ring and go after him. I punch Kanemoto three times then hit him with a roundhouse punch. Kanemoto fights back but I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and hit him with a roundhouse punch. I smash Kanemoto's face into the announcers' table then he counters a roundhouse punch with a side headlock. I avoid a kick in the knee then headbutt Kanemoto and hit him with a throat thrust. I roll Kanemoto back into the ring then punch him four times and whip him into a corner. I hit Kanemoto with a flurry of punches then irish whip him into a high backdrop. I cover Kanemoto but he kicks out at the last second. I whip Kanemoto into a corner and hit him with an elbow then give him a clothesline in the corner. I irish whip Kanemoto but he prevents a powerslam and tags Villano III. Villano III irish whips me and hits me with a forearm then I slip from a side headlock and tag Villano I. Villano I gives Villano III an arm drag then Villano III breaks an arm wringer and irish whips him. Villano III punches Villano I then tosses him into a corner. Villano I avoids a knife edge chop then headbutts Villano III and whips him into a corner. Villano III avoids a knife edge chop then Villano I stops him from climbing the turnbuckles and gives him a gutwrench suplex. Villano I drives a knee into Villano III's leg then Villano III counters a suplex with an eye gouge and irish whips him into a forearm. Villano I slips from a top wrist lock then applies an arm wringer and a hammerlock. Villano I irish whips Villano III and gives him a hip toss then chokes him. Villano I monkey flips Villano III then hits him with a legdrop before tossing him into a corner and smashing his head into the top turnbuckle. Villano I gives Villano III an airplane spin then gouges his eyes and punches him. Villano I kicks Villano III in the gut then hits him with a forearm and applies a top wrist lock. Villano I irish whips Villano III but he avoids a clothesline and takes Villano I down in a side headlock. Villano III hits Villano I with a legdrop then Villano I avoids a legdrop and gives him a backslide and gets a two-count. Villano I applies a top wrist lock and wrenches it then verbally abuses Villano III. Villano III counters a shoulder breaker with an eye gouge then irish whips Villano I. Villano I avoids a forearm then Villano III avoids a flying standing elbow smash and hits him with a legdrop. Villano I slips from a choke hold then gives Villano III a drop toe hold into a turnbuckle and stomps on his arm. Villano I hits Villano III with a flying stomp onto his stomach then Villano III stops him from dropping him on the top rope with a forearm. Villano III headbutts Villano I then tosses him into a corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Villano I avoids being choked and tags me in. I apply an arm wringer then give Villano III an arm whip and hit him with a back elbow. Villano III counters a flying clothesline with a forearm in the gut then irish whips me but I avoid a kick in the gut and hit him with a short arm clothesline. I punch Villano III three times then Villano III counters a throat thrust with a punch and headbutts me. Villano III gouges my eyes then kicks me in the gut and applies a side headlock. I stop Villano III from climbing the turnbuckles but he avoids a headbutt and applies an arm wringer. Villano III hits me with a flying double axe handle then gives me a legdrop on my arm. I slip from a choke hold then irish whip Villano III and hit him with a big boot. Villano III fights back but I slip from a hammerlock and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. I choke slam Villano III then cover him but he is able to kick out at the last second. I then pick him up and give him an inverted piledriver and again he kicks out at the last second. I pick Villano III up and give him a domination powerbomb then cover and finally pin him. [b]Time: 22 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - Signed Joe Malenko and released Alvin Stones [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Duke Myers defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Harley Race retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Tetsuo Sekigawa [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Chris Youngblood [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CWA - Renegade Rampage [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs Juan Rodriguez -- AWA International title match[/b] Rodriguez hits me with a jab punch then hits me with a european uppercut and applies an arm wringer. Rodriguez gives me a spinning backhand blow then I slip from a hammerlock and apply an arm wringer. Rodriguez avoids a punch and hits me with a european uppercut. I avoid a dropkick and kick Rodriguez in the gut. Rodriguez breaks an arm whip and gouges my eyes. I slip from a hammerlock then give Rodriguez an arm wringer smash and a throat thrust. I punch Rodriguez three times then kick him in the gut and punch him another two times. I give Rodriguez a backbreaker then give him a clubbing