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BHOTWG 1975 - The Kitozon Years

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[CENTER] [I]OOC: The results will be up in about 5 minutes, this was a news thing I felt was kinda needed due to our war against GCG.[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] Despite only having 1 show a week, BHOTWG have seemingly taken the lead in the race against GCG. So far, BHOTWG have never dropped below a B- rating on any cards, while also getting a B+ and a B rated card. GCG however have appeared to be in a slump. So far they have only just managed to pull out a B-, with a main event of SORA, Genei Konda & Furusawa defeating Dragon Akagawa, Nishiwakamaru and Harumi Shinomori. That was their third show this month, and the second of their tour. Their first show was Shield of Justice Fight, which only got a C+, being main evented by Sadharu Jimbo retaining against Nishiwakamaru in a C+ match, and then the following night at the first show of their tour, they got another C+ card, with the same main event, and the same match rating. And while they are attracting bigger crowds, they are losing a fair amount of popularity quickly, which can only mean good things for BHOTWG. Now, on to the BHOTWG Most Valuable Player of the month: [U][B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B][/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] This behemoth has rampaged through BHOTWG during the month of March. He seemingly decimated a tough opponent in Shikimara Mibu, then obliterated the much smaller DEMON Yukata the next week. Unfortunately he would fall to Dayu Ichihara the next week, but he had the match in his hands all the way through, as Ichihara stole the victory after ducking the Full Swing Lariat. Tasuku would then go up against Paul Kingsley, a man feared for his devastating left hook. Tasuku is also known for being the best striker in the promotion today, and he continued that streak by managing to withstand a barrage from Paul, before levelling him with a shot of his own. This kid is still young, talented and had a bright future ahead of him. He is now considered to be at the top of the mountain with people like Toshiro Saito, Dayu Ichihara and Master Kitozon, which can only mean good things for the heavy-hitter. We wish he can make the most of this opportunity in the upcoming weeks, as the all important process of finding a challenger for the world title at Test of Prophecies begin, and as he was ever so close to getting that shot at Fire Dreams, he can surely be counted to be a top contender. [/CENTER]
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 1, April 1975 Held in front of 5000 people at the Sapporo Sports Park [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Danger Kumasaka vs. Naoshi Shinomori[/u] [i]A decent match for Danger, as Naoshi continues to pay his dues in the pre-show. Kumasaka dominated the short match and ended it with an Aurora Surfboard Vice. Naoshi learned a few technical skills here.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Danger Kumasaka by submission [b]D+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Byron Valmont vs. Satoru Sugimara[/u] [i]Once again I am hit with a good match which really deserves a place on the main show. Satoru made a successful return to BHOTWG with an impressive victory over Byron Valmont[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimara [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Jin Sakamoto vs. DEMON Yukata[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] DEMON Yukata came down to the ring with a look of pure evil tonight, well…a more evil look than usual. Sakamoto had a fairly confident look about him, but he was clearly freaked out by Yukata as he stood to face him. When they tied up, Yukata managed to surprise the veteran by shifting around him and taking his legs out from under him. He then began stomping at Jin’s kneecap, trying to ground the veteran so he couldn’t gain any momentum. He then picked him up and began to growl, before booting Jin in the gut and driving him into the mat with a DDT. He went for a cover, but it only got a 2 count. This just served to anger the normally very angry DEMON more, as he wanted to finally begin to make his mark in BHOTWG. He then began punching Jin’ head and hitting him with relentless forearms to the jaw. He went again for a cover, but it once again only got a 2 count. Jin then tried to get up, but was knocked back down again by DEMON Yukata, who began to stomp away at the bigger man. Jin managed to catch his leg and flip him over with a Dragon Screw, before standing up and trying to intimidate the smaller Yukata. It had no effect though so he stomped on Yukata’s foot. This didn’t have any effect either, so Jin tried to go for a clothesline, but Yukata ducked it and brought Jin back to the mat with a neckbreaker. Yukata then went for a camel clutch on Jin, and after a brief struggle with Jin, managed to lock it in tight. He released it when Jin got to the ropes, and began to back away. When Jin was fully upright, he ran towards him and flipped over him, as Jin was facing the other way, and dropped him with the Scarlet Mirage, a flip over ace crusher. Jin bounced briefly from the impact, before Yukata made the cover an advanced to the Semi-Finals next week. [b]Winner:[/b] DEMON Yukata by pinfall [b]C+[/b] – [i]Great match between these two. No other notes, but I am pleased with this performance.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Akira Shirou vs. Kazuo Mitsushi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] Akira showed a new level of intensity and brute strength in this match, as he wanted to accomplish singles glory for the first time. Kazuo was clearly worried about facing the larger Akira, but still put up a fight. When the two locked up, Akira got the early control by whipped Kazuo across the ring and into the ropes. He then knocked him down as he came back with a big shoulder block, before dropping an elbow right into the sternum. He then picked up Kazuo and slapped him across the face before driving him down to the mat with a weak spear. Kazuo managed to withstand the impact and instead locked Akira into a headlock, before applying a body scissors onto Akira to cause more pain to the bigger man. Akira struggled for a long time before punching Kazuo in the back with one hand, and then in the stomach to make him release it. He then got up quickly and kneed Kazuo in the head, and then stomping away at his chest in anger. He then pulled Kazuo to his feet before grabbing him into a bear hug! Kazuo struggled and struggled for a very long time before clapping his hands around the ears of Akira. Akira was forced to let go and grabbed his ears in pain, before bulldozing over a recovering Kazuo with a clothesline out of desperation. Akira then went up on to the second rope and fell down, delivering a headbutt to Kazuo as he lay prone on the mat. Akira quickly began to get pumped and began to stomp his feet, feeling the energy. Kazuo got up, only to be forced back down once again with a clothesline. When he got up again, he was met with a flying shoulder block. Akira then hit a leg drop across the throat of Kazuo, before lying across him to try and get a pinfall. But he only got a 2 as Kazuo struggled to throw off Akira. Kazuo then rolled out of the ring to gather himself, and showed off his skill by flipping over the ropes when he came back in and kicked Akira square in the head. Akira crumpled to the mat, and Kazuo was preparing to go for a Mitsushi Buster on the big man as he stood up, but Akira proved to be far too heavy to lift up, so he was forced to back away and grab his back in pain. Akira used this opportunity and whipped Kazuo across the ring, and picked him up for a huge spinebuster, before dropping down and hitting a powerbomb on Kazuo instead. Needless to say, this nearly knocked Kazuo out cold, so he was unable to kick out. Akira will now face DEMON Yukata next week in the semi-finals. [b]Winner:[/b] Akira Shirou by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Hitoshi Higa vs. Eiji Kiriyama[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hitoshihiga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/eijikiriyama.jpg[/IMG] Hitoshi and Eiji locked up as soon as the bell rang, with Hitoshi getting the early control by applying a headlock. Eiji tried to escape it, but when it seemed like he would, Hitoshi flipped him over with a headlock takedown, before locking in the headlock even tighter once he was on the mat. Eiji again tried to escape it, but couldn’t, so he began to push Higa’s face, hoping to stretch him so he had to let go, but Higa simply headbutted his hands to force him away, and then applied a body scissors to further the torture. He kept this lock in for a long time before he shifted to be in a more comfortable position, allowing Eiji to move and grab the ropes to force the hold to be broken. Hitoshi then just stood up calmly and waited for Eiji to get up. Once he had, Eiji began to flail around madly at Hitoshi, hoping to connect with a few accurate punches. He failed to do so however, as Higa ducked or moved out of the way of each one, before grabbing one of his fists and using it to flip Eiji over with a Judo takeover, a move Eiji normally uses! Eiji rolled back up to his feet, and began to show a look of hurt pride due to being taken down with his own move, and charged at Higa. Higa caught him as he ran and threw him overhead with a Belly-to-Belly suplex, sending Eiji crashing into the mat head first, causing him to grab his neck in pain. Higa then picked up Eiji and began to trade punches with him, before taking the upper hand with a knee to the gut, which he then followed with a Gutwrench Suplex. Eiji bounced off of the mat and tried to get away from Higa, but Hitoshi caught up with him and put him in a full nelson. Eiji struggled, but managed to get out of it with a kick to the thigh of Higa. Higa was none too pleased and brutally knocked Eiji over the top rope with a big boot, sending him crashing to the floor below. Higa then followed him and pushed him back into the ring. He picked him up and nailed a snap suplex, and tried for a cover, but only got a 2. He picked him up again and lifted him into a vertical position, but didn’t drop him, instead just leaving him upside down, allowing the blood to rush to his head. Higa then turned Eiji around and hit him with a front suplex, dropping Eiji on his back in front of him. He went for the cover by grabbing Eiji’s legs, but it was to no avail, as Eiji kicked him in the head with the other, breaking the cover. Eiji then got up and went for a clothesline, but Higa ducked it and dropped him with a Flatliner, before pulling him up in the same position, before shoving his head under his armpit, and lifting him up into a vertical position. He then dropped Eiji onto the ropes, but kept hold of him. He then waited there for a few seconds, slapping Eiji’s back with his free hand. He then drove his head into the mat with a vicious DDT. But it didn’t end there, as Higa picked up Eiji once more, and began to unleash a vicious combination of T-Bone Suplexes. He signalled for the end, probably for mercy, with a thumbs down gesture, before picking up Eiji from behind. He then nailed the Higa Hammerlock Suplex to get the cover and the place in the semi-finals. [b]Winner:[/b] Hitoshi Higa by pinfall [b]B-[/b] – [i]A good match considering Eiji’s lack of talent compared to Higa, and without any chemistry notes either.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Kenji Fukamura vs. White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] These two started off with a tie up right after the bell, when neither could gain the early advantage they broke apart and circled each other. When they came close they shook hands and then locked up once more. Kenji got the early advantage and twisted Manta’s arms. Manta hopped for a few seconds due to the pain, and tried to twist his arm back over, but Kenji wouldn’t allow him to do so. Manta was in a lot of pain, so he rolled on the ground, and then flipped up to release himself from the hold. He then quickly reversed the move on Kenji and put him in a hammerlock, before rolling him up to try and get a pinfall, but barely even got a 1 count. Kenji got up with a brief bout of anger on his face, but then nodded at White Manta and shook his hand again before locking up again. This time Manta got the advantage, and whipped Kenji into the ropes, when Kenji came back, Manta showed he still had it in him and leapfrogged over Kenji. He then rolled under him, and went to him with a monkey flip, but Kenji showed his own athleticism by leaping over Manta and rolling through. Both men suddenly stood up and went into stances, before the crowd began to applaud the brief exchange of moves they just witnessed, as it was something they had never really seen before. Kenji then locked up with Manta once more, and got the advantage and put Manta in a headlock, before flipping him over with a takedown, and then keeping the headlock on. Manta attempted to put him in a head scissors, but Kenji kicked his way out of it and began to stamp away at the chest of Manta. He then locked in a single leg boston crab, before stretching back and grabbing the head of Manta as well, causing a great deal of pain to the back, legs and neck of Manta all at the same time. Kenji was relentless in keeping the pressure on, refusing to let go even when Manta grabbed the ropes. The referee counted to 4, but didn’t want to count to 5 as he wanted a clear winner here. He then grabbed Kenji and pulled him off of Manta, Kenji then suddenly offered a hand to Manta to help him up. Manta accepted and the crowd applauded the show of sportsmanship. They locked up again and Manta got the advantage and swept Kenji’s legs out from under him, he then returned the favour Kenji had given him earlier and put him in a full Boston Crab, sitting on his back to apply more pressure to an already painful hold. Kenji screamed out in pain, before reaching his hands back and raking the eyes of Manta, which was hard to do due to his mask, but it worked and Manta released the hold. Kenji then hurried up and grabbed Manta from behind as he rubbed his eyes, and nailed a Tiger Suplex, with a bridge to try and get the pinfall, but just missed out on the victory as Manta kicked out at the last second. Manta then had no time to recover as Kenji came from behind with a lariat, knocking him back to the mat, before locking in another single leg boston crab. He dragged Manta to the middle of the ring so he couldn’t escape, before grabbing the other leg and turning it into a proper Boston Crab. Kenji then attempted to confuse Manta by releasing that hold of a while, but instead locked in a Cloverleaf. After some brief struggling, Manta managed to force both himself and Kenji in the direction of the ropes, allowing him to grab the bottom rope and break the hold. Kenji then booted Manta in the gut and hoisted him into the air, before nailing the Fukamura Flash Buster out of nowhere. This got him the victory and the final place in the semi-finals. After the match he shook hands with Manta and they celebrated together. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall [b]B[/b] [i]- No chemistry notes here, but what an amazing match for these guys, one of which isn’t that over, but talented. This match rivalled the quality of Kitozon vs. Ichihara at Fire Dreams, and took match of the night. [/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Kiba Izumi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] Noriyoshi and Kiba are feared submission experts, as they showed here tonight. After locking up, Kiba got the advantage and pushed Sanada to the ground, before locking in a tight Fujiwara Armbar, then putting Sanada into a Crucifix Armbar out of nowhere, and then stretching both of his arms further then they should actually go, causing Sanada to yell out in pain. Sanada then showed an impressive amount of power and headbutted Izumi several times to make him release the hold, but this had its own effect on Sanada, who was slightly dazed himself. Izumi tried to take him down with clothesline, but Sanada was just playing possum, and ducked the clothesline, before kicking Kiba in the back and pulling him down to the mat with a neckbreaker. Noriyoshi then took advantage of the match and put Izumi in a grounded Abdominal Stretch, before putting him into a full nelson, which he locked in extra tightly, so it caused more pain to Izumi, and lowed his chances of reversing it. Izumi was able to reach the ropes after a prolonged struggle by using his strength to drag himself and Sanada at the same time towards the ropes. Sanada didn’t let up though, as he dragged Izumi back towards the middle of the ring and put him in a grounded headlock. Izumi tried to stand up while in the hold, but Sanada just clubbed him in the back every time he did so. Izumi eventually got out of the hold by punching Sanada in the gut a few times, followed by a couple of forearms to the head, which sent Sanada briefly to the mat. Izumi used this short amount of time to recover and he began an exchange of punches with Sanada, gaining the upper hand after several attempts to level Sanada. He then punched him into the ropes, and whipped him across the ring with as much power as he could, but Sanada used the momentum to his advantage and came back with a huge clothesline on Izumi which flipped him over due to the impact. He then picked up Izumi and suplexed him over with amazing speed, before rolling through and locking in a grounded headlock, which caught Izumi completely off guard. Izumi tried to go for a head scissors, but Sanada caught his legs and swiftly locked Izumi into the Sanada Pyramid. Izumi yelled out in pain and struggled violently to try and get to the ropes. Sanada wouldn’t allow him to go anywhere, as the fans were going nuts, which caused Izumi to resort to desperate measure, and quickly reached out behind him to try and get a hold of Sanada, but he was too far away, and Izumi was in too much pain. Izumi again tried to reverse the hold by rolling over, but Sanada just rolled with him and put him straight back into the hold. This time he sat on Izumi’s back and pulled the legs back further, causing incredible amounts of pain to him. Izumi screamed out yet again, and really struggled to try and reach the ropes, desperate not to tap out. But Sanada dragged him back into the middle of the ring. Izumi gave up and tapped out, slapping the mat quickly to try and get out of the hold as soon as possible, but once again Sanada refused to let go of the hold, until security had to come down for the second week in a row to pull him off. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission [b]B-[/b] [i]- Not as good as I would have hope, but was a decent match between the two of them..[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Toshiro Saito vs. Paul Kingsley.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men are famed for their power and brawling ability, something which brought this match a fair deal of uniqueness to it, and was quite a contrast to the rest of the card. Saito & Paul locked up as soon as the bell rang, with the larger Saito getting the control right away, pushing Paul to the mat. As Paul ran at him to try and tie up again, Saito dropped to his knees and punched Paul in the gut, causing him to double over, before flipping him over with a Gutwrench Suplex. Toshiro then sat on Paul's chest and began to hit him with big punches to the jaw and temple. Every time he connected, Paul’s head seemed to bounce in that direction, showing just how powerful these shots were. Saito then pulled Paul to his feet and whipped him into the ropes, only to be hit with an uppercut as Paul ducked a clothesline when he came back, and then Paul took Saito to the mat with a Russian Leg Sweep. He then locked in a headlock on the big man, but the effort proved to be futile when the stronger Saito just lifted himself out of the move, before dropping Paul down to the mat with a Front Slam. He then began a series of cross face punches, which took a huge toll on Paul, before locking in a Camel Clutch. Paul was able to nail Saito with an uppercut before it was properly locked in, and Saito staggered backwards out of shock, before being hit with a series of punches to the gut and back from Paul, before getting knocked to the mat with a jumping uppercut, which almost took Saito’s head off. Paul went for the cover but the big man simply threw Paul off of him to kick out. Saito suddenly turned angry and began to kick and punch away at Paul whenever he was able to. One kick caught Paul right in the chest, and another caught him in the spine. He was then levelled by a double axe handles to the back, before Saito began stomping away ruthlessly at his chest and back whenever he tried to roll away. Paul got up after rolling out of the ring and tried to recover from the beating he just took, but before he could do anything, Saito reached over the top rope and attempted to pull him over the top rope and back into the ring. Paul was able to knock him away with a right hook to the jaw, which sent Saito briefly to the mat, before Paul climbed into the ring on his own and prepared to be charged at by Saito. When he did charge, Paul simply ducked down and pulled the top rope down with him, which sent Saito over the top and crashing to the floor below. Saito was really angry at this point and climbed back into the ring as Paul back off to get ready for the left hook. Saito ran at him full speed, and Paul went for the left hook, aimed at Saito’s temple, but Saito simply stopped and grabbed his fist, before twisting it and using it to pull Paul into a lariat. Saito then beat his chest in anger and picked up Paul. He then kneed him three times in the gut, and hoisted him into a vertical position. He then yelled “You will never be able to beat me” right into his face after turning him around. He then grabbed the leg of Paul and drove him down with the Saito-Plex, folding Paul up like a pretzel. Saito then kept the leg hooked to get the cover, and got another dominating victory, this time over a very feared opponent. [b]Winner:[/b] Toshiro Saito by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [i]- Complete lack of chemistry damaged a possibly great main event, but it was still a good rating to pull out of these two. [/i] [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Made 99,900 from this show, which is a little under what I was expecting, but it was still a good amount. Disappointed about the overall result, as I felt it should have been better. Kenji Fukamura vs. White Manta took the match of the night[/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: I really got into the match writing mood with that last card, as you can probably tell by the quality of all of them except Sakamoto vs. Yukata, due to only getting into it after finishing it haha.[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A good show impressed the Hokkaido fans, seeing the potentially huge star Kenji Fukamura having a great bout with White Manta. We also saw a tough bout between Toshiro Saito & Paul Kingsley, with both men going all out. Saito came away with the victory after decimating Paul Kingsley in the last minutes of the match. The tournament for the Burning Pacific Titles will continue this week. It has been decided to have only one of them take place this week, and the other just before Test of Prophecies. [B][U]Card for Blockbuster Tour (Thursday)[/U][/B] Saonji Omura vs. Danger Kumasaka Stunner Okazawaya vs. Black Manta ------------ Akira Shirou vs. DEMON Yukata ------------ Shikimara Mibu w/Tatsumaki Mibu vs. Cobra w/Viper Noriyoshi Sanada vs. White Manta Tasuku Nandaba vs. Onishiki Connor Thompson vs. Seison Yamanaka [I]Predictions welcomed, and whoever manages to get 6/7 predicitons correct will be able to pick who you want to see in the #1 Contenders match in 1 shows time.[/I][/CENTER]
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I bet I can get the 6/7 right. Saonji Omura vs. [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Black Manta ------------ Akira Shirou vs. [B]DEMON Yukata[/B] ------------ [B]Shikimara Mibu w/Tatsumaki Mibu[/B] vs. Cobra w/Viper Noriyoshi Sanada vs. [B]White Manta[/B] [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Onishiki [B]Connor Thompson[/B] vs. Seison Yamanaka
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Another good show - you've gotta assume that without the poor luck on chemistry, Saito - Kingsley would've been an easy B+ match, and probably would've given you a B or B+ rated show and a nice little bump in popularity in that region! [b]Saonji Omura[/b] vs. Danger Kumasaka [i]If these two have chemistry together, this is officially the weirdest game I've ever seen. Omura may be new, but he's a bit older, a bit more popular, and a bit more respected than Kumasaka is.[/i] [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Black Manta [i]Though lately he hasn't been keeping up as well as he did during the first few weeks, Okazawaya is one of the two guys, along with Kenji Fukamura, who have been looking like legitimate breakout stars for your lightweight division, and I'd expect to see him continue his winning ways here.[/i] ------------ Akira Shirou vs. [b]DEMON Yukata[/b] [i]There's nothing wrong with a bit of WWE style booking and giving the musclehead brawler a push - but I'll always vote for skill over looks. Not to say that Yukata has a poor look.[/i] ------------ Shikimara Mibu w/Tatsumaki Mibu vs. [b]Cobra w/Viper[/b] [i]I think a win here turns Cobra & Viper into a legitimate threat to the tag team titles, which would be good as the Mibu need some more opponents.[/i] [b]Noriyoshi Sanada[/b] vs. White Manta [i]Noriyoshi has produced consistently good matches so far, and with the heavyweight division in need of some new blood I wouldn't be surprised if this push led him to upper midcarder status.[/i] [b]Tasuku Nandaba[/b] vs. Onishiki [i]Should be a really good matchup, but with the way Tasuku's being pushed the outcome is pretty much a forgone conclusion. Onishiki may be too worn down or too old at this point to become a serious main event threat - or maybe not - but Tasuku is already there.[/i] [b]Connor Thompson[/b] vs. Seison Yamanaka [i]With Test of Prophecies coming up, you'll be needing an opponent for Kitozon - either of these guys would do really well, but I think that at this point Kitozon - Thompson is the safe bet. He's also the only guy so far to beat Saito, which probably isn't easy :D [/i] Don't let the less-than-perfect ratings get you down, as writing wise and booking wise you're doing a great job. You keep writing, I'll keep reading!
