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UWF: Universal Take Off!!!

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[B][SIZE="5"]The Return Of The[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/reduwflogo.jpg[/IMG] Mid South Wrestling run by "Cowboy" Bill Watts was one of the hottest wrestling regions of the 1980's. It went on to spawn The Universal Wrestling Federation in 1985 before being bought out by Jim Crockett Promotions in 1987...It's legacy will always be remembered as a hard hitting, action packed wrestling organization that had some of the best wrestlers and angles of all-time...It will make its return in a new form, based out of Madison Square Garden... If your unfamiliar with the story, here is how the New UWF came about... I myself was television adevertising executive, and long time wrestling fan, who tried to pitch an "old-school" style promotion and sell advertising for it to the several television cable networks I worked for...I originally wanted to run old footage, but Vince McMahon had bought up almost the entire history of pro wrestling and has added it to his own personal video library of which we may never see again..However, there is one prominent organization that never sold out to Vince McMahon and that was Bill Watts old UWF?mid-South Wrestling....Bill Watts was interested in airing his product and after several conversations we clicked on either airing his old footage or bringing back his old style, including using some of the names, storylines and angles of the past...Vince McMahon had recieved word of the possibility of this revival and thought one of his disgruntled employees was working behind his back and that employee was none other than... [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jimross1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Good Ole Jim Ross himself[/SIZE][/B] Now this all came about as McMahon had begun contemplating creating a 4th brand "The revival of the WCW" and it was thought that the idea behind the new WCW would be an old school feel...However, Ross was thinking great angles like he been apart of in the Mid South and NWA with realistic storylines and engaging angles and characters, while McMahon was contemplating the revival of the cartoon error... The two became at such odds of the direction of the new WCW, and the fact that Vince thought Ross was behind this UWF idea, that McMahon did not renew Ross's contract... JR then went on to contact Bill Watts and basically said, "[B]What gives, I just got fired by the WWE because they thought I was working with you on the revival of the UWF"[/B] Watts replied, god no, I've been talking to this guy names Old-School and we were just talking about airing old-footage of the UWF or creating a copycat promotion to air on the cable television network he was working for which was Versus, which is now based out of Stamford, CT." McMahon finnally got wind of the the deal going on with Versus and myself that he pulled his MSG Classics off the MSG Network and offered WWE CLassics on Versus, which had a larger national audience than the MSG network...This infuriated MSG/Cablevision boss [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dolan.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]James Dolan[/SIZE][/B] James Dolan who owned the Knicks, Rangers, MSG network and operated the Garden himself, became so mad that he vowed revenge on Vince McMahon...Dolan was also good aquaintances with Jim Ross...Ross was good friends with Bill Watts and Bill Watts and myself had become good aquaintances that we all got together and out of this came, my vision of recreating an old-school style promotion and recreating some of the great storylines and angles of the past, with Bill Watts providing the lineage and title history of the old Universal Wrestling Federation...JR provided instant credibility, a reputable source that many workers know and James Dolan, provided a venue and a forum (Madison Square Garden and the MSG network) at a reduced rent and free time slot, in which he gets to keep advertising revenue from the television program... And Suddenly, my little dream of a small old-school promotion just set up shop in the middle of Manhatten in the Worlds Most Famous Arena on reputable television network, and we made ourselves the eye of Vince McMahon's rage as we have set up this UWF revival in Vince McMahon's backyard...
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The Roster [I]Jim Ross had used his connections to sign some WWE castoffs, we picked up some top independant talent as well...Our intent is to capture the Magic that MSG had back in the Bruno, Backlund and early Hulkster era by creating new stars, that the people can identify with... The UWF will tape weekly TV shows at smaller Tri-state venues in an attempt to promote a big Monthly event at Madison Square Garden....[/I] The Wrestlers you will see according to UWFwrestling.com are as follows: [B][U]Broadcasters[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Jim Ross & Kevin Kelly[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Wrestlers[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/charliehaas1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Charlie Haas[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Albright.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Brent Albright[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/doublec.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Claudio Castagnoli[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/murdoch.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Trevor Murdoch[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dinsmore.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Nick Dinsmore[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/london5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Paul London[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/bloom.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Brute Bernard[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kaseyjames1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Kasey James[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/nigel1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Nigel McGuinness[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/fergal.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Danny Boy Flynn[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/oliverjohn.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Oliver St. John[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Richards.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Davey Richards[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/larrysweeney-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Larry Sweeney[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/stevens.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Dewey Stevens[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/granakuma.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Gran Akuma[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/walters-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Spiros Stagikas[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/raygordy-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Terry Ray Gordy[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Steele.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ace Steele[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/harrysmith.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Harry Smith[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/tjwilson.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]T.J. Wilson[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jaybriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Jay Briscoe[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/markbriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Mark Briscoe[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/brandont.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Brandon Thomaselli[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/madison.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Stevie Madison[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kennyomega-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Tyson Smith[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/talia.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Vixen[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ted Dibiase[/SIZE][/B] The UWF is still in negotiations with several wrestlers to round out their roster over the coming months!
