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BHOTWG 1975 - The Kitozon Years

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/5036/internetta1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/IMG] No backstory really this time, as I suck at doing them. I am taking a break from my T-Zone diaries, so apologies for the lack of posts in them, as I am now in full GCSE Exam flow, as soon as I have a long stretch of free time, I will update them as much as possible. I also wanted another shot with the Cornellverse, and with the release of the 1975 mod, I was eager to try one of the promotions. [B][U]Active Roster:[/U][/B] [U]Main Event[/U] Connor Thompson - Face Dayu Ichihara - Heel Elemental - Face Master Kitozon - Face Seison Yamanaka - Face Toshiro Saito - Heel [U]Upper Midcard[/U] Hitoshi Higa - Heel Onishiki - Heel Paul Kingsley - Heel Shikimara Mibu - Heel Shogo Takani - Heel Tatsuku Nandaba - Face [U]Midcard[/U] Akahashi Kuno - Face Akira Shirou - Heel Atshushi Nagamichi - Face Bishima - Heel Cobra - Heel DEMON Yukata - Heel Kenji Fukamura - Face Kiba Izumi - Heel Tatsumaki Mibu - Heel Viper - Heel [U]Lower Midcard[/U] Byron Valmont - Heel Eiji Kiriyama - Heel Noryoshi Sanada - Face Yatoji Kusanagi - Heel Yuto Ijima - Face [U]Opener[/U] Kazuo Mitsushi - Heel Osei Khama - Heel Stunner Okazawaya - Face [U]Enhancement Talent[/U] Flash Asagi - Face Sejiro Orinichi - Heel [U][B]Staff[/B][/U] Ando Musashi - Announcer Idetada Watanabe - Owner/Authority Figure Nobuhiro Warada - Referee Shuichi Yamagato - Referee Wada Kamahashi - Road Agent [U][B]Champions[/B][/U] [U]Burning World Championship[/U] Prestige: 95% [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] [U]Master Kitozon (2)[/U] Won: September 1972 From: Dayu Ichihara [U]Burning Japanese Tag Team[/U] Prestige: 58% [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] [U]The Mibu Ronin (Shikimara & Tatsumaki Mibu) (2)[/U] Won: October 1974 From: Atsushi Nagamichi & Kenji Fukamura [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] We are almost 3 weeks away from Fire Dream of the Immortals, our huge event for March, and it looks set to amaze the crowd once again, as we will have some of the biggest names in Japan today clashing head to head to make sure the fans go home happy. In worker news, a new 21 year old rookie by the name of Danger Kumasaka, a protege of our very own Master Kitozon, has signed on with BHOTWG full time, and will most likely make his debut sometime soon. [U]Card for our Blockbuster Tour Sunday show[/U] Byron Valmont vs. Noriyoshi Sanada Akahashi Kuno vs. Akira Shirou Shikimara Mibu vs. Tatsuku Nandaba Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Woot! Somebody interested in my Japanese scene! Will absolutely, no doubt be reading this one with a massive amount of vested interest! GNASHER UDO = RATINGS! :D Predictions: Byron Valmont vs. [b]Noriyoshi Sanada[/b] [b]Akahashi Kuno[/b] vs. Akira Shirou Shikimara Mibu vs. [b]Tatsuku Nandaba[/b] [b]Toshiro Saito[/b] vs. Connor Thompson
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Sunday, Week 1, March 1975 Held in front of 5000 at the Kanagawa Sports Field [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Kazuo Mitsushi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] A very solid opening match from both men. Stunner tried to work over Kazuo in the early goings, but Kazuo kept coming back with explosive amount of energy, hitting big move after big move, but never being able to get the pinfall on Stunner. Stunner eventually gained control after he countered a suplex and drove Kazuo to the mat with a quick DDT. He then stomped away at his chest before hitting a leg drop on the throat of Kazuo. He went for a quick pin, but only got a two count. Kazuo once again bounded up and hit a vicious dropkick on Stunner, sending him crashing down to the mat. Kazuo then locked in a tight leg lock, but Stunner was able to stretch himself, showing obvious pain, and grabbed hold of the ropes, refusing to let go. Kazuo was forced to release it, but he became confident, so he turned around and began to yell into the air from adrenaline. But while he wasted time, Stunner Okazawaya had gotten up and was preparing for him. When Kazuo turned around, he was hit with a clothesline, and then another, before getting dropped with a snap suplex. Stunner then began to jump up and down, before grabbing Kazuo’s head as he stood up, and nailing the Okazawaya Stunner. He went for the pin, and the referee slapped the mat. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]They didn’t click at all, so I wonder what would have happened if they had great chemistry??[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Byron Valmont vs. Noriyoshi Sanada[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] Byron used his high flying prowess to his advantage here, wowing the crowd with move after move. But Noriyoshi showed his experience advantage, by managing to counter a move, or move out of the way as he knew what was coming. Noriyoshi constantly tried to ground Byron, as he knew if he took away his aerial ability, he would be easy pickings. Byron got caught after going for a cross body, and was slammed to the mat by Sanada. Sanada then put Byron in the armbar, and Byron kept trying to fight it, and managed to flip over and kick at Sanada until he was out of the hold. Noriyoshi regained his composure very quickly however, and rocked Byron with a few punches, then flipped him over with a suplex. He then pulled Byron to the middle of the ring, and grabbed his legs. He signalled to the crowd, who noticed what was coming and began to cheer, he then locked in the Sanada Pyramid, a modified Boston Crab/Cloverleaf submission. He stayed where he was, and even sat down on Byron, applying even more pressure to the painful hold. Byron desperately tried to struggle, but eventually gave in and tapped away at the mat, almost begging for Sanada to stop. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission [b]C-[/b] – [i]No chemistry yet again[/i] [B][U]Match 3:[/b]Akahashi Kuno vs. Akira Shirou[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] This was a very good blend of styles here, with Akahashi bringing the flying and technical side of wrestling, and Akira bringing the power and brawling. Akira used his vastly superior power and punching skills to pretty much gain complete control over Kuno, who was unable to withstand the attack. Akira then picked up Kuno, and put him in a vertical position, and dropped him down with a vicious suplex, he rolled over to try for a pin, but Kuno showed his determination by kicking out at 1. Akira was understandably angry, and began to pound away at Akahashi. Kuno was unable to fend off the attack once more, and succumbed to blow after blow to the head. Akira then picked him up and whipped him into the ropes, but Kuno regained his form and flipped over Akira on his own, and then dropkicked Akira in the back of the head. This made the crowd begin to really cheer for Kuno, as Kuno used his superior speed and athleticism to keep away from Akira. Kuno went up top after knocking Akira to the outside, and nailed a head scissors takedown to Akira, once again sending the fans into a frenzy. Akira managed to reverse a whip attempt with a short-arm clothesline, before rolling Kuno back into the ring. He then waited for him to get up, before dropping him with a fast and powerful Powerbomb. Kuno bounced off of the mat, and had no energy left to kick out. [b]Winner:[/b] Akira Shirou by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]There was a lack of selling evident here, but it was still a better match than I expected[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Bishima vs. Atsushi Nagamichi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] Bishima was met with a huge amount of boos as soon as he came out, as he is commonly viewed as the evil version of Elemental, due to his amazing high flying skill. Atsushi used the common technique of grounding Bishima, trying to take away all of his skill. But Atsushi was met with a surprising fact, Bishima was able to hold his own on the mat, but couldn’t quite lock in the right submissions. Atsushi managed to hold against Bishima’s aerial assault, and hit a quick, yet decisive, strong punch to the back of the head of Bishima, stopping his momentum dead. Atsushi then followed this up with a few routine explosive suplexes, keen on keeping his control. But Bishima was able to land on his feet after a belly-to-belly attempt, and kicked Atsushi right in the back of the head, he then hit a nice looking standing moonsault, something which caught the crowd completely off guard. Atsushi stumbled to his feet, barely able to see straight after Bishima’s kick, and was met with another, this time right to the face. Bishima then went up top, and tried to get the fans to cheer for him, but yet again only got boos from them. This only served to make him more energised, and his came off of the top with a Moonsault, something Bishima calls the Evil Splash. Atsushi had the wind taken out of him with that, and was unable to kick out. [b]Winner:[/b] Bishima by pinfall [b]C[/b] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Shikimara Mibu vs. Tatsuku Nandaba[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] Shikimara & Tatsuku are some of our heaviest hitters in the whole of the company, and Tatsuku has yet to be beaten in an exchange of blows. First off, both of these big men tried to psyche out the other by posing and taunting each other, eventually Tatsuku, who the crowd were solidly behind, got bored of Shikimara’s pathetic attempts at getting support, and blindsided him with a single punch right to the temple. Shikimara was spun around by this, and collapsed to the floor. The crowd laughed and applauded Tatsuku, who began to stomp away at Shikimara’s chest. Mibu was able to get up and overpowered Tatsuku, slamming him to the mat to stop his momentum. Mibu then punched and punched away, eager to be the first to out punch Tatsuku, but Tatsuku grabbed his fist and pushed him away, before again flooring him with a punch to the temple. Tatsuku then managed to stand up and got the crowd into him again, while waiting for Shikimara to get up, and when he did, he was met with a Full Swing Lariat, which sent Mibu crashing right into the mat. Tatsuku kept his arm around the throat so he could get the pin, and got the impressive victory here tonight. [b]Winner:[/b] Tatsuku Nandaba by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Toshiro Saito vs. Connor Thompson.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] Toshiro & Connor really went head to head in a vicious matchup, both trying to cause the other damage to try and take them out of the title picture. Toshiro dominated the first part of the match, taking down Connor with a huge suplex, and then pounding away at the chest and head of Connor. Connor managed to cover up and kicked Toshiro over, before leaping up and dropping him with a lariat. Toshiro crashed to the mat, and Connor went for a pin, but it only got a 1 count, as Toshiro showed his resilience by kicking out. Toshiro and Connor brawled for a few moments, with Connor getting loud cheers every time he got a punch in, but Toshiro proved to be too powerful and after gaining control, he kept throwing punches, before throwing Connor over with a belly-to-belly suplex, and then picking him up and nailing a snap suplex. Toshiro went for another suplex, but Connor kicked him in the gut, and took him over with his own suplex. Connor then kicked away at the chest of Toshiro, before picking him up and going for a DDT. Toshiro powered out of it and nailed Connor with a spinning Spinebuster, but only got a 2 count when he went for a pin. Connor was out of breath, so Toshiro took this time to think of what to do next. Connor got up before he realised however, and Toshiro was met with a huge clothesline, then with a lariat which practically flipped the big man over. Connor went for the pinfall, but only got a 2 count. Toshiro then powered out of the pin, and began to punch away at Connor, taking him down to the mat. He then picked Connor up once more and whipped him into the ropes. Connor came back and went flying over Toshiro with a back body drop. Connor crashed with a thud while Toshiro taunted the crowd. Toshiro then picked up Connor and held him high above his head, showing his immense power, he took a little too long however, as Connor dropped down and kicked Toshiro in the back, before dropping him with a reverse DDT. Connor then scouted Toshiro, and caught him with the Thunder from Down Under. He went for the pinfall and got the hard fought victory over Toshiro Saito. [b]Winner:[/b] Connor Thompson by pinfall [b]B+[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] We may have lost a little bit of popularity, but we gained 158,800 from this show, if we keep going like this we will be doing well.[/center]
