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Real World Dynasty Of The Month May 2007

Real World Dynasty Of The Month May 2007  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Real World Dynasty Of The Month May 2007

    • NWA: Return to Glory by Wildfire1324
    • WCW: 1993 & Beyond by DocStevens
    • WWE: Rebirth by G-Prime
    • WWE Samy Style Different Direction by sebsy
    • ECW Worldwide by Nevermore
    • World Wrestling Entertainment Destiny Awaits by SHaynes23
    • TNA - A New Era by BIGJOSH
    • WKC - The Ayatollah Returns by Sensai of Mattitude
    • UWF: Universal Takeoff!!! by Oldschool
    • WWF-War by tommytomlin
    • WWE eXcess: The Evolution from The Extreme by berrysi
    • WWE: A New Attitude by Consrvtve, Kimberly and theunforgiven

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Sorry for the double post.....BUT STOP THE VOTING FOR MINE.......Catastrophy has hit my dynasty. I've been having computer problems so I was uninstalling TEW05 to free up alot of room, but I must have zigged when I should have zagged and my whole GDS folder got deleted. Luckily my liscense was okay and I have the game again, but all my data got deleted. So yeah, it sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it.
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so my diary is exmpt from both real world and cornellverse awards, that kinda sucks doesn't it? Not that its very good, but still! [QUOTE]If Destiny Awaits doesnt win, I'll eat Panix's hat! :rolleyes: [/QUOTE] I havn't got a hat, you have eaten it all ready havn't you? Filthy animal, you probably mistook it for a Cornish Pasty!
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thanks for your help! :mad: im sorry to throw my toys out the pram, but i think its a bit daft excluding the two sci-fi diarys because they are not legitimatly real-world diarys! The reason you started this thing was to give some reward for people who dont write Cornellverse dairys wan't it? And now your inflicting that same punishment on people who want to use a mod that's a bit different? I think thats really unfair and if theres no give on that situation, then i won't be partaking in the DOTM competetion anymore. EDIT: When you originally came up with the idea i suggested seperating DOTM into seperate sections and you rejected the idea so either you have changed your mind and you think there should be a , not real world, but not Cornellverse DOTM or you think that anythin that isn't real world or Cornellverse probably shouldn't qualify for receving some kind of ego-boosting reward [QUOTE]Having separate categories just means we'll need more threads... Instead of having just 2 threads per month (Nominations, and Voting (When voting closes, the first post will be changed to the winner, with a link included)) it'll be 4 threads per month (Nominations, DOTT Voting, 90's Voting, Modern Voting and Other Voting), and that'll just clog it up, a lot.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;236453]Fine, if anyone else has a problem with sci-fi not being included, and the dynasties are still around for next month, they can be nominated.[/QUOTE] Thank you! Now help me pick up these toys and out them back in my pram! incidentally mate, its not about being nominated, to be honest my sci-fi diary is just a way to make my own personal game a bit more fun. I just don't like the idea of having sci-fi diarys segragated, i guess im a little over-passionate because I know how much work for guys like James Casey and Crychon went into making that data and i said from the beggining i would feel it was worth the effort if just one diary sprung from it(not including my own), which it has!
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Wow, I didn't even realize I was nominated, so I'm honored despite not having any votes....I'm kind of just getting going, so hopefully the recognition can turn into a new reader or two.. Anyways my vote went to Wildfire's NWA Return to Glory
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I don't mean this to offend anyone nominated but I think there should be some sort of time requirement before a diary can be nominated. If you had went on vacation for a week and then came back, you wouldn't have seen half of the diaries nominated this month. I'm not saying that the new diaries aren't any good and like I said, I'm not writing this to offend anyone I just think that some time should be put in before a diary should be nominated. In reality you could have a diary win that will be gone in a week (I'm not talking about you SHaynes23, your situation is just bad luck.) They may start out like a house of fire then grow bored with it real quickly and give it up. This isn't the Grammies or Oscar's or anything, but it still should mean something. Guys that have been around and put in their time and have sustained a good diary over a long period of time should be rewarded for their efforts. If a diary starts out good then it will probably still be good after a month or two. Anyway that's my two cents worth. Flame away!
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[QUOTE=wrestlinggod;236694]I don't mean this to offend anyone nominated but I think there should be some sort of time requirement before a diary can be nominated. If you had went on vacation for a week and then came back, you wouldn't have seen half of the diaries nominated this month. I'm not saying that the new diaries aren't any good and like I said, I'm not writing this to offend anyone I just think that some time should be put in before a diary should be nominated. In reality you could have a diary win that will be gone in a week (I'm not talking about you SHaynes23, your situation is just bad luck.) They may start out like a house of fire then grow bored with it real quickly and give it up. This isn't the Grammies or Oscar's or anything, but it still should mean something. Guys that have been around and put in their time and have sustained a good diary over a long period of time should