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[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jrsblog.jpg[/IMG] [I]Well bye gawd, i think its finally ready to happen... The long and tumultous wait is about to end and were about to get this UWF shindig off the ground and kickin, old-school style and right in the heart of the greatest city in the world... I'll tell you all, for sure that this ain't gonna be no picnic as Mr. McMahon has certainly not taken kind to an upstart promotion happening in his backyard... And it hasn't gone without some of our own suffering, we had to delay the beginnings of the revival due to many scheduling conflicts with the Garden, and after waiting our turn we've got the dates set up each and every month over throughout 2007 and while it may take some time for you the fans to get into some of our grapplers, our first event promises to be a doosey... I guess I'll spill the beans right here in announcing our very first event in the world's greatest arena will see an 8 man single elimination tournament to declare the new UWF World Heavyweight Champion.... Our championship committee has already chosen 4 wrestlers to participate [B]1. Charlie Haas [/B],the big tough Oklahoman with a great amateur background and reigns in the WWE as a tag team Champion. [B]2. Trevor Murdoch[/B], this big cowboy just screams old-school and fits the UWF style like a glove [B]3. Nigel McGuinness[/B], A tough as the come englishmen who has proven himself all around the world including in the states in ROH. [B]4. Brent Albright[/B] Another rough, tough Oklahoman, who was given a fair shake in his WWE stint, but he too like Big Charlie Haas has solid amateur credentials... Now on to the the big news [B]The UWF is giving YOU THE FANS the chance to choose the remaining wrestlers you want to see, compete for this prestigious title[/B]... [B]All you have to do is respond with a list of 4 wrestlers you'd like to see compete out of our contracted wrestlers and the ones who recieve the most votes will be in the World Title Tournament...Look forward to hearing from you and keep following uwfwrestling.com for further details on the takeoff of the UWF![/B][/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
UWF Thursday Night Titans! Bawh Gawd, folks the long wait is over, as old-school traditional professional wrestling has made its way back to the Tri-State area in the form of the Universal Wrestling Federation right here on MSG... [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/MSGlogo.gif[/IMG] And we are just 4 short weeks from making our promotional debut, in the Worlds Most Famous Arena: Madison Square Garden... In which we will see our first UWF champion crowned in almost 20 years... But not to be outdone, tonight your television main event will showcase a couple of hard hitting tag teams as Jay and Mark Briscoe get set to take on Harry Smith & TJ Wilson "The Canadian Bulldogs" The Theme To Thursday Night Titans is "Battle without Honor or Humanity" [I]Video of old UWF footage including clips of The Fabulous Freebirds, Steve Williams, "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, Ted Dibiase, The One Man Gang, Terry Taylor and Chris Adams were combined with footage of new UWF Stars Charlie Haas, Brute Bernard, Nigel McGuinness, Briscoe Brothers, Trevor Murdoch, Canadian Bulldogs and Paul London[/I] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG] "Hello everybody welcome to the Amazura Concert Hall in Jamaica, NY where a sold out crowd of 1,000 people have piled in to see what the new Universal Wrestling Federation is all about....Joining me will be my broadcast partner Mr. Sweet and Sour Himself." [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/larrysweeney-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Larry Sweeney[/B] "You know JR, its your pleasure to be here as we cant have a brand new product get started without the most charismatic man in all of wrestling making a splash and I've got my latest, hottest, sexiest Bombshell for me to introduce to you later tonight...In the Lovely Vivacious Vixen." [B]JR:[/B] "Well Larry, I'm not sure if thats what the fans have waited to see, but one thing I can tell you, just 4 weeks away from seeing 8 men collide in a single elimination tournament to declare our first champ....Already in the tournament [B]Charlie Haas, Brent Albright, Nigel McGuinness and Trevor Murdoch[/B] are already in and [B]YOU the fans can choose the remaining four participants[/B] [B]Sweeney:[/B] "All you have to know is one phrase and thats Sweet and Sour baby, I was born to showcase my abilities in the Garden... [B]JR:[/B] "Well folks without further ado, lets go to the ring." --------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][COLOR="navy"]Match #1[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/fergal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/walters-1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Danny Boy Flynn Defeated Spiros Stagikas[/B][/SIZE] [B]10:32 [COLOR="Red"]Rated: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ross put over how this matchup reminded him of the early WWWF days as both young grapplers had the ethnic fan base, much like a Putski, Santana, Morales, Sammartino did back in the 70's...Flynn is a hard hitting grappler from Belfast, who has now been residing in Hells Kitchen, NY came to the ring in black trunks w/ a green shamrock on the back...Stagikas had a warm up jacket in the design of the Greek Flag...The matchup was a nice technical bout in which Stagikas shined, but Flynn overcame a beat red chest from Stagikas chops and got the crowd behind him with his never say die fighting spirit and defeated Stagikas with a running swanton bomb[/I] Before going to commercial Kevin Kelly had the [B]Canadian Bulldogs[/B] at the interview stage to hype up tonights television main event vs The Briscoe brothers... [B][COLOR="red"]Rated: E+[/COLOR][/B] Coming back from break JR told the fans , we were going to have the privelage of a legendary UWF wrestler from yesteryear join us a little late on. [COLOR="red"][B]Rated: C+[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Match #2[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dinsmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/raygordy-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Nick Dinsmore defeated Terry Ray Gordy[/SIZE][/B] [B]8:39 [COLOR="Red"]Rated: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]Dinsmore came to the ring wearing a white sequined robe, with "Mr. Irresistable" on the back...His entrance music was Robert Palmer's "Simply Irresistable"...Gordy was already in the ring, wearing just plain black wrestling trunks...Gordy became frustrated with Dinsmore's or "Mr. Irresistable" as he prefers to be called, stall tactics...Dinsmore took for ever to remove his robe, then threated to walk out and back to the dressing room because he wasn't already picked to be in world title tournament... Dinsmore blamed Gordy, referee Robert Briskoe, Kevin Kelly and the time keeper for his omission.. Finally Gordy grew tired and chased Dinsmore around the ring, but Dinsmore caught him first as he entered the ring behind him and began pounding on Gordy...Gordy mounted a nice comeback, but Dinsmore hit the "Dinsmore Dop" for the victory[/I] Back at the announce table Sweeney was agreeing with Dinsmore and himself have gotten the shaft and that the fans need to vote them in...He then introduced his newest Bombshell to the audience in the form of his new valet: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/talia.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Vixen[/SIZE][/B] After the Commercial break JR introduced legendary wrestling hall of famer [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ted Dibiase[/SIZE][/B] to the crowd [B][COLOR="red"]Rated: C+[/COLOR][/B] Dibiase, approached Sweeney and asked him, "If he needed any help" Sweeney replied "Help with what?" Which Dibiase turned to say getting out of the broadcast booth and out of his way... Sweeney slammed the headset down and said, he rather watch the main event from ringside, to see what all the hype about these teams was! [B][COLOR="Navy"]MATCH #3[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/harrysmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/tjwilson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jaybriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/markbriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Canadian Bulldogs vs Briscoe Brothers[/SIZE][/B] [B]15:34 [COLOR="Red"]Rated: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Bulldogs came down first coming out to the Canadian National Anthem, Then The Briscoes followed coming out to Skynnyrd's "Gimme Back My Bullets"..Both teams were heckled by Larry Sweeney as they arrived and both teams blew him off... JR and Ted Dibiase hyped this matchup as the 2 best young tag teams in wrestling today... Dibiase added that we were about to see a rivalry unfold between these teams like the British Bulldogs and Hart Foundation had years ago, except at a higher impact rate, faster speed with more athletic ability......The two teams exchanged offense...Harry showed off his superior power with an array of suplexes and slams, while TJ worked in quick wrestling holds and double teams, the Briscoes mounted back with some head drops of their own on TJ....Sweeney made his way to ringside and tried but failed to interfere on both teams behalf, but neither team wanted him aroundand all 4 wrestlers got in his face at some point or another...The teams exchanged some heated blows and really began to wear each other out...Finally TJ hot tagged in Harry who was cleaning house, when Sweeney grabbed his ankle and tripped him...Meanwhile Vixen pulled out a jar of mase and sprayed Jay Briscoe in the eyes...at which point running out of the crowd with shovels and destroying everyone in their way was..