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[CENTER] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] We had a good debut show for the Blockbuster tour, with Connor Thompson fighting his very hardest against Toshiro Saito and managing to pick up the win, as well as the young star Stunner Okazawaya getting a victory over Kazuo Mitsushi. In worker news, BHOTWG have looked to expand their Super Junior division with two tour signings, Gnasher Udo & Edo Phoenix. Also, Naoshi Shinomori has been signed to a touring contract, and is set to debut in the weeks leading up to Fire Dream of the Immortals. [U]Card for our Blockbuster Tour Sunday show[/U] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Danger Kumasaka Gnasher Udo vs. Akahashi Kuno DEMON Yukata vs. Tatsuku Nandaba Shogo Takani vs. Kenji Fukamura Dayu Ichihara vs. Seison Yamanaka [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Great first show; I'm loving the write up style, the detail you're putting into the matches, and the fact that I get to see my pictures in someone's diary :D Some tough luck with the low chemistry notes early on in the card, but you picked up steam later on... Saito & Thompson put on a better main event than I would've anticipated! Looking forward to the first appearances of Kitozon & Elemental, who I hope will earn you the match ratings they should be delivering! Oh, and it's actually [b]Tasuku[/b] Nandaba, not [b]Tatsuku[/b]. But hey, I forget their names half the time myself! [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Danger Kumasaka [i]Should be a good matchup here, but the rookie's gotta pay his dues I think.[/i] [b]Gnasher Udo[/b] vs. Akahashi Kuno [i]It's pretty unlikely really, but in this case I'll pick the guy I'd like to see win... push Udo to the moon, 'young lion' rule be damned! :p [/i] DEMON Yukata vs. [b]Tatsuku Nandaba[/b] [i]Nandaba's got the skills of a future champ, no doubt. Yukata's bad ass though, I think if you were to make a Junior Title he'd be an awesome twist first champ![/i] Shogo Takani vs. [b]Kenji Fukamura[/b] [i]Young guys FTW!~ Shogo I think may be on his way down the card, as he's older and may soon begin to have stamina issues.[/i] [b]Dayu Ichihara[/b] vs. Seison Yamanaka [i]Toughest of the lot to call, by far! In the end it comes down to who is higher on the pecking order at the moment, and Ichihara vs Kitozon is likely the big money match you'll be relying on at least until some of the young bulls develop.[/i]
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Sunday, Week 2, March 1975 Held in front of 5000 at the Sapporo Sports Park [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Naoshi Shinomori[/u] [i]A good beginning match for Naoshi, and he gained a lot of experience working with the technical master Noriyoshi Sanada. Noriyoshi pretty much dominated this one and ended it in about 5 minutes with the Sanada Pyramid[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Flash Asagi vs. Kiba Izumi[/u] [i]Another good pre-show match to get the fans energized with some high flying from Flash. Kiba showed his animalistic style that the fans like, decimating Asagi in the later portion of the match, finishing it off at 5:34 with a Feral Ankle Lock[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kiba Izumi by submission [b]C[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Danger Kumasaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Danger.jpg[/IMG] A disappointing opening match, but it served it’s purpose nonetheless, as it showed just how dangerous Kumasaka can be. Stunner fell quickly in the early goings, with Kumasaka throwing him over his head with belly-to-belly suplexes constantly. Stunner was barely ever able to get a breather, only getting one after reversing a back drop into a reverse DDT. He rolled to the outside and tried to rethink his game, trying to find a way to keep Kumasaka from gaining momentum. He eventually rolled back in as Danger got up, and began to kick away at his back, before bouncing off of the ropes and coming back with a clothesline, he then went for a pin, trying to end the match quickly, but only got a 1 count, and Danger shoved Okazawaya away and began to kick away at him. Kumasaka picked up Stunner and whipped him into the ropes, and then caught one of his arms before nailing a clothesline, he then pulled Stunner up using that arm, and then took Stunner down with a Flatliner. Kumasaka was preparing to take out Stunner with a Danger Zone Driver, but Stunner reversed that and dropkicked Kumasaka, sending him to the outside. Stunner then gathered his time and waited for Kumasaka to come back, and when he did, we went straight to work, kicking at anything he could kick, often flailing his arms around to try and ground Kumasaka. But Kumasaka simply blocked and burst through Stunner’s defences, taking him off of his feet with a huge Spear! Kumaska went for the pin, but only got a 2 count, which made him lose his temper, and he was very close to assaulting the referee when Stunner tapped him on the shoulder, and when Kumasaka turned around, he dropped him with the Okazawaya Stunner, and got the quick pinfall. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall [b]D+[/b] – [i]They didn’t click at all, so it brought the match down, disappointing debut for Danger Kumasaka, but that was mainly because he is completely unknown.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Akira Shirou vs. Yuto Ijima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/yutoijima.jpg[/IMG]] Yuto & Akira provided a good fight between two heavy hitters. Akira showed his power by practically tossing Yuto, a fairly heavy man, right over the top rope. He then went to the outside and pummelled Yuto’s head right into the apron, before forcing him back into the ring. Akira then lifted him up and dropped him with a spinebuster, and went for a pinfall, but only got a 2 count. Yuto then came back and began to brawl with Akira, eager to overpower him, but to no avail, he managed to take Akira down to the mat with a big spear, but that took most of Yuto’s energy and he fell prey to a clothesline, and then a massive lariat from Akira, which took him right to the mat and almost got a 3 count for Akira, but Yuto kicked out at the very last minute. Akira was getting angry Yuto, and so planned to put him away with the Akira Bomb, the move that almost broke Akahashi Kuno in two with the force of it last week, but Yuto proved too big and heavy to do the move to, and Yuto countered by punching him in the face, and then dropping to ground level and hitting Akira with a DDT. Yuto then picked up Akira and went for a delayed vertical suplex, which lasted about 10 seconds, before Akira dropped behind Yuto before spinning him around and punching him right in the temple as he spun. Akira then picked up the dazed Yuto and drove him to the mat with the Akira Bomb, and got the 3. [b]Winner:[/b] Akira Shirou by pinfall [b]C[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b]Gnasher Udo vs. Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] A good match between these two Super Juniors, and a very good debut for Gnasher Udo, which has definitely earned him a spot on the main roster as soon as the tour is over. Akahashi & Udo amazed the crowd with the soon-to-be classic cruiserweight-style trading pins and high flying moves in order to get the crowd into the match right away. Akahashi then took down Udo with an enziguri, and while Udo still staggered, dropped him with a head scissors. Kuno then went up top and tried to go for a missile dropkick, but Udo crotched him on the top rope, which gave him instant boos from the crowd. Udo used this to his advantage and began to taunt the crowd, before seemingly biting Kuno’s head. He then flipped backwards and pulled Kuno down from the top rope with him in a Super Head Scissors, sending both men crashing to the mat, driving the fans nuts. Udo was the first up, and went for a pin, but only got a 2 count, before getting a kick to the head from Kuno. Kuno then hopped up and began to kick and punch at Udo, who fell to the mat and tried to cover up, but to no avail. Kuno then took the match to the mat, locking in a painful looking rear naked choke on Udo, who tried to reach for the ropes, but he was too far away. Udo was desperate to escape, so he bit down on Kuno’s arm, instantly making him release and scream out in pain. Udo went up to the top rope, and came down with amazing grace, landing a beautiful moonsault on Kuno, who was writhing on the mat. Udo went for the pin. 1… 2… But Kuno got the shoulder up, causing Kuno to look on in disbelief as the crowd were cheering for Kuno to get back up. Kuno showed his athleticism by kipping up and hitting Udo with an enziguri before he even realised Kuno was up. Kuno then waited for Udo to get up, before picking him up and driving him to the mat with a Kuno Driver, a Michinoku Driver, and went for the pin. 1… 2… But Udo kicked out, causing Kuno to go to the top rope as a last resort. He leapt off of the top with a Shooting Star Press, and connected, bouncing off of Udo with the impact. He went for the pin, and managed to get the 3 count, with Udo coming to shortly after the pinfall was made. [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]I’m really beginning to like these juniors, expect a title to be formed soon, so there is a reason for them to be around.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] DEMON Yukata vs. Tasuku Nandaba[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] Tasuku came down to the ring receiving huge cheers, with many fans remembering his solid beatdown of Shikimara Mibu last week, not an easy feat to accomplish. Yukata came out to a fair amount of boos, mainly due to his bad ass look, but also the fact the crowd liked Tasuku more. Tasuku and Yukata tied up after the bell rang, with Yukata getting the early control after psyching out Tasuku, a man bigger than him in terms of height and weight, and punched away at the stomach of Tasuku. Tasuku then regained his form and began to take the blows to the stomach as a sort of challenge. Every time he got punched, he just yelled for another blow. After 5 or 6 blows, he sent Yukata flying with a roundhouse punch of his own. The crowd cheered instantly, and Tasuku then quickly went over to Yukata and began to pummel away at the smaller man’s head. Yukata covered up briefly, before being overpowered, and having his head bounce off of the mat with each punch. Tasuku then picked up the dazed Yukata and dropped him with a suplex, then picked him up again and hit a sit-out front suplex. Yukata flipped over with the impact, and Tasuku went for the pin. But he only got a 2 count, and Yukata rolled out of the ring to gain some breath. Tasuku waited for him, and when Yukata came back into the ring, he flipped over him, showing his great athleticism, considering he is a heavy man, and drove him down with a double axe handle to the back. Tasuku then hit Yukata with several crossface punches. He then picked up Yukata by his throat, and dropped him with a Sit-out Choke Bomb. But this again only got a 2 count, Yukata then stood up and began to get punched by Tasuku, getting dropped by a 5th punch straight to the jaw. But he got back up, and locked up with Tasuku, before picking him up, a surprising feat, and hitting him with a huge backbreaker. Tasuku writhed on the mat, causing Yukata to laugh, and the crowd gave him a huge amount of boos. Tasuku managed to recover quicker than Yukata expected though, and drilled Yukata into the mat with a Back Suplex. He then readied himself in the corner, and stampeded right through Yakuta with the Full Swing Lariat when he got up, and once again kept the arm across the throat to get the pinfall. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [i]- Tasuku impresses me again, he is definitely going to be a star sometime soon, he just needs to get a little better performance skills.[/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Shogo Takani vs. Kenji Fukamura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] Shogo and Kenji lifted my confidence in both of them here tonight, as they produced a great match. Shogo showed why he was once one of the most feared mat workers around, when he instantly began to work on the leg of Kenji, kicking away at the knee as he kept out of the way of Kenji, before dropping him with a DDT. Kenji managed to come to his own on the mat, but was far from a match for Shogo, who pretty much reversed every move he tried and locked him in a more painful version. There was an example where Kenji tried to go for a step-over leg lock, but Shogo rolled through and put Kenji in it, and he would of won the match with it most likely, but Kenji landed near the ropes fortunately, and forced Shogo to release the hold before some serious damage could have been done. Shogo then took control for the rest of the match, using his vastly superior experience of wrestling to keep Kenji down and away from getting any momentum whatsoever. Kenji only really managed to gain momentum once, after Shogo got too confident and went for a delayed suplex, allowing the athletic Kenji to flip down and back kick Shogo in the back of the head, he then pulled him over to the center of the ring and ran into the ropes, before coming back with a beautiful elbow drop straight to the sternum. Shogo rolled around on the mat as Kenji posed and made sure everybody realised how good he was. When he turned around however, Shogo was ready and took him down by kicking the back of his knees in a rather amazing stretchy style. Shogo then grabbed hold of Kenji’s ankle, and began to twist it. Kenji screamed in pain, and desperately tried to reach all four of the ropes, one after another after Shogo pulled him back each time. Shogo then pulled him right back to the middle of the ring, and laid down, wrapping his legs around the thigh of Kenji, and tightening the lock, before really twisting the ankle, locking in the Twisting Of the Knife. Kenji was in huge amounts of pain, and had no choice but to tap out. [b]Winner:[/b] Shogo Takani by submission [b]B[/b] [i]- Very good match, though I’m not surprised considering both the talent and popularity with these two.[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Dayu Ichihara vs. Seison Yamanaka.