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 2, April 1975 Held in front of 5000 people at the Kanagawa Sports Field [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Naoshi Shinomori vs. Satoru Sugimara[/u] [i]A good match between these two, with Satoru getting the win fairly early on in the match .[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimara by pinfall [b]C[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Flash Asagi vs. Alexander Tomov[/u] [i]The second pre-show meeting between these two, where Tomov once again dominates and ends the match with a Russian Clutch[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Alexander Tomov by submission [b]C-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Byron Valmont vs. Edo Phoenix[/u] [i]A good match between these two high fliers, Edo took the match with the Blaze of Glory[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Saionji Omura vs. Danger Kumasaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/saionjiomura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Danger.jpg[/IMG] Saionji & Danger Kumasaka are two very intense and dangerous, no pun intended, men, and this showed in their match, full of big moves and intense spots. Omura and Danger locked up, with Omura gaining the early advantage with a headlock. Danger countered quickly with a few sharp elbows right into the gut of Omura, before whipping him across the ring. When he came back towards Danger, he was met with an elbow to the chest, and then a kick to the back of the legs in one fluid motion. He began to stagger backwards, which caused Danger to suddenly charge at him and annihilate him with an STO. Omura was flipped over backwards due to the impact, and Danger rolled him over to try and get a pin, but only got a 2 count. Omura grabbed his head after kicking out, feeling the effects of the STO. This caused him to lose some of his awareness and speed. Danger used this to his advantage, scooting around Omura and hitting him with elbows to the head when he least expected it. When they locked up again, Danger gained control and put him in a headlock, before switching to the mat by flipping Omura over with a headlock takedown. Omura then suddenly sprang to life, putting Kumaska in a head scissors. He managed to reverse it quickly however, using his upper body strength to flip out of it, before kicking Omura right in the sternum, and stomping away at the chest about 9 times afterwards. Danger kept his momentum up by pummelling away at the face of Omura, knocking him senseless with a few punches that looked deadly, before finishing him off with a headbutt. But this seemed to hurt Kumasaka more than it did Omura, who simply head butted him back, before grabbing the stunned Kumasaka and driving him into the mat with a twisting neckbreaker. He then kicked away at the neck of Danger, and dropped a couple of knees into the head of Danger, causing him to writhe on the mat in pain. Omura just smiled at his pain, and stomped away at his chest a couple more times before picking him up. He turned him around and threw him overhead with a german suplex, but didn’t bridge it, instead keeping his arms clasped around his waist. He pulled Danger to his feet, before suddenly moving into a reverse DDT position, and dropping him onto his neck in a bad position. He grabbed his neck and began to rub it out of pain as Omura began to try and get the crowd into the match, and was met with cheers oddly enough. When Kumasaka reversed a neckbreaker and knocked him to the mat, it seemed like he could lock in the Aurora Surfboard Vice, but Omura stood up and fell back before he could lock it in properly, and so knocked the air out of him. Omura then waited, and as he got up, he booted Kumasaka in the gut, before putting him into a piledriver position. The fans began to cheer as they wanted to see what was next, but gasped when he suddenly dropped to the mat, hitting a Collapsing Piledriver. He kept Danger in that position while he went for the cover, putting pressure on his neck so he couldn’t kick out. Omura emerged victorious in his very first match in a promotion, over a very equal opponent. [b]Winner:[/b] Saionji Omura by pinfall in 7:59 [b]D-[/b] – [i] Disappointing match, although probably caused by the lack of chemistry between them, as they didn’t click at all.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Black Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/blackmanta.jpg[/IMG] Okazawaya & Manta were well matched in terms of size and skill, with Stunner taking a slight lead when it comes to wrestling on the mat. They both tied up, with Manta getting the control, kicking Stunner in the gut and flipping him over with a suplex. Manta then quickly re-positioned himself and locked in an armbar on Stunner, grounding the young prodigy, before quickly moving to another hold, the Fujiwara Armbar, now a premier submission for the BHOTWG roster, but Manta used some of his power to hyper extend his elbow, causing Stunner more pain than the hold would usually cause. He then quickly moved again after a while, putting his arm into a hammerlock, before flipping over and bridging himself so he could pull the arm further. He then shifted round, while still keeping the hammerlock locked in, and began to drive his knees into his back and arm, causing Stunner to yell out and reach for the ropes every time. Okazawaya managed to eventually struggle towards the ropes, and rapped his free arm around the bottom rope tightly, so that Manta couldn’t pull him back. Manta was forced to let go, but added a little bit of pain, and dropped his knee onto the elbow he had been working on. Stunner grabbed it and showed himself to be in a lot of pain. Manta picked him up, and hit him with a forearm to the chin, before spinning and hitting another into his temple, then spinning the other way and nailing him with a fist to the cheek. This sent Stunner reeling, which allowed Manta to capitalise with a clothesline, and knocked him to the mat. He went for a cover, but only managed a two count, and he began to show a slight frustration. Manta began to try and pick apart Stunner’s arm again, but Stunner punched him across the face, giving him a few moments to recover. He then quickly moved over to Manta and picked him up, and applied a standing hammerlock. He applied the pressure by forcing the arm upwards several times, causing Manta to jump with each time due to the pain. Stunner then kept his momentum and reached around Manta’s waist, before picking him up into a back suplex position, and quickly moving out of the way, dropping Manta onto his arm, causing him to quickly grab onto it and roll around on the mat Stunner then began to stalk Manta from behind, and as he began to slowly get up onto his knees, Stunner connected with a dropkick to the back of his head, sending Manta into the ropes, he didn’t stay there however. He staggered back from the ropes, and before he knew it he was nailed by the Reverse Okazawaya Stunner and Stunner had gotten the victory once more to improve his winning streak to 6-0. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall at 9:04 [b]C[/b] [i]- A good match between these two as Stunner’s good match ratings return[/i] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Akira Shirou vs. DEMON Yukata[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akirashirou.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] Akira and Yukata are two feared competitors, some who say the most feared in their respective divisions, Akira in the heavyweight division, and Yukata in the junior division. They locked up after the bell, and struggled for a little while before Akira took control and beat Yukata in the back with a clubbing blow, and then following it up with a knee into the gut, before taking him to the mat with a double axe handle. Yukata was helpless against this sudden barrage of attacks, and desperately tried to his face as Akira began to unleash a vicious series of cross face punches, before turning round and kneeing Yukata in the face, not once, not twice, not three times, but four devastating times right in the skull. Akira attempted to get a pinfall, but Yukata was determined not to fall that easily and kicked out at 2. Akira just picked him up and drove his knees into his stomach. He then put his head under his arm, and twisted quickly, while also dropping to the mat, bringing Yukata down to the mat again with a twisting neckbreaker. He again went for the cover, but Yukata kicked out at 1 this time. Akira then began to get angry and let his attention decrease. He lifted Yukata up and tried to go for a suplex, but the ligher man hooked his leg round Akira’s, stopping him from doing the move. Akira then pushed Yukata away and tried to trample him with a clothesline, but Yukata rolled under his arm, and then rolled back when Akira turned around. Yukata then applied the head scissors to Akira, and attempted to go for a hurracanrana, but Akira stayed up, catching Yukata in a vulnerable position. He then lifted him up onto his shoulders before driving him to the mat with a powerbomb, which seemingly destroyed Yukata as he bounced off the mat and looked to be out cold. Akira kept hold of the legs and lifted him up again, and drove him to the mat once more with a Sitout Powerbomb. Yukata was definitely out cold by this one, and Akira went for the cover. 1…2…NO! Yukata somehow managed to kick out! Akira was going crazy at this point, and lifted the prone Yukata off of the mat and whipped him across the ring. He then attempted a clothesline, but Yukata ducked it, and when he tried a reverse elbow, Yukata leapt over it. Akira then tried to spear Yukata, but he rolled over Akira and went for the Sunset Flip. Akira managed to kick out at 1, and punched Yukata right in the jaw to knock him down. He stomped and kicked away at his chest and back before lifting him back up and whipping him across the ring. Yukata ducked under another clothesline attempt, and waited until Akira turned around. When he did, he kicked the bigger man in the stomach, doubling him over. He then backed up and nailed a beautiful step-up enziguri. Akira was reeling at this moment, and Yukata, without turning back around, dropped Akira to the mat with a Cutter, now called the Hellfire Cutter. Akira was caught off guard by this series of moves, just like Yukata was at the beginning of the match, and was too dazed to kick out. Yukata managed to get the upset on the big man and advanced to the finals at Test of Prophecies! [b]Winner:[/b] DEMON Yukata by pinfall at 11:33 [b]C-[/b] – [i]No real notes at all here, except it was slightly better than I expected. DEMON, who was already quite popular, is quickly gaining more with every match, despite this being his second win this tour.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Shikimara Mibu w/Tatsumaki Mibu vs. Cobra w/Viper[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] Shikimara was determined to defeat Cobra here tonight, to prove why he is the co-tag team champion. Cobra was also determined to defeat his opponent, as a win here would definitely cement their title shot at Test of Prophecies, having won the contendership match at Fire Dream of the Immortals. When they locked up, Shikimara took control with a knee to the gut, which he followed up with another knee to the chest of the doubled over Cobra. He then scooted round Cobra and put him in a reverse bear hug. Cobra struggled for a while, and tried everything he could to reverse it, but he was in too much pain due to the power of Shikimara. He eventually manage to get his arms free, but Shikimara wasn’t about to let him get out of the hold that easily, and lifted him up higher. Cobra figured out what was about to happen and desperately tried to remove Shikimara’s grip, but before he could, he was dropped right on his face with a Ronin Plex. He was rolled over to his back so Shikimara could make the cover, but he kicked out at two, not allowing it to end so easily for Mibu. Shikimara then lifted Cobra up from his feet and punched him a couple of times in the gut before chopping away at his chest. Cobra bounced after every chop, and his chest soon became red. Shikimara took this as a cue of sorts, and whipped him across the ring. When he came back he levelled him with a back elbow, but Cobra was back up soon after, catching Mibu off guard. He then moved quickly and took him down from behind with a rear naked choke. He dropped to the mat with Mibu and locked the move in even tighter. He applied a body scissors in what is known as the Cobra Constrictor Clutch. Mibu struggled to get out of this hold, but eventually he used his power to simply grab Cobra’s head and pull him over, placing him into the mat with a very weak Inverted Crucifix. Cobra managed to get up quickly and raced towards Mibu so he could lock in the hold again, but Mibu just stood like a brick wall, causing Cobra to bounce off of him when he tried a shoulder block. He tried it again, and had the same result. Mibu then took advantage and stormed over Cobra with a shoulder block his own. Mibu then punched and punched away at the skull of the downed Cobra, eager to destroy his opponent before facing him in two weeks. Suddenly Cobra was able to grab his fist and push him away, before running at him and delivering a knee to the skull of Mibu. Cobra took a moment to recover after the barrage of punches he had just suffered, but as soon as Mibu began to get up he kicked him in the chest again. He then ran round behind Mibu and locked in the Cobra Constrictor Clutch. Mibu was in the middle of the ring and was still dazed from the knee to the head earlier. Mibu struggled for a long time, desperately trying to reach for the ropes in order to make the hold be released, but was unable to move at all due to Cobra using his own strength to keep Mibu down and in the same place. Mibu still held on and tried to escape, but in the end he was forced to tap out, giving Cobra the win. [b]Winner:[/b] Cobra by submission in 9:56 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Cobra and Shikimara showed decent chemistry here tonight, and brought out a great match for both of them. [/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] Noriyoshi was on fire in this match, as he was up against a fairly talented technician in White Manta. Manta was also trying his hardest here tonight to attempt to unseat Noriyoshi from his 6-0 winning streak. They locked up, and Noriyoshi got the early advantage, whipping Manta into the ropes, but he ran after him and hit him with a knee to the gut when he rebounded, causing him to flip over from the impact. He then dropped an elbow across his sternum before locking in a traditional armbar. Manta was able to roll through it, so Sanada pulled him back down to the mat viciously, and locked in a standing 90 degree arm bar, using one of his feet to force Manta into the mat, so he could apply the pressure without worrying about him moving underneath him. However, Manta was able to surprise Sanada, as he suddenly yanked his arm back, releasing himself from the hold, before grabbing Sanada’s foot and flipping him over with a dragon screw leg whip. After this, Manta got up and readied himself for an attack, but Sanada simply started clapping, applauding Manta’s move. He then extended his hand, and Manta shook it worriedly, before Sanada simply walked back and locked up with him again. Manta got the control this time, and put Sanada into an arm wrench, and then switched to a hammerlock, applying pressure beyond what Sanada could withstand several times, before kicking him in the back of the knees so he dropped to his knees, and then locked in a rear chinlock, bending Sanada backwards and applying pressure to the neck. Sanada was able to recover and escape with an elbow to the jaw and then a few elbows to the gut. Manta got up, but was taken down by a clothesline. He tried to get up again, but Sanada took him back down to the mat with a lariat, and he placed his arms on the chest of Manta to indicate a cover, and he seemed to get really energised as the referee counted. Manta kicked out at two, making Sanada punch him twice in the chest and then lifted him up from behind. He promptly took him back down with a Tiger Suplex, and bridged it, trying to get a pinfall victory, but Manta kicked out and rolled through, kicking Sanada in the back of the head with a dropkick as he got up. Sanada grabbed his head as he rolled, but soon got up, and saw Manta running towards him. He took his chances and went for another lariat, and Manta didn’t see this one coming either, and was turned inside out when he collided with Sanada. He was dragged into the middle of the ring, and Sanada began to signal to the crowd, who began to cheer wildly for him. He placed the legs in his trademark Sanada Pyramid finisher position, but instead of just lying down and applying pressure, he sat down on the back of Manta, and nearly laid down on his back due to bending back so far, this move is called the Grand Sanada Pyramid, and Manta was in huge amounts of pain as his back was bent further than it really should be. He struggled and struggled, but eventually tapped out like a madman, and was thankfully released from the move as Sanada had his hand raised by the referee and the crowd cheered for him. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission in 9:44. [b]B-[/b] [i]- Good match between these two, giving Sanada a popularity boost.[/i] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Onishiki[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/onishiki.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men are huge fighters, with both relying on big moves in order to dominate their opponents. When these two locked up, there was a huge power struggle to see who would gain the ever important first advantage. Both guys did their best to try and push the other man away, but Tasuku was too powerful to push away, and Onishiki was too large. Eventually each man realised they could not gain the advantage this way and stepped back. This led to slight applause from the crowd, before both men began to circle each other once more. Onishiki tried to charge in with a clothesline, but Tasuku dodged it and came back with a punch to the back of the head which sent the big man reeling, Tasuku took advantage of this and tried to heave the man over for a German Suplex, but he was too heavy, so Tasuku spun him round so they were head to head. Onishiki tried to hit him with a punch, but he ducked and elbowed Onishiki three times in the ribs, before standing up and throwing the big man overhead with a strained Belly-to-belly, a testament to his amazing strength. He landed with a thud, and the crowd once again applauded the effort of Tasuku. He headed over to Onishiki, who was trying to get up, but began to act like a turtle. Tasuku simply kicked him over onto his front and began to stomp away at his back, before sitting down on it and elbowing Onishiki in the sides of the head for a good two minutes. He then went for a few crossface punches but they were ill-founded on the Samoans head, who stood up and threw the big Tasuku across the ring with a powerslam. Tasuku shot up instantly and stared at Onishiki in amazement for being able to do that. He charged at him and unleashed a barrage of punches into his gut, with some finding their target and doubling up Onishiki, and then began clubbing away at his back, taking the big man over further. But Tasuku wanted to make a bigger statement and placed the big man’s head between his legs. He then stuck his arms into the air before lifting Onishiki into a powerbomb, which the crowd gasped and clapped madly in amazement at, before collapsing under his weight, but still managing to hit the powerbomb, although a little weakly. Onishiki landed badly during the fall, landing on the bottom of his neck. Tasuku got up slowly and noticed Onishiki was still down, and so picked him up, before delivering a couple of lighting punches to the chest and gut. Onishiki fully awoke and began to trade punches with Tasuku. He almost seemed to get the advantage, but Tasuku quickly came back, nailing him with 6 punches out of nowhere right to the jaw. Onishiki began to stumble and fell into the ropes. Tasuku ran across the other side of the ring, and continued his momentum after bouncing off of the ropes and prepared to level the big Onishiki as Onishiki began to walk in his direction. Onishiki went for a clothesline, but Tasuku ducked it and bounced off of the ropes behind Onishiki, and took him down with a huge Full Swing Lariat from behind. Onishiki collapsed to the mat, and was then rolled over by Tasuku as he lifted his massive leg and went for the cover. He got the victory and the huge momentum boost heading towards Test of Prophecies for whatever match he ends up having. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall in 9:35 [b]C+[/b] [i]- Let down in terms of ratings, but still a decent match between these guys. Tasuku gained a huge amount of momentum from defeating the previously near-unbeatable Onishiki[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Connor Thompson vs. Seison Yamanaka.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] Connor & Seison showed a great deal of respect for each other when they entered the ring, due to both being high profile wrestlers in the whole wrestling world today, and with Connor being one of few gaijin to ever truly be accepted by the fans, especially since the Wild Man Sullivan incident. Both men shook hands before the match started, with Connor then bowing in a traditional Japanese show of respect, and Seison returned it. When they locked up, Seison managed to take the veteran by surprise and bring him down to the mat with an ankle takedown, he then attempted a quick pinfall, but didn’t even get a ½ count! Seison then used his far superior mat skill by locking Connor in a Single Leg Boston Crab, a watered down version of his Red Sun Rising. Connor struggled and tried to reverse it, but was unable to. He then struggled and struggled for a long time, each time trying to force his way towards the ring ropes. He eventually reached them after a long time, but Seison used his sudden movements to pull him back to the middle of the ring and sat down on Connor. Connor then had had enough and used his strength to shove Seison away from him, and stood up with a look of pure anger in his eyes. He charged at Seison and ran right through him with a clothesline. He wasn’t done with his little fit yet, and picked Seison up to standing, before taking two wild punches at his temple, and then put him into a suplex position. He hooked his leg, and lifted him up like a normal suplex, but instead of falling back he dropped Seison at his feet in a sort of modified Fishermans Buster. He went for the cover but somehow only got a 2 count, but Seison was really showing the effects of this last move, and suddenly became more cautious of the bigger Connor. Seison took him back down to the mat after knocking him down from behind with a Chop Block. He locked in a tight Fujiwara Armbar, making sure he took away any chance of Connor using his power to get his arm out of the hold. Connor eventually, after a struggle, reached the ropes once again and forced him to break the hold. He then got up once more with a vision of angers dancing in his pupils, and charged towards Seison, who couldn’t move out of his way in time, and was flipped upside-down and turned inside-out from a lariat. Connor picked him up and heaved him over for a German Suplex, he then bridged it and hoped for a 3 count, but only got a 2 count as Seison showed his determination by resisting giving the match up. Seison then did an amazing thing; he somehow managed to lock Connor in a bow & arrow lock, a move he managed to successfully lock in on Dayu Ichihara a long time ago. Connor was in a big amount of pain from being stretched so far, and tried to remain as rigid as possible, but this just caused him more pain as Seison was determined to break him in half with the hold. Connor eventually began to elbow Seison with his long arms, and then punched him in the gut, causing him to drop the big man. Seison took his time to get up, something he would later regret. Connor got up and nailed Seison with a sudden Implant DDT. He was ready to end it and signified it by slapping his chest to get the crowd into it. He waited for Seison to get up, and nailed him with the Thunder From Down Under out of nowhere, knocking Seison out cold. He made the cover, and it was academic from there. [b]Winner:[/b] Connor Thompson by pinfall [b]B+[/b] [i]- Finally a good main event that outperformed the rest of the card. No chemistry notes here either, which leaves the speculation of what the rating would have been if they had good chemistry. Seison is really impressing, as he has produced the match of the year, all around the world, not just in BHOTWG against Dayu Ichihara, and now a B+ with Connor Thompson [/i] [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Made 146,850 from this show, and I lost popularity. But still, I did better than the GCG show held this same night, which only scored a C+, with newly crowned GCG champion Dragon Akagawa, which he won from Sadaharu Jimbo at a B rated show held last night, defending his title against….you guessed it…Nishiwakamaru. And congrats to SadisticBlessings for his amazing 7/7 correct predictions, and a thankyou to Midnightnick for predicting, despite getting only 4/7.[/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: I'm really surprised with how badly GCG has been doing, though it could be something to do with the fact the only title defences have been against Nishiwakamaru, no idea whether this is like a ritual you have to go through after being champion....[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A good show held from our home in Kanto. Fans got to see the impressive debut of Saionji Omura, who seemingly made Danger Kumasaka's finisher look timid compared to his. We also saw a great main event between Connor Thompson and Seison Yamanaka, who knows what the future holds for these two? [B][U]Card for Blockbuster Tour (Thursday)[/U][/B] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Satoru Sugimara - can he go 7-0? Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Kazuo Mitsushi ------------ Hitoshi Higa vs. Kenji Fukamura ------------ Tatsumaki Mibu vs. Viper Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Shogo Takani - can he go 8-0? Tasuku Nandaba vs. Connor Thompson vs. Toshiro Saito - #1 Contendership for Burning World Championship title shot at Test of Prophecies. [I]Predictions welcomed, and if anyone manages to get exactly 7/7, I will let them choose the type of match for the Main event at Test of Prophecies.[/I][/CENTER]
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Isn't that 7 matches? [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Satoru Sugimara Edo Phoenix vs. [B]Bishima[/B] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] ------------ [B]Hitoshi Higa[/B] vs. Kenji Fukamura ------------ [B]Tatsumaki Mibu[/B] vs. Viper Noriyoshi Sanada vs. [B]Shogo Takani[/B] Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Connor Thompson[/B] vs. Toshiro Saito - #1 Contendership for Burning World Championship title shot at Test of Prophecies.