[/I] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kaseyjames5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/acesteele1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Kasey James/ Ace Steele[/SIZE][/B] Both Steele and James had shovels and just pounded on both Briscoes and Bulldogs, while Larry Sweeney grabbed the mic and bellowed out, "I told you I was making a splash, I told you I had another bombshell to reveal...Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you... [B][SIZE="4"]Sweet and Sour International[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/larrysweeney-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/talia.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kaseyjames5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/acesteele1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Rated: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]JR was yelling what a disgrace Larry Sweeney is at the top of his longs and crying out for help as the credits rolled and Thursday Night Titans went off the air.[/B] [U]side notes[/U] Popularity increased...Both Spiros Stagikas and Nick Dinsmore looked good tonight.. [B]Dark Matches[/B] Nelson Creed beat Seth Delay 6:32 [COLOR="red"]Rated D[/COLOR] Gran Akuma beat Ace Darling 5:58 [COLOR="red"]Rated D[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Overall Rating D+[/B][/COLOR]
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JR's Blog [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jrsblog.jpg[/IMG] [I]Well, Our first television program has come and gone and while I'll be the first to admit, we didn't hit a grand slam, I feel we definately had a good at bat... Our intentions is to start slow and try to get our new audience familiar with our talent, while still putting on an exciting event... Ultimately we simply plan to use our TV to draw people to our monthly event at the world greatest arena: Madison Square Garden! And we're happy with our .06 rating from last night, hopefully we can turn those viewers into buying tickets at the Garden. Larry Sweeney certainly made his prescence felt... The man is very entertaining and provides a different type of insight in the broadcast booth, but he also seems, like he wants to make a name for himself with the heinous shovel attack on both The Briscoes and The Bulldogs by his new stable mates Kasey James and Ace Steele... Danny Boy Flynn and Spiros Stagikas had that oldschool WWWF feel to it as the fans really weren't into them that much, but at least they could identify with their ethnicity...Flynn is a young Irishman who just doesn't know how to quit, while Stagikas has the build of a "Greek God" and a solid technical game..The match wasn't the greatest, but if anything, Stagikas showed us his abilities and Flynn showed us resilient he can be.. Nick Dinsmore, gave us a new look as, opposed to what we've seen of him over the last few years..."Mr. Irresistable" is not happy about not being included in the first 4, that have been selected by the championship committee... Speaking of that UWF world title tournament, keep them votes coming in as to the next 4 particpants you'd like to see compete for the UWF world title... And make sure you tune in, next Thursday as we will talk with "Mr. Irresistable" Nick Dinsmore, we'll be visited again by the legend himself Ted Dibiase again, and we are looking at a television main event of Trevor Murdoch vs Claudio Castagnoli in a matcup of 2 wrestlers with completely diverse backgrounds and styles...[/I] [B][U][COLOR="Red"]ON to Our E-mails[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Terry from Chattanooga, TN wrote:[/B] JR are we going to see any more old UWF legends making their return to the new UWF? [B]JR: Well Terry, I can tell you this, and that is the UWF is in serioust negotiations with a major star from from The 80's UWF, to possibly come in playing a prominment role...However, I dont want to mention his name right, now because I do not want it to affect on-going negotiations...[/B] [B]Jim from Glenns Falls, NY wrote:[/B] You know, JR, both Danny Flynn and John Walters seemed familiar to me, have I seen these men anywhere esle in the past? [B]JR: Well, Jim, Spiros Stagikas has performed on many east coast independent organizations including in Ring Of Honor, where he had a run as Pure Wrestling Champion title holder...Spiros wanted to portray his heritage here in the UWF, and began using his own last name, while adopting the "Spiros" moniker as well...Danny Boy Flynn has wrestled some here in the states, but is mostly known for his work in Japan, wearing a mask as Wild Pegasus II...and for someone to be asked to follow in the footsteps of one Chris Benoit, the expectations for him will be enormous[/B] [B]Butch from New Zealand writes:[/B] It seems as if there is alot of young talent in the UWF. Has the UWF signed any veterans to help develope any of this young talent [B]JR: We realize we're in the business of creating new stars, but we also know it is important to have a few guys on the roster who have been around the business...While you may not see many of these guys on TV, Ace Darling, Scoot Andrews, Jason Jett and even Barry Horowitz himself have been around the business for a long time and just getting into the ring with our youngsters, will help them develope their wrestling skills...[/B] [I]Well that's all we have time for now, hope to see you next week for Thursday Night Titans on MSG[/I]
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May week 1 uwfwrestling.com [B][SIZE="4"][B]UWFwrestling.com weekly reports[/B][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/reduwflogo.jpg[/IMG] [I][B]*[/B] UWF officials are in serious negotiations with [B]TWO[/B] former UWF stars of the 80's...No other details can be announced at this time... [B]*[/B] 80's UWF legend [B]Ted Dibiase [/B]will be making another appearance on TNT (Thursday Night Titans) to discuss his new UWF intentions and aspirations. [B]*[/B]The UWF have parted ways with several developemental/trainer talents, not part of the main roster including: Ace Darling, Bobby Dempsey, Scottie Murray, Barry Horowitz... We wish them well in their future endeavors.. [B]*[/B]"Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney has applied for a manager's liscence [B]*[/B]The UWF Championship committee is working on a won/loss formula that will help determine a ranking's system and championship contender's... The ranking system will be based on what will called "Contender's Matches" ... Wrestlers will sign "Contender's or Contention Match" contracts and the outcome of these matches will go into a formula which will produce official rankings...The exact formula will not be finalized until the NEW UWF commisioner is announced and he puts his final touches on the process. *Don't forget it is not to late for fans to vote on the remaining 4 UWF contracted wrestlers who they'd like to see participate in the UWF World Title Tournament at Madison Square Garden at the end of this month... Currently [B]Brent Albright, Nigel McGuinness, Trevor Murdoch [/B]and [B]Charlie Haas [/B]were named by UWF Championship committee, the fans will get to choose the remaining 4 * This week on TNT (Thursday Night Titans) we will talk with "Mr. Irresistable" Nick Dinsmore...We will have a follow up on last weeks incident during our television main event involving Ace Steele/Kasey James & Larry Sweeney as they interupted the match between The Briscoe Brothers and The Canadian Bulldogs, and our Television Main event will be Trevor Murdoch vs Claudio Castagnali[/I] [B]Check back next week to keep up with the latest from UWFwrestling.com[/B]
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May 8th Observer Headlines [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/observer.gif[/IMG] [B][I]Notes from the World of Pro Wrestling[/I][/B] [B][U]TNA[/U][/B] Abyss defeated Chris Sabin for the TNA X Division Title TNA has a mass exodus of talent head to WWE [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] WWE Has signed 8 new talents to the WWE roster including: * Christopher Daniels * Ricky Banderas * Christian Cage * Alex Shelley * Juventud Guerrero * Chris Hero * Justin Credible * Seasn O'Haire It is not yet known where each talent will be headed