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] Dayu & Seison got huge pops as soon as they emerged from the back, with Seison getting the cheers, while Dayu got the boos, as the fans still remember he was the guy who beat Kitozon for the World title years ago. Seison gave up a little bit of his advantage due to being smaller than Dayu, but his mat skills really helped him. Dayu got the early advantage, using his vast knowledge of Seison, having worked with Kitozon in the past and guessing Seison would be like him, to overpower and predict the moves Seison was going to do. Dayu counted a side kick, catching the leg and flipped Seison over. As Seison got up, he then powered him over with a Northern Lights Driver, but didn’t go for the pinfall. Seison rolled around before getting up, only to be met with a Full Nelson Suplex out of nowhere from Dayu. Dayu went for the pin, but got a 2 count, and Seison managed to somehow manoeuvre Dayu into a bow and arrow lock, almost snapping the bigger man in two. The fans were cheering Seison on eagerly, wanting him to make Dayu suffer, but Dayu eventually showed his great strength by turning over and picking up Seison, then dropped him to the mat with a Pumphandle Slam. He went for a cautious pin, but got a 1 count, if that at all. He quickly moved out of the way of Seison, before kicking away at his sternum, eager to knock the breath out of him. Seison managed to withstand the assault long enough to grab Dayu’s leg and pull him over with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip, and then kept hold of the leg, flipping Dayu over and going for an STF. Dayu managed to escape it, but Seison went right back on the attack, wanting to make sure Dayu understood why he was Kitozon’s student. He quickly pulled Dayu back to the mat, and went for the Red Sun Rising, but Dayu managed to counter it before he was able to finish the hold, and so pulled Seison down to the mat himself. He then put him in a Crossface hold, but Seison rolled out of it, Seison then tried to go for the hold himself, but Dayu overpowered him and shoved him away. Both men stood up and received vast applause from the crowd. Seison used his smaller size to outrun Dayu for a little while, before charging in and getting in a tie up, and grabbing Dayu’s arm, he twisted it and yanked at the joint several times, before hitting the elbow with several punches and elbows. Dayu showed pain, but turned and knocked Seison out of his boots with a clothesline, instantly gaining momentum, but from then on he began to favour his elbow, delivering blows with his left arm instead. Seison was confident that he was going to win, and began to kick away at Dayu’s weak elbow, but this just served to anger Dayu, who trampled him with a shoulder block, and then locked in a surfboard on Seison. Seison used Dayu’s weak elbow against him however, and easily escaped, daring Dayu to try again. Dayu just ran him over with a lariat, but he used his right arm, so he instantly grabbed it in pain and rolled to the outside. Seison used this time to recover, and Dayu returned inside the ring before the referee had counted to 6, and Seison tried to roll him over and get him in the Red Sun Rising, but Dayu stayed put, and instead, out of nowhere, connected with the Ichihara Power Drive. The fans went nuts as Dayu made the cover. 1… 2… 3 Dayu had picked up the hard fought victory in a possible match of the year for BHOTWG. [b]Winner:[/b] Dayu Ichihara by pinfall [b]A[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [b]Notes:[/b] We were in a region where we didn’t have as much popularity, but we still made 106,850 from this show, probably a bit more if I didn’t use the touring guys. No comments on popularity growth, which means I am doing something right, but not doing good enough haha. [/center]
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[CENTER] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A fantastic show for us last night, as we are but 5 days away from Fire Dream of the Immortals. We have one last stop before then, moving our Sunday show to the Thursday. The #1 contendership will be decided, and the tag team championships will be on the line, as the Mibu Ronin take on Atsushi Nagamichi & Kenji Fukamura. In worker news, BHOTWG have signed Bulgarian Alexander Tomov to compete throughout the tour. He is known as being incredibly intense and skilled on the mat, being a former 3x World Gold medalist and a Olympic Silver medalist in amateur wrestling, and so he should fit right in to the roster. [U]Card for our Blockbuster Tour Thursday show[/U] Sejiro Orinichi vs. Stunner Okazawaya Edo Phoenix vs. Gnasher Udo Mibu Ronin(c) vs. Nagamichi & Fukamura for the Burning Tag Team titles. Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani Tasuku Nandaba vs. Dayu Ichihara for a Burning World Championship shot at Fire Dream of the Immortals. [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Sejiro Orinichi vs. [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] Edo Phoenix vs. [B]Gnasher Udo[/B] [B]Mibu Ronin[/B](c) vs. Nagamichi & Fukamura for the Burning Tag Team titles. [B]Paul Kingsley[/B] vs. Shogo Takani Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] for a Burning World Championship shot at Fire Dream of the Immortals.
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Awesome! Sejiro Orinichi vs. [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] Edo Phoenix vs. [B]Gnasher Udo[/B] (just based on his picture alone I'm a mark. :) ) [B]Mibu Ronin(c)[/B] vs. Nagamichi & Fukamura for the Burning Tag Team titles. Paul Kingsley vs. [B]Shogo Takani[/B] Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] for a Burning World Championship shot at Fire Dream of the Immortals.
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Great show, and an awesome main event (both write-up wise and ratings wise)! Can't wait for more, especially the first appearance of Master Kitozon at Fire Dreams (I'm sure he won't disappoint you!) :D Loving the diary dude! Sejiro Orinichi vs. [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] [i]Stunner has been on a good run lately, and thanks to his relatively well-developed performance skills could be a great asset to your potential future lightweight division. Seijiro has potential, but with your roster additions is way down on the list.[/i] [b]Edo Phoenix[/b] vs. Gnasher Udo [i]As much as I love Gnasher Udo (my picture has a mark! woot!), Edo Phoenix has the popularity and respect advantage going in; I'd definitely like to see Gnasher win, as I think if developed right he'll probably be the second best Japanese high flier until Optimus debuts, but this time I'll go with the safe bet rather than the win I want to see.[/i] [b]Mibu Ronin(c)[/b] vs. Nagamichi & Fukamura for the Burning Tag Team titles. [i]Having the Mibu lose their titles on their first defense would be an interesting turn of events, but it just seems statistically unlikely. [/i] Paul Kingsley vs. [b]Shogo Takani[/b] [i]Now here's a tough one to call. Do you go with the younger, talented worker with backstage liabilities, or with the still-quite-talented veteran who you seem to be giving a bit of a push? In the end, I just picked with my gut and said Takani, but I like the matchup as it's one that can be justified, booking-wise, either way.[/i] [b]Tasuku Nandaba[/b] vs. Dayu Ichihara for a Burning World Championship shot at Fire Dream of the Immortals. [i]Tough to call; Nandaba would most likely benefit from a slower push into the main event scene, but Ichihara may well need to be isolated from Kitozon until a bigger event comes along to main event. I honestly think it'll be Ichihara re-starting the main event series between himself and Kitozon, but since everyone else is counting Tasuku out I'll throw caution to the wind! [/i]
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 3, March 1975 Held in front of 5000 at the Akita Stadium [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Danger Kumasaka[/u] [i]A very good pre-show match, that really should have been on the main card. Kumasaka showed how dangerous he really is, taking control over Sanada a couple of times, but in the end he was unable to escape the Sanada Pyramid[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission [b]B-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Flash Asagi vs. Alexander Tomov[/u] [i]Flash tried to outrun the bigger man, but Tomov was able to ground him early on, and pretty much dominated from then on. Tomov taught Asagi a great deal about the basics, and came out with a win after 2:48.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]C-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Osei Khama vs. Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/oseikhama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] Akahashi was eager to get the early victory here tonight, wanting to impress the management the night before Fire Dream of the Immortals. Osei Khama gave his all here tonight as well, but it was not enough to overpower the faster Kuno. Osei managed to get control of the match right away by shoving Kuno away from him, and when he came back, levelled him with a clothesline. Osei then picked up Kuno and proceeded to punch away, making sure Kuno didn’t fall down however, before picking him up and slamming him down with a spinebuster. Kuno bounced off of the mat, and Osei went for the pin, but only got a 2 count. Kuno pushed the larger man away, before leaping up and dropkicking him in the back, sending his head into the mat. When he came to, he hit an enziguri from behind, once again sending Osei into the mat. Kuno then went up top and was eager to finish the match, but Osei powered him off of the turnbuckle and down to the mat with a powerslam. Kuno grabbed his back, as Osei went for another pin, but again only got a 2 count. He then picked up Kuno, and dropped him on his head with a vicious back suplex, before lifting him up once more and driving him down with a piledriver. This would have finished the match, but Osei got a bit too confident, and simply stood on Kuno’s chest for a pinfall. Kuno then kicked away at the leg, before using his strong legs to pull Osei to the mat, and then drove his knee into Osei’s face with a Shining Wizard, called the Glittering Magician. This got the pinfall as Osei was too dazed to kick out. [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]Good opening match, Osei impressed, although it was probably because he was facing Kuno.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Sejiro Orinichi vs. Stunner Okazawaya[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/seijiroorinichi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] Stunner Okazawaya kept his impressive match quality steak with this match, bringing the relatively unknown, but fairly talented Sejiro Orinichi to a pretty good match. Sejiro used his superior aerial skills to his advantage, keeping out of reach of Stunner, and then coming down with a big move to keep his momentum going. Sejiro made one move too many however, as Stunner evaded a missile dropkick, causing Sejiro to crash to the mat and writhe in pain as he grabbed his legs. Stunner then stomped away at the chest of Sejiro, before grabbing his head and locking him in a tight rear chinlock. Sejiro tried and tried to get out of the hold, only managing to do so after hooking his leg around the bottom rope. Stunner just threw his head into the mat, and stomped away at this chest as little more. Stunner then went into the ropes and dropped his knee across the face of Sejiro, and then hit a leg drop. He went for a quick pin, but Sejiro kicked out at 2, so Stunner just picked him up, and dropped him with a beautiful dropkick right to the chest. Stunner then came back off of the ropes and dropped the knee into Sejiro’s face, and went to do the same with his elbow, but Sejiro moved out of the way. He then ran up top as Stunner held his elbow, and when Stunner turned around, Sejiro sprang off of the top rope and connected with a head scissors, causing Stunner to bounce off of the mat with the impact, and making the crowd applaud his move. Sejiro then tried to go up top again and finish it with a Fire Driver, but Stunner reversed it and came down behind him, he then quickly hit a Reverse Okazawaya Stunner on Sejiro, who grabbed his head, and went for the pin. He got the victory as Sejiro was in too much pain to kick out. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b]Edo Phoenix vs. Gnasher Udo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] A good match between these two. Edo started off with the advantage by outrunning Udo, and then kicking him right in the back of the head, he then flipped over Udo and hit a jawbreaker, before then pulled Udo up and nailing him with a dropkick to the face. Udo was dazed by this sudden series of attacks, and as Edo went for the pinfall, was only just able to kickout. Edo then went up top and waited for Udo to get up, before flying across the ring incredibly gracefully and nailing a hesitation Missile Dropkick to the back of Udo’s head. He went for another pin, but yet again only got 2 as Udo was too resilient to lose already. Edo then waited for Udo to get up, before dropping him with a twisting neckbreaker, and he then locked in body scissors on Udo. Udo was in pain, and reached out for the ropes which he just couldn’t get to. Eventually he had to use his strangely shaped teeth to bite Edo and make him let go, gaining him recovery time. Edo grabbed his arm and began to complain to the referee as that was surely against the rules. Udo used this time to go up to the top rope and come down with a dropkick to the back of Edo, but this caused Edo to fall over into the referee, who went over the top rope. Udo panicked at this sight, but then smiled evilly. He went outside and brought in a chair from the crowd. The crowd began to boo him heavily, as Edo didn’t know what was happening. He noticed the referee on the outside and stared in disbelief. He turned around and was nailed by Udo with the chair. Udo jumped around with glee and went up top. He came back down with a Shooting Star Press Leg Drop, the Udo Press. He went for the pin but there was still no referee. Eventually another referee ran down to the make the count, but Edo kicked out!! Udo was furious, and argued with the referee as to why he wasn’t there sooner. Edo used this time to nail Udo with a reverse Head Scissors and went up top. He then hit a Twisting Shooting Star Press, the Blaze of Glory. This amazed the fans, who were all out of their seats. He went for the pinfall, but Udo shoved him off just in time. Edo was furious himself and threw Udo over the top rope. Both men brawled and kicked at each other, not paying attention to the 10 count going on in the ring. The referee reached 10 and ended the match, declaring it a draw as Edo & Udo still fought on the outside. Edo hit the exclamation point however, dropping Udo on the floor outside with a T-bone Suplex. [b]Winner:[/b] Draw [b]C+[/b] – [i]A good match, Edo suggested I make him come out better, but that meant putting him over Udo, which I didn’t really feel like doing.