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Another good show, can't wait for Test of Prophecies! And yeah, that's 7 matches :D [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Satoru Sugimara [i]Yes, he WILL go 7-0... at least, I can't see Sugimura being the one to beat him.[/i] [b]Edo Phoenix[/b] vs. Bishima [i]Edo is probably your best all around high flyer aside from Elemental right now, and if the big E is getting a match at ToP it will likely be against him. Bishima is good as well, and once he improves for a few months or so, it might be his turn.[/i] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [b]Kazuo Mitsushi[/b] [i]Atsushi's place is making Kenji look good in the tag ranks, while Kazuo can be a legitimate main eventer for you if he develops right. Pretty easy call to make.[/i] ------------ Hitoshi Higa vs. [b]Kenji Fukamura[/b] [i]I know I said I thought Yukata would be beating Higa in the finals, but stats-wise Kenji vs Yukata is a better match, so I'll vote Kenji here. He's already been praised several times in this diary, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up stealing the title.[/i] ------------ [b]Tatsumaki Mibu[/b] vs. Viper [i]Shikimara already lost to Cobra, so it's time for the Mibu to even things up and leave the outcome of the title match at ToP in doubt.[/i] [b]Noriyoshi Sanada[/b] vs. Shogo Takani [i]The longer Shogo stays active, the faster his stats will drop - but Sanada is at a relatively good age. Two undefeated streaks... perhaps Sanada vs Okazawaya somewhere down the road?[/i] Tasuku Nandaba vs. [b]Connor Thompson[/b] vs. Toshiro Saito [i]Any one of these three would probably out-perform Kitozon v Ichihara from Fire Dreams, but Connor is probably the strongest performer of the three. Tasuku is still being built up and isn't exactly the safest opponent, while Saito has already been put down once by Thompson.[/i]
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 3, April 1975 Held in front of 4141 people at the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Naoshi Shinomori vs. Saionji Omura[/u] [i]A not so impressive match for Saionji, as he defeats Naoshi Shinomori with the Collapsing Piledriver .[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Saionji Omura by pinfall [b]D+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Danger Kumasaka vs. Yuto Ijima[/u] [i]Kumasaka defeated the veteran with the Aurora Surfboard Vice, but there was a little problem with the crowds not buying into him beating Yuto.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Danger Kumasaka by submission [b]C-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Akahashi Kuno vs. Byron Valmont[/u] [i]A nice decent match between these two high fliers, both have a bright future here in BHOTWG, if Byron can get better all-round skills he could go far.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Akahashi Kuno by pinfall [b]C+[/b] [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Satoru Sugimara[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] Stunner was really pumped going into this match, slapping hands with the fans who had begun to really get into his matches, before posing for the crowd in the ring as his pyros went off .He was so pumped because he wanted to go 7-0 in this match, keeping his streak as the 3rd best streak in the company right now. Satoru however was not so welcomed, as the fans couldn’t wait to see Stunner kick his butt. When they locked up, it didn’t take long before the fans began to cheer for Stunner. He used this to gain control early on and instantly put Satoru into a hammerlock. Satoru hopped around from the pain until he managed to grab his head and put him in a headlock. Stunner managed to reverse this and put him back in a hammerlock, which Satoru tried to get out of by flipping over and lowering the pressure, but Stunner caught him while he was in mid-air and drove him down into a backbreaker, and then stretched him across his knee. The fans went nuts at this move as it showed how much Stunner was focused on his opponent, being able to catch him in mid-air. Satoru struggled and struggled to get out of the hold, but it was in too tight, and he began to fade away. Stunner didn’t want the match to end now and so threw him off his knee, and then drove that same knee into his gut before going for a pinfall. It only got a 2 count but it was obvious who had the momentum so far in this match. Satoru tried to take Stunner down to the mat with a drop toehold, but Stunner rolled it through and locked him into a sit-down single leg boston crab. Satoru yelled out in pain and struggled to get towards the ropes, he eventually managed to reach them after a minute or so, forced Stunner to release the hold. He tried to get up quickly, but his leg buckled, making him lose any chance of an immediate comeback, and made him easy prey for Stunner, who dropkicked him into the ropes, and drove him to the mat with a neckbreaker. Stunner then kicked him several times in the head, and then stomped away at his sternum before lifting Satoru up to his feet and whipped him across the ring. He attempted to take him down with a back elbow, but Satoru ducked it and came back with a dropkick which sent Stunner to the mat. He then bounced off of the ropes and hit a senton. He went for a quick cover, but only got a 2 count. Stunner stood up quickly out of anger and kicked Satoru right in the face, sending him back down to the mat. He began to signal for the Okazawaya Stunner, and the crowd began to cheer loudly. Satoru took a while to get to his feet, still feeling the effects of the kick he received, before turning into a boot to the gut from Stunner. He was then drilled with the Okazawaya Stunner and hit the mat hard after flying backwards from the impact. Stunner made the fairly academic cover and advanced to a 7-0 streak, quite an impressive feat for the youngster. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 7:56 [b]B-[/b] – [i] Fantastic opening match, and it would set the tone of the entire show.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Edo Phoenix vs. Bishima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] Edo Phoenix came out to a fairly mixed reaction, due to his facing Elemental at Fire Dreams, but Bishima came out to a huge amount of boos, but he just shrugged it off and began to pump himself up while he waited for the match to start. They locked up, but neither could get the early control so they backed away from each other. Bishima tried to rush in and catch Edo off guard with a clothesline, but Edo ducked, and sweeped out his legs from behind, before kicking him in the chest to force him to the mat. Edo then hopped up to the top rope and flew off with a moonsault, and connected and went for a cover. Bishima managed to get the shoulder up before two, which surprised Edo as well as the crowd. Edo then quickly got back up and readied himself for Bishima, who came charging at him with a clothesline. He again ducked it and went to sweep his legs out just like before, but Bishima jumped up, and when he landed he connected with a beautiful enziguri to Edo, which sent him right into the mat. He went for the cover, but only got a 2 count, with Edo kicking out just in time. Edo managed to roll backwards and get to his feet first and took down Bishima with a thunderous clothesline, flipping him over from the impact. Edo then waited for him to get up before kicking him in the gut with a back kick. He then wowed the crowd with a backflip kick, which took Bishima down to the mat with a direct hit to the back of his head. He rolled him over and went for pinfall, but only managed to get a 2 count as Bishima somehow again managed to kick out. Edo began to show a slight amount of frustration and punched away at Bishima until all of the rage was gone, which took quite a while. Edo went up and was intended to end the match with Blaze of Glory, but he connected with something he didn’t want to, Bishima’s knees. He bounced off and rolled around in pain from the impact, and Bishima ran up to the top rope. He sprang off with an Evil Splash, and went for the cover. The fans began to boo as the referee made the count. 1… 2… Thr…no! Edo managed to kick out from out of nowhere! Bishima was incredibly frustrated by this and began to argue with the referee. This gave Edo time to get up and drill Bishima into the mat with a reverse DDT. He then bounced off of the ropes and hit a leg drop, and then a flip senton to make sure Bishima was down. He then promptly leapt off of the top with the Blaze of Glory again, and this time he connected with Bishima’s chest, knocking the air out of him. He made the cover and managed to get the 3! He rolled out of the ring exhausted and slapped the hands of some of the fans before heading to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall in 10:52 [b]B-[/b] [i]- A fantastic match between these two high fliers right here. There were no other notes, not even a chemistry note, and it was a good match.[/i] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Kazuo Mitsushi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] Atsushi was not looking forward to this match that much at all, as he knew if he lost his partner, Kenji Fukamura would be disappointed in him, and going up against Kazuo Mitsushi wasn’t something he exactly wanted to do, as he had begun to fear Kazuo in recent weeks. When they locked up, Kazuo took the early advantage after a brief struggle and pushed Atsushi to the mat. He picked him up and drove his knee right into his gut, and then hit him across the back with a double axe handle. This sent Atsushi back to the mat and began to roll around in pain, grabbing his back. Kazuo picked him up again, and booted him the gut before sending him overhead with a snap suplex. He then got up and started to stomp away at his chest, before rolling him over and putting him in an arm bar, and then switched to a Crucifix Arm bar. Atsushi was struggling violently to try and get out of the hold, but he was too far away from the ropes to reach them, and Kazuo had the hold in tight. He tried to roll himself and Kazuo across the ring so he could reach the ropes, and after a huge amount of resistance on Kazuo’s part, he managed to roll over and grabbed onto the ropes with one hand. Kazuo simply just threw Atsushi way after releasing the hold. When Atsushi got up, he was met with a clothesline, and dropped to the mat quickly. He got up again, slowly this time as he was still feeling the effects of the arm bar plus the clothesline he just got hit with. He couldn’t see Kazuo anywhere, but realised all too late when Kazuo jumped from behind him and dropped him to the mat with a flying bulldog. Atsushi bounced off of the mat and flipped over from the impact, and Kazuo got back up and began to pound his chest, feeling the energy building up inside him. Atsushi eventually stood back up, and was holding his head. Kazuo turned him around and drilled him into the mat with a German Suplex, but pulled him back up, while still in the hold, before repositioning himself and flipping Atsushi overhead with a Tiger Suplex, he kept the move bridged and went for the cover, but it somehow only got a 2 count. Kazuo was beginning to get stressed by now, as Atsushi was proving to be far too resilient for his liking. So he picked him up from the mat, and drove his knees twice into his gut, before driving him into the mat with a DDT. He then began to stalk Atsushi, who slowly made his way to his feet, rubbing his neck from the pain. He then kicked him in the back and put him in a Reverse DDT position, but he instead swung to one side and used his momentum to drive Atsushi into the mat with a cutter, which Kazuo calls the Star Cutter. He went for the cover and got the pinfall in a dominating victory over Atsushi Nagamichi. [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall in 8:59 [b]B-[/b] – [i]Great match between these two, which was a really impressive thing considering the low amount of popularity involved here.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Hitoshi Higa vs. Kenji Fukamura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/hitoshihiga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] Both men had their hearts set on the prize for tomorrow night, a chance to be in the finals of the Burning Pacific title tournament at Test of Prophecies. Kenji was a good sportsman and was willing to accept the fact if he lost, it was okay. Higa however, was so intent on getting the belt; he wouldn’t ever accept a loss here today. When the locked up, Higa took the early advantage by booting Kenji in the gut, before whipping him across the ring. He levelled him with a back elbow when he returned, and then dropped that same elbow into his sternum. He went for the c0cky cover, but this allowed Kenji to kick out with ease, and allowed him to pull Higa down to the mat and lock him in a grounded Abdominal Stretch. Higa struggled for a few brief moments, before reaching and just managing to grab the ropes to force him to break the hold. He then got up quickly and pulled Kenji to his feet, before booting him in the gut again and quickly snapped him over with a snap suplex. He wasn’t done for the moment however, and picked Kenji back up, and drove his knee into his chest three times, to make sure he wasn’t going to reverse the next move, and sent Kenji flying overhead with an Exploder Suplex. He crashed to the mat and Higa went for a proper cover, but only managed to get a 2 count before Kenji put his foot on the ropes. Kenji managed to get the control away from Higa by bringing back down to the mat, and locked him into a Boston Crab, before bending backwards and putting him into a rear chinlock. Higa was in a lot of pain, and was very close to tapping out. He managed to hold on though, and constantly tried to reverse the hold, but by trying to escape the hold he just made the hold worse. Eventually he rolled over in an attempt to roll onto Kenji and force him to break the hold, but Kenji switched from his back to his front and put Higa in the same move, but this time he was up in the air, so it caused him more pain. Higa was still in a lot of pain, even more now due to the new pressure being put on his neck and back. But he looked to the side of him and saw the ropes, and he reached out, managing to hook his arm around one to force Kenji to break the hold. Higa then showed a new-found anger, dropping his knees onto Kenji’s chest, before stomping away at the same place for good measure. He then picked him up and took him back down to the mat with a quick neckbreaker, before rolling over and delivering punches to Kenji. Kenji managed to block most of them, and pushed Higa away. He then hopped up and began to kick Higa in the chest, hitting him right in the sternum. He quickly gained momentum and placed Higa in a headlock, showing his confidence. Higa reversed it, however, into a hammerlock, and seemed ready to put Kenji into the Hammerlock Suplex. He set him up for it, and threw Kenji overhead with the Higa Hammerlock Suplex. But Kenji landed on his feet! Before Higa could figure out what had happened, he was driven to the mat by a Super Kick to the back of his head. Kenji went for the cover and got the win, sending him to the finals of the Pacific title tournament. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 14:51 [b]B[/b] [i]- No chemistry shown, but there was a lack of selling. A good match between these two and I am proud of both of them. [/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Tatsumaki Mibu w/Shikimara Mibu vs. Viper w/Cobra[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] Tatsumaki was ready for this match, as he wanted to avenge Shikimara’s loss to Cobra last week, and wanted to make sure Viper understood who was going to win tomorrow night. When they locked up, Mibu showed his technical superiority by putting Viper into a hammerlock right away, and pushed his arm further up his back occasionally, to cause him more pain at different moments. Cobra was yelling for Viper to get his head in the game, and this caused Viper to reverse the hold into a headlock, and then took Mibu down to the mat with a headlock takedown. He locked in the headlock tighter this time, but then switched to a body scissors. Mibu struggled but was able to counter the hold with a poke to Viper’s eyes, and soon put him in a head scissors. Viper found his way out of this one with a kick to Mibu’s chest, and once he released the hold, he kicked him in the chest again, before stomping away at his sternum and head madly. Cobra cheered for him and began to clap his hands which caused Viper to get more intense. He picked up Mibu and hit him three times in the gut with his fists, before kneeing him one time there as well. He then flipped him over with a Gutwrench suplex, before attempting a pinfall. He only got a 2 count, which only served to enrage him more. Viper drove his knees into Mibu’s head, before locking him in a Crossface attempt, which Mibu managed to roll out of and then kicked Viper right in the chest, and then when he sat up, in the forehead. Mibu then began to show signs of getting energised and began to run around the ring ready to end the match. He went for the Mibu Driver Mark 1 as soon as Viper got up, but it was reversed and Viper leapt up into the air and delivered a straight kick right to the back of Mibu’s head. Viper felt the change in momentum and began to stomp his leg into the mat to symbolise he was getting ready for the Snakebite Roundhouse Kick. Mibu staggered to his feet, and realised what was about to happen. Viper went for the kick, but Mibu ducked it and rolled up Viper out of nowhere. 1… 2… No! Viper kicked out of the cover attempt and kicked Mibu right in the gut before driving him to the mat with a clubbing blow to the back. He then didn’t bother stomping his foot and instead began to stalk Mibu as he got up. This time he nailed Mibu right in the side of the head with the Snakebite Roundhouse kick, practically flipping Mibu over from the impact. He made the cover and got the huge amount of momentum heading into Test of Prophecies. [b]Winner:[/b] Viper by pinfall in 8:46 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Good match, keeping up the average of the show.[/i] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Shogo Takani[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/noriyoshisanada.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] Sanada & Takani are some of the best submission wrestlers in Japan today, and it showed in this match here tonight. Both men were very pumped up for this match, with Sanada wanting to overcome the veteran and go 8-0, while Takani wanted to end the youngsters streak in devastating fashion. When they locked up it was the veteran Takani who got the control, putting Sanada into a wrist clutch hold. He yanked at Sanada’s arm, dealing massive amounts of damage to him each time he did it. He continued the assault with a barrage of elbows to his shoulder and arm, making Sanada drop to his knees. He then dropped his arm and pulled Sanada to the mat by lifting up his leg. He promptly put him into a knee bar. He held it in as long as he could, but Sanada eventually managed to reverse it and kicked Shogo in his own knee, making him fall down to one knee, and then booted him in the face, making him hit the mat hard. He quickly got up and put Shogo into a boston crab, but Shogo reversed this and hit a quick back breaker onto Sanada when he got up. Sanada & Shogo then began to exchange forearms, with Shogo seeming to get the advantage after hitting four consecutive forearms into his temples, he then tried to spin around and hit a discus forearm, but Sanada ducked it and wrapped his arms around Shogo’s waist. He then picked the bigger man up and dropped him to the back with a back suplex, before locking him into a reverse Boston crab this time, but he wasn’t done there, he also put Shogo into a Camel Clutch. This seemed to make Shogo want to tap out, as it felt, and looked, incredibly painful. But it was his pride which stopped him from tapping out and instead managed to force his way to the ropes and wrapped his arms around them. Sanada was upset at how he had managed to escape the hold and dragged him back into the middle of the ring. He then attempted to lock in the Sanada Pyramid, but Shogo managed to reverse him before he got hit fully locked in. He then shot up to his feet and dropped Sanada with a clothesline, before pulling him back up into a snap suplex. He was still energised, so he picked him back up and whipped him across the ring. He got ready to send him overhead with a back body drop, but Sanada kicked him in the chest, at least…he tried to. Shogo grabbed his leg before he could and threw him to the mat with a spinebuster. He then went for the Twisting of the Knife, but Sanada reversed it and pulled Shogo to the mat, putting him into a rear naked choke. The referee was very vigilant and was checking on Shogo the entire time. Shogo managed to reverse after shifting towards the ropes and grabbing hold of the bottom rope. Sanada had had enough of Shogo resisting, and dragged him into the middle of the ring yet again. And unlike last time, he managed to successfully lock in the Sanada Pyramid. Shogo had nowhere to go, as Sanada sat down on the move, and he began to cry out in pain. He struggled for a minute, and you could see how determined he was to do it when you saw his face, but eventually he succumbed to the pain and tapped out, giving Sanada the win and increasing his streak to 8-0. [b]Winner:[/b] Noriyoshi Sanada by submission in 9:35 [b]B[/b] [i]- Good match between these two technicians, I look forward to what Sanada can do in a main event a couple of months in the future.[/i] [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Connor Thompson vs. Toshiro Saito.[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] Tasuku was incredibly pumped for this match, as it was his second chance to get a shot at Master Kitozon for the World title, but Connor was also eager to get the spot, due to not yet having had a chance of a match with him. Toshiro Saito didn’t really care about getting the title shot, he just saw this as another match where he could beat some people’s asses. Tasuku & Toshiro instantly went at it, due to a storied history that Toshiro had never managed to beat Tasuku in an exchange of blows, and he was intent on getting rid of that fact. When they locked up, it was Toshiro who got the early advantage and he buried his fist deep into the gut of Tasuku, before driving his knee into his chest. He then spun him over with a twisting neckbreaker. Connor charged in a this moment and went for a suplex on Toshiro, hoping to catch him off guard, but Toshiro was ready for him and picked him up into a suplex of his own. He held Connor high in the air, before dropping him to the mat with a face buster suplex. He went for a quick cover on Connor, but Tasuku had recovered and leapt across, breaking the pin. Tasuku then went head to head with the big Toshiro, driving his knee into his chest, before beginning to unleash a barrage of kicks and punches aim at his chest. Toshiro began to stagger backwards, but he was playing possum, as he came off of the ropes and levelled Tasuku with a huge clothesline. Connor once again came in and began to stomp away at Toshiro, before attempting to suplex the man, but he proved to big and heavy to do so, and he had to back off. Toshiro took this as a sign of weakness and picked up Connor with one hand. He showed off his immense power by holding him up in the air for a good 10 seconds, using still only one hand, before driving him down to the mat with a chokeslam. He went for a cover, but again Tasuku came in and broke the pin. He managed to clothesline Toshiro out of the ring using his momentum, and began to focus on Connor. He picked up Connor and placed him in a headlock, before dropping him down to the mat with a DDT. He then rolled Connor over and attempted a pin, but only got a 2 count. He then began to punch away at Connor for a few moments before realising Toshiro had made his way back inside the ring. He stood up and threw Connor out of the ring and then went right up to Toshiro. The two began to talk trash to each other which ended in Toshiro swinging his fist towards Tasuku, who easily ducked it and came back with a thunderous uppercut to Toshiro’s jaw. He went to punch Toshiro, but it had no effect on the big man this time, who swung back, connecting with Tasuku right in the temple. Tasuku staggered, but came back and began to trade blows with Toshiro. Toshiro seemed to get the upper hand, but Tasuku hammered back with 7 straight punches to the nose/cheek area, then drove Toshiro to the mat with an uppercut. Toshiro staggered back to his feet, but was met with a boot to the gut before being whipped across the ring. When he came back Tasuku went to clothesline him, but Toshiro stood firm and acted like the brick wall he truly is. Tasuku went to do it again, but Toshiro still didn’t react. Tasuku went to use the ropes to gain momentum, but Toshiro simply dropped him with a lariat when he came back, nearly flipping the large Tasuku over from the impact. Connor entered the ring, after biding his time to recover and come up with plan on the outside, and began to kick and punch away at Toshiro. When the big man simply took the punishment and went for a clothesline, Connor ducked it and kicked the back of his knees. Toshiro dropped to one knee, and Connor then connected with a running knee to the back of his head, sending him to the mat. He rolled the big man out of the ring and then focused on Tasuku. The two brawled extensively, with Tasuku again getting the upperhand, but the menacing Toshiro Saito returned and knocked him out cold with a clothesline. Toshiro then picked him up and turned him around. He shouted “This is what you get for fighting with the men boy!” in japanese, and drilled him into the mat with a Saito-Plex. Toshiro seemed to be ready to make a cover, when Connor nailed him, with the Thunder From Down Under out of nowhere, and he lifted Toshiro’s tree-like leg and went for the cover. He managed to somehow get the victory as Toshiro was caught completely off guard by him, and so couldn’t kick out. Connor instantly woke Tasuku up and rolled him out of the ring. The two headed up the ramp as Toshiro awoke in the ring, a look of pure rage on his face. Connor laughed as Tasuku raised his hand. Tasuku then pointed at Toshiro and mouthed “That’s what you get for wasting time.” at Toshiro. [b]Winner:[/b] Connor Thompson by pinfall in 13:37 [b]B+[/b] [i]- A good string of main events is hopefully coming my way [/i] [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] I feel happy that I got a B, and I am really pleased with how most of the card got B- and up, with none dropping below that. Thanks to both guys who made predictions, however neither of you got 7/7, Sadistic got 6/7, and Midnightnick got 3/7.