be rewarded for their efforts. If a diary starts out good then it will probably still be good after a month or two. Anyway that's my two cents worth. Flame away![/QUOTE] I actually aggree with you. I think we should at least give them a month or two before throwing their names in the pool. I don't mind seeing the same nominee's either, assuming this is done objectively. As long as they meet the pre-requisits (don't have to be HUGE, just something to make sure they are here for more then a week or two). I would like to have the Winner of the month out of the competition for the next month, but I don't have a problem with them being nominated the month after... So if someone is winning every other month, then dag gone it, they deserve the recognition at the end of the year... I wouldn't mind seeing this done like Title's or something as well (For the end of the year). Could have the Heavyweight Title (People that been around a good while), and a Mid Card Champion (anyone else), and a Low Card Champion (New People!).
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[QUOTE=wrestlinggod;236694]I don't mean this to offend anyone nominated but I think there should be some sort of time requirement before a diary can be nominated. If you had went on vacation for a week and then came back, you wouldn't have seen half of the diaries nominated this month. I'm not saying that the new diaries aren't any good and like I said, I'm not writing this to offend anyone I just think that some time should be put in before a diary should be nominated. In reality you could have a diary win that will be gone in a week (I'm not talking about you SHaynes23, your situation is just bad luck.) They may start out like a house of fire then grow bored with it real quickly and give it up. This isn't the Grammies or Oscar's or anything, but it still should mean something. Guys that have been around and put in their time and have sustained a good diary over a long period of time should be rewarded for their efforts. If a diary starts out good then it will probably still be good after a month or two. Anyway that's my two cents worth. Flame away![/QUOTE] You're right... But most of the year, it's not a big issue. The only reason there's so many new dynasties up at the moment is the recent release of T-Zone, as well as major events like ROH's PPV deal and TNA's loss of the NWA Titles. Next month, there might only be one or two new dynasties up. Also, if the dynasty is new, it won't have the fanbase required to win this, like the long-running dynasties do.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;236699]I'm very happy for new diaries to get nominated ;)[/QUOTE] My point (and I thought the original thought) was to just give it a bit and make sure they don't change their mind first... Of course this could be done just by asking "Hey, you going to keep this up, we want to put your diary in the pool". We know your's is there for a while, you stated almost to a T how long your planning on keeping it up. Just asking is probably the best way to do it, upon rethinking it.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;236714]I think it's better to judge diaries on their present quality rather than their predicted longevity. That's what the End Of Year award is for.[/QUOTE] Far as I know there is not an end of the year award yet?!? Anyways, you won me over. I just would hate to vote for someone that does a great job this week, then says "Hey all, I lost interest in this, going to do something else next month" the next week is all.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;236714]I think it's better to judge diaries on their present quality rather than their predicted longevity. That's what the End Of Year award is for.[/QUOTE] I understand your point, but I swear somewhere that winning the DOTM award was a requirement to make it to the end of the year award. So therefore, I guess quality over a long period of time should have a bearing when voting as the present time may have been set up by events played beforehand. I mean someone can have a goal to win a DOTM. That's fine. But what if that is their only goal. I start a diary a week or two before the nomination period. Hype it to the max. Throw cool graphics and controversy out on each show. Get nominated. Go strong for a week during voting. Win the thing. Then once goal is accomplished. Diary ends. I'm not saying that anyone is or has tried to do this. Like I said, I wasn't trying to start something with anyone. I just feel that with so many new diaries starting everyday some of the really good ones are getting lost in the shuffle. As they may be set up for the long haul as opposed to the quick strike ones that will be gone in a couple of weeks if that long. For the record, I have enjoyed your diary to this point. I understand that you have a specific time table for it to run, I don't have a problem with that. That being said, if you plan on your's running 2-3 months you are okay with jamming constant action and turns and swerves and quick controversial storylines; whereas someone who plans on carrying on a diary for 6 months or more may pace themselves a little more and honestly make it a little more realistic in terms of how actual storylines would play out in real life. Hint. Forshadow. Slow build to a climax. Move on to the next storyline. And so forth. Again I didn't mean to offend anyone. Just my opinion. That doesn't make it wrong just because we don't share it.
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What you just explained there is what I was trying to do. I didn't set out to win anything. I had a WWE dynasty before that lasted somewhere around 4 or 5 months, and I wanted to go back to that style. I was pacing myself well, not rushing into anything....them BAM, whole GDS folder gets whiped clean. I'm really sorry to throw a wrench into this, but I do not feel like it would be right for me to win it with a dynasty that is gone anyways.
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