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Mibu Ronin© vs. Nagamichi & Fukamura For the Burning Japanese Tag Team championships[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] The Mibu Ronin were their usual dominant selves here this week. Fukamura & Nagamichi were equally as vicious; eager to take back the belts they lost many moons ago. Shikimara Mibu & Kenji Fukamura started off. Kenji showed off his superior all-round talent by managing to somehow ground the big man, and locked him in a tight reverse choke. Tatsumaki Mibu pounded the turnbuckle in the corner, cheering on his partner. The crowd disagreed and began to cheer for Kenji. Kenji kept the hold locked in tight, making sure the big man didn’t move. He then applied the body scissors as well, causing Shikimara even more pain and stress. Shikimara eventually countered by using his immense strength to throw Kenji into his corner, and tagged in Tastumaki. Tatsumaki came in like a wolf on fire and kicked and punched away viciously at Kenji, before taking him to the mat and showing him how to truly torture an opponent by locking in an STF, but bending Kenji’s back to apply much more pain & pressure to the back and neck. He eventually let go, as he got bored, and tagged Shikimara back in. Kenji tried to run to Atsushi, but Shikimara ran over him with a shoulder block. He then picked him up and slammed him down with a Spinebuster. He then picked up Kenji by the scruff of his neck, and began to power him down, until Kenji reversed it and dropped Shikimara on his head with a DDT. Kenji stayed prone for a while after that, until the fans cheered him on to make the tag. Atsushi was jumping up and down on the apron, and when Kenji made the tag, Atsushi ran in and the crowd went crazy. Shikimara also tagged in Tatsumaki, but Tatsumaki got taken down by a Flying Forearm from Atsushi. Atsushi then dropkicked Shikimara over the top rope, hitting the floor with a huge thud. Atsushi then called in Kenji, and they then tried to hit a Double Suplex, but Tatsumaki showed his ferocity by pushing both men away, and levelling them both with a Double Clothesline. Kenji crashed back to the mat and rolled out of the ring, as Shikimara Mibu came back in. Tatsumaki called him over and lifted up Atsushi. Shikimara joined him and pulled Atsushi down into a Cutter, this double team move is known as the Full Moon Madness. Atsushi flipped over with the impact, and Tatsumaki made the cover as Shikimara went outside and dealt with Kenji. [b]Winner:[/b] Mibu Ronin by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [i]- A good tag team match from these guys, all are considerably talented, especially Kenji[/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] Shogo & Paul are some of the heaviest hitters and most feared men on the roster. Paul is known for having one of the best left hooks in wrestling, he used to have THE best, but a drinking problem stopped that. Shogo looked as menacing as ever, and looked confident after his domination of Kenji Fukamura last week. Paul & Shogo locked up, with Paul getting the early advantage, and punching away at Shogo, who desperately covered up, before exploding and taking down Paul with a clothesline. Paul got right back up, before lifting Shogo high into the air, and powering him over with a Powerslam. He went for a pinfall, but Shogo got a shoulder up before the 2 count. Paul kept on the offensive; with Shogo trying everything he could to evade him. Paul eventually caught up with Shogo, and took him down with a reverse DDT, before locking in a tight body scissors/head choke combo, causing Shogo to lash out. Shogo managed to escape the hold, and turned Paul around and locked in a tighter version of the hold, before switching to a surfboard/reverse headlock combo. This put a lot of pressure on the neck of Paul, who only just managed to get up, but Shogo used the vulnerable positioning of Paul to drop him down with a reverse DDT. Shogo then locked in a leg lock, and then sat down on Paul, eager to damage the younger, yet still old man. Paul desperately fought the hold, but all the while gathering a lot of anger. Shogo was knocked off of Paul when the latter jumped up, and was met with 4 blows straight to the stomach, causing him to lose his breath and collapse to the mat. Paul celebrated, but Shogo came up from behind and rolled him up, but didn’t go for the pin, instead locking in a standing Cloverleaf submission. Paul screamed out in pain, only managing to roll through and stop the hold. He grabbed his leg, and Shogo smiled as he approached him. Paul was ready for him however, as when Shogo leant down to pick him up, he was hit with an uppercut, and then a vicious left hook, the signature move of Paul, right to the jaw. Shogo collapsed to the mat, and Paul got the victory, as Shogo was out cold. [b]Winner:[/b] Paul Kingsley by pinfall [b]C[/b] [i]-Disappointing match, though that’s probably my fault for making the match last too long.[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Dayu Ichihara.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] Dayu & Tasuku, two of the strongest brawlers and most powerful head-dropped in BHOTWG right now. Tasuku recently gained a lot of popularity with dominating wins over opponents in the last few weeks. Dayu is at the top of the mountain, and has been for a long time. Dayu started it off with a few vicious chops right to the chest of Tasuku, and then whipped him into the ropes, only to be met with a flying shoulder block from Tasuku, who seemed to be really energised for this match. Dayu again tried to whip him, but Tasuku reversed it and whipped Dayu into the ropes, leapfrogged him when he came back, dropped underneath him when he came back again, and then nailed Dayu with a kick right to the jaw. The crowd applauded and cheered for Tasuku as he went for the pin, but he only got a 2 count, as Dayu wasn’t going to fall that easy. Tasuku then dominated for a short while, throwing punches into Dayu’s gut, and one time he followed it up with a gut-wrench suplex. This was quite a feat to lift Dayu with such apparent ease, but Tasuku showed no signs of stopping, as he made Dayu stand up. Tasuku then went to swing his right fist, but Dayu ducked it, and grabbed hold of Tasuku. He then dropped him backwards with a Back Suplex, dropping him square on his head. Tasuku rolled around clutching his head, while Dayu recovered. Dayu then grabbed Tasuku and put him in a surfboard, before dropping to a seated position and applying more pressure. Tasuku was bent backwards in a very painful looking position, until he punched Dayu right in the side of the head so he would let go. Tasuku then stood up, shakily to start with, before dropping Dayu with a clothesline right to the neck. Tasuku picked him up and whipped him into the ropes. When Dayu came back he bent down to go for a back body drop, but Dayu kicked him in the chest. Tasuku just stood upright and started at Dayu. Dayu tried to kick him again, but Tasuku grabbed his leg and punched him in the chest. This sent Dayu crashing into the mat, before Tasuku picked him up again and began to chop away at his chest. Dayu’s chest turned bright red after the 13th chop, before he moved out of the way of the 14th and kicked Tasuku in the back of the knee. Tasuku grabbed it and dropped to his other knee, before getting hit with a lariat by Dayu. Dayu went for a pin, but it only got a 2 count. Dayu then lifted Tasuku back up, and went for a lariat after whipping Tasuku, but Tasuku ducked, and hit Dayu with a Super Kick to the back of the head. Tasuku then rolled Dayu over, and began to punch away at his face, with Dayu barely managing to cover up. Tasuku then pulled him up, but Dayu pushed him away and punched him. Tasuku simply glared back. Dayu went again, and kept punching him until he was worn out. Tasuku showed little effect and just smiled. Dayu went for another, but Tasuku grabbed it and began to close his fist around Dayu’s fist. Dayu dropped to his knees and tried to punch Tasuku with his other hand, but Tasuku grabbed that one too. Dayu got back up to his feet. But Tasuku didn’t care, and head butted him for good measure. He went for a pinfall, but didn’t get the 3, only a 2 count. Dayu was desperate now, wanting to get revenge on Kitozon tomorrow night. He poked Tasuku right in the eye, sending the big man reeling, before trying to clothesline him down with a lariat. He took Tasuku down to the mat with it, but Tasuku wasn’t down for the count, as it only got a 2. Tasuku came back and began to get ready for a Full Swing Lariat, but Dayu ducked it, and poked him in the eye again. Tasuku stumbled into the referee, who was blocked from seeing anything, and Dayu raked the eyes of Tasuku, before picking the big man up and dropping him with a thunderous Ichihara Power Drive. The referee began to question what Dayu did, but there was a pinfall being made and he slapped the mat. 1… 2… 3 Dayu had stolen a victory over Tasuku Nandaba, and Dayu left the ring looking truly confident with himself while we end the event with Tasuku staring a hole right through Dayu Ichihara. [b]Winner:[/b] Dayu Ichihara by pinfall [b]B[/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Didn’t get any post-show notes, and we earned 106,600 from this show. I can’t say I wasn’t impressed with the Ichihara/Nandaba match, but it could have been a bit better. I was also disappointed with the Kingsley/Takani match, as they let me down. [/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: I just want to say thanks to the people who made predicitions, good to know I have people reading, I will try my best with the PPV. It will most likely be up on Friday, but if I am able to, I will aim to get it up tomorrow.[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A great show for us last night, with Tasuku Nandaba holding his own against one of the greatest wrestlers in BHOTWG's short history. Dayu now has a chance to get back his Burning World Championship when he faces Master Kitozon tonight at Fire Dream of the Immortals. Speaking of Fire Dream, we have a huge night set up for you, as Elemental will be taking on the impressive Edo Phoenix, who many consider to be the dream opponent of Elemental right now, and Gnasher Udo, the standout rookie. In worker news, BHOTWG have signed respected veteran Jin Sakamoto to a touring contract, it is said he will be used to help train up some of the youngsters, but that he could also be in some big matches. [U]Card for Fire Dream of the Immortals[/U] [I]Thanks to Payne for the banner[/I] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/fdoti.jpg[/IMG] Danger Kumasaka vs. Sejiro Orinichi Osei Khama vs. Alexander Tomov Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Yuto Ijima Stunner Okazawaya vs. Byron Valmont Cobra & Viper vs. Kiba Izumi & Shogo Takani for #1 Contendership Akahashi Kuno vs. Bishima Akira Shirou vs. Jin Sakamoto Tasuku Nandaba vs. Paul Kingsley Hitoshi Higa vs. DEMON Yukata Elemental vs. Gnasher Udo vs. Edo Phoenix Dayu Ichihara vs. Master Kitozon(c) for the Burning World Championship [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Another great show, though the rating on the main event was a little lower than I expected. I think Kitozon will pull through for you though :D Looking forward to Fire Dreams, should be a good show! [b]Danger Kumasaka[/b] vs. Sejiro Orinichi [i]Time for Kumasaka to pick up his first win in BHOTWG?[/i] Osei Khama vs. [b]Alexander Tomov[/b] [i]I was surprised with how good Khama's match was on the last show, but like you said - it was most likely Kuno, not Khama. As Tomov will probably be getting a reasonable push right off the bat, the only question here is whether or not Khama will look good losing.[/i] [b]Kazuo Mitsushi[/b] vs. Yuto Ijima [i]Kazuo is a lot like Kenji Fukamura in a lot of ways, but is able to compete for heavyweight belts; after his surprisingly excellent match with Stunner Okazawaya (without even clicking), I wouldn't be surprised to see Mitsushi earn himself a good push on the undercard.[/i] [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Byron Valmont [i]Stunner has thus far been your most consistent lightweight worker, and I think the push he's getting is a good one; maybe eventually he'll challenge Elemental, and try to get payback for the humiliating defeat he suffered two years ago?[/i] [b]Cobra & Viper[/b] vs. Kiba Izumi & Shogo Takani for #1 Contendership [i]While I must admit I don't like the grainy pics as much, the BSC are an excellent tag team; chances are they'll be a reliable part of the division for quite some time.[/i] [b]Akahashi Kuno[/b] vs. Bishima [i]Eeeeevil. Hard one to call, as Kuno's got the goods and has been putting up excellent match ratings - Bishima has good high flying skills too, but his performance skills may cause some problems if he's pushed too soon, so I see Kuno taking this and likely becoming Elemental's next opponent.[/i] Akira Shirou vs. [b]Jin Sakamoto[/b] [i]Jin is aging, but not in the way Shogo Takani is aging. Akira's been on a hot streak lately, so my guess is he'll be used to feed Sakamoto some momentum on his debut.[/i] [b]Tasuku Nandaba[/b] vs. Paul Kingsley [i]This match should have no problems delivering, as it's far from the clash of styles that occurred between Kingsley and Takani. As Nandaba is the younger, more talented, more popular of the two, he's the obvious pick.[/i] [b]Hitoshi Higa[/b] vs. DEMON Yukata [i]Higa isn't the best worker on your roster, but he's got a whole lot of momentum on his side and quite a bit of fire. With the juniors currently more of a midcard-level sensation, it would make sense to see Higa run roughshod over a few of them on his way to a main event match.[/i] [b]Elemental[/b] vs. Gnasher Udo vs. Edo Phoenix [i]Shouldn't need to be explained, right? :D [/i] Dayu Ichihara vs. [b]Master Kitozon(c)[/b] for the Burning World Championship [i]Big money match right here, which I am sincerely hoping will reach the fabled A* rating on Kitozon's first appearance. While Ichihara would be a safe champion in this case thanks to being about 10 years younger, I'm thinking Kitozon will pull through. It'd be cool if he had some sort of "entrance ceremony" like Yokozuna did back in the day.[/i]