[/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: GCG managed to pull out a B rated card again, with a ME of Dragon Akagawa defeating Sadaharu Jimbo to retain. But on Wednesday, they got a C+, so something must be going on[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] A good show held for out fans in Kyushu as they saw some fantastic matches right across the card. A new chapter seems to be appearing between Tasuku Nandaba & Toshiro Saito after last night's main event, while Connor Thompson is set to face Master Kitozon for the World Championship tonight at Test of Prophecies. [B][U]Card for Test of Prophecies[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/top.jpg[/IMG] [U]Saionji Omura vs. Sejiro Orinichi[/U] Can these two rookies impress management? Sejiro has been absent as of late, will he display ring rust? Will Saionji be able to show his dominating style? [U]Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimara vs. Black & White Manta[/U] The Manta's tag team reunion in BHOTWG will happen at ToP, will they be ablel to overcome the tag team of hotshot flier Byron Valmont & technician Satoru Sugimura? [U]Kazuo Mitushi vs. Bishima[/U] Can the up-and-comer Kazuo take down the evil high-flier Bishima? [U]Stunner Okazawaya vs. Jin Sakamoto[/U] Can the young prodigy go 8-0 against the veteran Jin Sakamoto? [U]Edo Phoenix vs. Gnasher Udo[/U] Both of these men want to get a shot against Elemental again, who will prove to be more determined? [U]Elemental vs. Akahashi Kuno[/U] The already legendary Elemental faces off against on of the most talented young wrestlers on the roster today. Will he keep his 2 year streak going? Or will Akahashi get the upset? [U]Mibu Ronin(c) vs. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) For the Burning Japanese Tag Championships[/U] The first of our three championship matches is the dominating Mibu Ronin against the BSC, who seem to have had the Mibu Ronin's numbers the last two weeks. Will this mean a second reign for the BSC? [U]Kenji Fukamura vs. DEMON Yukata For the Burning Pacific Championship[/U] Our Pacific champion will finally be crowned as the rising star faces the hellraiser. What will happen here? Will Fukamura begin his rise to stardom? Or will the DEMON start a reign of terror? [U]Tasuku Nandaba vs. Toshiro Saito[/U] Can these two heavy hitters end their rivalry here? Or will it continue for a long time to come? [U]Dayu Ichihara vs. Seison Yamanaka[/U] Ichihara once again faces Seison in the sub-main event. Will Ichihara be able to send a message to his hated rival through his protege? Or will Seison surprise him and make him tap? [U]Master Kitozon(c) vs. Connor Thompson For the Burning World Championship[/U] Our final match is the legendary Master Kitozon facing off against a very popular and liked man in Connor Thompson. Both of these men are very heavy hitters, and both have crowd support. Will this mean anything? [I]Predictions welcomed, whoever manages to get 8/11 or above, will be able to pm me and tell who they want to challenge for the World title next.[/I][/CENTER]
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Here's to hoping I can guess better. [B]Saionji Omura[/B] vs. Sejiro Orinichi Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimara vs. [B]Black & White Manta[/B] [B]Kazuo Mitushi[/B] vs. Bishima [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto Edo Phoenix vs. [B]Gnasher Udo[/B] [B]Elemental [/B]vs. Akahashi Kuno [B]Mibu Ronin(c)[/B] vs. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) Kenji Fukamura vs. [B]DEMON Yukata[/B] [B]Tasuku Nandaba[/B] vs. Toshiro Saito [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] vs. Seison Yamanaka Master Kitozon(c) vs. [B]Connor Thompson[/B]
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Very cool show, good to see you getting the ratings you deserve. Whatever it is you're doing, keep it up! :D [b]Saionji Omura[/b] vs. Sejiro Orinichi [i]Of all the guys you signed on for this tour Omura is the one I predict will be let go once his deal is up - unlike several others, he hasn't really delivered the match ratings his age and experience deserve. Still, you're not giving up on him yet, which is admirable.[/i] Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimara vs. [b]Black & White Manta[/b] [i]B&W Manta can deliver ratings as a team, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them as future challengers for the titles. Byron still needs work, but if he can develop his skills and change style to maybe Cruiserweight I could see him really becoming a star for the division. All you've gotta do is keep this diary going for 3 or 4 years :p [/i] [b]Kazuo Mitushi[/b] vs. Bishima [i]In a world before Optimus, the overness of the heavyweights takes priority at times like this... at least I hope, as I'm becoming more impressed every week by Mitsushi's matches.[/i] [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Jin Sakamoto [i]Stunner is one guy I could see breaking the above rule about heavyweights vs lightweights for. Jin is a damn fine talent in his own right, but he's aging while Okazawaya is approaching his prime.[/i] [b]Edo Phoenix[/b] vs. Gnasher Udo [i]Hmm... people seem to like Udo, and he's definitely talented. But will you risk breaking the 'young lion' rule at the big show? I guess we'll find out![/i] [b]Elemental[/b] vs. Akahashi Kuno [i]Elemental is the star of your lightweight roster right now, and I would like to see what kind of ratings he could do in the main event of a weekly show against one of your upper midcarders. Kuno isn't the guy to beat Elemental, at least not yet.[/i] [b]Mibu Ronin(c)[/b] vs. Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) [i]The Mibu's tag team prowess may yet save them, though this match could really go either way. Either would be a good development for the division; I'm voting for the Mibu because it seems like a safer bet, as they're under written contracts and I'm a paranoid guy with my champions.[/i] Kenji Fukamura vs. [b]DEMON Yukata[/b] [i]Why? He looks bad ass. They'd both make great champs, so I'm just taking a wild guess here.[/i] Tasuku Nandaba vs. [b]Toshiro Saito[/b] [i]Call me crazy, but I'm thinking Tasuku might still have some dues to pay before getting his true main event level push - Toshiro could well be the next challenger to Kitozon.[/i] Dayu Ichihara vs. [b]Seison Yamanaka[/b] [i]Might not be a bad idea to keep Ichihara away from Kitozon for at least a litte while, so keeping Yamanaka in his way would be a smart move. Seison himself would be a good challenger for Kitozon in the future.[/i] [b]Master Kitozon(c)[/b] vs. Connor Thompson [i]After having such a long reign, I don't know if I could see Kitozon losing the belt so early in the diary; his name is in the title! Thompson would make a reasonable champion, but in this case I think it would be a mistake.[/i]
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[center][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Diary%20Banners/top.jpg[/IMG] Friday, Week 3, April 1975 Held in front of 15000 at the Tokyo Civil Stadium. [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Onishiki vs. Naoshi Shinomori[/u] [i]Once again, these two clash during the Event Pre-show, with Onishiki taking the easy victory in 4 minutes with the Samoan Driver.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Onishiki [b]C+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Danger Kumasaka vs. Yuto Ijima[/u] [i]Danger Kumasaka tried his best to defeat Yuto again, but Yuto got the better of him and pinned him after an Ijima Driver at 4:40.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Yuto Ijima [b]D+[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Atushi Nagamichi vs. Yatoji Kusanagi[/u] [i]Atsushi gets the victory in this poor match, basically Yatoji’s farewell match as he is costing us and is untalented.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Atsushi Nagamichi [b]D[/b] __________________________________________________________ [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Saionji Omura vs. Sejiro Orinichi[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/saionjiomura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/seijiroorinichi.jpg[/IMG] Saionji exploded on Sejiro Orinichi, taking him down with a knee to the gut, followed up with a knee to the temple which sent Sejiro flying away. Saionji picked him up and whipped him across the ring. When he tried a clothesline, Saionji ducked, and then took him out with a sharp back elbow. He picked Sejiro up once more, and flipped him over head with a suplex. He then ran across the ring, and leapt into the air when he came up to Sejiro, and drove a knee into his gut, and then began wildly punching away at his face. He picked him up and kneed him in the gut once, and then again, before snapping him over with a neckbreaker. Saionji picked him up again, as he wasn’t quite done yet, and whipped him into the turnbuckle. He followed it up with a huge clothesline, before driving him back to the mat with a jumping bulldog. Sejiro bounced off of the mat from the impact and rolled out of the ring. Saionji allowed him to stay outside, as he was full in control and wanted to make it seem he could overcome anything. Sejiro rolled back into the ring before the referee reached 10, and was instantly met with a boot to the face, and then a boot to the gut. Saionjo quickly put him into a piledriver position, and turned around 2 times, making sure the crowd knew he was in control, before driving Sejiro head-first into the mat with a Collapsing Piledriver. He made the cover, and it was academic from there, as he got the 1-2-3. [b]Winner:[/b] Saionji Omura by pinfall in 9:21 [b]D+[/b] – [i]Definitely not keeping Saionji on for much longer.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Byron Valmont & Satoru Sugimara vs. Black & White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/byronvalmont.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/blackmanta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] Black Manta & Byron Valmont faced off first, with both men trying to outperform the other, although Byron’s superiority in that field was shown quickly. Black Manta tried to perform a missile dropkick to Byron, but he just moved out of the way, and when Manta got back up, he was hit with a missile dropkick from Byron. He then swept Byron’s legs out from under him and went for a pinfall, but he kicked out right away, Manta then pulled him over with a headlock takedown and then dropped his leg across Byron’s throat, before trying to go for another pinfall, this got nothing as Byron kicked out before 1 yet again. Manta kept him on the mat though with an arm bar. Byron struggled to try and reverse the hold in any way, and eventually pulled himself up using the ropes once he managed to reach them. Byron then used the ropes to flip over and get out of the hold, before putting the same arm bar on Manta. Manta was able to reverse it quickly and put Byron back on the mat with a hammerlock. Manta kicked him twice in the elbow while he was in the hold, before dragging him over to his corner and tagging in White Manta. They both held Byron in place, before nailing a Double Leg Drop across his arms to add pressure and damage them more, causing Byron to roll around on the mat in pain. White Manta followed up and put Byron into fujiwara armbar, and then shifting quickly into a regular arm bar, trying to surprise Byron so he couldn’t counter any of the holds. Byron was desperately trying to reach his partner, as he was in a large amount of pain, but Manta was not letting him get anywhere near his corner. Byron eventually managed to flip out of the arm bar and leapt towards his partner, and managed to get the desperate tag. Satoru came in like a house of fire, dropkicking down White Manta, but Black Manta came from behind and drove him to the mat with a clothesline. White Manta then recovered and locked him into a grounded Half-Nelson. Satoru showed his technical prowess by reversing the move quickly, and with ease, before dropping Manta to the mat with an arm drag. He then booted Manta in the gut once they both got up, and dropped him to the mat again, this time with an Armbar Takedown, and promptly locked in one of his own armbars. Black Manta ran in and booted Satoru in the back to make him break the hold, but was sent back to the apron by the referee. White Manta managed to recover quickly though and hit Satoru out of nowhere with an enziguri, sending him to the mat. He then rolled across the mat and tagged Black Manta back in. Black Manta ran across the ring and dropkicked Byron off of the apron, sending him crashing into the ring barriers. Black Manta then stalked Satoru, and dropped him back to the mat once he got up with a Black Hole Plunge, a Leg Drop Bulldog. He went for the cover and managed to get the victory for his team, and he scooted up the ramp with White Manta while Satoru checked on his partner Byron, who was recovering on the outside. Byron instantly threw a fit and pushed Satoru away, blaming him for the loss, and then stormed up the ramp himself, leaving Satoru with a puzzled look on his face in the middle of the ring. [b]Winner:[/b] Black & White Manta by pinfall at 8:43 by Black Manta on Satoru Sugimara [b]C+[/b] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Bishima[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Bishima.jpg[/IMG] Kazuo came down to the ring with a very determined look on his face, as he was eager to impress once again here tonight, hoping to earn himself a title shot in the near future. Bishima was fairly worried going into this match, as he was trying to figure out a way to overcome the bigger Kazuo. When they locked up, Kazuo took the control quickly with a couple of knees, driven right into Bishima’s ribs. He then nailed him with a double axe handle to the back, but kept hold of Bishima so he didn’t fall to the mat. He then lifted him high into the air, before driving his back onto his knee, making the crowd gasp and Bishima roll around in extreme pain. Kazuo then locked in a raised boston crab, causing Bishima to scream in pain and struggle to reach the ropes. It took a long time, but eventually managed to grab hold of the ropes, causing the hold to be released. Bishima stood up, but began to favour his knee, showing a slight limp. Kazuo charged at him and flipped him over with a lariat, and tried to get the pinfall, but Bishima managed to kick out in time, but instantly grabbed his knee, having obviously damaged it by kicking out. Kazuo picked him up and whipped him across the ring, Bishima fell over due to his damaged knee, and rolled around in pain. Kazuo laughed and clapped before walking over to him and picking him up. He placed him on the top rope, and climbed up with him. He punched him three times in the gut to make sure he was in control. He went for a superplex, but Bishima stopped him, and punched him three times in the head. He pushed him away, and Kazuo crashed to the mat below. Bishima stood up on the top rope, and after initial struggle due to his knee, flew off of the rope and connected with the Evil Splash. He hooked the leg, and made the cover. The referee counted. 1… 2… But Kazuo threw Bishima off of him, and stood up with an intense look of anger on his face. Bishima struggled to his feet, but was met with a boot to the gut from Kazuo. Kazuo then dropped Bishima to the mat with the Mystic Drop. He rolled him over and made the cover, and got the 1-2-3. He got up and stood dominant over Bishima, after taking advantage of his bad knee. [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall in 9:17 [b]C[/b] – [i]Disappointing match here, mainly due to the facts the fans weren’t impressed to see a young lion like Kazuo beat Bishima, who I yet again say is still a young lion, due to having D respect.[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Sakamoto was very determined going into this match, as he had suffered a losing streak as of late, and Stunner was on a winning streak, so in his view, there was no better way to get back on track then by ending Stunner’s winning streak. Stunner was also very confident, due to him being 7-0, as well as one of the fastest rising stars in the company. He ran down to ringside and slapped the hands of some of the fans at the barriers, and signed the poster that one of them had. He then took it and showed it to Jin saying that the fans were behind him, before passing it back to the fan. When they locked up, Stunner took control with an arm wrench, and he began to work on Jin’ shoulder by driving his elbow into it every few seconds. He then began to yank at his arm, causing Jin great pain, before dropping him to the mat with a modified STO. He attempted a quick pin, but Jin showed his experience and kicked out at 1. Stunner then began to work on the bigger man’s arm, by putting him into a grounded hammerlock. He moved around until he was lying in front of Jin, and then began to pull his arm up as high as possible. Jin was close to tapping, before he drove his free elbow into the gut of Stunner, and then showed his slight strength by moving his arm back around, and putting Stunner into a Crowbar. He began to put a lot of pressure on Stunner, who was close to tapping already, but Stunner reached the rope in time and forced Jin to break the hold. Jin looked a little stressed but he didn’t let it get to him, as his experience taught him what that did to people. He picked up Stunner and drove a knee into his gut, before whipping him across the ring and levelling him with a spinebuster. He then rolled Stunner over and put him into a generic leg lock, but began to kick away at Stunner’s knee, trying to take away his mobility. Stunner reached for his knee in pain every time it got kicked, but Jin then locked him into a Cross Kneelock. Stunner yelled out in pain and struggled to the ropes, managing to reach them quite quickly, due to Jin not locking the move in tight enough. Stunner then used the ropes to pull him up, and when he saw Jin charge at him, he ducked and pulled the rope down with him, sending Jin crashing down to the outside. Stunner then leapt onto the turnbuckle, and for one of the first times in the history of BHOTWG, he leapt off of the top and connected with a cross body to Jin on the outside. The fans began to pop like wild, and both men were seemingly out of it. Jin got in the ring first, followed quickly by Stunner. He took control of the match and whipped Stunner into the corner, and went for a clothesline, but Stunner managed to roll under his arm as he came through, and connected with a beautiful super kick right to his jaw. This sent Jin crashing into the corner, and he dropped to the mat. Stunner then took advantage of the opportunity, and charged at Jin. He drove his knee right into his face, before backing off once more and then connected with a dropkick to the face as well. Stunner dragged Jin to the middle of the ring and made a cover, but only just missed the 3, as Jin kicked out at the very last moment. Stunner then attempted to got for the reverse Okazawaya Stunner, but Jin managed to reverse it and went for the Samurai Pride, a Pumphandle Driver, but Stunner managed to reverse that out of nowhere, and before Jin could do anything, Stunner had driven him to the mat with a reverse Okazawaya Stunner, and he managed to get the 3 in a hard fought victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 7:34 [b]B-[/b] – [i]No real notes here, except this is Stunner's best match so far probably.[/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Edo Phoenix vs. Gnasher Udo[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/EdoPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/GnasherUdo.jpg[/IMG] Edo & Gnasher were both very intent on winning this match, as it could mean a possible chance to face Elemental soon, which both men had done before at Fire Dream of the Immortals, but Elemental had managed to get the win with some impressive moves. Edo wanted to do it out of respect for Elemental, were as Gnasher wanted to do it so he could get the chance to beat Elemental and claim the title of ‘Phenom’. When they locked up, Edo tried to get the better of Gnasher by driving him to the mat after sweeping his legs, but Gnasher rolled through after hitting the mat, and dropkicked Edo right in the face. He went for the cover, but barely even got a 1 count, Gnasher then went up top to connect with a leg drop, but Edo shot up right away and crotched him on the top rope, and then connected out of nowhere with a top-rope hurracanrana. Gnasher bounced off of the mat, and it had clearly taken its toll on Edo too, as he took a long time to make the cover. Gnasher kicked out at 2, causing Edo to grab his back out of pain, and have a look of anger from the fact Gnasher had taken one of his biggest moves and managed to kick out, but he regretted doing it so early on in the match, as he was almost already out of breath. Gnasher came back quickly, and connected wit ha series of dropkicks to Edo’s chest, before dropping him with a reverse DDT. Gnasher ran across the ring and connected with a flipping senton, before making the cover. He only got a 1 count, but it was clear he was no in control. He went back up top and waited for Edo to get up, before connecting with a beautiful missile dropkick. He went for the cover again, but only got a 2 count. Edo managed to get up first after the pin however, and began to knee Gnasher in the gut, before jumping onto the second rope and back over to drop him with a leg drop bulldog. Edo then picked him up and whipped him across the ring, and drove him to the mat after flipping him over with a nice enziguri. He went for the cover, but only got a 2 count causing him to begin to get angry. Gnasher was equally angry, and the two of them began to brawl. Gnasher took control after ducking a punch and seemed to start biting at Edo’s head. The fans instantly booed incredibly loudly, due to Edo being a huge fan favourite in Tokyo. Edo used this to get himself back in control by elbowing Gnasher three times in the gut. He then ran across the ring, and Gnasher tried to knock him down with a clothesline, but Edo leapt over him in an amazing show of agility, before taking Gnasher to the mat with an arm drag. Gnasher got up right away and charged at Edo, who ducked under a clothesline attempt, before suddenly connecting with a head scissors takedown on Udo. He went up top and flew off, showing a great amount of grace, and connected with a Diving Leg Drop. He went for the cover, but only got a 2 count. Udo rolled out of the ring after kicking out, wanting to recover. Edo followed him however, and after dropkicking him into the railings, he rolled him back into the ring. Edo climbed onto the apron, and when Udo got up, he leapt over, using the ropes to help him, and kicked Udo right in the chest, sending him crashing back down to the mat. Edo went back up top and tried for the Blaze of Glory, but Udo popped up and ran at Edo. He punched him, causing him to crotch himself on the top rope. Udo then attempted to hit a top-rope hurracanrana, but Edo pushed him away. Udo crashed and burned onto the mat, grabbing his neck from pain. Edo then flew off of the top and connected with the Blaze of Glory onto the back of Udo. He then rolled him over and went for the pinfall, and managed to get it. Edo celebrated proudly, before heading up the ramp and slapping the hands of all the fans he could. [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall in 10:41 [b]C[/b] [i]- Just bombed for some reason, hopefully this won’t happen again.