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UWF Thursday Night Titans [I]Highlights from the conclusion of last weeks main event air, between The Briscoe Brothers and The Canadian Bulldogs (Harry Smith & TJ Wilson)... The clips include the shovel attack by Ace Steele & Kasey James on both teams as Larry Sweney with Vixen taunt all the downed combatants... the footage then segues into the UWF video montage spot that opens the show which includes highlights of Fabulous Freebirds, Steve Williams, Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert, Ted Dibiase, The One Man Gang, Terry Taylor, Chris Adams and current UWF stars Charlie Haas, Brute bernard, Nigel McGuinness, The Briscoe Brothers, Trevor Murdoch, Canadian Bulldogs and Paul London[/I] The UWF theme is "Battle without honor or humanity [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/larrysweeney-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR[/B]"Hello everyone, welcome back to the UWF Arena and our second week coming to you on MSG, I'm Jim Ross and joining me is the despicable Larr.... " [B]Sweeney interupts[/B]Mr. Sweet and Sour, makes the girls all holla and all the wrestlers in the UWF are all about to cohwer... Sweeney." "JR I told you I was going to make a splash, I told you I was going to drop a couple of bombshells and it just so happens that being up here in New York, where winter lasts for ever, well we still have snow shovels laying around and I didn't want them to have to wait till next winter to get any use..... [B]Ace Steele & Kasey James[/B] enter the broadcast area.. [B]Sweeney:[/B] "Everyone was talking about Oh the Briscoes are the best in the world, ofh The Bulldogs are the best in the world, but where are they tonight? Not here, thats where, and thats because they know that Sweet and Sour International is in the hizzy and were about to show the world what this "Blonde Squad" is capable of.. [COLOR="DimGray"]The music of Kylie Minogue' "More, More, More blasts from the Sound system, as "The Blonde Squad" of Sweet and Sour International make their way to the ring...[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]MATCH #1[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B][U]"The Blonde Squad" Ace Steele & Kasey James vs Jason Jett & Seth Delay[/U][/B] The Blonde Squad hit the ring wearing matching long red & silver tights wearing dark sunglasses to go with their bleached blonde hair...JR goes into detail about their oponents Jason Jett is a veteran of ECW and WCW and Seth Delay is an up and comer on the independent circuit and they would be no pushovers... Steele hits the ring and runs the ropes at 100mph while James climbs the ring ropes and stares at the crowd... The Blonde Squad used many double team manuevers including Drop-to-Hold , running legdrop sequence, a double atomic drop into the double elimination (from ECW Eliminators day) Reversing each others whip into the turnbuckle to pick up added momentum and shoulder spearing Delay and finally put their opponents away with a slingshot meets a top rope flying legdrop called "The Dye Job" for the victory. [B][U]Winners: The Blonde Squad 2:44 [COLOR="red"]RATED D[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kaseyjames5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/acesteele1.jpg[/IMG]with[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/larrysweeney-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/talia.jpg[/IMG] as the replays roll, and we go to break Jim Ross throws it down to the event center [I](O.O.C. remember the old interview segments between matches with an interviewer and a wrestler standing in front of the logo with a scroll going across the bottom of the event they are talking about, well thats the event center)[/I] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/charliehaas1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kevin Kelly[/B] "alright JR, thank you very much, just want to remind you the UWF world title tournament coming to Madison Square garden on Saturday May the 26th and this man, Charlie haas, one of 4 participants already named... [B]Haas:[/B] [I]You know Kevin, growing up in Oklahoma I was a huge fan of the old Mid-South wrestling, from Bill Watts to ted Dibiase to Dr. Death Steve Williams, these were my idols and now I get to walk in their shadows and being the Universal Heavyweight champion, would be the epitome of my career[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]RATED B-[/COLOR][/B] Back from break Jim Ross talks about a sitdown interview that he did earlier with Nick Dinsmore [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dinsmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR[/B] Your an accomplished wrestler, that doesn't need a gimmick, why Mr. Irresistable? [B]Dinsmore:[/B] [I]JR, I've been playing this ugly retarded guy with really bad hair for the last few years, what do you think that does to your social life... I've had little snot nosed kids chasing me around crying Eugene, Eugene, Eugene... Well, plain and simple, the money was great, but everything else sucks and now I plan on being the man that I am and thats the smoothest, sexiest most irrestible man in wrestling... Alll that WWE money that I made, I've been able to save to buy the finest clothes, jewelry, robes, you name it... Fans, Eugene is dead and Ladies Mr. Irresistible is here![/I] [B][COLOR="red"]RATED: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]MATCH #2[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Albright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/davidyoung.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brent Albright vs David Young[/B] Albright wearing black trunks and black boots...Young wearing blue trunks with red trim and blue boots... This was a typical ground and pound matchup...Started off doing some amateur style wrestling, then their macho bravado crept in as they saw who could absorb each others forearm blasts the best... Ross made mention of how Albright worked briefly in the WWE and that he was one of the 4 selections to particpate in the 8 man UWF title tourney...The finish came when Young went for a spinebuster but Albright floated over into the "Crowbar" armbar submission for the the tap out. [B]WINNER: Brett Albright 9:15 by submission [COLOR="red"]RATED C-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="DimGray"][I]JR commentates the replay and again throws it down to the event center[/I][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/nigel1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kelly:[/B] [I]Alright we've talked about the history, the passion, the energy of the old Mid-South/UWF and Saturday May the 26th is the day a new UWF champion will be crowned...[B]Nigel:[/B]History, what history.. (with a huge repulsed look on his face) Billy Robinson, that is historic, Manchester United Football that is full of history...Do you want a history lesson, lets talk about Winston Churchill leading the Allied forces to victory in World War II... But this isn't history class Kevin Kelly, this is wrestling... Do want to go to history class again, do you want to go back to school, would you like me to treat you like a child, I'll slap that stupid look off your face Kevin Kelly... What I want to talk about is winning the UWF Tournament, because that will make me the best wrestler in the UNIVERSE![/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED C-[/COLOR][/B] Back from Break Larry Sweeney has left the broadcast booth and JR is joined by: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ted Dibiase[/B] [B]Ted:[/B] [I]JR it's good to be back in two environments which I'm very familiar with, New York City, Madison Square Garden where I made Alot and I mean Alot of money wrestling as the "Million Dollar Man" and under the umbrella of The Universal Wrestling federation, where I made alot of people hurt.[/I] [B]JR:[/B][I]Well, Ted it's great to have you involved, but what level of involvement do you want to have with the UWF?[/I] [B]Ted:[/B] [I]Whatever is needed JR... I have been opening up a training center here for elite athletes to work at, in an effort to take their game to the highest level, the top of the line facilities, top of the line equipment, training regiment and I would also provide these premier athletes with representation... I also heard from a little birdie that the UWF is looking to name a commisioner and I'd like to throw my hat into that ring...Color Commentator, special guest referee, you name it JR, I'm here for the long haul.