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Danger Kumasaka vs. [B]Sejiro Orinichi[/B] Osei Khama vs. [B]Alexander Tomov[/B] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]Yuto Ijima[/B] Stunner Okazawaya vs. [B]Byron Valmont[/B] [B]Cobra & Viper[/B] vs. Kiba Izumi & Shogo Takani for #1 Contendership Akahashi Kuno vs. [B]Bishima[/B] Akira Shirou vs. [B]Jin Sakamoto[/B] [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley Hitoshi Higa vs. [B]DEMON Yukata[/B] [B]Elemental [/B]vs. Gnasher Udo vs. Edo Phoenix Dayu Ichihara vs. [B]Master Kitozon[/B](c) for the Burning World Championship
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[center][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/fdoti.jpg[/IMG] Friday, Week 3, March 1975 Held in front of 15000 at the Tokyo Civil Stadium. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Onishiki vs. Naoshi Shinomori[/u] [i]A considerably good pre-show match, with Naoshi trying his best to gain the upper hand, but Onishiki proved to be far to large for him, and Onishiki ended this one quickly with the Samoan Driver[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Onishiki [b]C[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Flash Asagi[/u] [i]Noriyoshi keeps his streak of good matches with far less talented workers in this match, but he managed to easily dominate the smaller Flash, and locked in the Sanada Pyramid, not allowing him to escape and getting the submission victory.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada [b]B-[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Danger Kumasaka vs. Sejiro Orinichi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Danger.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/seijiroorinichi.jpg[/IMG] Danger Kumasaka had a rather disappointing big event debut. But the match was filled with exciting spots. Danger managed to gain the dominance of Sejiro early on, hitting a snap suplex, and then picking up Sejiro again, then taking him over with a German Suplex. Sejiro managed to roll out of the ring to get some relaxation, but Kumasaka pulled him back and suplexed him back into the ring. Kumaska went for the pinfall, but only got a 2 count, with Sejiro just barely kicking out. Kumasaka picked him up and began to punch away at his gut, and chopping him several times in the chest, turning it red. He then whipped Sejiro across the ring and laid him out with a lariat, which turned the smaller Sejiro inside out. Danger then whipped him into the corner and clotheslined him there, before pulling him out into another clothesline. Kumasaka then picked him up again and nailed a Belly-to-belly suplex. Sejiro just couldn’t keep up with Danger, and so Kumasaka soon nailed The Danger Zone, a piledriver, he didn’t go for the pin however. He wanted to make his debut as eventful as possible, and make him look as fierce as possible. He then grabbed the head of Sejiro Orinichi, and locked him in a Neck Vice, but didn’t stop there, as he locked in a surfboard, all together this move is called the Aurora Surfboard Vice. Sejiro was desperate to reach the ropes, but eventually had no choice but to tap out. [b]Winner:[/b] Danger Kumasaka by submission [b]D+[/b] – [i]Disastrous opening match for Danger.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Osei Khama vs. Alexander Tomov[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/oseikhama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/AlexanderTomov.jpg[/IMG] Alexander Tomov displayed his vast knowledge of amateur wrestling by taking Osei off of his feet quite easily, and keeping him on the mat for a large portion of the match. Alexander started off with the advantage, DDTing Osei into the mat, but keeping his headlock on, he then added an armbar to the lock, making Osei scream out in pain. Osei was fiercely trying to escape the hold, and only managed to after Tomov released the hold for a brief second. Osei powered out of it and threw Tomov to the mat. Tomov bounced up and took Osei down with a clothesline, before picking him up and dropping him on his knee with an Atomic Drop. Osei hopped around in pain as Tomov stood proud, causing the crowd to laugh. Tomov then flipped Osei over with a boot, before locking in a grounded Abdominal Stretch. He kept this submission on for a long time, as Osei was simply unable to get out of it. Eventually Tomov got bored of being able to win that way and whipped Osei into the ropes. This proved to be a bad idea as Osei came back with a Big Boot, and then dropped an elbow across the chest of the fallen Tomov. He then picked him up and whipped him into the ropes. He flipped him over his back with a BIG back body drop. Tomov crashed to the mat with a sickening thud, before Osei went for the pinfall. Tomov managed to just kick out, and locked Osei in a headlock before he could get away. Tomov then pushed Osei away, only to receive a kick to the chest, and punches right to the face from Osei. Osei then picked up Tomov and snapped Tomov over with a snap suplex, and kicked away at his sternum. He then picked up Tomov and whipped him into the corner. He charged and went for an avalanche, but Tomov moved out of the way at the last second, causing him to crash into the ring post. He came staggering back, allowing Tomov to roll him down to the mat. Tomov didn’t go for a pin, instead he locked in a body scissors, with a grounded Full Nelson. Osei struggled for a long time, but eventually had to tap out due to the pressure being put on his neck. [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]C-[/b] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Yuto Ijima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/yutoijima.jpg[/IMG] Yuto brought vast experience into the match, which allowed him to keep Kazuo under control for a few minutes. Kazuo came into this match determined, eager to overcome the veteran and make himself get noticed by both fans and management. Kazuo went for several hard hitting moves to try and immobilise Yuto early on, but to no avail as the veteran kept coming back for more, sometimes just not showing any effect of the moves. Kazuo was growing desperate after hitting three vertical suplexes and a DDT, as Yuto was already back up and charging towards him. He fell to the mat and tripped Yuto, who fell over into the turnbuckle. His head bounced off of it, and he fell backwards grabbing his face. Kazuo then brought his mat game to the surface, gaining the quick advantage with a crucifix arm bar, which seemed to really affect Yuto. He then turned Yuto over, and then held the arm in the same Crucifix arm bar, but in the reverse direction. He then shoved Yuto’s head into the mat while applying pressure to the arm, to make sure he added insult to injury. As Yuto seemed to recover, Kazuo flipped over and brought Yuto with him, putting him back in the Crucifix arm bar. Yuto reached for the bottom rope and was only just able to reach it, causing Kazuo to get a little angry. Kazuo then tried to go for the same arm bar again, but instead Yuto pushed him away and levelled him with a shoulder block, before running off of the ropes and hitting an elbow drop across the chest. Kazuo gasped for air, and Yuto went for the pin, but only got a 2. Kazuo got up afterwards and moved quickly to get behind Yuto, he then pulled the bigger man backwards with a Tiger Suplex. This only got a 2 count after a bridge, causing Kazuo to get angry once more, and he went for the move again, but Yuto countered and elbowed him in the temple. Yuto then turned around and hit Kazuo with a belly-to-belly flip suplex. Yuto then began to get energised, and tried to keep his momentum on Kazuo. Kazuo ducked a few punches however, and elbowed Yuto in the guy, before dropping him with a Leg Drop Bulldog, which Kazuo calls the Mystic Drop. He went for the pinfall, and managed to get the upset victory over Yuto Ijima, and the fans were quite displeased at this fact. [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]Despite the fans not liking seeing a young lion beat Yuto, the match was still very good by tonights standards.[/i] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Byron Valmont[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] Byron was eager to stop the young phenom Stunner Okazawaya, but he fell just short of doing so. Stunner Okazawaya came into this match with his A-game in mind, but he disappointed against both a talented and fairly over opponent. Stunner and Byron were eager to best each other, and went for big moves early on. Byron went up top right away, and connected with a missile dropkick, this took a lot of air out of Stunner, allowing Byron to go up top again and come down with a flying leg drop. Byron then tried to take the victory, but Stunner kicked out at 2. Byron then bounced off the ropes and went for a flip senton, but Stunner rolled out of the way and instead Byron got hit with a stiff lariat to the back of the head by Stunner. Stunner then picked up Byron and suplexed him hard into the mat, before picking him up and doing it again. He went for the pin, hoping to have made Byron lose some breath so he could get the early pin. But Byron kicked out at 2. Byron managed to kick away Stunner, before dropping him to the outside with a dropkick. Stunner got up and shook out the cobwebs from the impact, before getting hit by a diving plancha between the ropes by Byron. Both men carried on moving and crashed into the guard rail. Stunner was up first and rolled Byron into the ring, making it in just before the referee reached 9. Stunner and Byron then began to punch away, with Byron coming out on top before nailing Stunner with an enziguri, and following it up with a spinning head scissors. Stunner bounced around on the mat due to the momentum from the move. He then got up and nailed Byron with a clothesline from behind as Byron was recovering his breath. Stunner made sure he was ready for anything Byron threw at him. As soon as Byron got up, he tried to kick Stunner in the head, but Stunner grabbed the leg and dragon screw whipped it and threw Byron into the mat. Stunner then waited behind Byron as he staggered to his feet. Stunner then chopped him in the back, grabbed his head, and dropped him with the Reverse Okazawaya Stunner. This got the pinfall in an eventful match. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall [b]D+[/b] – [i]Didn’t click at all, worst match so far for Stunner.[/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Black Serpent Cult vs. Izumi & Takani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] When the Black Serpent Cult came to the ring, they brought out a huge python, threatening to throw it into the audience a couple of times, before handing it to the ringside guy who cuddled it for some reason and sat down next to Ando Musashi. Izumi & Takani were vicious here tonight, as this match was a huge technical show down. Takani & Cobra started out the match against each other, and locked up almost immediately. Takani gained the quick advantage and twisted the arm of Cobra, before elbowing it three times. He then whipped Cobra into the ropes with the same arm, causing Cobra to grab it as he came back, Takani threw him over with an arm drag, and then another as Cobra sprang up and charged at him. Cobra began to really favour his right arm due to the damage being done to him, before he managed to stay standing when Takani tried to throw him over with an arm drag again. Instead he reversed it and threw Takani over with a hip toss. He then shook his arm and tagged out to Viper. Viper came in angrily, completely grounding Takani with various holds, rivalling Takani’s viciousness. First he locked in an elevated Fujiwara Armbar, and then lied sat down to the side of Takani, pulling his arm round behind his body. Takani was in a huge amount of pain, and eventually punched Viper right in the face to make him let go. He then powered through Viper with a Spinebuster, before going for a pinfall. But Cobra flew in and hit Takani with a double axe handle. Cobra then pulled up Takani, before the referee intervened and told him to get back onto the apron. Takani came up behind him, but was met with a kick in the groin from Cobra, who was in the referee’s way, so he didn’t notice it. Takani crumpled to the mat as Ikuni was livid on the apron. Viper locked in the Fujiwara armbar yet again, before switching to a Chickenwing, causing Takani to once again yell out in pain, and constantly try to fight out of it. Viper then lifted his knee and drove it into the shoulder of Takani. He did this three times, before picking up Takani and whipping him into the ropes, he whipped him the wrong way though, as Izumi was able to reach and make the tag. Izumi leapt over the rope and bulldozed his way through Viper, and as Cobra came in, he dropped him with an atomic drop, and then kicked him right in the groin as revenge for Cobra kicking Takani earlier. The referee warned Izumi, but Izumi explained himself. Izumi then threw the prone body of Cobra over the top rope before focusing on Viper. He locked in a tight ankle lock, but not quite the Feral Ankle Lock. This may have allowed Viper to escape it, as Viper managed to roll through and dropkicked Izumi in the face, before kicking him in the chest as he sat up. Viper then checked for Cobra, but he was still on the floor, writhing in pain. Viper shook his head and took care of Takani, who snuck up behind him, and threw him over the top rope as well. Viper then looked at Izumi who was beginning to get up. Izumi staggered to his feet, and was sent right back down with a Snakebite Roundhouse Kick to the temple by Viper. He crumpled to the mat as Viper made the cover. The referee counted it and BSC got the victory and a title shot next month! [b]Winner:[/b] Black Serpent Cult