[/i] [B][U]Match 6:[/b] Elemental vs. Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] Elemental came into this match with a huge amount of confidence and concentration, and Kuno came into the match with a bit of confidence, and seemed more focused than he has ever been, as he was going up against one of the greatest and most popular wrestlers in BHOTWG, if not Japan, today. When they locked up, and then began to try and amaze the crowd by doing arm drags on each other. Elemental took Kuno down first, who promptly stood right back up and charged at Elemental, who tried to arm drag him again, but Kuno stood firm and tried to reverse the move to arm drag Elemental down, but Elemental stopped him doing so. He then pulled him near to the ropes by locking in an standing arm bar. He then jumped up on the ropes and seemed to run across the top of the ropes before jumping down to the mat and hitting Kuno with a huge arm drag. This made the crowd clap and cheer loudly, causing Elemental to feel the energy flowing through him and he began to stomp his feet to get the crowd clapping along. Kuno slowly made his way to his feet, grabbing his arm, as he felt the effects of the huge arm drag he had just received, before noticing Elemental charging towards him. Elemental went for a kick, but Kuno caught his foot. Kuno laughed and flipped Elemental backwards, but he landed on his feet! Kuno was stunned, and his let down his guard ever so slightly, as Elemental dropped him to the mat with a huge enziguri which resounded throughout the arena. Elemental then leapt into the air and connected with a standing moonsault on Kuno, before making the cover. The referee counted, but he only got to 2 before Kuno kicked out. Elemental stood up and began to clap his hands to applaud Kuno’s resilience. Kuno didn’t buy it and charged at Elemental, attempting a clothesline. Elemental saw it coming and flipped over him, and when Kuno came back after bouncing off of the ropes, he dropped him to the mat with a drop toehold, causing Kuno to grab his nose, before locking in a headlock on Kuno. Elemental knew he was in control and so ran across the ring, and went for a standing shooting star press on Kuno, but Kuno rolled out of the way and got up, causing him to hit the canvas hard. He grabbed his gut as Kuno lifted him up. He tried to kick Kuno, but it was blocked and Kuno drove his elbow into Elemental’s gut. He then drove Elemental into the mat with a DDT. Kuno attempted a cover, but only got a 2 count, which made him pick up Elemental again. He whipped him across the ring, and when he attempted a clothesline, Elemental again ducked under it, and he began to pose for the crowd. What he didn’t realise is that Kuno knew he was going to duck, and when he turned around; Kuno elbowed him in the face before kicking him in the gut. He then climbed up to the top rope, and drove Elemental into the mat with a leg drop to the back of his neck. Elemental flipped over from the impact and grabbed his face. Kuno began to stalk Elemental, preparing to hit the Glittering Magician. Elemental began to stagger to his feet, still feeling the effects of the leg drop he had just received, but before he could get up off of his knees, Kuno ran at him. He put his hands up in front of his face to protect against what he though was going to be a running knee, but Kuno stopped just before and walked back, causing Elemental to wonder what happened. And when he put his hands down, he was met with a full Glittering Magician, a Shining Wizard, which sent him to the mat. Kuno went for the pinfall. 1… 2… But Elemental got his shoulder up at 2 and nine tenths. Kuno began to slap the mat out of frustration and asked the referee if he was sure it wasn’t three. Elemental used this time to recover. When Kuno focused on Elemental again, Elemental was back on his feet. Kuno locked up with him once more, and he seemed to gain the control with an arm wrench. Elemental flipped out of this though and whipped him into the corner. The fans guessed what was coming next, as Elemental charged into the corner, but instead of kicking Kuno, he ran up his chest and back flipped off of him. Kuno looked at Elemental puzzled, before Elemental suddenly dropkicked him right in the chest. Kuno bounced out of the corner and staggered right into a boot from Elemental. Elemental cross his arms, and then drove him right into the mat with an Earth Breaker. He made the cover, and got the 3 count. [b]Winner:[/b] Elemental by pinfall in 10:31 [b]B[/b] [i]- Good match, but not as good as I expected. Elemental has begun to complain about not being used, so expect him to appear more frequently on the weekly shows.[/i] [B][U]Match 7:[/b] Mibu Ronin© vs. Black Serpent Cult For the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shikimaramibu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/tatsumakimibu.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] Cobra & Shikimara started out facing each other. When they locked up, Cobra managed to get the early control after locking in a hammerlock on Mibu, and he kept adding pressure to the hold by pushing his arm higher up, before Mibu reversed the hold and clubbed Cobra down to the mat, showing his sheer strength. Cobra struggled back to his feet relatively quickly, but Mibu clubbed him back down to the mat once more. He then dragged him over to his corner and placed him against the turnbuckles. He then unleashed a barrage of punches right into the gut of Cobra, before tagging out to Tatsumaki Mibu. Both of them began to kick away at Cobra’s gut, before setting him up against the ropes and whipping him against the ring. They then levelled Cobra with a Double Big Boot, and then hit a Double Elbow, showing their great teamwork, as Shikimara left the ring and took his place on the apron. Tatsumaki then locked a prone Cobra into a cross kneelock, and applied a huge amount of pressure, capitalising on the fact Cobra was dazed. Cobra desperately tried to reverse it, and after struggling for a long time, he used his leg strength to whip Mibu across the ring, and he got up quickly, only to be floored when Mibu came back with a clothesline. Mibu quickly put Cobra into a crowbar, constantly applying pressure to try and get Cobra to tap out. Cobra managed to use his power to counter the hold, and then whipped Mibu across the ring, and kicked him in the gut when he returned. He then put him into a suplex position, and flipped Mibu overhead with a snap suplex. He picked Mibu back up and kneed him in the gut twice, clubbed him in the back once, and put him into a vertical position. He waited there for a long time, letting the blood rush to Tatsumaki’s head. He then turned around, and drove Mibu right into the mat with a brainbuster. He went for the cover, but only just missed the 3, as Mibu got his shoulder up at 2 and ½. Cobra dragged Mibu over to his corner and tagged in Viper, before picking Mibu up and whipping him across the ring. Viper ran across to the centre of the ring, and levelled Mibu with a roundhouse kick. Viper went for the cover, but Shikimara ran in and broke up the pin. Cobra then ran in and took Shikimara out with a clothesline, before following him outside and beginning to brawl with him. Viper was beginning to gain momentum again, kneeing Tatsumaki Mibu in the gut, before flipping him over with a snap neckbreaker. Viper picked him back up and turned him around. He drove his elbow into the back of Mibu, before heaving him overhead with a German Suplex. He bridged it and tried to get a pinfall and the belts, but Mibu kicked out right at the last moment, before rolling outside to recover. Viper followed him outside, and soon both teams were involved in a 4-man brawl outside the ring. The referee didn’t begin a count as he didn’t want to declare the match a draw. Shikimara Mibu & Cobra were brawling still, but Mibu got the upperhand with a clothesline on Cobra. He then picked him up and whipped him into the railings, sending him right over the railings and into the crowd. Tatsumaki Mibu & Viper were brawling, with Viper initially getting control with a roundhouse punch and an uppercut, but Shikimara came up behind him and dropped him on his head with a back suplex. Shikimara rolled Viper back into the ring, and told Tatsumaki to pin him. He only got a 2 count for some reason, which prompted Shikimara to get into the ring and tell Tatsumaki to set Viper up for the Full Moon Madness. But all of a sudden, Cobra came flying across the ring and nailed both men with a Flying Clothesline. He then woke Viper up, and put him onto Tatsumaki, while he kicked Shikimara and rolled him out of the ring. Cobra then went under the ring, while the referee counted the pinfall. Tatsumaki kicked out, just as Cobra came back out from under the ring, but this time holding something in his hand. He yelled something at Viper, who began to speak to the referee, possibly questioning his counting of the last pinfall. Cobra then rolled into the ring, and suddenly threw a fireball (called the Dragon’s Breath) in Tatsumaki’s face! The announcers were going mad out of excitement, as were the crowd. Cobra then scurried out of the ring and whipped Shikimara Mibu into the announce table as Viper went for the cover. The referee, completely unaware of the fireball, counted the pinfall. 1… 2… 3 The Black Serpent Cult are the new Burning Japanese Tag Team champions! Cobra & Viper begin to celebrate, as the Mibu Ronin gather themselves outside of the ring, Shikimara then notices that Tatsumaki was holding his face in pain. He asked him what is wrong and Tatsumaki tells him he was hit with a fireball! Shikimara instantly looks very angry and begins to argue with the referee, who didn’t see it, and so doesn’t change his decision. The BSC run up the ramp clutching their belts and laughing. [b]Winner:[/b] Black Serpent Cult by pinfall in 10:53. BSC win Burning Japanese Tag Team titles. [b]C[/b] [i]- Both BSC members have now signed written contract extensions.[/i] [B][U]Match 8:[/b] Kenji Fukamura vs. DEMON Yukata For the Vacant Burning Pacific Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/demonyukata.jpg[/IMG] Both these men were at their best here tonight, as they had the chance to be the very first Pacific champion. DEMON was willing to do whatever he could to become the champion. When they locked up, there was a brief struggle for power before Kenji took control with an armbar. He took him to the mat and kept the pressure on before switching to the other arm, before attempting to apply a crossface. This was just too much too soon however as Yukata rolled away and followed up with a dropkick to the face of Kenji, before rolling him up for a cover, only getting a two count. Kenji staggered to his feet , caught off guard by the menacing DEMON, and walked right into a belly-to-back suplex. Yukata again went for a pinfall and got a solid two count. He got up to his feet and was beginning to get frustrated. Yukata picked up Kenji and kneed him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. Yukata himself ran across the ring in the other direction, and the two met in the middle, with Yukata knocking Kenji down, nearly flipping him over, with a forearm smash. Yukata locked in a tight leg lock, trying to end the match quickly and easily, showing why he deserves the belt. Kenji was too close to the ropes following the forearm smash however, and easily grabbed onto them, causing the hold to be broken. Kenji staggered to his feet once more, and was whipped across the ring by Yukata. He managed to duck a clothesline from Yukata, and knocked him to the mat with a desperate flying lariat. He rolled onto Yukata to make a pinfall, but only got a 2 count. He shot up to his feet quickly, and dropped his knee into the chest of Yukata. He picked Yukata up and kicked him in the gut. He then dropped him to the mat with a strong belly-to-belly suplex and went for another pinfall, but just got a 2 count. Kenji picked him up and whipped him into the corner. He then charged into the corner, and did a back flip before connecting with a dropkick to the corner. He pulled Yukata out of the corner and hit a leg drop across his throat. He went for the cover once again, but barely got a 1 count. Yukata got up with amazing speed and drove Kenji to the mat with a clubbing blow. He locked in a headlock, and then switched to a fujiwara armbar. Kenji managed to struggle towards the ropes and forced him to break the hold again. When he got up, he was chopped across the chest, and then whipped across the ring. Yukata went for a clothesline, which Kenji quickly ducked, and then leapt into the air and connected with a back-flip kick. Yukata staggered around before falling to the mat, and Kenji prepared to hit the Fukamura Buster. When Yukata got to his feet, he was booted in the gut, but he reversed a Fukamura Buster attempt and drilled Kenji to the mat with a neckbreaker. He then began to stalk Kenji, and when he got to one knee, he drilled him into the mat with a Glittering Mirage. He went for the cover. 1... 2… Thr…no! Kenji had got his shoulder up! Yukata was angry and was ready to hit the Glittering Magician again, but Kenji ducked it and kicked him in the back of the knees, before bringing him down with a backbreaker, causing Yukata to writhe in pain. He got ready to nail the Fukamura Buster, and as soon as Yukata got up he booted him in the gut and lifted him onto his shoulders. He spun around and then jumped into the air, bringing Yukata crashing down to the mat with the Fukamura Buster, a Muscle Buster. He hooked Yukata’s leg, and went for the pin, getting the victory in a hotly contested match, and becoming the first even Burning Pacific champion! [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 13:43. Kenji Fukamura wins the Burning Pacific Championship. [b]C[/b] [i]- Zero chemistry really ruined what could have been a great match.[/i] [B][U]Match 9:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba vs. Toshiro Saito[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] Tasuku & Toshiro have had a storied history here together, and both men were intent on dethroning the other and use it as an excuse to get a title shot. Both men locked up, and after a brief struggle due to their matched strength, Toshiro got control after a clubbing blow to the back, and then another blow to knock Tasuku down to the mat. Tasuku struggled back up to his feet, before being met with yet another clubbing blow to his back. Toshiro then picked him up and whipped him across the ring, and knocked him to the floor with a punch as soon as he came back. Tasuku got up quickly, using his momentum to get back up, and charged at Toshiro. Toshiro was ready for him however and picked him up, high into the air. He turned around to face the crowd on all 4 sides of the ring, before driving Tasuku onto his knee and going for a pinfall. Tasuku kicked out at 2, and struggled to his feet, grabbing his back due to pain. Toshiro just pulled him up and whipped him into the corner. Toshiro charged like a train and delivered a devastating clothesline to Tasuku in the corner. Tasuku shook from the impact and dropped to the mat, resting against the bottom turnbuckle. Toshiro noticed and ran across the ring, before charging back and going for a boot across Tasuku’s face, but Tasuku moved out of the way at the last minute, causing Toshiro to get his leg caught on the rope, while also kicking the corner post, causing him great pain. Toshiro staggered back and walked right into a back suplex. Tasuku went for the cover, but only got a 2 count. Toshiro got up to his feet, and ran towards Tasuku, levelling him with a stiff lariat right to the throat. Tasuku collapsed to the mat and grabbed his throat, seemingly short of air and in great pain. Toshiro lifted him back up and put him in a vertical suplex position. He then dropped Tasuku on his head with an Orange Crush Bomb, basically a reverse Saito-Plex, and went for the pin once more. Tasuku just kicked out before the three, causing Toshiro to get a bit frustrated. He picked Tasuku back up and whipped him across the ring, and when he came back he drove his knee right into Tasuku’s gut, sending him flipping over from the impact. Toshiro went for the pin once more, but again only got a 2 count. Tasuku quickly got to his feet surprisingly, and began to pummel away at the back of Toshiro, before sending the big man to the mat with a clothesline to the back of the head. Tasuku waited for him, and when Toshiro began to get to his feet, Tasuku ran across the ring and went for the Full Swing Lariat to the back of Saito’s head. Toshiro was expecting this however, and turned around, catching Tasuku off guard with a lariat of his own, sending the big man flying from the impact. Tasuku crashed to the mat and showed serious pain. Toshiro stumbled over to Tasuku and lifted him up, before once again whipping him across the ring. When he came back he lifted up Tasuku, and dropped him on his front with a Flapjack, before going for the cover. Despite only getting a 2 count, he was clearly in control once more. Toshiro brought him back to his feet and began to brawl with him, eager to get the upperhand and prove the critics wrong. Tasuku took three shots to the jaw, before coming back with a thunderous right hook to the chin, and began to exchange blows with Toshiro. Toshiro missed a shot as Tasuku ducked under his arm. Tasuku quickly fired off 4 punches to his jaw, before whipping the big man across the ring. When Toshiro returned, Tasuku nailed him with a big uppercut, sending the big man to the mat with a thud. Tasuku went for the cover, but yet again only got a 2 count. Tasuku was frustrated and pulled Toshiro back up; he whipped him across the ring and ducked a clothesline from Saito. Tasuku then got ready and dropped the big man from out of nowhere with a Full Swing Lariat. Toshiro didn’t go down, but he was rocking on the spot. Tasuku then bounced off of the ropes and took the big man down with a very strong Full Swing Lariat. Toshiro tumbled to the mat, and Tasuku hooked his huge leg to get the cover. The referee began to slap the mat. 1… 2… 3 Tasuku had overcome Toshiro Saito once again, and gained a huge amount of momentum. [b]Winner:[/b] Tasuku Nandaba by pinfall in 15:51 [b]B[/b] [i]- Good solid match again, not as good as I could’ve hoped for, but still good.[/i] [B][U]Match 10:[/b] Dayu Ichihara vs. Seison Yamanaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men were very determined to take away the victory here tonight, as a win here could turn into a title shot in the near future. Dayu was also wanting to send a message to Master Kitozon through his protégé Seison Yamanaka, while Yamanaka wanted to stop Ichihara and prove to the rest of the roster that he is worthy of his position and hype. After locking up, Dayu took control with a knee to the gut, and an arm wringer. Seison slapped his arm out of pain, before using his athleticism to flip out of the hold, and then began to kick away at Dayu’s chest. He eventually backed him up against the ropes and whipped him across, but Dayu reversed it and whipped Seison across the ring instead. Seison rolled under a clothesline, but was caught with a back elbow when he returned. Seison crumpled to the mat and grabbed his face, while Dayu approached him and pulled him back to his feet. Dayu whipped Seison across the ring again, and when he came back Dayu drove Seison’s head onto his knee, before suddenly driving Seison’s back onto his other knee. Dayu went for the cover, and only just got a 2 count, as Seison barely managed to kick out. Dayu picked him back up and whipped him into the corner. He then charged, but instead of hitting a clothesline, he nailed Seison with a vicious back elbow to the face. Seison dropped to the bottom turnbuckle, before struggling to his feet. He staggered forward into a Northern Lights Suplex, which Dayu bridged, but he managed to kick out at 2, causing Dayu to start getting frustrated. Dayu picked Seison up and lifted him above his head. He then backed away from the ropes, before running and throwing Seison right over the ropes and crashing to the outside. Dayu posed as the crowd booed him loudly, with half of t he crowd cheering for Seison to get back up. Seison crawled back into the ring, only for Dayu to drop his knee onto the back of Seison, who rolled around in pain. Dayu then lifted him to his feet before spinning him around and drilling him into the mat with a Spinning Back Suplex. Seison folded up like an accordion from the impact, and Dayu went for the cover, but once again he only got a 2 count, as Seison was not going to give up now. Dayu began to drive his knees into the back of Seison, but his third attempt found nothing but canvas as Seison rolled out of the way. Dayu struggled to his feet, favouring his knee, which Seison exploited. He ran behind the big man Dayu and clipped his knee with a chop block, which almost sent him to the mat. Seison then dropkicked Dayu, causing him to rock back and forth, before a second chop block took out Dayu, who tumbled to the mat, and Seison put him in a Camel Clutch. Dayu struggled to reverse the hold, and eventually reached the ropes after forcing himself and Seison across the ring towards the ropes, showing his strength. Dayu managed to get up quickly and shook off the pain his knee was giving him, before charging at Seison, and turning him inside-out with a clothesline. Dayu unleashed a barrage of punches into the face of Seison, before picking him up and whipping him across the ring. When Seison came back, Dayu elbowed him in the gut and flipped him overhead with a back body drop. Seison tumbled to the mat, and held his back in pain once again. Dayu then prepared to end the match right there and then, getting ready for the Ichihara Power Drive. When Seison got up, he booted him in the gut and lifted him into the air for his finisher, but Seison managed to wriggle out of the position and pulled Dayu to the mat with him. He then locked in the Red Sun Rising out of nowhere, causing Dayu to yell out in pain. He struggled towards each of the 4 sides of the ring, hoping to grab hold of the ropes, but Seison dragged him back each time. When Seison sat down on the hold, Dayu realised he had nowhere to go, and the hold was too painful, and so tapped out. Seison was now 1 for 2 against Dayu, something Dayu would most likely try to change. [b]Winner:[/b] Seison Yamanaka by submission in 11:07 [b]B+[/b] [i]- Good match, though not as good as their last match.[/i] __________________________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Master Kitozon© vs. Connor Thompson For the Burning World Championship [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/MasterKitozon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/connorthompson.jpg[/IMG] Kitozon came down to the ring in his usual way, through the fans. They almost blew the roof of with their cheering for him, even before he entered the arena. Connor also got a big cheer, but there was a small trace of boos amongst the people who didn’t like someone facing Master Kitozon. When they locked up, Kitozon got the control, driving Connor down to the mat with a chop to the chest. Connor got right back up, and received another chop for his troubles. He stumbled back into the ropes and was whipped across the ring by Kitozon, who chopped him in the chest again when he came back. But Connor stood firm and seemed to barely be effected by the chop. Kitozon tried again, and this seemed to make Connor stagger. Kitozon went for another chop, but Connor grabbed his hand, before head-butting the legend to the mat, eliciting a huge boo from the crowd. Connor simply shook his head and pulled Kitozon back up. When he tried to whip Kitozon into the corner, Kitozon reversed the irish whip and sent Connor into the corner instead. Connor bounced out of the corner from the impact and walked right into a Fisherman Suplex. The impact from the move was felt throughout the arena as Kitozon went for the cover. Connor kicked out at 2, causing more boos to come out of the crowd. Kitozon smiled at how the fans were behind him and put his arms up as if to pose. Connor stood up and went to attack him from behind, but he was levelled by Kitozon’s fist as he raised it. The fans laughed out loud and cheered as Kitozon suddenly realised what he just did and dared Connor to get back up. Connor shot back up and went face to face with the Master, with both throwing insults at each other. Connor punched Kitozon across the face, but this just seemed to enrage the Master, who dropped him to the mat with a Kitozon Chop! Kitozon went for the cover. 