[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]RATED C+[/COLOR][/B] A video vignette airs of a large burly bald man, covered in hair from chest to back, to arms, wearing a white blood stained apron in a meat processing plant holding a large blood covered knife...He then licks the blood off the knife.... "I like blood, I'm coming for blood, I am "The Butcher" Brute Bernard" He turns and goes back to chopping meat with his huge knife. [COLOR="red"][B]RATED D+[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]MATCH #3[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Paul London vs Barry Horowitz[/U][/B] "Oh my God! Barry Horowitz is still alive!" yells Sweeney, who has rejoined Ross back in the broadcast booth... A quick "squash" match, in which Paul London got to show off all his trademark moves...London has gone back to his ROH look... He finished off Horowitz with The London Calling and after the 3 count helped Horowitz to his feet and patted him on the back. [B]WINNER: Paul London 3:41 [COLOR="red"]RATED: C-[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/london5.jpg[/IMG] [B]EVENT CENTER[/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Albright.jpg[/IMG] Kelly goes through with the routine promoting MSG event May 26th...[B]Albright:[/B] [I]It's about time, it's about time that some wrestling organization will give a man a chance without saddling him with some stupid gimmick...Hell even WWE couldn't just let me be... I went there and I wrestled, and that wasn't enough for them. I had to be Gunner Scott... He lacks charisma, he's not flashy enough, he doesn't do great interviews... Well, the last time I checked it still says wrestling on the marquee and that what I do.[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: D[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jim Ross reminded all fans that they can still vote for the final 4 participants in the UWF tournament by going to UWFwrestling.com (or posting your 4 picks here[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]MATCH #4[/COLOR][/B] [B]It's time for the television main event[/B] ZZ Top's La Grange blasts though the speakers, followed by The Olympic theme sequed into Peter Gabriels Sledgehammer... Kevin Kelly is in the ring to introduce the participants. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/murdoch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/doublec.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]One fall television time remaining[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Trevor Murdoch vs Claudio Castagnoli[/U][/B] Murdoch wore his plain black trunks and boots, no elbow or knee pads, he couldn't look more "oldschool" and he was chewing a a big dip of tobacco...Claudio came to the ring in a sequinned suit, which he peeled off to reveal his chiseled physique with long red tights with the swiss flag on them... The two played to the crowd...Murdoch got in Claudio's face a flexed his bicep... Claudio dropped to his knee and bowed to Murdoch while shouting a big "Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy" The two locked up and Murdoch was out counterwrestled by Claudio, who made each counter look simple... A frustrated Murdoch would leave the ring several times to gain his composure..While Claudio played to the crowd with more "Heeeeeeeyyyyyys"... Murdoch started roughing it up with some closed fists, and Claudio would counter with stiff forearms...Murdoch would eventually hit a longstanding suplex which prompted the crowd to count along for how long he held Claudio up... Precisely placed elbows and knees hurt Claudio, who eventually made his comeback, with a flurry of forearms...Claudio charged Murdoch into a corner, but Murdoch caught him took him down and was able to get the 3 count , while his legs were on the 2nd rope for leverage. [B]WINNER: Trevor Murdoch 11:36 [COLOR="red"]RATED C-[/COLOR][/B] As Trevor Murdoch celebrated his win....Brent Albright walked out from the back with his arms folded staring at Murdoch... Trevor climbed to the second rope and was waving him to the ring as the credits rolled and Thursday Night Titans went off the air. [B][COLOR="red"]RATED C-[/COLOR][/B]
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JR's Blog [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jrsblog.jpg[/IMG] [I]2 weeks in and I'll concur with you, that things are moving a little slow...[B]Larry Sweeney[/B] has come out to try and make a name for himself, but as of right now, most of the talent is focusing on our first Madison Square Garden show featuring the UWF Universal Title tournament... In addition, to that tournamnet, their are discussions about holding a 4 team tag tourney that very same night to declare our first Universal Tag team champions... For, those of you, who feel our [B]Thursday Night Titans[/B] program lacks, what we call in the business is "HEAT"... That is sort of done on purpose... We're focusing on creating new stars, so yes we kind of, have set up some mismatches, or what insiders call "squash" matches... We know who are talent is, we just want to showcase our soo-to-be stars a little bi, and feel that these showcase matches help do this for us... In addition to that, we wanted to bring back the old "event center" segments to help promote our up-coming live events, which for now are just our monthly MSG cards... It's a simple format of a worker and an interviewer in a short segment... One thing we hate about todays product, is the long winded, drawn out promo's that take up most of todays televised wrestling programs...Short and simple and to the point is our philosophy here... Speaking of our so-called "squash" matches.. We're working really hard at developing a team of "dark match" workers who will help improve our talented base of young workers we have... We have just signed [B]Mikey Henderson[/B], who has worked in "UPW" for this role, in adition to [B]Tony Kozina[/B], who will be working under his masked identity of [B]"Canadian Cougar"[/B]... Negotiations are still on-going with Danny Daniels from midwest independents, Matt Stryker, who had a run in ROH, and veteran Tracey Smothers... We'll see how those negotiations work themselves out over the next few days... I can confirm that the new UWF will be hiring an authority figure to be a on-screen decision maker... Our founding father [B]"Cowboy" Bill Watts[/B] will have a hand in filling that position... I do know for a fact that [B]Ted Dibiase[/B] is interested and a couple more ex-UWF'ers from yesteryear are soon to be joining the team, and the Commisioner position seems like a duty, they'd be up to performing. We're still talking about a points system, that will dictate our ranking system...Early indications are that we may give out 3 points for a win over a top 5 wrestler, 2 for a 6-10 ranked wrestler and 1 for a 11-15...While taking 1 point away for a loss to a top 5 wrestler, 2 for a loss to a 6-10 and 3 points away for a loss to 11-15... All the details haven't been worked out yet, including what to do with DQ's, Draws, CO's or in regards, to setting up initial rankings, or whether to reset everyone back to zero after specific period of time...Once a Commisioner is named, we'll take his input in factoring in this equation... There is still time to vote for your 4 wrestlers that you'd like to see join, [B]Nigel McGuinness, Charlie Haas, Brent Albright and Trevor Murdoch[/B] in the Universal Title tourney... Well, that is all for now, we'll take a look at some e-mails next week, if you have any questions you'd like us to answer feel free to send us an e-mail (private message) and I'll do my best to answer you. We'll see you this week at [B]TNT[/B] from our new TV taping home [B]"The UWF Arena"[/B] [/I] [B]JR[/B]
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(TNT) Thursday Night Titans [I][SIZE="2"]The conclusion from last weeks TNT aired showing trevor Murdoch in the ring just off his victory over Claudio Castagnoli in a stare down with Brent Albright, who was watching from the entrance way[/I] [I]The clip segues into the opening video montage of UWF Thurday Night Titans, including clips of old UWF heros: The Fabulous Freebirds, Steve Williams, Ted Dibiase, The One Man Gang, Terry Taylor, Chris Adams and evolves into new UWF stars, Trevor Murdoch, Charlie Haas, Larry Sweeney & The Blond Squad, The Canadian Bulldogs, Brent Albright, Nigel McGuinness and the Briscoe brothers[/SIZE][/I] The Theme for UWF Thursday Night Titans is [SIZE="2"]Battle without Honor or Humanity[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR:[/B] [I]Hello, everyone and welcome back to the UWF arena for our 3rd episode of Thursday Night Titans on MSG, and folks we just a little over a week away from our Madison Square Garden debut set for Saturday May the 26th, in which we will crown new UWF Universal Heavyweight champion and UWF Universal Tag Team Champions..[/I] [B]TED:[/B] I got to tell you JR its good to be here and I cant wait for next Saturday, hopefully tonight I will get a good look at some talent, that may be interested in training at the "Million Dollar Training Center" and hopefully, as I give myself a cheap plug can be at the Garden presenting that championship belt to our winners as the new commisioner of the UWF... [B]JR:[/B] [I]Well, Ted, our championship committee had selected our first 4 particpants and we left it to the fans to see who they wanted to see in the tournament and the 4 wrestlers that the fans chose are: [B]Paul London, "Mr. Irresistable" Nick Dinsmore, Claudio Castagnoli and 1/2 of "The Canadian Bulldogs" Harry Smith[/I][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B]TED:[/B] [I]Lets go to the ring, to kick off the action, with our opening bout[/I] [COLOR="Blue"][B]MATCH #1[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Richards.