blow and drop an elbow on his knee. I toss Rodriguez into a corner and hit him with an elbow then he fights back and hits me with a european uppercut. Rodriguez gives me a knee pull then chokes me. I slip from a knee pull and whip Rodriguez into a corner. Rodriguez breaks away and applies an arm wringer. I reverse an irish whip and give Rodriguez a high backdrop and apply a single leg boston crab. I give Rodriguez a backbreaker and hang him across my knee then cover him and he kicks out at the last second. Rodriguez counters a bearhug with a dropkick then applies an arm wringer. I avoid an eye gouge and flap jack Rodriguez. I throw Rodriguez out of the ring and go out after him. Rodriguez slips from a bearhug then drags me back into the ring and hits me with a jab punch before gouging my eyes. Rodriguez applies a hammerlock then dropkicks me and hits me with a spinning backhand. Rodriguez gouges my eyes then hits me with a flying knife edge chop and a half senton. I slip from a knee pull but Rodriguez stops me from climbing the turnbuckles. I slip from an arm wringer then give Rodriguez a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Rodriguez counters a choke slam try with an eye gouge then dropkicks me. Rodriguez hits me with a half senton then chokes me. I avoid a half senton and climb the turnbuckles but Rodriguez catches me on the top rope. I am able to kick Rodriguez away and hit him with a flying standing elbow. I give Rodriguez a DDT and cover him but he kicks out at the last second. Rodriguez counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then applies an arm wringer. Rodriguez irish whips me and gouges my eyes then he irish whips me again and hits me with a jab punch. Rodriguez applies a hammerlock then gives me an arm wringer smash. Rodriguez hits me with a flying knife edge chop then irish whip me but I avoid a punch and give him snake eyes. Rodriguez breaks a choke slam try then gives me an arm wringer smash and irish whips me. Rodriguez gouges my eyes then hits me with a european uppercut and a half senton. Rodriguez gives me a rolling wheel kick then I avoid a half senton. Rodriguez breaks from a short arm clothesline and applies an arm wringer. I counter a punch with a choke slam then cover Rodriguez but he kicks out at the last second. I then give Rodriguez an inverted piledriver and his head starts to bleed. I cover and pin Rodriguez to retain the AWA International title. [b]Time: 21 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]Ken Shamrock and Dynamite Kid defeated Kendall Windham and Sunny War Cloud[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Dusty Rhodes [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ric Flair defeated Manny Fernandez[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Television title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Cyclone Negro defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Raymond Rougeau retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - [color=red]Sgt. Slaughter and Hulk Hogan defeated Rene Goulet and Don Kernodle[/color]
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week 2, October 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on. On the card: [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Kendall Windham[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News[/b] No news for youze [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I must have a good face for radio because again I am not on TV. There were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs. Villano III[/b] The bell rings and I slip from a side headlock and apply an arm wringer. I give Villano III two throat thrusts then punch him. I irish whip and punch Villano III then he counters a punch with a side headlock and applies a hammerlock. Villano III gives me an arm wringer smash then I slip from a top wrist lock and irish whip and punch him. I irish whip Villano III then he ducks under a running clothesline and punches me. Villano III kicks me in the gut then gouges my eyes and applies a front facelock. I slip out of a side headlock and give Villano III a backbreaker and a headbutt. Villano III counters a headbutt with a punch then gouges my eyes. Villano III irish whips and punches me then applies a hammerlock. Villano III gives me a forearm in the gut then I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip him into a backdrop. I suplex Villano III then he reverses a whip into a corner and gives me a knife edge chop. I fight back and whip Villano III into a corner then give him a flurry of punches. I give Villano III a roundhouse punch then throw him out of the ring and go out after him. I punch Villano III then he slips away before I could smash his head into a guard rail and gives me a forearm in the gut. Villano III drags me back into the ring then I slip from a hammerlock and throw him back out of the ring and go out after him. I ram Villano's face into a ringside table then ram it into a guard rail. I put Villano III in a bearhug then rammed his back