by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [i]- A good match, which should open new possibilities for both teams in the near future. [/i] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Akahashi Kuno vs. Bishima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] Akahashi brought his best to this match, and it paid off. Bishima was in the mood to unseat Kuno from his pedestal of confidence. What he didn’t expect was how fast Kuno really is. Kuno & Bishima locked up at the start of the match and began to trade submission holds, mainly arm wrenches, seeing who could best the other in that field of wrestling. Kuno came out on top in this part, locking in a deep Abdominal Stretch. He held it in for a long time before pushing Bishima to the floor and challenging him to locking up again. They locked up, and Kuno once again got the advantage, this time with a bear hug on Bishima. Bishima managed to reverse it quickly however, hitting Kuno with a headbutt. Kuno kept the hold in as long as possible, but Bishima seemed to show no pain by constantly head butting Kuno right in the forehead. When he dropped to the mat Bishima used his speed to locking in a hammerlock, and then kicked out Kuno’s legs from under him. He then pushed Kuno the mat face-first and kept the hammerlock in tight. Kuno managed to flip out of it and kicked Bishima in the face. Bishima flipped backwards but landed on his feet, and went for an enziguri, but Kuno ducked it and caught his legs, he lifted him up and powered him over with a Wheelbarrow suplex, which got a lot of applause from the crowd because of their exchange of moves. Kuno managed to make Bishima lose track of him by hitting move after move. The end of the match came after Kuno nailed Bishima with the Glitter Magician from behind, after reversing a back suplex. Bishima crumpled to the mat and Kuno made the cover and got the three count. [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i]- Decent match for these two, got the message about the crowd not liking Kuno going over Bishima, which I don’t really understand as Bishima is also a young lion if I recall [/i] [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Akira Shirou vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Jin was uneasy having to make his debut against the monster that is Akira Shirou. Jin tried to find his way out of the match, but Shiro dragged him into the ring and took him down with a vicious headbutt. Akira dominated in the early goings of the match, able to hit several big moves due to Jin’s fear of him. He picked him up and nailed a suplex at the beginning, before picking him up and whipping him into the ropes. When he came back Akira snapped him over with a very fast powerslam. He didn’t go for a pin however, he just bounced off of the ropes and dropped his fist into Jin’s temple. Jin rolled around on the mat, and was easy prey to a few kicks to the back from Akira. Akira picked him up again and locked Jin’s arms tightly behind Jin. He then used this extra leverage to flip him over and send him crashing down to the mat behind him. He went for a pin this time, but only got a 2 count, despite Jin being very hesitant to kick out. Akira then kicked away at him a few more time before picking him up and chopping away at him until they were in the corner. He wrapped Jin’s arms around the ropes, so he couldn’t escape easily, and ran to the other corner. He then charged towards Jin, and hit him with a humongous spear to the gut, making Jin leap into the air from the impact, and drop to the mat breathless. Akira then got a bit ****y and went for a belly-to-belly suplex again, but Jin countered it and hit a snap suplex on Akira, seemingly gathering his confidence. Jin then turned animalistic and kicked away ferociously at the back and chest of Akira as he lay sprawled on the mat, trying to protect himself. Jin then dropped several elbows before kicking away some more. The adrenaline had got to him and he beat his chest before screaming to the crowd. They began to cheer him and he picked up Akira. Akira was ready however and punched him in the guy and whipped him into the ropes, and when he came back he readied for a back body drop, bit Jin leapt over him and went for a Sunset Flip. Akira was too big however, and he just sat on Jin. The referee made a count, but Jin pushed Akira away at 2. Akira was getting angry with Jin, and whipped him into the ropes, he followed him closely behind and hit him with a huge knee to the gut. He then whipped him into the other ropes, but waited a while this time, and when Jin came back, he charged with all his speed and nailed Jin with a spear. This sent Jin through the ropes and to the outside, where he landed right on his neck. The referee began to make the 10 count, and Akira got the countout victory after Jin was in too much pain to return to the ring. [b]Winner:[/b] Akira Shirou by countout [b]D+[/b] [i]- Disappointing debut for Jin, but it didn’t hurt Akira’s momentum, and actually gave Jin a large amount of momentum. Jin should find himself on several cards to come due to his impressive ability, even though he is slightly older than many guys on the roster.[/i] [B][U]Match 8:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Paul Kingsley[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] Tasuku was evenly matched for fighting ability with Paul Kingsley, the well known master of the left hook. Tasuku tried to lock up with Kingsley, but Paul kept pushing him away and challenging him to a brawl. Tasuku denied him every time, causing the crowd to often moan and beg Tasuku to get into a brawl. Tasuku locked up with Paul, and this time gained control, lifting Paul up and choking him, before driving him down with a choke bomb. He rolled back with amazing skill and stared at Paul, who had a look of disbelief that Tasuku could do that so early. Tasuku was the challenger this time, and Paul took the challenge. Tasuku threw the first punch, but it fell on Paul with no effect, who came back with a left hook. He connected perfectly, but was beside himself in fear when he saw Tasuku just simply shrug it off. Tasuku then came back with three right punches to the jaw and then an uppercut to Paul, who collapsed to the mat, before rolling away and rethinking his game plan. The crowd applauded Tasuku and began to chant his name. Paul locked up with Tasuku, and gained control with a quick suplex, before climbing on top of Tasuku and firing punches, mainly left handed jabs, at Tasuku’s face. Tasuku took the punches, showing great deals of pain in doing so, before grabbing both of Paul’s hands and throwing them together, causing Paul to punch his own hands together. Paul jumped back with the impact, as his fists moved very fast and it dealt a lot of damage to his knuckles. He backed away from Tasuku when Tasuku came near, until he was caught with a reverse DDT. Tasuku then sat next to Paul and grabbed the back of his head and placing his fist a little bit in front of Paul. He simply shoved Paul’s head into his fist, causing the fans to laugh and cheer for him once again. He then picked up a dazed Paul and went for a back suplex, before quickly flipping him into a face buster. Paul bounced off of the mat, and the crowd gasped at the manoeuvre. He went for the pin on Paul, but Paul kicked out at two. Tasuku pulled Paul up and whipped him into the ropes, he dropped him with a stiff lariat to the neck, but then pulled Paul back up once more. He then threw him over with a hip toss, before posing for the crowd and getting them to clap. Tasuku then picked up Paul and whipped him into the ropes, Paul was still dazed from the Back Suplex/Face Buster combo move done on him earlier, and fell pray to a Leaping Spinebuster, a signature move of Tasuku. Tasuku was getting ready to hit the Full Swing Lariat, but as he whipped Paul into the ropes, Paul grabbed hold of them and stayed put. Tasuku ran at him to try and hit the lariat anyway, but Paul nailed him right in the jaw with a Left Hook. This sent Tasuku down to the mat quickly, and Paul collapsed on Tasuku for the cover. 1… 2…. But Tasuku somehow managed to kick out, Paul stared at the referee in disbelief, and began to go mad and beat the mat. Tasuku recovered quickly and waited for Paul to turn around. The fans began to cheer, and Paul realised that Tasuku must be up, he turned around to hit him with another Left Hook, but Tasuku ducked it when he charged at Paul, and came back off of the ropes. Paul turned around and was met with a Full Swing Lariat. The fans were going crazy as the referee made the pin. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [i]- Good solid match between these two, not as good as I would have hoped however.[/i] [B][U]Match 9:[/b] Hitoshi Higa vs. DEMON Yukata[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hitoshihiga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] Hitoshi Higa completely dominated the menacing Yukata in quick time. Yukata was constantly reversing his big suplexes however, and managed to gain control at one time, where he reversed a reverse suplex into a hammerlock, before picking up Higa and dropping him backwards onto that arm. Higa then regained his form by quickly hitting two T-Bone’s, right after each other, and went for a pinfall. Yukata powered out of it and went to take down Higa with a clothesline, but Higa reversed it, locking in a Fujiwara armbar. He kept the submission elevated, before letting go and nailing Yukata with a Back Drop Driver as he struggled to his feet. Yukata barely managed to get ready for the next move, which Higa calls the Higa Hammerlock Suplex, and Yukata crashed down to the mat. Higa then went for the pinfall and got the dominating victory over the most menacing junior in BHOTWG today. [b]Winner:[/b] Hitoshi Higa by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [i]- Good solid match again, with Hitoshi again covering his weaknesses.[/i] [B][U]Match 10:[/b] Elemental vs. Gnasher Udo vs. Edo Phoenix[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] All three men gave their all to impress the fans here today, and they did just that. Elemental continued to show why he was considered such an amazing talent by constantly amazing the crowd every time he hit a move. This move acted like a tag team match, with one person on the apron until tagged in by either man. Elemental faced off against Gnasher Udo first, and Elemental sweeped out Udo’s legs right away, before driving Udo to the floor with an STO. Udo got up and was surprised at how quickly Elemental was able to do that. Elemental locked up with Udo, and got put in a reverse bear hug by Udo, until he reversed it into a hammerlock, which then got reversed into a standing Fujiwara Armbar by Udo. Elemental struggled to his feet, before taking down Udo with an arm drag. He then ran at Udo who caught him, but proceeded to amaze the crowd with a tilt-a-whirl arm drag that sent Udo right across the ring. Udo bounced up and was in utter disbelief in how Elemental could have managed to do that. Elemental ran at him again, but Udo tried to counter him with a clothesline. Elemental leapt over his arm, rolled through, and hit Udo with an enziguri to the back of the head out of nowhere. Udo crashed to the mat and Elemental went up to the top rope. He came off of the top with amazing grace, and nailed a Shooting Star Press with ease. Edo Phoenix came in and stopped Elemental making the pinfall. Elemental started at him before working on the back of Udo with an abdominal stretch. Udo tried to counter it with an hip toss, but Elemental landed on his feet and kicked Udo right in the face, sending him down to the mat. Elemental then turned around and pointed at Edo Phoenix. Edo ran in, but got hit with a dropkick. Elemental continued his momentum and nailed Udo with a moonsault as well. The fans went nuts at this move and cheered Elemental’s name. Elemental went for the pin, but only got a 2 count as Udo got the shoulder up. Elemental whipped Udo into the ropes and went for a hurracanrana, but Udo held on and drove Elemental to the mat with a quick Piledriver. Elemental bounced off of the mat with the impact. However, Elemental rolled backwards quickly and nailed Udo with a basement dropkick, once again catching him completely off guard. Elemental then pulled Udo up and went for the Earth Breaker, but Udo reversed it into a hurracanrana and leapt to make the tag to Edo Phoenix. The crowd exploded when he came into the ring. He leapt right over a dazed Elemental and took him over for a Sunset Flip, but Elemental rolled through and hit him with a dropkick. Elemental pulled Edo up, and went for a hip toss, but Edo reversed it, then Edo tried it, but Elemental reversed it. This went on about 4 more times, with the crowd really getting into it and cheering for Elemental, and booing slightly for Edo. Finally Elemental got the control when he booted Edo in the gut. He then turned around and hit a beautiful Pele Kick from out of nowhere. As Edo crashed to the mat, Udo ran back in. Elemental kicked him in the chest, causing him to fall down. Elemental then leapt up onto the top rope, and leapt off of it, spinning around 180 degrees in the process, he then grabbed hold of Edo Phoenix who had gotten up and swang him round for a 360 DDT, and also connected with an enziguri to Udo. Edo bounced off of the canvas from the impact. Elemental went up top and nailed the Inferno Splash, a 450 Splash, on Udo, and got the pinfall. [b]Winner:[/b] Elemental by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [i]- Great match considering the lack of popularity for Gnasher Udo, but that probably brought down what could have been a better match. We may never know.