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/granakuma.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Davey Richards vs Gran Akuma[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]The opening bout was a hard hitting affair as both Richards and Akuma wanted to see who could each other harder.. Dibiase was impressed with both individuals and mentioned that, these grapplers may have what it takes to train at "The Million Dollar Training Center" The entire contest was stiff afair... Ross had mentioned that we were approaching the 15 minute time limit..The end came when Akuma was trying to superplex Davey off the top rope, but Davey tossed him off and hit a shooting star press for the pin....[/I] [B][U]The Winner: DAVEY RICHARDS 13:57 [COLOR="Red"]RATED C-[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]After the match Richards helped Akuma to his feet, shook his hand and stated that he hasn't even been kicked as hard as he has tonight... Kevin Kelly realised that the two men were engaging into a conversation that he jumped in the ring with a microphone and Davey Richards grabbed the mic and asked Gran Akuma if he would be his tag team partner and they would see about petitioning the UWF championship committee for entry into next Saturdays UWF tag title tourney. Akuma accepted, the two raised each others arms and left the ring together.....[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]RATED: D[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ross then through it to another taped vignette of The Large, hairy, bald man, wearing a bloody apron in a meat packing plant, grabbing and tossing around large slabs of beef...The man, would use the skinned carcasses as a punching bag (ala Rocky) and then grabbed a big butcher knife and looked into the camera and said, "I've never been given the respect as a competitor, I've been a pierced prince, a baldo, A Train, and you know what, I'm fine with that, because I'm not looking for respect, I'm not looking to be taken as a serious no non-sense wrestler... I have accepted my fate that I'm a freak show, and if I'm going to be a freak show, I'm going to be the most intimidating, blood thirsty freak show ever to step in the ring... I am not out for titles, I am not out for trophies, I am not out for recognition... I am out for one thing and thats BLOOD! I am the Butcher and I'm coming to hurt people!... As he walked off and we could see his breath the words Brute Bernard coming to the UWF appeared.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATING C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]MATCH #2[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jasonjett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/nigel1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Jason Jett vs Nigel McGuinness[/SIZE][/U][/B] Nigel slowly walked to the ring with an arrogant strut waving the British flag. Upon entering the ring he recieved a chorus of boos and grabbed the mic[I]..."You Americans and in particular New Yorkers dont have a clue, do you? You have excellence right in front of you, yet you boo, much like you did with Alex Rodriguez for the last 3 years and now that is putting in fantastic performances you cheer, yet you've already pissed him off to the point where you can forget about him re-signing with your beloved Yankees... But what does that matter as your baseball is just a ripoff of the great sport of crickett anyways."[/I] Nigel made quich work of Jason Jett baffling him with an array of escapes and counterholds...Jett fell victim to the Tower of London, which Nigel turned into a DDT for the victory. [B][U][SIZE="4"]The Winner: NIGEL MCGUINNESS 4:44 [COLOR="Red"]RATED: C[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]To The Event Center[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/london5.jpg[/IMG] [B]KevinKelly:[/B] Alright fans we're just a little more than 1 week away as we head to the Big House in Manhatten, Madison Square Garden Saturday May the 26th and your voiced has been recognized, your choices for the Universal championship tournament have been made and they include this man... Paul London... [B]London:[/B] [I]"Thank You Kevin, you dont know how much this means to me, to be given the opportunity to persue a World, heck I mean Universal Title is something I've been yearing for since my days in Ring Of Honor and I get the chance to do it, on the grandest stage in Madison Square Garden... I can assure you, that you will see the performance of a lifetime from Paul London."[/I] [B][COLOR="royalblue"]MATCH #3[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]"Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney" vs The Canadian Cougar[/SIZE][/U][/B] Jim Ross opens the match by reminding the fans of the dispicable act, performed by Sweeney and his Sweet & Sour International members Kasey James and Ace Steele during a match that didn't even involve them... Dibiase reminded Ross, that some people just have to drastic measures to get themselves noticed... Steele & James were at ringside as Sweeney strutted around the ring displaying an old fashioned wrestling style with an array of fist drops........when both The Canadian Bulldogs (Harry Smith & TJ Wilson) and Jay & Mark Briscoe ran out with shovels to retaliate from 2 weeks earlier and smashed "The Blond Squad" while chasing Larry Sweeney away from the ring, as he took off out the front door entrance through the crowd: [B][SIZE="4"]Winner: The Canadian Cougar by CO 3:53 [/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: Match D.... Angle: E+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]While both teams were still in the ring...Mark Briscoe grabbed the mic and stated, "They've been proclaim'in we the baddest teams around, and that knucklehead perpetrated on our match 2 weeks ago, so I think we's got us some unfinished bizness to take care of! Are you ready to Man Up! Smith and Wilson didn't hesitate to accept the challenge... referee Billy Dalton ran down to ring side and Jim Ross started screamin, we got ourselves a barnbuster of an unnanounced Television main event[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]MATCH #4[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/markbriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jaybriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/harrysmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/tjwilson.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][U]The Briscoe Brothers vs The Canadian Bulldogs[/U][/SIZE][/B] The 2 teams got right into the action, hot and heavy... Alot of rope runing and reversals into slams, spinebusters, backdrop drivers etc... Wilson would show his speed is equal to the Briscoes as he hit a couple of tilt-a whirl arm drags and out of no-where dropkicks...Wilson would eventually miss a dive over the top and The Briscoes were in charge again... Mark would fly from the top rope w/ a Swanton bomb for a near fall.... Wilson would eventually hot tag in Harry Smith, who was just a monster, alternating press slams on both Briscoes and then nailing a bonecrushing powerbomb on Jay for a near fall...The Bulldogs would then try for an old "British Bulldog" move where Harry would have Jay on his shoulders and TJ would jump onto Jay (who laid across Harry's shoulders and onto Mark for a diving headbutt, but know one was home...Mark then reversed Harry's hold into a slamming crucifix for the 3 count and the victory... [B][U][SIZE="4"]Winners: MARK and JAY "The BRISCOE BROTHERS" 12:09 [COLOR="Red"]RATED: C-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]After The match, TJ Wilson was visibly upset with Harry Smith...Dibiase mentioned in the broadcast booth, how perhaps Harry wasn't as focused in this contest, because he is in the upcoming UWF Singles tournament... The two longtime teammates started to become really heated with one another as the butted heads a few times...JR was screaming on the mic, "Folks we are out of time, are The Bulldogs going to go at it, tune in next week for more UWF action on Thursday Night Titans" as the credits rolled and the show went off the air.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: D-[/COLOR][/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes from T.N.T. Again a sold out crowd of 1,000 showed at the UWF Arena [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]dark matches included:[/COLOR] [B]Scoot Andrews beating The Falcon 8:41 [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Dewey Stevens beating Nelson Creed 7:03[COLOR="red"] C-[/COLOR][/B] The overall show was : [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]RATED: C+ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] which I thought was interesting considering nothing higher than a C on the card. The competitors in both dark matches had great chemistry The event will increase our popularity!