into the ring apron. I give Villano III three forearms in the back then drop him onto a guard rail. I headbutt Villano III and give him a throat thrust. Villano III counters a mafia kick with a kick in the gut then gouges my eyes and headbutts me. I slip out of a choke hold and give Villano III a side suplex and a legdrop before rolling him back into the ring. I irish whip Villano III then he prevents a high backdrop and gouges my eyes. I slip from a side headlock and give Villano III two driving knee lifts. Villano III counters an attempt to throw him over the top rope by gouging my eyes then gouges them again. I slip from a top wrist lock then throw Villano III out of the ring and go out after him. I give Villano III a backbreaker then roll him back into the ring. I give Villano III a backbreaker across my knee then cover him and he kicks out at the last second. I pick Villano III up and choke slam him and again he is able to kick out at the last second. Villano III counters a roundhouse punch with a punch then I slip from a side headlock and whip him into a corner. I hit Villano III with an elbow then clothesline him in the corner. Villano III counters a running elbow smash by puttng me in a side headlock then applies a front facelock. Villano III gouges my eyes then applies another facelock. Villano III irish whips and punches me then irish whips me again and clotheslines me. Villano III starts to choke me then I slip away and irish whip him into a roundhouse punch. I give Villano III a short arm clothesline and cover him but he kicks out at the last second. I irish whip Villano III then he avoids a big boot and gouges my eyes. Villano III kicks me in the gut then applies an arm wringer. I reverse an irish whip and again he avoids a big boot then gives me an arm wringer smash. Villano III gouges my eyes then whips me into a corner and smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. Villano III kicks me in the gut then headbutts me and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip away from under him then whip Villano III into a corner and give him a flurry of punches. Villano III counters a powerslam with an eye gouge then irish whips and punches me. Villano III irish whips me into a forearm blow then he gouges my eyes. Villano III gives me a flying double axe handle then I avoid a flying stomp in the stomach and irish whip him. I give Villano III a big boot in the face then a big legdrop and pin him. [b]Time: 25 minutes, Rating: C Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ric Flair defeated Bob Orton Jr[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Rufus R. Jones retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk Jr [b]WWF[/b] -Big John Studd retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Andre the Giant [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Paul Orndorff defeated Hulk Hogan[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Express Delivery retained the National Tag Team titles by defeating Thunderbolt Patterson and Bob Brown[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Ron Bass retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Mascara Sagrada [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Scott McGee defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Dos Caras
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week 2, October 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Billy Robinson retained the AWA Television title by defeating Bruiser Brody [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Jeff Costa [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rivera defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Duke of Dorchester [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to appear on the show. On the card: Rick Martel retained the WWF International title by defeating El Canek [b]Today's Wrestling News CSW[/b] - Stone Cold Killers retained the CSW International Tag Team titles by defeating Owen Hart and Chris Youngblood [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]MSW - The Superdome Blowout[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestlie On the card: Andre the Giant retained the Mid-South Television title by defeating Angelo Mosca [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Bob Brown won the natioal heavyweight title by defeating Ron Bass [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]The Unforgiven retained the Central States Tag Team titles by defeating Bret Hart and Hurricane Castillo Jr[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Haku, Ken Shamrock and One Man Gang defeated Kendall Windham and Michael Wood[/color] [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title nor featured wrestlers matches.
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]Wow. Great job in that last match, Cap![/QUOTE] Did you like the "Hulk Hogan like" finish? I saw him do it in a few of his matches on a DVD. He used it against John Cena two years ago before he finished the match with the "Last Ride" powerbomb.