1… 2… But wait! Dayu Ichihara ran down to ringside and distracted Master Kitozon. The fans booed louder than ever. Connor used this time to recover, as Ichihara began to argue with Kitozon. Kitozon dealt with him like he had with Connor when he shouted at him, with a Kitozon Chop to the skull. Dayu suffered the move and tumbled from the apron to the floor below, before staring angrily at Master Kitozon. Kitozon turned his attentions to Connor, who was playing possum on the mat. He eyed him puzzlingly, before walking over to him and seemingly going for a pin. Connor went to kick out right away, but Kitozon had suspected this and grabbed his knee. He then dropped his elbow across it and applied a tight knee lock. Connor yelled out in pain, and was caught completely off guard. Connor was close to the ropes however, something Kitozon had forgotten about, allowing Connor to grab a hold of the ropes. Kitozon didn’t release the hold as he should of and kept it in for 4 seconds. When the referee tried to make him break the hold he was booed as loudly as Dayu Ichihara had been, and simply warned Kitozon. Kitozon nodded and let go, before dragging Connor to the middle of the ring and locking in the same hold. Connor was in a lot of pain and writhed on the mat, desperately trying to reach for the ropes. He managed to claw his way over to them, which surprised Kitozon, and grabbed the ropes once more. Kitozon simply picked up Connor and whipped him across the ring. Connor limped, and when he came back, he was lifted into the air, quite weakly due to being taller & heavier than Kitozon, and was brought crashing down onto the knee of Kitozon in a backbreaker. Kitozon hooked the leg, and got a solid two count before Connor kicked out. Kitozon then pulled the big man back up to his feet and attempted to lock in a full nelson, but Connor manoeuvred around the Master and locked him in a full nelson instead! Connor wasn’t done however, and flipped Kitozon over his head with a vicious modified Tiger Suplex. Kitozon bounced off of the mat as Connor pulled him into the middle of the ring. Connor hooked the leg, but only got a 2 count, which caused the crowd cheered wildly when Kitozon kicked out. Connor picked up Kitozon and whipped him into the corner. He followed up with a spear, and then drove Kitozon over with a Northern Lights Suplex, which he bridged and went for another cover. The referee slapped the mat, but again he only got a 2 count. Kitozon used his share of strength by standing up while in the pinning predicament, catching Connor off guard. He then put Connor into a powerbomb position, something which has rarely ever been done, and drove him into a mat with a thunderous powerbomb. He went for the cover, but only got a 2 count. This caused the fans to boo out of annoyance at Connor kicking out. Both men struggled to their feet, and began to brawl before they were even on both feet. Kitozon gained the early upper hand with a few forearms shots to Connor’s head, but when he tried to whip Connor across the ring, Connor stood firm and pulled Kitozon into a short-arm clothesline. Kitzon rolled around from the impact, and Connor stood back up, with a weird look on his face. Connor crouched down as Kitozon stood up, and when he turned around, Connor nailed him with the Thunder from Down Under out of nowhere! Kitozon crumpled to the mat as the fans exploded with anger. Connor made the cover as the referee made the count. 1…. 2… Thr…NO! Kitozon got his shoulder up! This sent the fans into a frenzy, which is surprising considering how many times they’ve already done that this match. Kitozon struggled to his feet, and Connor went for the TfDU again, but Kitozon reversed the move and drove Connor to the mat with a DDT. Connor bounced from the impact, but Kitozon didn’t go for a pin, he instead waited for Connor to get up. Connor slowly made his way to his feet, and turned around, coming face-to-face with Kitozon. Kitozon simply smiled and nailed him with the Kitozon Chop! Connor crumpled to the mat, and Kitozon made the cover! The fans counted along as the referee slapped the mat. 1… 2… 3 Kitozon rolled out of the ring, barely showing a sweat, while Connor seemed to be completely out cold. Kitozon was handed his belt, and he celebrated for a little while at ringside, bowing to the fans and shaking their hands where they were offered. He then left the arena through the fans as Connor held his head in the middle of the ring. [b]Winner:[/b] Master Kitozon by pinfall in 19:14. Master Kitozon makes defence number 2 of his Burning World Championship [b]B+ [/b] [b]Overall:[/b] B+ [b]Notes:[/b] An impressive card, but some matches underperformed. Luckily the three main matches saved us.[/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: Phew, glad I finished that, sorry for not posting it sooner, I've been reivising for my GCSE's every day this week for about 8 hours. So you can guess I got tired after doing all that, and so didn't get much writing up done until tonight.[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] Our Tokyo fans were given a special treat when 15,000 of them came to see Test of Prophecies, which was full of action. We have a new Burning Pacific Champion, and new Burning Japanese Tag Team champions. Speaking of the Black Serpent Cult, both members have now signed written contract extensions, as BHOTWG wanted their talents to be exclusive to them. In other signings, Alasi Tua has signed on with a touring contract. He got good reviews on the independant scenes, so we will see if he can live up to the hype and perform in BHOTWG. Former Kickboxer Takehide Minobe, who just debuted at the start of April, has been signed on with a written contract, and is expected to debut soon. Kano Shizuna, the huge independant wrestler has signed on with BHOTWG on a short term contract, he will have 3 tryout matches, and if he doesn't impress, he is gone, but if he does, he will be hired for longer. In releases, we say goodbye to Yatoji Kusanagi, we wish him well in his future endeavours. In touring news, we will now be holding two weekly shows, one on Thursday as usual, and another on Saturday. This will begin after next weeks show. [B][U]Card for Next Two Tour Shows[/U][/B] [U]Thursday[/U] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Danger Kumasaka Satoru Sugimura vs. Jin Sakamoto Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Stunner Okazawaya Viper w/Cobra vs. White Manta Kenji Fukamura(c) vs. Kiba Izumi for the Burning Pacific Championship Seison Yamanaka & Tasuku Nandaba vs. Toshiro Saito & Dayu Ichihara [U]Saturday[/U] Danger Kumasaka vs. Satoru Sugimura Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Eiji Kiriyama Stunner Okazawaya vs. Akahashi Kuno Cobra w/Viper vs. Black Manta Kenji Fukamura or Kiba Izumi(c) vs. Shogo Takani for the Burning Pacific Championship Elemental vs. Paul Kingsley [I]Predictions welcomed, whoever gets 5/6 on either card can choose a main event for the next show.[/I][/CENTER]
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Thursday Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Stunner Okazawaya Viper w/Cobra vs. [B]White Manta[/B] [B]Kenji Fukamura[/B](c) vs. Kiba Izumi for the Burning Pacific Championship Seison Yamanaka & Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Toshiro Saito & Dayu Ichihara [/B] Saturday [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] vs. Satoru Sugimura Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]Eiji Kiriyama[/B] [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Akahashi Kuno [B]Cobra w/Viper[/B] vs. Black Manta Kenji Fukamura or [B]Kiba Izumi[/B](c) vs. Shogo Takani for the Burning Pacific Championship [B]Elemental[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley
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The Black Serpent Cult win the Burning Tag Team Titles AND use the Dragon's Breath! Awesome show, the write-ups are as strong ever! Thursday Atsushi Nagamichi vs. [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] vs. Jin Sakamoto Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] [B]Viper w/Cobra[/B] vs. White Manta [B]Kenji Fukamura(c) [/B]vs. Kiba Izumi for the Burning Pacific Championship Seison Yamanaka & Tasuku Nandaba vs.[B] Toshiro Saito & Dayu Ichihara [/B] Saturday Danger Kumasaka vs. [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] [B]Kazuo Mitsushi[/B] vs. Eiji Kiriyama [B]Stunner Okazawaya [/B]vs. Akahashi Kuno [B]Cobra w/Viper [/B]vs. Black Manta [B]Kenji Fukamura [/B]or Kiba Izumi(c) vs. Shogo Takani for the Burning Pacific Championship [B]Elemental[/B] vs. Paul Kingsley
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Awesome show! Good to see Kusanagi on his way out - I had to put some dead weight on the rosters just to make it seem realistic, you know? :D Cool to see the BSC take the titles, as they'll probably provide more consistent ratings than the Mibu - but I maintain that if properly prepared Tatsumaki could be a main eventer! [b][u]Thursday[/b][/u] [b]Atsushi Nagamichi[/b] vs. Danger Kumasaka [i]It's becoming more and more apparent that Kumasaka is in need of polish before he moves up the card, and Nagamichi is one of the guys who he could learn a thing or two from.[/i] Satoru Sugimura vs. [b]Jin Sakamoto[/b] [i]Both are talented, but Sakamoto has just had some bad luck lately. He's actually highly skilled and will definitely be useful in training up your young guys... like Sugimura.[/i] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] [i]I think it's pretty obvious I like Kazuo as a future main eventer, but Stunner is the one on a hot streak. If Kazuo beats him I'll be thrilled, of course... but either of these guys would make a damn fine challenger for the Pacific Title at the next big show.[/i] [b]Viper w/Cobra[/b] vs. White Manta [i]The new champs are looking good (though I'm surprised how low the rating was on their title victory...), and though I like the White Manta character and know he's very, very talented, he's also aging.[/i] [b]Kenji Fukamura(c)[/b] vs. Kiba Izumi for the Burning Pacific Championship [i]This will be a good contest, but so far you've been booking in a relatively realistic manner to what you'd expect from a Japanese company in the 1970s. Kenji will likely enjoy a decent reign, but Kiba is one of the guys who definitely deserves a title shot.[/i] Seison Yamanaka & Tasuku Nandaba vs. [b]Toshiro Saito & Dayu Ichihara[/b] [i]The two biggest heels in the company need something to keep them looking good, as both were made to look like job boy bitches at ToP :D [/i] [b][u]Saturday[/b][/u] Danger Kumasaka vs. [b]Satoru Sugimura[/b] [i]Gotta love that young lion rule.[/i] [b]Kazuo Mitsushi[/b] vs. Eiji Kiriyama [i]Sadly Eiji is one of those guys born way before his time, as he would likely find a lot of success in a place like INSPIRE... but in the BHOTWG of 1975, his skills seem slightly out of place. Kazuo... well, I've already discussed him enough for one post![/i] [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Akahashi Kuno [i]We all love you and your consistency Akahashi, but Stunner is the star of this match.[/i] [b]Cobra w/Viper[/b] vs. Black Manta [i]I suppose you could be setting up for the Manta twins challenging the BSC for the titles, but while White Manta winning his match is possible Black Manta just isn't quite as skilled.[/i] [b]Kenji Fukamura[/b] or Kiba Izumi(c) vs. Shogo Takani for the Burning Pacific Championship [i]You're aging, Shogo. I hate to admit it, because I'm sure you were an excellent wrestler in your own right "back in the day"... but this is the era of wrestlers who can last more than 10 minutes in the ring without collapsing from exhaustion.[/i] [b]Elemental[/b] vs. Paul Kingsley [i]This will either be surprisingly good or predictably catastrophic, as the two are probably the biggest clash of styles you can get on your roster... not to mention Kingsley isn't as consistent as one would hope. Elemental's two year undefeated streak ended by Kingsley? I hope not.[/i]
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Thursday, Week 4, April 1975 Held in front of 1,310 people at the Kagawa Sports Field [u]Pre-Show[/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Alexander Tomov vs. Edo Phoenix[/u] [i]Surprisingly good match between these two. Tomov looked strong as usual, but Edo just managed to surprise him and nailed the Blaze of Glory to get the pinfall .[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: Akahashi Kuno & Flash Asagi vs. Sejiro Orinichi & Osei Khama[/u] [i]Decent match, with Asagi getting his first win on the tour so far.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Kuno & Asagi by pinfall [b]C-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Yuto Ijima vs. Onishiki[/u] [i]Onishiki took the dominating victory after a Samoan Driver, while Yuto was practically defenceless against the big man.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Onishiki by pinfall [b]C+[/b] _________________________________ [u]Main Show[/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Danger Kumasaka[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/atsushinagamichi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Danger.jpg[/IMG] After locking up, Danger took control with an arm wringer. He kept twisting the wrist to apply pressure, causing Atsushi a lot of pain. Atsushi managed to struggle over to the ropes and grabbed hold of one, making Danger release the hold. When Danger backed off, he kicked Nagamichi in the back of his knees, making him drop to the floor. Atsushi then struggled back up to his feet, but before he could do anything, Danger lifted him up into the air and drove him into the mat with a back suplex. Danger hooked the leg, but only got a 1 count, as Atsushi kicked out quickly. Danger was a little annoyed and picked Atsushi back up to his feet, before whipping him across the ring. When he came back Danger lifted him high into the air and let him drop to the mat, causing him to bounce off of the mat and grab his ribs. Danger once again went for the pin, and got a solid two count this time. Atsushi got up and got chopped three times in the chest, causing it to go slightly red. Danger whipped him across the ring once again, but Atsushi dropped him with a dropkick when he came back, shifting the momentum in the match. Danger got right back up, and levelled Atsushi with a clothesline. He then went up top, not something he usually does, and probably will never do again. He flew off to try and hit an elbow drop; he dropped alright, and found nothing but canvas as Atsushi had rolled out of the way. Atsushi used this time to recover as Danger was holding his arm in pain. Nagamichi staggered to his feet and began to stomp away at Danger, aiming particularly at his elbow. Danger cringed in pain each time, but he eventually got to his feet, showing his resilience, and kicked Atsushi in the gut. Danger then whipped him into the corner, before charging at him, aiming for a boot to the face. Atsushi ducked however, causing Danger to get caught on the top rope in a bad position. Atsushi used this to his advantage, and began to kick away at his knee, causing Danger to be in a lot more pain than usual. Danger was still caught up on the top rope, so Atsushi went for a knee breaker, lifting Danger into the air and bringing his knee down on his own knee. Danger rolled around in pain, before struggling to his feet, not wanting to go down too easy. Atsushi began to use his speed to outrun Danger, before taking him back down with a chop block. Atsushi then got ready and nailed Danger with a step up enziguri, although this didn’t send him to the mat, he just began to stagger. Atsushi then kicked him in the gut, and drove him to the mat with a neckbreaker. He then began to stalk Danger, and when he got up, Atsushi ran across the ring. When he came back, he levelled Danger with the Sensational Hammer, a Double handed Polish Hammer, before going for the cover. He managed to get the 3 count due to dazing Danger, even though it seemed as if Danger was going to win early on. [b]Winner:[/b] Atushi Nagamichi by pinfall in 9:42 [b]C-[/b] – [i] Decent match, sadly one of Danger’s best matches so far on this tour.[/i] [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Satoru Sugimura vs. Jin Sakamoto[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/jinsakamoto.jpg[/IMG] Jin had been on a bad streak as of late, not coming out with a win in a long time, losing to Stunner Okazawaya at Test of Prophecies didn’t help that at all, but he was determined to end his losing streak tonight, while also teaching the youngster Sugimura a lesson. When they locked up, it was Jin who got the early advantage by clubbing Satoru in the back with his fist, before wrenching his arm round behind his back with a hammerlock. Satoru was in pain, so Jin kept applying pressure by pushing the arm up further than it was supposed to. Satoru jumped from one foot to the next out of pain. Jin then used the arm as leverage to pull Satoru up into the air and drop him to the mat onto the arm. Satoru grabs his arm and rolls around while Jin begins to stomp away at him. Jin then locks him into a fujiwara armbar, before putting Satoru into a body scissors as well, locking him in the Samurai Lock. Satoru struggled and struggled to get out of the hold, eventually forcing himself & Jin towards the ropes and clutching onto them. Jin was forced to break the hold, but instantly picked up Satoru and whipped him across the ring, and levelled him with a clothesline when he came back. Jin then locked him back into a body scissors, and he slowly began to apply more and more pressure. Satoru was very close to tapping, but managed to claw his way over to the ropes one more time. Jin had had enough and picked up Satoru. He chopped him three times in the chest before whipping him across the ring. When he came back he picked him up high into the air before dropping him down onto his knee stomach first. Satoru bounced off of his knee due to the impact and rolled around in pain. Jin picked him up and whipped him into the corner. He then went to the opposite corner before charging across the ring at full speed, crushing Satoru in the corner with a clothesline. He then grabbed Satoru’s head and drove it into the mat with a bulldog. Jin let Satoru writhe in pain, before dropping his elbow into his sternum, knocking the air out of him. He then dropped his elbow onto the knee of Satoru, before locking in a knee lock, constantly twisting the limb to apply pressure. Satoru yelled out in pain and desperately tried to push Jin off of his knee, but Jin was too heavy to push away. Jin then stood up, still holding Satoru’s knee, before pulling Satoru high into the air, by his knee, and then dropped him back down on that knee. Satoru once again grabbed his knee pain, before Jin pulled him up to his feet. Jin then whipped Satoru across the ring, and put him into a Firemans Carry when he came back. Jin then yelled something, before lifting Satoru up, and bringing the back of Satoru’s head down on his knee. Satoru seemed to be knocked out as Jin made the cover. He got the pinfall, looking more intense than ever, and got his first win so far on the tour. [b]Winner:[/b] Jin Sakamoto by pinfall in 10:36 [b]C[/b] [i]- Didn’t seem to click, but it was still decent considering Satoru’s popularity.[/i] [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Stunner Okazawaya[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] These two met in what could be called the meeting of future legends, as both of these guys are the future of BHOTWG, plus one is on the 3rd longest streak in the company. Kazuo however, doesn’t need a streak to prove himself, as he showcases great talent all the time. When these two locked up, it was the bigger Kazuo who got the control, clubbing Stunner right in the back. Before flipping him over with a gutwrench suplex. Stunner grabbed his back, before staggering to his feet. Kazuo promptly kicked him in the gut before whipping him across the ring. When Stunner came back, Kazuo dropped him with a stiff lariat, flipping the smaller Stunner over. Kazuo wasn’t done yet and locked in a tight arm bar. Stunner was in pain and was desperately trying to escape the hold. It took him quite a while, but he eventually managed to reach the ropes, which made the crowd cheer for him. He used the ropes to pull himself up, but this didn’t stop Kazuo doing something, as Kazuo charged at Stunner and knocked him right over the top rope with a clothesline. Stunner crashed to the floor and landed badly on his back. Kazuo went outside and rolled Stunner back in. Stunner tried to get back up, but Kazuo knocked him back down to the mat with a double axe handle. Stunner grabbed his back, but this just prompted Kazuo to start stomping away at his back. Kazuo then picked up Stunner and whipped him into the corner. He followed up with a shoulder ram right into Stunner’s gut, before whipping him into the other corner. Kazuo charged again, but Stunner managed to move out of the way just in time, and Kazuo flew into the ring post, and tumbled to the outside. Stunner then fell to the mat inside the ring, desperate to recover. The fans cheered him on, and as Kazuo was getting up, Stunner ran and nailed him with a baseball slide, sending him into the railings. Stunner then rolled Kazuo back into the ring, and locked in a Boston crab. Kazuo was in pain, and when Stunner decided to sit down with the hold still locked in, it put a lot of pressure on his shoulder, which nearly made him tap out. But luckily Kazuo was close to the ropes, and he grabbed onto them, forcing Stunner to release the hold. Stunner then picked up the bigger Kazuo and whipped him across the ring, Kazuo attempted a clothesline when he came back, but Stunner ducked under it and nailed Kazuo with a dropkick from behind, which made him trip and hit the mat. Stunner then went for the Boston Crab again, but Kazuo scrambled to the ropes just in time. Kazuo then got up quickly and began to punch away at Stunner, but he swung wildly the third time, allowing Stunner to duck and shift behind him. Stunner locked him in a half nelson, but couldn’t get it in tightly due to Kazuo being taller than him. Kazuo quickly broke the hold and shifted behind Stunner himself, and drove him into the mat with a German Suplex. Stunner landed on his back, which he had hurt earlier, and writhed around in pain. Kazuo then picked Stunner up, and whipped him across the ring. Kazuo kicked him in the gut when he returned, and went for the Star Cutter, but Stunner reversed it into a Reverse DDT. Stunner used the time afterwards to recover his strength. Kazuo got up and kicked Stunner in the gut, trying to put him away with a Mystic Drop, but Stunner moved out of the way, making Kazuo drop to the mat. Stunner then stalked Kazuo as he got up, before kicking him in the gut and nailing the Okazawaya Stunner out of nowhere. He went for the cover, and got the pinfall to go 9-0 in a tough match. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 9:47 [b]C+[/b] – [i]Decent match, although they didn’t seem to click, and that made the match seem awkward..