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JR's Blog [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jrsblog.jpg[/IMG] [I]Hello, everyone and thanks for checking in again, as alot of storylines, while still early, are beginning to develope in the new UWF... First off we're still looking forward to the introduction of our very first UWF Commisioner... I know that [B]Ted Dibiase[/B] has publicly "thrown his hat into the ring" if you will... Not to mention there are a couple of old-school UWF'ers about to make their return soon, and both of them have solid credentials as well... [B]Bill Watts[/B] will be joining us this Thursday on TNT to discuss what the UWF championship committee is looking for in a commisioner..and heck! I wouldn't be surprised if the big ole Cowboy makes a run at the commisionership himself... I would expect a decision by our first MSG event this coming Saturday... Speaking of [B]Thursday Night Titans[/B], we will also have announcement on 4 teams that will be competing in the tournament for the UWF Universal Tag Titles...and in fact 3 of the 4 teams will be in action this Thursday and the 4th team is expected to be a couple of legendary UWF wrestlers! We also may have some dissension in the ranks of "The Canadian Bulldogs" and we will talk with them this Thursday night as well... UWF has added a few more workers to our training roster... As mentioned [B]Mikey Henderson[/B] and [B]Tony Kozina "The Canadian Cougar"[/B] signed last week and this week added to the fold are Midwest independent wrestler [B]Danny Daniels[/B], a former WWE wrestler, who recently has made a return to the florida scene in [B]Alex Porteau[/B]...Longtime veteran and a man who has had a succesful career in, [B]Tracey Smothers[/B]... Those 3 Join the likes of Scoot Andrews, Jason Jett, Seth Delay. Our new points ranking system is expected to go into place following on debut at the Garden... We expect the system to add to the importance of each and every match that happens under the UWF banner... While we believe this is a new twist on the way ratings are determine, we realize that sometimes matches, could become more than just the win or the loss and thats why not all matches will count in the points system... Only matches signed as "Contention Matches" will count... We'd like to thank all our fans who participated in voting the second group of wrestlers into the Universal Title tournament... In case you missed last weeks TNT... [B]Harry Smith, Claudio Castagnoli, Paul London[/B] and [B]"Mr. Irresistable" Nick Dinsmore[/B] will be joining [B]Charlie Haas, Brent Albright, Nigel McGuinness[/B] and [B]Trevor Murdoch[/B] in our elite 8... Well thats all I have time for this week, make sure you tune in this Thursday for TNT and hopefully we'll see you this Saturday at the Garden for our first UWF SuperShow![/I] [B]JR[/B]
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Thursday Night Titans [I]The show opens with a video clip of the conclusion of last weeks impromptu main event between The Briscoes and The Canadian Bulldogs...In which the Harry Smith and TJ Wilson got into a heated argument... It segues into the opening video montage of past and present UWF wrestlers including: The Fabulous Freebirds, Steve Williams, One Man Gang, Ted Dibiase, Terry Taylor, Chris Adams followed by new stars Charlie Haas, Trevor Murdoch, The Briscoe Brothers, Nigel McGuinness, The Canandian Bulldogs and Paul London...[/I] The Theme song for UWF Thursday Night Titans is: Battle Without Honor or Humanity" [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]JR:[/B] Hello everyone and welcome to another night of UWF action right here on MSG with Thursday Night Titans...I'm Jim Ross and joining me the legendary ted Dibiase and Ted, we are just3 days away from The UWF debut at the Worlds Greatest Arena "Madison Square Garden" [B]Dibiase:[/B] Thats right JR, we're going to see the crowning of our Universal and Universal Tag Team Champions as well as the coronation of the new UWF commisioner "Ted Dibiase" muwhahahahah... [B]JR:[/B] Well Ted, there is one man who is in the know of who that commish is going to be and he is the man that has been doing the interviewing and thats one Bill Watts and we'll talk to Bill via phone call to his home in Oklahoma later tonight...But for right now lets go to the ring...[/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]MATCH #1[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][U]Danny Boy Flynn vs The Canadian Cougar[/U][/SIZE][/B] Flynn is a young Irish kid, wearing green trunks with a gold shamrock on his backside, who goes about a no-nonsense, never say die attitude... Cougar wears red tights and a red mask with a cougar image on the front... Cougar got off to an early start with an array of aerial moves, including flying headscissors, hurricanrana and a victory roll for a near count... Flynn chopped his way back to an advantage and hit cougar with a devastating side suplex, before climbing the ropes and hitting a diving head but for the 3 count [B]WINNER: DANNY BOY FLYNN 7:22 [COLOR="Red"]RATED: D-[/COLOR] [/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/fergal.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Blue"]as we go from the replay we segue into another vignette of the "Butcher"... This time he is dragging cattle into a barn, He is still wearing a blood stained apron with his massive body covered in tattoos and hair all up his arms and back.. He states, How this is favorite part of being a butcher in that he gets to rip the heads off of these poor helpless creatures and that is what every one in the UWF is, (A poor helpless creature about to have their head ripped off, by "The Butcher" Brute Bernard...[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: D+[/COLOR][/B] Back from break JR has a prerecorded interview with: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/harrysmith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/tjwilson.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]The Canadian Bulldogs[/U][/B] Wilson admits that he is being selfish because he was under the assumption that The Bulldogs were coming here to work as a tag team, and persue tag team glory, but Harry Smith was voted on by the fans to participate for the Universal Title...Smith said this is a great ooportunity for him and after the fact said he would turn tag team action... Wilson retorted. " What if you win it" which Smith replied, Then after you get your title shot we'll go after the tag titles and own all the gold... The two seemed to be on the same page again [B][COLOR="red"]RATED: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]MATCH #2[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]DAVEY RICHARDS & GRAN AKUMA vs JEREMY LOPEZ & TRACEY SMOTHERS[/SIZE][/U][/B] Richards and Akuma made their entrance coming out to [B]ACDC's "T.N.T."[/B] and were called [B]"The Dynamite Express"[/B] by ring announcer Kevin Kelly...Richards wore white trunks w/ a black design and Akuma wore the reverse with Black trunks w/ white design... The both had matching black ring jackets.... Dibiase made a spectacle of how impressive it was to see Tracey Smothers still in action... The Dynamite Express just kicked the hell out of Jeremy Lopez and when Lopez had the chance to tag, Smothers pretended to turn away and argue with the fans each time...Richards would hit a shooting star press on Lopez for the victory....After the pinfall they pulled Smothers into the ring and after a couple of stiff chops he bolted for the dressing room... [B]WINNERS: THE DYNAMITE EXPRESS 5:58 [COLOR="Red"]RATED: D-[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/Richards.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/granakuma.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]EVENT CENTER:[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dinsmore.jpg[/IMG] [I][B]KevinKelly:[/B] Allright fans this Saturday night at Madison Squ..... [B]Dinsmore:[/B] Shut up Kevin Kelly, Do you know who I am... Do you know what I've accomplished...KevinKelly: Well, yeah you played Eugene in the....