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week 3, October 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show. On the show: [color=red]Michael Wood and Johnny Rich defeated Oly Olsen and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - The Von Erichs retained the WCCW Texas Tag Team titles by defeating Don Kent and Killer Tim Brooks [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating Perro Aguayo [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on the show and there were no title matches. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Umanosuke Ueda [b]PNW[/b] - Duke Myers won the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Allen Sarven [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu Kazou Yamazaki and [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs. Ultraman and Masanobu Fuchi[/b] The match begins with Yamazaki in the ring against Ultraman. Yamazaki gives Ultraman a judo sweep. Ultraman breaks a hammerlock then Yamazaki stops Ultraman from climbing the turnbuckles. Ultraman prevents a short arm knee lift and gives Yamazaki a gutwrench suplex and applies an arm wringer. Ultraman gives Yamazaki an arm drag then an elbow drop on the knee. Yamazaki avoids a dropkick then irish whips Ultraman but he avoids a backdrop and applies a front facelock and a hammerlock. Yamazaki reverses an irish whip then gives Ultraman a clubbing blow and a shooter takedown. Ultraman slips from a rear chinlock and applies an arm wringer. Yamazaki counters a european uppercut with a back kick then Ultraman reverses a whip into the corner and gives him two knife edge chops. Yamazaki slips out of the corner and Ultraman counters a flying standing knee with a forearm in the gut then dropkicks him. Ultraman drives a knee into Yamazaki's leg then Yamazaki avoids a legdrop and whips Ultraman into a corner. Ultraman slips out of the corner and gives Yamazaki a leg drag. Yamazaki avoids a senton and tags me in. I punch Ultraman then kick him in the gut and punch him two more times. I kick Ultraman in the gut then give him an arm wringer smash and punch his face. Ultraman avoids a punch and applies a top wrist lock then tags Fuchi. I slip from an arm wringer then Fuchi reverses an irish whip and gives me two jab punches and two european uppercuts. I slip from an arm wringer then irish whip and punch Fuchi. Fuchi reverses an irish whip then gives me two jab punches and a european uppercut. I avoid a dropkick and irish whip Fuchi into a backdrop then give him a throat thrust. Fuchi fights back and applies a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and give Fuchi a backbreaker then tag Yamazaki. Fuchi counters a flying double axe handle with a dropkick then Yamazaki slips from a hammerlock and takes down Fuchi with an arm wringer. Yamazaki applies head scissors then gives Fuchi a legsweep and quickly covers him but gets a one-count. Yamazaki irish whips Fuchi and gives him a shoulder block and a knee pull. Fuchi slips from a standing arm lever and dropkicks Yamazaki then drives a knee into his leg and gives him a legdrop before applying an arm wringer. Fuchi gives Yamazaki a spinning backhand blow then follows it with a european uppercut. Fuchi drives a knee into Yamazaki's leg then gives him a knee pull and drives another knee into his leg. Yamazaik breaks a double leg bridging roll up and tags me back in. I suplex Fuchi then choke him on the mat. I throw Fuchi out of the ring and go out after him. Fuchi slips from a bearhug and drags me back into the ring and tags Ultraman. Ultraman irish whips me into a knee lift then irish whips me again and gives me a european uppercut. I stop Ultraman from climbing the turnbuckles then he reverses an irish whip and gives me a knee lift. Ultraman dropkicks me then gives me a leg drag and applies a front facelock. Ultraman gives me a european uppercut and applies a top wrist lock and a hammerlock. I avoid a flying knife edge chop and give Ultraman a backbreaker. I give Ultraman a forearm in the back and irish whip him, knocking the ref out. Ultraman avoids a backdrop then I slip from a front facelock and irish whip Ultraman into a backdrop. I give Ultraman a legdrop then pick him up and whip him into a corner, where I give him a clothesline. I whip Ultraman into another corner and give him another clothesline then Ultraman reverses an irish whip and tags Fuchi. Fuchi clotheslines me as the ref recovers then gives me a jab punch and applies an arm wringer. Fuchi takes me down in an arm wringer then dropkicks me and drives a knee into my leg. Fuchi gives me a combo of three kicks then I slip from an arm wringer and tag Yamazaki. Yamazaki takes down Fuchi with a sweeping ankle trip then applies a head and straight arm lock. Yamazaki gives Fuchi a short arm clothesline then Fuchi slips from a side suplex and irish whips him. Yamazaki breaks a hip toss then gives Fuchi a shoulder breaker after putting him in a hammerlock and applies an arm trap head twist. Yamazaki irish