[/i] [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Viper vs. White Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Viper-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/WhiteManta.jpg[/IMG] When they locked up, Viper easily gets the control after shoving Manta to the mat. He quickly picked Manta back up and whipped him into the corner. Viper charged, and kicked him right across the face, making Manta drop to the bottom turnbuckles. Viper then backed off and charged again, driving his knee into Manta’s face. Viper then picked him up and whipped him across the ring. When Manta came back, Viper charged and drove his knee into Manta’s face, sending him flying. Viper then began to wildly stomp away at Manta’s chest, before driving his elbow into his sternum. Viper quickly picked Manta back up and kicked him in the gut. Viper then lifted him up in a Tiger Bomb position, but instead of doing a powerbomb, he drove Manta onto his knees. He then hooked the leg of Manta, and got a solid 2 count before Manta kicked out. Viper picked him up again and whipped him across the ring. Manta grabbed onto the ropes to stop his momentum, prompting Viper to charge at him. Manta quickly ducked under a clothesline, sending Viper over the ropes. Manta went up top, and hit Viper with a flying cross body, sending both him and Viper into the railings. Both men managed to make it in before the 10 count, and they began to brawl. Viper took control with three straight fore-arm smashes, and then spun Manta around before locking him into a half-nelson. Manta struggled, but eventually managed to reverse it, and locked Viper in a hammerlock. Viper struggled to escape it, but soon he took Manta over with an arm drag. He then kept the arm where it was and put Manta in an arm bar. Manta was desperate to escape the hold; eventually he clawed his way to the ropes and put his arm around the bottom rope, making Viper release it. Viper picked Manta back up and whipped him into the corner. He ran towards him and shoved his shoulder into Manta’s gut. He backed out of the corner, and as Manta staggered out, he booted him in the gut, and flipped him overhead with a snap suplex. Viper went for the cover but only got a 2 count. He then quickly picked up Manta, and nailed him in the gut with a boot, before driving him into the mat with a DDT. Manta rolled out of the ring after being hit, prompting Viper to follow him outside. Manta rested against the railings to recover, but Viper came from behind with a big boot, sending Manta right into the audience. Viper didn’t dare venture into the crowd, so he waited for Manta to climb back over. Viper then kicked him in the gut and whipped him into the railings again, before rolling Manta back into the ring. Viper climbed onto the apron and taunted Manta. Manta staggered to his feet and went to attack Viper, but Viper ducked and punched him in the gut, before bringing his head down onto the ropes, sending him flying backwards in pain. Manta recovered quickly, and when Viper came back into the ring, he quickly brought him down to the mat with a drop toehold, and then locked in a cross kneelock. Viper struggled while in the hold, trying to get out of it before Manta did too much damage, but Manta had the hold in tight. Viper eventually forced his way over to the ropes, and clutched onto them, forcing Manta to break the hold once more. Manta then got up and was preparing to hit the White Out on Viper when he got up, but Viper blocked him, and took control with a vertical suplex. Viper then began to stalk Manta, waiting for him to get up, while also stomping his foot to signify what was about to happen. Manta slowly but surely got up to his feet, and when he turned around – WHAM – he was nailed with the Snakebite Roundhouse Kick from out of nowhere. He spun around and crumpled to the mat, seemingly knocked out by the force of the kick. Viper then made the cover, and got the 3 count. [b]Winner:[/b] Viper by pinfall in 14:01 [b]C+[/b] [i]- No notes. [/i] [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kenji Fukamura© vs. Kiba Izumi For the Burning Pacific Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kibaizumi.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men were eager to impress here tonight. Kenji was the first champion and was intent on not losing it on his first defence. Kiba on the other hand, wanted to end Kenji’s reign right away and prove to the rest of the roster and to the fans why he is a submission specialist. Both men locked up, and after a brief struggle, Kiba came out on top with an arm wringer. Kenji suffered for a little while before using his athleticism to flip over and reverse the hold. He then locked Kiba into a hammerlock. Kiba slapped his arm from the pain, before quickly moving out of the hold and tripping Kenji up with a drop toehold. Kiba then locked him into a knee lock, twisting the limb occasionally to try and make Kenji submit. Kenji eventually managed to twist out of the move, and kicked Kiba in the face to push him away. Kiba fell to the mat, and grabbed his face before standing up. Kenji struggled to his feet and charged at Kiba, who ducked a clothesline, but fell victim to another when Kenji charged from behind. Kenji went for the cover but only got a 2 count. Kenji quickly got to his feet and began to stomp at Kiba while he was still on the mat. He then pulled Kiba to his feet, before spinning him around and nailing him with a modified backbreaker. Kiba clutched his back and rolled around in pain while Kenji began to stomp away at him again. Kenji pulled Kiba back to his, before booting him in the gut and whipped him into the corner. Kiba rebounded out of the corner due to the impact, and Kenji ran to clothesline him, but Kiba caught his arm and pulled him to the mat, locking Kenji into a Crowbar. Kiba kept applying more pressure as much as he could, eager to make Kenji to tap out. Kenji rolled through the move eventually however, showing his athleticism again, and then locked in a crowbar of his own on Kiba, adding insult to injury. Kiba was in shock at how quickly Kenji had reversed the move, and struggled to make his way to the ropes. When he finally managed to reach them he grabbed a hold of the bottom rope, forcing Kenji to release the hold. Kenji began to pose for the crowd, who were cheering for him. Kiba used this time to recover and surprised Kenji from behind with a lariat to the back of his head. Kenji flipped over the ropes and tumbled to the arena floor. Kiba followed him out and rolled him back into the ring. Kiba then pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the corner. He then followed up with a clothesline, and whole backing away, Kenji fell forward. Kiba caught him however and drove him back into the corner with an STO. Kenji’s head bounced off of the bottom turnbuckle, and he grabbed it, showing a large amount of pain in his expression. Kiba took advantage of this and picked Kenji up. He booted him in the gut, and then drove him into the mat with a vicious implant DDT, before picking him up once again and kneeing him in the gut. Kiba then snapped him over with a neck breaker, causing Kenji to grab his heads again. Kiba put the pressure on Kenji’s neck with a grounded Full Nelson, before using the leverage to pull Kenji into a standing version of it. When it seemed like Kenji was going to escape it, Kiba flipped him overhead with a Full Nelson Suplex, making the crowd gasp when Kenji landed on his neck. Kiba followed this us by attempting to lock in a Boston crab, he was too close to the ropes however, and Kenji quickly grabbed onto them. Kiba got frustrated and for some reason began to throw a fit. Kenji used this time to recover and got back up. Kiba noticed this and charged towards him, going for a clothesline. Kenji ducked it, and when Kiba turned around, nailed him with a Sensation Kick, a Super Kick, right to the jaw. This sent Kiba into the ropes, but due to their bounce, Kiba came right back at Kenji. Kenji booted Kiba in the gut and lifted him up onto his shoulders, looking to go for the Fukamura Buster. He rubbed his neck as he was still feeling the effects of the assault it has suffered throughout this match. He managed to pull the move off however, and Kiba folded up like an accordion from the impact. Kiba was out of it, but so was Kenji, as he was in too much pain from all the physical damage Kiba has given him throughout the match. Eventually he slowly made his way to the cover, and because of the damage the Fukamura Buster inflicts, he was able to get the cover. Kiba rolled out of the ring and was in disbelief, while Kenji held his neck with one hand and the belt high in the air with the other. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 14:13. Kenji Fukamura makes defence number 1 of his Burning Pacific Championship. [b]B-[/b] [I]- Didn’t seem to click, so I am a little disappointed with the rating.[/I] _______________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Seison Yamanaka & Tasuku Nandaba vs. Toshiro Saito & Dayu Ichihara[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/SeisonYamanaka.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/TasukuNandaba.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/DayuIchihara.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/toshirosaito.jpg[/IMG] Tasuku started out with Dayu Ichihara. Both of these monsters locked up after briefly circling each other for a little bit. There was a brief power struggle, but Tasuku managed to get control with a knee to the gut. He then put Dayu into a headlock, but Dayu was able to whip him across the ring using the ropes. Dayu went to clothesline Tasuku when he came back, but Tasuku ducked it and nailed Dayu from behind with a forearm smash to the back of the head. Dayu grabbed his head while Tasuku slowly pulled him up to his feet. Dayu got to one knee, and then began to punch away at Tasuku’s gut, causing him to release Dayu. Tasuku began to stagger backwards, and Dayu charged, taking the big Tasuku down with a modified STO, where he pushes the opponent down using their face. Tasuku grabbed the back of his head as Dayu went over to his corner and tagged in the big Toshiro Saito. Toshiro came in like a freight train, charging across the ring and knocking Seison off the apron, sending him crashing into the guard railings. Tasuku got up and charged at the behemoth, but it seemed to have no effect as Toshiro simply stood firm against a clothesline attempt, and then nearly beheaded Tasuku with a clothesline of his own. Toshiro then pulled Tasuku up to his feet and whipped him with amazing strength into the corner. The impact sent Tasuku right to the mat, something that doesn’t usually happen due to his large size. Toshiro walked over to him and whipped him into his corner, then tagged Dayu back in. Both of them then began to kick away at Tasuku, before whipping him across the ring, into the ropes. When Tasuku came back, they went for a Double Clothesline, but Tasuku ducked it, and took Dayu down with a clothesline of his own from behind. Toshiro turned around and dared Tasuku to try that on him, but Tasuku kicked him in the gut instead. This just seemed to anger Toshiro though, as he grabbed Tasuku’s leg when he tried to kick him again, and put his hand around Tasuku’s throat. He then lifted Tasuku high into the air, and drove him down to the mat, with a thud that was heard around the arena. Toshiro then pulled Dayu up to his feet before going off onto the apron. Dayu picked Tasuku up and kicked him in the gut, he attempted to pull him over with a gut wrench suplex, but Tasuku stood firm, or rather crouched firm. Dayu tried again, and Tasuku showed something amazing for his weight, he did a front flip and landed on his feet. Dayu was caught completely off guard as the crowd gasped in amazement. Tasuku then grabbed Dayu’s arm and began to yank at the joint, before pulling Dayu into a short arm clothesline. Tasuku then pointed at Toshiro before dragging Dayu into his own corner and making the hot tag to Seison Yamanaka. Seison began to work on the legs of Dayu right away, lifting up the leg and kicking away at the back of his knees. He then dropped his elbow across the knee on Dayu’s right leg, and then began to twist the joint with a kneelock. Dayu was in a lot of pain, and grabbed Seison’s head. He then began to punch Seison in the skull to try and make him release the hold, but Seison stood strong, and despite being the smallest person in the match, he withstood the blows, and stood up. He was still clutching Dayu’s leg, so he began yanking it away from the joint. Dayu screamed in pain and was reaching for his partner, but he was all the way across the ring. Dayu then realised he was close to the ropes and grabbed hold of the bottom rope. Seison released the hold, and after kicking Dayu in the back of the knee one more time, he tagged back out to Tasuku Nandaba. Tasuku came in and picked Dayu up, and went to whip him across the ring. Dayu reversed it however and whipped Tasuku across the ring instead. Toshiro came away from the corner and punched Tasuku in the back of the head out of spite, sending Tasuku to the mat right away. Dayu laughed and tagged in Toshiro, as he was beginning to limp due to Seison working on his legs earlier. Toshiro stomped away at Tasuku, before picking him up. He lifted Tasuku high above his head, showing his immense strength, before bringing him down with a thunderous spinebuster. Tasuku bounce off of the mat from the impact, and Seison cringed on the apron. Toshiro then began to punch away at the defenceless Tasuku, knocking him around without any resistance at all. Tasuku was able to get his guard up eventually however, and Toshiro just used this as an excuse to pull him up to his feet. Toshiro then kneed him in the gut, to make sure he brought his guard down, and then punched him right across the face. Tasuku staggered, but came back with a stronger punch, which connected with Toshiro’s jaw. Toshiro fired back, and so did Tasuku, before both looked exhausted. Tasuku then sealed the deal with a punch to the gut, followed by an uppercut, and then a punch which sent Toshiro spinning, and then tumbling to the mat. Toshiro crawled to his corner and tagged in Dayu Ichihara, which prompted Seison to beg for the tag. Tasuku tagged him in, and then pushed Toshiro Saito out of the ring, and began to brawl with him so he was out of the match. Dayu got the early control over Seison, whipping him into the corner, and squashing him with a clothesline. Seison staggered out of the corner, so Dayu picked him up onto his shoulders, before driving him onto his knee with a shoulder breaker. Seison grabbed it in pain. Dayu lifted him back up and began to chop at him. Seison managed to duck a chop however, and brought Dayu to the mat with a drop toehold, with some help of kicking at the back of Dayu’s knees however. Seison desperately tried to lock in the Red Sun Rising, but Dayu managed to roll out of it, learning from his mistake at Test of Prophecies. Seison was thrown into the corner, and hit his shoulder, causing him to cringe and grab it. Dayu used this opportunity to spin Seison round and kicked him in the gut. He then lifted him onto his shoulder again. The fans began to boo when they realised he wasn’t going for another shoulder breaker. Dayu then drove Seison into the mat with the Ichihara Power Drive. He made the cover, and since Toshiro & Tasuku were still brawling on the outside, there was nobody to break the cover. Seison didn’t kick out, as his shoulder was in a lot of pain. Dayu was now 2 for 3 over Seison Yamanaka, which made him feel c0cky. He backed up the ramp as Saito had managed to duck a punch from Tasuku and threw him into the announce table. Saito soon joined Dayu on the ramp and they celebrated together. Seison was still lying prone on the mat while Tasuku groaned in pain while holding his back. [b]Winner:[/b] Dayu Ichihara & Toshiro Saito by pinfall on Seison Yamanaka by Dayu Ichihara in 18:40 [b]B+[/b] [i]- Another good main event, mainly due to the star power involved in this match. [/i] [b]Overall:[/b] B [b]Notes:[/b] Got a B, which his something I’m happy about. It was in a region where I have B- popularity, so it didn’t have any real effect on the popularity. I bet more fans wish they had come to watch it now lol. Congrats to SadisticBlessing on getting an amazing 6/6 for this show, PM me your decision. MTJTM got 4/6, so I’ll allow you to pick a midcard match you would like to see on the next Thursday card. Midnightnick got 2/6, but since you have been predicting since I began to give out prizes, you can pm me an undercard match you would like to see on the next Thursday card. Also, I would like all of you to post your votes for MVP of the month, because it is that time again lol. [/center]
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Gotta give my MVP vote to Connor Thompson; despite his age he's managed three very highly rated main events this month and probably could've handled a couple more. He may have lost in the end to Kitozon, but his recurring presence in the main events is likely one part of why you've been getting good ratings this month. Looking forward to the next installment, though it'd be great if those other slackers would vote for the MVP before it gets posted :D
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[center][IMG]http://3.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/7/432/banner_break_05_21_2007_11_22_50_36770.gif[/IMG] Saturday, Week 4, April 1975 Held in front of 2,341 people at the Matsue Sports Park [u]Pre-Show [/u] [u]Pre-Show: Match 1: Atsushi Nagamichi vs. Akira Shirou[/u] [i]Atsushi put up a strong fight, but eventually fell prey to the Shirou Bomb, and was unable to kick out .[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Akira Shirou by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 2: White Manta vs. Edo Phoenix [/u] [i]Great chemistry makes this pre-show match really entertaining for the fans.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] Edo Phoenix by pinfall [b]B-[/b] [u]Pre-Show: Match 3: Jin Sakamoto vs. DEMON Yukata[/u] [i]Yukata managed to surprise the veteran and got the victory.[/i] [b]Winner:[/b] DEMON Yukata by pinfall [b]C+[/b] _______________________________________________ [u]Main Show [/u] [B][U]Match 1:[/b] Danger Kumasaka vs. Satoru Sugimura[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Danger.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/satorusugimura.jpg[/IMG] When these two locked up, Danger Kumasaka took control early on with an arm wringer. He occasionally yanked at the joint, seemingly trying to pull it out of the joint. He then drove his elbow into the shoulder of Satoru three times, before pulling Satoru into a short-arm clothesline. Satoru landed on his head from the impact of the clothesline, and began to grab his arm and shoulder from the pain. Danger just seemed to take this as proof he was doing something right, and picked Satoru back up. He whipped him across the ring, before dropping him with a sharp back elbow when he came back. Danger drove his elbow right into the sternum of Satoru, and went for the cover, but only got a 2 count. Danger picked up Satoru once more, and kneed him in the gut, sending the smaller man up into the air from the impact. He then drove Satoru’s head onto his knee, sending the small man flying back from the impact. Danger then grabbed one of Satoru’s legs, and then began to kick at his thigh and knee. He ‘accidentally’ also kicked Satoru between the legs, claiming it was a misplaced kick. The referee argued with him as the crowd booed. Satoru used this time to recover and reverse the hold. He quickly pulled Danger to the mat with a drop toehold before putting him into a knee lock. Danger had fallen close to the ropes however and quickly managed to grab onto the bottom rope. Satoru cursed under his breath and got up quickly. Danger charged at him out of anger, and Satoru used this against him, ducking under a clothesline and bringing Danger back down to the mat with a neck breaker. Satoru picked up the dazed Danger, and whipped him into the corner. Satoru then charged across the ring and drilled Danger with a dropkick to the chest. As Danger staggered out of the corner, Satoru charged and dropkicked him again, sending Danger crashing into the turnbuckles again, falling to the bottom turnbuckles. Satoru saw this as an opportunity, and drove his knee right into the face of Danger, before pulling him to the middle of the ring and making a cover. He got a solid two count before Danger kicked out, but it was now clear who was in control of this match right now. Satoru picked up the dazed Danger and kicked him in the gut; he then clubbed him in the back with an axe handle, and then put Danger into a suplex position. Danger went to reverse it by hooking his leg around Satoru, but Satoru clubbed him in the back three times, and drove his knee into his gut once, then finished up with a Fisherman Suplex. He then bridged it and the referee made the count. Yet again he got a solid two count, with Danger looking more and more tired as the match went on. When Satoru pulled Danger back up, Danger wildly swung his fist, and it connected with the gut of Satoru, sending him into the air again. Satoru managed to duck another wild shot, and kneed Danger in the gut, knocking the air out of him, he followed up with another knee, and then a clubbing blow to the back. He then dropped Danger to the mat with the Sugimura Slice, a hesitation cutter, seemingly out of nowhere and went for the cover. 1... 2… 3 Satoru rolled off of the pin and celebrated, as Danger slowly sat up and noticed what had just happened. And as Satoru went up the ramp Danger seemed to have a smile on his face…why? [b]Winner:[/b] Satoru Sugimura [b]C-[/b] – [i] Decent match, sadly one of Danger’s best matches so far on this tour.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 2:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Eiji Kiriyama[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kazuomitsushi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/eijikiriyama.jpg[/IMG] These two circled each other, both determined to come away with a victory here. Kazuo has had a lot going for him in the past two months, but due to suffering a lose to Stunner Okazawaya last Wednesday, part of his pride was hurt and he felt he needed to win here today to reclaim that part of his pride. Eiji was just there to kick some ass as usual. They locked up very powerfully, with both men refusing to back down. Neither man could get the early advantage and so forced each other away, leading to a stare down between the two men. Eiji rushed in an unleashed a few punches, aimed at the stomach and chin of Kazuo. Kazuo managed to move out of the way of the ones aimed for his stomach, but was sent flying with the uppercut punch from Eiji. Eiji pulled Kazuo back up to his feet, before kicking him in the gut. He then showed tremendous athleticism by flipping backwards over Kazuo, and then using this momentum to nail Kazuo with a big back suplex. He hooked the leg, and got a solid 2 count, but Kazuo was too determined to lose right now. Eiji picked him up, and provoked him with a slap, as he was confident he was going to get the easy win here tonight. Kazuo stared back at him, seething with a new found rage. Eiji began to back away, but Kazuo charged at him and booted him right in the face, sending him right down to the mat. Eiji staggered back up to his feet, and attempted to bring Kazuo down with a Judo arm drag, but Kazuo stood firm and turned around, nailing Eiji with a stiff clothesline right to the throat. He went for the cover, and very nearly got a 3 count, before Eiji stretched and grabbed hold of the bottom rope. Kazuo pulled him back to the centre of the ring, pulled him up to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Eiji felt a sudden sharp pain in his back as he hit a turnbuckle badly. Kazuo charged at him, and squashed him in the corner with a clothesline. Eiji staggered out of the corner, prompting Kazuo to return the slap from earlier in the match, but with a stunning amount of force behind it. Eiji dropped to the mat, holding his cheek, before getting up to his feet slowly. Kazuo booted him in the gut and lifted him high into the air, before driving him back-first onto his knee. Kazuo kept Eiji there however, and began to stretch him over his knee. Eiji regained his earlier form, due to the pressure not really being applied that well. He then hit Kazuo with a few well placed shots which sent him reeling, before dropping him with a Flatliner, called the Inverted Kiriyama Knockout. Kazuo bounced over from the impact, and Eiji went for the cover, but only just missed out on the three count when Kazuo showed his resilience. Eiji picked him back up, and whipped him across the ring. When he came back he showed his fair share of strength when he lifted Kazuo up above his head, and then drove him to the mat with a press slam. Kazuo recovered quickly, as Eiji didn’t follow up and instead taunted the crowd, posing while they booed. Kazuo came up from behind and spun Eiji around. He then drilled him into the mat with a Star Cutter. But Kazuo wanted to really put the idea forward that he could beat this guy, so he pulled him back up to his feet, booted him in the gut, leapt into the air, and drove him to the mat with the Mystic Drop, a leg drop bulldog. Kazuo then rolled Eiji over and got the three count, surprising most of the crowd who proceeded to cheer for him. [b]Winner:[/b] Kazuo Mitsushi by pinfall in 11:34 [b]B-[/b] [i]- Eiji complained about losing here, but he has to face up to is unless he cleans up his backstage act.