[B]Dinsmore:[/B] Dont you ever say that name again... You hear me... I dont ever want to hear that name as long as I live... You see its plain and simple as you can see, I'm the sexy man, that all your girlfriends and wives dream about...And the only thing need is one fine piece of jewelry to put around my waste and this Saturday Night at the Garden, will be the night of "Mr. Irresistable"[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]MATCH #3[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]SETH DELAY & MIKEY HENDERSON vs "THE BLOND SQUAD" ACE STEELE & KASEY JAMES[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]w/ Sweet & Sour Larry Sweeney & Vixen of Sweet & Sour International[/SIZE][/B] Sweet and Sour International came to the ring to the music of [B]Kylie Minogue's "More, More, More"[/B] Sweeney hit the ring first and pulled out the oldschool, "Fargo Strut" and got into the face of referee Billy Dalton about not introduing him first... Vixen gave shoulder messages to both Steele & James as the came to the ringin Red Tights and Silver Stars on their backside outlined in black, while wearing Dark Sunglasses. Steele took Delay to school with an amateur wrestling display, they then used all the old-school heel tactics, choking with the ring ring, using the 5 count to its fullest extent on tags, not tagging, but making a clapping sound while ref's back was turned... Mikey finally hot tagged in but The Blond Squad hit a spinebuster combination w/ a fistdrop off the top rope for the pin by James... [B][U]WINNER: "THE BLOND SQUAD" ACE STEELE & KASEY JAMES 5:38 [COLOR="Red"]RATED: D[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/acesteele1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kaseyjames5.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Blue"]EVENT CENTER[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/kevinkelly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/doublec.jpg[/IMG] Claudio is just stroking his beard and smiling for the camera, he begins to flex for the camera, trying to bump Kelly off-screen... [B]KevinKelly:[/B] This Saturday Night, Madison Square Garden, 8 men competing for The Universal Championship including the man standing next to me as voted on by the fans: Claudio Castagnoli ... Claudio do have a strategy going into this big event.. [B]Claudio:[/B] I no go tell you Kelly Kevin, Big plans, Big Plans for Claudio on Saturday.... [B]KevinKelly:[/B] 6 foot 5 235lbs of agile, athletic, technical excellence Claudio Castagnoli will be in the Garden. [B]Claudio[/B]: Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy! [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED: D-[/COLOR][/B] back from break were in the broadcast eagles nest with: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/dibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Jim Ross & Ted Dibiase[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Dibiase starts raving about his qualifications for the Commisionership..."I've wrestled in every major promotion, I've managed in WWE and WCW... I've worked behind the scenes of the WWE... I've started my own religoius wrestling organization, i've preached to thousands... I am an icon of the original UWF.. I've opened up the most elite wrestling training center in the world and I have alot of money..Who else could be a better candidate...[/I] When up to the broadcast eagles nest runs[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/victory.jpg[/IMG] [B]JACK VICTORY[/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]"Listen here Ted Dibiase, money dont mean nothin, I am a UWF original.... Remember when I carried the flag for the Sheepherders... I too have wrestled in big promotions in The WCW and ECW, I've managed all over... I've created my own wrestling league in "World-1 Wrestling" and I'm as Oldschool as it gets...Not to mention I've been in secret talks to bring legends back to the UWF... I should be the first commisioner!!!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Dibiase stands up to Victory,[/COLOR] [B]JR:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fellas, Fellas, no need to get angry right here, lets find out from the man handling the interview process himself, folks we have[/COLOR] [B]Bill Watts[/B] [COLOR="blue"]on the line.[/COLOR] [B]Watts:[/B] [COLOR="blue"][I]Gentlemen its a pleasure for you to have me on and be involved with this selection process, and while both of you fill all the requirements were looking forward, my concern with both of you is having your own agenda.. Ted with the training center and Jack acting as an agent for talent... The man I've selected is just as qualified as the both of you and I will personally introduce him at the Garden this Saturday Night[/I].[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]RATED C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"]MATCH #4[/COLOR][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][U]MARK & JAY BRISCOE vs SCOOT ANDREWS & DAVID YOUNG[/U][/SIZE][/B] Ross calls the match by himself as Dibiase has left the booth, frustrated by the previous events, he is seen talking on his cell phone on the ground level next to the broadcast eagles nest... Ross mentions how this is the 3rd team of 4 teams that will compete for tag tiles this Saturday night... He begins to guess on the potential 4th team, as they have ties to the old UWF, he guesses Sheepherders, Fantastics, Blade Runners, Freebirds, but rules out each team for one reason or another... The Briscoes come out to the ring to [B]Lynnyrd Skynnards "Gimme Back My Bullets"[/B] The Briscoes look sharp in this match and despite some underhandedness by Scoot and Young ... The Briscoes get the victory after Jay Briscoe hits his Jay-Driller for the 3... [B]WINNERS: MARK & JAY BRISCOE 9:37 [COLOR="Red"]RATED: C- [/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/markbriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/jaybriscoe.jpg[/IMG] The Dynamite Express and The Blond Squad creep out from the locker room and begin walking down to ringside as the Briscoes celebrate their victory as the credits roll and TNT goes off the air, with Ross screaming, "We'll see you Saturday Night at The Garden." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Dark Matches: [B]Danny Daniels[/B] beat [B]Alex Porteau [/B] 7:19 [B][COLOR="red"]Rated D[/COLOR][/B] [B]Spiros Stagikas[/B] beat [B]Nelson Creed[/B] 7:29 [B][COLOR="red"]Rated D+[/COLOR][/B] Sell out crowd of 1,000 again at the UWF Arena [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]Overall Rating D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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UWFwrestling.com [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/reduwflogo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]The brackets are up according to UWFwrestling.com: [/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT[/SIZE][/B] [B]This Saturday NIght May 26th at Madison Square Garden[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]1st round[/B][/COLOR] [B]"Mr. Irresistable" Nick Dinsmore vs Charlie Haas Nigel McGuinness vs Paul London Brent Albright vs Claudio Castagnoli Trevor Murdoch vs "Canadian Bulldog" Harry Smith[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]Semifinals[/B][/COLOR]Dinsmore/Haas winner vs [B]McGuinness/London WINNER Albright/Castagnoli winner vs Murdoch/Smith WINNER[/B] [B]Also This Saturday Night 4 team Universal Tag Team Tournamnet including[/B]: The Dynamite Express: Davey Richards & Gran Akuma The Blond Squad of "Sweet & Sour International" : Ace Steele & Kasey ames The Briscoe Brothers: Jay & Mark Briscoe and mystery team, signed by Jack Victory both of who have ties to the old UWF [B]In addition Bill Watts will introduce the 1st commisioner of the new UWF[/B]
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