whips Fuchi into a high backdrop then Fuchi catches Yamazaki on the top rope and tags Ultraman. Ultraman throws Yamazaki off the top rope then gives him a half senton. Yamazaki avoids a legdrop and applies a belly to belly double arm bar. Yamazaki gives Ultraman a double underhook suplex then Ultraman fights back and gives Yamazaki a flying knife edge chop and a half senton. Yamazaki slips from an arm wringer then gives Ultraman a back suplex and applies a rear chinlock and head scissors. Yamazaki gives Ultraman a sweeping hip throw then covers him and gets a one-count. Yamazaki gives Ultraman a short arm knee in the stomach and Ultraman slips from a forward russian legsweep then tags Fuchi. Fuchi tosses Yamazaki into a corner and gives him two knife edge chops before charging into the corner and hitting him with a forearm. Fuchi gives Yamazaki a jab punch then tosses him into a corner and gives him a knife edge chop. Yamazaki avoids a charging forearm and gives Fuchi a knee pull and roundhouse european uppercuts. Yamazaki give Fuchi a short arm deep hip toss and a short arm judo high toss then gives him a european uppercut. Fuchi counters a face-first suplex with a dropkick then gives Yamazaki two legdrops and drives a knee into his leg. Fuchi gives Yamazaki a basement dropkick then Yamazaki avoids a rolling wheel kick and tags me in. I irish whip Fuchi but he prevents a big boot and applies a hammerlock. Fuchi dropkicks me then drives a knee into my leg and gives me a knee pull. Fuchi gives me another knee pull then drives a knee into my leg and puts me in a double leg bridging roll up. I am able to kick out at two then Fuchi dropkicks me but it doesn't effect me. I give Fuchi a legdrop then he fights back and tags Ultraman. Ultraman dropkicks me from the second rope then drops an elbow on my knee and gives me a legdrop. Ultraman gives me an elbow drop onto my knee the I avoid a half senton and irish whip him. Ultraman avoids a roundhouse punch then I reverse an irish whip and the ref is knocked out. Ultraman counters a bearhug with a dropkick then drops an elbow onto my knee before giving me a half senton and a legdrop. Ultraman gives me a forearm in the gut then dropkicks me. I slip from a front facelock then Ultraman reverses an irish whip and gives me roundhouse european uppercuts. Ultraman takes me down in an arm wringer then I avoid a senton and give him a measured elbow drop before tagging Yamazaki. Ultraman breaks a sleeper hold and gives Yamazaki a running dropkick before irish whipping him and giving him a flurry of forearms. Ultraman gives Yamazaki a legdrop then takes him down in an arm wringer and gives him a senton. Yamazaki avoids a legdrop then applies an arm trap and head twist. Ultraman breaks from a knee lift then takes Yamazaki down in an arm wringer and applies spinning head scissors. Yamazaki slips from a rolling romero special and tags me. I give Ultraman a backbreaker into the turnbuckles then he breaks a choke slam attempt and tags Fuchi. Fuchi gives me an arm wringer smash and a flurry of forearms. Fuchi gives me a legdrop and applies an arm wringer before taking me down in an arm wringer and giving me a basement dropkick. Fuchi gives me a rolling wheel kick and a legdrop then I avoid a basement dropkick and give him a flap jack. I give Fuchi a backbreaker into the turnbuckles then he avoids a measured elbow. I avoid a double leg bridging roll up then put him in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. I give Fuchi an inverted piledriver then cover him and get the pin. [b]Time: 43 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Rufus R Jones retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Dusty Rhodes [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Salvatore Bellomo [b]WWF[/b] - [color=red]Huk Hogan defeated Afa[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Cyclone Negro and Bob Brown won the National Tag Team titles by defeating Express Delivery[/color] [b]CWF[/b] - Kevin Sullivan retained the CWF Television title by defeating Joe Savoldi [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Scott McGee defeated Bret Hart[/color]
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week 3, October 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AJPW[/b] - The Amazing Kung Fu retained the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Joe Savoldi [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk Jr [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Owen Hart [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rivera defeated Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] I received a message to meet with the owner of Mid-South Wrestling. When I arrived I was told by the owner that he wanted to balance the roster and was letting me go. I thanked him for the time that I was working in the promotion then we shook hands and I left for the airport to catch the flight back to Japan. [b]NJPW - World Pro Wrestling TV Show [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs. Mascara Sagrada[/b] The match begins and I apply a side headlock then give Sagrada an arm wringer smash. Sagrada avoids a punch and hits me with a forearm then I reverse an irish whip and backdrop him. Sagrada avoids another punch then I reverse an irish whip, knocking the ref out, and give him a running clothesline. I punch Sagrada then whip him into a corner and ram his head into the top turnbuckle. I punch Sagrada three straight times then give him a throat thrust. Sagrada blocks a couple of moves then I counter a european uppercut with a throat thrust then kick him in the gut and punch him three more times. The ref recovers as I suplex Sagrada then headbutt him twice. Sagrada jumps up, catching me by surprise, and irish whips me but I duck under a clothesline and toss him into a corner. I irish whip Sagrada and give him a roundhouse punch then toss him into another corner. Sagrada avoids a clothesline in the corner then drives a knee into my leg. Sagrada gives me a single leg trip then I slip away and whip him into a corner. Sagrada uses the corner to vault over me then I slip out of an arm wringer and whip him into a corner. I give Sagrada a clothesline in the corner then he counters snake eyes with a dropkick. Sagrada gives me a single leg trip then irish whips me, knocking the ref out, and giving me a clothesline and a legdrop. Sagrada hits me with a forearm then applies an arm wringer. I avoid a forearm and give Sagrada a flap jack and a measured elbow drop. I throw Sagrada out of the ring and go out after him. I pick up a chair and hit Sagrada in the back with it as the ref recovers then roll him back into the ring. I irish whip Sagrada and he avoids a running elbow and gives me a european uppercut. Sagrada gives me a single leg trip then gives me a legdrop. I stop Sagrada from climbing the turnbuckles then he counters a choke with a dropkick. I break from an arm whip then put Sagrada in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Sagrada breaks a DDT then gives me a single leg trip and a forearm blow before applying an arm wringer. Sagrada hits me with a forearm then arm whips me and applies an arm wringer. Sagrada hits me again with a forearm then gives me a charging forearm and a half senton. Sagrada drives a knee into my leg then gives me a half senton and a legdrop. Sagrada drives a knee into my leg again then gives me a running senton. Sagrada gives me a forearm in the gut then dropkicks me and gives me a half senton. I slip from a knee pull then give Sagrada a hammerlock back bomb and a backbreaker across my knee. I cover Sagrada and he kicks out at the last second. Sagrada counters an inverted piledriver with a dropkick then applies a hammerlock. Sagrada gives me a running neck snap then irish whips me into a short arm knee lift. Sagrada gives me an arm wringer smash then I slip from an arm wringer and give him a side suplex. I nail Sagrada with an inverted piledriver and he kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. I give him a second inverted piledriver and again he kicks out at the last second but now there is blood coming from his head. Sagrada counters another inverted piledriver with a forearm blow then gives me a short arm knee lift and a flying knife edge chop. Sagrada hits me with a forearm then gives me an arm wringer smash and a running dropkick. I slip from a cangrejo japones and slap on the iron claw but Sagrada gets to the ropes to break the hold. I irish whip Sagrada then he ducks under a lariat clothesline and rapidly gives me a couple of dropkicks. Sagrada applies a spinning toe hold but I do not submit. Sagrada rapidly gives me a couple of dropkicks then starts feeling dizzy. Sagrada breaks from a powerbomb then irish whips me and rapidly gives me a couple of dropkicks. Sagrada gives me a short arm knee lift and a 3/4 face lock bulldog and I kick out of the pin attempt at the last second. I counter a running enziguri kick with a lariat clothesline and cover Sagrada but he kicks out at the last second. Sagrada counters a choke slam try with a forearm blow then gives me a high cross body and I am able to kick out at the last second. I avoid a running enziguri kick then Sagrada reverses an irish whip and gives me a running dropkick. Sagrada irish whips me and begins to feel dizzy but he counters an inverted piledriver with a dropkick and gives me a flip legdrop. Sagrada feels dizzy but he is able to break a DDT and give me a short arm knee lift. I avoid a flip legdrop the irish whip Sagrada into a big boot. Sagrada avoids a big legdrop and covers me but I kick out at the last second. Sagrada gives me a 3/4 face lock bulldog but I sit right up and get up to show that it had no effect on me. Sagrada counters a choke slam try with a dropkick then gives me a flip legdrop and begins to feel dizzy. Sagrada counters an inverted piledriver with a forearm blow then I avoid a dropkick and give him a measured elbow drop. Sagrada breaks a choke slam then gives me an arm