[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Dayu Ichihara vs. Master Kitozon©. For the Burning World Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] When Dayu came down to the ring, he was greeted with several boos, due to the fans hatred of him facing off against their hero Master Kitozon. Kitozon’s entrance happened through the crowd. He came from the back and shook hands with every single person he came across. He never smiled once however, as he was focused on tonight’s match. When he finished with the crowd, he went to the top of the entrance ramp. He then spread his arms and brought them in, setting off a row of pyro behind him. He then went into a prayer position with his hands, before forcing them out and setting off another set of pyros, this time with streamers as well as fireworks. Kitozon made his way down to the ring, with a constant flow of golden sparks being shot from the entrance ramp. When he got in he did the same flow of moves as he did at the top of the ramp, setting off the same sort of pyro, but in the ring. He then posed on one of the turnbuckles before focusing straight on Dayu. The two circled each other as the fans were cheering Kitozon on. When they locked up it was Kitozon who got the early advantage, locking in a headlock on Dayu. Dayu got over to the ropes and threw Kitozon off of him and to the other side of the ring, but Kitozon came back with a shoulder block. He then ran to the ropes, got leapfrogged by the big Dayu, and then came back, and when Dayu rolled down to try and trip up Kitozon, he just stepped on the back of his head, before chopping him incredibly violently. Dayu grabbed his head as he stood up and the two began to circle once more. When they locked up, Kitozon got the control again and twisted Dayu’s arm, working on the same arm as Tasuku did last night. He yanked at the joint several times, before pulling Dayu to the floor and putting the arm at 90 degrees to his body. Dayu panicked and tried to reach the ropes, but Kitozon wouldn’t let him move at all. Dayu managed to stand up, causing the sellout crowd to boo very loudly. He then reversed the arm wrench and locked one in on Kitozon. Kitozon easily reversed it and pulled Dayu into a clothesline. Dayu then came back and tried to arm drag Kitozon over, but Kitozon showed his strength by staying put, and then arm dragging Dayu over. Dayu got up quickly and ran at Kitozon, but got another arm drag. When he came back again he tried to hit Kitozon with a Big Boot. Kitozon simply grabbed the leg and used it as leverage for a huge Fisherman Suplex on Dayu. He bridged it, but only got a 2 count. Dayu got up, and began to take control of Kitozon, nailing a big back body drop out of nowhere. He then dropped three elbows across the chest if Kitozon and got very confident with himself. He waited for Kitozon to get up, and ran towards him for a clothesline, but Kitozon ducked it and whipped Dayu into the ropes himself. Dayu held on, and Kitozon ran after him. Dayu picked him up and dropped Kitozon behind him onto the floor below. That’s what he thought he had done, but Kitozon had landed on the apron, showing great athleticisim. Kitozon climbed up to the top rope, and when Dayu noticed, he came down with a Double Axe Handle, crushing Dayu into the mat. Dayu managed to gain control much later on following a big DDT on Kitozon. He then went for the Ichihara Power Drive to take advantage of the opportunity, but Kitozon came out of nowhere with a Kitozon Chop. This sent Dayu into the canvas, and he lay prone for a long time. Kitozon used this chance to climb up top and recover. Dayu got up, but before he could realise and move, Kitozon came down from the top rope with a Flying Kitozon Chop, knocking Dayu into the mat and knocking him unconscious. Kitozon made the pinfall as the fans erupted in cheers for their hero and his defense. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon by pinfall. Master Kitozon make defence number 1 of his Burning World Championship [b]B[/b] [i]- I was hit very badly with the no chemistry at all problem here, which has potentially ruined a lot of future main events.[/I] [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] A hugely disappointing event in my view, as the Main Event was nothing compared to what it could have been, due to chemistry issues, plus most of the card, not just the undercard, underperformed. I should have put the dark matches on live, probably would have done better. However, I earned 441,550 from this event, a bit of a cheerful side note.[/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: Whew, that was hard work lol, would really appreciate comments and readers opinions on Fire Dream of the Immortals, as it took over 3 hours consistent writing.....I do have a life I swear :p .[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] What a great show for the fans of BHOTWG, as the sold out crowd got to see some really fantastic matches, and Master Kitozon got the crowd really going as usual, and brought back the gold once again. Just how long will his reign last this time? In worker news, BHOTWG have signed Satoru Sugimura to a touring contract. Will this mean a second chance with BHOTWG for this man? Also, indy standout, Saonji Omura is rumoured to have also signed a touring contract. His style is not one that BHOTWG is used to, but he is an incredibly performer, and if he can improve his technical skills he will surely be a force to be reckoned with. [U]Card for Blockbuster Tour (Thursday)[/U] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Naoshi Shinomori Byron Valmont vs. Jin Sakamoto Eiji Kiriyama vs. Noriyoshi Sanada Akahashi Kuno vs. Gnasher Udo - A rematch from two weeks ago. Onishiki vs. Viper w/Cobra Toshiro Saito vs. Shogo Takani [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Well hey, at least they managed a B - gbasalmon caught a C+ from Mushashibo vs Kunomasu in his diary, so I guess anything can happen :o I'd suggest getting Sanada onto your main cards as well - if he can get a B- rating against Flash Asagi, wait until he goes up against Seison Yamanaka. Very nicely booked, as well as a damn good read. Some bad luck with chemistry, that's all. Elemental's match was certainly a bright spot, and Kazuo Mitsushi is outperforming even my highest expectations for him - considering his age and overness, the C+ matches he's been producing are very impressive. Can't wait to read more! Fire Dreams is big, but hey - I bet by Night of the Burning Hammer, your roster will be more than ready to pull out a B+ rated show! :D [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Naoshi Shinomori [i]Stunner is on a good run at the moment, though his match at Fire Dreams was a disappointment. Naoshi will likely have to pay his dues before earning a push, as his attitude is a major liability.[/i] Byron Valmont vs. [b]Jin Sakamoto[/b] [i]Young lion to go down in flames. Jin should really be delivering for you at this point, and his match at Fire Dreams was the lowest rating I've ever seen him get. With his newfound momentum, Sakamoto shouldn't have any problems.[/i] Eiji Kiriyama vs. [b]Noriyoshi Sanada[/b] [i]Eiji is pretty popular, but performance wise and skill wise he's lacking compared to Sanada. Could go either way really, but I'll go with the guy you seem to be pushing.[/i] Akahashi Kuno vs. [b]Gnasher Udo[/b] [i]Let's see an upset.[/i] Onishiki vs. [b]Viper[/b] w/Cobra [i]Definitely a tough one to call, as the BSC's tag push may translate to a win here, or Onishiki may be set for a push now that Ichihara and Kitozon's main event series looks doubtful, as he could probably be a good opponent for either. In the end my pick comes down to the fact that Viper has more immediate need for the win, and is younger.[/i] [b]Toshiro Saito[/b] vs. Shogo Takani [i]Clash of styles, here we come! Toshiro has a big popularity and age advantage going in here, and as good as Takani is I can't see you punking one of Kitozon's few worthy opponents for him.[/i]
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Incredible writeup for FDOTI, can't believe the amount of bad luck you got right out the gate! [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Naoshi Shinomori Byron Valmont vs. [B]Jin Sakamoto[/B] Eiji Kiriyama vs. [B]Noriyoshi Sanada[/B] [B]Akahashi Kuno[/B] vs. Gnasher Udo - A rematch from two weeks ago. [B]Onishiki[/B] vs. Viper w/Cobra [B]Toshiro Saito[/B] vs. Shogo Takani
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 4, March 1975 Held in front of 4594 at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Danger Kumasaka vs. Flash Asagi[/u] [i]A good match between these two. Asagi learnt a little about psychology and selling from Danger, which is impressive considering the fact Danger is younger. Danger dominated this one and got the win with the Aurora Surfboard Vice. For some reason these two had pretty good chemistry, where was that when I needed it at FDOTI??[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Danger Kumasaka by submission [b]C-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Black Manta[/u] [i]A good match between these two, a returning Black Manta impressed and will definitely be getting a full time contract at the end of the tour. Fairly open match for both guys, with Kazuo getting the win after a Mistushi Driver.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Naoshi Shinomori[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/naoshishinomori.jpg[/IMG] Naoshi had a very successful on-screen debut, with Stunner helping him a little bit with the basics and psychology. Stunner managed to get the early control by twisting the arm of Naoshi, and kicking him in the back of the knee to make him drop down. Stunner then switched to a headlock, taking Naoshi down to the mat. He applied a double arm stretch, similar to a full nelson without applying pressure to the neck. Naoshi managed to use this position to get up however, turning Stunner upside down and dropping him with a reverse DDT. Stunner spiked his head, which allowed Naoshi to recover for a minute while Stunner started at the ceiling for a little while. Naoshi then went on the offensive, locking in a Fujiwara armbar on Stunner, then wrenching it a lot further than usual, applying incredible pressure on the shoulder. Stunner only just managed to reach and grab the ropes, forcing Naoshi to release the hold. Naoshi went back on the offensive however, and pulled Stunner to the middle of the ring and tried to apply the same move. Stunner was ready for him however and stopped him before could apply the pressure. He then dropped to his knees and nailed Naoshi with a jawbreaker, sending him flying away from the impact. Stunner then stood up, and charged towards the groggy Naoshi. Naoshi ducked under an attempted clothesline, but Stunner grabbed Naoshi’s neck and drove him down with a Reverse Okazawaya Stunner. Naoshi grabbed his head as Stunner went for the pinfall. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]Good opening match, got a great chemistry note. Which could mean good things between these two.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Byron Valmont vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG]] A decent match between these two, which allowed Jin to show off his veteran abilities with the fairly inexperienced Byron Valmont. Jin Sakamoto got the early advantage by locking Byron in a headlock, before getting whipped into the ropes. Jin came back and went for a clothesline, but Byron bent over backwards to avoid it. Jin turned around and was met with a hurracanrana. He bounced across the mat, but got up quickly, surprised at how quickly Byron pulled that off. Jin then charged again, wary of how Byron could counter quickly. He went for another clothesline, and it seemed it would be countered, but in a split second he changed to a shoulder block, catching Byron off guard and knocking him to the mat. Jin picked him up and wrapped him in a reverse bearhug. He then used his strength to lift Byron high up in the air and drive him down with a bridged German Suplex. It only got a 2 count, as Byron rolled through, but was very dazed. Jin then whipped Byron into the ropes, and when he came back, levelled him with a lariat. Jin then dropped one elbow into the sternum of Byron before locking in a raised single leg Boston Crab, which put a lot of pressure on the back of Byron. Jin kept the move locked in as much as possible, but was forced to release it when Byron reached the ropes. He then went into a corner and waited for his opponent to get up, before charging across the ring and leaping at Byron. He came crashing down with a Body Press, nearly crushing the smaller Byron. He then picked him up again and lifted him up into a DVD position, and then jumped up, to add momentum, before driving Byron headfirst into the mat. Byron folded up as Jin went for the pinfall. [b]Winner:[/b] Jin Sakamoto by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Eiji Kiriyama vs. Noriyoshi Sanada[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/eijikiriyama.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] Both men were eager to get a head start here. Noriyoshi hadn’t appeared on the main show recently, honing his skills on the pre-shows. Eiji hasn’t been present at all, and wants people to realise how much of a talent he really is. Eiji was the first to gain control, using his Judo skills to move quickly and ground Sananda with blinding speed. He locked in an arm bar, before cranking Sanada’s arm into a 90 degree angle, Sanada was able to roll through it however, and grounded Eiji to the mat with a Hammerlock, before pulling Eiji’s other arm at a 90 degree angle, thus applying a large amount of pressure on both shoulders. It was reversed however, as Eiji managed to somehow make Sanada roll over and he attempted a pin, but didn’t even get a 1 count. Sanada took him down with a clothesline, and then tried to put him in a Bow & Arrow Lock, but Eiji escaped it and locked in a katahajime, which put Sanada in a lot of pain. But it was eventually escaped when Noriyoshi reached the bottom rope, and then used it as leverage to stand up, with Eiji still hanging on. Noriyoshi withstood the pain and suddenly shifted him onto his shoulders. Eiji began to panic and tried to get off of Sanada’s shoulders, but he was nailed with a big Samoan Drop almost right away, before he could even move. Sanada then went for a Cross Kneelock, but Eiji kicked away at Sanada with his free leg to get out of the hold. He then tried to go for it again after kicking Eiji in the gut, but Eiji once again managed to counter it, this time knocking down Sanada with a boot to the temple, allowing him to recover and try to take advantage. Sanada would not lose however, as he charged at Eiji, who charged at him to prove his own strength, suddenly Sanada dropped down and tripped up Eiji, before locking in the Sanada Lock in the middle of the ring in a split second. Eiji screamed out in pain and had no choice but to tap out, but Sanada kept the hold on for a long time after the match, only letting it go after security came down to pull him away. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission [b]C[/b] – [i]A slightly disappointing match, as I expected a little better from Sanada, but it was good nonetheless.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Akahashi Kuno vs. Gnasher Udo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] Kuno came down to the ring with a pleased look on his face, so far he has been undefeated against his fellow lightweight workers, and he wasn’t in the mood to start. He felt this was the match that would lead him to be the next Elemental. Gnasher however was eager to upset Kuno and get the victory, bringing up his chances of challenging Elemental one more time. Akahashi got the early control in the match with a scissored arm bar. He then stomped on the elbow several times to make sure Gnasher wouldn’t be able to use the arm anytime soon during the match. He then backed off and allowed Gnasher to get up, before dropkicking him in the back of the head. He then yelled for him to get back up, and when Udo did try to get up, he hit a flipping face crusher, which made Udo flip backwards from the impact. Kuno then went for a pin, but only just missed a three count, as Udo kicked out at the last second. He then picked up Udo and went for a snap suplex, but Udo managed to reverse it just before he picked him up, and hit a DDT on Kuno instead. Udo used this time to recover and to keep kicking down Kuno when he tried to get up. But Udo tried to kick him too many times as Kuno grabbed his leg and kicked the knee out, before standing up and sweeping the leg out from under him. Kuno then dropped 3 consecutive elbows across the chest of Udo. He went for a 4th one, but Udo suddenly rolled out of the way. Udo capitalised and waited for Kuno to get up, he began to trade kicks with him, something he really shouldn’t have done, as Kuno hit him with kick after kick. He kicked him in the chest, and in the back, before attempting to finish off Udo with a jumping kick to the side of the head, but Udo ducked it. Udo then grabbed Kuno and dropped him with a Reverse STO. Kuno bounced over so he was facing the ceiling following the impact, and Udo went up top, before coming down with the Gnasher Splash, a Corkscrew Moonsault. The referee counted the 3 and Udo had managed to get the huge upset victory out of nowhere. [b]Winner:[/b] Gnasher Udo by pinfall [b]D+[/b] [i]- Not what I expected, but maybe it’s because the fans don’t like Udo, I dunno[/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Onishiki vs. Viper w/Cobra[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper.jpg[/IMG] Onishiki was his truly menacing self here tonight, going up against a fairly menacing opponent as well. Viper came out of this match looking very dangerous, as he managed to hold his own against the former Sumo from Samoa. Onishiki got the obvious control right away, punching Viper in the stomach and following up with a couple of elbows to the temple to knock Viper down to the mat already. He then turned him over and stomped away at his back, before sitting down and locking in a Boston Crab. Already it seemed Onishiki was in complete control, having completely decimated Viper within a matter of seconds. Viper wasn’t close enough to reach for the ropes, but Cobra grabbed the hand and pulled Viper with all of his strength. It proved to be no easy task as Onishiki was intent on staying where he was. When he noticed that Cobra was interfering he let go of Viper, who instantly grabbed his legs and stayed on the mat for a long time. Onishiki then went to the outside and began to chase Cobra around the ring. Cobra ran into the ring to try and escape the big man, but he tripped up on Viper, and fell prey to some crossface punches from Onishiki, who then promptly threw him out of the ring, sending him crashing into the stone floor on the outside. Onishiki then turned his attention to Viper, who had recovered, but was favouring the leg that had been worked on earlier in the match. Viper tried to run at him, but was unable to do so without a huge amount of pain. Onishiki used this to his advantage as he trampled Viper with a running body block, which practically made Viper flip backwards, not an easy thing considering Viper is a big man, from the momentum in the attack. Onishiki kept a watchful eye on Cobra, who was on the outside, before locking in a seated leg lock on Viper. Viper was in a large amount of pain, but used his great knowledge of submissions to be able to sit up on his knees and grab Onishiki’s head. He then put him in a very strange hold which consisted of a chinlock over his shoulder, and crossed leg lock on Onishiki’s feet. Onishiki was stretched far beyond what a man of his size should be, and looked close to tapping. But Onishiki was confident in himself, and used his amazing power to simply just stand up, with Viper still attached to him like some sort of leech. Onshiki then pulled Viper’s legs around him, and pulled his head backwards onto his shoulder, before sitting down, and hitting a vicious reverse face crusher, which caused Viper to spring forward and hit the mat due to the impact. Onishiki warned Cobra not to get into the ring as he made the pinfall. He got the victory and bellowed loudly to celebrate it. [b]Winner:[/b] Onishiki by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [i]- Good match between these two, thanks to some great chemistry. This could mean that Viper gets an eventual main event push in the future.[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Toshiro Saito vs. Shogo Takani.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] Toshiro Saito & Shogo, some of the most dominant men in BHOTWG today, with Shogo being infamous for his ability to pick apart opponents, even at the ripe old age of 45. Toshiro is one of, if not THE, biggest men on the roster, known for his powerful punches and just general power. Toshiro got the advantage right at the start, picking up Shogo and slamming him down with a power slam. He then began to punch away at the temples of Shogo, connecting with a few vicious shots. He then picked up Shogo and whipped him into the ropes, and just stood still as Shogo ran into him, but couldn’t drop him and was knocked down himself instead. Toshiro used this advantage to just sit down on him, and began to punch away at him once again. Shogo managed to move his head out of the way of the barrage after taking several shots, causing Toshiro to punch the mat, causing him to move away, gripping his fist in pain. Shogo got up and charged at the sitting Toshiro, and kicked him in the chest, taking him down. He then grabbed hold of the larger man and went for a bow and arrow lock, before realising he was too big to lock the move on, and so just went for a regular fujiwara armbar. But Toshiro was able to get out of this by simply using his arm to throw the smaller Shogo over him and sending him crashing into the mat head first, a hard thing to do as Shogo is quite a big man. Toshiro got up and levelled Shogo with a clothesline as he got up. He then dragged him to his feet, and booted him in the gut. He then kicked him once in the back, and caught him before he fell over, before kicking him in the chest, and once again catching before he fell down. Toshiro then pulled Shogo close and dropped him with a Flatliner. He was solidly in control of Shogo by now and delivered several cross face punches to the downed man, eager to decimate him and make the Main Event scene stand up and take notice. He picked him up from behind, and drove him back into the mat with a Tiger Suplex, and he bridged it, but only got a 2 count as Shogo used as much energy as he had left to kick out. Toshiro got angry and began to stomp away at Takani, but Takani managed to resist it and pulled him to the mat, locking in a Grapevine Ankle Lock, known as Twisting of the Knife. Toshiro looked close to tapping, as he couldn’t reach any ropes due to being unable to move. Eventually he just booted away at Shogo until he released it, but he continued to feel the effects for a long time to come. He quickly picked up Shogo and lifted him high up into the air, staring a vicious hole of rage right through him. He then proceeded to back away from the ropes, before charging as fast as he could and threw Shogo clean over the top rope, sending him crashing into the guard rail and hitting his head on the concrete floor. Toshiro climbed outside and rolled him back in, and tried for a pinfall. But again it only got a 2 count as Shogo wouldn’t go down that easily. Toshiro began to really get mad, and picked him up into a vertical position, before turning him so his face was level with his own. He then yelled some abuse at Shogo before hooking his left leg and driving Shogo into the mat head first, in a move now called the Saito-Plex. Shogo had no energy left and was nearly out cold from the impact, and so couldn’t kick out this time. Toshiro came away with a very dominating victory, which no doubt did what it was intended to do, make the rest of the roster take notice. [b]Winner:[/b] Toshiro Saito by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [i]- No real notes here except it was little disappointing, although it was much better than Shogo’s bout with Paul Kingsley a week ago. [/i] [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Didn’t get any post-show notes. At the end of the month I had overall earned 431,630, but that was with all the deductions. I made 901,950 out of ticket sales alone, and a further 138,924 from merchandising. I am happy that I managed to get that much in my first month, considering the price some of the workers are per month. [/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: I am thinking of doing an MVP of the month, so I would appreciate anyone's input, whether they think I should do it or not, and who they think deserves it. Also, would you guys like to see me put the match time's down in the results? Or leave it as it is?[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A pretty good show impressed the Chubu fans, with Toshiro Saito looking as dominant as ever after his victory of Shogo Takani. Stunner Okazawaya seems to be a huge star in the making, will it translate into a match against the big dogs? In worker news, White Manta has signed on exclusively with BHOTWG, joining his friend and rival Black Manta on the roster. Also, Danger Kumasaka was singled out by wrestling insiders as the 'one to watch'. This has done wonders for his publicity, as people want to see him in action to see if it is true. Also, Ref Inoki from GCG:WW signed a PPA contract and joined Ando Musashi at the announce table last night, and as of today has signed an exclusive contract extension after greatly impressing. In general promotion news, we are starting off the month of April by announcing a tournament for a new title, the Burning Pacific Championship. the first round matches will be the first four matches on the Thursday tour card, with the semi-finals happening the following week, and the finals taking place at Test of Prophecies. [B][U]Card for Blockbuster Tour (Thursday)[/U][/B] ------------ [U]Tournament Quarter-Finals[/U] Jin Sakamoto vs. DEMON Yukata Akira Shirou vs. Kazuo Mitsushi Hitoshi Higa vs. Eiji Kiriyama Kenji Fukamura vs. White Manta ------------ Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Kiba Izumi Toshiro Saito vs. Paul Kingsley [I]Predictions welcomed[/I][/CENTER]
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Awesome... not a classic show per se, but one that succeeded in drawing money and retaining your popularity while only using one main eventer - impressive! My MVP vote would have to go to Tasuku Nandaba; he wrestled on 4 of the 5 cards in the month, with his lowest rating being a C+, and managed a match with Dayu Ichihara that matched Kitozon's performance. For a relatively young guy who wasn't even considered a main eventer at the beginning of the month, I think he deserves a nod. Loving the Pacific Title idea by the way! Jin Sakamoto vs. [b]DEMON Yukata[/b] [i]So bad ass... so bad ass.[/i] Akira Shirou vs. [b]Kazuo Mitsushi[/b] [i]You seem to have taken a liking to Shirou so I wouldn't be surprised if he won this, but I think Mitsushi vs Yukata would be an awesome match![/i] [b]Hitoshi Higa[/b] vs. Eiji Kiriyama [i]With that kind of momentum, I wouldn't be surprised of Higa took the whole tournament. I think he'll probably lose in the finals to either Mitsushi or Yukata, but regardless he's definitely the odds-on favorite.[/i] [b]Kenji Fukamura[/b] vs. White Manta [i]Very tough to call, as Manta's return to BHOTWG may merit a win - but Kenji's merits have already been discussed several times in this diary, so I'm thinking he'll be the one to advance further. Who knows? He may even get to be as good as his father is while still young enough to matter.[/i] ------------ [b]Noriyoshi Sanada[/b] vs. Kiba Izumi [i]Sweet. This will likely do well, as I could see these two putting on a technical masterpeice. Sanada's gone undefeated so far unless I'm mistaken, so I'd expect to see you keep up the momentum with another win here.[/i] [b]Toshiro Saito[/b] vs. Paul Kingsley [i]I have expectations for this to be a great matchup, as the two are very well matched and have good performance skills. An upset for the underdog here would be cool to see, but Saito is one of your big money performers and with Ichihara - Kitozon bombing, you'll need him at his best.[/i]
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