[/i] _______________________________________________ [B][U]Match 3:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya vs. Akahashi Kuno[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/StunnerOkazawaya.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/akahashikuno.jpg[/IMG] These two circled each other for a long time, probably waiting to see who got the early support from the crowd. When they locked up, it was Stunner who managed to quickly surprise Kuno with a hammerlock, and he continually applied pressure to make the hold more painful. He then tripped Kuno up by sweeping his legs out from under him, and used that to plant Kuno with an STO. Kuno rolled backwards from the impact, and when he began to slowly get up to his feet, Stunner ran and dropkicked him in the face. Stunner then dropped his elbow onto the back of Kuno after rolling him over. As Kuno got up to his feet, Stunner caught him off guard once more with a roll up. It only got a 2 count, and it only served to anger Kuno as he quickly got up to his feet and levelled Stunner with a clothesline. Kuno then hopped up to the top rope, and once Stunner got back up to his feet, he came flying off with a beautiful Missile Dropkick. Stunner bounced around the ring, and Kuno quickly went for a cover. He just narrowly missed the three count, as Stunner kicked out at the last moment. Kuno dragged him back up to his feet, and booted him in the gut. He then ran across the ring, and hit a flip senton right on the back of the neck of Stunner. Kuno rolled him over and went for the cover again, but Stunner kicked out once more. Stunner got to his feet at the same time as Kuno, and the two began to brawl. Stunner managed to duck a right hand punch, dropped to his knee and elbowed Kuno in the stomach, before quickly getting up again and hitting him with a dropkick. Stunner waited for Kuno to get up, and when he did, Stunner booted him in the gut and pulled him down to the mat with a face buster. Stunner went for the cover but only got a 2 count. Stunner got up and pulled Kuno back up to his feet. He whipped Kuno across the ring, and when he came back, he went for a flying forearm smash, but Kuno leapt over it, making Stunner crash to the mat. Kuno stayed up and ran at Stunner as he got back up to his feet. Kuno jumped onto his back, before twisting around and taking Stunner to the mat with a head scissor takedown. The fans applauded this amazing move as Kuno once again went for the cover. He got a solid two count once more, causing Kuno to keep his confidence up. Kuno dragged Stunner back up to his feet, and whipped him into the corner. Stunner hit the turnbuckles hard, and Kuno ran at him at full speed. Kuno leapt into the air and hit Stunner right in the face with a dropkick, before pulling him out of the corner and hitting a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex. Stunner kicked out at two, but he was clearly dazed. Kuno went up top, and jumped off with an elbow drop, he hit nothing but canvas however, as Stunner had quickly rolled out of the way. Stunner was up quickly, and he pulled Kuno up to his feet. He kicked him in the gut and took him over with a snap suplex; he then rolled through and began to punch away at the face of Kuno while he was prone on the mat. Kuno was defenceless against this barrage, and he seemed to have been knocked out by the vicious series of punches. Stunner then stood up and pulled Kuno back to his feet. He kicked him in the gut again and set him up for a backbreaker, but Kuno rolled over the top of Stunner, and landed behind him. Kuno then pulled Stunner down to the mat with a neckbreaker, causing Stunner to grab his neck in pain. Kuno pulled him back to his feet, before flipping him over with a suplex of his own. Kuno then began to wait for Stunner to get back up to his feet. When he got to one knee, Kuno charged and went to hit the Glittering Magician, but Stunner ducked under his legs, and grabbed Kuno’s head when he stood up. He then brought Kuno down to the mat in a vicious manner with the Reverse Okazawaya Stunner. He quickly went for the cover and got the victory to go 10-0 in another hard fought match. [b]Winner:[/b] Stunner Okazawaya by pinfall in 11:35 [b]B-[/b] – [i]No real notes, it was a good match up..[/i] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 4:[/b] Cobra vs. Black Manta[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Cobra-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/blackmanta.jpg[/IMG] Cobra & Manta circled each other intently, trying to se e which one would make the first move. Manta’s impatience got the better of him and he rushed in for a clothesline, Cobra charged at him as well and ducked underneath the clothesline. He then wrapped his arms around the waist of Manta to go for a German Suplex, but Manta reversed it by going for a punch to Cobra, and when Cobra ducked it, Manta drove him into the mat with a DDT. Cobra slowly got up to his feet as Manta waited for him, and Manta began to run at him once he was up on both feet. Cobra then displayed his great strength when he lifted Manta right into the air and drove him down with a modified Front Slam, called the Boa Crush. Manta bounced off of the mat and rolled around in pain. Cobra began to taunt the crowd, but this gave Manta time to recover. Manta then charged at Cobra from behind and took him overhead with a Back Suplex. He went for the cover, but only got a 2 count. Manta picked up Cobra, but Cobra punched him in the gut to make him back off. They circled each other once more before locking up again. This time Cobra took control after clubbing Manta in the back. Cobra kicked him in the chest, and then did it two more times before lifting Manta overhead in a vertical suplex. Manta crashed to the mat and Cobra quickly made a cover. He got a solid two count before Manta kicked out. He pulled Manta back up to his feet, and began to brawl with him. He connected with two punches to the jaw, but Manta moved out of the way quicker than expected and whipped Cobra across the ring and towards a corner. Cobra hit the turnbuckles and began to stagger out. Manta took advantage of this and charged at Cobra, attempting to take him down with a clothesline. Cobra simply moved out of the way and threw Manta right into the turnbuckles. Manta hit the corner ring post hard and went to the outside. Cobra followed him and whipped him into the guard rail, which damaged Manta’s back even more, before rolling him back into the ring. Manta slowly staggered to his feet, and Cobra quickly locked up with him. Cobra managed to get the control and pulled Manta’s head down, as if to go for a powerbomb, but Manta broke out of this after a brief struggle. He went for an arm wringer on Cobra, but Cobra showed his power by pulling Manta into a vicious short-arm clothesline. Cobra pulled Manta back up to his feet, kicked him in the gut and put him in the position for a powerbomb once more. Manta began to struggle, so Cobra clubbed him several times in the back. Cobra then lifted Manta up into the powerbomb, before pushing him even higher up. He then drove Manta into the mat with devastating impact with an Elevated Powerbomb, which Cobra calls the Reptile Devastation. Cobra then hooked the leg. 1… 2… No! Somehow, Manta had managed to kick out! Cobra was irate, and began to pound the mat and argued with the referee, demanding that he counts properly. Manta used this time once again to recover and get up to his feet. Manta then dropkicked Cobra in the back, sending him into the ropes and causing him to stagger back into a German Suplex by Manta. Manta pulled Cobra back up instead of going for a pinfall, which he would later regret. Cobra reversed an arm wringer and locked Manta in the Cobra Constrictor Clutch, right in the middle of the ring. Manta had no choice but to tap out right away. [b]Winner:[/b] Cobra by submission in 11:38 [b]C+[/b] [i]- No real notes here. [/i] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Match 5:[/b] Kenji Fukamura© vs. Shogo Takani For the Burning Pacific Championship [/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/kenjifukamura.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/shogotakani.jpg[/IMG] When these two locked up, it was Shogo who go the early advantage, using his vastly superior experience advantage to outmanoeuvre Kenji and bring him down to the mat with a drop toehold. Shogo the quickly locked in a single leg Boston crab, and when Kenji seemed to start to escape it, Shogo dragged him to the middle of the ring and sat down next to Kenji, draping his leg over Kenji’s so that he couldn’t escape, and then locked in the Boston crab from the side. Kenji struggled and yelled out in pain, and after much struggling he eventually managed to grab a hold of the bottom rope nearby and forced Shogo to break the hold. Shogo stood up and pulled Kenji back into the middle of the ring and grabbed his leg. He then began to kick away at the thigh and knee of Kenji before dropping his elbow across the knee and locking in a tight knee lock. Kenji struggled and desperately tried to reverse the move, but the only way he could get out of it was to kick Shogo with his free leg, which is exactly what he did. Shogo didn’t seem to show any effect of the kicks, but he was almost knocked out when Kenji punched him right across the cheek. Shogo fell to the mat and released the hold, and also gave Kenji some important relaxing time. Kenji slowly made his way to his feet, and once Shogo made it to his feet as well, he charged at him, taking him down with a sharp spinning elbow. Kenji picked Shogo back up and whipped him into the corner. Shogo hit the turnbuckles and began to stagger out of the corner. Kenji followed up and dropkicked Shogo back into the corner before dropkicking him again when he was in the corner. Shogo staggered out once more, and Kenji took advantage of this with a kick to the gut, followed up by a vertical delayed suplex, showing his immense strength as Shogo is much larger than Kenji. Kenji quickly moved to make a cover, and got a solid two count, showing the crowd who was in control of this match right now. Shogo slowly made his way to his feet, but when he did, he was met with a dropkick to the chest by Kenji. Shogo began to stagger backwards, as there was not enough force in the dropkick to knock him over. Kenji then climbed up to the top rope, something he doesn’t usually do. Shogo was playing possum however, as he ran over to Kenji and crotched him on the top turnbuckle. Shogo then joined Kenji on the top rope, and greeted him with a few clubbing blows right into the back. Shogo then stood up, and brought Kenji up with him. He then signalled to the crowd and fell off of the top rope with a massive superplex. Shogo grabbed his back as he landed badly, while Kenji simply bounced right out of the ring from the impact. Shogo recovered and went to make the cover, and got another solid two count before Kenji kicked out. Shogo couldn’t believe it, as that superplex was one of, if not THE, biggest move in his arsenal. Kenji quickly made his way to his feet as Shogo panicked nearby. He then booted Shogo in the gut and brought him back down to the mat with a neckbreaker. Kenji then locked him in a headlock, which he would regret as Shogo reversed the hold with ease and locked Kenji into a body scissors. Kenji had to use all of his strength to reach the ropes, as Shogo was intent on taking the belt away. Kenji used the ropes to pull himself up, and when Shogo came near, he jumped onto the second rope, and used the bounce to take the big Shogo down with a huge cross body. Shogo showed his power however, as he rolled through the move and picked Kenji up. He went for a swinging side slam, but Kenji reversed the move with a DDT out of nowhere, spiking Shogo into the mat. Kenji then waited for the big Shogo to get up, and then nailed him with the Superstar Kick, a lightning fast Super Kick, but it barely had any effect on Shogo, who began to rock back and forth. Kenji booted him in the gut, and then nailed him again with another Superstar Kick, using all of his energy to level Shogo. Shogo tumbled and hit the mat with a thud, with Kenji falling on top of him to make the cover. The referee made the count. 1… 2… 3 Kenji had somehow managed to beat the much larger Shogo Takani and retained his belt. Kenji quickly asked for his belt and ran up the ramp, slapping the hands of any fans that extended them. Shogo began to throw a fit in the ring, as he couldn’t believe he lost the match. [b]Winner:[/b] Kenji Fukamura by pinfall in 13:45. Kenji Fukamura makes defence number 2 of his Burning Pacific Championship. [b]B [/b] [I]- Good match here, no other notes, not even a chemistry note.[/I] ____________________________________________ [B][U]Main Event:[/b] Elemental vs. Paul Kingsley[/u] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/Elemental.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/paulkingsley.jpg[/IMG] Both of these men circled each other, trying to scout out their opponents. Paul Kingsley rushed in first with a shoulder block, but Elemental jumped out of the way, and surprised Kingsley with a dropkick to the back, followed up with another kick to the chest. Paul staggered backwards but recovered quickly, he then charged at Elemental again, this time with a clothesline. Elemental again outmanoeuvred Paul by jumping over his arm, and nailing him with yet another dropkick. Paul got angry, and when Elemental came too close, he nailed him right in the temple with a vicious sharp elbow. Elemental dropped to the mat holding the side of his head, allowing Paul sometime to re-think his game-plan and prepare to take the win. When Elemental made his way to his feet, he was met with a stiff right hook from Paul, which flipped him over due to the immense power behind it. Paul picked him back up and whipped him across the ring. When Elemental came back, Paul lifted him above his head to go for a spinebuster, but Elemental showed his skill by flipping over Paul and kicking him in the back of the head. Paul turned around in pain, and nailed Elemental with a left hook, which sent Elemental to the outside because of the skill Paul has in punching. Elemental crashed to the floor and grabbed his jaw due to the pain. Paul waited for him to get back in, and then whipped Elemental into the corner once he did. Paul followed up with a spear in the corner. He then followed that up with a barrage of punches to Elemental’s gut, causing him a lot of pain. Paul continued the assault with a huge suplex on the much smaller Elemental. This drew heat from the fans, mainly because he is a gaijin, but also because he is beating up one of their heroes. Elemental used his amazing athleticism by quickly rolling around the canvas and getting up before Paul realised. And when he got up, he was met with a barrage of kicks to the chest and face. Paul was reeling, so Elemental followed up with a dropkick. Paul fell backwards into the rope, and got tied up! Elemental looked to the fans for inspiration, and they began to cheer loudly. He ran across the ring, and when he was half way back to hitting Paul, he back flipped, and then cart wheeled, and nailed Paul with a Super Kick! Paul flew over the top of the ropes, untangling himself, and crashed to the floor below. Elemental looked to the fans once more and ran across the ring. Paul slowly made his way to his feet on the outside and realised a bit too late what was happening. Elemental amazed the fans once more as he nailed Paul with a corkscrew senton to the outside. Paul crumpled under the momentum, but used his strength and veteran experience to throw Elemental into the announce table. Elemental yelled out in pain and grabbed his back. The referee began to count to 10, and Elemental made it in first, at 7, and then Paul just before the 10. These two locked up again, and Paul got the advantage once more, clubbing Elemental in the back. He then put him in position for a powerbomb, and then heaved him up into the air. Elemental surprised him once more, by using the momentum provided when Paul lifted him up, to continue moving and roll over Paul’s back, pulling the big man down with a Sunset Flip pin. Paul kicked out quite easily though, and once he stood up, he kicked Elemental in the chest, before lifting him up. He then lifted him high into the air, before driving him onto his knee with a vicious backbreaker. Elemental writhed in pain, Paul then picked him back up. He booted him in the gut and whipped him right into the corner. Elemental showed his athleticism once again when he stopped and used the top turnbuckle to leap high into the air. Paul ran at him to try and bring him down, but Elemental jumped over him. Elemental then twisted in mid-air before going for another Sunset Flip. This time he got a solid two count before Paul kicked out. Paul stood up quickly again, but missed with a kick to Elemental, which allowed Elemental to scramble to his feet. Paul tried to whip Elemental into the corner once more, but Elemental resisted, and when Paul went for a clothesline, he ducked it and brought the big Kingsley down with a DDT. Paul recovered fairly quickly once again, and again charged at Elemental who was resting in the corner. Elemental rolled under a clothesline attempt, and Paul crashed into the turnbuckles. Elemental then followed up with a Wind Sprint Attack, he ran up Paul’s chest, and confused him when he did nothing, before nailing Paul with a dropkick. Paul staggered out of the corner, and Elemental capitalised with an enziguri which managed to send the big man down. Elemental took advantage of this chance and leapt up to the top rope. He then wowed the crowd with the Inferno Splash, his invention, a 450 Splash, and made the cover. 1… 2… 3 He had managed to beat the much larger Paul Kingsley, in a night filled with upsets. [b]Winner:[/b] Elemental by pinfall in 17:37 [b]B-[/b] [i]- A sub-par main event, but not a disaster. [/i] ____________________________________________ [b]Overall:[/b] B- [b]Notes:[/b] Disappointed in the main event, but it was more successful than most of the GCG shows as of late. Overall in this month I made 310,724, but that is considering the reductions from various areas. I made 1,049,800 from ticket sales and 138,924 from merchandise sales. I have one thing to say to SadisticBlessing…GET OUT OF MY HEAD lol, you get another 6/6, and a choice of the next Saturday Main Event. Mr.T Jobs To Me got 6/6 for this event as well, so I must be getting more predictable lol. MTJTM, pm me with who you want the next 2 challengers for the Pacific title to be, or you can choose a 2nd main event for the next Saturday event. Midnightnick comes away with 3/6, so you may PM me again with an undercard match you would like to see at the Saturday event. Remember guys; pick anybody you want, so go nuts. ____________________________________________ [/center]
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[CENTER] [I]OOC: That was fun lol, just to let all of you know, I won't be updating as much for the next few weeks, as I have two straight weeks of GCSE exams, and so won't have as much time on my hands.[/I] [img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/BHOTWG%20-%201975/BHOTWG.jpg[/img] [U]BHOTWG News[/U] Despite a disappointing attendance, we still amazed the fans, with great matches such as Kenji Fumakura vs. Shogo Takani, and Elemental vs. Paul Kingsley. We are heading to Tohoku & Kyushu for our next two shows, and they look set to impress all of the fans there, as we witness the debut of Alasi Tua, Stunner Okazawaya looks to go 11-0 against 'The Bull' Akira Shirou. And Master Kitozon faces DEMON Yukata and Onishiki alongside his protege Seison Yamanaka. On Saturday, we have two great technicians in Noriyoshi Sanada & White Manta facing off in what will definitely be a classic. Also, Tag champions Cobra & Viper defend the belts against the technical duo of Izumi & Takani. [B][U]Card for Next Two Tour Shows[/U][/B] [U]Thursday[/U] Jin Sakamoto vs. Alasi Tua Byron Valmont vs. Flash Asagi Stunner Okazawaya vs. Akira Shirou Tasuku Nandaba vs. Cobra w/Viper Kenji Fukamura(c) vs. ??? for the Burning Pacific Championship Master Kitozon & Seison Yamanaka vs. DEMON Yukata & Onishiki [U]Saturday[/U] Danger Kumasaka vs. Eiji Kiriyama Byron Valmont vs. Akahashi Kuno Kazuo Mitsushi vs. Satoru Sugimura Noriyoshi Sanada vs. White Manta Cobra & Viper(c) vs. Izumi & Takani for the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles. Kenji Fukamura or ???(c) vs. ??? for the Burning Pacific Championship Dayu Ichihara vs. Hitoshi Higa [I]Predictions welcomed, whoever gets 5/6 on either card can choose a main event for the next show. The question marks will be filled in when the respective people send me their decisions[/I][/CENTER]
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Always on the low side. I shouldn't just play my favorites. Thursday Jin Sakamoto vs. [B]Alasi Tua[/B] [B]Byron Valmont[/B] vs. Flash Asagi [B]Stunner Okazawaya[/B] vs. Akira Shirou Tasuku Nandaba vs. [B]Cobra w/Viper[/B] [B]Kenji Fukamura[/B](c) vs. ??? for the Burning Pacific Championship [B]Master Kitozon & Seison Yamanaka[/B] vs. DEMON Yukata & Onishiki Saturday [B]Danger Kumasaka[/B] vs. Eiji Kiriyama Kazuo Mitsushi vs. [B]Satoru Sugimura[/B] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. [B]White Manta[/B] [B]Cobra & Viper[/B](c) vs. Izumi & Takani for the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles. Kenji Fukamura or [B]???(c)[/B] vs. ??? for the Burning Pacific Championship [B]Dayu Ichihara[/B] vs. Hitoshi Higa
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Thursday [b]Jin Sakamoto[/b] vs. Alasi Tua [i]Alasi Tua is a talented guy for his size, but he's also unknown.[/i] [b]Byron Valmont[/b] vs. Flash Asagi [i]Tougher to call... either could pull this off, but in truth it seems Byron is being pushed a bit more than Asagi, who hasn't appeared on the main show yet I think.[/i] [b]Stunner Okazawaya[/b] vs. Akira Shirou [i]If Stunner gets his streak broken by Akira Shirou, I'll cry. Really.[/i] [b]Tasuku Nandaba[/b] vs. Cobra w/Viper [i]Tasuku's on his way to stardom, and this should be a really good match. The tag champs are looking as solid as ever, of course, but Tasuku needs this win.[/i] [b]Kenji Fukamura(c)[/b] vs. ??? for the Burning Pacific Championship [i]Unless someone really good winds up in this match, I can't see Kenji losing his title so soon after winning it.[/i] [b]Master Kitozon & Seison Yamanaka[/b] vs. DEMON Yukata & Onishiki [i]Kitozon's first appearance in how long on a weekly show? If I were him and I was told to lose the match, I'd just shoot on Yukata halfway through :D I wouldn't mind seeing any pairing of these guys in singles competition, either.[/i] Saturday Danger Kumasaka vs. [b]Eiji Kiriyama[/b] [i]Eiji's ratings are impressing me so far, so I think he may be in line for at least a small push. Danger will likely see the door after this tour along with Saionji Omura, and I don't see him as worthy of breaking the "young lion" rule for.[/i] Byron Valmont vs. [b]Akahashi Kuno[/b] [i]Kuno is someone who could probably be godly if given a series of 7 or recurring feud with Elemental... unfortunately he's being overshadowed at the moment. Maybe it's time for that to change?[/i] [b]Kazuo Mitsushi[/b] vs. Satoru Sugimura [i]Screen time for Kazuo = ratings.[/i] Noriyoshi Sanada vs. [b]White Manta[/b] [i]One of the toughest calls on the list, as they're both slightly older and talented nonetheless, but I think Manta may pull this out as he would be a great challenger for Elemental at the next big show, and the sooner the better.[/i] [b]Cobra & Viper(c)[/b] vs. Izumi & Takani for the Burning Japanese Tag Team titles. [i]Izumi & Takani are another team I could see holding the titles, but I also doubt we'll see them change hands on the BSC's first defense.[/i] [b]Kenji Fukamura[/b] or ???(c) vs. ??? for the Burning Pacific Championship [i]Once again, this could go any way depending on who gets put into the match, but Kenji is the definite favorite going in.[/i] [b]Dayu Ichihara[/b] vs. Hitoshi Higa [i]If these guys luck out with chemistry this could be a great match, assuming the momentum is right... but Higa needs a year or two before he gets the big push.[/i]
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