wringer smash and a 3/4 face lock bulldog. I sit right up, getting my second wind, and tell him to bring it. I stop Sagrada from climbing the turnbuckles then I try for a press slam and he falls on top of me but I am able to kick out at the last second. Sagrada gives me a running dropkick then I avoid a flip legdrop, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Sagrada counters a back breaker with a dropkick then gives me a flip legdrop. I slip from a cangrejo japones then Sagrada breaks an iron claw and gives me a running dropkick. Sagrada gives me a flip legdrop then I slip from a cangrejo japones. Sagrada breaks a hammerlock then takes me down in an arm wringer and applies a spinning toe hold. I don't submit then he gives me a running enziguri kick and pins me. [b]Time: 38 minutes, Rating: B- Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - [color=red]Released Master of Pain[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Timbs and The Spoiler defeated Thunderbolt Patterson and Bob Brown[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Rusher Kimura, Barbarian and Paul Roma defeated Bret Hart, Atsushi Onita and Bam Bam Bigelow[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Barry Darsow retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Chris Youngblood [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CWA - Renegade Rampage [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs. Chavo Guerrero Sr Main Event -- AWA International title match -- First Blood rules[/b] The match begins and I toss Chavo into a corner and hit him with an elbow. Chavo reverse a whip into a corner and smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. Chavo gouges my eyes then punches me. I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip him but Chavo avoids a punch and punches me. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Chavo but he avoids a throat thrust and punches me then applies a hammerlock. Chavo irish whips me then gives me a jab punch and gouges my eyes. I slip from an arm wringer then irish whip Chavo and give him a throat thrust. Chavo jumps up, surprising me, and gouges my eyes then irish whips me and giving me a jab punch. I avoid a dropkick and give Chavo a throat thrust and punch him. Chavo avoids another throat thrust and punches me. Chavo gives me a jab punch then a european uppercut before gouging my eyes. I slip out of a hammerlock and give Chavo a backbreaker and a bodyslam. I hit Chavo in the back with a forearm then irish whip him and give him a backdrop. Chavo slips out of a choke hold and applies an arm wringer. Chavo gives me a european uppercut and punches me before gouging my eyes. Chavo irish whips me and I avoid a dropkick and headbutt him. I suplex Chavo then he gets away from a stomp and applies an arm wringer. Chavo punches me then gives me a jab punch. I slip out of a hammerlock and irish whip him and give him a throat thrust. I whip Chavo into a corner then choke him and tear his face before throwing him out of the ring and going out after him. Chavo avoids a throat thrust and gives me a jab punch. I slip from a hammerlock and send Chavo shoulder first into a ring post. I slam Chavo's face into a table near ringside then drag him back into the ring. I give Chavo a throat thrust then he counters a bearhug with an eye gouge then applies an arm wringer. Chavo gives me a european uppercut then I slip from an arm wringer, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Chavo stops me from climbing the turnbuckles but I slip from an arm wringer and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Chavo slips from a hammerlock then applies an arm wringer. Chavo punches me then gives me an arm wringer smash and a dropkick in the knee. Chavo punches me then applies an arm wringer and dropkicks me. Chavo gives me a knee drop then I avoid a senton and choke him. I irish whip Chavo but he ducks under a lariat clothesline and gouges my eyes. Chavo dropkicks me in the knee. I avoid a dropkick from the second rope then choke Chavo. I hit Chavo with a roundhouse punch then give him an inverted piledriver. I pick Chavo up and give him another inverted piledriver and his head starts to bleed to end the match. [b]Time: 19 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]Johnny Rich defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] Otto Wanz retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Jerry Lawler. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ric Flair and Jimmy Valiant defeated Team Hotrod (Terry Funk and Harley Race)[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Ole Anderson [b]ASW[/b] - Al Tomko retained the Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Dan Severn [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CMLL[/b] - Double Shot retained the CMLL World Tag Team titles by defeating The Mighty Igor and Pedro Morales [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami
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